Populating values on a table view

Following is the xml webservice response:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns:getAvailableResourcesResponse xmlns:ns="http://webservices.iphoneapps.com" xmlns:ax21="http://vo.iphoneapps.com/xsd">
From the above xml I am trying to parse <ns:return>tags i am getting the output values as "JOHNKATEJOLIEDOLSON" but the I am unable to seperate those values and populate those values in the table view, one after the other.
Following is the code that i used for parsing:
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *) namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
attributes: (NSDictionary *)attributeDict
if([ elementName isEqualToString:@"ns:return" ])
if (!soapResults)
soapResults=[[NSMutableString alloc]init];
NSLog(@"%d", soapResults);
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *) parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string
if (elementFound)
//[arrayResources addObject:string];
[soapResults appendString: string];
NSLog(@"%@", soapResults);
[self release];
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
if( [ elementName isEqualToString:@"ns:return" ])
Can anyone please suggest me how to parse the xml statement and populate the values in the table view with sample example.
Message was edited by: ksri

Only you can solve the issue by learning about namespaces. You are comparing element names against fully-qualified names. Then you are logging what you think you have received. Change your NSLog statements to log what is really being parsed instead of a literal. That should prove enlightening.

Similar Messages

  • Display of missing values in a table view.

    Hi everyone,
    I have a table view with 7 columns and 10 rows which displays only those values which are missing in the DataBase Table.
    Is it possible to show only the missing values as '-' in a table view, the table view is having 7 different fields.
    Also when the value is inserted at run time the corresponding field should be updated accordingly and the value will no longer be displayed in the table view as '-'
    please advice.

    Welcome to SDN.
    do you mean to say that in some rows some column values will be blank and you want to replace the blanks with '-'.
    loop thru the itab which you are passing to tableview and for the blank cells pass '-'.
    <i>Also when the value is inserted at run time</i>
    so you are having editable tableview. to update the value back to the dbtable, you have to read it in oninputprocessing and update it to dbtable .
    search the forum on how to read the user entered value from the table view so that you can update the dbtable.

  • Excluding a column causes non-repeating values in 2nd table view

    I have an analysis ( that has these columns: Month, Country, State, City, Sales, Country Sales, Share of Country. Country Sales is a level-based measure that returns sales at the Country level. Country, State, and City are a hierarchy as you might expect.
    When I display the initial Table view for this analysis, the Country Sales column shows a value on every row.
    When I create a 2nd Table view and exclude the City column from that view, the Country Sales column now only shows a value for the first State within each Country. In other words, each value of Country Sales is shown only once, and is NOT repeated on each subsequent row for that country.
    Any ideas if this is a bug, or if it was intentionally designed this way for some reason? Is there a way to force the values to repeat? (Green Bar / Repeat doesn't do it.)

    Thank you for the responses, guys. Still no luck.
    I moved the Country Sales column as Deepak suggested, both in the criteria and in the view. That didn't change the results. I also started fresh with a new analysis, and placed the columns in the suggested positions from the start. Still no change.
    New information: I tried excluding State and leaving City in the table view. Got the same goofy results - Country Sales did not repeat.
    More new information: I added a Brand Revenue measure to the Sample Sales subject area. Brand Revenue is defined as '1 - Revenue' at the Product Brand level. Created a similar view, and it worked fine.
    I'll investigate what the differences might be between Sample Sales and my repository. Hard to imagine what it might be. My repository is very simple and straightforward.

  • Populating values to internal table created dynamically

    I am creating an internal table(it1) dynamically and assigned it to a field symbol. now i want to upload values
    which are present in a field of another internal table being populated from a Funct Module.Could you tell me
    how to assign those values across the fields of field symbol?
    loop at itab_char.
    LS_ALV_CAT-FIELDNAME = itab_char-charact.
    append LS_ALV_CAT to I_ALV_CAT.
        EP_TABLE        = D_REF.
    ASSIGN D_REF->* TO <F_FS>.
    (Above my int tab is generated and now stored in <f_FS>)
    loop at itab into w_lifnr.
       CLASS                      = p_cname
       CLASSTYPE                  = w_ctype
       OBJECT                     = w_lifnr
        T_CLASS                    = t_class
        T_OBJECTDATA               = t_objectdata
    w-lifnr is vendor number. and here we are populating t_objectdata with that vendor related datas. now i want to pass t_objectdata-ausp1 values for each vendor across the fields in <F_FS>.
    Please refer me the solution to this problem.

