Panel Remoto

Queridos Amigos,
Desearia me ayudaran en conectarme a un VI por medio de un panel remoto en la modalidad de Labview a Labview, aparentemente cumpli con lo requerido, Active mi Web Server, en el indique la ruta de la carpeta en el que se encuentra el VI a ser supervisado remotamente, Tambien indique el nombre del VI a ser supervisado remotamente en el Web Server : Visible VIs, e indique el IP del cliente en el Web Server : Browser Acces.
estoy seguro de llegar a conectarm,e con el Web server, pero no puedo visualizar el VI que deseo, me sale un error que adjunto para que me ayuden a determinar de que se trata, para mas detalles les adjunto mas imagenes de estos cuadros de dialogo, espero me puedan ayudar, muchas gracias.
Adjuntos: ‏118 KB
Client_error_remote_panel.JPG ‏64 KB

Si puedes monitorear/controlar un ejecutable en remoto.
Te adjunto algunos enlaces  del foro de NI sobre la materia.
You need start the web server to have access at your executable, see below links with information about this :
"Qod natura non dat, Salmantica non praestat"

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    Go to Solution.

    Hola buen día!
    Navegadores de Internet como Mozilla Firefox y Chrome, necesitan un plugin para poder mostrar el Remote Front Panel. Normalmente cuando tu instalas LabVIEW Run-time 20xx, estos plugins se instalan automáticamente en las carpetas correspondientes de tus diferentes navegadores. Sin embargo, cuando tú instalas los navegadores después de instalar el Run-time, los plugins ya no se instalan de manera automática por lo que hay que hacerlo de manera manual. Te agrego algunos documentos que me fueron de utilidad para hacerlo funcionar en Firefox: 
    Missing Plugin Error Loading Remote Front Panel in Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Internet Explorer, or Safari
    Updating Mozilla Firefox Disables My Remote Front Panel Plugin
    En el caso de Chrome, sí me deja acceder al Remote Front Panel directamente, de casualidad te da la opción de intslar un plugin??
    José Alberto G.
    National Instruments
    ELP Support Engineer

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    Con LabVIEW 6.1 puedes usar la funcionalidad de los paneles remotos.
    Basicamente, haces una aplicacion que maneje los archivos como tu deseas, de manera local, usando los VIs de entrada y salida the archivos. Este VI se ejecuta en el servidor (donde se manejan los archivos).
    Usando los paneles remotos en LabVIEW, otros usuarios se pueden conectar al programa en el servidor.
    Remote Panels tutorials
    Espero que te sea util esta informacion.

  • Control panels

    Bueno dias
    Quisiera saber donde encuentro un wizard o un tutorial acerca de paneles remotos, para controlar un VI desde la red.

    Gracias por tu respuesta Alipio.
    Ahora tengo esta inquietud:
    Ya he realizado algunas pruebas para hacer ejecutables y manejarlos mediante paneles remotos y funciona muy bien.
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  • Como llamo vi

    Chicos tengo un problema nesesito llamar desde el vi remoto a otros vi que se encuentran en otras compuradoras de mi red y este sea llamado atravez de un boton y se despliegue en otra pagina web

    Hola Pussycat,
    Escribir bien es basico para poder entender tu problema. En la parte superior derecha esta un corrector ortográfico incluido en el html del foro y tomarte tiempo extra para revisar tu redacción nos ahorra tiempo a todos.
    Revise  tu codigo y veo que necesitas revisar los fundamentos de  LabVIEW ( . Tienes operaciones esperando afuera de un ciclo while  indefinidamente. Es decir, solo van a ejecutarse si detienes el programa principal y el ultimo valor seleccionado es el correcto.
     " lo que no se como es que desde el VI remoto llamar ala otros VI remotos y regresar al Vi principal"
    Solo agregaste un VI que asumo es el VI principal que mencionas. Desde este VI estas abriendo (o intentando) abrir paginas HTML (todas las direcciones que vi eran iguales).
    Quieres abrir paginas HTML desde las otras paginas?
    Aunque no lo especificaste creo que intentas abrir paneles remotos usando un explorador web. (
    Si esto es cierto el metodo para abrir el panel remoto que tienes puede funcionar y si quieres hacer que, desde ese html, se regrese al VI principal  tienes que implementar  codigo dentro de cada panel remoto que uses segun sea el caso  ( ojo: tu código no cierra la ventana html que abre)
    Labview, dependiendo la licencia y version que tengas, permite cierto numero de paneles remotos.  Te recomiendo  que revises que version tienes y verifiques que puedes publicar el número de paneles remotos que necesitas antes de seguir intentando solucionar tu necesidad de la forma que describes.
    Tal vez puedes implementar todo el monitoreo desde una sola página!
    Existen objetos dentro de labview para separar o clasificar objetos en el panel frontal. Uno de ellos es el tab control (
    quedo atento a tus respuestas para seguir apoyandote.

