PartialTriggers to a trh:script is not working.

<af:panelGroupLayout layout="scroll"
<af:panelBox text="Click arrow at left to hide message"
id="pb3" clientComponent="true"
<trh:script id="ppr-hook" partialTriggers="::poll1" text="alert('button pressed');"/>
<af:poll id="poll1" interval="5000"/>
Does not work. I am expecting the alert to appear, but nothing happens. I have tried "poll1" for the partialTriggers and that does not work either. And I have also tried "pb3:poll1".
Please tell me how to get this to work. It is urgent because it is part of a Proof of Concept for a customer.

oh, and mixing trinidad and adf is supportedIn general, that is not true. It may have been true in the past, but things do change ({thread:id=2280199}). In your case, it's may be OK, but:
af:resource is the supported way in 11.x to include custom JavaScript in a page.
At any rate, putting a partialTrigger attribute on a trh:script doesn't cause any function in the script to execute when it is triggered by PPR (it could possibly update it's contents via changes to the script or text attributes, but it doesn't AFAIK cause the script to fire). There are 2 ways I can think of to do what you want:
1). Do the update on the server side in a poll listener
2). Use a poll listener on the server side to inject JavaScript back to the client (search the forum or Google for extendedrenderkitservice to find an example or 50)
If this is for your "ticker" - having your af:poll fire every .4 seconds isn't going to be "nice" from a performance perspective, so I'll add another possibility or two (both of which are going to involve some complexity):
3). Write your own custom component to display your ticker, retrieving "chunks" of data from the server (in other words, don't poll every .4 seconds).
4). If you really need something to be updating in "real-time," you could use something like an applet

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    < Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
        <Author>Company Name\User Name</Author>
        <Description>RDP Login V1</Description>
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            <Value name="TargetUserName">Event/EventData/Data[@Name="TargetUserName"]</Value>
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      <Actions Context="Author">
          <Server>Name of the</Server>
          <Subject>RDP Login V1</Subject>
          <To>Sender Name</To>
          <Body>Login Alert on ServerName IP : $(IpAddress)  User: $(TargetUserName). Please take necessary action</Body>
          <HeaderFields />
    < /Task>

    I have Server 2012 and I wants to make new task seclude for email notification, while any user is login to the
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    -From [email protected]
    -Subject "Email Notification"
    -To [email protected]
    But when I use this PowerShell I only receive email notification without any name and IP address, kindly I need
    your support and help, I’m using below script.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    < Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
        <Author>Company Name\User Name</Author>
        <Description>RDP Login V1</Description>
          <Subscription>&lt;QueryList&gt;&lt;Query Id="0" Path="Security"&gt;&lt;Select Path="Security"&gt;*[System[(EventID=4624)]] and *[EventData[Data[@Name='LogonType'] and (Data=10)]]&lt;/Select&gt;&lt;/Query&gt;&lt;/QueryList&gt;</Subscription>
            <Value name="IpAddress">Event/EventData/Data[@Name="IpAddress"]</Value>
            <Value name="TargetUserName">Event/EventData/Data[@Name="TargetUserName"]</Value>
        <Principal id="Author">
          <UserId>Company Name\User Name</UserId>
      <Actions Context="Author">
          <Server>Name of the</Server>
          <Subject>RDP Login V1</Subject>
          <To>Sender Name</To>
          <Body>Login Alert on ServerName IP : $(IpAddress)  User: $(TargetUserName). Please take necessary action</Body>
          <HeaderFields />
    < /Task>

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    Hi again,
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    Thank you, iBod,
    We've submitted this bug at
    Bug 16444: Cross-frame scripting not working in Safari 3.0.4 despite proper document.domain set in all frames
    Thank you for your suggestion!

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  • XML create script is not working in Photoshop.

