PowerShell script : Directory object not found error in Get-ADGroupMember

I am new in powershell scripting. I am writing a script to add users in different AD Groups. while doing so I do the following:
Check if the user already exist in the group:
$mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
If user does not exist then add the user to the group.
When I manually run the script its runs flawless, without any errors. But when I schedule the script to run it gives an error as follows:
3/30/2015 8:32:15 AM Directory object not foundAt + $mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAc ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error at Line:$mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember
$grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
The strange thing is the user for which it throws the error is present in the group.I am not sure why this error is occurring when scheduled. Can any one please help? All the suggestions will be appreciated
Note: (The script is scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler)
# # Initialize the variables we will use
$status = 'false'
$drivename = "H:"
$sysdate = Get-Date -UFormat "%m_%d_%Y"
$foldername = $drivename + "\Script_Result\PowershellData"+ $sysdate
$backup_folder = "$foldername\AD_Groups_Backup"
$updatedGroup = "$foldername\Updated_AD_Groups_LogFiles"
$LogFilePath = "$foldername\Log_Update_ADGroups"+$sysdate+".log"
# # Initialize the arrays we will use
$GroupArray = @()
# # maintain log of program startup
$logdate = get-date
$logdate.ToString() + "`tStarted script to Update AD user Groups..." | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath
# # Create a sub folder to store the backup files
$fileexist = Test-Path $backup_folder -PathType Container
if($fileexist -ne 'False')
New-Item -ItemType Directory $backup_folder
# # Create a sub folder to store Updated AD group Log files
$fileexist = Test-Path $updatedGroup -PathType Container
if($fileexist -ne 'False')
New-Item -ItemType Directory $updatedGroup
# # Take back up of the AD groups data
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group1" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group2" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group3" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group4" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
(an so on..... 11 such groups )
# # Fetch AD Users data
$ADusers = Get-ADUser -filter {(EmployeeNumber -gt 1) -and (EmployeeNumber -ne "N/A") -and (Enabled -eq $true)} -Properties * | Sort-Object -Property EmployeeNumber
foreach($u in $ADusers)
$sam = $u.SamAccountName
$empnum = $u.EmployeeNumber
$mgr = $u.mgr
$fsal = $u.'fsalary-Hourly'
$comp = $u.Company
$ofc = $u.Office
Write-Host "$sam : $empnum : $mgr :$fsal : $comp : $ofc" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GroupArray = @()
# # Check if the user fits in any of the 11 scenarios
if($comp -eq "US")
# scenario 7
write-host "7. Add to US Employees"
$GroupArray += "US Employees"
if($mgr -eq "Y")
Write-Host "1. ADD to US MAnagers"
$group = "US Managers"
$GroupArray += $group
if(($fsal -eq "Hourly") -and ($ofc -ne "Canton"))
Write-Host "3. Add to US Hourly (excluding Canton)"
$group = "US Hourly (excluding Canton)"
$GroupArray += $group
if(($fsal -eq "Hourly") -and ($ofc -eq "Canton"))
write-host "4. Add to US Canton Hourly"
$group = "US Canton Hourly"
$GroupArray += $group
if(($fsal -eq "Salaried") -and ($ofc -eq "Corporate" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 1" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 2"))
Write-Host "5. Add to US Salaried Corporate"
$group = "US Salaried Corporate"
$GroupArray += $group
if(($fsal -eq "Salaried") -and ($ofc -ne "Corporate" -and $ofc -ne "Landis Lakes 1" -and $ofc -ne "Landis Lakes 2"))
Write-Host "6. Add to US Salaried Plant"
$group = "US Salaried Plant"
$GroupArray +=$group
elseif($comp -eq "canada")
# scenario 9
write-host "9. Canada Employees"
$GroupArray += "Canada Employees"
if($mgr -eq "Y")
Write-Host "2. Add to Canada Managers"
$group = "Canada Managers"
$GroupArray += $group
if($fsal -eq "Hourly")
Write-Host "10. Add to Canada Hourly"
$group = "Canada Hourly"
$GroupArray += $group
if($fsal -eq "Salaried")
Write-Host "11. Add to Canada Salaried Plant"
$group = "Canada Salaried Plant"
$GroupArray += $group
elseif($ofc -eq "Corporate" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 1" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 2")
Write-Host "8. Add to Corporate Employees"
$GroupArray += "Corporate Employees"
write-host "Final Group List" -ForegroundColor Green
$grplen = $GroupArray.Length
for($i= 0; $i -lt $grplen; $i++)
$grpname = $GroupArray[$i]
write-host "$sam will be added to Group : $grpname" -ForegroundColor Magenta
# # Check if the user is already present in the Group
$mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
if($mbr_exist -eq $null)
# #Add user to US Managers group
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $grpname -Members $sam
Write-Host "1. User $sam is added to $grpname group" -ForegroundColor Green
# # documenting the user list that are added to this group
$grpmbr = New-Object PSObject
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "EmployeeNumber" -Value $empnum
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SamAccountName" -Value $sam
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $u.Name
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DistinguishedName" -Value $u.DistinguishedName
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "mgr" -Value $mgr
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Company" -Value $comp
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Salary/Hourly" -Value $fsal
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Office" -Value $ofc
$grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ADGroup" -Value $grpname
$grpmbr | Export-Csv "$updatedGroup\ADUsers_To_Group($grpname)_$sysdate.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Member $sam already exist in $grpname group" -ForegroundColor Red
$logdate = get-date
$logdate.ToString() + "`tCompleted script to Update Update AD Groups..." | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append
$status = 'true'
return $status
$err_lineno = $error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$err_line = $error[0].InvocationInfo.Line
$ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$error_info = $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
Write-Host "$error_info " -ForegroundColor Red
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
$logdate.ToString() + "`t $error_info " | out-file "$foldername\ErrorLog_Update_AD_Groups$sysdate.log" -append
"Line Number: $err_lineno . `nError at Line: $err_line" | out-file "$foldername\ErrorLog_Update_AD_Groups$sysdate.log" -append
#Invoke-Item "C:\ErrorLog.log"
$status = 'false'
return $status

