Problem with decimal data visualization in a circular graphic object type

When we are design a report using Crystal Reports 2008 we found the following problem. When we insert an object of type circle graphic selecting the option in the graphics wizard for view in the legend data both in value and percentage (u2018bothu2019 design) we cant show them in a two decimals format at the same time.
Using the option u2018number formatu2019 and indicating two decimals only affects the value but not the percentage.
Show both the value and the percentage with two decimals at same time itu2019s a necessary requirement for our report design.
Is there any way to show both the value and the percentage in a circle graphic object with two decimals at the same time?

hello Jose,
i am not sure what you mean by "circular graphic object type".
there's nothing in the standard cr 2008 build that has this that i've ever found that creates a circle other than inserting a box and changing the rounding on the corners. if you're using a 3rd party product or add-on you'll need to contact whoever built it.

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  • Problem with decimal

    Hi Experts,
    I'm having a problem with decimal.
    I have a alv data grid that can be edited.Once I press enter the value for the decimal fields are changed.
    Example: If i input 5.00 in the field then I press enter it converts it to 0.05
    And If I input 2.01 in the field it shows an error Too many decimal places(Maximum 0)
    DATA INPUT for my internal table:
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_data OCCURS 0,
       docno LIKE zit_haul_line-docno,
       line  LIKE zit_haul_line-line,
       eqpno LIKE zit_haul_line-eqpno,
       rpt LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
       notrip LIKE zit_haul_line-notrip,
       trc LIKE zit_haul_line-trc,
       escfee LIKE zit_haul_line-escfee,
       tollfee LIKE zit_haul_line-tollfee,
       repr LIKE zit_haul_line-repr,
       others LIKE zit_haul_line-others,
       tba LIKE zit_haul_line-tba,
       dik LIKE zit_haul_line-dik,
       locorg LIKE zit_haul_line-locorg,
       locdes LIKE zit_haul_line-locdes,
    END OF it_data.
    DATA: wa_data LIKE it_data.
    Here is my code in change ALV Change.
    FORM data_changed USING ir_data_changed TYPE REF TO cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
       DATA ls_modi TYPE lvc_s_modi.
       DATA: ratepertrip LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
             nooftrip LIKE zit_haul_line-notrip,
             lv_value TYPE lvc_value ,
             totalrent LIKE zit_haul_line-trc,
             escortfee LIKE zit_haul_line-escfee,
             tollfee LIKE zit_haul_line-tollfee,
             represent LIKE zit_haul_line-repr,
             others LIKE zit_haul_line-others,
             lv_value1 TYPE lvc_value,
             totalbill LIKE zit_haul_line-tba.
       DATA: eqpno LIKE equi-equnr,
             gv_equnr LIKE equi-equnr.
    * Check each modification:
       LOOP AT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells INTO ls_modi.
          CASE ls_modi-fieldname.
           WHEN 'EQPNO'.
             CONDENSE ls_modi-value.
             SELECT SINGLE equnr
               INTO gv_equnr
               FROM equi
               WHERE equnr EQ ls_modi-value.
             IF sy-subrc NE 0.
               CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
                   i_msgid     = '00'
                   i_msgty     = 'E'
                   i_msgno     = '398'
                   i_msgv1     = 'Equipment Number does not exist:'
                   i_msgv2     = ls_modi-value
                   i_msgv3     = ''
                   i_msgv4     = ''
                   i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
                   i_row_id    = ls_modi-row_id.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'RPT'
         IMPORTING e_value = ratepertrip.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'NOTRIP'
         IMPORTING e_value = nooftrip.
       CLEAR totalrent.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TRC'.
         IF ratepertrip = ''.
           ratepertrip = 1.
         ELSEIF nooftrip = ''.
           nooftrip = 1.
         totalrent = ratepertrip * nooftrip.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalrent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'ESCFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = escortfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'TOLLFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = tollfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'REPR'
         IMPORTING e_value = represent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'OTHERS'
         IMPORTING e_value = others.
       CLEAR totalbill.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TBA'.
         totalbill = escortfee + tollfee + represent + others.
         totalbill = totalrent + totalbill.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalbill.
    ENDFORM.                    "data_changed

