Question about cfdiv bind

I'm trying to create a page that displays the results of a query, but will allow you to filter them by date, name, etc. I'm relatively new to this concept, but reading a bit online I found some examples that did what I'm trying to do. I have a few questions and a problem though, if someone is willing to provide a bit of guidance. If it matters, I'm using cf9.
First, can you use a <cfdiv bind to submit multiple url parameters? If so, do I just use a semicolon to separate them like this:
<cfdiv bind="url:mypage.cfm?param1={value1};param2={value2}" />
Second, if you can use this functionality, what's the best way to send dates as url parameters? URLEncodedFormat() and then URLDecode()? All the examples of those tags surround them with # to indicate variables, but since you don't use that notation in a cfdiv bind, do I just put the whole thing inside the {} like this (and then use URLDecode(mydate) on the action page):
<cfdiv bind="url:mypage.cfm?date1={URLEncodedFormat(mydate)} />
Third, I'm having trouble getting the <cfdiv bind to display at all. I have an action page set up (mypage.cfm) that loads fine in a browser, but when I try to add it to another page like this, it doesn't work:
<cfdiv bind="url:mypage.cfm" />
I'm assuming this is because I'm not submitting any parameters on this page to be processed on mypage.cfm, but I don't know if that's true. I'm trying to get the div to display first, then add the dynamic form to filter the results, but maybe it doesn't work that way?
Thanks for any help!

Thank you, I was able to get it mostly working. There was an issue with the server on my system so I had to re-install Coldfusion. It dawned on me that I had cleaned up some files that I was no longer using and might have accidentally gotten rid of something important.
So it's definitely better now. I can change the dates so that I can display records that fall within those date parameters. What I'm trying to do now is be able to sort the records, and I'm having trouble with that. Right now I have a select menu named "sort" with a bunch of values that reference elements in the table: Last Name (Lname), Date Submitted (Reptime), and Date of Absence (Absence_Date). Then in my sql I have "ORDER BY <cfparam value="#url.sort# cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">. I don't get any errors or anything, I just don't get any changes to the displayed data. Here's my sql, the commented parts are not in the file, I added those for explanation here:
<!--- There are two radio buttons to toggle between viewing all records and viewing the selected records based on the date parameters. This sets the start and end dates when view all is selected --->
<cfif IsDefined("url.viewAll") AND #url.viewAll# EQ "yes">
  <cfset startDate="01/01/2012">
  <cfset endDate="12/12/2020">
<!--- This sets the start and end dates based on the items in those fields if view all is not selected, and sets the dates to the view all dates if the date entry fields are empty --->
  <cfif IsDefined("url.startDate") AND #url.startDate# NEQ "">
    <cfset startDate="#url.startDate#">
    <cfset startDate="01/01/2012">
  <cfif IsDefined("url.endDate") AND #url.endDate# NEQ "">
    <cfset endDate="#url.endDate#">
    <cfset endDate="12/12/2020">
<!--- Defines the url.sort parameter and sets the default in the event no selection is made on the page. --->
<cfparam name="url.sort" default="Absence_Date">
<!--- And my query. Pretty self-explanatory, but the ORDER BY portion isn't working. Records are displayed in the order they appear in the database, which is the submit time (Reptime) --->
<cfquery name="absences" datasource="ctband">
  FROM Absences
  WHERE Absence_Date > <cfqueryparam value="#startDate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> AND Absence_Date < <cfqueryparam value="#endDate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
  ORDER BY <cfqueryparam value="#url.sort#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">

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    Follows is via javaBean, code, like this .
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    <train value="${bindings.StepSno}">
    uses Expression Language to bind to the ADf binding object. You can add your own Java bean that accesses the database and reference it in the same way.

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    Thanks in advance for any advice.
    Lenny Wintfeld
    ps - I don't believe web services, as full featured as it is, is a useful alternative. I'm moving 100's (in the future possibly 1000's) of megabytes back an forth for processing.

    The local bind/rebind/unbind restriction is still there and it will always be there.
    I would look at
    (a) RMI/IIOP, where you use COSNaming as a registry, which doesn't have that registriction, and which also has location-independent object identifiers
    (b) Jini.

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    A bind variable is a place holder variable available in an environment.It is used quite frequently(outside Apex Context) in SQL and PLSQL scripts and especially in Dynamic SQL statements.Many times using a bind variable gives better performance. In the Apex environment,page items and many other variables related to the session are available as bind variables and hence their value can be referred in SQL,PLSQL contexts as :VARIABLE_NAME.
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    procedures and triggers that gets called from within an apex session. This is required since the bind variables themselves are not directly available in the SQL environment but their values from the corresponding session can be accessed by this apex built-in function.
    The length of any Bind variable name is limited to 30 characters, this is a limitation inherited from Oracle SQL itself and hence session variables(page or application items) whose name has a length which exceeds 30 characters cannot be used as the :ITEM_NAME format. In such cases you would have to use the v() method again. This might be happening in your case.

