Problem inserting record using INSERT INTO

I am an amateur web builder using some ColdFusion functionality to access information on an Access database. I know very little about ColdFusion syntax, but I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 to help generate most of the code. I'm working on an insert record page to create a user database with login information. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm getting a syntax error referencing this particular portion of the code:
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
The error occurred in C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\Everett\register.cfm: line 22
Below is the entire page with line 22 (referenced in the error message) in red. Any ideas?
<cfset CurrentPage=GetFileFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath())>
<cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_InsertRecord") AND FORM.MM_InsertRecord EQ "register">
  <cfquery datasource="everettweb">  
    INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], Password)
VALUES (<cfif IsDefined("FORM.first_name") AND #FORM.first_name# NEQ "">
<cfqueryparam value="#FORM.first_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
, <cfif IsDefined("FORM.last_name") AND #FORM.last_name# NEQ "">
<cfqueryparam value="#FORM.last_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
, <cfif IsDefined("") AND NEQ "">
<cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
, <cfif IsDefined("FORM.password") AND #FORM.password# NEQ "">
<cfqueryparam value="#FORM.password#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
  <cflocation url="register_success.cfm">
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      <form action="<cfoutput>#CurrentPage#</cfoutput>" method="POST" name="register" preloader="no" id="register">
            <table width="100%">
                <td colspan="2" class="heading1">Fill in the information below to register for this site:</td>
                <td colspan="2"><img src="clear.gif" height="15" /></td>
                <td width="50%" class="form" align="right">First Name:</td>
                <td width="50%"><span id="sprytextfield1">
                  <input type="text" name="first_name" required="yes" id="first_name" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
                  <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
                <td class="form" align="right">Last Name:</td>
                <td><span id="sprytextfield2">
                  <input type="text" name="last_name" required="yes" id="last_name" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
                  <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
                <td class="form" align="right">Email Address:</td>
                <td><span id="sprytextfield3">
                <input type="text" name="email" validate="email" required="yes" id="email" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
                <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span></td>
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                <td><span id="sprytextfield4"><span id="ConfirmWidget">
                <input type="text" name="email_confirm" validate="email" required="yes" id="email_confirm" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
                <span class="confirmInvalidMsg">The values do not match</span></span></span></td>
                <td class="form" align="right">Password:</td>
                <td><span id="sprytextfield5">
                  <input type="password" name="password" required="yes" id="password" width="150" />
                  <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
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                <td><span id="sprytextfield6"><span id="ConfirmWidget">
                  <input type="password" name="password_confirm" required="yes" id="password_confirm" width="150" />
                  <span class="confirmInvalidMsg">The values do not match</span></span></span></td>
                <td> </td>
                <td><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Register" /></td>
      <input type="hidden" name="MM_InsertRecord" value="register" />
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Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.  INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], Password)
That oh-so-uninformative error is because "Password" is a reserved word with your database driver.  Either escape it by putting square brackets around it too, or rename the column permanently. It is best to avoid using reserved words whenever possible. So renaming the column is the better option.  Also, I would try and avoid using invalid characters like spaces in column names ie "First Name". It is technically allowed, but it requires special handling everywhere which adds unecessary complexity.
I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm getting a syntax error referencing this particular portion of the code:
Do not take the error line numbers as gospel. Sometimes they just indicate that the error is within the vincinty of that line.
I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 to help generate most of the code
Unforutnately, DW wizards generate some truly awful and verbose code.  To give you an idea, here is what the query should look like, without all the wizard nonsense.
  <cfparam name="FORM.first_name" default="">
  <cfparam name="FORM.last_name" default="">
  <cfparam name="" default="">
  <cfparam name="FORM.FORM.password" default="">
  <cfquery datasource="YourDSNName"> 
    INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], [Password])
    VALUES (
      <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.first_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
     , <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.last_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
     , <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
     , <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.password#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
CF is pretty easy to learn. You might want to begin perusing the CF documentation and a few tutorials to get more familiar with the language. Since you are working with a database, I would also recommend a  SQL tutorial.