    Can you check my code. I've tried changing the data types of my internal table and my output is stll same when I press enter.
    The output should be 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
    Also if I enter 12345.00 the output should be 12,345.00.
    Thank you so much for the help.
    * ALV required data objects.
    TYPE-POOLS: sdydo, icon, slis.
    DATA: w_title     TYPE lvc_title,
           w_repid     TYPE sy-repid,
           w_comm      TYPE slis_formname,
           w_status    TYPE slis_formname,
           x_layout    TYPE slis_layout_alv,
           ls_events   TYPE LINE OF slis_t_event,
           t_events    TYPE slis_t_event,
           t_fieldcat  TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           x_sort      type LINE OF slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
           t_sort      TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
           ls_heading  TYPE slis_listheader,
           t_heading   TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           ls_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
           gs_variant  LIKE disvariant,
            gt_events            TYPE slis_t_event,
            gs_events            TYPE slis_alv_event.
       wa_layout     TYPE slis_layout_alv,
       wa_events         TYPE slis_alv_event,
       wa_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_header,
            line01(555) TYPE c,
            line02(555) TYPE c,
            END OF t_header.
    DATA: is_print TYPE slis_print_alv,
           gset TYPE lvc_s_glay,
           %runmode TYPE aqlimode.
    data: it_sortcat   type slis_sortinfo_alv occurs 1.
    DATA: gw_header  TYPE t_header.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_data OCCURS 0,
       docno LIKE zit_haul_line-docno,
       line  LIKE zit_haul_line-line,
       eqpno LIKE zit_haul_line-eqpno,
       rpt TYPE p DECIMALS 2,  "LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
       notrip TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       trc TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       escfee TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       tollfee TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       repr TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       others TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       tba TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       dik LIKE zit_haul_line-dik,
       locorg LIKE zit_haul_line-locorg,
       locdes LIKE zit_haul_line-locdes,
    END OF it_data.
    DATA: wa_data LIKE it_data.
    DATA: it_modified TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zit_haul_line WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: wa_modified TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zit_haul_line WITH HEADER LINE.
         PARAMETERS: p_docno LIKE mseg-belnr MODIF ID B,
                     p_post LIKE sy-datum MODIF ID B.
    PARAMETERS: p_trand LIKE sy-datum,
                 p_cost LIKE csks-kostl,
                 p_proj TYPE string,
                 p_wbs TYPE string,
                 p_nwa TYPE string.
       IF r_create = 'X'.
         IF screen-group1 = 'A'.
            screen-active = 1.
         IF screen-group1 = 'A'.
            screen-active = 0.
       IF r_post = 'X' OR r_rev = 'X'.
         IF screen-group1 = 'B'.
            screen-active = 1.
         IF screen-group1 = 'B'.
            screen-active = 0.
    PERFORM get_data.
    PERFORM display_report.
    FORM get_data.
    it_data-line = '001'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '002'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '003'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '004'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '005'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '006'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '007'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '008'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '009'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '010'.
    APPEND it_data.
    "ALV DISPLAY ====================================================================================================================================
    "&      Form  PF_WRITE_FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  pf_write_fieldcat
    *       text
    *      -->FNAME      text
    *      -->TNAME      text
    *      -->TEXT       text
    *      -->LEN        text
    FORM pf_write_fieldcat  USING fname
    *                              key
    *                              sum.
       ls_fieldcat-fieldname     = fname.
       ls_fieldcat-tabname       = tname.
       ls_fieldcat-seltext_l     = text.
       ls_fieldcat-outputlen     = len.
    *  ls_fieldcat-key           = key.
    *  ls_fieldcat-do_sum        = sum.
