Oracle 10G vs. Globus Toolkit

I'm confused. Most of the sales literature about 10G seems to be around load balancing on blade servers. I'd like to get the whole picture, not just this part.
Could someone here tell me how Oracle 10G is different from, or supports, Ian Foster's Globus grid toolkit (
If you can't answer this question offhand, I'd like to read some technology papers about 10G's grid support.
- Steve.

Hi Steve,
Oracle 10g enables enterprise grid computing. With various grid features offered by Oracle 10g, You can use enterprise resources efficiently and realign your enterprise resources based on your needs. There are various white papers on our OTN Grid Tech Center at that cover this in detail. You don't have to use globus toolkit to get any of these features. Also Oracle 10g hasn't used globus toolkit to provide any of these features.

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  • ExtStringTemplate Warning while Converting a SQLServer DB to Oracle 10g

    Hi everyone,
    I hope this is the right Forum to ask about this. I apologize if I misplaced it
    I am currently having some trouble with the migration of a MSSQL Database (2000 with all its stored Procedures) to ORACLE 10g. I am using the offline Capture Method to generate the captured Model without any errors or warnings.
    But as soon as I convert the Captured Model to the ORACLE Model I get a bunch of Warning Messages that read as follows:
    Clicking on Details does not give any further clues on which Object caused it during conversion.
    During the last few Days I tried to find Information about this Warning Message searching several Blogs and Forums, but to no avail.
    I would like to know how I could solve this problem or if it even might influence the applications later on that are supposed to work with the converted Database.
    Any help with this is highly appreciated
    Here some Information about the test Environment:
    System specs:
    Oracle runs in A Virtual Box Dev-Environment with Win2k3 as Guest OS
    VirtualBox: 3.0.10 r54097
    ORACLE Database 10g r 2
    SQL Developer     Info
    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build MAIN-62.61
    Copyright © 2005, 2009, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
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    Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Viewer     oracle.datamodeler     Geladen
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    Web Browser and Proxy     oracle.ide.webbrowser     Geladen
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    Thank you very much for your Reply.
    Sorry that I couldn't write earlier.
    --Does this stop your Oracle Model from being converted?
    The conversion process completes with a few errors that I'm going to fix by hand.
    --Is there anymore to the Exception ?
    Concerning the Details button: When I click Details it only shows the same exception Message as posted above. Unfortunatly no stacktrace. But maybe there is some kind of logfile outside the IDE which I am not aware of yet, since I am rather new to working with sql developer. If you could point me to the stacktrace I will be happy to post it here.
    --Can you skim through some of your converted procedures to see if anything stands out
    I did as you suggested. There was a strange behaviour in a Procedure where there was a construct like N'<somestring>' in the original Transact SQL. Somehow every SQL statement that follows is recognized as a String, hence the code is not compiling at all.
    There are also some Prcedures which exit with the message: "unexpected end of Subtree"
    Edited by: gWahl on 13.11.2009 00:43

  • Oracle 10g with c# MS visual studio 2013 ultimate

    i am not able to connect oracle 10g with c#,i get the error :"oracle.dataaccess.client.oracleexception" ie . provider is not compatible with the version of oracle client. plz help

    Welcome to MSDN forum.
    But your issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    the usage of Visual Studio IDE such as WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    Because this is an issue with Oracle data access on VS, I would post issues to Oracle forum: for better support.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Oracle 10g client installation skips

    I have Oracle 11g database home in my 64 bit Windows 7 machine. However, now i would like to install Oracle 10.2.0 client as well. I tried giving a separate location. But for some reason, whenever i start the Setup and run the Administrator Type, the installation just skips without giving any errors. It just creates the inventory folder in the specified path.
    It goes to the Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks and exits without giving any warnings or errors.
    Can someone suggest what should be done here?