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       sta = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO "+table +" VALUES(?,?)");
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    | 0 | 0 |
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    Try to specify you database field as SQL need field names to do updating
    sta = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO "+table + "("+ id1+","+id2+ ")"+ VALUES(?,?)");

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                    getEmployeeDataByRegionResult.token = salesTarget.getEmployeeDataByRegion(/*Enter value(s) for */ 'Central');
              <s:CallResponder id="getEmployeeDataByRegionResult"/>
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                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="YTD" dataField="YTD"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Q1GOAL" dataField="Q1GOAL"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="EMAIL" dataField="EMAIL"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="LASTNAME" dataField="LASTNAME"/>
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    Thank you

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  • JDBC- How Update record using preparedStatement() into  MS Access?

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    Actually i got an error when i update the record,The
    setString() Parameter are stored in terms of arrays
    The Error is[Microsoft][ODBC
    Microsft Access Driver] Syntax Error in UPDATE
    Believe the error message - your SQL syntax is wrong.
    Either fix it or post what you have and get some advice.


    Hi all,
    I've this problem: insert into Table_A some values from Table_B... with one derivated/calculated filed.
    INSERT INTO Table_A (id_part, vendtype, origin, proven, desc)
    SELECT id_p, vendt, origin, proven, <calculate/derivated_field_desc>
    FROM Table_BThe rules for calculate the field desc inserted on Table_A are 1. IF vendt='V' AND origin='N' AND proven!='04' THEN ---> desc='TRANSFER'
    2. IF vendt='M' AND origin='N' AND proven!='04' THEN ---> desc='IMPORTED'
    3. IF proven='04' THEN ---> desc='BAD'So what I use in <calculate/derivated_field_desc> on my INSERT INTO statement??
    Can I use a SELECT CASE WHEN... or only DECODE is a right solution?
    Edited by: trebbia on 15-nov-2010 12.51

    I prefer use select case when... because trasform my rules in DECODE statement is more difficult
    So I write: INSERT INTO Table_A (id_part, vendtype, origin, proven, desc)
    SELECT id_p, vendt, origin, proven, SELECT CASE WHEN vendt='V' AND origin='N' AND proven!='04' THEN 'TRANSFER'
                                                    WHEN vendt='M' AND origin='N' AND proven!='04' THEN 'IMPORTED'
                                                    WHEN proven='04 THEN 'BAD'
    FROM Table_BObtain this error:
    40/56 PL/SQL: ORA-00936: missing expression
    33/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    PS: I use '<' '>' and not '!=' in my code... here not prompted correctly '<''>'
    Edited by: trebbia on 15-nov-2010 13.04
    Edited by: trebbia on 15-nov-2010 13.06

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    Hi guys,
    just to let you know, I have just tried to install into my local 11.2 instance on Windows7.
    I was hitting the following problem:
    insert into wwv_flow_flash_map_regions(id,file_id,region_id,region_name,centroid_x,centroid_y) values(223,9,'DNK-VBR','V
    FEHLER in Zeile 1:
    ORA-01722: Ungnltige Zahl
    After setting
    set NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 before starting sqlplus and then running the apexins.sql script it worked fine.
    My NLS settings in the registry are as follows:

    New files will be available between 11:30 - 12 PT that will fix this issue. Please download again after that time.
    -- Sharon