       ls_fieldcat-edit = edt.
       IF len = '0'.
         ls_fieldcat-outputlen     = '1'.
         ls_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'.
       APPEND ls_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
       CLEAR ls_fieldcat.
    *  To set ENTER Event!
       gs_events-name = 'CALLER_EXIT'.
       gs_events-form = 'CALLER_EXIT'.
       APPEND gs_events TO gt_events.
    *   To change the ALV Changed Protocoll
       gs_events-name = 'DATA_CHANGED'.
       gs_events-form = 'DATA_CHANGED'.
       APPEND gs_events TO gt_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " PF_WRITE_FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  display_report
    FORM display_report.
       is_print-no_print_selinfos = 'X'.
       is_print-no_print_listinfos = 'X'.
       is_print-print_ctrl = 'X'.
       PERFORM pf_write_fieldcat USING:
    *  'DOCNO'                  'IT_DATA'  'Line'                   ' ' '',
       'LINE'                  'IT_DATA'  'Line'                   ' ' '',
       'EQPNO'                 'IT_DATA'  'Equipment No.'          ' ' 'X',
       'RPT'           'IT_DATA'  'Rate per Trip'          ' ' 'X',
       'NOTRIP'              'IT_DATA'  'No of Trip'             ' ' 'X',
       'TRC'             'IT_DATA'  'Total Rental Charges'   ' ' '',
       'ESCFEE'             'IT_DATA'  'Escort Fee'             ' ' 'X',
       'TOLLFEE'               'IT_DATA'  'Toll Fee'               ' ' 'X',
       'REPR'             'IT_DATA'  'Representation'         ' ' 'X',
       'OTHERS'                'IT_DATA'  'Others'                 ' ' 'X',
       'TBA'               'IT_DATA'  'Total Billable Amount'  ' ' '',
       'DIK'              'IT_DATA'  'Distance in KM'         ' ' 'X',
       'LOCORG'             'IT_DATA'  'Location Origin'        ' ' 'X',
       'LOCDES'             'IT_DATA'  'Location Destination'   ' ' 'X'.
    * Layout
       x_layout-zebra = 'X'.
       x_layout-no_keyfix = ' '.
       x_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    * GUI Status
       w_status = 'SET_PF_STATUS'.
       w_repid = sy-repid.
    * User commands
       w_comm = 'USER_COMMAND'.
    *  gs_variant-variant = p_var1.
    *  gs_variant-handle  = space.
    *  gs_variant-report  = sy-repid.
       gs_variant-report  = sy-repid.
       gs_variant-username = sy-uname.
       gset-no_colwopt = 'X'.
    * Displays the ALV grid
           i_callback_program = sy-repid
           it_fieldcat        = t_fieldcat
           is_layout          = x_layout
           "it_sort            = t_sort
           it_sort                 = it_sortcat
    *      i_callback_pf_status_set = w_status
           "i_callback_user_command  = w_comm
    *      i_callback_html_top_of_page  = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
           i_callback_top_of_page  = 'TOP-OF-PAGE'
    *      i_callback_html_end_of_list = 'END-OF-PAGE'
           is_variant         = gs_variant
           i_save             = 'A'
           is_print           = is_print
           it_events          = gt_events
    *      i_grid_title       = w_title
           t_outtab           = IT_DATA
           program_error      = 1
           OTHERS             = 2.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_report
    FORM data_changed USING ir_data_changed TYPE REF TO cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
       DATA ls_modi TYPE lvc_s_modi.
       DATA: ratepertrip LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
             nooftrip LIKE zit_haul_line-notrip,
             lv_value TYPE lvc_value ,
             totalrent LIKE zit_haul_line-trc,
             escortfee LIKE zit_haul_line-escfee,
             tollfee LIKE zit_haul_line-tollfee,
             represent LIKE zit_haul_line-repr,
             others LIKE zit_haul_line-others,
             lv_value1 TYPE lvc_value,
             totalbill LIKE zit_haul_line-tba.
       DATA: eqpno LIKE equi-equnr,
             gv_equnr LIKE equi-equnr.
    * Check each modification:
       LOOP AT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells INTO ls_modi.
          CASE ls_modi-fieldname.
           WHEN 'EQPNO'.
             CONDENSE ls_modi-value.
             SELECT SINGLE equnr
               INTO gv_equnr
               FROM equi
               WHERE equnr EQ ls_modi-value.
             IF sy-subrc NE 0.
               CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
                   i_msgid     = '00'
                   i_msgty     = 'E'
                   i_msgno     = '398'
                   i_msgv1     = 'Equipment Number does not exist:'
                   i_msgv2     = ls_modi-value
                   i_msgv3     = ''
                   i_msgv4     = ''
                   i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
                   i_row_id    = ls_modi-row_id.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'RPT'