    Hi All
    Below i have mentioned script is not working. Kindly check and advice. Please do this needful
    #target photoshop;
    var createDefaultXML, createPresetChild, defaultXML, initDDL, presetFile, presetNamesArray, readXML, resPath, win, windowResource, writeXML, xmlData,
      __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
    windowResource = "dialog {  \
        orientation: 'column', \
        alignChildren: ['fill', 'top'],  \
        size:[410, 210], \
        text: 'DropDownList Demo -',  \
        margins:15, \
        controlsPanel: Panel { \
            orientation: 'column', \
            alignChildren:'right', \
            margins:15, \
            text: 'Controls', \
            controlsGroup: Group {  \
                orientation: 'row', \
                alignChildren:'center', \
                st: StaticText { text: 'Amount:' }, \
                mySlider: Slider { minvalue:0, maxvalue:500, value:300, size:[220,20] }, \
                myText: EditText { text:'300', characters:5, justify:'left'} \
        presetsPanel: Panel { \
            orientation: 'row', \
            alignChildren: 'center', \
            text: 'Presets', \
            margins: 14, \
            presetList: DropDownList {preferredSize: [163,20] }, \
            saveNewPreset: Button { text: 'New', preferredSize: [44,24]}, \
            deletePreset: Button { text: 'Remove', preferredSize: [60,24]}, \
            resetPresets: Button { text: 'Reset', preferredSize: [50,24]} \
        buttonsGroup: Group{\
            alignChildren: 'bottom',\
            cancelButton: Button { text: 'Cancel', properties:{name:'cancel'},size: [60,24], alignment:['right', 'center'] }, \
            applyButton: Button { text: 'Apply', properties:{name:'apply'}, size: [100,24], alignment:['right', 'center'] }, \
    win = new Window(windowResource);
    xmlData = null;
    presetNamesArray = [];
    resPath = File($.fileName).parent;
    presetFile = new File("" + resPath + "/presets.xml");
    defaultXML = <presets>
            <preset default="true">
            <preset default="true">
                <name>Default value</name>
            <preset default="true">
                <name>Low value</name>
            <preset default="true">
                <name>High value</name>
    writeXML = function(xml, file) {
      if (file == null) {
        file = presetFile;
      try {"w");
      } catch (e) {
        alert("" + e.message + "\nThere are problems writing the XML file!");
      return true;
    readXML = function(file) {
      var content;
      if (file == null) {
        file = presetFile;
      try {'r');
        content =;
        return new XML(content);
      } catch (e) {
        alert("" + e.message + "\nThere are problems reading the XML file!");
      return true;
    createDefaultXML = function() {
      if (!presetFile.exists) {
        void 0;
      } else {
      return true;
    createPresetChild = function(name, value) {
      var child;
      return child = <preset default="false">
    initDDL = function() {
      var i, nameListLength;
      if (!presetFile.exists) {
      xmlData = readXML();
      if (win.presetsPanel.presetList.items.length !== 0) {
      nameListLength =;
      presetNamesArray.length = 0;
      i = 0;
      while (i < nameListLength) {
      win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection = win.presetsPanel.presetList.items[0];
      return true;
    win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.myText.onChange = function() {
      return this.parent.mySlider.value = Number(this.text);
    win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.mySlider.onChange = function() {
      return this.parent.myText.text = Math.ceil(this.value);
    win.presetsPanel.presetList.onChange = function() {
      if (this.selection !== null && this.selection.index !== 0) {
        win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.myText.text = xmlData.preset[this.selection.index].value;
        win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.mySlider.value = Number(xmlData.preset[this.selection.index].value);
      return true;
    win.presetsPanel.resetPresets.onClick = function() {
      if (confirm("Warning\nAre you sure you want to reset the Preset list?", true)) {
        return initDDL();
    win.presetsPanel.saveNewPreset.onClick = function() {
      var child, presetName;
      presetName = prompt("Give your preset a name!\nYou'll find it in the preset list.", "User Preset", "Save new Preset");
      if (presetName == null) {
      if (, presetName) >= 0) {
        alert("Duplicate name!\nPlease find another one.");;
      child = createPresetChild(presetName, win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.myText.text);
      return win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection = win.presetsPanel.presetList.items[win.presetsPanel.presetList.items.length - 1];
    win.presetsPanel.deletePreset.onClick = function() {
      if (xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index][email protected]() === "true") {
        alert("Can't delete \"" + xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index].name + "\"\nIt's part of the default set of Presets");
      if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete \"" + xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index].name + "\" preset?\nYou can't undo this.")) {
        delete xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index];
      return initDDL();

