Problem with mutiple BAPI calls during the commit

Hi all,
I am trying to create accounts for a given partner i the transaction F9K1 using the BAPI BAPI_BKK_ACCNT_CREATE. After calling the BAPI I am committing it too.
The problem is if I try to create multiple accounts like RCA, ACA, MCA, IOE and so on, the first time the BAPI is called to create RCA account it is successful an it is even committing. When I call the BAPI to create the the ACA account the return table from the BAPI shows success message but the commit fails. If I restart the program and try creation of accounts now the RCA will throw a error msg saying account already exist, ACA account will be created and then the MCA account creation fails in the same manner explained above.
I see the issue is with multiple BAPI calls and I tried using all sort of methods like clearing buffers, start new task in local and wait command and all.  But none of them seems to be working for me.
Can anyone please guide me on how I can overcome this problem.

Use this method to create an account in Bank Customer Accounts. This method returns the following values:
Identification details for the newly created account such as the internal and the external account number, and the bank area details
A table containing error messages
To create an account by using this method, you must specify values for the import parameters Bank Area (BANKAREA) and Product (PRODUCTNAME).
Note: You must also specify a value in the External Account Number (EXTERNALACCOUNTNR) parameter if you have defined an external number range for the bank .

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                                       out = response.getWriter();
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                                       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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    I'm not sure I'm following you. The mapping from URL to servlet can contain anything you want. So you could have the URL /blah/blah/blah that, with a mapping something like /blah/* would pass all requests with that URL pattern to your servlet - no one has to know it is a servlet. Your servlet could then parse the URL to see what it has to do or you could pass parameters as part of the URL or as hidden fields.

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    VARIANT* pvaparams = new VARIANT[3];
    if (pvaparams == NULL)
    return NULL;
    for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 3; nIndex++)
    pvaparams[0].vt = VT_I4;
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    pvaparams[1].vt = VT_BSTR;
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    pvaparams[2].vt = VT_BSTR;
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    va_out.vt = VT_DISPATCH; // expect IDispatch* for database
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    EXCEPINFO eInfo;
    unsigned int uiArgErr;
    //dispid_OpenDatabase OK, previously obtained
    hRes = m_pIOracleSession->Invoke( dispid_OpenDatabase, IID_NULL,1033,
    DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET , &params , &va_out,
    &eInfo, &uiArgErr );
    if ( FAILED( hRes ) )
    throw new COracleDBXception(eInfo);
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    Thank you!

