Question about the CSS behavior when using layer 3 sticky and sticky table

Hi everyone,
I have a question about the CSS behavior when using layer 3 sticky and sticky table is full.
If I configure layer 3 sticky and specify the inactivity timeout as below, how does the CSS
handle subsequent needed sticky requests ?
advanced-balance sticky-srcip
sticky-inact-timeout 30
CSS document says that
If you use the sticky-inact-timeout command to specify the inactivity timeout
period on a sticky connection, when the sticky table becomes full and none of
the entries have expired from the sticky table, the CSS rejects subsequent
needed sticky requests.
My question is what is the next reaction by doing the CSS if the CSS is in the
following condition:
when the sticky table becomes full and none of the entries have expired from
the sticky table, the CSS rejects subsequent needed sticky requests
Does CSS just rejects/drops subsequent needed sticky requests ?
Does CSS does not stick subsequence requests to particular service but CSS forward
subsequence requests with round-robin basis ? which means if the sticky table is full,
the CSS just works round-robin load balancing fashion for subsequence requests ?
Your information would be appreciated.
Best regards,

There is a good document explaining this on Cisco web site
It depends if the sticky-inact-timeout is used or not. If not, it's FIFO (the oldest entry in the sticky table is removed). If yes, the CSS will reject the next sticky request.

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    I created a custom Composite/CompositeContext class and when I use it with antialiasing it causes a black bar to appear. I seems it has nothing to do with the compose() code but just that fact that I set my own Composite object. The submitted code will show you what I mean. There are 3 check boxes 1) allows to use the custom Composite object, 2) allows to ignore the compose() code in the CompositeContext and 3) toggles the antialiasing flag in the rendering hints. When the antialiasing flag is set and the Composite object is used the bar appears regardless of if the compose() method is executed or not. If the Composite object is not used the bar goes away.
    The Composite/CompositeContext class performs clipping and gradient paint using a Ellipse2D.Float instance.
    a) When the Composite is not used the code does a rectangular fill.
    b) When the Composite is used it should clip the rectangular fill to only the inside of a circle and do a gradient merge of background color and current color.
    c) If the compose() method is ignored then only the background is painted.
    d) When antialiasing is turned on the black bar appears, i) if you ignore the compose() method it remains, ii) if you do not use the Composite object the bar disappears (???)
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                for(int sy = src.getMinY(); sy < src.getMinY() + src.getHeight(); sy++) {
                    for(int sx = src.getMinX(); sx < src.getMinX() + src.getWidth(); sx++) {
                        int cx = sx - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                        int cy = sy - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                        if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) continue;
                        srcPixel = src.getPixel(sx, sy, srcPixel);
                        int ox = dstOut.getMinX() + sx - src.getMinX();
                        int oy = dstOut.getMinY() + sy - src.getMinY();
                        if(ox < dstOut.getMinX() || ox >= dstOut.getMinX() + dstOut.getWidth()) continue;
                        if(oy < dstOut.getMinY() || oy >= dstOut.getMinY() + dstOut.getHeight()) continue;
                        dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
                        float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                        dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                        dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                        dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                        dstOut.setPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

