Pattern regex matching advice needed

Hi All,
Many thanks for any/all advice :)
Here's my problem. I'm trying to scan a text file for...
\foo(parm1|parm2) which I want the sub-string "parm1|parm2"
So... [\\]foo matches the first section. No problem...
It's when I try adding the '(' or ')' that I'm getting errors.
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unclosed character class near index
Basically, I'm trying to create a pattern, which can recognize \foo(parms), and extract the parms sections.
Any ideas?

Yes you can do this. It is not allowed in basic java but there are always around the syntax rules. What you can do it use AspectJ plugin in for eclipse and define a cutpoint and make it extend from two classes. What it does is it parses the byte code and inputs the code directly into the byte code. It's pretty neat.
A simplier approach would be to have two classes A and B. Have A extend BASE and then have B Extend A and then therefore B "isa" A and a BASE.
Hope this helps.

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    _Shoe Maker..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Nothing in your specification requires a regex. Loop though the strings until you find the string "ghi". Then continue looping though the strings outputting those where the first characters is 'g' .

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                    // link <link> format
              String foo = " <>";
              String the_regex = "\\<(http://[^\\>]*)\\>";
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    Dubwai - I think I got it, thanks for the guidance. Here is what I used, and it seems to work. Thanks!
    public class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
              String foo = " <>";
              String regex="\\<(http://[^\\>]*)\\>";
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                      String pattern = "[0-9]+";
                      Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
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    There aren't capturing groups and really don't need to use in this case.
    Try this simple way:
    String re = "\\d+";
    Matcher m = Pattern.compile(re).matcher(anyString);
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    System.out.println("matching " + j + ": " +;

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    while (m.find())
    outputStream.println("Selected Sequence \"" + +
    "\" starting at index " + m.start() +
    " and ending at index " m.end() ".");
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Double post:

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                   File fileForProcessing=new File(fileName.getAbsolutePath());
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                   //Set the question and answer texts back to default
                   //Define the question variable as a Stringbuffer so new data can be appended to it
                   StringBuffer endQuestion=new StringBuffer();//Stringbuffer to store all the lines
                   String tempQuestion="";
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                   tempQuestion=bufferedReader.readLine();//reads the nextline of the question
                   String tempAlteredQuestion="";//for temporary alteration of the nextline
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                   StringTokenizer tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(tempQuestion, " ");//tokenizer for reading individual words
                   StringBuffer temporaryLine; //reinstantiate temporary line holder each iterration
                   String newToken;   //newToken gets the very next token every iterration?  changed to tokenizer moretokens loop
                   String newTokenTemp;   //reset newTokenTemp to null each iterration
                   String theEndOfIt;  //string to hold everything after .com
                   char[] characters;  //character array to hold the characters that are used to hold the entire link
                   char lastCharChecked;
                   Pattern thePattern=Pattern.compile("src=\"https:////", Pattern.LITERAL);
                   Matcher theMatcher=thePattern.matcher(tempQuestion);
                        while(tempQuestion!=null) //every time the tempquestion reads a newline, make sure you aren't at the end
                             String theReplacedString=theMatcher.replaceAll("https:////");     
                             //          temporaryLine=new StringBuffer();
                             //add the temporary line after processed back into the end question.
                             endQuestion.append(theReplacedString);                              //temporaryLine.toString());
                             //reset the tempquestion to the newline that is going to be read
                                  newToken=tokenizer.nextToken(); //get the next token from the line for processing
                                  if(newToken.length()>36)  //if the token is long enough chop it off to compare
                                       newTokenTemp=newToken.substring(0, 36);
                                  if(newTokenTemp.equals("src=\""));//compare against the known image source
                                       theEndOfIt=new String();  //intialize theEndOfIt
                                       characters=new char[newToken.length()];  //set the arraylength to the length of the initial token
                                       characters=newToken.toCharArray();  //point the character array to the actual characters for newToken
                                       lastCharChecked='a';  // the last character that was compared
                                       int x=0; //setup the iterration variable and go from the length of the whole token back till you find the first /
                                            //set last char checked to the lsat iterration run
                                            //set the end of it to the last char checked and the rest of the chars checked combined
                                       //reset the initial newToken value to the cut temporary newToken root + userguide addin, + the end
                                  //add in the space aftr the token to the temporary line and the new token, this is where it should be parsed back together
                                  temporaryLine.append(newToken+" ");
                             //add the temporary line after processed back into the end question.
                             //reset the tempquestion to the newline that is going to be read
                             //reset tokenizer to the new temporary question
                             tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(tempQuestion);
                   //Set the answer to the stringbuffer after converting to string
                   //code to take the filename and replace _ with a space and put that in the question text
                   char theSpace=' ';
                   char theUnderline='_';
                   questionText=(fileName.getName()).replace(theUnderline, theSpace);
              catch(FileNotFoundException exception)
                   logger.log(Level.WARNING,"The File was Not Found\n"+exception.getMessage()+"\n"+exception.getStackTrace(),exception);
              catch(IOException exception)
                   catch(Exception e)
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 type=text/javascript><!-- if( typeof( kadovInitEffects ) != 'function' ) kadovInitEffects = new Function();if( typeof( kadovInitTrigger ) != 'function' ) kadovInitTrigger = new Function();if( typeof( kadovFilePopupInit ) != 'function' ) kadovFilePopupInit = new Function();if( typeof( kadovTextPopupInit ) != 'function' ) kadovTextPopupInit = new Function(); //--></SCRIPT>
    <H1><IMG class=img_whs1 height=63 src="" width=816 border=0 x-maintain-ratio="TRUE"></H1>
    <H1>Associate Existing Customers</H1>
    <P>blahalbalhblabhlab blabhalha blabahbablablabhlablhalhab.<SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><B><IMG class=img_whs2 height=18 alt="Submit a

