Problem in modal method (decision workitem)

I'm with a problem during the execution of a decision workitem. I've set a method to run before it (the modal execution) and, within it, called a transaction (in the case PA30) but it call the transaction two times.
How can I make it execute only one time?
Thanks in advance.

When I searched the forum I found [this thread|Methods of Workitem execute twice;. Maybe it helps you also?

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    @Sivagami: I wonder, how a container element e.g. BUS2094 that was passed to a copy of the DECISION task is automatically executed just before the decision dialog? Good stuff, if it works like this, I'll try this at a later time.
    @Indira: Depending on the Release and such things I have expirienced several smaller bugs regarding the decision steps, especially when extending the data flow (from/to workitem), using the in-place-decision Workitem exit. So maybe you're already doing everything right, but just the inbox doesn't works as designed.
    To work around this problem, you could enter the object methods as a secondary method, which then will display the Sales document in a separate window,
    or you follow the proposal of Sivagami. If the Sales document doesn't seem to appear, you could enforce the display, by globally substitute the business object DECISION to one of your own, re-define the object's method Process that read the business object fromt the work item container and executes it's display method, which is basically the same result you'd like to have.
    Best wishes,

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    call function 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'
    src_spoolid = mi_rqident
    no_dialog = space
    dst_device = mstr_print_parms-pdest
    pdf_bytecount = mi_bytecount
    pdf = mtab_pdf
    err_no_abap_spooljob = 1
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    others = 12.
    DATA: office_object TYPE swc_object.
             FolderType LIKE SOFM-FOLTP,
             FolderYear LIKE SOFM-FOLYR,
             FolderNumber LIKE SOFM-FOLNO,
             Type LIKE SOFM-DOCTP,
             Year LIKE SOFM-DOCYR,
             Number LIKE SOFM-DOCNO,
             ForwarderName LIKE SOUB-USRNAM,
           END OF SOFM_KEY.
    *- set default
        DOCUMENT_TYPE = 'PDF'.
    *- create office object
    *-- get dark folder
      REGION = 'B'.
                REGION                = REGION
                FOLDER_ID             = FOLDER_ID
                COMMUNICATION_FAILURE = 1
                OWNER_NOT_EXIST       = 2
                SYSTEM_FAILURE        = 3
                X_ERROR               = 4
                OTHERS                = 5.
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
       MESSAGE E696
    *-- create office document
      DOCUMENT_DATA-OBJ_DESCR = 'Travel Expense Form'
      OBJECT_CONTENT[] = mtab_pdf[].  "NOTE_TEXT[].
    object_content_hex[] = IT_SIMULATION_DATA[].
      if object_content[] is initial.                    
        describe table object_content_hex lines lines.   
        document_data-doc_size = lines * 255.            
      call function 'SO_DOCUMENT_INSERT_API1'
          folder_id                  = l_folder_id
          document_data              = document_data
          document_type              = document_type
          document_info              = document_info
          object_content             = object_content
          contents_hex               = object_content_hex 
          folder_not_exist           = 1
          document_type_not_exist    = 2
          operation_no_authorization = 3
          parameter_error            = 4
          x_error                    = 5
          enqueue_error              = 6
          others                     = 7.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
    message e696(wl)                             
               raising error_sofm_creation.
    *- set export parameter
      swc_set_element CONTAINER 'ATTACH' office_object.

    adobe reader verson 8 only but still I am getting the same error.
    I am trying to pass the pdf tabel data to contents_hex to the FM SO_DOCUMENT_INSERT_API1 but both are having different sturctures. How can sove this problem. I download the pdf table data to pdf file in the pc and again uploaded the pdf file into contents_hex table structure and called the FM SO_DOCUMENT_INSERT_API1, But the work item step in backgroup process download and upload are not working out.
    Please help me out

  • Methods of Workitem execute twice

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    please give me your suggestions?
    Thanks in advance!

    What's worse is that it seems now your messages have started posting thrice
    Just a small note to remind you that version can be important, especially in this case where you have a problem related to packages. So you should include version information (release, support package level) in your description of the problem.
    Sorry I can't be of more help with respect to the problem itself.

