Problem with trees(Duplication of the parent node in creation of  children)

Hi guys i am experiencing a slight problem with the creation of trees.Here is a clear explanation of my program.I created a program that generates edges from a set of datapoints then use each and every edge that is generated to create multiple trees with the edge as the rootnode for each and every tree.Everything up to so far everything went well but the problem comes when i want the program to pick every single tree and traverse through the set of generated edges to create the children of a tree.What it does at the moment for each tree is returning the a duplication of the parent node as the child nodes and that is a problem.Can anyone related with this problem help.Your help will be appreciated.
The code
TreeNode class
package SPO;
import java.util.*;
public class TreeNode
        Edge edge;
        TreeNode node;
     Vector childrens = new Vector();
        public TreeNode(Edge edge)
                this.edge = edge;
        public synchronized  void insert(Edge edge)
                if(edge.fromNode == this.edge.toNode)
                        if(node == null )
                                node = new TreeNode(edge);
Tree class
package SPO;
import java.util.*;
public class Tree
        TreeNode rootNode;
     public Tree()
                rootNode = null;
        public Tree[]  createTrees(Vector initTrees,Vector edges)
               Tree [] trees =  new Tree[initTrees.size()];
               for(int c = 0;c < trees.length;c++)
                  trees[c] = (Tree)initTrees.elementAt(c);     
               for(int i = 0;i < trees.length;i++)
                        for(int x = 0;x < edges.size();x++)
                                Vector temp = (Vector)edges.elementAt(x);
                                for(int y = 0;y < temp.size();y++)
return trees;
public void printTree(Tree tree)
Vector siblings = tree.rootNode.childrens;
for(int i = 0; i < siblings.size();i++)
TreeNode node = (TreeNode)siblings.elementAt(i);
public Vector initializeTrees(Vector edges)
Vector trees = new Vector();
for(int i = 0;i < edges.size();i++)
Vector temp = (Vector)edges.elementAt(i);
for(int j = 0;j < temp.size();j++)
Tree tree = new Tree();
return trees;
public synchronized void insertNode(Edge edge)
if(rootNode == null)
rootNode = new TreeNode(edge);
EdgeGenerator class
package SPO;
import java.util.*;
import k_means.*;
public class EdgeGenerator
     public EdgeGenerator()
public Vector createEdges(Vector dataPoints)
//OrderPair orderPair = new OrderPair();
Vector edges = new Vector();
for(int i = 0;i < dataPoints.size()-1 ;i++)
Vector temp = new Vector();
for(int j = i+1;j < dataPoints.size();j++)
//Create an order of edges
Edge edge = new Edge((DataPoint)dataPoints.elementAt(i),(DataPoint)dataPoints.elementAt(j));
return edges;
Edge class
package SPO;
import k_means.*;
public class Edge
public DataPoint toNode;
public DataPoint fromNode;
public Edge(DataPoint x,DataPoint y)
if (x.getX() > y.getX())
this.fromNode = x;
this.toNode = y;
this.toNode = x;
Entry Point
package SPO;
import java.util.*;
import k_means.*;
public class Tester {
     public static void main(String[] args)
          Vector dataPoints = new Vector();
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(140, "Orange"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(114.2, "Lemmon"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(111.5, "Coke"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(104.6, "Pine apple"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(94.1, "W grape"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(85.2, "Appletizer"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(84.8, "R Grape"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(74.2, "Sprite"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(69.2, "Granadilla"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(59, "Strawbery"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(45.5, "Stone"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(36.3, "Yam"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(27, "Cocoa"));
          dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(13.8, "Pawpaw"));
EdgeGenerator eg = new EdgeGenerator();
Vector edges = eg.createEdges(dataPoints);
Tree treeMaker = new Tree();
Vector partialTrees = treeMaker.initializeTrees(edges);
Tree [] trees = treeMaker.createTrees(partialTrees,edges);
for(int i = 0;i < trees.length;i++)
The program output
Each and every "@" symbol represents the start of a tree
@(Orange,Coke)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)
@(Orange,Pine apple)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)
@(Orange,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
@(Orange,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
@(Orange,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
@(Lemmon,Coke)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)(Coke,Pine apple)
@(Lemmon,Pine apple)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)
@(Lemmon,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
@(Lemmon,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
@(Lemmon,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
@(Coke,Pine apple)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)(Pine apple,W grape)
@(Coke,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
@(Coke,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
@(Coke,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
@(Pine apple,W grape)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)(W grape,Appletizer)
@(Pine apple,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
@(Pine apple,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
@(Pine apple,Sprite)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)
@(Pine apple,Granadilla)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)
@(Pine apple,Strawbery)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)
@(Pine apple,Stone)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)
@(Pine apple,Yam)(Yam,Cocoa)(Yam,Cocoa)
@(Pine apple,Cocoa)(Cocoa,Pawpaw)
@(Pine apple,Pawpaw)
@(W grape,Appletizer)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)(Appletizer,R Grape)
@(W grape,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
@(W grape,Sprite)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)
@(W grape,Granadilla)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)
@(W grape,Strawbery)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)
@(W grape,Stone)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)
@(W grape,Yam)(Yam,Cocoa)(Yam,Cocoa)
@(W grape,Cocoa)(Cocoa,Pawpaw)
@(W grape,Pawpaw)
@(Appletizer,R Grape)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)(R Grape,Sprite)
@(R Grape,Sprite)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)(Sprite,Granadilla)
@(R Grape,Granadilla)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)(Granadilla,Strawbery)
@(R Grape,Strawbery)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)(Strawbery,Stone)
@(R Grape,Stone)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)(Stone,Yam)
@(R Grape,Yam)(Yam,Cocoa)(Yam,Cocoa)
@(R Grape,Cocoa)(Cocoa,Pawpaw)
@(R Grape,Pawpaw)