         IMPORTING e_value = ratepertrip.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'NOTRIP'
         IMPORTING e_value = nooftrip.
       CLEAR totalrent.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TRC'.
         IF ratepertrip = ''.
           ratepertrip = 1.
         ELSEIF nooftrip = ''.
           nooftrip = 1.
         totalrent = ratepertrip * nooftrip.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalrent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'ESCFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = escortfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'TOLLFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = tollfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'REPR'
         IMPORTING e_value = represent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'OTHERS'
         IMPORTING e_value = others.
       CLEAR totalbill.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TBA'.
         totalbill = escortfee + tollfee + represent + others.
         totalbill = totalrent + totalbill.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalbill.
    ENDFORM.                    "data_changed
    FORM caller_exit USING is_data TYPE slis_data_caller_exit.
    * Switch to OO_ALV:
       DATA: lr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
           e_grid = lr_alv.
    * Register ENTER as edit event:
       CALL METHOD lr_alv->register_edit_event
           i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_enter.
    * pls. use MC_EVT_MODIFIED if leaving the cell should trigger the edit event!
    *&      Form  TOP-OF-PAGE
    *       text
    FORM top-of-page.
    *ALV Header declarations
       DATA: t_header TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             wa_header TYPE slis_listheader,
             t_line LIKE wa_header-info,
             ld_lines TYPE i,
             ld_linesc(10) TYPE c.
       DATA: text TYPE sdydo_text_element,
             a_right   TYPE REF TO cl_dd_area.
       DATA: tran TYPE string,
             send TYPE string,
             wbs TYPE string,
             nwa TYPE string.
       text = 'Create Hauling Charges for Project'.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Transaction Date: ' p_trand INTO tran SEPARATED BY space.
       text = tran.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Sender Cost Center: ' p_cost INTO send SEPARATED BY space.
       text = send.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Receiver WBS: ' p_wbs INTO wbs SEPARATED BY space.
       text = wbs.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Receiver Network and NWA: ' p_nwa INTO nwa SEPARATED BY space.
       text = nwa.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
           it_list_commentary = t_header.
    ENDFORM.                    "top-of-page
    FORM pf_set_top_page_heading  USING typ
       ls_heading-typ = typ.
       ls_heading-key = key.
       ls_heading-info = info.
       APPEND ls_heading TO t_heading.
    ENDFORM.                    " PF_SET_TOP_PAGE_HEADING
    *&      Form  PF_SET_TOP_PAGE_EVENTS
    FORM pf_set_top_page_events  USING name
       ls_events-name = name.
       ls_events-form = form.
       APPEND ls_events TO t_events.
       CLEAR ls_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " PF_SET_TOP_PAGE_EVENTS
    *&      Form  REUSE_ALV_GET_VARIANT
    FORM reuse_alv_get_variant
       USING    value(iv_repid)   TYPE  sy-repid
                value(iv_handle)  TYPE  slis_handl
       CHANGING iv_variant        TYPE  disvariant-variant.
       DATA: lv_exit(1) TYPE c,
             ls_variant TYPE disvariant.   " Structure for Variant
       MOVE: iv_variant TO ls_variant-variant,
             iv_handle  TO ls_variant-handle,
             iv_repid   TO ls_variant-report.
           is_variant    = ls_variant
           i_save        = 'A'
           e_exit        = lv_exit
           es_variant    = ls_variant
           not_found     = 1
           program_error = 2
           OTHERS        = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
       IF lv_exit = space.
         MOVE ls_variant-variant TO iv_variant.
    ENDFORM.                    " REUSE_ALV_GET_VARIANT                 "
    FORM user_command USING w_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
    rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    CASE w_ucomm.
    *  READ TABLE it_data INTO wa_data." INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
       DELETE it_data WHERE eqpno IS INITIAL.
       LOOP AT it_data INTO wa_data.
         CONDENSE wa_data-eqpno.
         MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_data TO wa_modified.
         APPEND wa_modified TO it_modified.
       MODIFY zit_haul_line FROM TABLE it_modified.
    ENDFORM. "user_command

