Query to find max on UNION

I need to find max date from a union result. I tried to use bellow query,
select max(last_processed) from
(select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS_ORGS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS_NOTES UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_SUBS_CONTENT_LKUP UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_SUBS_CONTENT UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_ORGANISATIONS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_MEDIA_CAT_LKUP UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_MEDIA_CAT UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_INDIVIDUALS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_COUNTRIES UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_ADDRESSES);
This is not working give ORA-00904: "LAST_PROCESSED" invalid identifier.
I tried a SELECT from (....) as follows*
select * from
(select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS_ORGS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS_NOTES UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_SUBS_CONTENT_LKUP UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_SUBS_CONTENT UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_ORGANISATIONS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_MEDIA_CAT_LKUP UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_MEDIA_CAT UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_INDIVIDUALS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_COUNTRIES UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_ADDRESSES)
This is woking perfectly. But when I tried to do max(*) i.e select max(*) from ......... gives error again.
Can some one suggest me a query to full fill my requirement please.

Hi, Rupesh,
rupesh.sreenivas wrote:
I need to find max date from a union result. I tried to use bellow query,
select max(last_processed) from
(select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS_ORGS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS_NOTES UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_USERS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_SUBS_CONTENT_LKUP UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_SUBS_CONTENT UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_ORGANISATIONS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_MEDIA_CAT_LKUP UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_MEDIA_CAT UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_INDIVIDUALS UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_COUNTRIES UNION
select max(date_processed) "last_processed" from GMD.CHANGELOG_ADDRESSES);
This is not working give ORA-00904: "LAST_PROCESSED" invalid identifier.
Anything inside quotes (including double-quotes) is case-sensitive. Everything not in quotes is capitalized before compiling. So
last_processed is the same as
"LAST_PROCESSED", but different from
Don't use double-quotes.

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    2 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 06:40:00 07:20:00
    3 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 06:50:00 07:50:00
    4 10 Visu 21-Nov-2010 07:30:00 08:30:00
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    odie_63 wrote:
    I think it may be solved with analytics too.
    with t1 as (
                select 1 sno,10 emp_id,'Visu' emp_name,'21-Nov-2010' emp_date,'06:30:00' login_time,'07:30:00' logout_time from dual union all
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                select 5,10,'Visu','21-Nov-2010','09:30:00','10:30:00' from dual
         t2 as (
                select  emp_id,
                        to_date(emp_date || login_time,'DD-MON-YYYYHH24:MI:SS') login_time,
                        to_date(emp_date || logout_time,'DD-MON-YYYYHH24:MI:SS') logout_time
                  from  t1
         t3 as (
                select  t2.*,
                          when login_time < max(logout_time) over(
                                                                  partition by emp_id,emp_date
                                                                  order by login_time
                                                                  rows between unbounded preceding
                                                                           and 1 preceding
                            then 0
                          else 1
                        end start_of_group
                  from  t2
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                select  t3.*,
                        sum(start_of_group) over(partition by emp_id,emp_date order by login_time) grp
                  from  t3
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    SQL> SY.

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    CustomerNum bkcode reqdate prevstat currstat
    5900 1 03-Aug-12 0 1
    5900 1 06-Aug-12 1 0
    5900 5 22-Jun-12 0 1
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    I have trying hard to get this thing confused what to use Lead or Max
    Kindly guide me

    one way here:
    WITH mytable(CustomerNum, bkcode, reqdate, prevstat, currstat)
       SELECT 5900, 1, TO_DATE('03-Aug-12', 'DD-Mon-YY'), 0, 1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 5900, 1, TO_DATE('06-Aug-12', 'DD-Mon-YY'), 1, 0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 5900, 5, TO_DATE('22-Jun-12', 'DD-Mon-YY'), 0, 1 FROM DUAL
    SELECT CustomerNum, bkcode, reqdate, prevstat, currstat
      FROM (SELECT a.*
                 , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerNum, bkcode
                                           ORDER BY reqdate DESC) AS rn
              FROM mytable a
    WHERE rn=1
       AND currstat=1;
           5900          5 22-JUN-12          0          1Regards.
    Edited by: Alberto Faenza on Dec 18, 2012 5:23 PM
    Changed again!! Previous logic was wrong

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    Please let me know the query to find the memory of database in oracle,sql.