Hi mdkelly, Sorry for such a late reply (due to credential issues).
I am using Windows task scheduler to schedule the task. I am given the administrator access to the server (Windows Server 2012). So I think I set to run the script under system account.
My apologies for asking this, am I missing something while scheduling the script through task scheduler?  how to check if the scheduled task is running under who's credentials? How to pass my (admin) credentials, so that the script execution won't face
a problem? Any suggestion on the above questions will be helpful. (I tried to search on net for the questions but didn't get any conclusive answers)  
Thanks in advance.

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    I could be a number of things.
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    Craig Wollman
    Lingo Specialist
    Word of Mouth Productions

    Dean, I might do that. No, this has been going on long enough
    that I sure
    it's not any definable user error.
    But, I did, after all of these years, discover something last
    night. In one
    case, I did get a legitimate script error that I fixed. When
    I ran the
    project again, I received the same script error, even though
    it was a simple
    fix and I was sure I corrected it. I recompiled several times
    and ran it
    again and received the error again. Then it dawned on me that
    since parent
    scripts remain in memory until disposed of, Director must
    have been, for
    some reason, referring to the old parent script. I had
    already set the
    object's global variable to 0 in my stopMovie handler and
    even though that
    handler might not always run when errors occur, I ran it from
    the message
    window to insure that the object's global was 0. But that
    still didn't
    solve the problem. Then I used clearGlobals in the message
    window and
    voila, the issue went away. Dare I say that this is a
    shortcoming of
    Lingo's design to allow variables to persist/linger after an
    But what still baffles me is that most of the time when I get
    particular error,, even though I seemed to have found a
    workaround, it is
    not an actual issue with any code.
    When it happens again, I'll send you the code. Obviously, if
    I'm correct
    about the scripts lingering in memory, then you won't receive
    the error when
    you run the movie.
    I just find it interesting that there haven't been a bunch of
    "Yeah, I get
    that darn thing too" here.
    Craig Wollman
    Lingo Specialist
    Word of Mouth Productions
    "Dean Utian" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Craig,
    > Could it be a simple mistake of the script type not
    being properly defined
    > (movie/parent/behavior)?
    > If you have a very baic movie where this error occurs
    repeatedly, you
    > could
    > email me ([email protected]) and I'll take a fresh
    perspective look at
    > it.
    > regards
    > Dean
    > Director Lecturer / Consultant