  • Problem with decimal point in Korea and Japan

    Hi all,
    I have one problem with decimal points.
    I need to change in my out put cuurency values as per japan or korea standards.
    Please help me is there any function module for this one.
    program using alv grid display.
    i use write statement but it is not working. Because
    data: L_AMT  type glpca-hsl,
             G_AMT  TYPE CHAR15.
    CURR this value is 'JPY'.
    here i need to do
    L_AMT = G_AMT.   "" going to runtime error.
    if i taken like
    data: L_AMT  TYPE CHAR15,
             G_AMT  TYPE CHAR15.
    CURR this value is 'JPY'.
    WRITE L_AMT CURRENCY CURR TO G_AMT.   "" it is not working

    This is pretty basic, whenever you've currency & quantity fields you need to pass the corres. reference fields.
    In your case you need to populate the cfieldname & ctabname fields of the FieldCat.

  • Problems with retrieving data from tables with 240 and more records

    I've been connecting to Oracle 11g Server (not sure exact version) using Oracle 10.1.0 Client and O10 Oracle 10g driver. Everything was ok.
    I installed Oracle 11.2.0 Client and I started to have problems with retrieving data from tables.
    First I used the same connection string, driver and so on (O10 Oracle 10g) then I tried ORA Oracle but with no luck. The result is like this:
    I'm able to connect to database. I'm able to retrieve data but from small tables (e.g. with 110 records it works perfectly using both O10 and ORA drivers). When I try to retrieve data from tables with like 240 and more records retrieval simply hangs (nothing happens at all - no error, no timeout). Application seems to hang forever.
    I'm using Powerbuilder to connect to Database (either PB10.5 using O10 driver or PB12 using ORA driver). I used DBTrace, so I see that query hangs on the first FETCH.
    So for the retrievals that hang I have something like:
    (3260008): BIND SELECT OUTPUT BUFFER (DataWindow):(DBI_SELBIND) (0.186 MS / 18978.709 MS)
    (3260008): ,len=160,type=DECIMAL,pbt=4,dbt=0,ct=0,prec=0,scale=0
    (3260008): ,len=160,type=DECIMAL,pbt=4,dbt=0,ct=0,prec=0,scale=1
    (3260008): ,len=160,type=DECIMAL,pbt=4,dbt=0,ct=0,prec=0,scale=0
    (3260008): EXECUTE:(DBI_DW_EXECUTE) (192.982 MS / 19171.691 MS)
    and this is the last line,
    while for retrievals that end, I have FETCH producing time, data in buffer and moving to the next Fetch until all data is retrieved
    On the side note, I have no problems with retrieving data either by SQL Developer or DbVisualizer.
    Problems started when I installed 11.2.0 Client. Even if I want to use 10.0.1 Client, the same problem occurs. So I guess something from 11.2.0 overrides 10.0.1 settings.
    I will appreciate any comments/hints/help.
    Thank you very much.

    pgoel wrote:
    I've been connecting to Oracle 11g Server (not sure exact version) using Oracle 10.1.0 Client and O10 Oracle 10g driver. Everything was ok.Earlier (before installing new stuff) did you ever try retrieving data from big tables (like 240 and more records), if yes, was it working?Yes, with Oracle 10g client (before installing 11g) I was able to retrieve any data, either it was 10k+ records or 100 records. Installing 11g client changed something that even using old 10g client (which I still have installed) fails to work. The same problem occur no matter I'm using 10g or 11g client now. Powerbuilder hangs on retrieving tables with more than like 240 records.

