Need to be enlightened on Parent, Child object assignments

I am too boggled with parent class, child class objects assignments. For example say I have something like this:
class parent{
   int a;
    void doStuff(){...}
class child extends parent{
int b;  
void doOtherStuff(){...}
}Ok. Now. if have have something like this:
parent p;
child c;Then which one of the below is legal and why and why not?
1.) c = p;
2.) p = c;
I think p = c is legal. If so, can I do p.a =12; p.b=15;
Why and why not?
Please be my lifesaver.
Thank You for reading!

parent p;
child c;
If these are defined as global variables then both p and c will be null, meaning they refer nothing. Since a child inherits properties of the parent you can hold a child object using a parent reference
so this is legal
p = c;
(Note: you need to understand the concept of a reference and object well. Here p and c are both references not objects).
When you hold a child object using a parent's reference only parent's properties are visible. If you want to see the child's properties then you need to cast that reference to a child reference. So you can't say p.b=12.
Hope you got what you want

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  • Help needed on Many to Many Parent Child Relationship (PL/SQL)

    Please help me.
    I have table where in two columns are having many to many parent child relation ship. It means child can have multiple parents.
    Table strucuture and sample records given below. Here 334059 is GRAND PARENT of all child records.
    PARENT     CHILD     LEVEL     Usage
    334059     380499     1     This Level has 2 childs
    334059     334730     1     
    334730     335629     2     This level too has 2 childs where in 380499 is child of 334730 & 334059 also.
    334730     380499     2     
    380499     380497     2     This level has 3 childs and 88888 is having further child.
    380499     334730     2     
    380499     88888     2     
    88888     99999     3     It has one child 99999 and has further child 10101.
    99999     10101     4     It has one child 10101 and has further child 11111.
    10101     11111     5     It has one child 11111 and has no further child. I.e leaf node.
    11111     0     6     leaf node
    What I want is records in same level above. I am using below code but its implementing only UPTO 2nd LEVEL given above.
    Further its not going i.e 3,4,5,6 level. Could you please help me?
    CURSOR main_pc(p_child pc.child%type) IS
    FROM pc where parent = p_child;
    CURSOR main_dw(p_child dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child.child_fund%type,
    p_level NUMBER) IS
    where parent_fund = p_child
    and parent_fund <> child_fund
    and level_number = p_level;
    v_next_parent pc.child%type;
    v_level NUMBER := 1;
    v_grand_parent dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child.parent_fund%type := 334059;
    v_parent dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child.parent_fund%type;
    vDone BOOLEAN;
    v_xyz dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child.parent_fund%type;
    v_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    DELETE FROM dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child;
    INSERT INTO dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child
    SELECT PARENT, CHILD, 'INVONE', 12345, 'P',0,1
    FROM pc where parent = v_grand_parent
    AND NOT EXISTS (select 'x' from dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child where parent_fund = v_grand_parent);
    FOR i IN (select distinct child FROM pc WHERE parent = v_grand_parent) --334059
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Next Parent is '||v_parent);
    FOR x IN main_pc(i.child)
    INSERT INTO dw_exrdbo.exr_parent_child
    (parent_fund, child_fund, source_application, valuation_date_sid, parent_child_flag, child_count, level_number)
    VALUES(i.child, X.CHILD, 'INVONE', 12345, 'C',0,1+1);
    Thanks in advance!!!

    Hi, Jigger,
    Sorry, I can't tell what you want.
    Whenever you have a question, please post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for your sample data, and the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using.