    How do I find the overall database size?
    The biggest portion of a database's size comes from the datafiles. To find out how many megabytes are allocated to ALL datafiles:
    select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "Meg" from dba_data_files;
    To get the size of all TEMP files:
    select nvl(sum(bytes),0)/1024/1024 "Meg" from dba_temp_files;
    To get the size of the on-line redo-logs:
    select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "Meg" from sys.v_$log;
    Putting it all together into a single query:
    select a.data_size+b.temp_size+c.redo_size "total_size"
    from ( select sum(bytes) data_size
    from dba_data_files ) a,
    ( select nvl(sum(bytes),0) temp_size
    from dba_temp_files ) b,
    ( select sum(bytes) redo_size
    from sys.v_$log ) c;
    Another query ("Free space" reports data files free space):
    col "Database Size" format a20
    col "Free space" format a20
    select round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 ) || ' MB' "Database Size"
    , round(free.p / 1024 / 1024) || ' MB' "Free space"
    from (select bytes from v$datafile
    union all
    select bytes from v$tempfile
    union all
    select bytes from v$log) used
    , (select sum(bytes) as p from dba_free_space) free
    group by free.p
    This is what I use :P From http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/Oracle_database_FAQ#How_do_I_find_the_overall_database_size.3F

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    If you wish to get free space in index tablespace then use following query:
    select b.tablespace_name, tbs_size SizeMb, a.free_space FreeMb
    (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024 ,2) as free_space
    from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) a,
    (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as tbs_size
    from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name
    select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 tbs_size
    from dba_temp_files
    group by tablespace_name ) b
    where a.tablespace_name(+)=b.tablespace_name
    and a.tablespace_name='INDX';
    and if you get info for all tablespace then :
    select b.tablespace_name, tbs_size SizeMb, a.free_space FreeMb
    (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024 ,2) as free_space
    from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) a,
    (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as tbs_size
    from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name
    select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 tbs_size
    from dba_temp_files
    group by tablespace_name ) b
    where a.tablespace_name(+)=b.tablespace_name;

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    not familiar with report but could you do something like this
    with t as
      select 1 grp, 10 * level the_cost, add_months (sysdate,  level) effective_dt from dual connect by  level < 11 union all
      select 2 grp, 5 * level the_cost, add_months (sysdate,  level) effective_dt from dual connect by  level < 11
    input as
      ( select null grp, null the_cost, null running_total,  v_eff_dt effective_dt   from dual)
    select * from(
    select t.grp, t.the_cost, sum(t.the_cost) over (partition by t.grp order by t.effective_dt) running_total, t.effective_dt,
           lead(t.effective_dt) over (partition by t.grp order by t.effective_dt) next_effective_dt,
           input.effective_dt  inp_eff_dt
    from t, input
    where inp_eff_dt between effective_dt and next_effective_dtv_eff_dt would be the input date you are interested in

  • Query to find the Salary table details  HRMS 11i

    I am looking  query to find the persons salary details in Oralce EBS 11i.
    I tried the below query bu it didn'ty work.
    SELECT papf.employee_number
    ,pj.NAME job
    ,ppp.proposed_salary_n salary
    FROM per_all_people_f papf
    ,per_all_assignments_f paaf
    ,per_jobs pj
    ,hr_all_organization_units haou
    ,per_position_definitions ppd
    ,per_all_positions pap
    ,per_pay_proposals ppp
    WHERE 1 = 1
    AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
    AND papf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND papf.employee_number IS NOT NULL
    AND paaf.person_id = papf.person_id
    AND SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
    AND paaf.job_id = pj.job_id
    AND paaf.organization_id = haou.organization_id
    AND paaf.position_id = pap.position_id
    AND pap.position_definition_id = ppd.position_definition_id
    AND ppp.pay_proposal_id = (SELECT MAX (pay_proposal_id)
    FROM per_pay_proposals
    WHERE assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id)
    In our case all the below tables have 0 records..
    select count(*) from PER_PAY_PROPOSALS ;
    select count(*) from pay_element_entry_values_f;
    select count(*) from PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F;
    select count(*) from PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F;