    You should use the scripting forum. I only hack at Photoshop scripting when I need to.  What I put together is usually made from code I find on the web and modify to do what I want to do. When it come down to it I really don't know javascript.  Your javascript knowledge is way beyond mine.  To tell the truth I don'e even understand the syntax of you first statment after target Photoshop.
    I have a programming background but most of mine was was in design, debugging, and developing programming development tools.  I retired back in 2002.   I never got into Object orientated programming though it was in full swing as was C programming along with java.  Microsoft had given up on its object orientate desktop OS2 system sidetracking IBM with it.
    I did not look closely at your code.  That something you should do. You know more then I do.....
    In the scripting forum you will get better help then I can give you.   Many of the better scriptwriter seem to have left there becase of  frustration with Adobe support. However there are some that still visit there regularly.
    You may want to look into Xtools there open source and the author still visits the forum from time to time. I have use some of his scripts but have never gotten into his library I'm retired I only play a little to keep some brain function. ps-scripts - Browse /xtools at

  • Java script is not working in custom tabular form

    hai all,
    i have changed my built in tabular form to custom tabular java script is coding working fine in built in tabular form . But in my custom tabular form java script is not working ,since it is created as standard report(Display As).
    pls help me.
    with thanks and regards

    Is the appostrophe function test(pthis) *'* present in your javascript code...
    If not can you post the same in and give the credential so that I can the why its not wroking

  • How to set up the interaction between InDesign CS6 8.0 and Photoshop CS 6 - if Photoshop is installed and the 64 and 32-bit?? default InDesign refers to the 64-bit version of Photoshop and scripts do not work.

    how to set up the interaction between InDesign CS6 8.0 and Photoshop CS 6 - if Photoshop is installed and the 64 and 32-bit?? default InDesign refers to the 64-bit version of Photoshop and scripts do not work.

    Nice of you to point it out here as I at least don’t follow Mr.Nash’s blog regularly.

  • PHP scripts are not working after deploying it on website

    I have recently deployed my flex application on a web hosting ( and now my application is getting launched properly. Visit (
    I have used PHP script to interact with database MySQL. Locally everything was working fine but when I have deployed it to internet my PHP scripts are not working and any database opeartion is not getting performed. I have already chaned to host, username password in the PHP file as given my service provider.
    Please let me know if you have any input on this.
    Reponse will be highly appreciated.

    Ok let me explain you where exactly it is going wrong.
    I am constructing SQL query in my ActionScript code and I am passing this query to my PHP script using HTTPService. Now when I am hardcoing the query in PHP script i found it is working perfectly which means my query is not getting passed to PHP script.
    Please let me know what could be the reason.
    I am using POST method for HTTPService.

  • The restore session has stopped working. It tries to load, but then gives an error message that the script is not working and will not actually show the previous tabs I had open.

    I count on using the Firefox restore session feature. But it's stopped working. For the past couple of days, it hasn't worked a single time. (I haven't changed anything on my PC.) It just suddenly stopped working.
    Now it gives me an error message that the script has stopped working. It gives me a couple of options. I'm not sure of the exact wording, but one option is to stop the script and the other is to keep trying. But the keep trying never works.
    I have to stop the script, hence, the list with my previous tabs never comes up.

    Which file is mentioned as the cause of that script error?<br />
    Is that a file with a chrome protocol?

  • Script does not work after download

       I have build a form in SAP enviornment using Adobe Life Cycle designer, while designing I have been using XML datasource and wrote scripts for different events on the elements of the form, the script works perfectly fine while designing, but fails when downloaded through an application. I downloaded form and to check if the scripts are still there or not, the script was present, but would not simply execute, for ex. while on clicking of button, certain fields on the form are to be hidden, but this would not work.
    ex. this.parent.parent.StaticText39.presence
    = "hidden";this.parent.parent.STELL_STEXT.presence
    = "hidden";
    The above scripts work perfect durong designing the form, but would not work after form is downloaded through an applciation. Could any one have answer to wierd behaviour?

    Was the form saved as a dynamic XML form?
    While the default preview in LiveCycle Designer may be set to dynamic XML form, thus providing the dynamic behaviour you are seeking, if the form is not saved as a dynamic XML form Adobe Reader and Acrobat will not respect the changes to the presence property at run-time.

