Oracle 11g R1 client download

Hi guys,
I need to install the Oracle 11g R1 client, but i cannot seem to find a link to download this. Please help.
Nairooz Nilafdeen

956090 wrote:
The oracle client version is 11g R2 64 bit and the database server is a 11g R1 and I am trying to load the data from the server to a 11g R2 database.
I am not sure how to look at the version of the data pump client.
But i do have a 32 bit version of the 11g R2 also installed on my machine, could that be an issue? (he bin for both the installation are on the PATh variable)Yes, it could be an issue.
Run the executable file using the absolute path (i.e. if the 64-bit version is installed under C:\oracle\11gr2\bin then use C:\oracle\11gr2\bin\impdp). Or, make sure this ORACLE_HOME is set first in the PATH.

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    Oracle universal installer window is not coming up in windows 8 machine, if any one installed Oracle 11G R2 client in windows 8. Please share those steps and if you have latest 11G client share that download link.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: 969434 on Nov 4, 2012 10:48 PM

    Win 8 is not certified yet. Please use certification matrix at metalink and also check below note:
    Master Note For Oracle Database Client Installation [ID 1157463.1]
    Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions [ID 207303.1]
    PS:Please dont forget to change thread status to answered if it possible when u belive your thread has been answered, it pretend to lose time of other forums user while they are searching open question which is not answered,thanks for understanding

  • Oracle 11g R2 Client Silent Installation Issue (PATH) Windows 7 x86

    Hi All,
    I'm hoping somebody can shed some light on this issue.
    I created a Response file using the 'Save Response File' method during an interactive installation on a Windows 7 Enterprise x86 client. (file enclosed)
    I have installed it multiple times now with multiple permutations of the command line (got caught out by the old lower case F in responseFile) but now I'm getting the same error each time (a critical error with the PATH according to the installation log). There is nothing wrong with the path length as the installation works fine in GUI mode and passes the Prereq check.
    I launch the command line to install (with Run As Administrator) - "[location of setup.exe]\setup.exe" -nowait -silent -responseFile "[location of response file]\Oracle11gv2.rsp"
    ## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2008. All rights reserved. ##
    ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize ##
    ## your installation. ##
    ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment ##
    ## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate ##
    ## values.                                   ##
    # Do not change the following system generated value.
    # This variable holds the hostname of the system as set by the user.
    # It can be used to force the installation to use an alternative
    # hostname rather than using the first hostname found on the system
    # (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames and network interfaces).
    # Unix group to be set for the inventory directory.
    # Inventory location.
    INVENTORY_LOCATION=C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    # Specify the languages in which the components will be installed.
    # en : English ja : Japanese
    # fr : French ko : Korean
    # ar : Arabic es : Latin American Spanish
    # bn : Bengali lv : Latvian
    # pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese lt : Lithuanian
