Question Regarding a Java Search Script

Hi Folks, Ive just signed up to see if you can help me in my delima.
Im trying to implement a search engine into a friends website, as she does not have the experence to do it herself, I have the search engine set up and running but i didnt realise before i started (due to my habit of not reading instructions) that keywords have to be entered manually. And so this is not practical for this particular site, as it has around 50 ish pages (not including linked word or excel files, but these dont need to be search)
Is there a way to crawl the website and generate a keyword file. I have found some online free crawlers (spiders) but the site is only accessable to public with a password, as its for a school teachers. I have to go but ill be back, any help would be much accepted. Thanks you all in advance.
Regards Diablo2nd

Thanks for the Reply/tip!

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    cop2drop("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Desktop", "zome's Public Folder:Drop Box:")
    cop2drop("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Documents", "zome's Public Folder:Drop Box:")
    cop2drop("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Pictures", "zome's Public Folder:Drop Box:")
    cop2drop("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Sites", "zome's Public Folder:Drop Box:")
    on cop2drop(sourceFolder, destFolder)
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    end tell
    end cop2drop
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    Thanks in advance for your help!

    In addition to what red_menace has said...
    1) I think you may still use System Events 'duplicate' command if you wish.
    Something like SCRIPT1a below. (Handler is modified so that it requires only one parameter.)
    *Note that the 'duplicate' command of Finder and System Events duplicates the source into the destination. E.g. A statement 'duplicate folder "A:B:C:" to folder "D:E:F:"' will result in the duplicated folder "D:E:F:C:".
    cop2drop("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Documents")
    on cop2drop(sourceFolder)
    set destFolder to "zome's Public Folder:Drop Box:"
    with timeout of 36000 seconds
    tell application "System Events"
    duplicate folder sourceFolder to folder destFolder
    end tell
    end timeout
    end cop2drop
    2) I don't know the said error -8068 thrown by Finder. It's likely a Finder's private error code which is not listed in any of public headers. And if it is Finder thing, you may or may not see different error, which would be more helpful, when using System Events to copy things into Public Folder. Also you may create a normal folder, e.g. named 'Duplicate' in Public Folder and use it as desination.
    3) If you use rsync(1) and want to preserve extended attributes, resource forks and ACLs, you need to use -E option. So at least 'rsync -aE' would be required. And I rememeber the looong thread failed to tame rsync for your backup project...
    4) As for how to get POSIX path of file/folder in AppleScript, there're different ways.
    Strictly speaking, POSIX path is a property of alias object. So the code to get POSIX path of a folder whose HFS path is 'Macintosh HD:Users:home:Documents:' would be :
    POSIX path of ("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Documents:" as alias)
    POSIX path of ("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Documents" as alias)
    --> /Users/home/Documents/
    The first one is the cleanest code because HFS path of directory is supposed to end with ":". The second one also works because 'as alias' coercion will detect whether the specified node is file or directory and return a proper alias object.
    And as for the code :
    set src to (sourceFolder as alias)'s POSIX Path's text 1 thru -2
    It is to strip the trailing '/' from POSIX path of directory and get '/Users/home/Documents', for example. I do this because in shell commands, trailing '/' of directory path is not required and indeed if it's present, it makes certain command behave differently.
    Provided /a/b/c and /d/e/f are both directory, cp /a/b/c /d/e/f will copy the source directory into the destination directory while cp /a/b/c/ /d/e/f will copy the contents of the source directory into the destination directory.
    The rsync(1) behaves in the same manner as cp(1) regarding the trailing '/' of source directory.
    The ditto(1) and cp(1) behave differently for the same arguments, i.e., ditto /a/b/c /d/e/f will copy the contents of the source directory into the destination directory.
    5) In case, here are revised versions of previous SCRIPT2 and SCRIPT3, which require only one parameter. It will also append any error output to file named 'crop2dropError.txt' on current user's desktop.
    *These commands with the current options will preserve extended attributes, resource forks and ACLs when run under 10.5 or later.
    --SCRIPT2a - using cp(1)
    cop2drop("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Documents")
    on cop2drop(sourceFolder)
    set destFolder to "zome's Public Folder:Drop Box:"
    set src to (sourceFolder as alias)'s POSIX Path's text 1 thru -2
    set dst to (destFolder as alias)'s POSIX Path's text 1 thru -2
    set sh to "cp -pR " & quoted form of src & " " & quoted form of dst
    do shell script (sh & " 2>>~/Desktop/cop2dropError.txt")
    end cop2drop
    --SCRIPT3a - using ditto(1)
    cop2drop("Macintosh HD:Users:home:Documents")
    on cop2drop(sourceFolder)
    set destFolder to "zome's Public Folder:Drop Box:"
    set src to (sourceFolder as alias)'s POSIX Path's text 1 thru -2
    set dst to (destFolder as alias)'s POSIX Path's text 1 thru -2
    set sh to "src=" & quoted form of src & ";dst=" & quoted form of dst & ¬
    ";ditto "${src}" "${dst}/${src##*/}""
    do shell script (sh & " 2>>~/Desktop/cop2dropError.txt")
    end cop2drop
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: Hiroto (fixed typo)