    Using paramFile: C:\Oracle 10g\client\install\oraparam.ini
    No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
    The commandline for unzip:
    C:\Oracle 10g\client\install\unzip -qqq ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/"*.jar" -d "C:\Temp\OraInstall2013-11-15_05-15-43PM"
    The commandline for unzip:
    C:\Oracle 10g\client\install\unzip -qqq ..\stage\Components\oracle.swd.oui\\1\DataFiles\/"*.jar" -d "C:\Temp\OraInstall2013-11-15_05-15-43PM"
    The commandline for unzip:
    C:\Oracle 10g\client\install\unzip -qqq ..\stage\Components\oracle.swd.oui.core\\1\DataFiles\/"*.jar" -d "C:\Temp\OraInstall2013-11-15_05-15-43PM"
    The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 584.
    The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 100.INFO: Environment Variables:
    INFO: PATH = C:\Informatica\9.0.1\clients\tools\datadirect;C:\Informatica\9.0.1\clients\DeveloperClient\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\OracleBI\server\Bin;C:\OracleBI\web\bin;C:\OracleBI\web\catalogmanager;C:\OracleBI\SQLAnywhere;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin;C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin;C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin;C:\Oracle_Patch;C:\Informatica\9.1.0\DataTransformation\bin;C:\Informatica\9.1.0\clients\tools\datadirect;C:\Informatica\9.1.0\clients\DeveloperClient\bin;C:\Informatica\9.1.0\clients\java\jre\bin\server;\pp2;C:\Program Files (x86)\NCR\Teradata Client\bin\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NCR\Teradata Client\bin\;C:\Program Files\NCR\Teradata Client\cliv2\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NCR\Common Files\Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata\lib;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\;C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\syswow64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\NCR\AXSMOD\;C:\R-2.15.1\bin\x64;C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\bin;C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\opmn\bin;C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\opmn\lib;C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\perl\bin;C:\Users\nbhattacharjee\AppData\Local\Smartbar\Application\;C:\Users\nbhattacharjee\AppData\Local\Smartbar\Application\
    INFO: CLASSPATH = C:\Informatica\9.1.0\DataTransformation\api\lib\CM_JavaAPI.jar;C:\Program Files\Common Files\NCR\JMSAXSMOD;C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\lib
    INFO: Username:nbhattacharjee
    INFO: Oracle Universal Installer version is
    INFO: Setting variable 'PREREQ_CONFIG_LOCATION' to ''. Received the value from variable association.
    INFO: Reader/Writer 'oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicGlobalContextXMLReaderWriter' was created.
    *** Welcome Page***
    INFO: Initializing install inventory
    INFO: Setting up install inventory
    *** Specify Source Location Page***
    INFO: Initializing OUI Shiphome access setup
    INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
    INFO: Performing operation for OUI Shiphome access setup
    *** Select a Product to Install Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'TopLevelComp ( ToplevelComp )' property to 'oracle.client,, >, [ 912 ][OH:2]'. Received the value from the default settings.
    *** Select Installation Type Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'InstallType ( DEP_MODE )' property to 'Administrator'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Setting the 'TopLevelInstallType ( TLDepModes )' property to 'Administrator'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: The selected install type is "Administrator".
    *** Specify Home Details Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'OracleHome ( ORACLE_HOME )' property to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Setting the 'OracleHomeName ( ORACLE_HOME_NAME )' property to 'OraClient10g_home1'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Initializing OUI Oracle Home access setup
    INFO: Setting variable 'ORACLE_HOME' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Loading shiphomepropertiesfrom C:\Temp\OraInstall2013-11-15_05-15-43PM/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.client_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.client Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.displayFonts_9.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_fonts'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oem.client_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/sysman'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oraolap.mgmt_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_olap_wrksht'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.ic_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.rdbms.ic'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlplus.ic_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.sqlplus.ic Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.esm_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.has.client_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_has_client'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlj_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_java_sqlj'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.jle3_3.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/jle3'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oui_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1\oui'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oui.core_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1\oui'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.opatch_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1\OPatch'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.jre_1.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1\jre\1.4.2'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ons_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/opmn'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.assistants.acf_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.assistants.acf Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.cabo_2.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/uix'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.dbui_2.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/dbui'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.dbui4_4.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/dbui4'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.ewt_3.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/ewt'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.help_4.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/help'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.ice_5.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/ice'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.jewt_4.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/jewt'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.jle_2.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/jle'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.kodiak_1.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/kodiak'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.regexp_2.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/regexp'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.share_1.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_tools_share'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.buildtools.common_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_buildtools_common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.buildtools.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_buildtools_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.csmig_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rdbms_expimp'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.common_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.dbjava.common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.ic_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_dbjava_ic'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_dbjava_jdbc'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc12_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.dbjava.jdbc12'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc14_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.dbjava.jdbc14'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.dbjava.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.emdw.emcp_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.emdw.emcp Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.emdw.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.emdw.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.has.common_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.has.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rsf_has_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.javavm.client_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.javavm.client Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.jdk_1.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1\jdk'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.admin_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.client_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_ldap_rsf_cmp'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of '' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of '' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_network_client'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of '' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of '' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of '' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of '' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.nlsrtl.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_nlsrtl_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.lbuilder_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_nlsrtl_rsf_lbuilder'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntoledb_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntoledb Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntoledb.odp_net_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/ODP.NET'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntoramts_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oramts'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntrdbms.admin_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntrdbms.admin Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntrdbms.oraconfig_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntrdbms.oraconfig Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntrdbms.perfmon_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntrdbms.perfmon Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.odbc_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1 in'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.odbc.ic_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1 in'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oem.oemlt_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oemlt'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oo4o_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.oo4o Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oracore.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.oracore.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oraolap.api_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.oraolap.api'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oraolap.dbscripts_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ordim.annotator_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ordim.client_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.interMedia.imclient'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.perlint_5.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1\perl'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.precomp Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp.common_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.precomp.common Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp.lang_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rsf_precomp_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.crs_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.dbscripts_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rdbms_dbscripts'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.hs_common_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rdbms_hs_common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.install.common_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.rdbms.install.common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.oci_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rdbms_oci'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.plsql_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rdbms_plsql'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.rdbms.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.rdbms.ic'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rman_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.rdbms.rman'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.util_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.rdbms.util'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rsf_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.rsf Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.slax.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle.slax.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlj.sqljruntime_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_java_sqlj_sqljruntime'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlplus_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.sqlplus Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.winprod_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.winprod Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.wwg.plsql_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rdbms'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.xdk_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.xdk.parser.java_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.xdk.rsf_10.' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1/oracle_rsf_rdbms_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of '' to 'C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1\jdk\jre\lib\ext'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Performing operation for OUI Oracle Home access setup
    INFO: Unable to read C:/app/nbhattacharjee/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/client_1/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
    INFO: SRVM ClusterInfo.IsLocalOnly() called. Return value obtained is 'false'.
    INFO: The CRS clusterware location for '' is not found.