Your program description makes no sense. What exactly is it supposed to do?
Your errors make no sense. What is it doing wrong?
Your program output makes no sense. Look up pre-order, in-order, and post-order notation for representing trees. Pick one of those that you think would be best. I would go with pre-order. Because what you are doing isn't understandable.
By the way, I think your concept of a tree is flawed. A node in a tree has 3 things. it has a reference to its parent, it has references to any of its children, and it has some key value that represents the node (if each node were represented by numbers, the value would be an integer or something). In the case of the root, its reference to its parent is null. I don't know what you are doing with your tree, but it is highly confusing.

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    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
    I have
    problem with realize one of the function under CR XI. I would be persuade if
    any of us would like to help me.
    1) From
    database (basically from one table), I take data to make report. Each of record
    have appropriate fields:
    2) I
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    I canu2019t realized.
    Detail description:
    I passed
    two parameters two report:
    {?from}, {?to} u2013for first period
    {?offset}, it means {?from}+{?offset},
    {?to}+{?offset}  - for second period
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    For example for x=2007.02, I need
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    persist in that both period has different year.month and here problem starts once
    again. I donu2019t know how to solve it. I have found out one solution but it
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    My idea for compare only two
    I make one query in CR for one
    period and second query for second period.
    Firs query:
           year ,
    Second query
           year + FLOOR({month + offset} % 13),
          {month + offset} % 13
    Then in CR I connect two periods and
    make u201Ctableu201D (results of queries) with JOIN on fields year and month.
    This solution is not functional,
    because I need to make reports for days and hours as well. In this solution I
    canu2019t use (%31), because not all months has 31 days.
    I use CR in WEB app made in Visual
    Studio 2005. Maybe from aspx we can manipulate with date to get exact solution,
    and solve problem with SELECT.
    Hope my description clearly
    describe problem and someone will be able to help me. I would be thankful.

    I have had similar problem before.
    Because I had too many data, the legend would not display all the data. Also the chart would not display all the data. But I was able to find a work around.
    In your case, Right click on the Legend text and click on Format Legend Entry.
    Change the font of the legend to 4 (which is the minimum). This may work.
    If you are also having problem with data labels, you could change the font size of the data labels.
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you.

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    Who can help me, then I cann't find everything about this in any forum?

    Can be a problem that get multiplied and visible when iDVD encode for DVD.
    A. See if problem can be isolated to a single frame in the movie and re-import this clip and see if it's better
    B. When free space on Start-Up hard disk goes low - strange things like this might occure. I never go under 25Gb free space on this Start-Up Mac OS hard disk !
    C. Does this problem arises what ever encoding quality You use ?
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    thank you very much

    the parent node of <subnode1-2>29.99</subnode1-2> is (node1), how can do to get <node1> throw <subnode1-2>29.99</subnode1-2> the sub node of <node1>.
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    If you want node 1 as a parent of subnode1-2 than your xml will look like this.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <fathernode>Harry Potter</fathernode>
    and also if you want tom retrive float data than refer following XPATH.
    Manoj Bilthare

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