    Hi everyone!
    static const CLSID CLSID_Oracle =
    {0x3893b4a0, 0xffd8, 0x101a, {0xad, 0xf2, 0x04, 0x02, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x70, 0x02}};
    const DWORD ORADB_ORAMODE = 0x1 ;
         HRESULT     hr;
         IDispatch* pIDefaultSession;
         hr = ::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_Oracle, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pIDefaultSession );
         if (hr != S_OK)
              return S_FALSE;
         // CreateNamedSession - DISPID: 0x6001000B
         // OpenDatabase - DISPID: 0x60010001
         // create unique name
         TCHAR strName[256];
         stprintf( strName, T("Session#%d"), 1);
         // call 'CreateNamedSession' method
         VARIANT vaparam;
         vaparam.vt = VT_BSTR;
         vaparam.bstrVal = SysAllocTString(strName);
         VARIANT va_out_3nd;
         va_out_3nd.vt = VT_DISPATCH;     // expect IDispatch* for named session
         DISPPARAMS params = {&vaparam, NULL, 1, 0};
         EXCEPINFO excepinfo;
         unsigned int uiArgErr;
         // Invoke CreateNamedSession
         hr = pIDefaultSession->Invoke( 0x6001000B, IID_NULL, 1033, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &params, &va_out_3nd, &excepinfo, &uiArgErr );
         if ( FAILED(hr) )
              return S_FALSE;
         CComPtr<IDispatch> m_pIOracleSession;      // pointer to the session
         m_pIOracleSession.p = va_out_3nd.pdispVal;
         // call "OpenDatabase" method
         HRESULT hRes;
         CSString m_strDbId = _T("databasename");
         CSString m_strUserName = _T("username");
         CSString m_strPswd = _T("password");
         CComBSTR bstrDBName = SysAllocTString(m_strDbId);
         CComBSTR bstrConnect = SysAllocTString(m_strUserName + T("/") + mstrPswd);
         VARIANT* pvaparams = new VARIANT[3];
         if (pvaparams == NULL)
              return S_FALSE;
         for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 3; nIndex++)
         pvaparams[0].vt = VT_I4;
         pvaparams[0].lVal = ORADB_ORAMODE;
         pvaparams[1].vt = VT_BSTR;
         pvaparams[1].bstrVal = bstrConnect;
         pvaparams[2].vt = VT_BSTR;
         pvaparams[2].bstrVal = bstrDBName;
         VARIANT va_out_2nd;
         va_out_2nd.vt = VT_DISPATCH;      // expect IDispatch* for database
         DISPPARAMS params_2nd = {pvaparams, NULL, 3, 0};
         EXCEPINFO eInfo;
         unsigned int uiArgErr_2nd;
         // invoke OpenDatabase:
         //here is the problem!!!
         hRes = m_pIOracleSession->Invoke(0x60010001, IID_NULL, 1033, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET , &params_2nd , &va_out_2nd, &eInfo, &uiArgErr_2nd );
         delete pvaparams;
         if ( FAILED( hRes ) )
              return S_FALSE;
         CComPtr<IDispatch> m_pDatabase;
         m_pDatabase.p = va_out_2nd.pdispVal;
         CreateCustomDynaset - DISPID: 0x6001000C
         ExecuteSQL - DISPID: 0x60010006
         LastServerErrText - DISPID: 0x60010009
         Parameters - DISPID: 0x00000000
         LastServerErrReset - DISPID: 0x6001000B
         TCHAR* pAlterNumeric = T("ALTER SESSION SET NLSNUMERIC_CHARACTERS = \".,\"");
         // call "ExecuteSQL" method
         VARIANT va_params;
         va_params.vt = VT_BSTR;
         va_params.bstrVal = SysAllocTString(pAlterNumeric);
         DISPPARAMS params_3nd = {&va_params, NULL, 1, 0};
         unsigned int uiArgErr_3nd;
         // Invoke ExecuteSQL:
         hr = m_pDatabase->Invoke( 0x60010006, IID_NULL, 1033, DISPATCH_METHOD, &params_3nd, NULL, &eInfo, &uiArgErr_3nd );
         if (FAILED(hr))
              return S_FALSE;
         return S_OK;
    If this function is called from DllMain(), it works. But if we call this function from another method from our .dll, and that method is called via COM from a client, this function doesn't work anymore! We use VC++ 5 and the 10g Oracle client.
    Can anyone give me a explanation?
    PS: The call to opendatabase() is successfull, but we don't see a connection on the database server and we get a SEGV error: "function not mapped to object".

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    Runtime error! 
    Program C:\Program Files\iTunes.exe
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    Please contact the application's support team for more information.
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    Runtime error! 
    Program C:\Program Files (x86)...
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    Please contact the application's support team for more information.
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    Hi lustyln,
    I'm having a little trouble understanding all of what you are trying to explain. From what I can tell, it sounds like your PC has a lot of software problems and you want to know what is supposed to be there and what isn't.
    For reference, here are your product specifications:
    To get your PC software back to how it was when it was first purchased, run a system recovery:
    I hope this helps. HP employee just trying to help where I can, but not speaking on behalf of HP.

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    Wow. Lots of help. Thanks apple

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    You have not deleted it from the purchases list, it is just hidden. To unhide an app, open the Mac App Store app, click the Account link in the Quick Links to the right of the pane and go to the iTunes in the Cloud section where you can manage hidden apps.