  • Add/remove parent, child objects. help needed

    I'm working on interactive map for my client. But i'm stuck on functionality.
    It's basically has 3 locations (child1-3) on base map(Bg), each stands for link to their assigned popup boxes.
    Child2 and Child3 shares same Mag object which shows additional 5 locations.
    i've done showing my base Bg and 3 initial locations. Also i tried to show first popup box by clicking child1 and it has some success.
    But further i'm having problem for removing Box1 and it's BoxX button which means i want to return my Main_MC state by removing objects.
    **pls help me on my work so i'll appreciate for your valuable time for helping me. I'm open to send some bonus via Skrill or Paypal.
    Main_MC (parent)+
    |              |___ Box1
    |              |
    |              |                       |__box2
    |              |                       |__box3
    |              |___Mag+___|__box4
    |              |                       |__box5
    |              |                       |__box6
    |              |
    |              |
    |              |
    Here is my toddler looking code i just started.
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.DisplayObject;
        public class Main extends Sprite{
            private var Bg:Sprite;
            private var child1:Sprite;
            private var child2:Sprite;
            private var child3:Sprite;
            public function Main(){           
                var Bg:Sprite = new BgInstance();
                child1 = new child1Instance();
                child1.buttonMode = true;
                child1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showBox);
                child2 = new child2Instance();
                child2.buttonMode = true;
                child2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMag);
                child3 = new child3Instance();
                child3.buttonMode = true;
            } //closing brace for Function Main     
            private function showBox (e:MouseEvent):void{
                var box1:Sprite;
                box1=new box1Instance();
       = "box1name";
                var boxX:Sprite;
                boxX=new boxXInstance();
                buttonMode = true;
                trace(child1.numChildren); //it returns 3 instead of 2 ?
                trace(box1.numChildren); //it returns 3 instead of 0 ?
                boxX.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, boxXHandler);
                } //closing brace for function showBox
                //function for removing showBox
            private function boxXHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                child1.removeChildAt(0); // it removes child1 itself on first click?
                }//closing brace for function boxXHandler
                //function for managing showMag
            private function showMag (e:MouseEvent):void{
                var MagBox:Sprite;
                MagBox=new MagInstance();
                var MagBoxX:Sprite;
                MagBoxX=new magXInstance();
                buttonMode = true;
                MagBoxX.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, MagBoxXHandler);
            } //closing brace for function showMag
            private function MagBoxXHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        } //closing brace for Class Main
    } //closing brace for package

    This is my code for right now:
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.DisplayObject;
        public class Main extends Sprite{
            private var Bg:Sprite;
            private var child1:Sprite;
            private var child2:Sprite;
            private var child3:Sprite;
            public function Main(){           
                var Bg:Sprite = new BgInstance();
                child1 = new child1Instance();
                child1.buttonMode = true;
                child1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showBox);
                child2 = new child2Instance();
                child2.buttonMode = true;
                child2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMag);
                child3 = new child3Instance();
                child3.buttonMode = true;
           } //closing brace for Function Main     
                private function showBox (e:MouseEvent):void{
                var box1:Sprite;
                box1=new box1Instance();
       = "box1name";
                var boxX:Sprite;
                boxX=new boxXInstance();
                buttonMode = true;
                child1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showBox);
                //tired to remove event listerner for child1 ?
                boxX.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, boxXHandler);
                } //closing brace for function showBox
                //function for removing showBox
                function boxXHandler(evt:MouseEvent){
                child1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showBox);
                // tried to reassign event listener for child1 ?
                }//closing brace for function boxXHandler
                //function for managing showMag
                private function showMag (e:MouseEvent):void{
                var MagBox:Sprite;
                MagBox=new MagInstance();
                var MagBoxX:Sprite;
                MagBoxX=new magXInstance();
                buttonMode = true;
                child2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMag);
                MagBoxX.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, MagBoxXHandler);
                } //closing brace for function showMag
                function MagBoxXHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                child2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMag);
              } //closing brace for Class Main
    } //closing brace for package

  • Sorting a list with parent/child object relations

    I have an ArrayList of Genre objects that I want to sort:
    class Genre{
    int CategoryID;
    int ParentCategoryID;
    String name;
    String level;
    Example objects:
    Pop (CategoryID=10, ParentCategoryID=root, "popular music", 1);
    Jazz (CategoryID=11, ParentCategoryID=root, "jazz music", 1);
    Indie pop (CategoryID=12, ParentCategoryID=10, "indie pop", 2);
    American Indie pop (CategoryID=13, ParentCategoryID=12, "american indie pop", 3);
    Soul (CategoryID=15, ParentCategoryID=root, "soul music", 1);
    Commercial pop (CategoryID=14, ParentCategoryID=10, "commercial pop", 2);
    I hope that you see the point:
    I want that the order will be like this in my arraylist:
    jazz music
    popular music
    commercial pop
    indie pop music
    american indie pop
    soul music
    I'll implement the comparator-class in Genre and then add the compareTo-method in my genre-class.
    But my brain is too tired to figure out what to write in the compareTo-method?
    Have somebody done a similar method??
    Best regards,