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    Using bind variables like ":date" should solve the problem of being asked twice for the same thing.
    Executing the query normally (F9), gives you the export options you require through the context menu inside the Results grid.

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    Can some lines of Java code reveal itNo.
    Or is it up to the Operating System (we use Redhat Linux)?Yes. Linux provides a large default. It seems to be at least 50 on most platforms. This is not something you should be worrying about.

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    Jrm wrote:
    I have a clarification question about ports and Java. Assuming all firewalls are disabled on a PC, a Java application can connect to any port via a socket to communicate with other PCs, as long as this port is not used by another application.You mean bind to a port to act as a server? Yes. As long as that port is not already bound for listening.
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    Is the following correct:
    a) Two applications (Java or no) cannot connect to the same port together, ever. No, see above. Unless by "connect" you mean "bind". (Even that may be incorrect terminology.)
    b) Two Java applications sending and receiving datagram over a given multicast address using the same port can never communicate with each other when ran on the same PC because of a).Not sure exactly what you're saying here.
    Really, though, why not just write some code and try it?

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    public SOAPBodyElement [] method (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies);
    public Document method(Document body);
    public void method(SOAPEnvelope req, SOAPEnvelope resp);
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    I am getting a similar issue. I created a Document-style/literal webservice and deployed on Weblogic 9.2 . Then I generated client stubs using clientgen. I get the following exception stack trace:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: web service invoke failed: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException:
    failed to serialize class java.lang.Objectweblogic.xml.schema.binding.SerializationException: type mapping lookup failure on
    class=class TypeMapping=TYPEMAPPING SIZE=3
    ENTRY 1:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:stns:echoDocumentResponse
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@1125127
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@18dfef8
    ENTRY 2:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:stns:echoDocument
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@15e83f9
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@2a5330
    ENTRY 3:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:xsd:anyType
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@bb7465
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@d6c16c

  • Doubt about Component binding....

    I have a doubt about component binding because I am also using component binding in my application, in my application each page has more than 20 components and each page is session scope, at one point I am getting message like perm space(this is because of lack of memory, actually I have 4gb ram). So my is
    "does the jsf creates new object for every reload, because of that my jvm filling with all the objects?".
    Another question is "what is the difference between value binding and component bindings?, and drawbacks of each other" please tell me the differences between them up to the very low level(up to memory usage for each approach).
    Please clarify this doubt...........

    JNaveen wrote:
    I have a doubt about component binding because I am also using component binding in my application, in my application each page has more than 20 components and each page is session scope, at one point I am getting message like perm space(this is because of lack of memory, actually I have 4gb ram). So my is
    "does the jsf creates new object for every reload, because of that my jvm filling with all the objects?".This is regardless of the component binding. JSF creates a component tree and stores it in the session. With component binding you can link between the backing bean and the component without the need for UIViewRoot#findComponent().
    Think your problem lies somewhere else. Use a profiler.
    Another question is "what is the difference between value binding and component bindings?, and drawbacks of each other" please tell me the differences between them up to the very low level(up to memory usage for each approach).With the component binding you can get hold of the whole component from the tree in the backing bean. Useful if you want to do a bit more than only holding the component's value, with which you usually do with the value binding.

  • A question about tutorial fligh_list

    Hi, i have a question about web dynpro in java. I´m doing the tutorial fligh_list, but i have a doubt in this part:
    public void wdDoInit()
    //@@begin wdDoInit()
    // Create a new element in the Bapi_Flight_Getlist_Input node
    Bapi_Flight_Getlist_Input input = new Bapi_Flight_Getlist_Input();
    // Create new elements in the Destination_From and Destination_To nodes
    input.setDestination_To(new Bapisfldst());//@@end
    What is Bapisfldst?
    I´m doing a simple application, only have an input field and the output is two textview... what have i write in the previous method instead of Bapisfldst?

    Thanks, but i continuo with my doubt... i don´t know what write in my simple application...
    I post an image
    !|alt=Free Image Hosting at|src=|border=0!
    My doubst are in the red circle, i´m not sure about these... The application consists in write a code of material and appear the lots in a list. I di the steps that appear in the tutorial... Is it good?