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    Hi mdkelly, Sorry for such a late reply (due to credential issues).
    I am using Windows task scheduler to schedule the task. I am given the administrator access to the server (Windows Server 2012). So I think I set to run the script under system account.
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    mkdir log1/dgbroker/XXXPRD2R
    mkdir log2/dgbroker
    mkdir log2/dgbroker/XXXPRD2R
    mkdir log1/dgbroker
    mkdir log1/dgbroker/XXXPRD2
    mkdir log2/dgbroker
    mkdir log2/dgbroker/XXXPRD2
    -- primary
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    alter system set dg_broker_config_file2='/oracle/log2/dgbroker/XXXPRD2/dg2XXXPRD2.dat' scope=both;
    -- standby
    alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='/oracle/log1/dgbroker/XXXPRD2R/dg1XXXPRD2R.dat' scope=both;
    alter system set dg_broker_config_file2='/oracle/log2/dgbroker/XXXPRD2R/dg2XXXPRD2R.dat' scope=both;
    -- primary
    alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both;
    -- standby
    alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both;
    -- primary
    dgmgrl /
    create configuration 'dg_XXXPRD2' as primary database is 'XXXPRD2' connect identifier is 'XXXPRD2';
    add database 'XXXPRD2R' as connect identifier is 'XXXPRD2R' maintained as physical;
    enable configuration;
    DGMGRL> show configuration
    Configuration - dg_XXXPRD2
    Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
    XXXPRD2 - Primary database
    XXXPRD2R - Physical standby database
    Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
    Configuration Status:
    Object "XXXPRD2" was not found
    DGMGRL> show database XXXPRD2R
    Object "XXXPRD2R" was not found

    What I have noticed is sometimes single quotes count and sometime they don't.
    Try :
    Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information.
    DGMGRL> show database standby
    Object "standby" was not found
    DGMGRL> show database 'standby';
    Object "standby" was not found
    DGMGRL> show database 'STANDBY'; 
    Database - STANDBY
      Role:            PHYSICAL STANDBY
      Intended State:  APPLY-ON
      Transport Lag:   (unknown)
      Apply Lag:      
      Real Time Query: OFF
        STANDBYSo getting the case matters too.
    Object "standby" was not found
    DGMGRL> Best Regards
    Edited by: mseberg on Jan 18, 2013 2:21 PM

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    Beyond the two possibilities above, I'm stumped as to what the issue could be. To be clear, this is happening on more than one command, although both commands are within the /usr/local/ directory.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance!

    By default . is not included in your PATH and the shell does not do this on its own, as that is an easy way for someone to get a user to execute a Trojan.
    For example, in a multi-user system you create a script 'ls' and put it in a directory with a bunch of other stuff. Then go over to a user on the same system and ask them to help you with something in this directory. The first thing they will do is issue the 'ls' command, which if you have . in your PATH, or the shell always looks in the current working directory, means this user would execute the Trojan script instead of the real 'ls' command. That script do do anything using the privileges of the user running that script, including modifying stuff in their home directory that could give the person asking for help future access to that user's files and data.
    That is why . (the current working directory) is NOT part of PATH by default and shells do not look in the current working directory by default.