    INFO: This is not a cluster system.
    INFO: Node selection page will not be shown.
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Client " is "Administrator".
    INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Client  could be found. Missing component oracle.doc
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle SQLJ " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle interMedia Client Option " is "Typical".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "SQLJ Runtime "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Internet Directory Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Database Utilities "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Client (Client)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database Utilities " is "Custom".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Required Support Files "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Database Utilities  could be found. Missing component oracle.omwb
    INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Database Utilities  could be found. Missing component oracle.workflow.builder
    INFO: Install type for "Generic Connectivity Common Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Programmer " is "Database Administrator".
    INFO: Install type for "OLAP Analytic Workspace Manager and Worksheet " is "Typical".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Enterprise Manager 10g Java Console "  to "Minimal (Minimum)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Database User Interface "  to "Minimal (Minimum)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Recovery Manager " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Advanced Security " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager 10g Java Console " is "Custom".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Minimal (Minimum)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.4 "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Secure Socket Layer "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Net "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "SQL*Plus "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Windows Interfaces " is "ClientTypical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Net " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows " is "Minimal".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Objects for OLE " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle ODBC Driver " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Provider for OLE DB " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Data Provider for .NET " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Call Interface (OCI) " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Precompiler Common Files " is "Typical".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.2 "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Minimal (Minimum)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "PL/SQL " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Precompilers " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle XML Development Kit " is "Typical".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "XML Parser for Java "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Minimal (Minimum)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "SQL*Plus " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Secure Socket Layer " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Database SQL Scripts " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "OLAP SQL Scripts " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "PL/SQL Embedded Gateway " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle LDAP administration " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Character Set Migration Utility " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Java Client " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Assistant Common Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Installation Common Files " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "HAS Common Files " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.2 " is "Custom".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.4 " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Instant Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "JDBC Common Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Code Editor " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database User Interface " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Globalization Support "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Core Required Support Files "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files Beta" is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Minimal Integration " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle UIX " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Buildtools Common Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Globalization Support " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Locale Builder " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "regexp " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Display Fonts " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Help For Java " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Clusterware High Availability API " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Wallet Manager " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "LDAP Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Net Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Enterprise Security Manager " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Ice Browser " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Perl Interpreter " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Java Layout Engine " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Core Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Platform Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Precompiler Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Parser Generator Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Agent Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "RDBMS Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "XDK Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "DBJAVA Required Support Files " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "XML Parser for Java " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Java Layout Engine 3 " is "Minimal".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle OLAP API " is "Minimum".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database User Interface 4 " is "Minimal".
    INFO: Install type for "Bali Share " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "SQLJ Runtime " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle interMedia Annotator " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Notification Service " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Universal Installer " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle One-Off Patch Installer " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Installer SDK Component " is "Custom".
    INFO: Install type for "Sun JDK " is "Complete".
    INFO: Conflict while setting install type of "Sun JDK extensions "  to "Complete (Complete)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
    INFO: Install type for "Sun JDK extensions " is "Custom".
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.client_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.sqlj_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.util_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.javavm.client_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ldap.client_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.winprod_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.oci_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.precomp_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.xdk_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of '' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = Windows
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Calling Query rgsQueries10.  isProductInstalled
    Location = C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1
    InternalName = w32oem10
    MaxVersion = null
    MinVersion = null
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query rgsQueries10.  isProductInstalled
    Location = C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1
    InternalName = oracle.swd.oui
    MaxVersion =
    MinVersion =
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.oem.client_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.oraolap.mgmt_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of '' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ordim.client_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ons_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.has.client_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.install.common_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.opatch_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.oui_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.sqlj.sqljruntime_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ordim.annotator_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.dbjava.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.dbui_2.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.sqlplus_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of '' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ldap.admin_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = UNIX
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query rgsQueries10.  isProductInstalled
    Location = C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1
    InternalName = w32rsf80
    MaxVersion =
    MinVersion =
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query rgsQueries10.  isProductInstalled
    Location = C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1
    InternalName = w32rsf73
    MaxVersion =
    MinVersion =
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  productInstalled
    location = C:\app\nbhattacharjee\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\client_1
    name = oracle.sysman.netclt
    startVersion =
    endVersion =
    acceptCompatible = false
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc14_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ldap.esm_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rman_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.hs_common_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.dbscripts_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.plsql_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.csmig_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.precomp.common_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.precomp.lang_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc12_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.oraolap.api_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.dbui4_4.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.jle3_3.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.jewt_4.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.xdk.parser.java_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.assistants.acf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.cabo_2.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.ewt_3.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.help_4.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.jle_2.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.kodiak_1.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.ice_5.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.oem.oemlt_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ntrdbms.admin_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.oo4o_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.odbc_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ntoledb_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ntoledb.odp_net_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of '' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.odbc.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.jdk_1.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of '' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.oraolap.dbscripts_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.wwg.plsql_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.buildtools.common_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.emdw.emcp_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.has.common_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.oracore.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.nlsrtl.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.has.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.crs_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.dbjava.common_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of '' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.sqlplus.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.share_1.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.ldap.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.buildtools.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.precomp.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.slax.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.emdw.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.xdk.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.dbjava.rsf_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of '' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.regexp_2.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.bali.displayFonts_9.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.lbuilder_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.perlint_5.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.swd.oui.core_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    *** Language Selection Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'SelectedLanguages ( SELECTED_LANGUAGES )' property to 'en'. Received the value from the default settings.
    *** Specify Local Host Name Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'HostName ( ORACLE_HOSTNAME )' property to ''. Received the value from the default settings.
    INFO: Defaulting prerequisite location to 'C:\Oracle 10g\client\stage/prereq'.
    *** Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks Page***
    INFO: Entry point:oracle.client_Administrator_install
    INFO: Starting Prerequisite checks : Fri Nov 15 11:46:43 GMT 2013
    INFO: Checking CertifiedVersions
      This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Oracle software is certified on the current O/S.