    Unfortunately is this solution not plausible since I
    don't can have the parent genre in the genre class.
    ... Hashmap?Hashmap works. Here you go, using your structure, minus the level, I'm sure you can work around that though. Don't use -1 as a category id, it's reserved for your root. This code is not thread safe, I leave that to you. Don't forget that as implemented, parent Genres must be constructed prior to any of their children. You could get around this with a two pass initialization process.
    // Not thread safe.
    import java.util.*;
    public class Genre implements Comparable {
         private static Map<Integer, Genre> genreForId = new HashMap<Integer, Genre>();
         private int id;
         private int level;
         private int parentId;
         private String name;
         public Genre(int id, int parentId, String name) {
     = id;
              this.parentId = parentId;
     = name;
              this.level = level(this);
              Genre.genreForId.put(id, this);
         private static int level(Genre genre) {
              int i = 0;
              while (genre != null) {
                   genre = genre.getParent();
              return i;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Genre pop = new Genre(10, -1, "popular music");
              Genre jazz = new Genre(11, -1, "jazz music");
              Genre indiePop = new Genre(12, 10, "indie pop");
              Genre americanIndiePop = new Genre(13, 12, "american indie pop");
              Genre soul = new Genre(15, -1, "soul music");
              Genre commercialPop = new Genre(14, 10, "commercial pop");
              Genre[] genres = { pop, jazz, indiePop, americanIndiePop, soul,
                        commercialPop };
         public int compareTo(Object o) {
              Genre lhs = this;
              Genre rhs = (Genre) o;
              switch (Integer.signum(lhs.getLevel() - rhs.getLevel())) {
              case -1:
                   rhs = rhs.getParent();
                   if (lhs == rhs)
                        return -1;
              case 0:
                   if (lhs == rhs)
                        return 0;
                   else {
                        if (lhs.getParent() == rhs.getParent())
                             return lhs.getName().compareTo(rhs.getName());
                        else {
                             lhs = lhs.getParent();
                             rhs = rhs.getParent();
              case 1:
                   lhs = lhs.getParent();
                   if (lhs == rhs)
                        return 1;
              return lhs.compareTo(rhs);
         public int getLevel() {
              return level;
         public String getName() {
              return name;
         public Genre getParent() {
              return Genre.genreForId.get(getParentId());
         public int getParentId() {
              return parentId;
         public String toString() {
              return name;

  • Parent/Child Master Data Type

    I recently created a new master data type in my model, which included one attribute with the 'parent' check box checked - to signify that it was to be used as the parent.
    Upon activating the master data type - the system auto generated several other attributes within the master data type.  My question is, what is the purpose of these additional attributes and how are they to be used?
    Before Activation:
    << marked as key and as required
    << no special check boxes checked
    Parent ID
    << marked with parent check box
    After activation:
    << marked as key and as required
    << no special check boxes checked
    Parent ID
    << marked with parent check box
    Ancestor: ID
    << auto added after activation
    Level: ID
    << auto added after activation
    Ancestor: Level: ID
    << auto added after activation
    Path: ID
    << auto added after activation
    Ancestor: Path: ID
    << auto added after activation
    Ancestor: Description
    << auto added after activation
    Ancestor: Parent ID
    << auto added after activation
    Hey JJ,
    The purpose of these attributes is for parent-child hierachy relationship.
    In addition to above mentioned attributes, you should also notice (via HANA studio), that another Planning object gets generated automatically.  The new planning object should be the name of your parent-child object plus "_ANC" prefix at the end.
    If you take a look at this planning object, you will notice that the object contains all the generated attributes (your attriubute plus "A" prefix at the end) in the definition.
    Once you load data into your parent-child hiearchy object the "_ANC" object will automatically get populated with parent-child node relationship.
    "A-prefix" attriubutes essentially represents the attributes of ancestor in this case.
    In addition, in order to do Ancestor rolllup in your calculation you will also need to create an ancestor planning level which contains all the attriubutes of your base planning level as well as these "A-Prefix" attributes.
    Please take a look at the document we created for "How to configure Parent-Child Hiearchy" from the share link
    It has more detailed information.