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    I used Terminal to change the permissions on the folder in question.  I followed the instructions in this article:
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization
    In my case, the folder was there, so I needed the command to change permissions on the folder, not to create one.   I was hesitant to use Terminal b/c I know that if I made an error I could wipe out my hard drive or render my computer unusable.  So to be SURE I didn't make an error, I carefully copied the command from that page and *pasted* it into Terminal.  Also, before I could do anything in Terminal, I had to go change my admin password (it had been a blank password before and that's not acceptable for making changes in Terminal).  I was just super careful when entering my password or doing anything else while Terminal was open (making sure I didn't accidently hit the spacebar or another key, etc.)  And it fixed the problem right away.
    What was confusing for me was that the iTunes error message said to change permissions in the FINDER, which is what I was trying to do.  It didn't mention Terminal.  What would really be helpful is if Apple included a link to a page like this in their error message.

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    Sorry for the long title, first time poster here.

    This thread is pretty old, are you still having this issue?

  • Error in AS2 adapter. Object not found in lookup of as2.. Its urgent..!!

    Hi AS2 experts,
    *When i tried sending an xml to partner system using AS2 adapter.. Mapping is succesfull and message is failing in receiver AS2 adapter.
    1. I used the following parameters in AS2 Module.
    ModuleName                                                       Module Key
    localejbs/Seeburger/solution/as2                              solutionid
    localejbs/ModuleProcessorExitBean                          exit
    ModuleKey    ParameterName         ParameterValue
    exit                JNDIName     deployedAdapters/SeeXIAS2/shareable/SeeXIAS2
    Iam getting the following error.
    Success     MP: Processing local module localejbs/Seeburger/solution/as2
    Error :   MP: Exception caught with cause com.sap.engine.services.jndi.persistent.exceptions.NameNotFoundException: Object not found in lookup of as2.
    Error :  Exception caught by adapter framework: Object not found in lookup of as2.
    Error : Delivery of the message to the application using connection AS2_http://seeburger.com/xi failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Object not found in lookup of as2.: com.sap.engine.services.jndi.persistent.exceptions.NameNotFoundException: Object not found in lookup of as2..
    2. When i tried by removing Modulename "localejbs/Seeburger/solution/as2"
    It is showing the below error like AS2ID is missing.. but its there in party configuration.
    Error :
    Unable to forward message to JCA adapter. Reason: Fatal exception: com.sap.aii.af.ra.cci.XIRecoverableException: SEEBURGER AS2: AS2 Adapter failure # Outbound configuration error: Sender configuration incomplete - perhaps AS2ID missing.., SEEBURGER AS2: AS2 Adapter failure # Outbound configuration error: Sender configuration incomplete - perhaps AS2ID missing..       
    Can anyone has idea what might be wrong.
    Kindly suggest me asap.
    Thank You.

    Plesae go through below links
    EDI Adapter by SeeBurger
    B2B(EDI) Integration using SAP Netweaver XI and Seeburger AS2 Adapter
    Integrating XI with SeeBurger
    Check with below configuration
    Configuration for AS2 or simple file adapter.
    We are using this module configuration for converting EDI D96A format to XML:
    1 localejbs/CallBicXIRaBean Local Enterprise Bean bic
    2 localejbs/CallSapAdapter Local Enterprise Bean 0
    bic destSourceMsg MainDocument
    bic destTargetMsg MainDocument
    bic logAttID ConverterLog
    bic mappingName See_E2X_ORDERS_UN_D96A
    bic saveSourceMsg ORIGINAL_EDI
    can someone please tell me the module configuration for reverse mapping at receiver end,i.e.,XML to EDI D96A
    basically,I need mapping name for this.
    Name = WAN network no of the partner who is sending the file
    Sender AS2 adapter configuration:
    Few changes in the module parameter tab.
    localejbs/CallBicXIRaBean bic
    CallSapAdapter 0
    Module configuration:
    bic= destSourceMsg = MainDocument
    bic= destTargetMsg = MainDocument
    bic= mappingName= See_E2X_EDIFACT_ORDERS_UN_D93A which does the conversion of EDI-XML.
    Receiver AS2 adapter configuration:
    When the adapter is used in a receiver channel, it obtains a message from the Integration Engine and sends it to a business partner. In this case, the following steps are required:
    1. Define the channel as a Receiver channel on the Parameters tab
    2. The last step ensures the module sequence is complete:
    Make sure the module ModuleProcessorExitBean does exist in the module sequence:
    Module Name=localejbs/ModuleProcessorExitBean
    Module Key=Exit
    • with the following module parameter:
    Module Key=Exit
    Parameter Name=JNDIName
    Parameter Value=deployedAdapters/SeeXIAS2/shareable/SeeXIAS2
    File receiver:
    localejbs/CallBicXIRaBean bic
    CallSapAdapter 0
    Module configuration:
    bic= destSourceMsg = MainDocument
    bic= destTargetMsg = MainDocument
    bic= mappingName= See_X2E_EDIFACT_ORDERS_UN_D93A
    ONly the mapping program name changes from E2X to X2E. IN ur case it will be See_X2E_ORDERS_UN_D96A