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    I am not sure if JRockit is ceritified with OC4J on EBS, but I seriously doubt it.
    You could look into a utility called jvisualvm which resides in $JAVA_HOME/bin
    Documented here:

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    The class (that implements the interface) actually
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    int index;
    B objectB;
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    Hi Chen,
    if B is an ExternalizableLite implementor, then ExternalizableHelper.writeObject() will delegate to ExternalizableHelper.writeExternalizableLite(). I.e., it will write out a byte indicating that it is an externalizable lite, then writes out the classname and then delegates to your class B's writeExternal method. The improvement is the difference between the class B writeExternal method implementation and the Java serialization of the same class.
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    This allows you to spare the class name plus one byte in the serialized form of your A class.
    Best regards,

  • Questions regarding Disk I/O

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    // Assume id is just some arbitary int that represents an identifier.
    String f = "/scratch/torum/collection.jdx";
    int startByte = bytemap[id-1];
    int endByte = bytemap[id];
    try {
              FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(f);
              DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(stream);
              int position = collectionSize - in.available();
              // Keep looping until the end of the block.
              while(position <= endByte) {
                  line  = in.readLine();
                  // some pocessing here
                  String[]entry = line.split(" ");
                  String docid = entry[1];
                  int tf = Integer.parseInt(entry[2]);
                  // update the current position within the file.
                  position = collectionSize - in.available();
       } catch(IOException e) {
       }This code does EXACTLY what I want it to do but with one complication. It isn't fast enough. I see that using BufferedReader is the choice after reading:
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    So could anyone suggest improvements to this code?

    Okay I've got some results and turns out DataInputStream is faster...
    EDIT: I was wrong. RandomAccessFile becomes a bit faster according to my test code when the block size to read is large.
    So I guess I could write two routines in my program, RAF for when the block size is larger than an arbitary value and FileInputStream for small blocks.
    Here is the code:
    public void useRandomAccess() {
         String line = "";
         long start = 1385592, end = 1489808;
         try {
             RandomAccessFile in = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");
             while(start <= end) {     
              line = in.readLine();     
              String[]entry = line.split(" ");
              String docid = entry[1];
              int tf = Integer.parseInt(entry[2]);
              start = in.getFilePointer();
         } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
         } catch(IOException ioe) {
    public void inputStream() {
         String line = "";
         int startByte = 1385592, endByte = 1489808;
         try {
             FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(f);
             DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(stream);
             int position = collectionSize - in.available();
             while(position <= endByte) {
              line  = in.readLine();
              String[]entry = line.split(" ");
              String docid = entry[1];
              int tf = Integer.parseInt(entry[2]);
              position = collectionSize - in.available();
         } catch(IOException e) {
        }and the main looks like this:
       public static void main(String[]args) {
         DiskTest dt = new DiskTest();
         long start = 0;
         long end = 0;
         start = System.currentTimeMillis();
         end = System.currentTimeMillis();
         System.out.println("Random: "+(end-start)+"ms");
         start = System.currentTimeMillis();
         end = System.currentTimeMillis();
         System.out.println("Stream: "+(end-start)+"ms");
        }The result:
    Random: 345ms
    Stream: 235ms
    Hmmm not the kind of result I was hoping for... or is it something I've done wrong?