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    protected void paint(Graphics g, int ancho, int alto) {
              System.out.println ("Dentro del paint, seleccionado="+seleccionado);
              try {
                   g.drawString(label, 0, 0, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
                   if (!seleccionado) {
                        g.setColor(120, 120, 120);
                   g.drawRect(0, 4, tama�oTexto+8, 25);
                   if (seleccionado) {
                        g.setColor(255, 255, 255);
                        g.fillRect(1, 5, (tama�oTexto+8-1), 23);
                   g.setColor(0, 0, 0);
                   if (!seleccionado) {
                        g.setColor(80, 80, 80);
                   g.drawString(texto, 4, 7, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
                   if (seleccionado) {
                        int cursorX=Font.getDefaultFont().charsWidth((texto.substring(0, idLetraActual)).toCharArray(), 0, texto.substring(0, idLetraActual).length())+4;
                        g.drawChar('|', cursorX, 7, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
              } catch (Exception E){
         }the traverse method set the seleccionado variable and calls to repaint but instead of being false the paint method is drawing it as true (most of times).

    I have a problem with findByxxx() method.. in
    Container managed bean.
    i have
    Collection collection =
    specified in my Client Program, where ownerName is the
    cmp fieldname..
    public Collection findByOwnerName(String ownerName)
    throws RemoteException, FinderException
    defined in my home interface.
    i have not mentioned the findBy() method anywhere else
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    Even if i have a same "fieldValue" in the database
    (Oracle), which i specified in findBy() method, iam a
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    have that owner name.
    for the same application if i use findByPrimaryKey(),
    it is working..
    Can any one please post me the solution.

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    private static void readTextFile(File f) {
    try {
    FileReader fileIn = new FileReader(f);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fileIn);
    String line;
    int i;
    SsnLocationRecord recordIn = new SsnLocationRecord();
    int ctr = 0;
    while (true) {
    line = in.readLine();
    if (line == null)
    ctr += 1;
    i = line.indexOf(" ");
    if (ctr < 11)
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println ("Error reading file");
    for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
    System.out.println((SsnLocationRecord) records.elementAt(i));
    C:\Training\Java>java ConvertTextFileToObjectFile data\ssn.dat
    0 null
    3 New Hampshire
    7 Maine
    9 Vermont
    34 Massachusetts
    39 Rhode Island
    49 Connecticut
    134 New York
    158 New Jersey
    211 Pennsylvania
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada
    680 Nevada

    First of all it would be better if you did a priming read and then checked line == null in the while statement instead of the way you have it.
    ctr++ will also accomplish what ctr +=1 is doing.
    you need to create a new instance of SsnLocationRecord for each line read. What you are doing is overlaying the objects data each time you execute the .putxxxx methods. The reference to the object is placed in the vector. The actual object is still being updated by the .putxxx methods (NOTE : THIS IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR MAIN QUESTION).
    you close should be in a finally statement.
    To process through all the elements of a Vector create an Enumeration and then use the nextElement() method instead of the elementAt is probably better. (Some will argue with me on this I am sure).
    Also, on a catch do not call System.exit(0). This will end your JVM normally. Instead throw an Exception (Runtime or Error level if you want an abnormal end).

  • Problem with prerender method

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    The problem is that, now i'm using eclipse and the configuration files of the project has changed and the prerender method never execute.
    I want to know why it is happening. Maybe the project is "bad-configurated"?

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    I put a breakpoint in the prerender method but the lifecycle doesn�t execute this method.
    After serveral changes, I wrote this code in the method prerender :
    int i=0;
    i = 1;
    And the prerender method doesn't execute.
    I'm a bit lost,

  • Problem with affinetransformOp method...

    I have a serious problem with filter method
    I Want to make a image flipping or some other filtering by using
    but it printouts an erro like this
    cannot resolve symbol
    op.filter (img, flipped)
    (the error pointer shows ".after the op")
    a code from my one of the filters
    BufferedImage flipped = new BufferedImage(img.getHeight(), img.getWidth(),BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    AffineTransform trans = new AffineTransform(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(trans, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR);
    op.filter(img, flipped); //img is my buffered image source
    I used some other ways like (img, null) but always give out error.

    Did you declare "img" as BufferedImage or something else?
    What is the full error message?