  • Error while installing Oracle 10g on Fedora Core 1

    Error while installing Oracle 10g on Fedora Core 1. After 40% of the Installation is thru, the progress bar is showing 40%, it gives error "Not connected to Oracle" and the installation has to be terminated.
    We have tried by using the on-line procedure and changing the required script to make believe it as said.

    Are you createing DB also???

  • Error while sending a mail using UTP_MAIL package in Oracle 10g

    We are using UTP_MAIL package to send a mail from Oracle 10g.We have follwed the following steps ...
    SQL> connect sys/password as sysdba
    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlmail.sql
    Package created.
    Synonym created.
    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME /rdbms/admin/prvtmail.plb
    Package body created.
    SQL > alter system set smtp_out_server = '<mail_server_ip:25>' scope =spfile;
    System altered..
    Now we try the code
    sender => 'sender's mail',
    recipients => 'receiver mail',
    CC => 'optional',
    subject => 'Testing utl_mail',
    message => 'Test Mail'
    But we get the following error...
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 21
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 97
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 139
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 405
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 594
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    We also tried connecting to the mail server through telnet .But it is not getting connected..
    Please help us to solve the issue.

    From your own posting you may have the clue, if you try to access your mail server through telnet and it is not successful, it means the service is down or there are networking issues.
    On pre 10gR2 versions there was a bug 4083461.8. It could affect you if you are on 10gR1
    "Bug 4083461 - UTL_SMTP.OPEN_CONNECTION in shared server fails with ORA-29278 Doc ID:      Note:4083461.8"
    This was fixed on 10gR2 base and on
    ~ Madrid

  • FRM-41211 Integration Error SSL - OracleAS 10g

    I have error Frm-41211 Integration Error SSL Failure Running Another Product error while calling a report from web form in oracleAS 10g.
    I have problem with RUN_REPORT_OBJECT in web forms.
    I have error: FRM-41211 SSL integration error .....
    OracleAS server began on Windoes XP SP2.
    Do you help me ?

