Possible? Using External Definitions for data type/message type definitions

Hi all,
i want to use external definitons in my own data type definitions. Is that possible? And if yes, how?
I imported many definitions via a mass import. Now I also want to use these definitions for further interfaces (than the imported ones). The most convenient would be of course to just use them as a custom created type. Can I somehow "convert" an external definition to a data type/message type?

Hello Felix,
      The External defination which you has been imported that cant use in DT and MT but yeah you can use this in Service interface.
you cant modify that External defination if you want to do that then 1st of all modify it and then reimport it as an another external defination.
and creating service interface with this ED you can use it in your message mapping .
i hope this will help to you to clear your doubt.

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    Hi all,
    we have 2 interfaces which uses same Idoc type, message type & Partner No.Only Process code is going to different according to the posting logic.
    How can we differentiate both while posting idocs to not mess up each other .

    Hi all,
    Say example:
    Interface 1 is invoice coming from legacy system to SAP and i have to use AAA.BBB Idoc
    Interfaces 2 is accrual coming from legacy system to SAP and i have to use AAA.BBB Idoc
    So i am creating partner No with LS_LEGACY and with 2 inbound entries one for each.
    Even though i am using the same Idoc types but inside those the process codes are different because they are different in posting logic.
    From XI perspective i can't differentiate them saying like Invoice interface should execute the entry in the partner profile with invoice process code and accrual interface with accrual process code.
    My Idea is to design like this...
    Using the  Message Code option, While creating partner profile give the MESCODE and  in Mapping provide the same MESCODE.
    So that even thought i am using the same partner No with same message type & basis types for 2 scenarios, the right interface will trigger the right process code based on the MESCODE mentioned in mapping by carrying the control record values
    Please let me know ur views

  • Using ALV Grid for data Input

    Hi experts.
    Can someone assist me with information on using ALV grid for data input. Please give a simple example if possible.
    I am mainly interested in the part in which we can transfer data from the grid changing the internal table's data.