  • A question about DNS subdomain

    This is a question about DNS subdomain.
    The DNS server for the parent DNS domain is
    The DNS server for the child/sub DNS domain is
    Configurations on
    @IN SOA (
    10051215 ; sn
    86400 ;refresh
    7100 ;retry
    777600 ;expire
    126000 ) ;min
    @ IN NS
    dns1 IN A 210.x.x.15
    [color=Blue] IN NS IN A 210.x.x.10[color]
    I did not changed anything in named.conf.
    Configurations on
    @ IN SOA (
    10051215 ; sn
    86400 ;refresh
    7100 ;retry
    777600 ;expire
    126000 ) ;min
    @ IN NS
    bee IN A 210.x.x.10
    test IN A 210.x.x.x
    File named.conf:
    options {
    directory "/var/named";
    zone "." {
    type hint;
    file "master/db.cache";
    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "master/db.0.0.127";
    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "master/";
    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "master/";
    Default Server: 210.x.x.10
    Address: 210.x.x.10
    // the DNS server for the child/sub DNS domain:
    www.ours.comServer: 210.x.x.10
    Address: 210.x.x.10
    *** localhost can't find No response from server
    //failed to resolve A records in the parent domain, but can resolve A records in its own domain and other domains on the Internet.
    set type=ns
    ours.comServer: 210.x.x.10
    Address: 210.x.x.10
    Non-authoritative answer: nameserver =
    Authoritative answers can be found from: internet address = 210.x.x.15
    //find the DNS server for the parent domain
    > server 210.x.x.15
    // the DNS server for the parent DNS domain:
    Default Server:
    Address: 210.x.x.15
    Address: 210.x.x.15
    *** can't find No response from server
    //failed to resolve A records in the child domain, but can resolve A records in its own domain and other domains on the Internet.
    set type=ns
    Address: 210.x.x.15
    Non-authoritative answer: nameserver =
    Authoritative answers can be found from: internet address = 210.x.x.10
    //find the DNS server for the child domain
    > server 210.x.x.100
    // a public DNS server on the Internet
    Default Server: [210.x.x.100]
    Address: 210.x.x.100
    set type=a
    www.ours.comServer: [210.x.x.100]
    Address: 210.x.x.100
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Address: 210.x.x.72
    //find the A record in the parent domain
    test.child.ours.comServer: [210.x.x.100]
    Address: 210.x.x.100
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Address: 210.x.x.x
    //find the A record in the child domain
    I wonder why. It is BIND v8.2.2.

    Hi AAnotherUser_,
    Based on your description, the internal domain name is different from the external domain name, and the web server is hosted internally. And the goal is that the internal user can
    access the web server by using an URL which include the
    In this scenario, internet users access your domain name by connecting to the WAN IP address of your router. However, to make the internal users access the website, you would need
    to create the external domain name as a zone on your internal DNS server.
    After creating the DNS zone, right click the zone you created, choose New Host Record.
    Type in the hostname, such as ‘www’, and provide the internal private IP address of your internal web server.
    For more details, please refer to Ace’s blog below, the
    Scenario 2: Different Internal and External but you are hosting the webserver internally
    Best Regards,

  • I hava a question about RMI,please help me!

    Ladys and Gentleman,I hava a question about RMI.I wirte four little programs in java that is about RMI on my PC.
    import java.rmi.*;
    public interface AddServerIntf extends Remote{
    double add(double d1,double d2) throws RemoteException;
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    public class AddServerImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements AddServerIntf{
    public AddServerImpl() throws RemoteException{
    public double add(double d1,double d2)throws RemoteException{
    return d1+d2;
    import java.rmi.*;
    public class AddServer{
    public static void main(String args[]){
    AddServerImpl addServerImpl=new AddServerImpl();
    }catch(Exception e){
    import java.rmi.*;
    public class AddClient
         public static void main(String args[]){
         String addServerURL="rmi://"+args[0]+"/AddServer";
         AddServerIntf addServerIntf=(AddServerIntf) Naming.lookup(addServerURL);
         System.out.println("The first number is: "+args[1]);
         double d1=Double.valueOf(args[1]).doubleValue();
         System.out.println("The second number is: "+args[2]);
         double d2=Double.valueOf(args[2]).doubleValue();
         System.out.print("The sum is: "+addServerIntf.add(d1,d2));
         }catch(Exception e){
         System.out.println("Exception: "+e);
    And I compiled these files,so I got 4 class files(AddServer.class,AddServerIntf.class,AddServerImpl.class,AddServerClient.class).Then I use "rmic AddServerImpl" got another two files(AddServerImpl_Skel.class and AddServerImpl_Stub.class).Then I input command:rmiregistry,in another window,I input command:java AddServer,I got some exceptions,I was confused by these exceptions.The exception is:
    D:\MyJava\rmi_3>java AddServer
    java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
    java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AddServerImpl_Stub
    java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AddServerImpl_Stub
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AddServerImpl_Stub
    at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.rebind(Unknown Source)
    at java.rmi.Naming.rebind(Unknown Source)
    at AddServer.main(
    But some times this exception will not appeared.Who can give me answer or suggestion,thanks a lot.
    By the way,when I run shutdown.bat in tomcat_root\bin,I can get some exceptions:
    Using CATALINA_BASE: ..
    Using CATALINA_HOME: ..
    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: ..\temp
    Using JAVA_HOME: C:\JDK
    Catalina.stop: Connection refused: connect Connection refused: connect
    at Method)
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.stop(
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
    I use Windows server 2000+JDK 1.3.1_04+tomcat 4.1.7

