New to workshop: how to set source file path

I am new to workshop. I used to use Jdeveloper where I can set project settings to specify java source root and html source root. that way, my source code does not need to be under the standard directory app/project/src/....
I am wondering if workshop can do the same thing?
I tried to use import function, but it only copy the files over to its standard directory.

I am new to workshop. I used to use Jdeveloper where I can set project settings to specify java source root and html source root. that way, my source code does not need to be under the standard directory app/project/src/....
I am wondering if workshop can do the same thing?
I tried to use import function, but it only copy the files over to its standard directory.

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    This information initial value is (maybe) stored in Windows Register (register.exe) at Software\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Filetransfer -> PathDownload, you can read it thru class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES method GET_UPLOAD_DOWNLOAD_PATH and update it thru method REGISTRY_SET_VALUE. (Else there may be some parameter ID to force data, but I'm no longer sure)

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    Concatenate the field SY-SYSID, SY-UNAME and SY-DATUM for the file path

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    Hi,  Andreas<br /><br />  Can you explain this in detail? I found it in your post before.<br /><br />  The content of elements are returned through the Characters callback function:<br /><br />From ISaxContentHandler.h:<br /><br />/**<br />        Receives character data<br /><br />The parser will call this method to report each chunk of<br />        character data. SAX parsers may return all contiguous<br />        character data in a single chunk, or they may split it into<br />        several chunks. But all characters in any single<br />        event must come from the same external entity so the<br />        Locator provides useful information.<br /><br />Note some parsers will report whitespace using the<br />        IgnorableWhitespace() method rather than this one (validating<br />        parsers must do so).<br /><br />@param Chars The characters from the XML document.<br />        */<br />virtual void Characters(const PMString& chars) = 0; <br /><br />  What i have done is implement my own SAXContentHandlerServiceBoss, and in my file XXXSAXContentHandler.cpp, I override the fonctions StartElement, EndElement, and Characters() like below: I add the PMString xmlData to collect the file content:<br /><br />class XXXSAXContentHandler : public CSAXContentHandler<br />{<br />void XXXSAXContentHandler::Characters(const WideString& chars)<br />{<br />xmlData.Append(chars);<br />}<br /><br />void XXXSAXContentHandler::StartElement(const WideString& uri, const WideString& localname, const WideString& qname, ISAXAttributes* attrs)<br />{<br />xmlData.Append("<"); xmlData.Append(localname); xmlData.Append(">");<br />}<br />void XXXSAXContentHandler::EndElement(const WideString& uri, const WideString& localname, const WideString& qname)<br />{<br />xmlData.Append("</"); xmlData.Append(localname); xmlData.Append(">");<br />}<br /><br />}<br /><br />and in my program, I use the code below to call the fonction I overrided, but I dont know how I can get the String xmlData I defined in the XXXSAXContentHandler.cpp<br /><br />InterfacePtr<IK2ServiceRegistry> serviceRegistry(gSession, UseDefaultIID());<br /><br />InterfacePtr<IK2ServiceProvider> xmlProvider(serviceRegistry->QueryServiceProviderByClassID(kXMLParserService, kXMLParserServiceBoss));<br /><br />InterfacePtr<ISAXServices> saxServices(xmlProvider, UseDefaultIID());<br />InterfacePtr<ISAXContentHandler> saxHandler(::CreateObject2<ISAXContentHandler>(kXXXSAXContentHandlerServiceBoss));<br />saxHandler->Register(saxServices);<br />bool16 parseFailed = saxServices->ParseStream(readStream, saxHandler);<br /><br />Can you give me any help?<br /><br />Thanks and regards!

