Passing variables from JSP to workflow

I want to pass some variables from my JSP forms to a workflow. The workflow is triggered when I call processLaunch.jsp with the name of the workflow. I couldn't figure out a way to have the input fields in my JSP form passed to the workflow.
If anyone can provide me with some answer, I'd greatly appreciate it.

<Property name='postURL'>
I have this code on the should I pass a op_enduserId from here to my workflow. Can I pass it by query string &op_enduserId=enduserId

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  • Passing Variables from JSP to a servlet

    Presently I have a small Web application where by users enter data onto a jsp Page , this data then gets passed onto a servlet which then updates a sql database through a call to a sql stored procedure
    While testing I determined that when there are multiple users, sometimes users records are getting crossed, some of my data, is getting written to someone elses record....
    any thoughts on the cause......

    below is the code to the servlet
    The jsp page is a typical jsp with text boxes etc,
    package cpri;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class viewfileinfoservlet extends HttpServlet {
      private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
      //Initialize global variables
      public void init() throws ServletException {
      //Process the HTTP Post request
      public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        Connection conn = null;
        CallableStatement stmt = null;
        String sErrorMessage = "";
        String sStatus = "PS";
        String sSin = "";
        String sPSin = "";
        String sBN = "";
        String sPBN = "";
        String sSurName = "";
        String sFirstName = "";
        String sLegalName = "";
        String sTradeName = "";
        String sAddress = "";
        String sCity = "";
        String sProv_Code = "";
        String sRTSO = "";
        String sPayment = "";
        String sGSPayment = "";
        String sCompliant = "";
        String sTX11Issued = "";
        String sFYEMM = "0";
        String sFYEDD = "0";
        String sGSTStatus = "";
        String sNotes = "";
        String sRecordID = "";
        String sFYE = "";
        String sRCode = "";
        String sPostalCode = "";
        String sRemoteUser = "";
        int intRecordID = 0;
        int intRemoteUser = 0;
        int i = 0;
        String sPayorPhone = "";
        String sPayorName = "";
        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
        response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
        sErrorMessage = "";
        sRemoteUser = request.getRemoteUser();
        sRTSO = "0";
        if (sRemoteUser.indexOf("\\") != -1)
          intRemoteUser = sRemoteUser.indexOf("\\") + 1;
          sRemoteUser = sRemoteUser.substring(intRemoteUser);
        sGSTStatus = "";
        if ( request.getParameter("lstStatus") !=null)
          sStatus = request.getParameter("lstStatus").trim();
          if (sStatus.equals("PS"))
            sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Was unable to confirm File Status." + "\n";
          sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Was unable to confirm File Status." + "\n";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPayorName") !=null)
       sPayorName = request.getParameter("txtPayorName").trim();
       sPayorName = "";
    if (request.getParameter("txtPayorPhone") !=null)
      sPayorPhone = request.getParameter("txtPayorPhone").trim();
      sPayorPhone = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtSin") !=null)
        sSin = request.getParameter("txtSin").trim();
        sSin = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPSin") !=null)
        sPSin = request.getParameter("txtPSin").trim();
        sPSin = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPBN") !=null)
        sBN = request.getParameter("txtPBN").trim();
        sBN = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPPBN") !=null)
        sPBN = request.getParameter("txtPPBN").trim();
        sPBN = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtSurname") !=null)
        sSurName = request.getParameter("txtSurname").trim();
        sSurName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtFName") !=null)
        sFirstName = request.getParameter("txtFName").trim();
        sFirstName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtLName") !=null)
        sLegalName = request.getParameter("txtLName").trim();
        sLegalName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtTName") !=null)
        sTradeName = request.getParameter("txtTName").trim();
        sTradeName = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtAddress") !=null)
        sAddress = request.getParameter("txtAddress").trim();
        sAddress = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtCity") !=null)
        sCity = request.getParameter("txtCity").trim();
        sCity = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtProv_Code") !=null)
        sProv_Code = request.getParameter("txtProv_Code").trim();
        sProv_Code = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtPostal") !=null)
        sPostalCode = request.getParameter("txtPostal").trim();
        sPostalCode = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("lstRecCode") !=null)
        sRCode = request.getParameter("lstRecCode").trim();
       sRCode = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtRTSO") !=null)
        sRTSO = request.getParameter("txtRTSO").trim();
        sRTSO = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtsPayment") !=null)
        sPayment = request.getParameter("txtsPayment").trim();
        sPayment = "0";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtGSPayment") !=null)
        sGSPayment = request.getParameter("txtGSPayment").trim();
        sGSPayment = "0";
      if ( request.getParameter("lstCompliant") !=null)
        sCompliant = request.getParameter("lstCompliant").trim();
      if ( request.getParameter("lstTX11Issued") !=null)
        sTX11Issued = request.getParameter("lstTX11Issued").trim();
      sFYEMM = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtMM") !=null)
        sFYEMM = request.getParameter("txtMM").trim();
      sFYEDD = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("txtDD") !=null)
        sFYEDD = request.getParameter("txtDD").trim();
      if ( request.getParameter("lstGSTStatus") !=null)
        sGSTStatus = request.getParameter("lstGSTStatus").trim();
      if ( request.getParameter("Notes") !=null)
        sNotes = request.getParameter("Notes").trim();
        sNotes = "";
      if ( request.getParameter("RecordID") !=null)
        sRecordID = request.getParameter("RecordID").trim();
      if (sFYEMM.equals("0") && sFYEDD != "0")
        sErrorMessage = "Was unable to confirm FYE." + "\n";
      if (sFYEDD.equals("0") && sFYEMM != "0")
        sErrorMessage = "Was unable to confirm FYE." + "\n";
      sFYE = "1999" + "-" + sFYEMM + "-" + sFYEDD;
      if (sStatus.equals("PA")||sStatus.equals("A")||sStatus.equals("PCR")||sStatus.equals("PCU"))
         // check for errors
             i = Integer.parseInt(sRTSO);
           catch (NumberFormatException ex)
             sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Recipient TSO must be a numeric field and is required field when file  is being closed." + "\n";
         if (sRCode.equals("0"))
           sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Recipient Code is a required field when file is being Closed." + "\n";
      if (sErrorMessage.length()!=0)
              //display error page
              request.setAttribute("ERRORS", sErrorMessage);
                conn = CPRI_Connection.GetSQL_APPConnection();
                String call = "{call usp_UpdateCPRIRecord(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}";
                stmt = conn.prepareCall(call);
                stmt.setString(1, sRecordID);
                stmt.setString(2, sStatus);
                stmt.setString(3, sSin);
                stmt.setString(4, sPSin);
                stmt.setString(5, sBN);
                stmt.setString(6, sPBN);
                stmt.setString(7, sSurName);
                stmt.setString(8, sFirstName);
                stmt.setString(9, sLegalName);
                stmt.setString(10, sTradeName);
                stmt.setString(11, sAddress);
                stmt.setString(12, sCity);
                stmt.setString(13, sProv_Code);
                stmt.setString(14, sRTSO);
                stmt.setString(15, sPayment);
                stmt.setString(16, sGSPayment);
                stmt.setString(17, sCompliant);
                stmt.setString(18, sTX11Issued);
                stmt.setString(19, sFYE);
                stmt.setString(20, sGSTStatus);
                stmt.setString(21, sRCode);
                stmt.setString(22, sPostalCode);
                stmt.setString(23, sNotes);
                stmt.setString(24, sRemoteUser);
                stmt.setString(25, sPayorName);
                stmt.setString(26, sPayorPhone);
                stmt.registerOutParameter(27, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                if (stmt.getInt(27) != 0) {
                  intRecordID = stmt.getInt(27);
                else {
                  intRecordID = 0;
                sRecordID = String.valueOf(intRecordID);
               if (conn !=null){
                 try {
                 }catch (SQLException ex1){
                   //trow new Servlet exception
             catch(SQLException ex){
               throw new ServletException(ex);
        //RequestDispatcher disp;
        //disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("EventConfirmation.jsp");
        request.getRequestDispatcher("ViewFileInfo.jsp").forward(request, response);
        //out.println("sEventID:" + sEventID + "<br>");
        //disp.forward(request, response);
      //Clean up resources
      public void destroy() {