    If you use just / it misinterprets it and it ruins
    your " " tags for a string. I don't think so. '/' is not a special character for Java regex, nor for Java String.
    The reason i used
    literal is to try to force it to directly match,
    originally i thought that was the reason it wasn't
    working.That will be no problem because it enforces '.' to be treated as a dot, not as a regex 'any character'.
    Message was edited by:

  • String.matches vs Pattern and Matcher object

    I was trying to match some regex using String.matches but for me it is not working (probably I am not using it the way it should be used).
    Here is a simple example:
    /* This does not work */
    String patternStr = "a";
    String inputStr = "abc";
    if(inputStr.matches( "a" ))
    System.out.println("String matched");
    /* This works */
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "a" );
    Matcher m = p.matcher( "abc" );
    boolean found = false;
    System.out.println("Matched using Pattern and Matcher");
    found = true;
    System.out.println("Not matching with Pattern and Matcher");
    Am I not matches method of String class properly?
    Please throw some lights on this.
    Thank you.

    String.matches looks at the whole string.
    bsh % "abc".matches("a");
    bsh % "abc".matches("a.*");

  • Question on regex Matcher (group number)

    HI, everybody
    I am writing a program on replacement like the one below.
    String regex = "(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)";
    String original = "ABCDEFGHIJKL";
    String replacement = "$12";
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(original);
    String result = m.replaceFirst(replacement);What I actually want is to take out the first group, in this case an "A", and append a character "2" after it.
    The result I am expecting is "A2". But the result I get is "L". For the regex engine takes it as the 12th group.
    What should I do to remove the ambiguity.

    In such case, use $1\\2.

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    regex is simple <[^>]*> which matches string runs that are enclosed in <>
    (ex. <field>)
    although the matching is successful with j2sdk1.4.1_02, it just doesn't match unicode containing text with 1.4.2b
    What do you think? Is this a bug or could I be missing something?

    ahmeti, did you submit a bug report on this? Because it definitely is a bug in the Pattern class, I finally figured out. They added a new node type to make matching ASCII characters in character classes more efficient, but they screwed up the match condition: it always returns false if the character it's looking at is not ASCII, even if the class has been negated. I'll go ahead submit a report myself unless I hear from you.

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    at java.util.regex.Matcher.getTextLength(
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.reset(
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.<init>(
    at java.util.regex.Pattern.matcher(
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlSearchBinding._loadFilter
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    If you use 
    than add following line of code:
            vcr.setOperator("Job","=");   regards

    useful to mention that this happens when setting the equal operator or LIKE operator
    vcr.setAttribute("Job","= '"+job+"'");

  • Patterns and Matcher.find()

    I would be really grateful for some assistance on this. I have been at this for three hours and can't get it correct.
    I have a string such as this: "Hello this is a great <!-- @@[IMAGINE_SPACIAL_VECTOR]@@ --> little string"
    I want to use RegEx, Pattern and Matcher.find() to extract "IMAGINE_SPACIAL_VECTOR" ie. the text between "<!-- @@[" and "]@@ -->"
    Thanks in advance for your help

    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              String data = "Hello this is a great <!-- @@[IMAGINE_SPACIAL_VECTOR]@@ --> little string";
              Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<!-- @@\\[(.*?)]@@ -->").matcher(data);
              while (matcher.find()) {
    }Might not be the best way, but it works.

  • Regex Matching Involving Unicode

    I'm trying to do a regex match using boost::regex and followed the instructions on gexp)_in_InDesign_CS/CS2/CS3_plug-in_code
    My regex needs to match a line that ends with punctuation characters and return the string that excluding the ending punctuation characters.
    ex. home -> home
    ex regex: (.*?)[ \\x{201C}\\x{201D}]+$
    however it does not match the line.
    I tried using boost::u32regex but i'm getting a boost::icu_regex_traits::translate_nocase symbols not found error on linking.
    How can I go around this problem?
    Thanks in advance!
    -- Jeff

    Escaping the backslash in '\x' is necessary for your programming language, otherwise it is interpreted as a 'real' hex character. So as it is, this feeds '\x{201C]' into your program, rather than the literal 0x201C code. (It'd be a syntax error for C, but you get the point.)
    However: because this is an expression IN GREP inside your running program, I think you have to escape it again, so it might need double double backslashes. Scripts suffer the same problem.