  • LVM questions regarding performance

    Over the holidays, I'll be redoing my server (running Arch) using LVM.  The situation is this: I have two internal HDDs (80GB apiece) on the IDE bus, and an external USB2.0 drive sitting around not being used. The current install is also partitioned in such a way that there are some partitions that are nearly empty. So naturally I want to put things into a big volume group so that I'm not wasting space, full well knowing that there may be a slight performance hit (that I can justifiy).
    I'll probably do it this way, using /boot because of the legacy GRUB limitation, with swaps outside of the LVM to make sure they're contiguous:
    /dev/sda1     /boot
    /dev/sda2     swap 1
    /dev/sda3     LVM partition #1
    /dev/sdb1     swap 2
    /dev/sdb2     LVM partition #2
    /dev/sdc1     LVM partition #3
    Anyway, my questions are these:
    1) Do certain filesystems perform better when housed on volume groups?
    2) As the two internal IDE drives are faster than the external, I would like to "prioritize" those two logical volume partitions. Is it possible to do this?
    I know they seem like simple questions. I've searched, but can't come up with anything searching the obvious search strings. So sorry if I'm overlooking something.

    thanks for your fast reply!
    i moved from a replicated to a distributed cache:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cache-config SYSTEM "cache-config.dtd">
    Distributed caching scheme.
    Backing map scheme definition used by all the caches that do
    not require any eviction policies
    everything is now much faster, which is fine.
    however, if i try to put 200k instead of 100k objects in the cache (i do this in putAll batches of 10k each) i get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
    as you can see the object has 2 ints only ... so the raw data of 200k objects is 1,6mb only.
    any suggestions?
    i increased the java vm heap memory to 1gb, now it works.
    however, i notice that for each 100k objects (2 integers each) jave consumes ~80mb heap memory. at about 700mb heap memory the gc kicks in.
    how can this be opimized? 8 bytes of payload is not that much, i doubt that i'm able to put REAL data records into the cache this way.
    Message was edited by:

  • FF67-Manual Bank Reconciliation....question regarding automatic clearing

    Dear experts,
    I have a question regarding manual bank reconciliation, everything is working fine as far as FF67 is concerned but I am having a problem with auto clearing for cheques received in, I know that an algorithm decides which field should be taken into account for deciding the clearing items as the cheques issued out is working fine by the cheque number, for cheques received in what algorithm should be used and in what field should I enter that in Tcode F-28 so that it clears the document automatically. OR will I have to create a algorithm, if so from where?
    Thanks to all who reply

    You can use an algorithm like bank reference, document search, etc. 021 or 020.  While making the entries for cheque receipt (customer) you have to put the cheque number in the reference field and at the time of clearing the transactions from the statement, please ensure that the same cheque number is i put in the clearing data.

  • This question regarding sending mail from sap

    hi to all,
    this question regarding sending mail from sap
    rt now iam able to send mails from 500 clint, what r the setting i need to do send mails from my another client 700,
    iam using ecc 6.0 with sql database
    Moderator message: FAQ, please search for available information before asking.
    locked by: Thomas Zloch on Aug 16, 2010 2:11 PM

    hi to all,
    this question regarding sending mail from sap
    rt now iam able to send mails from 500 clint, what r the setting i need to do send mails from my another client 700,
    iam using ecc 6.0 with sql database
    Moderator message: FAQ, please search for available information before asking.
    locked by: Thomas Zloch on Aug 16, 2010 2:11 PM

  • Question regarding the installation of a J2EE 6.40 Add-in

    Hi all,
    I would like to install a J2EE engine on a test instance of ECC 5.0 and have a few questions regarding the installation...
    Do I have to use the MASTER CD to first install the J2EE engine (Support Package 0) and then apply the latest support packages found on the SAP Marketplace?
    Or should be able to directly install the J2EE Add-In by using the latest support packages found on the SAP Marketplace?
    Best regards,
    Xavier Vermaut

    Thanks Bhavik for your reply,
    That's what I actually thought but I get the following problem... Here's what I wrote into my customer message... I am still waiting for an answer and would like to get this solved ASAP
    Dear SAP,
    We would like to install the J2EE 6.40 Add-In on our ECC 5.0 instance
    (TST) but get the following error message at the very beginning of the
    > Cannot find an installed ABAP system, which is a prerequisite for a
    > J2EE Add-In installation. The installation cannot continue.
    We checked the installation logs (sapinst_dev.log) and found the
    following :
    > Found these instances:
    > sid: MGR, number: 00, name: DVEBMGS00, host: erpqs1a
    > sid: TST, number: 10, name: DVEBMGS10, host: erpqs1a
    Why does the installation say that it can not find any ABAP systems when
    having previously found the 2 different instances running on this
    Would this problem be related to the fact that we have two instances on
    this server?
    Please find hereunder the way we performed this installation :
    01) Download of the 4 different parts of SAP J2EE Engine 6.40 SP 10
         (Solaris 10 - Oracle)
         Part I   : SAPINST10_0-20000121.SAR         (Solaris 64)
         Part II  : CTRLORA10_0-20000121.SAR         (Solaris 64)
         Part III : J2EERTOS10_0-20000121.SAR        (Solaris 64)
         Part IV  : J2EERT10_0-10001982.SAR          (OS Independant)
    02) Extract these 4 archives into /install/J2EE_640
    03) Check Java Version and Environment Variables
    04) Check Solaris Pre-Requisites
    05) Adapt "product.xml" as specified in OSS Note 697535 (IGS)
    06) Log in as 'root'
    07) Set DISPLAY environment Variable
    08) Move to the Installation directory
          ( /install/J2EE_640/SAPINST-CD/SAPINST/UNIX/SUNOS_64 )
    09) ./sapinst
    10) In the 'Welcome to Netweaver Installation' screen, select
          => Dialog Instance Finalization
    Any idea how to get this solved?
    Best regards,
    Xavier Vermaut
    Message was edited by: Xavier Vermaut