  • Passing variables from JSP to XSL

    I need to pass some variables with string value in them to an xsl page to store them in a <param..> tag... ive so far been unsuccessful at that, the following are my codes.. : Does anyone know how to pass it directly into the xsl page ?...
    jsp page :
                                                                     String compNames;
                                                                     String[] listRight;
                                                                     compNames = (String)session.getAttribute("compNames");
                                                                     listRight = request.getParameterValues("listRight");
                                                                                         String yr1 = listRight[0];
                                                                                         String yr2 = listRight[1];
                                                                                         String yr3 = listRight[2];
                                                                                         String yr4 = listRight[3];
                                                                                         String yr5 = listRight[4];
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr1", yr1);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr2", yr2);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr3", yr3);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr4", yr4);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("yr5", yr5);
                                                                                         pageContext.setAttribute("compN", compNames);
    xsl page :
    <xsl:param name="CoCode"><core:param name="compN" value="${compN}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr1"><core:param name="yr1" value="${yr1}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr2"><core:param name="yr2" value="${yr2}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr3"><core:param name="yr3" value="${yr3}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr4"><core:param name="yr4" value="${yr4}"/></xsl:param>
         <xsl:param name="yr5"><core:param name="yr5" value="${yr5}"/></xsl:param>

    and to display the xsl, ive used to following Include code :
    <jsp:include page ="./ratios.xsl"></jsp:include>
    i dont need to link it together with as xml as ive already done so in ratios.xsl file... i think there might be some mistake in using the include code... can anyone point out to me if im wrong... thanks