  • How to set default file path for save

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    We have recently upgraded to InDesign CS6. Now when an INDD file created in an older version of INDD is opened in CS6, all the save dialogs would not default to the location of the original INDD file. Though if the same file is opened in the version of InDesign that created it, the save dialog goes to the proper location by default.
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    Utils<Facade::IWorkgroupFacade>()->InitDocumentAssetManagement(docRef, filePath) seems to do the right thing, but it seems to be quite intruding, and I'm afraid that it is overkilling and will cause bad side effect for the use case I'm looking for.
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    You should be able to avoid writing your own open-doc trap by using kDocBoss's IOpenedFileInfo to obtain the original file's path. It seems fairly reliable; the only time I've seen it come up empty is for an opened QuarkXPress document.
    I'm afraid I don't know of a sanctioned way to change IDataBase::GetSysFile() without going through the database's SaveAs machinery. Overriding this behavior might only be possible by replacing the regular Save dialog with your own.
    But if InitDocumentAssetManagement() is helping, maybe the workgroup/asset management approach is worth pursuing. Have you tried spying on that call in the debug app? You might be able to isolate and use one of the commands that it's invoking (IAMSPManager::BindAsset() / kSetAssetAttributesCmdBoss?) without all of the side-effects of the higher-level call.

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    change your code accordingly
    here i am  inserting data into ztable from excel .
    *& Report  ZBI_UPLOAD_DATA_MAST                                             *
    REPORT  zbi_upload_data_mast                        .
    DATA : it_tab TYPE filetable,
           gd_subrc TYPE i.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF wa_wrkctr,
            fictr TYPE zbi_fictr_mast-fictr,
            prctr TYPE zbi_fictr_mast-prctr,
            type TYPE zbi_fictr_mast-type,
            END OF wa_wrkctr.
    DATA : wa_save TYPE zbi_fictr_mast.
    DATA : gd_scol   TYPE i VALUE '1',
           gd_srow   TYPE i VALUE '1',
           gd_ecol   TYPE i VALUE '256',
           gd_erow   TYPE i VALUE '65536'.
    *data : w_current_inv_no(5) TYPE n,
          w_pop_up_text LIKE  wfcsr_ui_popup_text.
    PARAMETERS:  p_file LIKE rlgrap-filename OBLIGATORY
                 DEFAULT 'C:\Physical Stock.xls'  .
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
          window_title            = 'Select File Name'
          default_extension       = '*.xls'
          default_filename        = '*.xls'
          file_filter             = '*.xls'
          initial_directory       = 'c:\'
       MULTISELECTION          =
       WITH_ENCODING           =
          file_table              = it_tab
          rc                      = gd_subrc.
       USER_ACTION             =
       FILE_ENCODING           =
       CNTL_ERROR              = 2
       ERROR_NO_GUI            = 3
       NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GUI    = 4
       others                  = 5
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
        READ TABLE it_tab INTO p_file INDEX 1.
      PERFORM upload_excel_file TABLES   it_datatab
                                 USING   p_file
    PERFORM eventtab_build CHANGING lt_eventtab.
    PERFORM display_data.
    *&      Form  UPLOAD_EXCEL_FILE
         -->P_IT_DATATAB  text
         -->P_P_FILE  text
         -->P_GD_SCOL  text
         -->P_GD_SROW  text
         -->P_GD_ECOL  text
         -->P_GD_EROW  text
    FORM upload_excel_file  TABLES   p_it_datatab
                            USING    p_file
      DATA : lt_intern TYPE  kcde_cells OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    Has the following format:
                Row number   | Colum Number   |   Value
         i.e.     1                 1             Name1
                  2                 1             Joe
      DATA : ld_index TYPE i.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs>.
    Note: Alternative function module - 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE'
          filename                = p_file
          i_begin_col             = p_scol
          i_begin_row             = p_srow
          i_end_col               = p_ecol
          i_end_row               = p_erow
          intern                  = lt_intern
          inconsistent_parameters = 1
          upload_ole              = 2
          OTHERS                  = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        WRITE:/ 'Error Uploading file'.
      IF lt_intern[] IS INITIAL.
        WRITE:/ 'No Data Uploaded'.
        SORT lt_intern BY row col.
        LOOP AT lt_intern.
          MOVE lt_intern-col TO ld_index.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT ld_index OF STRUCTURE it_datatab TO <fs>.
          MOVE lt_intern-value TO <fs>.
          AT END OF row.
            APPEND it_datatab.
            CLEAR it_datatab.
      IF it_datatab[] IS NOT INITIAL.
        DELETE FROM zbi_fictr_mast.
        COMMIT WORK.
        LOOP AT it_datatab.
          wa_save-fictr = it_datatab-fictr.
          wa_save-prctr = it_datatab-prctr.
          wa_save-type  = it_datatab-type.
          INSERT INTO zbi_fictr_mast VALUES wa_save.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            COMMIT WORK.
            MESSAGE 'Data upload complete' TYPE 'S'.
          CLEAR wa_save.
          CLEAR it_datatab.
    ENDFORM.                    " UPLOAD_EXCEL_FILE
    i hope this will help .