    Check below code and try to add in ur code....
        IF NOT it_bom_expl[] IS INITIAL.
    The material number data varies from run to run. For this purpose
    the data is been used to build dynamic internal table which stores the
    material number data along the x-axis
          PERFORM build_matnr_table.
    The material numbers data which is stored in the temp internal table
    is been assigned to the dynamic internal table created along the
    x-axis for the materials
          PERFORM assign_matnr_val_fields.
    The component data which is stored in the internal table needs to be
    moved to the dynamic internal table
          PERFORM move_bom_data_to_matnr_table.
    *&      Form  build_matnr_table
    Using the material number data the dynamic internal tables are been
    built which holds the material number data along x-axis. Here the
    first 3 columns are always constant which are Components-List,
    Description, Count. From 4th column it depends on number of materials
    FORM build_matnr_table .
      DATA: l_val(3) TYPE n,
            lf_mat(18) TYPE c.
    Moving the Components-List details to the internal table 1st column
    which will be used for creation of dynamic internal table
      CLEAR gf_xfc.
      gf_xfc-fieldname = text-t03.
      gf_xfc-datatype = c_val_c.
      gf_xfc-inttype = c_val_c.
      gf_xfc-intlen = 18.
      gf_xfc-decimals = 0.
      APPEND gf_xfc TO gf_ifc.
      APPEND gf_xfc TO gf_ipc.
      CLEAR gf_xfc.
    Moving the Description details to the internal table 2nd column
    which will be used for creation of dynamic internal table
      gf_xfc-fieldname = text-t04.
      gf_xfc-datatype = c_val_c.
      gf_xfc-inttype = c_val_c.
      gf_xfc-intlen = 40.
      gf_xfc-decimals = 0.
      APPEND gf_xfc TO gf_ipc.
      CLEAR gf_xfc.
    Moving the Count details to the internal table 3rd column which will
    be used for creation of dynamic internal table
      gf_xfc-fieldname = text-t05.
      gf_xfc-datatype = c_val_c.
      gf_xfc-inttype = c_val_c.
      gf_xfc-intlen = 5.
      gf_xfc-decimals = 0.
      APPEND gf_xfc TO gf_ifc.
      APPEND gf_xfc TO gf_ipc.
    Moving the Material numbers are moved to the internal table from 4th
    column onwards till all the material numbers are moved to the columns
    which will be used for creation of dynamic internal table. Here
    columns will be reffered to as Material001 ..... Materialxxn
      LOOP AT it_mat.
        CLEAR gf_xfc.
        l_val = l_val + 1.
        CONCATENATE text-t06 l_val INTO lf_mat.
        gf_xfc-fieldname = lf_mat.
        gf_xfc-datatype = c_val_c.
        gf_xfc-inttype = c_val_c.
        gf_xfc-intlen = 18.
        gf_xfc-decimals = 0.
        APPEND gf_xfc TO gf_ifc.
        APPEND gf_xfc TO gf_ipc.
    Using the above data dynamic internal table is been created
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = gf_ifc
          ep_table        = gf_table.
    The dynamic internal table which is created is been assigned to
    field-symbol which holds the data of the columns of X-axis
      ASSIGN gf_table->* TO <fs_dyn_table>.
    Dynamic work area is been created usng the reference to the
    field-symbol which has the data and the line item is been assign to
    field-symbol to hold line item data for reading purposes line by line
      CREATE DATA gf_line LIKE LINE OF <fs_dyn_table>.
      ASSIGN gf_line->* TO <fs_dyn_wa>.
    Using the above data dynamic internal table is been created
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = gf_ipc
          ep_table        = gf_table1.
    The dynamic internal table which is created is been assigned to
    field-symbol which holds the data of the columns of X-axis
      ASSIGN gf_table1->* TO <fs_dyn_table1>.
    Dynamic work area is been created usng the reference to the
    field-symbol which has the data and the line item is been assign to
    field-symbol to hold line item data for reading purposes line by line
      CREATE DATA gf_line1 LIKE LINE OF <fs_dyn_table1>.
      ASSIGN gf_line1->* TO <fs_dyn_wa1>.
    Using the above data dynamic internal table is been created
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = gf_ifc
          ep_table        = gf_table2.
    The dynamic internal table which is created is been assigned to
    field-symbol which holds the data of the columns of X-axis
      ASSIGN gf_table2->* TO <fs_dyn_table2>.
    Dynamic work area is been created usng the reference to the
    field-symbol which has the data and the line item is been assign to
    field-symbol to hold line item data for reading purposes line by line
      CREATE DATA gf_line2 LIKE LINE OF <fs_dyn_table2>.