    I remember having seen this issue in teh apst. My best recommendation is to work with customer support (

  • Stopping the Enterprise Manager Console (Oracle 10g on SuSE 9.1)

    I'm trying to stop the Enterprise Manager Console by issuing the command:
    ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/emctl stop dbconsole
    Unfortunately, the command fails to stop the EM Console. Here's the output I get:
    TZ set to US/Pacific
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2004 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control ...
    --- Failed to shutdown DBConsole Gracefully ---
    The only way I can stop the EM Console (and related services--i.e., emagent) is to kill its process.
    Everything (Listener, DB Instance, EM Console) starts fine. I can stop the Listener and DB Instance without any problems. It's just the EM Console shutdown that doesn't happen cleanly.
    Has anyone else encountered the same condition? If so, what was the solution?
    Here's my operating environment:
    SuSE 9.1 (Kernel 2.6.5-7.108-default)
    Oracle 10g
    Thanks in advance for any help/insight.

    Has anyone else encountered the same condition? If so, what was the solution?Yes. Shutdown/reboot of the system made the error go away.
    Sorry, no better clues,

  • Migration from Oracle 9i 32 bit to Oracle 10G 64 bit on Windows 2003 Server

    I am working on migrating Oracle 9i 32 bit to Oracle 10G 64 bit on Windows 2003 from Old server to new server. We have db around 500 GB and 3 schemas. I installed Oracle 10G on new server, created tablespaces, schema's blah blah and now doing export and import at schema level from old server to new server.
    Import is taking more than 4 to 5 hours on new server. My manager is saying, window time is bit longer and he wants me to try possiblities to make this process faster. Can some one help me on this, to use the best possible method to complete this process faster?
    Will below step work, if I try?
    If I install, oracle 9i and 10g both on new server in different home directories and take the hot backup from old machine and restore on new machine in 9i home directory and use the upgrade configuration assistant from 10g and do the upgrade? Pls advice.
    Thanks in advance,
    Hari babu
    Edited by: user6367891 on Mar 2, 2010 5:28 AM

    It looks good.
    I have one question in below steps:
    To migrate an Oracle9i or older database to an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) database for 64-bit Windows:
    1 Perform steps 1 - 11 in "Migrating an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) Database".
    2 Shut down the database on the 64-bit computer:
    3 Start the database migration:
    4 Migrate the database as described in Chapter 3, "Upgrading a Database to the New Oracle Database 10g Release" in Oracle Database Upgrade Guide.
    In step 4, it says, migrate database as described in chapter 3. In chapter 3, it says, to do the upgrade the process using dbca or manually. Pls confirm whether do the upgrade process after issuing startup migrate or not.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Oracle 10G New Feature........Part 1