    Your results clearly states that there is no salary data which is been captured as well as there are no element entries which are assigned to any assignment.
    Please do the below which will insert records in salary as well as element entries table:
    1. Add a salary proposal to any active employee (People Enter and Maination --> Search for any employee --> Assignment --> Salary) - This will insert a record in PER_PAY_PROPOSALS table
    2. Add an element entry to any active assignment (People Enter and Maination --> Search for any employee --> Assignment --> Entries) - This will insert a record in PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F and PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F table
    Hope this clarifies.

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    Hi All,
    Is there any query to find the memory utilised by each session in the database.I am in 9i database.

    Memory using sessions script,
    COLUMN serial_id FORMAT 999999 HEADING 'Serial#'
    COLUMN session_status FORMAT a9 HEADING 'Status' JUSTIFY right
    COLUMN oracle_username FORMAT a12 HEADING 'Oracle User' JUSTIFY right
    COLUMN os_username FORMAT a9 HEADING 'O/S User' JUSTIFY right
    COLUMN os_pid FORMAT 9999999 HEADING 'O/S PID' JUSTIFY right
    COLUMN session_program FORMAT a18 HEADING 'Session Program' TRUNC
    COLUMN session_machine FORMAT a8 HEADING 'Machine' JUSTIFY right TRUNC
    COLUMN session_pga_memory FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'PGA Memory'
    COLUMN session_pga_memory_max FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'PGA Memory Max'
    COLUMN session_uga_memory FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'UGA Memory'
    COLUMN session_uga_memory_max FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'UGA Memory MAX'
    prompt ----------------------------------------------------
    prompt | User Sessions Ordered by Current PGA Size |
    prompt ----------------------------------------------------
    s.sid sid
    , s.serial# serial_id
    , lpad(s.status,9) session_status
    , lpad(s.username,12) oracle_username
    , lpad(s.osuser,9) os_username
    , lpad(p.spid,7) os_pid
    , s.program session_program
    , lpad(s.machine,8) session_machine
    , sstat1.value session_pga_memory
    , sstat2.value session_pga_memory_max
    , sstat3.value session_uga_memory
    , sstat4.value session_uga_memory_max
    v$process p
    , v$session s
    , v$sesstat sstat1
    , v$sesstat sstat2
    , v$sesstat sstat3
    , v$sesstat sstat4
    , v$statname statname1
    , v$statname statname2
    , v$statname statname3
    , v$statname statname4
    p.addr (+) = s.paddr
    AND s.sid = sstat1.sid
    AND s.sid = sstat2.sid
    AND s.sid = sstat3.sid
    AND s.sid = sstat4.sid
    AND statname1.statistic# = sstat1.statistic#
    AND statname2.statistic# = sstat2.statistic#
    AND statname3.statistic# = sstat3.statistic#
    AND statname4.statistic# = sstat4.statistic#
    AND statname1.name = 'session pga memory'
    AND statname2.name = 'session pga memory max'
    AND statname3.name = 'session uga memory'
    AND statname4.name = 'session uga memory max'
    ORDER BY session_pga_memory DESC

  • Write the sql query to find largest value in row wise without using   great

    write the sql query to find largest value in row wise without using
    greatest fuction?

