Read in a file and convert into Binary

Hi there, i am new to java so plz give me a hand on this problem.
I am suppose to read in a file(with whole bunch of different records), and what i need to do is convert the file into do i do that??
the original Q asked:
Create a java program that will read the products file and write the products data into a java binary file. Adhere to good data typing conventions. That means, if a column in the input file is of type integer, then the data in that column should also be written to the output file in integer format. Same thing for String...
Here is the code i have so far
class FileIO {
/* Main method */
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
     FileReader file1 = new FileReader("test.txt");
     BufferedReader fileInput = new BufferedReader(file1);
     FileWriter file2 = new FileWriter("test1.txt");
     PrintWriter fileOutput = new PrintWriter(file2);
     String text;
     text = fileInput.readLine();
     //toBinaryString(text); <---i think there is something to do with the tobinary string but i am not sure
     // Close file
E-mail me directly if it's possible, thanks a lot~!!!!!

Maybe not the answer the teacher is looking for, but I'd be highly tempted to point out that the file, regardless of what's in it, is already binary. Even if it's a text file, what do you think the characters are defined as? Bytes.

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    Many Thanks

    "Binary file encoded in ASCII"? Well, you'd have to find out what encoding was used and then reverse is.
    As for reading files in general, check here:

  • Reading in any file and converting to a byte array

    Okay what I am trying to do is to write a program that will read in any file and convert it into a int array so that I can then manipulate the values of the int array and then re-write the file. Once I get the file into an int array I want to try and compress the data with my own algorithm as well as try to write my own encryption algorithm.
    What I have been looking for is code samples that essentially read in the file as a byte array and then I have been trying to convert that byte array into an int array which I could then manipulate. So does anyone have any sample code that essentially takes a file and converts it into an int array and then converts it back into a byte array and write the file. I have found code that is close but I guess I am just too new to this. Any help would be appreciated.

    You can read a whole file into a byte array like this:File f = new File("somefile");
    int size = (int) f.length();
    byte[] contents = new byte[size];
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(
                              new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)));
    in.close();Note that you need to add in the proper exception handling code. You could also use RandomAccessFile instead of the DataInputStream.
    Writing a byte array to a file is easier; just construct the FileOutputStream, call write on it with the byte array, and close the stream.

