OQL query to find empty maps

I'm trying to find instances of a Map inside a heapdump using VisualVM's "OQL Console".
But I can't figure out how to access the size (or count) property of a map.
What I tried was the following:
select m from java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap m where m.count == 0But that didn't return anythong (although I know that there are empty maps in the heap by looking at the instances itself)
Then I found another example which used some kind of casting to ensure that m.count would be treated as a number:
select m from java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap m where m.count * 1 == 0That seemed to returned instances, but when I tried to find the non-empty ones using
select m from java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap m where m.count * 1 > 0I didn't return anything, and I know (again from looking at the instances) that there are non-empty maps in there.
I also tried replacing m.count with m.size in all examples, but still no go.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious with the OQL syntax, but what?

Just pass the user list you want to count and not admin users or other default users.
SELECT owner, table_name, num_rows
      FROM dba_tables
      WHERE owner IN ('MYUSER','OTHERUSER');or this
   CURSOR mycur
      SELECT owner, table_name, num_rows
      FROM dba_tables
      WHERE owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'SYSMAN', 'OUTLN')
            AND iot_name IS NULL;
   v_sql     VARCHAR2 (100);
   v_count   NUMBER := 0;
   FOR cur IN mycur
      v_sql     := NULL;
      v_count   := 0;
      v_sql     :=
         'select count (*) from ' || cur.owner || '.' || cur.table_name;
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql INTO v_count;
      IF (v_count = 0)
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(   'Table name = '
                              || cur.table_name
                              || ' rows '
                              || v_count);
      END IF;

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    you found empty rows in WorkBook, what about the Query Output ?
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    used the sql command REPLACE & INSTR function
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    from YOURTABLE
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    But before doing that back up your table or do it in a copy of that..
    REPLACE ( string_expression , string_pattern , string_replacement )
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    Is the substring to be found. string_pattern can be of a character or binary data type. string_pattern cannot be an empty string (''), and must not exceed the maximum number of bytes that fits on a page.
    Is the replacement string. string_replacement can be of a character or binary data type.
    if this find helpful or correct then mark it accordingly

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    Thanks for the reply. I think it is a little beyond me. I am four weeks into a beginning Data modeling class. I will definitely come back and look at it again later.
    I came up with this solution. Just nesting selects until I can query across the relationships.
    DROP TABLE Stock;
    DROP TABLE Model;
    DROP TABLE Dealer;
    CREATE TABLE Dealer(
         DealerID               NUMBER,
         DealerName          VARCHAR2(20),
         CONSTRAINT pk_Dealership PRIMARY KEY (DealerID)
         ModelNumber     NUMBER,
         ModelName          VARCHAR2(20),
         CONSTRAINT pk_Model PRIMARY KEY (ModelNumber)
         StockKey               NUMBER,
         ModelNumber     NUMBER,
         DealerID               NUMBER,
         CONSTRAINT pk_Stock PRIMARY KEY (StockKey),
         CONSTRAINT fk_ModelNumber FOREIGN KEY (ModelNumber) REFERENCES Model (ModelNumber),
         CONSTRAINT fk_DealerID FOREIGN KEY (DealerID) REFERENCES Dealer (DealerID)
    INSERT INTO Dealer VALUES(1, 'Midnight Movers');
    INSERT INTO Dealer VALUES(2, 'Bubbas Imports');
    INSERT INTO Dealer VALUES(3, 'Import Motors');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(1, 'Buick Skylark');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(2, 'H2 Hummer');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(3, 'Chevy Suburban');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(4, 'BMW Z3');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(5, 'BMW 328i');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(6, 'Jeep Wrangler');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(7, 'Ford Focus');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(8, 'Range Rover');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(9, 'Toyota Supera');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(10, 'Ferrari Testarosa');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(11, 'Jaguar X12');
    INSERT INTO Model VALUES(12, 'Ford Fairmont');
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(1, 1, 1);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(2, 2, 1);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(3, 3, 1);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(4, 4, 1);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(5, 5, 1);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(6, 6, 1);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(7, 1, 2);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(8, 2, 2);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(9, 1, 2);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(10, 4, 2);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(11, 5, 2);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(12, 6, 2);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(13, 7, 3);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(14, 8, 3);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(15, 9, 3);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(16, 10, 3);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(17, 11, 3);
    INSERT INTO Stock VALUES(18, 12, 3);
    --find all stock at Import Motors
    SELECT * FROM Model
    WHERE ModelNumber IN
         (SELECT DISTINCT Stock.ModelNumber
         FROM Stock WHERE Stock.DealerID = (
              SELECT Dealer.DealerID
              FROM Dealer WHERE Dealer.DealerName = 'Import Motors'
    --find all dealers with BMW Z3
    SELECT * FROM Dealer
    WHERE DealerID IN
         (SELECT DISTINCT Stock.DealerID
         FROM Stock WHERE Stock.ModelNumber = (
              SELECT Model.ModelNumber
              FROM Model WHERE Model.ModelName = 'BMW Z3'