  • Problem creating non-persistent Child Objects

    I have the need to create a non persistable child object in the
    jdoPreStore of a parent object. I then perform some tests on the parent
    to determine if the child object needs to be persisted or not. If I leave
    the child non persistent it still writes to the database.
    I was performing the follwoing piece of code
    Class Parent {
    // The relationship is a 0 to many
    public Child createChild() {
    Child child = .....//create non persistent object
    It appears that if I remove the getChild().add(child). It does not
    persist (as desired).
    Is this correct behaviour?? I dont think that it should be, but if it is
    then I have a further problem.
    If that child object inherits from another object and you remove the
    getChild().add(child) kodo outputs an invalid object to the database. It
    doesnt insert a row to the child table. But it inserts a row to the
    childs inherited object table. This is now an invalid object and will
    fail upon loading.
    Any help on this would be appreciated.

    JDO has something called persistence by reachability. This means that
    objects do not have to explicitly be marked as to be persistent as JDO
    will traverse the object graph to ensure that all nodes are persistent.
    I think you are seeing this behavior combined with another side
    behavior: Kodo requires that both sides of a relation be set.
    Basically, keep your objects in synch (set both sides of the relation).
    And if you want to hold onto a reference to non-persistent object
    before you decide what to do with it, add a transient field or a field
    marked "persistence-modifier="none"" in your metadata and then process
    those transient fields in jdoPreStore ().
    if (//businessLogic is true)
    persistentField = transientField;
    Luke wrote:
    I have the need to create a non persistable child object in the
    jdoPreStore of a parent object. I then perform some tests on the parent
    to determine if the child object needs to be persisted or not. If I leave
    the child non persistent it still writes to the database.
    I was performing the follwoing piece of code
    Class Parent {
    // The relationship is a 0 to many
    public Child createChild() {
    Child child = .....//create non persistent object
    It appears that if I remove the getChild().add(child). It does not
    persist (as desired).
    Is this correct behaviour?? I dont think that it should be, but if it is
    then I have a further problem.
    If that child object inherits from another object and you remove the
    getChild().add(child) kodo outputs an invalid object to the database. It
    doesnt insert a row to the child table. But it inserts a row to the
    childs inherited object table. This is now an invalid object and will
    fail upon loading.
    Any help on this would be appreciated.
    Steve Kim
    [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • Determining Parent/Child Relationships of Sets

    Is there an SAP function module or set of tables that will provide parent/child relationships of a set?   For example lets say I have a set that looks like:
    I need something that shows me
    I found a FM called G_SET_TREE_IMPORT but I don't see any parent/child relationships there.

    Hi Wardell,
                     Use Class : <b>cl_gui_column_tree</b>
    data : column_tree  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_column_tree,
    CREATE OBJECT column_tree
          parent                      =
          node_selection_mode         =
            item_selection              = 'X'
            hierarchy_column_name       = 'COLUMN1'
            hierarchy_header            = hhdr
            lifetime_error              = 1
            cntl_system_error           = 2
            create_error                = 3
            illegal_node_selection_mode = 4
            failed                      = 5
            illegal_column_name         = 6
            OTHERS                      = 7
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                  WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    Reward points if helpful.