    Dear all,
    from last couple of days i was very busy with my oracle 10g box,so i think this is right time to
    share some intresting feature on 10g and some internal stuff with all of you.
    Have a look :-
    Oracle 10g Memory and Storage Feature.
    1.Automatic Memory Management.
    2.Online Segment Shrink
    3.Redolog Advisor, checkpointing
    4.Multiple Temporary tablespace.
    5.Automatic Workload Repository
    6.Active Session History
    a)Rename Tablespace
    b)Bigfile tablespace
    c)flushing buffer cache
    a)undocumented parameter (_log_blocks_during_backup)
    b)X$ view (x$messages view)
    c)Internal Structure of Controlfile
    1.Automatic memory management
    This feature reduce the overhead of oracle DBA.previously mostly time we need to set diff oracle SGA parameter for
    better performance with the help of own experience,advice views and by monitoring the behaviour
    of oracle database.
    this was just time consuming activity.........
    Now this feature makes easy life for oracle DBA.
    Just set SGA_TARGET parameter and it automatically allocate memory to different SGA parameter.
    it focus on DB_CACHE_SIZE
    and automatically set it as
    check it in alert_log
    MMAN(memory manager) process is new in 10g and this is responsible for sga tuning task.
    it automatically increase and decrease the SGA parameters value as per the requirement.
    Benefit:- Maximum utlization of available SGA memory.
    2.Online Segment Shrink.
    hmmmmm again a new feature by oracle to reduce the downtime.Now oracle mainly focus on availablity
    thats why its always try to reduce the downtime by intrducing new feature.
    in previous version ,reducing High water mark of table was possible by
    alter table move....cmd. but on these method tables was not available for normal use for long hrs if it has more data.
    but in 10g with just few command we can reduce the HWmark of table.
    this feature is available for ASSM tablespaces.
    1.alter table emp enable row movement.
    2.alter table emp shrink space.
    the second cmd have two phases
    first phase is to compact the segment and in this phase DML operations are allowed.
    second phase(shrink phase)oracle shrink the HWM of table, DML operation will be blocked at that time for short duration.
    So if want to shrink the HWM of table then we should use it with two diff command
    first compact the segment and then shrink it on non-peak hrs.
    alter table emp shrink space compact. (This cmd doesn't block the DML operation.)
    and alter table emp shrink space. (This cmd should be on non-peak hrs.)
    Benefit:- better full table scan.
    3.Redolog Advisor and checkpointing
    now oracle will suggest the size of redo log file by V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY
    this value is influence with the value of FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET .
    Automatic checkpointing will be enable after setting FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET to non-zero value.
    4.Multiple Temporary tablespace.
    Now we can manage multiple temp tablespace under one group.
    we can create a tablespace group implicitly when we include the TABLESPACE GROUP clause in the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE or ALTER TABLESPACE statement and the specified tablespace group does not currently exist.
    For example, if group1 is not exists,then the following statements create this groups with new tablespace
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp1 TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/data/temp01.dbf'
    SIZE 50M
    --Add Existing temp tablespace into group by
    alter tablespace temp2 tablespace group group1.
    --we can also assign the temp tablespace group on database level as default temp tablespace.
    benefit:- Better I/O
    One sql can use more then one temp tablespace
    5.AWR(Automatic Workload Repository):-
    ================================== AWR is built in Repository and Central point of Oracle 10g.Oracle self managing activities
    is fully dependent on default after 1 hr, oracle capure all database uses information and store in AWR with the help of
    MMON process.we called it Memory monitor process.and all these information are kept upto 7 days(default) and after that it automatically purge.
    we can generate a AWR report by
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt
    Just like statspack report but its a advance and diff version of statspack,it provide more information of Database as well as OS.
    it show report in Html and Text format.
    we can also take manually snapshot for AWR by
    **The STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter must be set to the TYPICAL or ALL to enable the Automatic Workload Repository.
    [oracle@RMSORA1 oracle]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Mar 17 10:37:22 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt
    Current Instance
    DB Id DB Name Inst Num Instance
    4174002554 RMSORA 1 rmsora
    Specify the Report Type
    Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
    Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
    Defaults to 'html'
    Enter value for report_type: text
    Type Specified: text
    Instances in this Workload Repository schema
    DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
    * 4174002554 1 RMSORA rmsora RMSORA1
    Using 4174002554 for database Id
    Using 1 for instance number
    Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
    Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
    (n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing <return> without
    specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
    Listing the last 3 days of Completed Snapshots
    Instance DB Name Snap Id Snap Started Level
    rmsora RMSORA 16186 16 Mar 2006 17:33 1
    16187 16 Mar 2006 18:00 1
    16206 17 Mar 2006 03:30 1
    16207 17 Mar 2006 04:00 1
    16208 17 Mar 2006 04:30 1
    16209 17 Mar 2006 05:00 1
    16210 17 Mar 2006 05:31 1
    16211 17 Mar 2006 06:00 1
    16212 17 Mar 2006 06:30 1
    16213 17 Mar 2006 07:00 1
    16214 17 Mar 2006 07:30 1
    16215 17 Mar 2006 08:01 1
    16216 17 Mar 2006 08:30 1
    16217 17 Mar 2006 09:00 1
    Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
    Enter value for begin_snap: 16216
    Begin Snapshot Id specified: 16216
    Enter value for end_snap: 16217
    End Snapshot Id specified: 16217
    Specify the Report Name
    The default report file name is awrrpt_1_16216_16217.txt. To use this name,
    press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
    Benefit:- Now DBA have more free time to play games.....................:-)
    Advance version of statspack
    more DB and OS information with self managing capabilty
    New Automatic alert and database advisor with the help of AWR.
    6.Active Session History:-
    V$active_session_history is view that contain the recent session history.
    the memory for ASH is comes from SGA and it can't more then 5% of Shared pool.
    So we can get latest and active session report from v$active_session_history view and also get histortical data of
    of session from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY.
    v$active_session_history include some imp column like:-
    ~SQL identifier of SQL statement
    ~Object number, file number, and block number
    ~Wait event identifier and parameters
    ~Session identifier and session serial number
    ~Module and action name
    ~Client identifier of the session
    Rename Tablespace:-
    in 10g,we can even rename a tablespace by
    alter tablespace <tb_name> rename to <tb_name_new>;
    This command will update the controlfile,data dictionary and datafile header,but dbf filename will be same.
    **we can't rename system and sysaux tablespace.
    Bigfile tablespace:-
    Bigfile tablespace contain only one datafile.
    A bigfile tablespace with 8K blocks can contain a 32 terabyte datafile.
    Bigfile tablespaces are supported only for locally managed tablespaces with automatic segment-space management.
    we can take the advantage of bigfile tablespace when we are using ASM or other logical volume with RAID.
    without ASM or RAID ,it gives poor response.
    Flushing Buffer Cache:-
    This option is same as flushing the shared pool,but only available with 10g.
    but i don't know, whats the use of this command in prod database......
    anyway we can check and try it on test server for tuning n testing some query etc....
    SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;
    System altered.
    8.Oracle Internal
    Here is some stuff that is not related with 10g but have some intresting things.
    a)undocumented parameter "_log_blocks_during_backup"
    as we know that oracle has generate more redo logs during hotbackup mode because
    oracle has to maintain the a complete copy of block into redolog due to split block.
    we can also change this behaviour by setting this parameter to False.
    If Oracle block size equals the operating system block size.thus reducing the amount of redo generated
    during a hot backup.
    b)some X$ views (X$messages)
    if you are intresting in oracle internal architecture then x$ view is right place for getting some intresting things.
    X$messages :-it show all the actions that a background process do.
    select * from x$messages;
    lock memory at startup MMAN
    Memory Management MMAN
    Handle sga_target resize MMAN
    Reset advisory pool when advisory turned ON MMAN
    Complete deferred initialization of components MMAN
    lock memory timeout action MMAN
    tune undo retention MMNL
    MMNL Periodic MQL Selector MMNL
    ASH Sampler (KEWA) MMNL
    MMON SWRF Raw Metrics Capture MMNL
    reload failed KSPD callbacks MMON
    SGA memory tuning MMON
    background recovery area alert action MMON
    Flashback Marker MMON
    tablespace alert monitor MMON
    Open/close flashback thread RVWR
    kfcl instance recovery SMON
    c)Internal Structure of Controlfile
    The contents of the current controlfile can be dumped in text form.
    Dump Level Dump Contains
    1 only the file header
    2 just the file header, the database info record, and checkpoint progress records
    3 all record types, but just the earliest and latest records for circular reuse record types
    4 as above, but includes the 4 most recent records for circular reuse record types
    5+ as above, but the number of circular reuse records included doubles with each level
    the session must be connected AS SYSDBA
    alter session set events 'immediate trace name controlf level 5';
    This dump show lots of intresting information.
    it also show rman recordes if we used this controlfile in rman backup.
    Kuljeet Pal Singh