  • Passing variable from one JSP to another

    I am working on customizing Oracle Application(istore).
    I need to pass variable from 1 JSP to another.
    JSP 1 contains the following line of code:
    <INPUT type="HIDDEN" name="soldtoCustPartyName" value="<%=soldtoCustPartyName%>">
    How can I pass this to another JSP Page. The other JSP should take the 'soldtoCustPartyName' and find out the primary address country.
    So please help me in getting variable passed from 1st JSP to next.
    By default, 1st JSP is not fwded to 2nd JSP.
    This is very very urgent...Please help.....

    When you push the submit button on jsp1 - it goes to jsp2?
    // in jsp1.jsp
    <form action="jsp2.jsp">
    <INPUT type="HIDDEN" name="soldtoCustPartyName" value="<%=soldtoCustPartyName%>">
    <input type="submit">
    //Then in jsp2.jsp all you need is
    request.getParameter("soldtoCustPartyName");This will pick up the value that is coming from the hidden field on jsp1

  • Parse A Variable From JSP to JSP

    hi all,
    how can i parse a variable from jsp page to another jsp page. i do not call jsp page . so how can i do this

    do u mean passing???
    try scope application

  • OBIEE 11g How to pass variable from one prompt to another prompt in dashboard page.

      How to pass variable from one prompt to another prompt in dashboard page.
    I have two prompt in dashboard page as below.
    prompt: values(Accounting, Operational) Note: values stored as
    presentation variable and they are not coming from table.
    Date prompt values (Account_date, Operation_date)
    Note:values are coming from dim_date table.  
    Now the task is When user select First
    Prompt value  “Accounting” Then in the
    second prompt should display only Accounting_dates , if user select “operational”
    and it should display only operation_dates in second prompt.
    In order to solve this issue I made the
    first prompt “Reporttype” values(Accounting, Operational) as presentation
    values (custom specific values) and default presentation value is accounting.
    In second prompt Date are coming from
    dim_date table and I selected Sql results as shown below.
    SELECT case when '@{Reporttype}'='Accounting'
    then "Dates (Receipts)"."Acct Year"
    else "Dates (Receipts)"."Ops
    Year"  End  FROM "Receipts"
    Issue: Presentation variable value is not
    changing in sql when user select “operation” and second prompt always shows
    acct year in second prompt.
    For testing pupose I kept this presentation
    variable in text object of dashboard and values are changing there, but not in
    second prompt sql.
    Please suggest the solution.

    You will want to use the MoveClipLoader class (using its loadClip() and addListener() methods) rather than loadMovie so that you can wait for the file to load before you try to access anything in it.  You can create an empty movieclip to load the swf into, and in that way the loaded file can be targeted using the empty movieclip instance name.

  • Passing value from JSP to JApplet

    I am stuck up with a problem, can anyone please tell me how do i pass a value from a JSP page
    to a JApplet,
    and the parameter passed through JSP should be displaed in the JTextArea.
    It would be kindful if any of you could help.

    thanks for reply.
    I know how to pass parameters from html,
    I want to pass values from jsp page,
    and i dono how to do it, may be we cann pass values through url connection but i dono how.
    if anone knows plz help me in solving this.
    i hvae posted my applet code.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JToolBar;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    <applet code = "DocApplet" width = 500 height =5000>
    public class DocApplet extends JApplet
         private JPanel jp;
         private Container cp;
         private JTextArea jt;
         private JToolBar tb;     
         private JScrollPane sp;
         private String annotation;
         private String url;
         private Connection con;
         private Statement stmt;
         public void init()
              jp = new JPanel();
              cp = getContentPane();
              jt = new JTextArea();
              tb = new JToolBar();
              sp = new JScrollPane(jt);
         public void start()
              jp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              jp.add(tb, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              jp.add(sp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         public void run()
         public void paint()
         private void addButtons(JToolBar tb)
              JButton button = null;
              button = new JButton("Save");
              button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

  • URGENT: Passing Array from JSP to a Stored Procedure

    Can some one please help me understanding how can I pass array from JSP page to a stored procedure in database.
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried and was successful in passing array values to the stored database procedure.
    How can I use this class in JSP? Like I have first JSP where in I will collect input from the user and then submit it to the second JSP - that needs to call the to pass the values as array to the database.
    How should I call this java code in my second JSP?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Is it possible to pass variables from Tidal to the Peoplesoft run controls?