  • Parent Child hierarchy Scenario

    Hi friends,
    Im just working on the parent child hierarchy using the following link with the sample data.
    I tried to implement the same hierarchy using my local data instead of referring to the sample data.
    I have a below query which returns the employee with manager along with the employee position
    select distinct papf.person_id,  papf.full_name "Employee Name", supf.person_id "Manager Id", supf.full_name "Manager Name", "Position Name"
    from per_all_people_f papf, per_all_assignments_f paaf, per_all_people_f supf, per_jobs pj
    where papf.person_id = paaf.person_id and supf.person_id = paaf.supervisor_id and paaf.job_id = pj.job_id
    and trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date and
    trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
    Im looking forward to implement the same result in my BI with a parent-child hierarchy.
    Since i have imported three tables to my physical layer
    per_jobs---------------------DimensionFor creating parent-child in BI, we need to have a separate Parent child table which consist of four columns like ancestorkey, memberkey, distance, leaf.
    From the above column i can understand the meaning like
    For Ancestorkey-->Managerid
    But i couldnt get with the meaning for distance column as the meaning suggest like a distance b/w the two and leaf column as the meaning suggest like a leaf member. which leaf member does it refer.
    I also referred the below link then too couldnt get the meaning for it
    How i can form the parent child table for the BI from my above three tables of HRMS.

    Hi friends,
    I think i found a link of doing it
    Let me try this and will update accordingly.
    Thanks for your views.

  • Problem with saving Parent - Child  View Objects in ADF 11g.

    Hi Every one,
    I have a requirment, something like I will be displaying some data on my jsff screen based on one Transient View Object. Whenever user clicks on Save button, I have to do following steps in my AMImpl.
    -> Preapre dynamically Parent View Object Rows based on some logic
    -> Prepare dynamically Child View object Rows and invoke insertRow method on respective child view object.
    When I say commit() First Parent ViewObject data need to be saved and then Child View object data has to be saved. I am having Parent - Child Key relation ship btw these two ViewObjects. Some how I am populating the Parent Primary key in the Child View Object. Please suggest me If there is any other alternative to this.

    I got the solution, Enabling the check box option for Master - Detail Entity association (CompositionAssociation -> Cascade Update Key Attributes) resolved the issue.

  • Delete only the child object and not the parent object

    I have the below code:-
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
         @JoinColumn(name = "question_id", nullable = false)
    //     @Cascade(value=CascadeType.ALL)
         public TQuestion getTQuestion() {
              return this.TQuestion;
         }     TQuestion
    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "TQuestion", orphanRemoval = true)
         public List<TAnswer> getTAnswers() {
              return this.TAnswers;
                   In Java:-
         public void removeAnswers(TQuestion question)
                        throws ApplicationException {
                   List<TAnswer> answerList =  question.getTAnswers();
         public void deleteall(Collection objects) {
                   try {
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new ServerSystemException(ErrorConstants.DATA_LAYER_ERR, e);
         }               Here the "deleteall" will delete both the answer records and question records, I don't want the questions
         records to be deleted. I have tried making the question as null when we set the answer object to be passed for delete
         bit still it is     deleting the question records as well.How to achieve the above in deleting only the answer (child) records
         and not the question(parent) record? Is there any thing we need to do with @Cascade for Question object? Please clarify.

    What does deleteAll do, it doesn't look like a JPA method. You might want to ask your question on your provider forum, or use straight JPA methods as a simple EntityManager.remove(answer) on each answer in the collection should work.

  • Need an approach regarding reporting for a one-to-many primary-child relationship, where there are more than three child objects for a primary object for reporting purpose

    Business Scenario- We have a parent organization with 6 different Business Units.One BU requires 9 stages for for Opportunity(Tender) Tracking.The client requirement is to show the basic details of the tender at the header level and to show details specific to individual sales stage as different tabs.There will be multiple opportunity members added as opportunity team and will be responsible for capturing details specific to individual sales stage(tab). The Tab should be enabled and disabled based on the role. Reporting is required against each stage with specific fields of child objects against each opportunity.
    We created multiple children entities under the oportunity(one to many mapping) but we are unable to add more than 3 child objects for a primary object for reporting purpose.
    Kindly suggest what needs to be done to meet the requirement

    Can you provide the exact steps you took to  "created multiple children entities under the oportunity" ?
    Jani Rautiainen
    Fusion Applications Developer Relations

  • Parent/Child BC4J Entity Object Sequence # Generation

    If anyone can help us in this we greatly appreciate it. We are using DBSequence data type to poplulate the parent entity with the sequence #; however, we need to populate the child entity with the same sequence #.
    We have a DB Trigger for every insert of the parent's key and it's working great but what do we need to do for populating the child record.
    Is there a way to get the sequence # as a part of the this code for the child entity object.
    protected void create(AttributeList attributeList)
    SequenceImpl mySeq = new SequenceImpl("MY_SEQ",getDBTransaction());
    Thank you,