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    I want to know the query to find out the whole time used by the user for an application. Please view the below data
    1 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 06:30:00 07:30:00
    2 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 06:40:00 07:20:00
    3 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 06:50:00 07:50:00
    4 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 07:30:00 08:30:00
    5 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 09:30:00 10:30:00
    By checking the above data we can say that the total time Visu used the application is
    8.30 - 6.30 (From 1,2,3,4 records) = 2hrs
    10.30 - 9.30 (Based on 5th rec) = 1hr
    So the total time Visu used the application would be 3 hrs = 180 mins.
    Could you please help me in getting the result from that data using a query?

    odie_63 wrote:
    I think it may be solved with analytics too.
    with t1 as (
                select 1 sno,10 emp_id,'Visu' emp_name,'21-Nov-2010' emp_date,'06:30:00' login_time,'07:30:00' logout_time from dual union all
                select 2,10,'Visu','21-Nov-2010','06:40:00','07:20:00' from dual union all
                select 3,10,'Visu','21-Nov-2010','06:50:00','07:50:00' from dual union all
                select 4,10,'Visu','21-Nov-2010','07:30:00','08:30:00' from dual union all
                select 5,10,'Visu','21-Nov-2010','09:30:00','10:30:00' from dual
         t2 as (
                select  emp_id,
                        to_date(emp_date || login_time,'DD-MON-YYYYHH24:MI:SS') login_time,
                        to_date(emp_date || logout_time,'DD-MON-YYYYHH24:MI:SS') logout_time
                  from  t1
         t3 as (
                select  t2.*,
                          when login_time < max(logout_time) over(
                                                                  partition by emp_id,emp_date
                                                                  order by login_time
                                                                  rows between unbounded preceding
                                                                           and 1 preceding
                            then 0
                          else 1
                        end start_of_group
                  from  t2
         t4 as (
                select  t3.*,
                        sum(start_of_group) over(partition by emp_id,emp_date order by login_time) grp
                  from  t3
         t5 as (
                select  emp_id,
                        min(login_time) login_time,
                        max(logout_time) logout_time
                  from  t4
                  group by emp_id,
    select  emp_id,
            numtodsinterval(sum(logout_time - login_time),'day') time_spent
      from  t5
      group by emp_id
      order by emp_id
            10 +000000000 03:00:00.000000000
    SQL> SY.

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    dear experts,
    when i extract data from 0CO_PC_ACT_05, find some material have no the movemetn average price in some specific periods. why the period is not in series? how can i get the right MAP?
    another question, in r/3 side, in MBEW, our currenct period is 2007-006, but when i extract data via rsa3, i find the MAP about period 2009-002, why ? it's very strange!
    many thanks.
    Edited by: Steve Duan on Feb 23, 2009 7:46 AM
    Edited by: Steve Duan on Feb 23, 2009 8:52 AM


  • How to use ONE query to find out tree structure?