    # bg : Bulgarian ms : Malay
    # fr_CA: Canadian French es_MX: Mexican Spanish
    # ca : Catalan no : Norwegian
    # hr : Croatian pl : Polish
    # cs : Czech pt : Portuguese
    # da : Danish ro : Romanian
    # nl : Dutch ru : Russian
    # ar_EG: Egyptian zh_CN: Simplified Chinese
    # en_GB: English (Great Britain) sk : Slovak
    # et : Estonian sl : Slovenian
    # fi : Finnish es_ES: Spanish
    # de : German sv : Swedish
    # el : Greek th : Thai
    # iw : Hebrew zh_TW: Traditional Chinese
    # hu : Hungarian tr : Turkish
    # is : Icelandic uk : Ukrainian
    # in : Indonesian vi : Vietnamese
    # it : Italian
    # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja
    # Complete path of the Oracle Home
    # Complete path of the Oracle Base.
    #Name : INSTALL_TYPE
    #Datatype : String
    #Description: Installation type of the component.
    # The following choices are available. The value should contain
    # only one of these choices.
    # InstantClient : InstantClient
    # Administrator : Administrator
    # Runtime : Runtime
    # Custom : Custom
    #Example : INSTALL_TYPE = "Administrator"
    # Name : oracle.install.client.customComponents
    # Datatype : StringList
    # This property is considered only if INSTALL_TYPE is set to "Custom"
    # Description: List of Client Components you would like to install
    # The following choices are available. You may specify any
    # combination of these choices. The components you choose should
    # be specified in the form "internal-component-name:version"
    # Below is a list of components you may specify to install.
    # oracle.sqlj: -- "Oracle SQLJ"
    # oracle.rdbms.util: -- "Oracle Database Utilities"
    # oracle.javavm.client: -- "Oracle Java Client"
    # oracle.sqlplus: -- "SQL*Plus"
    # oracle.dbjava.jdbc: -- "Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces"
    # oracle.ldap.client: -- "Oracle Internet Directory Client"
    # oracle.rdbms.oci: -- "Oracle Call Interface (OCI)"
    # oracle.precomp: -- "Oracle Programmer"
    # oracle.xdk: -- "Oracle XML Development Kit"
    # -- "Oracle Advanced Security"
    # oracle.assistants.oemlt: -- "Enterprise Manager Minimal Integration"
    # oracle.oraolap.mgmt: -- "OLAP Analytic Workspace Manager and Worksheet"
    # -- "Oracle Net"
    # oracle.ordim.client: -- "Oracle Multimedia Client Option"
    # oracle.ons: -- "Oracle Notification Service"
    # oracle.odbc: -- "Oracle ODBC Driver"
    # oracle.has.client: -- "Oracle Clusterware High Availability API"
    # oracle.dbdev: -- "Oracle SQL Developer"
    # oracle.rdbms.scheduler: -- "Oracle Scheduler Agent"
    # Example : oracle.install.client.customComponents="oracle.precomp:","oracle.ons:","oracle.oraolap.mgmt:","oracle.rdbms.scheduler:"
    #Name : MTS_PORT
    #Datatype : int
    #Description: Port number to be used for by the Oracle MTS Recovery Service to listen
    #          for requests. This needs to be entered in case oracle.ntoramts is
    #     selected in the list of custom components in custom install
    #Example : MTS_PORT = 2030
    # Host name to be used for by the Oracle Scheduler Agent.
    # This needs to be entered in case oracle.rdbms.scheduler is selected in the
    # list of custom components during custom install
    # Example : oracle.install.client.schedulerAgentHostName =
    # Port number to be used for by the Oracle Scheduler Agent.
    # This needs to be entered in case oracle.rdbms.scheduler is selected in the
    # list of custom components during custom install
    # Example: oracle.install.client.schedulerAgentPortNumber = 1500