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    Basically my code structure is like this....
    import java.util.regex.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
    class Writing {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
              FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("ServerResult.xls"); //my output file
              int counter = 1;
              File dir = new File("C:/Perform/ServerLogs");
              String[] children = dir.list();
              if( children == null)
                   System.out.println("The Directory mentioned does not exist");
              else {
                   for (int fileNo = 0; fileNo < children.length; fileNo++ ) {        //Files iteration starts
                        String filename = children[fileNo];
              File logFile = new File(filename);
    FileReader logFileReader = new FileReader(logFile);
    BufferedReader logReader = new BufferedReader(logFileReader);
    StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(5000);
              HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();          
              HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
              HSSFRow rowTitle;
              HSSFRow rowReq;
              HSSFRow rowRes;
    String aLine = null;
    boolean skip = false;
    boolean readed = false;
    boolean initReq = false;
              boolean flag = false;
    long requestTime = 0;
    long responseTime = 0;
    long recdTime = 0;
    long sentTime = 0;
              long hasTime = 0;
              long presentTime = 0;
              int hasCalls = 0;
    Pattern startMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern requestMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"RequestMsg.\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*<ActName>(.*)</ActName>.*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern requestMessage1 = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"RequestMsg.\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*<Svc id=\"(.*)\">.*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern responseMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"ResponseMsg\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern initMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"HostConnInit\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern initResMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"ResponseMsg\".*ID=\"null\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    Pattern initResIDMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"ResponseMsg\".*ID=\"null\".*<IATA>"+args[0]+"</IATA>.*", Pattern.DOTALL);
              Pattern sentMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"DCMsgSentInfo\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
              Pattern rcvdMessage = Pattern.compile("^<MESSAGE.*TS=\"(.*)\" CATEGORY=\"DCMsgRcvdInfo\".*ID=\".*_"+args[0]+"\".*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
    DecimalFormat dcf = new DecimalFormat("########.##");
    String actName = "";
              if (fileNo ==0)
              rowTitle = sheet.createRow((short)0);
              rowTitle.createCell((short)2).setCellValue("Server Time(in ms)");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)3).setCellValue("Request Vs Response Time in Server(in ms)");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)4).setCellValue("Time Taken By HAS/HOST(in ms)");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)5).setCellValue("No. of HAS calls");
              rowTitle.createCell((short)6).setCellValue("Data Size");
    while((aLine=logReader.readLine()) != null) {
    if(aLine.startsWith("<MESSAGE TYPE=\"EVENT\"")) {
    Matcher m = startMessage.matcher(aLine);
    if(m.find()) {
    skip = false;
    initReq = false;
    m = initMessage.matcher(aLine);
    if(m.find()) {
    initReq = true;
    } else {
    if(initReq) {
    m = initResMessage.matcher(aLine);
    if(m.find()) {
    skip = false;
    } else if(aLine.startsWith("</MESSAGE>")) {
    if(!skip) {
    readed = true;
    } else if(!skip){
    if(!skip && readed) {
    String tempStr = sBuf.toString();
    if(tempStr.length() > 0) {
    boolean reqMatched = false;
    Matcher m = null;
    if(initReq) {
    m = initMessage.matcher(tempStr);
    actName = "Intialization";
    } else {
    m = requestMessage.matcher(tempStr);
    String time = "";
    if(m.find()) {
    reqMatched = true;
    for (int i=1; i<=m.groupCount(); i++) {
    String groupStr =;
    if(i == 1) {
    time = groupStr;
    } else if(i == 2) {
    actName = groupStr;
    } else if(!initReq){
    m = requestMessage1.matcher(tempStr);
    if(m.find()) {
    reqMatched = true;
    for (int i=1; i<=m.groupCount(); i++) {
    String groupStr =;
    if(i == 1) {
    time = groupStr;
    } else if(i == 2) {
    actName = groupStr;
    if(time.length() > 0 ) {
    requestTime = sdf.parse(time).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                  String reqDataSize = dcf.format(((double)time.length()/1024.0))+"K" ;
                                  rowReq = sheet.createRow((short)counter);
                                       counter = counter +1;
                                       System.out.println("counter is "+counter);
                             Matcher l = sentMessage.matcher(tempStr);
                             Matcher k = rcvdMessage.matcher(tempStr);
                   if(l.find()) {
                                            for (int i=1; i<=l.groupCount(); i++) {
         String groupStr2 =;
    sentTime = sdf.parse(groupStr2).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                                 for(int j=1;j<=k.groupCount(); j++) {
                                                 String groupStr1 =;
    recdTime = sdf.parse(groupStr1).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                                 presentTime = (recdTime - sentTime);
                                                 hasTime = hasTime + presentTime;
                                                 hasCalls = hasCalls +1;
    if(!reqMatched) {
    if(initReq) {
    } else {
    if(m.find()) {
    for (int i=1; i<=m.groupCount(); i++) {
    String groupStr =;
    responseTime = sdf.parse(groupStr).getTime();
    }catch(Exception ex){}
                                                 String resDataSize = dcf.format(((double)tempStr.length()/1024.0))+"K" ;
                                                 rowRes = sheet.createRow((short)(counter));
                                                 rowRes.createCell((short)3).setCellValue((responseTime - requestTime));
                                                 hasTime = 0;
                                                 hasCalls = 0;
                                                 counter = counter + 1 ;
    readed = false;
              } // End of for (int fileNo = 0; fileNo < children.length; fileNo++ )
    }     //End of else
    } //End of public static void main
    } // End of Class

    First of all, use [code]-tags to make your code readable, please.
    I didn't do a complete inspection of your code (because it's too much and unreadable as it is) and I don't know POI, but creating a new HSSFWorkbook for each input file sounds fishy to me ... try re-using the workbook and just creating a new sheet in each iteration.