    Another not so good way, considering you want greatest of 4 fields from a single record:
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (Select 100 col1,200 col2,300 col3,400 col4 from dual
      2  union select 500,600,700,800 from dual
      3  union select 900,1000,1100,1200 from dual
      4  union select 1300,1400,1500,1600 from dual
      5  union select 1700,1800,1900,2000 from dual
      6  union select 2100,2200,2300,2400 from dual
      7  union select 2800,2700,2600,2500 from dual
      8  union select 2900,3000,3100,3200 from dual)
      9  SELECT (CASE WHEN col1 > col2 THEN col1 ELSE col2 END) Max_value
    10  FROM
    11  (SELECT (CASE WHEN col1_col2 > col2_col3 THEN col1_col2 ELSE col2_col3 END) col1,
    12         (CASE WHEN col2_col3 > col3_col4 THEN col2_col3 ELSE col3_col4 END) col2,
    13         (CASE WHEN col3_col4 > col4_col1 THEN col3_col4 ELSE col4_col1 END) col3
    14  FROM
    15  (SELECT (CASE WHEN col1 > col2 THEN col1 ELSE col2 END) col1_col2,
    16         (CASE WHEN col2 > col3 THEN col2 ELSE col3 END) col2_col3,
    17         (CASE WHEN col3 > col4 THEN col3 ELSE col4 END) col3_col4,
    18         (CASE WHEN col4 > col1 THEN col4 ELSE col1 END) col4_col1
    19* FROM t))
    SQL> /
    8 rows selected.
    SQL> Edited by: AP on Sep 21, 2010 6:29 AM

  • To find max effdt from a table

    i am facing problem in finding max effdt for every employee from a table.
    i have to fetch emplid's from a table according to a particular deptid but there are many entries for a employee depending on effdt.I have to fetch the entry which is of max effdt.
    i wrote query like dis,is it ok?
    select emplid,effdt from ps_job where deptid='10000' and effdt in (select max(effdt) from ps_job group by emplid)

    You need to correlate the effdt and the empid is some fashion There are a few ways to do this. The closest correct way to what you have is:
    SELECT emplid, effdt
    FROM ps_job o
    WHERE deptid='10000' and
          effdt IN (SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_job i
                    WHERE i.emplid = o.emplid)A one-pass method, assuming you can use analytics would be:
    SELECT emplid, effdt
    FROM (SELECT emplid, effdt, deptid,
                 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY emplid
                                   ORDER BY effdt DESC) rn
          FROM ps_job o)
    WHERE deptid='10000' and
          rn = 1John

  • Shell script to find MAX(SEQUENCE#)  of primary and standby DB.

    Hi All,
    AIX 5.3 64bit DB:
    I am looking for a shell script which does the following:
    Use SQL*Plus to query the MAX(SEQUENCE#) from both databases i.e., Primary and standby V$LOG_HISTORY view. If the STANDBY appears to be falling behind by 2 archive log files,then send alert mail to: [email protected]
    We should be able to connect to primary DB from standby DB using ssh
    For example: ssh ora<user>@hostname.domain
    I use the following query to find out MAX(SEQUENCE#):
    col logseq_on_standby new_value V_STDBY_LOGSEQ
    select /*+ rule */ max(h.sequence#) logseq_on_standby
    from v\$log_history h,
    v\$parameter p
    where h.thread# = to_number(decode(p.value,'0',1,p.value))
    and p.name = 'thread';
    Thanks for your time!!

    sent the shell script..
    By the way is this hssawan!!!
    Please check the shell script and let me know the following:
    AIX 5.3 64bit DB:
    I am looking for a shell script which does the following:
    Use SQL*Plus to query the MAX(SEQUENCE#) from both databases i.e., Primary and standby V$LOG_HISTORY view. If the STANDBY appears to be falling behind by 2 archive log files,then send alert mail to: [email protected]
    We should be able to connect to primary DB from standby DB using ssh
    For example: ssh ora<user>@hostname.domain
    I use the following query to find out MAX(SEQUENCE#):
    col logseq_on_standby new_value V_STDBY_LOGSEQ
    select /*+ rule */ max(h.sequence#) logseq_on_standby
    from v\$log_history h,
    v\$parameter p
    where h.thread# = to_number(decode(p.value,'0',1,p.value))
    and p.name = 'thread';
    Thanks for your time!!

  • How to use ONE query to find out tree structure?

    1------------ 0---------- Folder
    2------------ 1------------ Folder 1- Sub
    3------------ 2------------
    4------------ 1------------ Folder 1- Sub
    Hi all, if I have a table like above to demonstrate the
    folders and item relationship. This structure allows the user to
    create unlimited folders and items.
    Now I would like to use one query to find out the tree
    structure of this table, how could I do the query.
    Any help on this will be highly appreciated!