    Using paramFile: Z:\Source Media\KM0399 - Oracle 11g\win32_11gR2_client\client\install\oraparam.ini
    The commandline for unzip:
    Z:\Source Media\KM0399 - Oracle 11g\win32_11gR2_client\client\install\unzip -qqqo ..\stage\Components\oracle.jdk\\1\DataFiles/"*.jar" -d "C:\Users\DESKTO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM" INFO: Loading data from: jar:file:/C:/Users/DesktopAdmin/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/C:/Users/DesktopAdmin/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings from jar:file:/C:/Users/DesktopAdmin/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Verifying target environment...
    INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
    INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
    INFO: Inventory exists: false
    INFO: Registering setup bean
    INFO: Validating Response File Z:\Source Media\KM0399 - Oracle 11g\win32_11gR2_client\client\response\Oracle11gv2.rsp
    WARNING: Unable to find the namespace URI. Reason: Start of root element expected.
    INFO: Setting Response file data to the Installer
    WARNING: Unable to find the namespace URI. Reason: Start of root element expected.
    INFO: Building Flow
    INFO: Building the flow graph
    INFO: Loaded state init
    INFO: Loaded state clientInstallType
    INFO: Loaded state productLanguage
    INFO: Loaded state getOracleHome
    INFO: Loaded state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Loaded state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Loaded state postPrereqs
    INFO: Loaded state summary
    INFO: Loaded state clientCustomInstall
    INFO: Loaded state schedulerAgent
    INFO: Loaded state mtsDialog
    INFO: Loaded state setup
    INFO: Loaded state finish
    INFO: Linking states
    INFO: State[checkPrereqs]: route=success; to=summary
    INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
    INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_SCHEDULERAGENT; to=schedulerAgent
    INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_no; to=productLanguage
    INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_yes; to=getOracleHome
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
    INFO: State[init]: route=success; to=clientInstallType
    INFO: State[mtsDialog]: route=success; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=CUSTOM; to=clientCustomInstall
    INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=NON_CUSTOM; to=summary
    INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=executeprereqs; to=checkPrereqs
    INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=ignoreprereqs; to=summary
    INFO: State[productLanguage]: route=productlanguage_yes; to=getOracleHome
    INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
    INFO: State[setup]: route=success; to=finish
    INFO: State[summary]: route=success; to=setup
    INFO: Successfully built the flow
    INFO: Opening bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
    INFO: Changing the format to extended property file format to merge the flowDataDefaults with the flowDataSource
    INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/Z:/Source Media/KM0399 - Oracle 11g/win32_11gR2_client/client/response/Oracle11gv2.rsp
    INFO: Translating external format into raw format
    INFO: Loaded BeanStore using the flow data source
    INFO: Registering the flow data beans
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'UNIX_GROUP_NAME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INVENTORY_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SELECTED_LANGUAGES' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_HOST' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PORT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_USER' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PWD' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOSTNAME' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'OCMSettings' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: Set value for bean ClientSetupBean
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.ivw.client.bean.ClientInstallSettings. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClientInstallSettings' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: Closing bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
    INFO: Registering the flow views
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI viewId: ProductLanguageUI uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.OraMTSGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: Initial values of Setup Properties :
    FROM_LOCATION Z:\Source Media\KM0399 - Oracle 11g\win32_11gR2_client\cl
    INVENTORY_LOCATION C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD Protected value, not to be logged
    ORACLE_BASE C:\Oracle
    ORACLE_HOME C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1
    PROXY_PWD Protected value, not to be logged
    oracle_install_LaunchNetCA false
    oracle_install_NoMigration true
    oracle_install_RACInstall false
    oracle_install_client_CustomComponents {"oracle.rdbms.util:","oracle.sqlplus:
    oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber 49152
    oracle_install_db_InstallEdition EE
    INFO: Launching Oracle Client Installer
    INFO: Started executing the flow in SILENT mode
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state init
    INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state init
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state init
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state init
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <init>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <init>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating state <init>
    WARNING: Validation disabled for the state init
    INFO: Completed validating state <init>
    INFO: Verifying route success
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state clientInstallType
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating state <clientInstallType>
    WARNING: Validation disabled for the state clientInstallType
    INFO: Completed validating state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: In Transition of InstallTypesAction:
    INFO: Verifying route ic_no
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state productLanguage