    I still can't insert the parent's primary key as a forign key automatically. Like in the Dept/Emp situation, I need to setup the supporting Impl files so it would insert the Dept No automatically as a part of the Employee creation.
    New info : Here is a sample of what I am trying to accomplish. Sorry I could
    have been more clear:
    I am sending you my Workspace using Scott's table Dept and Emp. In my JSP file,
    The user needs to input the Department information and some of the Employee
    info, but the same deptno generated for the Dept record needs to be populated
    for the Employee at the time of submit.
    Please let me know if you need anything else.
    Thank you,
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    Hello World
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="Mypackage2Module"
    releasemode="Stateful" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="Dept" appid="Mypackage2Module" viewobject="DeptView" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="Emp" appid="Mypackage2Module" viewobject="EmpView" />
    <jbo:Row id="myrow" datasource="Dept" action="Create" >
    <jbo:SetAttribute dataitem="*" />
    <jbo:Row id="myrow5" datasource="Emp" action="Create" >
    <jbo:SetAttribute dataitem="*" />
    <form NAME="sForm" action="Submit.jsp" >
    <td><h3> DAAO <br> New Dept Entry Screen</h3></td>
    <TABLE bgColor="#c0c0c0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" frame="box"
    style="WIDTH: 530px; HEIGHT: 34px" >
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Dept No:<br><jbo:InputText datasource="Dept"
    dataitem="Deptno" ></jbo:InputText></TD>
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Dept Name:<br><jbo:InputText datasource="Dept"
    dataitem="Dname" ></jbo:InputText></TD>
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Dept Location:<br><jbo:InputText datasource="Dept"
    dataitem="Loc" ></jbo:InputText></TD>
    <TABLE bgColor="#c0c0c0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" frame="box"
    style="WIDTH: 530px; HEIGHT: 34px" >
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Emp Dept No:<br><jbo:InputText datasource="Emp"
    dataitem="Deptno" ></jbo:InputText></TD>
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Emp Id<jbo:InputText datasource="Emp"
    dataitem="Empno" ></jbo:InputText>
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Emp Name:<br><jbo:InputText datasource="Emp"
    dataitem="Ename" ></jbo:InputText></TD>
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Emp Job:<br><jbo:InputText datasource="Emp"
    dataitem="Job" ></jbo:InputText></TD>
    <TABLE bgColor="#c0c0c0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" frame="box"
    style="WIDTH: 530px; HEIGHT: 34px" >
    <TD><font color=darkyellow >Emp Mgr:<br><jbo:InputText datasource="Emp"
    dataitem="Mgr" ></jbo:InputText></TD>
    <input name="RowKeyValue" type="hidden" value="<jbo:ShowValue
    datasource="Emp" dataitem="RowKey"/>" />
    <input type="submit" value="Save" /> <input type="reset" value="Clear
    Screen"/> <input type="BUTTON" value="Q&A" onClick="Create_new_qa.jsp">
    <form NAME="qForm" action="Create_New_Qa2.jsp" ></TD>
    <input type="submit" value="Q&A" />
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateless" />
    Here is the submit.jsp
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252" %>
    <html xmlns:jbo="foo">
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="Mypackage2Module" configname="mypackage2.Mypackage2Module.Mypackage2ModuleLocal" releasemode="Stateful" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="Dept" appid="Mypackage2Module" viewobject="DeptView" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="Emp" appid="Mypackage2Module" viewobject="EmpView" />
    <jbo:Row id="myrow" datasource="Dept" action="create" >
    <jbo:SetAttribute dataitem="*" />
    <jbo:Row id="myrow5" datasource="Emp" action="Create" >
    <jbo:SetAttribute dataitem="*" />
    <jbo:PostChanges appid="Mypackage2Module" />
    <jbo:Commit appid="Mypackage2Module"/>
    <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font color="006699">DAAO Case Saved Successfully! </b></font></font> </p>
    catch(Exception exc)
    <title>this page will be displayed</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <h1> Attenion the following error has occured:</h1><br>
    String error_msg = exc.getMessage();
    if(exc instanceof oracle.jbo.JboException)
    oracle.jbo.JboException jboex = (oracle.jbo.JboException)exc;
    String sMsg = jboex.getDetailMessage();
    out.println("<center>JBO Error:" + sMsg + "</center>");
    // grab exception object. type cast to jbo object then get details
    // parse details for specific error
    Object[] details = jboex.getDetails();
    if ( sMsg.startsWith("JBO-26041") )
    if (
    (details !=null)
    && (details.length >0 )
    && (details[0] instanceof java.sql.SQLException )
    java.sql.SQLException sourceException = (java.sql.SQLException)(details[0]);
    int sqlErrorCode = sourceException.getErrorCode();
    if (sqlErrorCode == 1400)
    out.println("<br><br><b><font color=\"006699\">One or more of the following required fields (Labeled in Red) have not been entered: </b></font></center><b>");
    out.println("<br><br><b><font color=\"006699\"> Already exist on our system!! </b></font></center><b>");
    if ( sMsg.startsWith("JBO-26041") )
    else // unknown JBO exception
    } //JBO exception instance
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateless"/>
    <form action="main.html" method= onclick><input type="submit" value="Back to Main"></form>
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateless"/>