    Also, see this thread:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=1&catid=7&threadid=12 55788&enterthread=y

  • Looking for a query to find first/last dates in overlapping dates...

    I'm looking for a query to find the first dates and last dates in a table conaining overlapping dates.
    I have a subscription table which has for each Customer start and end date for different subscriptions.
    I want to know the different ranges of date where there is subscriptions active.
    so if the table has this:
    CustID, Start date, end date
    1, 2008-01-01, 2012-06-06
    1 ,2009-01-01, 2011-01-01
    1, 2011-01-01, 2013-02-02
    1, 2013-01-01, 2013-08-08
    1, 2014-01-01, 2014-04-04
    I want to produce this result:
    custid, range start, range end
    1, 2008-01-01, 2013-08-08
    1, 2014-01-01, 2014-04-04
    the first row is the range identified from the 4 rows in my subscription table.
    thanks :)

    I think I found it...
    let me try this method
    m writing to follow up with you on this post. Thanks for you posting a reply to share your workground. Was the problem resolved after performing the above link? If you are satisfied with the above solution, I’d like to mark this issue as "Answered".
    Please also feel free to unmark the issue, with any new findings or concerns you may have.
    Sofiya Li
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Hyp FR Error: 5200 : Error executing query.  Exceed max row number 100000

    I am getting the error
    5200 : Error executing query. Exceed max row number 100000
    when I run the report on Financial Reporting. It gives the same error when run on Workspace.
    Have you guys encountered this error before? What are the best ways to tackle it? Help is much appreciated guys.
    -- Adi
    Edit 1 - I tried to simplify the parameters but I still get the same error making me suspect that the issue is not the 100000 row issue.
    Edited by: Aditya26 on Apr 11, 2012 9:02 AM

    Hi Adi,
    This is from My Oracle Support:
    How to Increase Row Limit to Avoid Error "Exceed Max Row Number 100000" [ID 866832.1]
    Modified 23-FEB-2012 Type HOWTO Status PUBLISHED
    In this Document
    Applies to:
    Hyperion BI+ - Version: to - Release: 9.3 to 11.1
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    How do you increase the maximum row limit to avoid the error "5200: Error executing query: Exceed max row number 100000"?
    1.Edit \Hyperion\common\ADM\<version>\lib\ADM.properties as follows:
    From MAX_ROW_NUMBERS=100000 to MAX_ROW_NUMBERS=500000
    If you are running extremely large reports, you can increase the limit.
    2.Restart Reporting and Analysis services.
    For version 11.1.2.x
    The path of ADM.properties file in these versions should be located under:

  • Query to find the list of users having access to a particular scenario

    I am learning Hyperion Planning 9.2 x version. I wanted to know the query to find the list of users having access to Plan Iteration - 1 scenarion.
    As I am new to Hyperion Essbase and Hyperion Planning, I am assuming these ideas work out to get the desired result.
    1) As Hyperion Planning uses Relational DB to store the User Security information, we can query the list of users who is having access to Plan Iteration - 1 Scenario.
    I am not sure if this solution works. Please correct me If I am wrong.
    2) We can also query from the essbase editor to find out who all having access to this scenario.
    If the above is correct, can you please provide me the query.
    I am really need of this and I will be happy if any one provide the solution.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Upendra. Bestha

    If you are looking for some SQL to retrieve the access rights by member then you can use something like (SQL Server code though can easily be modified for Oracle)
    SELECT usr.object_name as Username,mem.object_name as Member,
    'Access Rights' = CASE acc.access_mode
    WHEN -1 THEN 'None'
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Read'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Write'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Write'
    ELSE 'Unknown' END,
    'Relation' = CASE acc.flags
    WHEN 0 THEN 'Member'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'Children'
    WHEN 6 THEN 'Children (inclusive)'
    WHEN 8 THEN 'Descendants'
    WHEN 9 THEN 'Descendants (inclusive)'
    ELSE 'Unknown' END
    hsp_access_control acc, hsp_object mem, hsp_object usr
    WHERE acc.object_id = mem.object_id
    AND acc.user_id = usr.object_id
    AND mem.object_name = 'Plan Iteration - 1'

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