    I got a better version to work as expected. Though there will probably be issues with the transformation to display coordinates as mentioned before. At least figured out some of the kinks of using a custom Composite/CompositeContext object.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
    //            dumpRaster("SRC   ", src);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTIN ", dstIn);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTOUT", dstOut);
    //            System.out.println();
                if(dstIn != dstOut)
                    dstOut.setDataElements(0, 0, dstIn);
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                int w = Math.min(src.getWidth(), dstIn.getWidth());
                int h = Math.min(src.getHeight(), dstIn.getHeight());
                int xMax = src.getMinX() + w;
                int yMax = src.getMinY() + h;
                for(int x = src.getMinX(); x < xMax; x++) {
                    for(int y = src.getMinY(); y < yMax; y++) {
                        try {
                            // THIS MIGHT NOT WORK ALL THE TIME
                            int cx = x - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                            int cy = y - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                            if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) {
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                            else {
                                srcPixel = src.getPixel(x, y, srcPixel);
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                                dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                                dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                                dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                        catch(Throwable t) {
                            System.out.println(t.getMessage() + " x=" + x + " y=" + y);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            protected void dumpRaster(String lbl,
                                      Raster raster) {
                System.out.print(lbl + ":");
                System.out.print(" mx=" + format(raster.getMinX()));
                System.out.print(" my=" + format(raster.getMinY()));
                System.out.print(" rw=" + format(raster.getWidth()));
                System.out.print(" rh=" + format(raster.getHeight()));
                System.out.print(" tx=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateX()));
                System.out.print(" ty=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateY()));
                System.out.print(" sm=" + raster.getSampleModel().getClass().getName());
            protected String format(int value) {
                String txt = Integer.toString(value);
                while(txt.length() < 4)
                    txt = " " + txt;
                return txt;
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

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    Thank you very much

    It's hard to say for sure without seeing some code, but it sounds like you might be calling the function outside of a subroutine or function. Please verify that the call to AI_Change_Parameter is in a subroutine or function and if you're still getting the error, please post the code that's causing the error. Thanks.
    - Elton

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    If you create your backup CD-Rs from within iTunes, it's not possible to include the Shared folder.
    You have to burn that folder as a separate project.
    The size of the folder can be fairly large (mine is about 1.9 GB) depending on the applications and specific use of your computer.
    If your only goal is to save the authorization info in case of a HD crash or other failure, it won't help. After repair of a logic board or changing RAM, you will be asked to authorize again anyway.
    Take a look at this article
    The authorization info is stored in the 'SC Info.sidb' file inside the 'SC Info' folder in Shared.
    You can 'unhide' invisible files by tools like Tinkertool or OnyX (you can find them on
    Hope this helps.
    17' iMac fp 800 MHz 768 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Several ext. HD (backup and data)

  • Best way to capture data every 5 ms (milli-seconds) in the .vi diagram when using "Time between Points, and Small Loop Delay tools" ?

    - Using LabView version 6.1, is there anyway to change the "Time Between Points" indicator of (HH.MM.SS) to only (, or to perhaps only (.ss) ?
    - Need to set the data sampling rate to capture every 5 milliseconds, but the defaults is always to 20 or greater; even when the "Small Loop Delay" variable is adjusted down. 
    Thank you in advance.

    I have no idea what "Time between Points, and Small Loop Delay tools" is. If this is some code you downloaded, you should provide a linke to it. And, if you want to acquire analog data every 5 milliseconds from a DAQ board, that is possible with just about every DAQ board and is not related to the version of LabVIEW. You simply have to set the sample rate of the DAQ board to 200 samples/sec. If it's digital data, then there will be a problem getting consistent 5 msec data.