  • Java script not working in 1 pdf, but same script is NOT working in other

    Dear Experts,
    I have a problem with java script.
    I have created 2 PDFs with the same Form name and sub form names.
    I have written a javascript and this script seems to be working in one (Demand2.pdf) and NOT working in the other (Sample.pdf).
    The link for Demand2.pdf is
    and the link for sample.pdf is
    Can you please guide me on this.
    Many Thanks

    The second file (Sample.pdf) is saved as Static. The script is changing the visual appearance of the form (showing and hiding objects). This requires the file to be saved as a Dynamic PDF. This is available in the save-as dialogue under the file name.
    Good luck,

  • My dynamic script is not working

    Hi SDN,
    I have written below code in Javascript to make subform invisible depending upon a checkbox but it not working
    please let me know where i am making a mistake.
    if (data.test.CheckBox1 == '')
         data.test.Subform1.presence = "hidden";
         data.test.Subform1.presence = "visible";

    Use data.test.CheckBox1.rawValue (the rawValue part as added).
    To be able to find all the obstacles yourself, rad the scripting guide here:
    Regards Otto

  • Login-signon script is not working....what could be the reason

    I am attaching the relvant portion of the script which is not working. login.php calls this script logincheck.php
    I have created a table and passed values into the table (in oracle). However echo shows no values being passed.
    $v1 = $_REQUEST[user_id];
    $v2 = $_REQUEST[auth_id];
    //$v3 = $_REQUEST[brcd];
    // Checking in ORACLE database USerID, Passwd & Branch Code Combination
    include 'ConnDB8i.Php';
    //echo 'Passed values'.$v1.$v2.$v3;
         echo "<br><br><br><br><table width=300 align=center border=1><td >Database is Not available...!<br>Try after sometime.</td></table>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='conn' value='NO'>";
    // Connecting to ORACLE 8i
    $mSql = "Select user_name,auth_id,branch_cd,user_lock,user_type from scfu_users where user_id='".$v1."'";
    echo "<br>'paased values'.$mSql";
    $stmt = OCIParse($dbconnect,$mSql);
    $nRows = OCIFetchStatement($stmt,$result);
    echo "<br>'passed values'.$nRows";
         echo "<Br><font size=5>Invalid User Id</font>";
    $colcnt = 0;
    $nRows reurns 0...... why?
    $mSql is correct. It returns values as expected.
    The error I am getting is invalid User ID.Obviously $nRows is 0 when it should not be so.
    Any suggestions/answers please??

    A couple of things I noticed:
    Add error handling and check the return value from the OCIExecute() call.
    Use bind variables in the WHERE clause to avoid SQL injection issues.
    Use the most recent version of PHP and the oci8 extension that is
    compatibile with your version of Oracle. (Or get the free version of
    the Oracle DB from )
    -- cj

  • Java script is not working while coming back to the page.

    Hi Experts,
    I am working in jdev with ADF BC.
    I am callling javascript in my jsff, while this javascrip is invoking file download method. this java script i am inovking from another button action, because in some case i need to invoke popup and some case i need to invoke file download for this i have taken one button in that button i am invoking these 2 based on some condition. everything is working fine except if i move another jsff and come back to this jsff then the file download is not happening.
    can any one tell me what is the issue here.
    java script:
    function customHandler(event) {
    var exportCmd = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("pt1:pt_region0:1:cb1")
    var actionEvent = new AdfActionEvent(exportCmd);
    java bean:
    System.out.println("invoking downloads...............................");
    erks.addScript(context, "customHandler();");
    } if (requestClause != null){
    System.out.println("invoke popup");
    Here my bean is in backing bean scope.
    can any one help what may be the issue here. or if you can tell me how to call file download method from backing that can be great help full to me.
    Edited by: user5802014 on Aug 27, 2010 1:52 PM

    So it's the "erks.addScript(context, "customHandler();");" may not work properly the next time coming back from another jsff.
    And very likely the statement of: var exportCmd = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("pt1:pt_region0:1:cb1") in your javascript command gave you error. Are you sure that "pt1:pt_resion0:1:cb1" is valid all the time no matter how the page is rendered?
    Please mark my answer as 'Helpful' if it helps.

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