    1------------ 0---------- Folder
    2------------ 1------------ Folder 1- Sub
    3------------ 2------------
    4------------ 1------------ Folder 1- Sub
    Hi all, if I have a table like above to demonstrate the
    folders and item relationship. This structure allows the user to
    create unlimited folders and items.
    Now I would like to use one query to find out the tree
    structure of this table, how could I do the query.
    Any help on this will be highly appreciated!

    Also, see this thread:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=1&catid=7&threadid=12 55788&enterthread=y

  • Looking for a query to find first/last dates in overlapping dates...

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    I have a subscription table which has for each Customer start and end date for different subscriptions.
    I want to know the different ranges of date where there is subscriptions active.
    so if the table has this:
    CustID, Start date, end date
    1, 2008-01-01, 2012-06-06
    1 ,2009-01-01, 2011-01-01
    1, 2011-01-01, 2013-02-02
    1, 2013-01-01, 2013-08-08
    1, 2014-01-01, 2014-04-04
    I want to produce this result:
    custid, range start, range end
    1, 2008-01-01, 2013-08-08
    1, 2014-01-01, 2014-04-04
    the first row is the range identified from the 4 rows in my subscription table.
    thanks :)

    I think I found it...
    let me try this method
    m writing to follow up with you on this post. Thanks for you posting a reply to share your workground. Was the problem resolved after performing the above link? If you are satisfied with the above solution, I’d like to mark this issue as "Answered".
    Please also feel free to unmark the issue, with any new findings or concerns you may have.
    Sofiya Li
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Query to find the list of users having access to a particular scenario

    I am learning Hyperion Planning 9.2 x version. I wanted to know the query to find the list of users having access to Plan Iteration - 1 scenarion.
    As I am new to Hyperion Essbase and Hyperion Planning, I am assuming these ideas work out to get the desired result.
    1) As Hyperion Planning uses Relational DB to store the User Security information, we can query the list of users who is having access to Plan Iteration - 1 Scenario.
    I am not sure if this solution works. Please correct me If I am wrong.
    2) We can also query from the essbase editor to find out who all having access to this scenario.
    If the above is correct, can you please provide me the query.
    I am really need of this and I will be happy if any one provide the solution.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Upendra. Bestha

    If you are looking for some SQL to retrieve the access rights by member then you can use something like (SQL Server code though can easily be modified for Oracle)
    SELECT usr.object_name as Username,mem.object_name as Member,
    'Access Rights' = CASE acc.access_mode
    WHEN -1 THEN 'None'
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Read'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Write'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Write'
    ELSE 'Unknown' END,
    'Relation' = CASE acc.flags
    WHEN 0 THEN 'Member'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'Children'
    WHEN 6 THEN 'Children (inclusive)'
    WHEN 8 THEN 'Descendants'
    WHEN 9 THEN 'Descendants (inclusive)'
    ELSE 'Unknown' END
    hsp_access_control acc, hsp_object mem, hsp_object usr
    WHERE acc.object_id = mem.object_id
    AND acc.user_id = usr.object_id
    AND mem.object_name = 'Plan Iteration - 1'

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    Hoping someone can help.
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    You can use this and tweak it around:
    select p.process_item_type, p.process_name, p.activity_name, a.message
    from wf_process_activities p, wf_activities a
    where p.process_item_type=a.item_type and
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    orton607 wrote:
    thanks for replying guys. But the thing is i am using dynamic sql execute immediate in my package, so i want those tables also and the schema name.
    ortonThis is not possible. The best you could do is to have a good guess.
    Or how would you parse some dynamic statement as this:
       v_suffix := 'loyees';
       v_sql := 'Select count(*) from (select ''nonsense'' col1 from emp'||v_suffix||') where col1 = ''Y'''';
    ...What is the table name? How do you want to parse that?
    Better rewrite all dynamic SQL statements into non dynamic ones. Or do the source control logic for those dynamic parts in an extra module. For example implement your own dependency table and force every developer to add there all dynamic parts.

Maybe you are looking for

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