  • A question about the impact of SQL*PLUS SERVEROUTPUT option on v$sql

    Hello everybody,
    SQL> SELECT * FROM v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE  Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    OS : Fedora Core 17 (X86_64) Kernel 3.6.6-1.fc17.x86_64I would like to ask a question about the SQL*Plus SET SERVEROUTPUT ON/OFF option and its impact on queries on views such as v$sql and v$session. Here is the problem
    Actually I define three variables in SQL*Plus in order to store sid, serial# and prev_sql_id columns from v$session in order to be able to use them later, several times in different other queries, while I'm still working in the current session.
    So, here is how I proceed
    SET SERVEROUTPUT ON;  -- I often activate this option as the first line of almost all of my SQL-PL/SQL script files
    VARIABLE myserial# NUMBER;
    VARIABLE saved_sql_id VARCHAR2(13);
    -- So first I store sid and serial# for the current session
        SELECT sid, serial# INTO :mysid, :myserial#
        FROM v$session
        WHERE audsid = SYS_CONTEXT('UserEnv', 'SessionId');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    -- Just check to see the result
    SQL> SELECT :mysid, :myserial# FROM DUAL;
           129   1067
    SQL> Now, let's say that I want to run the following query as the last SQL statement run within my current session
    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 2800 AND ROWNUM <= 10;According to Oracle® Database Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) description for v$session]
    the column prev_sql_id includes the sql_id of the last sql statement executed for the given sid and serial# which in the case of my example, it will be the above mentioned SELECT query on the employees table. As a result, right after the SELECT statement on the employees table I run the following
        SELECT prev_sql_id INTO :saved_sql_id
        FROM v$session
        WHERE sid = :mysid AND serial# = :myserial#;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SELECT :saved_sql_id FROM DUAL;
    SQL> Having the value of sql_id, I'm supposed to find all information about cursor(s) for my SELECT statement and also its sql_text value in v$sql. Yet here is what I get when I query v$sql upon the stored sql_id
    SELECT child_number, sql_id, sql_text
    FROM v$sql
    WHERE sql_id = :saved_sql_id;
    0              9babjv8yq8ru3    BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES(:LINES, :NUMLINES); END;Therefore instead of
    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 2800 AND ROWNUM <= 10;for the value of sql_text I get the following value
    BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES(:LINES, :NUMLINES);Which is not of course what I was expecting to find in v$sql for the given sql_id.
    After a bit googling I found the following thread on the OTN forum where it had been suggested (well I think maybe not exactly for the same problem) to turn off SERVEROUTPUT.
    Problem with dbms_xplan.display_cursor
    This was precisely what I did
    SET SERVEROUTPUT OFFafter that I repeated the whole procedure and this time everything worked pretty well as expected. I checked SQL*Plus documentation for SERVEROUTPUT
    and also v$session page, yet I didn't find anything indicating that SERVEROUTPUT should be switched off whenever views such as v$sql, v$session
    are queired. I don't really understand the link in terms of impact that one can have on the other or better to say rather, why there is an impact
    Could anyone kindly make some clarification?
    thanks in advance,

    and also v$session page, yet I didn't find anything indicating that SERVEROUTPUT should be switched off whenever views such as v$sql, v$session
    are queired. I don't really understand the link in terms of impact that one can have on the other or better to say rather, why there is an impact
    Hi Dariyoosh,
    SET SERVEROUTPUT ON has the effect of executing dbms_output.get_lines after each and every statement. Not only related to system view.
    Here below what Tom Kyte is explaining in this page:
    Now, sqlplus sees this functionality and says "hey, would not it be nice for me to dump this buffer to screen for the user?". So, they added the SQLPlus command "set serveroutput on" which does two things
    1) it tells SQLPLUS you would like it <b>to execute dbms_output.get_lines after each and every statement</b>. You would like it to do this network rounding after each call. You would like this extra overhead to take place (think of an install script with hundreds/thousands of statements to be executed -- perhaps, just perhaps you don't want this extra call after every call)
    2) SQLPLUS automatically calls the dbms_output API "enable" to turn on the buffering that happens in the package.Regards.

  • Question about the "Windows and Arch Dual Boot" wiki

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    It is important to note that there is a 1024 cylinder limit with some older BIOSs. This means that the BIOS cannot access things beyond the 1024th cylinder (about 8.5GB), so the /boot partition should be in the first 8.5GB (space before Windows partition).
    How does one go about getting the /boot partition created during the installation of Arch to install in the first 8.5g? I have installed Arch in Virtualbox twice so far just so that I'm familiar with the procedure and I can't see anything in the installation where I can do this.
    There's one other item that is not clear to me as I've seen conflicting information on it. If I do create a seperate "/boot" partition for Arch, do I need to make it "bootable"during the installation? At this point I don't think that I do.
    My understanding of installing to be able to dual boot is that I only need to install Grub to "Sda" and of course edit the grub menu to add the information needed for XP. Is this enough?
    Thanks for any help.