  • How to reference the Parent view Object attribute in Child View object

    Hi , I have the requirememt to generate Tree like struture to display Salary from joining date to retirement date in yearly form.I have writtent two Pl/SQL function to return parent node and child nodes(based on selected year).
    1.First function --> Input paramter (employee id, retirement date , joining date) --> return parent node row with start_date and end_date
    2. 2nd function --> input paarmter(employee id, startDate, end_date) --> return child node based on selected parent node i.e. start date and end date
    I have created two ADF view object based on two function return
    Parent Node --> select * from Table( EUPS.FN_GET_CONTR_SAL_BY_YR(employeeId,retirement Date, dateOf joining)) ;
    Child Node --> select * FROM TABLE( EUPS.FN_GET_CONTR_SAL_FOR_YEAR( employeId,startDate, endDate) ) based on selected parent node.
    I am giving binding variable as input for 2nd function (child node) . I don't know how to reference the binding variable value in child view from parent view.
    Like I have to refernce employeId,startDate, endDate values in 2nd function from parent view object. some thing like parentNode.selectedStart_date parentNode.employeeId.
    I know we can achive this writing the code in backing bean.But i want to know how can we refernce parent view object attribute values in child view object using Groovy or otherway?
    I will appreciate your help.

    I have two view com.ContractualSalaryByYearlyView for Parent Node and com.ContractualSalaryByYearlyView for child Node.
    I have created view link(ContractualSalYearlyByYearViewLink) betweem two view by giving common field empId, stDate , endDate.(below is the view link xml file).
    I tried give the binding attribute values using parent object reference like below in com.ContractualSalaryByYearlyView xml file but getting error
    Variable ContractualSalaryByYearlyView not recognized.I think i am using groovy expression.
    Thanks for quick response.
    com.ContractualSalaryByYearlyView xml
    <Attr Name="_isExpertMode" Value="true"/>
    ContractualSalYearlyByYearViewLink.xml file
    <Attr Name="_finderName" Value="ContractualSalaryByYearlyView"/>
    <Attr Name="_isUpdateable" Value="true"/>
    <AttrArray Name="Attributes">
    <Attr Name="_finderName" Value="ContractualSalaryForYearView"/>
    <Attr Name="_isUpdateable" Value="true"/>
    <AttrArray Name="Attributes">

  • Help needed in retrieving parent child relationship values

    I have a requirement to get parent child relationship values as below.
    Ex: Address table
    cont cont_code state state_code
    C1 10 S1 1
    C1 10 S2 2
    C1 10 S3 3
    C2 20 S4 4
    C2 20 S5 5
    C3 30 S6 6
    C3 30 S7 7
    C3 30 S8 8
    I want a result of country/state and corresponding code like below.
    corresponding states should be displayed under each country with some space appended to it.
    Geography code
    C1 10
    S1 1
    S2 2
    S3 3
    C2 20
    S4 4
    S5 5
    C3 30
    S6 6
    S7 7
    S8 8
    I am using oracle 10g version.
    Thanks in advance.