  • Question relating to Java printing and where to post...

    First of all I am not a developer, but I have a question regarding printing in an application that was developed using Java and am not sure where to post it. I'll pose the question than defer to a moderator to move it if necessary.
    Here's the issue and question:
    We are using an application that has a host/client structure on several systems that use Windows Vista and XP. I have been told by the support team for this application that they use Java for printing tasks. I don't know if the entire application or just the print engine were developed in Java.
    Here's the problem:
    Whenever I tell this app to print for the FIRST time after opening the app, it takes between 4 and 5 minutes before it brings up the print menu. Again, this ONLY happens the FIRST time I tell it to print, and subsequent print commands are processed in a more normal timeframe.
    If I close this app and immediatly open it again, it goes through the same silly wait time for the FIRST print only.
    Tech support had me update Java to the latest incarnation on all machines, but that changed nothing. The guy even had the GALL to blame Java for the issue, can you believe that???
    Anyway, my question to you people here - that develop with Java - is what in the world this app ( and I suppose Java ) could possibly be doing with this print job for 4 to 5 minutes?
    BTW... these are NEW systems, with Dual-Core processors and a minimum of 1.5 gigs ( the server has 3 gigs) of RAM. Oh, and what I am printing is simply text, no graphics, just plain simple text.
    Any and all comments/suggestions appreciated...

    Thx ChuckBing,
    I agree with you about the application being the most logical source of the problem, and I have already provided their support with all the details that you suggest.
    I'll look at the link you provided and see if anything there steers me in a direction....

  • Questions regarding creating the database

    Hi there,
    From the previous posting, someone gave me the "formula" of connecting to the database:
    java.sql.Connection  conn   =  java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/name_of_DB","user","password") Now just couple of questions regarding the formula :
    1) Obviously, if I want the name of my DB, then I will have to create my DB. Can somebody please tell me the protocol of creating the DB? And where do I create this DB (i.e can I create it anywhere in my application)? Or is it that I have to create a new database using MySQL itself?
    2) After creating a database, I would like to create multiple tables containing different datas. Is it possible to place the code creating these tables anywher in the application I want?
    Your ideas or advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    1) Yes, you'll have to create the database using MySQL.
    2) You sure can once you have the database created with the proper rights assigned to your user. You can put the code anywhere you want but you may want to put it somewhere where it only ran once like on install if you're doing a standalone app.

  • Questions regarding Alert log & Control file

    This is my first post to this forum. I'm new at administrating a database I have couple of questions regarding Oracle DB.
    1)Which one is preferred method among the two?
       Checking alert log fie manually or automating a shell script for checking alert log file.
    2) Does setting CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME parameter to zero make the database unrecoverable, if RMAN recovery catalog is not used?
    Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    1)Which one is preferred method among the two?
       Checking alert log fie manually or automating a shell script for checking alert log file.
    That depends on your comfortability - But checking alert log is good.
    2) Does setting CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME parameter to zero make the database unrecoverable, if RMAN recovery catalog is not used?
    Yes - you cannot recover your database if it set zero and doesn't have recovery catalog.

  • Questions regarding authentication used in SRDemo ADF Tutorial

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    I have a few questions regarding the authentication used in SRDemo ADF Tutorial.
    1) Why do I need to specify the list of the all the users in the jazn-data.xml file with the name and credential attributes?
    2) How I change the authentication mechanism to point to database tables.(If it's not using, correct me if I am wrong).
    3) The prompt which I am getting for authentication is like OEM authentication. Can I change this to a normal authentication login page?
    4) As an option I would like to pass the person who logged in to windows , should be able to log in to the application. How can I pass the username(which I have in a java string) to my application and get logged in?
    Any help is highly appreciable.

    Read these two, should help
    But to be honest, I couldn't get it working.

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