  • Different behavior with decimal data on same version of CF

    I have a linux/apache/mysql/CF MX 7 Enterprise server. I insert decimal data using the cfqueryparam that looks like
    <cfqueryparam value="#BudgetSet.BUD_SET_DETAIL_COST_PER#" CFSQLType="CF_SQL_DECIMAL">.
    No problems the decimal data does not get rounded, 123.45 inserts as 123.45.
    I'm building applications for my neighborhood association, so I'm having host the web site with CF and MySQL.
    Like a good developer, I took code from my CF server, moved some of the more useful programs to the, set up the database and started testing some apps. Now any decimal data inserted gets rounded using the same cfqueryparam syntax from my CF server (like above). The decimal data on the inserts as 123.00, when I'm trying to insert 123.45, of course if I insert 123.99 I get 124.00, rounding. So I called and of course I get the standard technical answer "its your code". So off to testing I go. Only to determine, by not using the cfqueryparam, I could stop the rounding, more testing I determined that I need to use
    <cfqueryparam value="#BudgetSet.BUD_SET_DETAIL_COST_PER#" CFSQLType="CF_SQL_MONEY"> or
    <cfqueryparam value="#BudgetSet.BUD_SET_DETAIL_COST_PER#" CFSQLType="CF_SQL_DECIMAL" scale="2">. The version of CF @ is also MX 7 Enterprise. Finally the question, what in configuration could cause such different behavior ?
    Thanks for reading my short novel.

    The database drivers determine how the cfqueryparam values are
    interpreted (behind the scenes ColdFusion generates a prepared
    statement using the driver interface and sets the values using
    standard JDBC calls). Unfortunately, like you found out, not all
    drivers are created equal and have slightly different behavior or
    I would check and compare the driver versions.

  • Problem with Java Dates and UPDATE for SQL2000

    I am having problems with the date formats for Java. I am trying to put the current date time into a SQL table, here it the code I am using:
    var Today = new Date()
    var conn = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
    conn.Open( "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=(local);Database=BillTracking;UID=sa;PWD=;")
    var sql = "UPDATE BillAssignments SET DatePosted = " + Today + " WHERE AssignmentID = '" + Request.QueryString("AssignmentID") + "'"
    var rs = conn.execute(sql)
    I keep getting different errors and I have been unable to find a solution yet. I know that I need to change the date format from the Java standard to the one that SQL likes.

    Please tell us where the Java part of this comes in. I see that you are using JavaScript to load up data via an ADO connection (presumably on an IIS platform) - but I do not see where you are using Java

  • Problem with billing date at closed period

    We have a problem with billing date in transaction . Previously we could set up different (earlier) billing date than the actual posting period and now it is not working. We receive an error message that the posting period is closed ) .
    I attached an example invoice which we managed to post and where you can see what Iu2019m thinking about, parking number: 1024337, BILLING DOCUMENT: 841835. In this case the billing date was at 30.11.2007, but the posting in 15.07.2008 and we managed to post.
    Pls help that issue

    it is due to posting period closed for the month of 07/2008.
    u need to open posting during that period.

  • Facing problem with a date column in select query

    I am facing problem with a date column. Below is my query and its fainling with " invalid number format model" .
    Query: SELECT *
    WHERE trunc(LAST_UPDATED) >= to_date(to_char(22-05-2009,'dd-mm-yyyy'),'dd-mm-yyyy')
    LAST_UPDATED column is "DATE" data type.
    Please help me Thanks

    Radhakrishna Sarma wrote:
    SeánMacGC wrote:
    WHERE LAST_UPDATED >= to_date('22-05-2009','dd-mm-yyyy');
    You do not need the TRUNC here in any case.
    I don't think so. What if the user wants only data for 22nd May and the table has records with date later than 22nd also? In that case your query willl not work. In order for the Index to work, I think the query can be written like this I think Sean is right though. Use of TRUNC Function is quiet useless based on the condition given here, since the to_date Function used by OP will always point to midnight of the specified date, in this case 22-05-2009 00:00:00.
    Edit: I think Sean proved his point... ;)

  • Problem with loading data to Essbase

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with loading data into Essbase. I've prepared maxl script to load the data, calling rule file. The source table is located in RDBMS Oracle. The script works correctly, ie. generally loads data into Essbase.
    But the problem lies in the fact, that after deletion of data from Essbase, when I'm trying to load it again from the source table I get the message: WARNING - 1003035 - No data values modified by load of this data file - although there is no data in Essbase... I've also tried to change the mode of loading data from 'overwrite' to 'add to existing values' (in rule file) but it does'nt help ... Any ideas what can I do?