    You can find each doc in html and pdf format on the Documentation Library<br>
    You can too download all the documentation in html format to have all on your own computer here (445.8MB)<br>

  • Oracle 10g - Defining the column name in Non English

    Hi Experts,
    I have an exisitng application which is developed on Windows using ASP Technology and uses Oracle 10g
    The application is supported with an instance of Data Base within which multiple tablespaces are created for different clients. The application is developed in such a way that some of the tables arecreated dynamically and the columns are named using the data entered through the UI.
    This application needs to be globalized now. The problem is, the column name entered through the UI can be in any language based on the client's settings and those values in turn will be used for naming the columns in the tables.
    1) Can I have the column names to be named using non english characters in Oracle 10g DB? If so,
    1.1) what should I do to configure the exisiting Oracle instance to support it?
    1.2) To what level is that configuration possible, is it per DB instance level (or) can it be done at Tablespace level. I would like to configure each tablespace to host tables with columns defined with different languages, say for example, tablespace 1 will have tables with Japaenese column names and tablespace 2 will have tables with German column names?
    2) What should I do to make my entire DB to support unicode data i.e., to accept any language strings. Currently all strings are declared as VarChar2, should I change all VarChar2 to NVarChar2 (or) is there a way to retain the VarChar2 as is and make some database wide setting?
    Please note that I do not have an option of retaining the column in English as per the Business Requirement.
    OS - Windows 2003 32 bit
    Oracle 10g
    UI forms in ASP

    1. Yes, you can.
    SQL> create table ÜÝÞ( ßàá number(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into ÜÝÞ values (10);
    1 row created.1.1 and 1.2 and 2. You can choose UTF as your default character set. It allows the user of non-English characters in VARCHAR columns in your whole database. It is not per tablespace.
    SQL> create table ÜÝÞ( ßàá varchar2(100));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into ÜÝÞ values ('âãäçìé');
    1 row created.