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    and then uses this parameter to locate the record and then copy this record
    into the table with a few columns changed.
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    -- Create New Amendment
    function create_amendment(p_mipr_number in mipr.mipr_number%TYPE, p_new_amendment_number in mipr.amendment_number%TYPE)
    return integer is
    new_mipr_id integer;
    THIS is causing me grief See comments after this block of code
    insert into mipr
    (select mipr_id from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number),
    (select fsc from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number),
    (select price from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number),
    (select part_number from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number);
    THe above will work if I say the following
    insert into mipr
    (select * from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number);
    BUt, Of course this isn't what I want to do... I want to duplicate a record and change about 3 or 4 fields .
    How do I use a combination of more than one select and hard coded values to insert a new record into the table.
    /** Ignore below this is fine... I just put a snippet of a function in here ** The above insert statement is what I need help with
    select (mipr_id) into new_mipr_id from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number + amendment_number=(select max(amendment_number) + 1);
    return new_mipr_id;

    function create_amendment(p_mipr_number in mipr.mipr_number%TYPE)
    return integer is
    new_mipr_id integer;
    tmp_number number;
    tmp_mipr_id integer;
    tmp_number :=(select max(amendment_number) from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number);
    tmp_number :=1; works..
    tmp_number doesn't work with the select statement?
    Obviously I'm a novice! I can't find anything in my book regarding tmp variables... What should I look under is tmp_number a
    variable or what? In my Oracle book, variable means something different.
    I have the following code in my stored procedure:
    Good luck,
    Eric Kamradt

  • Problem inserting records in table using cursors

    hi all
    i have a block in which i m trying to take records from a table pass it to a procedure which in turn calls some procedures
    and than the procesed records are dumped into another table
    this is my code
    set serveroutput on
    lastcall date;
    srcip varchar2(50);
    username varchar2(50):='9204';
    duration number;
    callto varchar2(50);
    accountid varchar2(50);
    calltime date;
    subscriberid varchar2(50);
    country varchar2(50);
    cost varchar2(50);
    CURSOR process_cdr
    FROM rawcdr
    WHERE     calltime>lastcall;
    select max(calltime_gmt) into lastcall from
    open process_cdr;
    fetch process_cdr into srcip,username,callto,calltime,duration;
    if (instr(callto,'00')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto,SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 3, 50);
    elsif (instr(callto,'011')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 4, 50);
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') +1 , 50);
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('trying to insert');
    insert into processed_cdr values(accountid,subscriberid,srcip,username,callto,country,calltime,duration,cost) ;
    dbms_output.put_line('inserted successfully');
    FETCH process_cdr INTO srcip, username, callto, calltime, duration;
    close process_cdr;
    now the problem is that
    records are not getting inserted nor an error is shown
    i guess i m not that much familiar with cursors
    and thats creating prob
    please help

    but you haven't a loop ! :-)
    Try this,
    (not tested)
    set serveroutput on
    lastcall date;
    srcip varchar2(50);
    username varchar2(50):='9204';
    duration number;
    callto varchar2(50);
    accountid varchar2(50);
    calltime date;
    subscriberid varchar2(50);
    country varchar2(50);
    cost varchar2(50);
    CURSOR process_cdr
    FROM rawcdr
    WHERE calltime>lastcall;
    select max(calltime_gmt) into lastcall from
    open process_cdr;
    fetch process_cdr into srcip,username,callto,calltime,duration;
    EXIT WHEN process_cdr%NOTFOUND;
    if (instr(callto,'00')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto,SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 3, 50);
    elsif (instr(callto,'011')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 4, 50);
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') +1 , 50);
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('trying to insert');
    insert into processed_cdr values(accountid,subscriberid,srcip,username,callto,country,calltime,duration,cost) ;
    dbms_output.put_line('inserted successfully');
    /* Second fetch is not needed
    --FETCH process_cdr INTO srcip, username, callto, calltime, duration; */
    close process_cdr;
    COMMIT; -- eventually
    end;You didn't answered - do you do COMMIT elsewhere ?
    I placed COMMIT also, if you don't need it, you can comment it