    Yes, you install grub to sda (master boot record), and add the entry for Windows. In the step where you partition the harddrive, you can choose where to create it. Actually it may not be that much of a problem anymore, my boot is on the third partition, after ~15 GB. You can forget about the bootable flag when using grub, it does not care.

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    Yes, you install grub to sda (master boot record), and add the entry for Windows. In the step where you partition the harddrive, you can choose where to create it. Actually it may not be that much of a problem anymore, my boot is on the third partition, after ~15 GB. You can forget about the bootable flag when using grub, it does not care.

  • I have a question about extracting pages.  When I do the function, adobe saves the individual files as " file name space page number ", so the files look like this "filename 1.pdf", "filename 2.pdf", "filename 3.pdf".  Without too many gory details, I a

    I have a question about extracting pages.  When I do the function, adobe saves the individual files as "<file name><space><page number>", so the files look like this "filename 1.pdf", "filename 2.pdf", "filename 3.pdf".  Without too many gory details, I am using excel to concatenate some data to dynamically build a hyperlink to these extraced files.  It casues me problems, however, for the space to be the the file name.  Is there any way to change the default behavoir of this function to perhaps use a dash or underscore instead of a space?

    No, you can't change the default naming scheme. You can do it yourself if you extract the pages using a script instead of using the built-in command.

  • I get an error when starting firefox on several user profiles: the bookmarks and history are not functional something about the file being in use.

    Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 workstations, the appdata folder is redirected to a network share at \\server\profiles and several users are unable to use bookmarks getting an error about the file being in use. I'm wondering if maybe my antivirus (Trend Micro) or my backups (Symantec) might be locking up the places.sqlite for these users? Though I don't understand why it would be for some users and not others. I can't be the first one and I'm not coming up with anything searching google endlessly. Anybody else run into this?

    hello, yes this is likely caused by an external program locking access to the bookmarks/history database. you could try renaming the file in question & see if it is working when it is regenerated, this will clear bookmarks and the history though, so keep a backup...
    [[Fix "The bookmarks and history system will not be functional" error message]]

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    Hi All, I have question about the iMac operating system. I have the last updated. The problem when I manage the place of the folder windows they are all mixing up. I mean they not on the place where I left them. how to set they stay on the same place? I know there are different possibilities to set.
    I tried but it not helped for me. What I can do? How and where can set this they stay on their place?

    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In Library Manager it's the FIle -> Rebuild command)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. 

  • Issue about tracking behavior, when use tracker

    when using the tracking behavior, when whe choose to simply click on analyze and when to apply and use a tracker

    The link I provided is the user manual section about tracking.  It has the workflow for stabalizing.
    The section on strategies to improve tracking is important, also.

  • Question about the programming of a legend

    Hello everybody,
    I have a question about the programming of a waveform's legend. I
    already asked here in this forum about the legend programming (03)
    months ago.
    I went satisfied but I ve just noticed that this code
    (See Code old_legend_test.llb with as main function) operates a
    little different from my expectances.
    Therefore I have a new question and I want to know if it
    is possible by labview programming to plot and show, on a waveform
    chart, a signal with activ plot superior to zero (0) without to be
    obliged to plot and show a signal with activ plot equal to zero (0) or
    inferior to the desired activ plot.
    I give you an example
    of what I m meaning. I have by example 4 signals (Signal 0, 1, 2 and 3)
    and each signal corresponds respectively to a channel (Chan1, Chan2,
    Chan3, Chan4). I want to control the legend (activ plot, plot name and
    plot color) programmatically. Is it possible with labview to plot signal
    1 or 2 or 3 or (1, 3) or (2,3) or (1,2,3) or other possible combination
    without to active the signal with the corresponding activ plot zero
    Let see the labview attached data
    (new_legend_test.llb with as main function). When I try to
    control the input selected values again I get them back but I don't
    understand why they have no effect on the legend of my waveform chart.
    Could somebody explain me what I m doing wrong or show me how to get a
    correct legend with desired plots? Thank by advance for your assistance.
    both attached data are saved with labview 2009.
    old_legend_test.llb ‏65 KB
    new_legend_test.llb ‏65 KB