    Maybe I am off base here but it seems to me the problem is the way in which you bind your server. The server must be bound to the same address and you are looking up from, i.e. "rmi://" host "/AddServer"
    Naming.rebind("AddServer",addServerImpl);should be
    Naming.rebind("rmi://", addServerImpl);to match
    String addServerURL="rmi://"+args[0]+"/AddServer";
    AddServerIntf addServerIntf=(AddServerIntf)
    Naming.lookup(addServerURL);Hopefully this will solve your problem, if not it is a problem with your classpath. An easy way to make sure it can see your files is to set the java.rmi.server.codebase to point to where your classes are, e.g.
    java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:"c:\\cygwin\\home\\tweak\\keck_folder\\cmsi401\\RMIGalaxySleuth\\classes\\" AddServer
    I had to set the codebas for my rmi stuff to work no matter how much I messed with the classpath.
    Hope this helps,

  • Questions about your new HP Products? HP Expert Day: January 14th, 2015

    Thank you for coming to Expert Day! The event has now concluded.
    To find out about future events, please visit this page.
    On behalf of the Experts, I would like to thank you for coming to the Forum to connect with us.  We hope you will return to the boards to share your experiences, both good and bad.
     We will be holding more of these Expert Days on different topics in the months to come.  We hope to see you then!
     If you still have questions to ask, feel free to post them on the Forum – we always have experts online to help you out.
    So, what is HP Expert Day?
    Expert Day is an online event when HP employees join our Support Forums to answer questions about your HP products. And it’s FREE.
    Ok, how do I get started?
    It’s easy. Come out to the HP Support Forums, post your question, and wait for a response! We’ll have experts online covering our Notebook boards, Desktop boards, Tablet boards, and Printer and all-in-one boards.
    We’ll also be covering the commercial products on the HP Enterprise Business Community. We’ll have experts online covering select boards on the Printing and Digital Imaging and Desktops and Workstations categories.
    What if I need more information?
    For more information and a complete schedule of previous events, check out this post on the forums.
    Is Expert Day an English-only event?
    No. This time we’ll have experts and volunteers online across the globe, answering questions on the English, Simplified Chinese, and Korean forums. Here’s the information:
    Enterprise Business Forum: January 14th 7:00am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 11:00pm Pacific Time
    Korean Forum: January 15th 10am to 6pm Korea Time
    Simplified Chinese Forum: January 15th 10am to 6pm China Time
    Looking forward to seeing you on January 14th!
    I am an HP employee.

    My HP, purchased in June 2012, died on Saturday.  I was working in recently installed Photoshop, walked away from my computer to answer the phone and when I came back the screen was blank.  When I turned it on, I got a Windows Error Recovery message.  The computer was locked and wouldn't let me move the arrow keys up or down and hitting f8 didn't do anything. 
    I'm not happy with HP.  Any suggestions?

  • Have questions about your Creative Cloud or Subscription Membership?

    You can find answers to several questions regarding membership to our subscription services.  Please see Membership troubleshooting | Creative Cloud - creative-cloud.html for additional information.  You can find information on such topics as:
    I need help completeing my new purchase or upgrade.
    I want to change the credit card on my account.
    I have a question about my membership price or statement charges.
    I want to change my membership: upgrade, renew, or restart.
    I want to cancel my membership.
    How do I access my account information or change update notifications?

    Branching to new discussion.
    Christym16625842 you are welcome to utilize the process listed in Creative Cloud Help | Install, update, or uninstall apps to install and evaluate the applications included with a Creative Cloud Membership.  The software is fully supported on recent Mac computers.  You can find the system requirements for the Creative Cloud at System requirements | Creative Cloud.

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