  • Oracle 10g - Date format in SELECT query for CFOUTPUT

    Hello, everyone.
    The project that I am working on in the dev environment is connected to an Oracle 11g database, but the production side is Oracle 10g.
    I have a page that is erroring in production (but not development) when it gets to a date that it needs to display.
    A co-worker mentioned that, in 10g, if a date/time is being SELECTed, you have to put it in to_char(), so I did that.
    But it's still erroring, and I'm not getting an error message, so I'm assuming that I have an incorrect format for the date in the SELECT.
    What is the proper format for SELECTing a date/time when using to_char()?  Right now, I have SELECT to_char(create_date,'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI') FROM tableA .  Is this not correct for CF to output?
    Thank you,

    Please see my original post ("I have a page erroring in production (but not in development) when it gets to a date that it needs to display.")  Sorry if it came across as vague.  It made sense, to me, when I typed it.  But, then, I'm usually typing fast just to get the question out there, when I'm in a hurry.
    Haven't done a CFDUMP, yet, as every time I make a change in development that needs to be tested in production, I have to notify my supervisor that there are files that need to be copied into production, which can sometimes take a while, so I try to do troubleshooting on dev side - it's a pain in the you-know-what, but that's the kind of environment I'm working in.
    As it turns out, changing the format in the SELECT to_char() did the trick.  If anyone else has this issue with Oracle 10g, I'm now using SELECT to_char(create_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI') FROM tableA, and now the CFOUTPUT is processing the whole page.  I guess the MM-DD-YYYY threw CF into a tizzy, breaking the process?
    Anyhoo, it's working, now.  Thank you, Dan and Adam, for your thoughts on this.

  • Nested tables and multiset operators in Oracle 10g

    Consider the following scenario:
    We have two identical relations R and S defined as:
    a INTEGER,
    b table_type)
    NESTED TABLE b STORE as b_1;
    a INTEGER,
    b table_type)
    NESTED TABLE b STORE as b_2;
    where table_typ is defined as
    Suppose we have two instances of R and S, each having one tuple as follows: R(1,table_typ('a','b')) and S(1,table_typ('b','c')).
    I would like to "merge" these two simple instances (e.g., achieve the effect of a simple SELECT * FROM R UNION SELECT * FROM S query) and obtain the following resulting instance: Result(1,table_typ('a','b','c')).
    Would this be possible in Oracle 10g? A simple UNION does not work (I got a "inconsistent datatypes: expected - got SCOTT.TABLE_TYP" error). I also took a look at the MULTISET UNION operator over nested tables available in Oracle 10g, but it doesn't seem to get me anywhere. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
      2  /
    Type created.
      2    a INTEGER,
      3    b table_type)
      4    NESTED TABLE b STORE as b_1;
    Table created.
      2    a INTEGER,
      3    b table_type)
      4    NESTED TABLE b STORE as b_2;
    Table created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO r VALUES (1, table_type ('a', 'b'));
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO s VALUES (1, table_type ('b', 'c'));
    1 row created.
      2  FROM   r, s
      3  WHERE  r.a = s.a;
             A C
             1 TABLE_TYPE('a', 'b', 'c')

  • Error in Installing Oracle 10g Express Edition Universal on WIndows2003

    While Installing Oracle 10g XE Universal On WIndows 2003 Server Standard Edition(Which is a standalone Machine). I got an following Error:
    Error No: 0x80040707
    Error Description: DLL Function Call Crashed: GetHostnameDll.getHostname.
    Plz find some solution for the above problem.

    Here's the resolution that can work for you:
    Disable the "Print Spooler" service before running the installer.
    1.Open Control Panel: Start --> Settings --> Control Panel
    2.Double-click "Services"
    3.On the list of NT Services, right-click "Print Spooler"
    4.Select "Stop"
    5.Select "Properties"
    6.Under Startup Type, select "manual" or "disabled"
    7.Reboot your NT Server
    8.After rebooting, verify that the Print Spooler is still "stopped".
    9.Delete Program Files\Common Files\Installshield\Engine folder
    10.Re-run the installer.
    11.After installation, re-set the Print Spooler service to Startup type "Automatic" and start the service.
    Also, have a look at the installshield page:

  • Error message when installing Oracle 10g on Windows XP Professional

    I need help installing oracle 10g database. When I attempt to run the installation from the setup.exe icon, I get a message that says
    "Error in writing to directory C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\OraInstall2007-04-29_01-19-29PM. Please ensure this directory is writable and has atleast 45Mb of disk space. Installation cannot continue."
    When I try to open the installation from the Autorun icon, it points to an innability to find setup.exe and when I go back to Setup.exe, it gives me the above error. Everytime I try to run the installation and it fails, the installation leaves a folder in my Temp folder with the above format. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    I do have administrative privilege on my computer and I have plenty of space. I have 80gb of free space. What do I do to successfully install the software without incurring those messages I displayed in my first thread?

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