  • Insert into another table using record

    Hi all, i am reading from TableA , need to sort the records and insert the sorted order in table B, and need some help with the coding, would appreciate if anyone can help.
    I am using records
    create or replace procedure ZZ AS
         select *
         FROM TABLE_A;
            ORDER BY field_1 ASC;
         info_rec GEN_CUR%ROWTYPE;
              open GEN_CUR;
                   FETCH gen_cur INTO info_rec;
                   EXIT WHEN gen_cur%NOTFOUND;
                   -- i need to insert the record into table_B. table_B's fields are identical to table_A, but am unsure of the code.
              END LOOP;
              CLOSE gen_cur;
         END;Message was edited by:

    From Oracle 9.2 onwards we can do clever things with records:
    SQL> select * from tab1
      2  /
    K F
    Z X
    A X
    SQL> declare
      2     r tab1%ROWTYPE;
      3  begin
      4     for r in ( select * from tab1 order by key ) loop
      5       insert into tab12 values r;
      6     end loop;
      7  end;
      8  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from tab12
      2  /
    K F
    A X
    Z X
    SQL> But as K Richards has pointed out you can do this with a straight INSERT ... SELECT statement...
    SQL> roll
    Rollback complete.
    SQL> insert into tab12
      2  select * from tab1 order by key
      3  /
    2 rows created.
    SQL> select * from tab12
      2  /
    K F
    A X
    Z X
    SQL> Note that sort order is only guaranteed when we use an ORDER BY clause.
    Cheers, APC

  • Problem with using INSERT INTO script

    Hi guys,
    I was trying to duplicate a table with the following script:
    BODY1     CHAR(1000)     NOT NULL,
    BODY2      CHAR(1000)     NOT NULL,
    BODY3     CHAR(1000)     NOT NULL,
         SELECT      *           
         FROM system.table3
    However, when I execute the script, I keep getting a 'missing right parenthesis' error. Any idea what went wrong?

    You don't need braces.
    SELECT *
    FROM system.table3

  • Problem inserting a gif into a blob field in a table with sqldev / forms6i

    Problem solved - For those that might be interested, the errors don't make much sense - the problem was with the gif. Seems that these 28 gifs plus the new scans were saved from the scanner with
    GIF - LZW, Transparent color: 255
    Converting them to Black and white allowed them to be loaded.
    If anyone understands why, I'd like to know
    I was previously having a problem deleting a row with a blob and it was suggested that I create the table using rowdependencies - which I did as follows.
         "FG_FIGURE" BLOB,
    Then I copied my data from my previous table with the following - and everything came across
    INSERT INTO MDD_FIGURE2 (fg_figurename, fg_figure)
    mdd_figure2 was then renamed to mdd_figure
    The table, Mdd_Figure, already contains some 2000+ .gifs that were successfully loaded with Forms 6i (yes, I know it is old, but I am stuck with having to use it). All the .gifs I am loading are from scans and all are less than 64k. However, 28 .gifs would not load. When I insert the .gif into the field and committed the form, the status message tells me a record was written but when I check it, the blob is empty.
    So, when I try to insert one of these problem .gifs in SqlDeveloper, I open the new mdd_figure table, select the blob field, open the edit dialog, set it to figure, select the .gif that I want to load and then save it. The blob field changes from NULL to BLOB, but it is empty. When I try to commit, I get the following error from SqlDev.
    One error saving changes to table "MDD"."MDD_FIGURE":
    Row 14: ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
    I use rollback to restore the record to it's previous state.
    If I load one of the successfully loaded .gifs into the same field, it loads perfectly as follows.
    Commit Successful
    It appears the 28 gifs have a problem. I've re-scanned them, with the same results. They are just small scanned line map images from our earlier publications. They view properly in several different graphics programs and I can't find anything wrong with them.
    I notice that the ROWID's are different while the ORA_ROWSCN's are the same - but what is the significance of that?
    Any suggestions as to what is happening and what I can do about it?
    Thanks for any help you can give me.
    (Database is 10R2 and sqldev is the most recent one)
    Edited by: gconley on Sep 25, 2008 9:51 PM

    solved it myself - problem was with the gif

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