  • Problem with WindowClosing() method

    Hello everyone,
    I have some problem with WindowClosing() method, in which I gave options
    to quit or not. Quit is working fine but in case of Cancel, its not returning to
    the frame. Can anyone help me ....Here is my code
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class TestFrame extends JPanel
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Frame3");
              WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                        int button = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"OK to Quit","",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, -1);
                        if(button == 0)     {

    Maybe try
    int button = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(yourframe,"OK to
    Quit","",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, -1);

  • Problems using GET method in JSP

    I had some problems using GET method in JSP.
    I'm using Apache web server 1.3 and Tomcat 3.3.1 in windows 2000.
    And I'm using language English and Korean.
    When I send messages using POST method, all is good
    But when I send message using GET method, English is good, but Korean is not good.
    I tried to encode using
    URLEncode.encode(str, "UTF-8")
    and decoding it using
    URLDecode.decode(request.getParameter(tag), "UTF-8")
    but it didn't work.
    How can I receive request including Korean using GET method in JSP?
    If anyone have solutions, please let me know.

    I had some problems using GET method in JSP.
    I'm using Apache web server 1.3 and Tomcat 3.3.1 in
    windows 2000.
    And I'm using language English and Korean.
    When I send messages using POST method, all is good
    But when I send message using GET method, English is
    good, but Korean is not good.
    I tried to encode using
    URLEncode.encode(str, "UTF-8")
    and decoding it using
    URLDecode.decode(request.getParameter(tag), "UTF-8")
    but it didn't work.
    How can I receive request including Korean using GET
    method in JSP?
    If anyone have solutions, please let me know.
    thanks.This problem appears, when one use UTF-16 encoding in JSP - am I right?
    If so there are two solutions:
    1) Temporary: Use "UTF-8" - or any other 8 bit encoding scheme and
    encode Korean symbols with "&1234;" kind of escapes - though it
    may not work
    2) Absolute: get my piece of code, which I have managed to write
    just a month ago resolving absolutely similar problem with UTF-16
    in code using Chinese/Russian/English encodings
    But I wouldn't say that it's costs 10 DDs :) - it's much more
    expensive... So try 1st variant if it wouldn't help - let me know.
    I'll figure :)

  • Screen Resolution Problem in Session Method

    I want to use session method in BDC. How to resolve screen resolution problem in Session Method?
    Please give me the code or steps regarding this.
    Thanks & Regards

    U can only run the session with the option Dynpro Standard Size setted.
    In this way the system should be use the same resolution for every situation.

  • Can we keep Decision workitem in two users SAP inbox after canel action ?

    I have a requirement like "  Decision workitem is going to two SAP Users Inbox , when one user opens the work item and choose the cancel and keep workitem in inbox in that case also its disappering in other user's SAP Inbox"
    is there any way to keep the work item in both users inbox when one person selects CANCEL AND KEEP WORKITEM IN INBOX ?
    Please give me your input.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Rick Bakker wrote:
    > Is this in SBWP or UWL?
    > This seems to be the SAP standard in some scenarios. You could have the workflow test for Reserved and unreserve it but then what happens if it was reserved on purpose.
    > regards
    > Rick Bakker
    > hanabi technology
    Hi Rickk ,
    it is SBWP
    it is intresting to see that case if one of approver reserves it for the purpose of evaluating later.
    the thing is our onsite  consultant asked like  is it possible to keep the decision in the two approvers SAP Inbox  after selecting cancel and keep workitem in the inbox.
    is that possible ?

  • Problems w my method paymet

    Problems w my method payment

    Go to settings/itunes & app store tap on ID then view ID then tap payment information and see whether paypal is a payment option for you.  If it is not then you will need to check from one of the available payment options

  • How to disable the  Options for a decision workitem at runtime

    I want to  disable the  Options (in this  case, Approve  and Reject ) for a decision workitem  at runtime (depending on a condition).

    Hi Dhavalshree,
    As vijay have mentioned, I will not be possible to Disable option of a decision step at runtime.
    You can get this functionality by following the steps mentioned below
    1)     Have one more step (CONDITION STEP) before this decision step in workflow definition
    2)     In the condition step, with the step name say (approve or reject)
    3)     In the condtion tab, define a flag say &YFLAG&
    4)     Write the expression to this flag as &YFLAG& = Y
    5)     Define two outcomes for this condition step i.e. True and False
    6)     Under u2018Trueu2019 give the outcome name as APPROVE
    7)     Under u2018Falseu2019 give the outcome name as REJECT
    8)     Based on the path have two different decision steps in each path of condtion step
    9)     In the Approve Pathu2019s decision step define only one option i.e. Approve
    10)     In the Reject Pathu2019s decision step define only one option i.e. Reject.
    Hope this will help you.
    Deepa Kulkarni

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