    Does anyoen know
    •1) Is it possible to pass variables from Tidal to the Peoplesoft run control page such as current date?
    An example would be updating run control parameters for a PSQUERY.
    •a) From date
    •b) To date
    •c) Business units

    Edit the job - go to Run Controls Parameters tab - select the param you want in the Override column then click on the Variables button on the bottom and select the variable you want

  • Passing variables from one swf to another

    I am facing problem to pass variable from one swf to another.
    I am using loadMovie to load another swf. how can I pass a variable
    value to another swf. Can anyone help me plz? It is somewhat
    thanx in advance.

    first of all:
    this is the Flash Media Server and your problem is not
    related to FMS....
    second thing related to the "somewhat urgent" :
    we, users on this forum, are not there to do your job... so
    calm down otherwise no people will answer your question. This forum
    is a free support forum that community of Flash developer use to
    learn tricks and to solve problems.
    Possibles solutions:
    If the two swf are seperate you can use LocalConnection to
    establish a connection between different swf.
    If you load a second swf into the first one you can interact
    like a standard movieClip(only if there from the same domain or if
    you a policy file on the other server)
    You can use SetVariable(via Javascript) to modify a root
    variable on the other swf and check with an _root.onEnterFrame to
    see if the variable had changed in the second swf.
    * MovieClipLoader will do a better job, in your specify case,
    than the loadMovie. Use the onLoadInit event to see when the swf is
    really totaly loaded into the first one otherwise you will have
    timing issues.
    My final answer(lol) is the solution 2 with the

  • Passing variables to jsp

    In what all ways we can pass variables to jsp??
    I got one arraylist in my servlet(controller) and i have to send it to jsp page(view)...
    one way of doing it is trough "session", is there any other way??
    if yes .. which one is better??

    You can store your variable in 3 scopes in servlet and in 4 scopes in JSP
    In Servlets you can do it in the following ways.
    request scope
    session scope
    context scope
    In Jsp you can do it in the following ways
    request scope
    session scope
    context scope
    and page scope
    Request scope means, you can maintain the state only when the request is alive.
    Session scope means, you can maintain the state only when the session is alive
    similarly context , you can maintain the state only when the context is alive.
    page scope is just for page.
    I hope , you want these details. :)
    bye for now

  • Passing variables from php to flash and the opposite

    Hi guys, im trying weeks now to solve this problem but nothing yet
    If someone could just tell me how to pass variables from flash to php and the opposite i would be thankful!!! Please help!

    I have recently had to learn this, so this may not be the best way but it worked for me
    I suggest looking at the code below stripping out everything you don't need (e.g. the databse stuff) and just get a simple string going back and forward
    have a go and post any problems here and I'll try and help
    in flash i have
    private function getBalanceAndXP():void
              var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("utils.php");
              request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
              var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
              variables.func = "getBalance";
              variables.fbid = userID;
     = variables;
              var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
              loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
              loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onBalanceComplete);
    private function onBalanceComplete(e:Event):void
              var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
              loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onBalanceComplete);
              var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(;
              _balance = parseInt(variables.balance); // class variable
              _experience = parseInt(variables.experience); // class variable
    public function setBalanceAndXP(balance:int, experience:int):void
                _balance = balance;
              _experience = experience;
              var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("utils.php");
              request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
              var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
              variables.func = "setBalance";
              variables.fbid = userID;
              variables.balance = _balance;
              variables.experience = _experience;
     = variables;
              var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
              loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    and then I have my php file
    $func = $_POST["func"];
    $fbid = $_POST["fbid"];
    $balance = $_POST["balance"];
    $experience = $_POST["experience"];
    $numVariables = 0;
    $link = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password");
    if ($func == "getBalance")
    else if ($func == "setBalance")
              setBalance($fbid, $balance, $experience);
    function getBalance($fbid)
              $query = "SELECT balance, experience FROM tableName WHERE fbid = '".$fbid."'";
              $result = mysql_query($query);
              $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
              writeVariable("balance", $row[0]);
              writeVariable("experience", $row[1]);
    function setBalance($fbid, $balance, $experience)
              $query = "UPDATE tableName SET balance = ".$balance.", experience = ".$experience." WHERE fbid ='".$fbid."'";
    function writeVariable( $name, $value )
              global $numVariables;
              if ( $numVariables > 0 )
                        echo "&";
              echo $name . "=" . urlencode($value);