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.common.action.ProductLanguageAction
    INFO: Completed validating state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Verifying route productlanguage_yes
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state getOracleHome
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Custom.xml
    INFO: refDataFile: Z:\Source Media\KM0399 - Oracle 11g\win32_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Custom.xml
    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
    INFO: InstallAreaControl exists: false
    INFO: Checking:NEW_HOME
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:ORCA_HOME
    INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from Z:\Source Media\KM0399 - Oracle 11g\win32_11gR2_client\client\install\..\stage\shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/Z:/Source Media/KM0399 - Oracle 11g/win32_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: Translating external format into raw format
    INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/Z:/Source Media/KM0399 - Oracle 11g/win32_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1046.229476928711
    INFO: PATH has :==>C:\Users\DESKTO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM\jdk\jre\bin;.;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\AdminStudio\11.5\Common\
    INFO: Completed validating state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: InstallLocationAction to INVENTORY_NO_CUSTOM_YES
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state clientCustomInstall
    INFO: Re-loading component config bean
    INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/C:/Users/DesktopAdmin/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM/ext/jlib/instclient.jar!/oracle/install/ivw/client/resource/custom_components.xml
    INFO: Translating external format into raw format
    INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.commons.base.util.ComponentConfig from jar:file:/C:/Users/DesktopAdmin/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM/ext/jlib/instclient.jar!/oracle/install/ivw/client/resource/custom_components.xml
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'dependants' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: Resolving dependencies
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <clientCustomInstall>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <clientCustomInstall>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating state <clientCustomInstall>
    INFO: Completed validating state <clientCustomInstall>
    INFO: Verifying route TO_ENDCUSTOM
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    WARNING: Validation disabled for the state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Completed validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Verifying route executeprereqs
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Custom.xml
    INFO: refDataFile: Z:\Source Media\KM0399 - Oracle 11g\win32_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Custom.xml
    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Physical Memory
    INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task Free Space
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Free Space: GBA-P74444432:C:\Users\DESKTO~1\AppData\Local\Temp
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Architecture
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Environment variable: "PATH"
    INFO: CVU tracingEnabled = false
    INFO: Nodes are prepared for verification.
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 128MB (131072.0KB) of total physical memory.
    INFO: Severity:IGNORABLE
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:GBA-P74444432
    INFO: Expected Value:128MB (131072.0KB)
    INFO: Actual Value:1023.5547MB (1048120.0KB)
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Free Space: GBA-P74444432:C:\Users\DESKTO~1\AppData\Local\Temp: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient free space is available in the file system.
    INFO: Severity:IGNORABLE
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:GBA-P74444432
    INFO: Expected Value:130MB
    INFO: Actual Value:21.3053GB
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Architecture: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has a certified architecture.
    INFO: Severity:CRITICAL
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:GBA-P74444432
    INFO: Expected Value:32-bit
    INFO: Actual Value:32-bit
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Environment variable: "PATH": This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length.
    INFO: Severity:CRITICAL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:GBA-P74444432
    WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.client.action.PrereqAction
    INFO: Adding ExitStatus PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET to the exit status set
    SEVERE: [FATAL] [INS-13013] Target environment do not meet some mandatory requirements.
    CAUSE: Some of the mandatory prerequisites are not met. See logs for details. C:\Users\DESKTO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM\installActions2013-02-26_08-36-31AM.log
    ACTION: Identify the list of failed prerequisite checks from the log: C:\Users\DESKTO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM\installActions2013-02-26_08-36-31AM.log. Then either from the log file or from installation manual find the appropriate configuration to meet the prerequisites and fix it manually.
    INFO: Advice is ABORT
    INFO: Adding ExitStatus INVALID_USER_INPUT to the exit status set
    INFO: Completed validating state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Terminating all background operations
    INFO: Terminated all background operations
    WARNING: A log of this session is currently saved as: C:\Users\DESKTO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-02-26_08-36-31AM\installActions2013-02-26_08-36-31AM.log. Oracle recommends that if you want to keep this log, you should move it from the temporary location to a more permanent location.
    INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application
    INFO: Exit Status is -3
    INFO: Shutdown Oracle Client Installer
    INFO: Unloading Setup Driver