  • How to Use Pattern and Matcher class.

    HI Guys,
    I am just trying to use Pattern and Matcher classes for my requirement.
    My requirement is :- It should allow the numbers from 1-7 followed by a comma(,) again followed by the numbers from
    1-7. For example:- 1,2,3,4,5 or 3,6,1 or 7,1,3 something like that.
    But it should not allow 0,8 and 9. And also it should not allow any Alphabets and special characters except comma(,).
    I have written some thing like..
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([1-7])+([\\,])?([1-7])?");
    Is there any problem with this pattern ??
    Please help out..
    I am new to pattern matching concept..
    Thanks and regards

    ok guys, this is how my code looks like..
    class  PatternTest
         public static void main(String[] args)
              System.out.println("Hello World!");
              String input = args[0];
              Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([1-7]{1},?)+");
              Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
              if(m.find()) {
                   System.out.println("Pattern Found");
              } else {
                   System.out.println("Invalid pattern");
    }if I enter 8,1,3 its accepting and saying Pattern Found..
    Please correct me if I am wrong.
    Actually this is the test code I am presenting here.. I original requirement is..I will be uploading an excel sheets containg 10 columns and n rows.
    In one of my column, I need to test whether the data in that column is between 1-7 or not..If I get a value consisting of numbers other than 1-7..Then I should
    display him the msg..
    Thanks and regards

  • Regex - match a word except when it's preceeded by another word

    Does anyone know how to write a regular expression that will match an occurrence of a word except when it's preceeded by another word? I'm trying to match all occurrences of the word "function" except when it's part of the phrase "end function". Is that possible in a single regular expression?

    Maybe this is just how it works, but I'm not sure why a string
    with one space wouldn't match but a string with two would.At the beginning of the spaces, the lookbehind causes the match to fail, but then the Matcher bumps ahead one position and tries again. At that point, the lookbehind expression doesn't apply anymore, so you get a match. (You should be able to confirm this by counting the spaces in your output.) I tried using the "aggressive plus" to force it to treat all the spaces as one atom, but that didn't work:
      Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<!end)(\\s++)function");I don't see how to do this using "pure" lookaround, but if you don't mind matching the preceding word, this will work:
      Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(^|(?!end\\b)\\b\\w+ +)function\\b",
                                  Pattern.MULTILINE);Getting pretty hairy, I know, but it matches the word "function", either as the first thing on the line, or preceded by a word that is not "end" (those first couple of \b's are there to ensure that only the whole word "end" will block the match). Here's how you would use this pattern to replace "function" with "method", except when it's preceded by "end":
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class Test
      public static void main(String[] args)
        String target = "end function\n"
                      + "function test\n"
                      + "functioning test\n"
                      + "test function\n"
                      + "test function end\n"
                      + "end    function\n"
                      + "ending function\n"
                      + "rend   function\n"
                      + "end   functioning\n";
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(^|(?!end\\b)\\b\\w+ +)function\\b",
        Matcher m = p.matcher(target);
        target = m.replaceAll("$1method");
    }Here's the output I get:
    end function
    method test
    functioning test
    test method
    test method end
    end    function
    ending method
    rend   method
    end   functioningOf course, if you do know that there will always be exactly one space between "end" and "function", none of this is necessary; you can just use dcostakos's original lookbehind regex--except that I would add word boundaries:
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<!end\\s)\\bfunction\\b");

  • Advice needed on buying iphone as gift

    I went to apple store, they do not want to sell iphone to me unless I sign AT&T 2 years plan. I thought AT&T has locked the phone and users must subscribe in order to use it. Why Apple store still not allow me to buy?
    Please advice, if I want to buy online iphone for my brother, do I or my brother have obligation to sign out AT&T plan?
    One more advice needed, I found the shipment takes weeks, do I have option to arrange for self-collection?
    My brother birthday is coming soon, I need above advice urgently.
    Thank you very much

    Tamara wrote:
    I'm guessing English is not your first language. It's possible that you misunderstood them. Apple Store employees won't refuse to sell you an iPhone and you don't have to sign up for service in the store.
    Well that's not entirely true.
    Apple Stores have been instructed not to sell you an iPhone if any of the following is true:
    • You state that you will not be signing up with AT&T.
    • You do not have an ID from a US state, also indicating you will not be activating with AT&T
    • You do not have a credit card
    For example, I've seen US Apple Store managers refuse to sell iPhones to European residents because of the AT&T lock-in.

Maybe you are looking for