      ASSIGN gf_line2->* TO <fs_dyn_wa2>.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_matnr_table
    *&      Form  assign_matnr_val_fields
    The material numbers data stored in the temp internal table needs to
    be assigned to the dynamic internal table along x-axis as the first
    record. The temp internal table is been looped and using the field
    symbol concept the data is moved to the dynamic internal table
    FORM assign_matnr_val_fields .
      DATA: l_cnt(3) TYPE n,
            g_total(3) TYPE n.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_mat LINES g_total.
      CLEAR l_cnt.
    Looping the temp internal table and concatenating material as
    material001 and the same is been checked against the dynamic
    internal table and the material number value is moved to the
    internal table. Finally, the data is been appened as first record.
      LOOP AT it_mat.
        l_nam = c_mat.
        l_cnt = l_cnt + 1.
        CONCATENATE l_nam l_cnt INTO l_nam.
    Material which is in form Materialxxn is been assigned to the field
    symbol which is checked against the field of dynamic internal table
    and the value of the Material Number is been passed to the dynamic
    internal table field value.
    After all materials are been assigned the record is been appended
    to the dynamic internal table.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa> TO <fs_field>.
        <fs_field> = it_mat-matnr.
        IF l_cnt = g_total.
          INSERT <fs_dyn_wa> INTO TABLE <fs_dyn_table>.
    Looping the temp internal table and concatenating material as
    material001 and the same is been checked against the dynamic
    internal table and the material number value is moved to the
    internal table. Finally, the data is been appened as first record.
    This is been used for downloading of data to excel sheet as it
    contains additional field which is Description field.
      CLEAR l_cnt.
      LOOP AT it_mat.
        l_nam = c_mat.
        l_cnt = l_cnt + 1.
        CONCATENATE l_nam l_cnt INTO l_nam.
    Material which is in form Materialxxn is been assigned to the field
    symbol which is checked against the field of dynamic internal table
    and the value of the Material Number is been passed to the dynamic
    internal table field value.
    After all materials are been assigned the record is been appended
    to the dynamic internal table.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa1> TO <fs_field>.
        <fs_field> = it_mat-matnr.
        IF l_cnt = g_total.
          INSERT <fs_dyn_wa1> INTO TABLE <fs_dyn_table1>.
    The contents of one internal table is passed on to other internal
    table for use while moving the component data for count purposes.
      <fs_dyn_table2>[] = <fs_dyn_table>[].
    ENDFORM.                    " assign_matnr_val_fields
    *&      Form  move_bom_data_to_matnr_table
    The component data is been appended to the dynamic internal table
    The component is checked against a material and if exists the corresp-
    onding level is been appended to the record
    The total count is derived as the in how many materials the component
    FORM move_bom_data_to_matnr_table .
      DATA: l_cnt(2) TYPE n,
            l_cnt1(3) TYPE n,
            l_con(18) TYPE c,
            l_con1(18) TYPE c,
            lf_mat TYPE matnr.
      SORT it_bom_expl BY bom_comp bom_mat level.
      CLEAR: l_cnt1, <fs_dyn_wa>.
    Looping the component internal table
      LOOP AT it_bom_expl INTO gf_it_bom_expl.
        CLEAR: l_cnt1.
        AT NEW bom_comp.
          CLEAR: l_cnt, <fs_dyn_wa>, lf_mat.
    For every new bom component the material data is moved to
    temp material table which will be used for assigning the levels
    checking the count
          it_mat_temp[] = it_mat[].
    Component data is been assigned to the field symbol which is checked
    against the field of dynamic internal table and the value of the
    component number is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
          ASSIGN COMPONENT c_comp_list OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa> TO
          <fs_check> = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_comp.
        AT NEW bom_mat.
          CLEAR l_con.
        lf_mat = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_mat.
    Looping the temp internal table and looping the dynamic internal table
    *by reading line by line into workarea, the materialxxn is been assigned
    to field symbol which will be checked and used.
        LOOP AT it_mat_temp.
          l_nam = c_mat.
          l_cnt1 = l_cnt1 + 1.
          CONCATENATE l_nam l_cnt1 INTO l_nam.