    When you post formatted text (like your output) on this site, type these 6 characters:
    \(small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after each section of formatted text, to preserve spacing.
    I think you're saying that you want this output:GEOGRAPHY CODE
    C1 10
    S1 1
    S2 2
    S3 3
    C2 20
    S4 4
    S5 5
    C3 30
    S6 6
    S7 7
    S8 8
    If so, UNION, as Hoek suggested, is a good way.
    GROUP BY ROLLUP is more efficient, but harder to understand:SELECT     CASE
              WHEN GROUPING (state) = 1
              THEN cont
              ELSE ' ' || state
         END          AS geography
    ,      CASE
              WHEN GROUPING (state) = 1
              THEN MAX (cont_code)
              ELSE MAX (state_code)
         END          AS code
    FROM     t
    GROUP BY cont
    ,      ROLLUP (state)
    ORDER BY cont
    ,      state          NULLS FIRST
    By the way, this looks like a bad table design.
    In a relational database, the fact that the name 'C1' belongs to cont_code 10 should only be stored in one place.  You have the same information on 3 separate rows.
    Also, if 'C1' and 'S1' are both names, they should probably be in the same column, so that (to give just one example) you can find the information about 'x1' without knowing if it is a cont or a state.
    A better design would be.NAME     CODE     PARENT     DSCR
    ====     ====     ======     ====
    C1     10          CONT
    S1     1     10     STATE
    S2     2     10     STATE
    S3     3     10     STATE
    C2     20          CONT
    S4     4     20     STATE
    S5     5     20     STATE
    C3     30          CONT
    S6     6     30     STATE
    S7     7     30     STATE
    S8     8     30     STATE
    If the data is this simple, then the dscr column isn't needed.  Whether parent is NULL or not tells whether the rows represents a cont or a state.
    To get the results you want from a table like this, you could use CONNECT BY.  Using either UNION or ROLLUP, you have to know, at the time you write the query, how many levels there will be in the parent-child tree, and the length of the code is proportional to that depth, and the table has to be changed if you ever need to add another level.  CONNECT BY can handle any number of levels, and the length and complexity of the code is the same whether you have just 2 levels (countries and strates), or 7 levels (continents, regions, countiries, states, districts, cities and neighborhoods) or 72 levels.  The table doesn't need any more columns, no matter how deep the tree gets.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Sep 16, 2010 11:54 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • How to build a query across parent and child object fields?

    As a part of an Integration Requirement, I need to query Opportunity records that have been Modified after a specific date and time?
    Now, Opportunity has a child object called ProductRevenue with a one to many relationship. Is there anyway I can construct a querypage that will fetch records whose Opportunity fields 'OR' its child ProductRevenue's fields have been modified after a specific date and time?
    I have tried using the SearchSpec argument, but it does not let me query across child object fields.
    For eg:-
    ObjOpptyQueryPageInput.ListOfOpportunity.Opportunity.searchspec = "([ModifiedDate] > '01/01/2013 00:00:00') OR ([ProductRevenueData.ModifiedDate] >= '01/01/2013 00:00:00')";
    [This above code written in C# thew me an error saying - The object Opportunity does not have an integration component called - ProductRevenueData.ModifiedDate.]
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    As far as I know this can't be done at once because you have to consider :
    - Every Opportunity and their time-limited ProductRevenues
    - Time-limited Opportunities
    If you want to achieve this, you have to consider the 2 datasets separately and make your first query :
    ObjOpptyQueryPageInput.ListOfOpportunity.Opportunity.searchspec = "([ModifiedDate] >= '01/01/2013 00:00:00')";
    but also another query with the restriction on the ProductRevenue Searchspec.
    This shouldn't be too hard because the searchspec functionality is present at each level :
    - ListOfOpportunity -> Opportunity (the top-level that you used for your query)
    - ListOfOpportunity -> Opportunity -> ListOfProductRevenue -> ProductRevenue (the sub-level that you should use for the second query)
    Then in your C# code, you merge the 2 datasets and you end up with your expected result.
    Hope this helps,

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