    Below few lines from EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/essbase/dataload_ODL.err:
    [2013-09-24T12:01:40.480-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1160] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1116830016] Received Validate Login Session request
    [2013-09-24T12:01:40.482-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1001] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1114724672] Received client request: Get App and Database Status (from user [admin@Native Directory])
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.488-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1001] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1101564224] Received client request: MaxL: Execute (from user [admin@Native Directory])
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.492-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1001] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1115777344] Received client request: MaxL: Describe (from user [admin@Native Directory])
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.492-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [MLEXEC-2] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1115777344] Output columns described
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.494-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1001] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1102616896] Received client request: MaxL: Define (from user [admin@Native Directory])
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.494-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1001] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1102616896] Received client request: MaxL: Fetch (from user [admin@Native Directory])
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.494-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [MLEXEC-3] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1102616896] Record(s) fetched
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.496-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1001] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1116830016] Received client request: MaxL: Fetch (from user [admin@Native Directory])
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.498-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1160] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1114724672] Received Validate Login Session request
    [2013-09-24T12:01:54.499-10:01] [ESSBASE0] [AGENT-1001] [NOTIFICATION] [16][] [ecid:1379989900303,0] [tid:1101564224] Received client request: Get Application State (from user [admin@Native Directory])

  • Problem with the date conversion

    Hi Friends,
    i am facing the problem with the date conversion,  Actuall my requirement is to pass the date to the screen based on the user setting roles(SU01).
    I have fetched the user setting date format by using the funciton module SUSR_GET_USER_DEFAULTS, The function module picks the exact user date setting (Like as MM/DD/YYYY, MM.DD.YYYY, DD.MM.YY).
    After that i have implemented the FORMAT_DATE_4_OUTPUT funciton module for converting of the user role setting date format into system  date format.
    for the english language case the funciton module FORMAT_DATE_4_OUTPUT works fine but the funciton module not supported for other languages
    Can you please provide the Function Moudle for user setting date conversion.
    The funciton module is most important for us,
    Moderator message: date conversion questions = FAQ, please search before posting.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Dec 21, 2010 2:19 PM

    Hope this logic helps you.
    DATA LF_DATE    TYPE DATS VALUE '21122010'. " 21-dec-2010
    DATA LF_DATE_BI(10).
    WRITE LF_DATE TO LF_DATE_BI.  "Now LF_DATE_BI contains the date in user format
    "Now populate the value LF_DATE_BI to the screen field

  • PSP: problems with viewing data

    I'm currently working at on-line shop and have some problems with viewing data from database. When there is no much inserts to table its working very well. But after inserting all Inserts I have its acting weird.
    Sample with 10 INSERTS:
    Sample with 100 INSERTS:
    I'm using Oracle 9i. when I have more data in my database its acting weird. There is SELECT only from one table, but sometimes I have data from other tables aswell.
    I didnt touch any config files or something else. Only created new User and DAD.
    any ideas what should I do to fix that ??
    thnx in advice

    My guess is that you are speaking about PLSQL Server Pages (PSP), and the PLSQL Web Toolkit.
    This is why I do not think that you will have lot of answer since this forum is targeted toward Web Services developer (XML, SOAP, and so on)
    I am inviting you to ask your question on the general Oracle Application Server - General or PLSQL forums.
    Tugdual Grall

  • Facing lot of problems with the DATA object  -- Urgent

    I am facing lot of problems with the data object in VC.
    1. I created the RFC initially and then imported the data object in to VC. Later i did some modifications to RFC Function module,and when i reload the data object, I am not able to see the new changes done to RFC in VC.
    2. Even if i delete the function module, after redeploying the IVIew, results are getting displayed.
    3. How stable is the VC?
      I restarted the sql server and portal connection to R3 is also made afresh.... still i am viewing such surprise results..
    please let me know what might be the problem.

    Hi Lior,
    Are u aware of this problem.
    If yes, please let me know...

  • Problem with a data set: DIAdem crashes

    I've got a problem with a data set. When I want to zoom in DIAdem-View, DIAdem crashes with the following message (translated from German ;-):
    error address: 00016CB8
    module name: gfsview.DLL
    I've got some similar data set not showing such problems. Further on I scanned the data a bit, but in the 59000 points I didn't see anything special. I did try to delete "NOVALUE"s as well, but after that there still exist "NOVALUE"s.
    Does anyone have an idea what to look for?