  • Assistance needed during Oracle 11G R2 client installations in Windows 2008

    I am installing Oracle 11G R2 client in Windows 2008 R2 enterprise server. It has JR6 installed. But whenever I am launching the installer from OUI, I am getting the error 'Java: “Could not find the main class. Program will exit” and the installation is getting terminated. Any inputs/suggestions will be great for me.
    Thanks in advance.

    are you able to run java manually? I.e. java --help in the cmd? Are your environment variables (JAVA_HOME) set properly?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Oracle 11g 32bit Client

    Can someone tell me if Oracle 11g 32bit client is going to work on a 64bit Windows 7?

    You may want to post your question to the forum dedicated to Oracle installation.
    Database Installation
    Hope it helps,
    Zhe Wu

  • Oracle 11g Express Client?

    Oracle 10g Express comes with a client installation.
    Where is the client installation for 11g Express?

    Client software is included in 11g XE
    If you need to access the 11g XE install from a remote client, then install an Instant Client or regular Oracle Client on the remote machine as stated in the doc

  • Oracle 11g Instant Client availability on Windows

    We have just installed and tested new features on Oracle 11g Linux and Windows.
    We had a problem in the deployment phase, we installed the Oracle Instant Client in Windows connected to Oracle 11g Server with Linux.
    The systems seems is not working correctly, when will be the instant client 11g for Windows available?
    We have a urgent need to know it.
    Thanks a lot.

    I don't think the instant client is available yet for windows nor linux.
    As for the 11g client beta on windows, you can get it via ODAC.
    Oracle 11g ODAC Beta
    Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) Beta Download

  • Windows 7 install of Oracle 11g R2 client hangs

    The prior discussion was closed, but I have something to add, so I am opening a new thread.  The prior thread is Oracle 11g install hangs on windows 7
    I found that the very final post, by user12924267 was correct and solved the problem for me.
    The symptoms were the same or similar as what other users had reported.
    On Windows 7 workstation, I ran the 11g r2 installer.  The installer would get to the point where it was checking system requirements, and then it would just hang there forever.
    I tried disabling User Account Control (requiring a reboot), and that did not help.
    I tried disabling the firewall, and that did not help.
    However, the following command did work.  From the command prompt at the installation folder
         setup.exe -jreLoc C:\install\reinstall\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre
    Then it went all the way through and installed successfully.
    I don't think it really matters which Java folder you use.  I happened to have a Java folder that I knew worked (because I had previously successfully run SQL-Developer from it), and so I just re-used that same Java folder.  The default Java that comes with the 11g installer, is the one with the problem. 

    Pl confirm that you are following all of the steps in the Install Guide -
    Try re-installing with option "-logLevel" set to "finest" to see if additional information is captured in the install logs -

  • Oracle 11g R2 client installation on Windows 7 64 bit hangs after performing prerequisite checks

    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64bit OS
    6 GB RAM
    380 GB free space
    Extracted client to C:\Stage\win64_11gR2_client\client
    Ran setup.exe as administrator, but the installation always hangs after step 5 of 7 is completed (Perform Prerequisite checks). Install log ends with entry "INFO: Get view named [SummaryUI]"
    What am I missing here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Directory of C:\Stage\win64_11gR2_client\client
    06/15/2013  02:56 PM    <DIR>          .
    06/15/2013  02:56 PM    <DIR>          ..
    06/15/2013  02:56 PM    <DIR>          doc
    06/15/2013  02:56 PM    <DIR>          install
    06/15/2013  02:56 PM    <DIR>          response
    06/15/2013  02:55 PM           341,304 setup.exe
    06/15/2013  02:55 PM                56 setup.ini
    06/15/2013  02:59 PM    <DIR>          stage
    06/15/2013  02:55 PM             4,327 welcome.html
                   3 File(s)        345,687 bytes
                   6 Dir(s)  412,474,404,864 bytes free
    Last few lines of install log:
    WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases.conciseHelpText
    WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc.conciseHelpText
    INFO: View for [InstallLocationUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI@75f0f8ff
    INFO: Initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state getOracleHome
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Validating state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Administrator.xml
    INFO: refDataFile: C:\Stage\win64_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Administrator.xml
    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
    INFO: InstallAreaControl exists: false
    INFO: Checking:NEW_HOME
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:ORCA_HOME
    INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from c:\Stage\win64_11gR2_client\client\install\..\stage\shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/c:/Stage/win64_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: Translating external format into raw format
    INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/c:/Stage/win64_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1068.0003070831299
    INFO: PATH has :==>C:\Temp\OraInstall2013-06-17_02-55-15PM\jdk\jre\bin;.;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\windows\System32\Wbem;C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\APPS\PuTTY\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\
    INFO: Completed validating state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: InstallLocationAction to INVENTORY_NO
    INFO: Verifying route INVENTORY_NO
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    WARNING: Validation disabled for the state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Completed validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Verifying route executeprereqs
    INFO: Get view named [PrereqUI]
    INFO: View for [PrereqUI] is [email protected]e4b
    INFO: Initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Administrator.xml
    INFO: refDataFile: C:\Stage\win64_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Administrator.xml
    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Physical Memory
    INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task Free Space
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Free Space: PN-PC:C:\Temp
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Architecture
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Environment variable: "PATH"
    INFO: CVU tracingEnabled = false
    INFO: Nodes are prepared for verification.
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 128MB (131072.0KB) of total physical memory.
    INFO: Severity:IGNORABLE
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:PN-PC
    INFO: Expected Value:128MB (131072.0KB)
    INFO: Actual Value:5.9491GB (6238064.0KB)
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Free Space: PN-PC:C:\Temp: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient free space is available in the file system.
    INFO: Severity:IGNORABLE
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:PN-PC
    INFO: Expected Value:130MB
    INFO: Actual Value:384.1495GB
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Architecture: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has a certified architecture.
    INFO: Severity:CRITICAL
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:PN-PC
    INFO: Expected Value:64-bit
    INFO: Actual Value:64-bit
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Environment variable: "PATH": This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length.
    INFO: Severity:CRITICAL
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:PN-PC
    INFO: Expected Value:1023
    INFO: Actual Value:369
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Validating state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.client.action.PrereqAction
    INFO: Completed validating state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Verifying route success
    INFO: Get view named [SummaryUI]