    Try this code:
    REPORT z_demo_alv_jg.
    TYPE-POOLS                                                          *
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    INTERNAL TABLES/WORK AREAS/VARIABLES                                *
    DATA: i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          w_field TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
          p_table LIKE dd02l-tabname,
          dy_table TYPE REF TO data,
          dy_tab TYPE REF TO data,
          dy_line TYPE REF TO data.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS                                                       *
                   <dyn_wa> TYPE ANY,
                   <dyn_field> TYPE ANY,
                   <dyn_tab_temp> TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    SELECTION SCREEN                                                    *
    PARAMETERS: tabname(30) TYPE c,
                lines(5)  TYPE n.
    START-OF-SELECTION                                                  *
    Storing table name
      p_table = tabname.
    Create internal table dynamically with the stucture of table name
    entered in the selection screen
      CREATE DATA dy_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (p_table).
      ASSIGN dy_table->* TO <dyn_table>.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE i000(z_zzz_ca_messages) WITH ' No table found'.
    Create workarea for the table
      CREATE DATA dy_line LIKE LINE OF <dyn_table>.
      ASSIGN dy_line->* TO <dyn_wa>.
    Create another temp. table
      CREATE DATA dy_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (p_table).
      ASSIGN dy_tab->* TO <dyn_tab_temp>.
      SORT i_fieldcat BY col_pos.
    Select data from table
      SELECT * FROM (p_table)
      INTO TABLE <dyn_table>
      UP TO lines ROWS.
      REFRESH <dyn_tab_temp>.
    Display report
          i_callback_program       = sy-repid
          i_structure_name         = p_table
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
          t_outtab                 = <dyn_table>
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *&      Form  SET_PF_STATUS
          Setting custom PF-Status
         -->RT_EXTAB   Excluding table
    FORM set_pf_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    ENDFORM.                    "SET_PF_STATUS
    *&      Form  user_command
          Handling custom function codes
         -->R_UCOMM      Function code value
         -->RS_SELFIELD  Info. of cursor position in ALV
    FORM user_command  USING    r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                               rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    Local data declaration
      DATA: li_tab TYPE REF TO data,
            l_line TYPE REF TO data.
    Local field-symbols
      FIELD-SYMBOLS:<l_tab> TYPE table,
                    <l_wa>  TYPE ANY.
    Create table
      CREATE DATA li_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (p_table).
      ASSIGN li_tab->* TO <l_tab>.
    Create workarea
      CREATE DATA l_line LIKE LINE OF <l_tab>.
      ASSIGN l_line->* TO <l_wa>.
      CASE r_ucomm.
      When a record is selected
        WHEN '&IC1'.
        Read the selected record
          READ TABLE <dyn_table> ASSIGNING <dyn_wa> INDEX
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
          Store the record in an internal table
            APPEND <dyn_wa> TO <l_tab>.
          Fetch the field catalog info
                i_program_name         = 'Z_DEMO_PDF_JG'
                i_structure_name       = p_table
                ct_fieldcat            = i_fieldcat
                inconsistent_interface = 1
                program_error          = 2
                OTHERS                 = 3.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
            Make all the fields input enabled except key fields*
              w_field-input = 'X'.
              MODIFY i_fieldcat FROM w_field TRANSPORTING input
              WHERE key IS INITIAL.
          Display the record for editing purpose
                i_callback_program    = sy-repid
                i_structure_name      = p_table
                it_fieldcat           = i_fieldcat
                i_screen_start_column = 10
                i_screen_start_line   = 15
                i_screen_end_column   = 200
                i_screen_end_line     = 20
                t_outtab              = <l_tab>
                program_error         = 1
                OTHERS                = 2.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
            Read the modified data
              READ TABLE <l_tab> INDEX 1 INTO <l_wa>.
            If the record is changed then track its index no.
            and populate it in an internal table for future
              IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <dyn_wa> <> <l_wa>.
                <dyn_wa> = <l_wa>.
                i_index = rs_selfield-tabindex.
                APPEND i_index.
      When save button is pressed
        WHEN 'SAVE'.
        Sort the index table
          SORT i_index.
        Delete all duplicate records
          LOOP AT i_index.
          Find out the changes in the internal table
          and populate these changes in another internal table
            READ TABLE <dyn_table> ASSIGNING <dyn_wa> INDEX i_index.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              APPEND <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_tab_temp>.
        Lock the table
              mode_rstable   = 'E'
              tabname        = p_table
              foreign_lock   = 1
              system_failure = 2
              OTHERS         = 3.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
          Modify the database table with these changes
            MODIFY (p_table) FROM TABLE <dyn_tab_temp>.
            REFRESH <dyn_tab_temp>.
          Unlock the table
                mode_rstable = 'E'
                tabname      = p_table.
      rs_selfield-refresh = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    "user_command

  • Specific process code for Production order message type LOIPRO

    Is there any specific process code for Production order message type LOIPRO.
    Request you to reply.

    Hi Prashanth,
    sorry for last thread ... that not contain full information ...
    For message type LOIPRO you can use process code APLI.
    In IDOC PARTNER definition, the partner is linked with an IDOC TYPE and PROCESS CODE for inbound processing. This process code is in turn linked with a FUNCTION MODULE to process the IDoc such as IDOC_INPUT_INVOIC_MRM (Reff..  http://searchsap.techtarget.com/expert/KnowledgebaseAnswer/0,289625,sid21_cid519558,00.html)

  • Hello !  pls give some ti[ps how to use bapi's for data uploading?

    hello !
      pls give some ti[ps how to use bapi's for data uploading?