          LOOP AT <fs_dyn_table2> ASSIGNING <fs_dyn_wa2>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa2> TO <fs_xy>.
          IF <fs_xy> = lf_mat.
            CLEAR lf_mat.
            l_con1 = l_con.
    Checking whether the material exists for a component and if so it is
    been assigned to the field symbol which is checked against the field
    of dynamic internal table and the level of the component number
    against material is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
          IF <fs_xy> = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_mat.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa> TO <fs_check>.
            CLEAR l_con.
            MOVE gf_it_bom_expl-level TO l_con.
            CONCATENATE c_val_l l_con INTO l_con.
            CONDENSE l_con NO-GAPS.
            IF l_con1 NE space.
              CONCATENATE l_con1 l_con INTO l_con SEPARATED BY c_comma.
              CLEAR l_con1.
              l_cnt = l_cnt - 1.
            <fs_check> = l_con.
            l_cnt = l_cnt + 1.
        AT END OF bom_comp.
    At end of every new bom component the count is moved to the field
    symbol which is checked against the field of dynamic internal table
    and the count is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
          ASSIGN COMPONENT c_count OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa> TO <fs_check>.
          <fs_check> = l_cnt.
          INSERT <fs_dyn_wa> INTO TABLE <fs_dyn_table>.
    Looping the component internal table. This is used for the additional
    Description field which is shown in the excel sheet
      LOOP AT it_bom_expl INTO gf_it_bom_expl.
        CLEAR: l_cnt1.
        AT NEW bom_comp.
          CLEAR: l_cnt, <fs_dyn_wa1>, lf_mat.
    For every new bom component the material data is moved to
    temp material table which will be used for assigning the levels
    checking the count
          it_mat_temp[] = it_mat[].
    Component data is been assigned to the field symbol which is checked
    against the field of dynamic internal table and the value of the
    component number is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
          ASSIGN COMPONENT c_comp_list OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa1> TO
          <fs_check> = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_comp.
        AT NEW bom_mat.
          CLEAR l_con.
        lf_mat = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_mat.
    Looping the temp internal table and looping the dynamic internal table
    *by reading line by line into workarea, the materialxxn is been assigned
    to field symbol which will be checked and used.
        LOOP AT it_mat_temp.
          l_nam = c_mat.
          l_cnt1 = l_cnt1 + 1.
          CONCATENATE l_nam l_cnt1 INTO l_nam.
          LOOP AT <fs_dyn_table2> ASSIGNING <fs_dyn_wa2>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa2> TO <fs_xy>.
          IF <fs_xy> = lf_mat.
            CLEAR lf_mat.
            l_con1 = l_con.
    Checking whether the material exists for a component and if so it is
    been assigned to the field symbol which is checked against the field
    of dynamic internal table and the level of the component number
    against material is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
          IF <fs_xy> = gf_it_bom_expl-bom_mat.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT l_nam OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa1> TO <fs_check>.
            CLEAR l_con.
            MOVE gf_it_bom_expl-level TO l_con.
            CONCATENATE c_val_l l_con INTO l_con.
            CONDENSE l_con NO-GAPS.
            IF l_con1 NE space.
              CONCATENATE l_con1 l_con INTO l_con SEPARATED BY c_comma.
              CLEAR l_con1.
              l_cnt = l_cnt - 1.
            <fs_check> = l_con.
            l_cnt = l_cnt + 1.
    The description is moved to the field symbol which is checked against
    the field of dynamic internal table and the count is been passed to
    the dynamic internal table field value.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT c_description OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa1> TO
        <fs_check> = gf_it_bom_expl-ojtxp.
    At end of every new bom component the count is moved to the field
    symbol which is checked against the field of dynamic internal table
    and the count is been passed to the dynamic internal table field
        AT END OF bom_comp.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT c_count OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyn_wa1> TO <fs_check>.
          <fs_check> = l_cnt.
          INSERT <fs_dyn_wa1> INTO TABLE <fs_dyn_table1>.
    ENDFORM.                    " move_bom_data_to_matnr_table