    Yes, I've tried using the -jreLoc option but it doesn't seem to like the path.
    Version is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin
    C:\Stage\win64_11gR2_client\client>setup.exe -jreLoc "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6"
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors Higher than 256 .    Actual 4294967296     Passed
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:\Temp\OraInstall2013-06-17_04-47-16PM. Please wait ...
    The Java RunTime Environment was not found at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6"\bin\javaw.exe. Hence, the Oracle Universal Installer cannot be run.
    Please visit and install JRE version 1.3.1 or higher and try again
    I downloaded a newer version to C:\APPS\Java thinking the space in the path for Program Files (x86) might be a problem, but that also fails with the same error message
    Version is at C:\APPS\Java\bin
    C:\Stage\win64_11gR2_client\client>setup.exe -jreLoc "C:\APPS\Java\"
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors Higher than 256 .    Actual 4294967296     Passed
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:\Temp\OraInstall2013-06-17_05-09-13PM. Please wait ...
    The Java RunTime Environment was not found at C:APPS\Java"\bin\javaw.exe. Hence, the Oracle Universal Installer cannot be run.
    Please visit and install JRE version 1.3.1 or higher and try again

  • Oracle 11g INSTANT CLIENT for Mac OS 10.8 with SQLLDR and WRAP

    To Oracle please upgrade INSTANT Client 11g and/or 12c (future) and include two additional utilities I always use SQLLDR and WRAP. Currently I have to open a Linux VM to wrap and use SQL*Loader. I would prefer to do it all in the terminal window.
    Actually I would like to see sqlldr and wrap utilities included with all instant clients (Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc)

    Can you see the difference? (btw i am sure, genezi -v as sidadm worked with
    sidadm > /oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient_10204/genezi -v
    Client Shared Library 64-bit -
    System name:    HP-UX
    Release:        B.11.31
    Version:        U
    Machine:        ia64
    sidadm > genezi -v
    Client Shared Library 64-bit -
    System name:    HP-UX
    Release:        B.11.31
    Version:        U
    Machine:        ia64
    sidadm > strings /oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient_10204/ | grep 'Release'
    Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Patch Set 3                  
    Or check in SAPGui -> Menu -> Status
    Cheers Michael
    PS: the cause for the behavior is, that there is always a client library in the $ORACLE_HOME directory too. And you have to be careful which one you (genezi) picks...

  • Oracle 11g: spying client sessions

    I have a java client program using jdbc to connect to a database instance.
    I would like to spy the session of this client in terms of executed SQL operation on the server.
    What is the recommended tool for this in 11g?
    Note: I am not a db expert, I happy also with quick and dirty tricks.
    Thank you in advance.

    You can trace the session, which will create a trace file.
    You can audit the actions of that user, which will create records in AUD$ table.
    You can select from v$session, v$active_session_history, v$sql etc.
    Start by identifying their username, machine, and session ID by selecting from v$session.