  • Passing variables from Applescript to bash

    I'm trying to pass variables from Applescript to bash using the following code
    osascript <<EOF
    tell application "SystemUIServer"
    set username to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your name" with icon caution default answer ""  buttons{"Continue"})
    set macname to text returned of (display dialog "Enter name of your Mac" with icon caution default answer ""  buttons{"Continue"})
    do shell script "export USERNAME=" & quoted form of username & " && export MACNAME=" & quoted form of macname
    end tell
    but no luck
    Mac-mini:Downloads admin$./new.command
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I just realized you are returning 2 variables.  That can still be handled by echoing/printing the values, you just have to parse the output, or use other tricks.
    VALUES=( $(osascript -e '...') )
    This would make VALUES an array, with each array element containing one space separate return value from osascript
    If USERNAME or MACNAME could have spaces in them, you would need to use some kind of separator character.  For example if you use @ as the separator you could do something like:
    VALUES=$(osascript -e '...')
    which will %@* will delete everything starting with the @ til the end of the string, and #*@ will delete everything from the beginning of the upto and including the @.
    Another trick is to have the return values be properly formed shell variable assignments such as
    print "USERNAME='your user name' MACNAME='Your Mac Name' " -- I'm making this up as I do not really know Applescript, so you will have to figure out how to get Applescript to print something that looks like
    USERNAME='your user name' MACNAME='Your Mac Name'
    In your shell script you have code that looks like:
    VALUES=$(osascript -e '...')
    eval $VALUES
    The eval will execute whatever is stored in $VALUES, and if that happens to look exactly like shell variable assignments, you get the variables created in the current shell context, where can use them.

  • Passing parameters from JSP to Batch file

    i had a small problem regarding passing parameter from JSP to a batch file.
    My program is like this..........
    I wrote a batch file which opens and pings a remote system. Code looks like this......
    ping %1 -t
    which takes one argument and named this as "a.bat"
    The corresponding JSP page has lot of links which contains IP Addressess. From JSP page, i am calling "a.bat" so that it will open and start pinging corresponding IP Address. So i want to know how can i pass the corresponding IP from a JSP to batch file so that it start pinging remote machine........... can any body help me in this regard??
    Thanks in Advance.

    it might be a permissions problem for the process itself. i once fought for some time with a java app that would mysteriously exit (no exceptions or any VM vomit) i finally discovered that the application was killed when the screen saver came on. just a regular screen saver mind you.
    at any rate i did see this issue and other strange ones like it reported here and there, i think i once say a bug report here on it but I can't seem to find it now. i believe this is fixed in 1.4.
    this of course may not be of much help to you.
    the two workarounds i found were 1) to turn off my screen-saver, 2) set up the program as an NT service. for the NT service i used this stuff
    so my suggestion for weird process permission problems on NT would be to try and make it into a service.

  • Passing variables from AS3 to PHP

    Hi there
    I am having some trouble in passing variables from AS3 to PHP. I am using flash and php both in the same file [try.php].
    I've stuck with this for two days.. Here's what I have done. Please help!!!
    header.fla [Actionscript in the timeline]
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    var url:String = "http://localhost/0000/try.php";
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    send_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendForm);
    function sendForm(evt:MouseEvent):void
        // add the variables to our URLVariables
        variables.asd = "value";
        // send data via post
        req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;
        loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
        // add listener
        loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
        loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
        //send data
    function onLoaded(evt:Event):void
        var result_data:String = String(;
        if (result_data)
        else if (!result_data)
    function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void
        trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
    <object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="563" height="280">
      <param name="movie" value="header.swf" />
      <param name="quality" value="high" />
      <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
      <param name="swfversion" value="" />
      <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
      <param name="expressinstall" value="../Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
      <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
      <!--[if !IE]>-->
      <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="header.swf" width="563" height="280">
        <param name="quality" value="high" />
        <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
        <param name="swfversion" value="" />
        <param name="expressinstall" value="../Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
        <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
          <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
          <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
        <!--[if !IE]>-->
    echo "value of var1 is <b>".$_POST['asd']."</b>";
    echo "bad luck";

    the problem is nothing your showed.   did you see a security warning that you ignored?
    to test, if that's the problem go here and adjust your security settings: ml
    if that fails, upload your files to a server and confirm everything works.  then start working on your local configuration.

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