  • Populating values of one table to other in dynamic tables

    Hi Experts ,
    An issues here.
    <lt_data> is a table with different field lenghts.
    <itab> is a table of different field lenghts.
    Here how do i need to excatly put the records of each field into corresponding fileds of itab.
    the two tables are not compatible.
    in table <lt_data>
    field1 --> length 6char
    field2 ---> lenght 2  char
    field 3 ---> length 2 char.
    in table <itab>
    field1 --> is of length 10 char.
    so the 3 field values of <lt_data> is sitting in only 1 field of <itab>
    <itab> is a dynamic table created throuth create internal table method.
    <lt_data> is populated from select query.
    both are field symobls having type table reference.
    The following is the piece of code.
      LOOP AT <lt_data> ASSIGNING <itab_wa>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <itab_wa> TO <itab_wa1>.
        w_data-text = <itab_wa1>.
        APPEND w_data TO <itab>.
    Help is appreciated

    Hi Vadnalav,
    is it correct that you want to combine the contents of the 3 source table fields in one field of the target table?
      <table_source>            TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
      <table_destination>       TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
      <table_line_source>       TYPE any,
      <table_line_destination>  TYPE any,
      <field_source>            TYPE any,
      <field_destination>       TYPE any.
    LOOP AT <table_source> ASSIGNING <table_line_source>.
      APPEND INITIAL LINE TO <table_destination> ASSIGNING <table_line_destination>.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 1 OF STRUCTURE <table_line_destination> TO <field_destination>.
      DO 3 TIMES.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <table_line_source> TO <field_source>.
        CONCATENATE <field_destination> <field_source> INTO <field_destination>.
    Please modify according to your needs.

  • Hiding grand total value in pivot table view

    I have a pivot table in which i have 5 measures, out of these 5 measures i want to show the grand total for only the first one. How can this be done?

    hi Phantasm, do as it is mentioned as kart.
    IT WORKS FINE, put agrregation rule as none and take row total as after.........
    take aggregation rule as NONE for last 4 columns ok......
    Thanks & Regards
    J Rushi

  • Dropdwon in a table view

    Hi All,
    I have started my application with this link. /people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator
    However I have some questions.
    bit confused where Do I write the code that is mentioned below
    Does any one has an solution to this. .
    I have a table  with 2 columns.
    the second column should have the drop down list with some pre populated values from a table.
    Please suggest

    Hi Ster,
    Code a tableview in the layout which is displayed on selection of 12141101   .
    In the iterator class , create a new method CONSTRUCTOR , in which you have to poulate internal table for DDLBS of valuedesc(all values required in ddlb like red/purple/orange/12 inches/14 inches/32c etc.) ,as described in the weblog.
    For currency, we are again only interested in handling the Edit mode. For this, we want to render a dropdown listbox. There are a number of techniques to fill the data. For this test, we created a name/value table (type TIHTTPNVP) in the class constructor, and already filled it with the currencies that we support. A reference to this table is stored in m_currencies_ref (ABAP statement u201CGET REFERENCE OF var INTO refu201D).
    the code will look something like:
    data: wa type ihttpnvp.
    wa-name = 'Red'.
    wa-value = 'Red'.
    append wa to itab_valdesc.
    wa-name = 'Purple'.
    wa-value = 'Purple'.
    append wa to itab_valdesc.
    wa-name = 'Orange'.
    wa-value = 'Orange'.
    append wa to itab_valdesc.
    wa-name = '12 Inch'.
    wa-value = '12 inches'.
    append wa to itab_valdesc.
    wa-name = '32 C'.
    wa-value = '32 C'.
    append wa to itab_valdesc.
    get reference of itab_valdesc into m_valdesc_ref.
    you have to use this refrence table m_valuedesc_ref in the method RENDER_CELL_START to fill the DDLB .
    Hope it helps.

  • How to get the value from the Input field of the Table view.

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a table view with 10 rows and each rows contains input fields in it.Can you please help me getting the values that are entered in all 10 rows.
    Currently I am using the below code,but using the below I am able to get only the first row details of the table.
          static_attributes = ls_table).
    Please let me know you suggestions on this.Thanks in advance.

    Hi Arun,
    You should use this method:
    table = lt_table).

  • How to get metadata option list values derived from a table/view using SOAP

    I am writing an ASP.NET application that replicates some of the features of the SCS search interface. I have looked at the GET_DOC_METADATA_INFO service and its SOAP output. It has a few missing pieces of information, like the option list values for a field if that fields values are derived from a separate table/view. Some of the fields I am dealing with also make use of Dynamic Control Lists (DCL). Is there a way to get the DCL info using SOAP? I did notice that the dOptionListKey element contains the name of the view from which the option list values will be derived. However, I cannot find a service that takes the view name as a parameter to return the option list values. I have looked in the services reference manual, but I have not had any luck finding what I am looking for.
    - Tyson
    Message was edited by: Add the word 'get' to the subject.