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      String filepath = request.getParameter(filepath);
      <html:form action=/Upload  method="post"  enctype="multipart/form-data">
       <html:hidden property="filepath" value='<%=filepath%>'/>
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        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                System.out.println("print somthing");
         -   iter is empty  // iter.hasNext()    ----->   false
             how to set the file in the request ????
           / /note:  I want not to use  uploadAction from struts because of designingthanks

    The following blog post provides a way to create a document set using ECMA:
    The following blog post provides a way to upload files into a document set using CSOM:
    See if you can follow the logic in the CSOM example to apply it to ECMA. Let me know if you have specific problems with it.
    Dimitri Ayrapetov (MCSE: SharePoint)

  • How to Archive Source Files with error in XI ?

          How to archive source files where a permanent error occurred duing processing? and how to set it?
    Thank you in advance.

    What exactly u want to do.........If u want to Archive ur sender file then give Archive directory path and if u process the file with error data or success data it will store in Archive directory.
    Archive Directory is used to store the sender files what ever  data ur sending ........not for only error records.
    Reward points if Helpfull

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    Sure,  when you are adding your entry to the packing list,  give the name in the obj_name field.
    *File 2
      mailbin = 'This is file 2'.
      append mailbin.
      data: start type i.
      data: end type i.
      start = tab_lines + 1.
      describe table mailbin lines end.
      mailpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
      mailpack-head_start = 1.
      mailpack-head_num = 1.
      mailpack-body_start = start.
      mailpack-body_num = end.
      mailpack-doc_type = 'TXT'.
      mailpack-obj_name = 'TEST2'.        "<-  RIGHT HERE
      mailpack-obj_descr = 'Subject'.
      mailpack-doc_size = tab_lines * 255.
      append mailpack.
    RIch Heilman

  • Sun ONE Studio 4 aka Forte: How to set the output path for classes ?

    Help !
    Beginner's question:
    Sun ONE Studio 4 aka Forte:
    How to set the output path for classes ?
    As default, the class files are created in the same directory as the
    In opposite, both JBuilder and Together support that there is a tree
    with the sources and another tree with the classes.
    The first answer I got was "not possible with Forte, but just if you write your own "ANT Build script" !
    a) Please point me to a ready-to-use ANT script for this purpose, if such is available
    b) Is using ANT instead of the MAKE as comfortable ? Besides the separation of sourcecode and classes, I would like to keep everything else to be the same, i.e. I don�t want to edit the ANT file if I enlarge the project by directories or files.

    You can set S1S's options to place newly created .class files in a specific location.
    Identify the compiler that is being used - Open the S1S's Tools/Options window, expand Editing and select Java Sources. Note the Default Compiler value. (If it's one if the Ant options, you use Ant to specify this option, not S1S.)
    Open the S1S's Tools/Options window, expand Building/Compiler Types and select the appropriate compiler.
    The Properties tab of the compiler has the property Target, which sets the filesystem where the compiler output is directed. If you choose <not set>, the .class files are written to their source directory.
    When you set the Target, your change affects all classes that use this compiler.
    Very few options can't be set in S1S; the challenge is finding out where they're set!

  • File browse : How to keep the file path in the file browse field?