  • How can one  read a Excel File and Upload into Table using Pl/SQL Code.

    How can one read a Excel File and Upload into Table using Pl/SQL Code.
    1. Excel File is on My PC.
    2. And I want to write a Stored Procedure or Package to do that.
    3. DataBase is on Other Server. Client-Server Environment.
    4. I am Using Toad or PlSql developer tool.

    If you would like to create a package/procedure in order to solve this problem consider using the UTL_FILE in built package, here are a few steps to get you going:
    1. Get your DBA to create directory object in oracle using the following command:
    create directory TEST_DIR as ‘directory_path’;
    Note: This directory is on the server.
    2. Grant read,write on directory directory_object_name to username;
    You can find out the directory_object_name value from dba_directories view if you are using the system user account.
    3. Logon as the user as mentioned above.
    Sample code read plain text file code, you can modify this code to suit your need (i.e. read a csv file)
    function getData(p_filename in varchar2,
    p_filepath in varchar2
    input_file utl_file.file_type;
    --declare a buffer to read text data
    input_buffer varchar2(4000);
    --using the UTL_FILE in built package
    input_file := utl_file.fopen(p_filepath, p_filename, 'R');
    utl_file.get_line(input_file, input_buffer);
    --return data
    return input_buffer;
    Hope this helps.

  • How to read from one file and write into another file?

    I am trying to read a File and write into another file.This is the code that i am using.But what happens is last line is only getting written..How to resolve this.the code is as follows,
    public String get() {
         FileReader fr;
         try {
              fr = new FileReader(f);
              String str;
              BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
              try {
                   while((str= br.readLine())!=null){
              } catch (IOException e1) {
              } }catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
         return generate;
    where generate is a string declared globally.
    how to go about it?
    Thanks for your reply in advance

    If you want to copy files as fast as possible, without processing them (as the DOS "copy" or the Unix "cp" command), you can try the java.nio.channels package.
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    class Kopy {
         * @param args [0] = source filename
         *        args [1] = destination filename
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            if (args.length != 2) {
                System.err.println ("Syntax: java -cp . Kopy source destination");
            File in = new File(args[0]);
            long fileLength = in.length();
            long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (in);
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (args[1]);
            FileChannel fci = fis.getChannel();
            FileChannel fco = fos.getChannel();
            fco.transferFrom(fci, 0, fileLength);
            t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
            NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
            System.out.print (nf.format(fileLength/1024.0) + "kB copied");
            if (t > 0) {
                System.out.println (" in " + t + "ms: " + nf.format(fileLength / 1.024 / t) + " kB/s");

  • Read an excel file and convert to a 1-D array of long, 32-bit integer?

    My vi right now reads an column of numbers as a 1-D array, but I need to input the numbers manually, and for what I'm trying to do, there could be anywhere between 100 to 500 numbers to input. I want the vi to be able to read the excel file and use that column of numbers for the rest, which the data type is long (32-bit integer).
    I have an example vi that is able to get excel values, but the output data type is double (64-bit real).
    I need to either be able to convert double(64-bit real) data to long (32-bit integer), or find another way to get the values from the excel file.