  • Tns time out windows client , server on linux oracle 11g R1

    I have Windows 7 as the host machine and Oracle 11g R1 client installed on it.
    I installed VMWare V5.5 (downloaded from oracle site) and then installed Linux on it as guest OS. I have Oracle database 11g R1 intalled on Linux.
    I can ping the Linux server from Windows.
    I can also ftp to the Linux server from windows and get the files locally on Windows OS.
    The listener and tns files are configured correctly (i assume) on both Linux and Windows.
    Listener.ora on Linux
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME =CLRExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_2)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) )
    Tnsnames.ora on linux
    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
    Sqlnet.ora on Linux
    Windows files
    Tnsnames.ora on Windows
    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl) )
    Sqlnet.ora on Windows
    The error on windows
    ping results on windows
    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
    C:\Users\sri>tnsping orcl
    TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 23-JUL-2010 19:55:56
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    **Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias**
    **Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1**
    **521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))**
    **TNS-12535: TNS:operation timed out**

    # sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File: C:\or11g\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    # This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to
    # install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native
    # authentication, they will not be able to connect to the database on NT.

  • Can not configure Oracle 10g form  on oracle 11g client

    I need to install oracle 10g form in my system .
    Here is my system
    1. OS --XP
    2. 32 Bit
    4. Already oracle 11g release client installed ( I think that create the problem )
    I tried to install oracle 10g form , it installed but can cont configure net manager for it , Always it point to 11g client and hence I could not configure .
    Also I tried install Oracle Forms first then 11g client , But  I got same issue .
    I think if  I created multiplr home one for 11g client and other for forms , it may work out .
    Please  help me

    While deploying the example 'VacationRequest' in the oracle complete guide for 11g, i got an exception like this
    "12:08:15 PM] Deploying Application...
    [12:11:16 PM] [Deployer:149191]Operation 'deploy' on application 'VacationRequestTaskFlow' is initializing on 'soa_server1'
    [12:11:24 PM] [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]deploy application VacationRequestTaskFlow on soa_server1.: [Deployer:149145]Unable to contact 'bam_server1'. Deployment is deferred until 'bam_server1' becomes available.; nested exception is:
         java.rmi.UnknownHostException: Could not discover administration URL for server 'bam_server1'.
    [12:11:24 PM] [Deployer:149193]Operation 'deploy' on application 'VacationRequestTaskFlow' has failed on 'soa_server1'
    [12:11:24 PM] [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]deploy application VacationRequestTaskFlow on soa_server1.: Failed to load webapp: 'VacationRequestTaskFlow.war'.
    [12:11:24 PM] Weblogic Server Exception: weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: 'VacationRequestTaskFlow.war'
    [12:11:24 PM] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.adf.library.webapp.ResourceServlet
    [12:11:24 PM] See server logs or server console for more details.
    [12:11:24 PM] weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: 'VacationRequestTaskFlow.war'
    [12:11:24 PM] #### Deployment incomplete. ####
    [12:11:24 PM] Deployment Failed"
    Can anyone help in this.

  • Oracle 11g R2 Database Client for Mac OS X?

    Is there an Oracle 11g R2 client for Mac OS X? If so, where is it?

    Please check:
    Also see:
    Master Note For Oracle Database Client Installation [ID 1157463.1]
    Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions [ID 207303.1]
    Master Note For Database and Client Certification [ID 1298096.1]

  • Install Oracle 11g client on Windows 7

    I am getting an error while installing Oracle 11g R1 client( on Windows 7 x32.
    Error: OUI-18001: The operating system 'Windows Vista Version 6.1' is not supported.
    Recommendation : install the recommended service pack.

    Only for Oracle 10g client installation on win 7 32, 64 bit
    To get going with oracle on windows 7 64-bit. You can install oracle 10g 32 which you use for windows XP. Its unusal but successful. Install 10G it will get installed on program files x86. Then open tnsnames.ora files which will be either in program files x86/oracle/ or it will be in c:\oracle...write the correct server name in tnsnames and in PB while doing the configuration..write tns:servername in the server textbox. I did that and it got connected...incase u need any help let me know my email address is [email protected]
    Kishan Changlani

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