    What error you are getting? You code seems to be ok. I have tested below code and working fine
    XPathNavigator rTable = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();
    String ddlSectionSelectedValue = Convert.ToString(rTable.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:ddlSection", NamespaceManager).Value);
    One think you can check that keep dropdown value display name and id same.
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see<br/> Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • How to copy the value of two tables into a view.

    Hi Experts ,
    I have a requirement in which i have been provided with two tables(T1,T2) of same table structure ,i need to copy their entries into a table view with the same structure as the two tables(T1,T2) .
    suppose T1 has entries name age T2 has entries
    A 20 D 40
    B 30 E 46
    C 40
    the view should have all the entries,duplicate values no issues ...
    Could you please suggest how can i do that ?
    Thanks and Regards

    if table have same structure then you can use
    select * from t1
    union all
    select * from t2

  • Value coming from query is chaing in the Table view

    Hi experts,
    I am new to VC and developing a basic model by using a BI query as a data service.
    I have a field "Project Code" which can return value numeric or alpha numeric or Character.
    for example
    Project Code= 14000000000000002782007 or
    When i am right clicking the query and doing the test query function its displaying correctly but when i am draging from the output port of this query and using a Table view to display the data the numeric values like in our example "14000000000000002782007" is displaying as 1.4e+23 its displaying the same value where ever i have some numeric value in the field.
    But its displaying the Char value right "ATROVASTATIN" as it is.
    In the table view the field which is getting this value is with Datatype Text.
    How can i solve this problem.
    Thanks and regards

    Hi Neel,
    Have a look at this link,

  • Retrieve value form Table view when the selection mode is 'NONE'

    I am new to ABAP, Can anyone tell me how to reterieve the records of the tableview, i have the selection mode as 'NONE'. When the button is clicked i need to reterieve all the values from the table and display it in the next screen.
    I am able to diaplay the table values , but i am unable to reterieve the values on Inputprocessing.
    Its very urgent. Please help me

    you are able display the table view means, you have the data in internal table.
    you need all the records that are displayed in the table view with out selection. why dont you use that internal table itself, which is displayed as table view.

  • Permanently set Repeat cell values on table view obiee11g

    By default Analysis presentation Column comes with "Column Value Suppression" but we need to switch "Column Value Suppression" to "Repeat cell values" from source xml reference file
    Note:don't want to do it via analysis table/column properties(its manual work) ..just looking to change permanently by changing xml

    What is that datatypeformats.xml ? couldn't find out. once again will explain my requirement
    Creating new analysis(Table/Pivot table view) and applying format as Repeat Cell by changing Table/Pivot Properties to set Enable alternating row "green bar" styling Repeat cell values on table/pivot view (instead of doing manual way)
    Refer the below image --> i just want to avoid manual enabling below Repeat cell option for entire table/pivot view option
    Edited by: Devarasu on Nov 26, 2012 5:06 PM

  • Populating a combo box using values in a table

    I am trying to populate a drop down box with values from a table. I have got so far.
    The combo box is populated however the values in the box are blank.
    Can some suggest the necessary modifications?
    $query="select distinct(house_type) from tbl_accommodation";
    $stmt = ociparse($conn, $query);
    echo '<select name="house_type">';
    echo '<option value = "-1">Select:</option>';
    while($row=ocifetch($stmt)) {
         echo '<option>' . $row['house_type'] . '</option>';
         echo '</select>';

    The ocifetch() function needs ociresult() to get the data. See
    You might want to use oci_fetch_assoc() instead.
    while($row=oci_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
      echo '<option>' . $row['HOUSE_TYPE'] . '</option>';
    }For associative arrays, use the column name in upper case.
    NB Oci_fetch_assoc() is a PHP 5 function. If you don't have it, then
    you are using PHP 4 which has a much older version of the OCI8
    extension. I'd recommend upgrading PHP, or just replacing the old
    OCI8 with a newer one. See other recent threads about how to do this.

  • Get selected row values from Table view control

    Hi ,
    I am using transaction ME23N, would like to access row values from item table for selected row. I have written a script as in screen shot and its giving me error at java script step two. I want to get the PR number from item table for selected row.
    With Regards
    Vishal Lokapur

    H Vishal,
    Can you please share how you were able to resolve the issue regarding the selected row
    in case of a table control .

Maybe you are looking for

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