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    Por ahora (LabVIEW 6.1) no hay control programatico sobre los paneles remotos. No hay forma de tener un sistema que automaticamente maneje los paneles remotos o las conexiones al servidor. Versiones futuras de LabVIEW probablemente incluyan esta funcionalidad.
    En cuanto a las aplicaciones que usan las funciones TCP/IP y los paneles remotos, no deberias tener ningung problema. TCP/IP es capaz de manejar varias conexiones a la vez. No debe haber ningun conflicto entre estas applicaciones.
    National Instruments.

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    Hola, buenas tardes.
    Aqui te dejo dos links que te pueden servir:
    Saludos y suerte.

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    Hola sonst,
    Le anexo unos enlaces a tutoriales a como general un panel frontal remoto, para que pueda pueda controlar su aplicacion por medio de un navegador
    Y lo que va a requerir para que lo puead accesar a traves de internet y no solamente de una red local, es que esa direccion IP este dada de alta en un servidor DNS.
    Tania Lozoya
    Ing. de Aplicaciones
    National Instruments

  • Encore - la accion de los botones de control remoto menu y titulos no los puedo controlar... ME ESTO

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    Luego de generado el DVD que funciona correctamente. Al aplicar desde cualquier reproductor (casero, pc) sobre los botones del control remoto de Menu o de Titulo o de Regresar a Menu Anterior no me llevan al menu inicial ni al anterior sino a otro menu cualquiera. como puedo establecer que estos botones se direccionen hacia el menu de inicio?

    Hola Soulforce,
    Podrías ser un poco más específico a la hora de describir el problema.
    No te deja cambiar la organización de los paneles ya una ves que están dentro del tab control. O no te deja moverlos desde el panel frontal del VI? Si podes adjuntar imágenes o inclusive el VI que presenta este problema sería más fácil poder ver que está pasando.
    Muchas Gracias!  

  • Web server. Controllo remoto di un eseguibile da parte di un client

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    Se fosse possibile gradirei una sorta di guida passo passo per poter risolvere il mio problema.
    Grazie per l'aiuto.
    Cordiali Saluti
    Francesco Boccacci

    Hi Francesco,
    you can find all the information you need in these links:
    Web Publishing Tool Help
    Can I Make My LabVIEW 7.0 Executable Use Remote Front Panels?
    How Do I Use Remote Panels with an Application (exe)?
    The client PC (without Labview Development system X.y) needs only the Labview Run Time of the same version X.y.
    I hope this helps you.

  • Remote Panel & client-ser​ver model

           I am working on image processing. I have developed a VI and web published it, It was working well. But, I was unable to give my own input image from remote panel. I can give various inputs which are kept in library only.  But, I could not upload my own input image. 
    For that purpose, i created Client- Server model.  This is not web publishing. Client VI will have same front panel as Server VI. Using this model, i can give my own input image. Whatever input and controls in Client VI will be sent to server VI using shared variable. I tested it on LAN connection, it was working well.  
    But, when I run through internet, it became very slow......  There may be two reasons 1. Bandwidth for our public IP is less and 2. slow internet connection..
    Are there any other ways to speed up the Client-Server model.............
    As compared to remote panel, Client-Server model on internet is very slow.......
    Give me ur suggestions, ideas to speed up this model..

    Si puedes monitorear/controlar un ejecutable en remoto.
    Te adjunto algunos enlaces  del foro de NI sobre la materia.
    You need start the web server to have access at your executable, see below links with information about this :
    "Qod natura non dat, Salmantica non praestat"

  • Links not getting displayed in the contextual panel

    I have created a contextual panel inside a transparent container. And created a method in the same view supply_values of type supply function to supply the values to the panel.Inside the method I have coded like:
      LINE-TEXT    = 'User Manual'. "#EC NOTEXT
      LINE-TEXT    = 'Logout'. "#EC NOTEXT
    Also in the context of the view I have created a node and supplied the method  'supply_values' in the supply function.Under the node I have 2 attributes named text and enabled. Text is of string type and enabled is of boolean type. In the properties of the contextual panel I have bound the visible property with the enabled attribute.
    Now when I am running this application , links are not getting displayed in the contextual panel. Though when I debug TAB contains the values.  Please suggest if I have missed out something or I need to look into the properties of the contextual panel. Any pointers will be really helpful.

    Can you elaborate ' ItemEnable property of ViewSwitch'.
    I have already bound the enable property of the panel with a context attribute of type wdy_boolean  but it is still not working. 

  • Problem with Paining in a Panel in a JFrame.

    So I can paint directly on a JFrame, and I can paint on a class that extends Panel, and put the Panel on a JFrame. But if I try to Repaint the Panel it won't show on the JFrame. Do I have to do anything to the JFrame to show the changes to the objects inside as well?

    I'm not sure if you've done this, but don't change the paint method when using Swing components, use paintComponent instead. By default, the JFrame will paint its children. Just remember whenever overriding any of the paintComponent methods to call super.paintComponent(g) first.

  • Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems n

    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

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