  • Problem with BAPI_PO_CHANGE when called within ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED BADI Implementation

    Hi All,
    We have a situation where PR to PO conversion needs to happen through a custom program which submits ME59N in batches. During this conversion, it's a business requirement to update the PO's GS Partner function based on the manufacturer in the first item's inforecord.
    In order to do this, we have implemented the badi "ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED". The only method within this is "POSTED"
    In order to update the PO, I use "BAPI_PO_CHANGE" inside this badi with IN BACKGROUND TASK addition. The reason behind this is that this BADI is called before the commit that creates the PO happens. And by calling the BAPI_PO_CHANGE in a background task, I ensure that it's run after the commit has happened.
    This approach works extremely well, but fails in certain scenarios when executed for large PR to PO conversion where certain PRs exceed 300 line items.
    Since the background task call cannot be debugged, I used the enjoy bapi_po_change exit EXIT_SAPL2012_004 to dump the return table to a custom table or the application log, to check what has happened.
    In the instances that this has failed, the return table's content was -> function "change purchase order" performed in test
    I assure you I have NOT used the test flag. I even applied a couple of SAP notes that mention this issue, but still had no success. I am waiting for a proper response from OSS at the moment but this is a real headscratcher.
    Also importantly at this point, the PO was successfully created.So the partner function change should happen without issues  :'(
    Have any of you come across this issue before ? What steps have you taken to overcome this issue ?

    Hi All,
    We have a situation where PR to PO conversion needs to happen through a custom program which submits ME59N in batches. During this conversion, it's a business requirement to update the PO's GS Partner function based on the manufacturer in the first item's inforecord.
    In order to do this, we have implemented the badi "ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED". The only method within this is "POSTED"
    In order to update the PO, I use "BAPI_PO_CHANGE" inside this badi with IN BACKGROUND TASK addition. The reason behind this is that this BADI is called before the commit that creates the PO happens. And by calling the BAPI_PO_CHANGE in a background task, I ensure that it's run after the commit has happened.
    This approach works extremely well, but fails in certain scenarios when executed for large PR to PO conversion where certain PRs exceed 300 line items.
    Since the background task call cannot be debugged, I used the enjoy bapi_po_change exit EXIT_SAPL2012_004 to dump the return table to a custom table or the application log, to check what has happened.
    In the instances that this has failed, the return table's content was -> function "change purchase order" performed in test
    I assure you I have NOT used the test flag. I even applied a couple of SAP notes that mention this issue, but still had no success. I am waiting for a proper response from OSS at the moment but this is a real headscratcher.
    Also importantly at this point, the PO was successfully created.So the partner function change should happen without issues  :'(
    Have any of you come across this issue before ? What steps have you taken to overcome this issue ?

  • Problem with a bapi fm...

    hi all,
    i have a problem with Bapi_goodmvt_create.
            goodsmvt_header  = gt_header
            goodsmvt_code    = gt_bapigm_code
            testrun                 = 'X'
            goodsmvt_headret = gs_headret
            goodsmvt_item    = gt_item
            return                 = gt_return.
        IF gt_return-type <> 'E'.
    in the error table gt_return iam getting,
    while running in the test run mode no errors are comming. but while running test run mode immediately iam getting the below error, but i havent opened the plant or material anywhere,
    "The plant data of the material 801187 is locked by the user PREM."
    help me in this issue,

    Use WAIT for 5 seconds before COMMIT. It may work.
    Reward all helpful replies.

  • Problem with C++ library call with Labview/linux.

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    under MAC, and ported to Linux, I get the following problem:
    Under Linux, the static object constructors of the library are not
    called during the load period of LabVIEW (which is done while the VI's
    are loaded on mac.)
    From there, I get a crash of LabVIEW (Segmentation fault) at the first
    access of a static object.
    I compile the files .cc with the following options:
    g++ -fPIC -shared -I -o f.o
    The link is done with that command:
    ld -fPIC -shared -u __pure_virtual\
    /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/crtbeginS.o \
    -l stdc++ \
    -redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/ \
    /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/crtendS.o \
    -o RUlib.dll
    LabVIEW does find all the functions in the libraries (it agrees to run),
    but doesn't call at all the constructors during library load.
    Under Macintosh, I've encounter the same problem, but I could solve it
    in choosing the right entry points of the library in the compiling
    option. (initilisation = __initialize, main = '' termination = __terminate).
    Thanks to let me know
    Eric Cano

    Sorry for necro'ing an old thread. But I have the same issue in labview 8.2 in Linux. Calling natively compiled applicationsin system exec causes segmentation faults.
    Anyone have any experience with this?
    I believe I found the issue. You need to configure the application to recieve data from STDIN if you don't the application will crash, this solved my issue.