    Could you please upload you Citadel database to the following FTP site:
    If you want to compress (ZIP) and/or put a password on the data, that's fine. Please send me a private email at [email protected] (with the file name and password if you put one on the file) once you have uploaded the file and I will check it out.
    Otmar D. Foehner
    Business Development Manager
    DIAdem and Test Data Management
    National Instruments
    Austin, TX - USA
    "For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it's half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary."

  • Problem with input data format - not "only" XML

    Hi Experts,
    I have problem with input data format.
    I get some data from JMS ( MQSeries) , but input format is not clear XML. 
    This is some like flat file with content of XMLu2026.
    0000084202008-11-0511:37<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Document xmlns="urn:xsd:test.01" xmlns:xsi= Sndr="0001" Rcvr="SP">
    Problems in this file is :
    1. data before parser <? xml version="1.0"> -> 0000084202008-11-0511:37 
    2. data after last parser </Document> -> 000016750
    This data destroy XML format.
    Unfortunately XI is not one receiver of this files and we canu2019t change this file format in queue MQSeries ( before go to XI) .
    My goal is to get XML from this file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Document xmlns="urn:xsd:test.01" xmlns:xsi= Sndr="0001" Rcvr="SP">
    My questions:
    1. Is any way or technique to delete this data 0000084202008-11-0511:37  in XI from this file ?
    2. Is any way to get only XML from this file ?
    Thanx .

    Hi Buddy
    What is the XI adapter using?
    If you use inbound File adapter content conversion you could replace these values with none and then pass it to the scenario.
    Does that help?

  • Problem with universal data cleanse

    I have problem with universal data cleanse.
    I am using DS 3.2.x (12.2.2).
    I created:
    Dictionary: TEST
    Classification: TEST_CL
    Custom outputs: category: TEST_CAT
    Dictionary Entry:
    Primary: BO
    Classification: TEST_CL
    Gender: Unassigned
    Secondary information:
    When used as: TEST_CAT
    Standard: Business Objects
    Rule file:
    DataCleanse Rule File v2.0;
    action = TEST_CAT;
    TEST_CAT = 1 : TEST_CAT : 1;
    Data Cleanse:
    Input: Multiline1
    Parsing Dictionary: TEST
    Rule file: .../test_rules.dat
    Break On Whitespace Only: Yes
    Parser Sequences Multiline1: TEST_CAT
    Parent_component: TEST_CAT1
    Generated_field_name: TEST_CAT and RULE_LABEL
    Generated_field_class: parsed/standardized
    Contenet_type: none
    and EXTRA field
    I wanted to replace word u201CBOu201D with the standard words u201CBusiness Objectu201D, but I have result: there is "BO" in the extra field,
    there are "null" in others fields.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks for all help!
    P.S. I don't have cleansing packages installer.

    There seem to be a couple of things going on here:
    1. If you are using your custom dictionaries, then you have to map your input to MULTILINE1 and enable the custom parsers - just something to be aware of
    2. You mentioned that you made some changes to the existing dictionary and you are not seeing any changes. To be clear, do you have different TEST and PRODUCTION environments? Or is it the same environment except that you have a local DS repository and for the dictionary you are pointing to another repository (using Dictionary --> Manage Connections)?
    Having the dictionaries on a different repository should not make any difference as long as you point to them in your designer using the Dictionary --> Manage Connection option.
    So I think there may be some issue with your job setup and/or dictionary values need to be looked at. You can start by adding another output field named "EXTRA" to see whether or not your data is getting parsed at all. Also, make sure the entry "CLEANME" is classified as FIRM_NAME_ALONE in the dictionary and that you are selecting the correct dictionary name in the Datacleanse Transform options.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • How to change Storage Repository on Oracle VM 2.2.2

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  • Color image with LabView6

    I'm using LabVIEW6i Professional Development System and upgraded to LabVIEW6.0.2. When I open the build in IMAQ example codes, the example can't excute and always search the lib file. I cannot find the example code from LabVBIEW: National Instruments

  • Switching computers, is it possible to transfer all my song ratings?

    I am in the process of swapping all my content on to a new laptop, I have transferred my mp3 files across but would also like to keep the ratings I painstakingly amasses through the years - this is important because I ahve a number of playlists set u