    Just to expand on what GerdW is saying.  There are many programs that hold exclusive access to a file.  So if a file is opened in Excel, the LabVIEW cannot access the file.
    What is the exact error code?  Different error codes will point to different issues.
    Make sure the csv file is exactly where you think it is and LabVIEW is pointing to the right place.  (I'm just going through stupid things I have done)
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Reading files and converting into xml structure

    In my application a client requests for the folder structure information to a server through RMI. The server needs to read files and folders on local machine and convert it into some structure (I am thinking of using xml) and send it back. For eg: I am planning to have Server send back something like:
    <directory name = "parentdirectory">
    <file name = "abc.jpg"/>
    <file name = "def.bmp"/>
    <directory" name = "subdirectory">
    <file name = "hij.jpg"/>
    <file name = "klm.bmp"/>
    It is just the names of the files I am interested in and not the contents. Is this a good approach of sending back the data as a string containg xml definition. Is there any better appproach in terms of performance, memory etc? I am currently planning on using DOM for construction of this structure. Is there a source code for reading and converting the folder structure into xml. Just for your information, the clients gets this information and shows it as a tree structure on the GUI.

    Is this a good approach of sending back the data as a string containg xml definition. It'll work.
    An alternative, more direct approach is to build a memory representation and send this as argument/return value of an RMI call. You'd need to write classes MyDirectory and MyFile; MyFile has just a name; MyDirectory has a name and a collection of MyDirectory and one of MyFile. Make these classes implement Serializable and you can send them over RMI.
    The effort to write those trivial classes would be less than to implement XML encoding/decoding, and also in terms of runtime performance and memory it will be hard to beat Java's serialization with anything XML-based. In this case I doubt performance/memory are relevant considerations though.
    If for some reason I'd go for sending XML Strings anyway, I wouldn't do the encoding/decoding myself; I'd use XStream to convert Java classes to/from XML and still end up writing the above two classes and be done.
    Sorry if you wanted a simple yes or no :-)

  • How to read the data file and write into the same file without a temp table

    I have a requirement as below:
    We are running lockbox process for several business, but for a few businesses we have requirement where in we receive a flat file in different format other than how the transmission format is defined.
    This is a 10.7 to 11.10 migration. In 10.7 the users are using a custom table into which they are first loading the raw data and writing a pl/sql validation on that and loading it into a new flat file and then running the lockbox process.
    But in 11.10 we want to restrict using temp table how can we achieve this.
    Can we read the file first and then do validations accordingly and then write to the same file and process the lockbox.
    Any inputs are highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Lakshmi Kalyan Vara Prasad.

    Hello Gurus,
    Let me tell you about my requirement clearly with an example.
    i am receiving a dat file from bank in below format
    105A371273020563007 07030415509174REF3178503 001367423860020015E129045
    in this detail 1 record starting from 38th character to next 15 characters is merchant reference number
    REF3178503 --- REF denotes it as Sales Order
    ACC denotes it as Customer No
    INV denotes it as Transaction Number
    based on this 15 validation comes.
    If i see REF i need to pick that complete record and then fill that record with the SO details as per my system and then submit the file for lockbox processing.
    In 10.7 they created a temporary table into which they are loading the data using a control file....once the data is loaded into the temporary table then they are doing a validation and updating the record exactly as required and then creating one another file and then submitting the file for lockbox processing.
    Where as in 11.10 they want to bypass these temporary tables and writing it into a different file.
    Can this be handled by writing a pl/sql procedure ??
    My findings:
    May be i am wrong.......but i think .......if we first get the data into ar_payments_interface_all table and then do the validations and then complete the lockbox process may help.
    Any suggestions from Oracle GURUS is highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Lakshmi Kalyan Vara Prasad.

  • Read Application server file and upload into internal table

    Another help needed guys,
    My file in the application server is of format
    Name       Marks 1    Marks  2       Marks 3............
    A                10             15               20
    The only thing separating the columns is space.
    Actually this file was downloaded from an internal table into the app server.
    Now I want to load it back into the internal table.
    How do I load this into internal table so that each column goes in separate internal table field.
    Currently am using cl_abap_char_utilities=>HORIZONTAL_TAB but I can get only the first column name in my field1 of the internal table.
    How should I applroach this?
    Points will be awarded for useful answers.