    Thanks for
    posting on National Instruments forum.
    The behavior
    you have is completely normal. You can control the number of row displayed in
    the legend and this rows are linked to the data you send to your graph. Thus,
    if you have 3 arrays of data, let say chan1, chan2 and chan3, you can choose
    which data you want to display in your graph using the property node (Active
    plot and visible). But for the legend as you send 3 plots there is an array of
    the plot name [chan1, chan2, chan3] and you can display 0, 1, 2 or 3 rows of
    this array but you cannot control the order in this array! So, to be able to
    change this array you have to only send data you need to you graph. I'm not
    sure my explanations are clear so I have implemented a simple example doing
    Benjamin R.
    R&D Software Development Manager
    Attachments: ‏85 KB

  • Questions about the Apple Developer Enterprise Program

    Hi there,
    i got some questions about the Apple Developer Enterprise Program:
    - is there a way a company can create their own "AppStore" with only the APPs the employees should use?
    - when I developed the enterprise app are the install files on a apple hosted server or do i need my own infrastructure to distribute my app?
    Thanks in advance for answers!

    Google: MDM

  • Some questions about the integration between BIEE and EBS

    Hi, dear,
    I'm a new bie of BIEE. In these days, have a look about BIEE architecture and the BIEE components. In the next project, there are some work about BIEE development based on EBS application. I have some questions about the integration :
    1) generally, is the BIEE database and application server decentralized with EBS database and application? Both BIEE 10g and 11g version can be integrated with EBS R12?
    2) In BIEE administrator tool, the first step is to create physical tables. if the source appliation is EBS, is it still needed to create the physical tables?
    3) if the physical tables creation is needed, how to complete the data transfer from the EBS source tables to BIEE physical tables? which ETL tool is prefer for most developers? warehouse builder or Oracle Data Integration?
    4) During data transfer phase, if there are many many large volume data needs to transfer, how to keep the completeness? for example, it needs to transfer 1 million rows from source database to BIEE physical tables, when 50%is completed, the users try to open the BIEE report, can they see the new 50% data on the reports? is there some transaction control in ETL phase?
    could anyone give some guide for me? I'm very appreciated if you can also give any other information.
    Thanks in advance.

    1) generally, is the BIEE database and application server decentralized with EBS database and application? Both BIEE 10g and 11g version can be integrated with EBS R12?You, shud consider OBI Application here which uses OBIEE as a reporting tool with different pre-built modules. Both 10g & 11g comes with different versions of BI apps which supports sources like Siebel CRM, EBS, Peoplesoft, JD Edwards etc..
    2) In BIEE administrator tool, the first step is to create physical tables. if the source appliation is EBS, is it still needed to create the physical tables?Its independent of any soure. This is OBIEE modeling to create RPD with all the layers. If you build it from scratch then you will require to create all the layers else if BI Apps is used then you will get pre-built RPD along with other pre-built components.
    3) if the physical tables creation is needed, how to complete the data transfer from the EBS source tables to BIEE physical tables? which ETL tool is prefer for most developers? warehouse builder or Oracle Data Integration?BI apps comes with pre-built ETL mapping to use with the tools majorly with Informatica. Only BI Apps comes with ODI but oracle has plans to have only ODI for any further releases.
    4) During data transfer phase, if there are many many large volume data needs to transfer, how to keep the completeness? for example, it needs to transfer 1 million rows from source database to BIEE physical tables, when 50%is completed, the users try to open the BIEE report, can they see the new 50% data on the reports? is there some transaction control in ETL phase?User will still see old data because its good to turn on Cache and purge it after every load.
    and many more docs on google
    Hope this helps

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