  • HT1206 There was an error storing your authorization information on this computer.The required directory was not found or has a permissions error. Correct this permissions problem and try again, or deauthorize this computer if the permissions cannot be ch

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    I'd try the following document with that one: 
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization

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    When I try and authorise I get this message.The required directory was not found or has a permissions error. Correct this permissions problem and try again, or deauthorize this computer if the permissions cannot be changed. How do I rectify?

    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization
    Mac OS X
    Log in to your computer using an administrator account.
    In the Finder, choose Go to Folder from the Go menu.
    Type: "/Users" (without quotes) and click Go.
    If the Shared folder exists
    Open Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities).Warning: This step involves modifying permission settings by entering commands in the Terminal application. Users unfamiliar with Terminal and UNIX-like environments should proceed with caution. The entry of incorrect commands may result in data loss or unusable system software. Improper alteration of permissions can result in reduced system security or exposure of private data. This option requires a non-blank admin password.
    Depending on which version of Mac OS X you have, this step will vary:
    On Mac OS X v10.5.8 and earlier, type:sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/Shared
    On Mac OS X v10.6 or later, type:sudo chmod -R 1777 /Users/Shared
    Press Return.
    Quit Terminal.
    If the Shared folder does not exist
    The following steps will recreate the Shared folder if it is missing and ensure that it has been assigned using the correct permissions.
    Open Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities).Warning: This step involves modifying permission settings by entering commands in the Terminal application. Users unfamiliar with Terminal and UNIX-like environments should proceed with caution. The entry of incorrect commands may result in data loss or unusable system software. Improper alteration of permissions can result in reduced system security or exposure of private data. This option requires a non-blank admin password.
    Type or copy and paste the following command into the Terminal window:sudo mkdir -p /Users/Shared/
    Press Return.
    Enter your administrator account password when prompted, then press Return.
    Depending on which version of Mac OS X you have, this step will vary:
    On Mac OS X v10.5.8 and earlier, type:sudo chmod 777 /Users/Shared
    On Mac OS X v10.6 or later, type:sudo chmod 1777 /Users/Shared
    Press Return.
    Quit Terminal.

  • XI--- OpenJMS error  Object not found in lookup of XIJMSService

    Hi all,
    I am trying XI-->OpenJms (Server).
    I have included openJms.jar library in aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda and deployed using SDM.
    In JMS receiver adapter I am using the following Configuration:
    Transport protocol: JMS Provider with JNDI .
    Queue connection factory : org.exolab.jms.client.JmsConnectionFactory
    JNDI-Name JMSQueue: org.exolab.jms.client.JmsQueue
    Context Factory : org.exolab.jms.jndi.InitialContextFactory
    JNDI-Server adress :tcp://
    In RWB i am getting the following for this scenario:
    Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Object not found in lookup of XIJMSService.
    Kindly help what other configurations are required.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Sebastian,
    I have still the same problem.
    could you send me a screen shot with your configuration?
    (openjms configuration).
    my email: [email protected]
    I have the following standard configuration in my modul:
    Modulname:                                         Type:
    ocalejbs/SAP XI JMS Adapter/ConvertMessageToBinary    L
    localejbs/SAP XI JMS Adapter/SendBinarytoXIJMSService L
    could that cause for that prblem ?
    Thanks for helpful answer.
    best regars.

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