    See the below report extract:
    where it_data is having uploaded data.
    LOOP AT<b> it_data</b> INTO wa_data.
        line_count = sy-tabix.
        "Date Validation
        CONCATENATE wa_data-uplft_date4(4) wa_data-uplft_date2(2) wa_data-uplft_date+0(2)
        INTO wa_data-uplft_date.
        "READ TABLE it_ekko INTO wa_ekko WITH KEY lifnr = wa_data-vendor.
        LOOP AT it_ekko_temp INTO wa_ekko_temp WHERE lifnr = wa_data-vendor.
          IF wa_ekko_temp-kdatb <= wa_data-uplft_date AND wa_ekko_temp-kdate >= wa_data-uplft_date.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_ekko_temp TO wa_ekko.
            APPEND wa_ekko TO it_ekko.
        "IF sy-subrc = 0 AND wa_ekko-kdatb <= wa_data-uplft_date AND wa_ekko-kdate >= wa_data-uplft_date.
        LOOP AT it_ekko INTO wa_ekko.
          wa_data_header-pstng_date = wa_data-uplft_date.
          wa_data_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
          wa_data_header-bill_of_lading = wa_data-bill_of_lad.
          wa_data_header-ref_doc_no = wa_data-del_no.
          CONCATENATE wa_data-header_text1 '-'
                      wa_data-header_text2 '-'
                      wa_data-header_text3 '-'
                      into wa_data_header-HEADER_TXT.
          IF wa_data-indicator = 'Y'.
            wa_data_item-material = '000000000000200568'.
            wa_data_item-material = '000000000000200566'.
          LOOP AT it_ekpo INTO wa_ekpo WHERE ebeln = wa_ekko-ebeln AND matnr = wa_data_item-material.
            "Collect Item Level Data
            wa_data_item-plant = '1000'.
            wa_data_item-stge_loc = '1001'.
            wa_data_item-move_type = '101'.
            wa_data_item-vendor = wa_data-vendor.
            wa_data-qnty = wa_data-qnty / 1000.
            wa_data_item-entry_qnt = wa_data-qnty.
            wa_data_item-po_pr_qnt = wa_data-qnty.
            wa_data_item-entry_uom = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-entry_uom_iso = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-orderpr_un = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-orderpr_un_iso = 'KL'.
            wa_data_item-no_more_gr = 'X'.
            wa_data_item-po_number = wa_ekpo-ebeln.
            wa_data_item-po_item = wa_ekpo-ebelp.
            wa_data_item-unload_pt = wa_data-unload_pt.
            wa_data_item-mvt_ind = 'B'.
            APPEND wa_data_item TO it_data_item.
            CLEAR wa_data_item.
              goodsmvt_header = wa_data_header
              goodsmvt_code   = goodsmvt_code
              testrun         = 'X'
              goodsmvt_item   = it_data_item
              return          = return.
          READ TABLE return INTO wa_return WITH KEY type = 'S'.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            DESCRIBE TABLE return LINES sy-tfill.
            IF sy-tfill = 0.
              CALL FUNCTION <b>'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'</b>   
                  goodsmvt_header = wa_data_header
                  goodsmvt_code   = goodsmvt_code
                  testrun         = ' '
                  goodsmvt_item   = it_data_item
                  return          = return.
                 WAIT          = 'X'
                RETURN        =
          LOOP AT return INTO wa_return.
            WRITE: 'Messsage TYPE  ', wa_return-type,
                  /,'ID  ', wa_return-id,
                  /, 'Number  ', wa_return-number,
                  /, 'Message  ', wa_return-message,
                  /, 'Long Text  ', wa_return-message_v1,
                 /, 'Failed at line', line_count.
          CLEAR: wa_ekko, wa_ekpo, wa_data, it_data_item[], wa_data_header.
    Reward if useful!