    I have
    1) file browse field called P2_FILE_PATH.
    2) a select list with submit : P2_REGION
    If i upload some file d:\abc.gif , then select some region in the P2_REGION,
    P2_FILE_PATH will become empty. But in the session, i can find the blob value. but not the "d:\abc.gif "
    Using the following script I could capture the value of P2_FILE_PATH in a field
    onload="javascript:document.getElementById(P2_FILE_PATH').value = document.getElementById('P2_TEST').value;"
    P2_TEST contains d:\abc.gif .
    How to retain the file path, though some other field is selected and submitted?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Archana,
    You can't do what you want because of some HTML security restrictions – nothing to do with APEX. As you found out, You can capture the value of this item. You can't set it. After submitting the page, the browser is the one to clear the item.
    The only workaround is to work with AJAX and not submit the page until the end of the user input phase.

  • How to give the file path in adf application

    Hii all,
    I want to use castor xml framework in adf application..
    for which i have to un- marshaller the xml file..
    by using following method-
    Person person = (Person)
    new FileReader("src/com/person.xml"));
    if i use this method in a java class inside a main method directly it works fine,
    but when i try to initiate the java class through a jspx page deployed on integrated server..
    it gives the file not found exception..
    how to define the file path so it can be properly used even when application is deployed on server.

    duplicate {thread:id=2418158} ?
    I guess the path you are using is wrong. It works on your mashiene as the src path is available. When you run the app on a server (jspx file) there is no src path as long as you don't include it in your WAR wich you should not do anyway.
    If you need to access such data you can create a folder in your webroot folder and the the resources from there as /xml_folder_name or if the xml files shouldn't be visible from the outside put the folder under hte web-inf folder.
    Edited by: Timo Hahn on 23.07.2012 16:20

  • How to set the report path in a model plugin

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    Go to Solution.

    If I understand, you want your plug-in, when enabled, to alter the settings of any other instances of the NI report plug-in such that their reports share the same directory as your plug-in is configured to use.
    If so, your plug-in can access and modify the settings of all other plug-in instances. All instances are passed to all plug-in entries point in the plugins array sub-property of the ModelConfiguration parameter. You can iterate through this array. Any element of the array with a Base.SequenceFilename equal to "NI_ReportGenerator.seq" is an instance of the NI report plug-in. Its report options are stored in the element under PluginSpecific.Options.
    You can change the report options to what ever you want. Note that the ReportOptions model callback is called from the Initialize model-plugin entry point, so you might want to ensure that your changes are applied after that, so they aren't overwritten. To do that, you could make your changes in the the Initialize entry point of your plug-in, and ensure that your plugin runs last. To make it run last, you could set the FileGlobals.ModelPluginComponentDescription.Default.Base.RunOrder in your plug-in file to a value greater than 0, such as 1.0 (see TestStand Help>>Fundamentals>>Process Model Architecture>>Process Model Plug-in Architecture>>Structure of Plug-in Sequence Files>>Model Plug-in Entry Points>>Order of Entry Point Execution at Run Time).

  • Take Source file path in sender adapter from an environment variable .

    Is it possible to take source file path(half file path) dynamically in sender file adapter.
    Please suggest any alternative to this.

    One option, use Dynamic Configuration and set the values in the Mapping.
    By the ways, the File Directory and the Filename are taken runtime in the file adapters after transportation.
    Only if you are using FTP will you need to key in the FTP addess user id password etc.
    Refer -- same way try for File adapter
    Dynamic Configuration of Some Communication Channel Parameters using Message Mapping
    Ps Note : I have personally never tried it to use the Dynamic Configuration for file path. But you can try.

  • How to get the file path in adf application

    hii all,
    i have a txt file that i am using in my adf application,
    i am passing this txt file through a File Reader, for which i have to mention the file path.
    The file is in web-content and when i am hard coding the complete file path i.e C:/JDeveloper/myApp/ViewController/public_html/log.txt
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    My requirement is to access this file without giving the static file path, as in case i have to use this application on any other machine..
    for that how to mention the file path-
    i tried using FacesContext to get the context path :-
    which gives me
    after appending public_html\log.txt
    I am using the following path to access the file :-
    again i am getting the
    Does anyone know how to use file from inside the web-content without giving the complete path..???

    If you put your file under public_html folder, you can use this code to access the file:
    For example file is : log.txt
    - LSR

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