  • Problem with messages and calls,, please respond

    Problem with my iphone is that the messages are sent and received very late, it hangs while sending, when delete a message it takes time to open messages firstly... messages in the thread disappear and such abnormalities.
    and in Calls, i receive notification when the call is missed.

    I would do a full restore using iTunes (backup first, of course)

  • Problem with messages and calls

    Problem with my iphone is that the messages are sent and received very late, it hangs while sending, when delete a message it takes time to open messages firstly... messages in the thread disappear and such abnormalities.
    and in Calls, i receive notification when the call is missed.

    Ritu Parchure wrote:
    I have ulmocked and restored the iphone.
    I assume you mean "unlocked and restored." My apologies if I msunderstand, but if you unlocked it yourself, then you must have hacked it. If it was originally locked at the time of purchase, only that carrier can unlock it.

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    This response is a little late as I just read about your problem. I have a 2012 Dodge Charger and a 2012 Chrysler Town and Country and both worked flawlessly with the iPhone 5s my wife and I had. However, we just upgraded to the iPhone 6 and Uconnect will receive calls but you cannot answer them. You can callout successfully, however. the annoyance being the inability to answer incoming calls in the HandsFree mode.

  • Having problem with siri on calling someone

    Hi.. i'm having a problem with siri when calling says " i can't call using that number "
    Im from Mauritius, our mobile number having been migrated into 8-digits since 1 month. I'd turn off siri, reset setting.. its the same!
    whats wrong with that?

    i"m from Mauritius also having the same problem when calling someone using siri.
    i think its because, of the 8 digits number.

  • "problem with shortcut/fatal error during installation" on other user accts

    I-tunes installed and works with no problem in original user, but when another user account attempts to open Itunes, program attempts to install/configure again, then results in a "problem with shortcut / fatal error during installation" message. Setting the other users to administrators doesn't help, nor does un-installing/re-installing, etc. I am at least the 4th person with this problem (see Burthomp earlier today,Jan. 17 and Richard 1018 on Dec. 29). This problem started with Itunes 7.5, and is still a problem on Itunes 7.6. I have a standard Dell setup, Model E510. There must be a lot of people with this problem. Apple, are you working on this? Anyone else have a suggestion?

    I ran into the same problem, but I think I have the solution. First, the problem isn't with iTunes, its an access problem with Windows XP. I tried to run the iTunes program from the Program Files, and I received an "Access Denied" error.
    If you try to open the Program Files in My Computer\Local Disk(C:) and receive an "Access Denied" Error, that is why you are receiving a "shortcut problem/Fatal Error during installation".
    Here is how I corrected it:
    1) Shut down the computer and restart it in "safe mode". I had to look up how to do this, but I pressed F8 when it was restarting and I highlighted the "safe mode" and started the machine. The icons will be large, but ignore it.
    2) Open a user that has administrative access -- I used the one user that has access to itunes.
    3) Go to My Computer\Local Disk (C:) and right click on the "Program Files" folder. Select "properties" at the bottom.
    4) Go to the Security Tab
    5) At the top you should see one or two users that have access to the Programs File. One will be the user that itunes works on. Click Add, then click Advanced, then click Find Now.
    6) At the bottom should appear a list of users. Select a user on which itunes doesn't work. Click Ok, then click OK again.
    7) Give that user full access to the Program File by putting a check mark in the Full Access box.
    8) Repeat for the remaining users.
    9) Restart computer in normal mode.
    10) Go into a user that had problems and click the itunes icon, and it should run.
    It worked for me, I hope it works for you.

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