  • RFC destination for synchronous communication (message type SYNCH)

    Hi experts,
    I am trying to configuare ALE settings.waht i did is
    My sending & receiving systems are one server with different clients.By using SALE transaction
    1.crated logical systems.(LS_800 &LR_810)
    2.Assigned those to clients.
    3.Created RFC destination
    4. Created modelview assign sending & receiving
    systems and message type.saved it.
    4.generated Partner profile.Here i am getting below problem
    Target system LR_810
    RFC destination for synchronous communication (message
    type SYNCH)
    Partner profile LR_810 SYNCH does not exist
    Generate partner profile or
    specify outbound partner profiles for message type
    Target system LS_800
    RFC destination for synchronous communication (message
    type SYNCH)
    Partner profile LS_810 SYNCH does not exist
    Generate partner profile or
    specify outbound partner profiles for message type

    Hi Shital;
    Thanks for your replay;
    Still am getting the Same Error;

  • Idoc type, message type and process code for EDI 940 & 945

    We are implementing a scenario wherein we are required to send a Wharehouse Shipping Order to the warehouse (forwarding agent) using EDI 940. The output of the o/b is triggered from the Delivery (VA01) after creation of a Delivery in SAP. Once the warehouse ships the goods, it notifies us back by sending EDI 945 (Warehouse Shipping Advice). Using this inbound 945 we are required to update the existing delivery in SAP, i.e., it should do the Pick, Pack and PGI.
    Can someone tell me which Idoc type, Message Type and Process code should be used for the above scenario.
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Hi Gajendra,
    For EDI940, you can use message type SHPORD or WHSORD,  IDOC type DELVRY01 and process code DELV.
    For EDI945, you can use message type SHPCON or WHSCON,  IDoc type DELVRY01 and process code DELV.
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto
    Please reward points if helpful.

  • Process code's function module required for the IDOC Message type PROACT

    I am trying to trigger an IDOC from ME32K transaction which will carry my Contract agreement details to XI. The IDOC I am using for this purpose is PROACT.PROACT01. But I couldn't find the outbound process code / Function module for the process code associated to this IDOC message type.
    Pls help me out....
    Ram Kalyan

    I checked table EDIFCT for the message type and found this:
    Function module            Function type    Basic type                                      Message Type
    IDOC_INPUT_PROACT          F               PROACT01                                       PROACT
    Oops...I think you are looking for outbound..Ignore

  • Using number datatype for date column

    Is there a side effect for using "number" datatype for "date" column?
    If so, what is the disadvantage?
    Many thanks

    Ora_83 wrote:
    Is there a side effect for using "number" datatype for "date" column?
    If so, what is the disadvantage?Yes, there's a definite disadvantage.
    Oracle provides date arithmetic and a number of functions for manipulating DATEs. None of them work with numbers.
    For example,
    SELECT    TRUNC (order_date, 'MONTH')     AS order_month
    ,       AVG (ship_date - order_date)     AS avg_delay
    FROM       orders
    GROUP BY  TRUNC (order_date, 'MONTH')
    ;order_month involves a DATE function; it's pretty easy to find the month that conatins order_date.
    avg_delay involves date arithmetic. It's extrememly easy to find how much the time passed between order_date and ship_date.
    Depending on how you code dates as numbers, doing either one of the above may be just as easy, but doing the other will be very difficult. You'll waste a lot of effort converting the NUMBERs to real DATEs whenever you need to manipulate them.
    Validation can be very difficult for NUMBERs, also.
    Watch this forum. It's a rare day when there's not some question about how to get around a problem caused by storing dates in a NUMBER (or VARCHAR2) column. Don't add to that. Always use DATE columns for dates.

  • Activate change point for message type - message type FIDCC1 not in list

    I want to set up idoc for sending entire FI documents.
    For this I want to use the change points in the message type FIDCC1 but this message type is not in the list of transaction BD50 (neither if I go via SALE)
    I'm not allowed to add it myself, I get a warning the name is not in the namespace (Zxxx or Yxxx).
    Is there a way I can add this message type in this list?
    -> change points are generally activated
    -> ECC 600
    edit: I see the message type is in WD81
    Edited by: Renaat Vanhaverbeke on Apr 28, 2010 11:05 AM

    I found the solution: when I tried to add the message type in BD50 I got the warning the name does not match the namespace rules. But by opening the Performance Assistant I could start the transacion RDDKOR54 to display the namespace rules.
    By exiting this transaction I got the question if I want to bypass the namespace check and by answering positive on this I could save the new entry.
    PS: I also found that alle message types are defined in table EDMSG

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    Sorry, but that adds to my confusion. The iTunes Store is for purchasing Apps for iPad/iPhone. The Mac App Store is for purchasing Mac compatible apps.

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    There are 3rd-party tools (see comprehensive list at http://www.kenhamady.com/bookmarks.html) that provide extra pdf functionality on top of the pdf export from Crystal. 
    In the case of my Visual CUT software, you can use hidden formulas inside your Crystal report to generate form fields (pre-populated as well as empty) as part of the pdf export process.

  • HT204023 I am not able to set my Personal Hotspot setting, if I try to set it massage displayed "To enable Personal Hotspot for this account, contact carrier " I am in Oman and using Nawras service for data plan. Plz help me

    I am not able to set my Personal Hotspot setting, if I try to set it massage displayed "To enable Personal Hotspot for this account, contact carrier " I am in Oman and using Nawras service for data plan. Plz help me. Before I was using this service but now facing problem.

    Md Asad wrote:
    Yes but they told mobile co mean Device 'iPhone co'
    Sorry but that makes no sense in English. Only your mobile phone company (i.e. "carrier") can enable the Personal Hotspot feature.

  • Nhi guru's cross apps what is basic type,idoc type , message type

    nhi guru's cross apps what is basic type,idoc type , message type  plz help me i am larning how to work on idocs using ale explain me like realtime environment

    i got this data from sdn .plz go thru might be helpful
    IDOC is a intermediate document to exchange data between two SAP Systems.
    *IDocs are structured ASCII files (or a virtual equivalent).
    *Electronic Interchange Document
    *They are the file format used by SAP R/3 to exchange data with foreign systems.
    *Data Is transmitted in ASCII format, i.e. human readable form
    *IDocs exchange messages
    *IDocs are used like classical interface files
    IDOC types are templates for specific message types depending on what is the business document, you want to exchange.
    WE30 - you can create a IDOC type.
    An IDOC with data, will have to be triggered by the application that is trying to send out the data.
    FOr testing you can use WE19.
    how to create idoc?
    *WE30 - you can create a IDOC type
    For more information in details on the same along with the examples can be viewed on:
    For creating a IDOC u need to Create a segment type in WE31.The internal table in which we store the data to be passed to the IDOc thos fielda are defined in fieldname and data element.Save and release the segment.
    Create IDOC type in WE30. Give min and max types. Mark it as mandatory.
    Create Message type in WE81.Assign it to a change request and save it.
    Link this message type with IDOC type in WE82.
    Then start your coding and pass the details of Data and control records.
    Just have a look at these links:
    Creation of IDOC:
    idoc creation
    ALE/ IDOChttp://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2004/helpdata/en/dc/6b835943d711d1893e0000e8323c4f/content.htm
    i think this will helps u
    <b>reward is usefull</b>

  • IDod Type,Message Type,Inbound Function,Process Code Required

    Dear All,
    I require
    1. IDoc Type
    2. Message Type
    3. Inbound Function
    4. Process Code
    a. Vendor Master Creation,Updation,Deletion
    b. Customer Master Creation,Updation,Deletion
    c. Vendor Invoice(TCode-FB60) Creation,Updation,Creation
    d. Vendor Credit Memo(Tcode-FB65) Creation,Updation,Creation
    e. Customer Invoice(TCode-FB70) Creation,Updation,Creation
    f. Customer Credit Memo(TCode-FB75) Creation,Updation,Creation
    i require to insert all the above detail into SAP from another system so please provide me the full detail.if the IDoc type is separate for Creation Updation Deletion then provide likewise.
    Everybody will rewarded.

    use t code wedi and goto EDI administration menu. in that goto development menu. there you can find all items like Idoc type, message type or process code all information is available.  You can also use t code WE30,WE31,WE80,WE81, WE42 - Inbound process code and WE41 Outbound process code.
    Hope this helps.  Assign points if useful.

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