    Hi ankit,
    i think u have uploaded the tab delimited file in the application sever.
    then suppose see if u r file is in the format of name#marks1#marks2#marks3.
    then in the program u do like this..
    first declare one internal table with one filed.
      c_hextab(1)      TYPE x VALUE '09'.
      begin of t_data occurs 0,
          line(256) type c,
      endof t_data.
    and declare one more intternal table
    begin of  t_itab occurs 0,
      name(15)    type c,
      marks1(4)   type c,
      marks2(4)   type c,
      marks3(4)   type c,
    endof t_itab.
    open the file with
    then  between do and endo do like this..
    clear t_data.
    READ DATASET p_file INTO t_data.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    split t_data at c_hextab
          into t_itab-name
    append t_itab.
    i think it will be helpful to u
    Please let me know wht type of file has been uploaded into application server.(tab deleimted, comma separated or something else).
    Sunil Kumar Mutyala.

  • How to read XML file and write into another XML file

    Hi all, I am new to JAVAXML.
    My problem is I have to read one XML file and take some Nodes from that and write these nodes into another XML file...
    I solved, how to read XML file
    But I don't know how to Write nodes into another XML.
    Can anyone help in this???
    Thanks in advance..

    This was answered a bit ago. There was a thread called "XML Mergine" that started on Sept 14th. It has a lot of information about what it takes to copy nodes from one XML Document object into another.
    Dave Patterson

  • it possible to read a .xls file and load it into an oracle table it possible to read a .xls file and load it into an oracle table, using oracle database or oracle forms i.e. either utl_file, or text_io, or any other oracle tool.
    As far as I know we need a csv file or a txt ( tab delimited) file ?
    2.Are there any windows tools for the same

    If you want to use the DDE package to read the XLS file then yes, you will neeed to know the number of rows and columns in the input file.
    i.e. How will you know :
    1) How many columns are there in the input file.
    If I have a XLS file with the following data :
    R1C1 R1C2 R1C3 R1C4 R1C5 R1C6 R1C7
    xxx xx x
    Where R represents row and C represents column, then how will you know the each row has 7 columns. If you know the answer upfront, then it's not a issue.
    Using the DDE apprach, you will have to specify the RowNum and the ColumnNo of each idividual cells to read/write data from xls sheet.
    Look at the syntax in my ealier post.
    using the other approch (i.e. comma delimited text file - CSV file) , you need not know the number of columns as you can loop thru the input record till the last column is read.
    All you have to do is to look for the 'n' occurances of the field delimiter say ',', do a substr from the current position to the point where the ',' was found.
    This process is to be repeated in a loop till all columns are read.
    The TEXT_IO package can trap for EOF (End Of File).
    Hope I made myself clear.
    -- Shailender Mehta --

  • How can I get to read a large file and not break it up into bits

    How do I read a large file and not get the file cut into bits so each has its own beginning and ending.
    if the file was read on the line 11 and I wanted to read at 3 and then read again at 10.
    how do I specify the byte in the file of the large file since the read function has a read(byteb[],index,bytes to read);
    And it will only index in the array of bytes itself.
    San Htat

    tjacobs01 wrote:
    Peter__Lawrey wrote:
    Try RandomAccessFile. Not only do I hate RandomAccessFiles because of their inefficiency and limited use in today's computing world, The one dominated by small devices with SSD? Or the one dominated by large database servers and b-trees?
    I would also like to hate on the name 'RandomAccessFile' almost always, there's nothing 'random' about the access. I tend to think of the tens of thousands of databases users were found to have created in local drives in one previous employer's audit. Where's the company's mission-critical software? It's in some random Access file.
    Couldn't someone have come up with a better name, like NonlinearAccessFile? I guess the same goes for RAM to...Non-linear would imply access times other than O(N), but typically not constant, whereas RAM is nominally O(1), except it is highly optimised for consecutive access, as are spinning disk files, except RAM is fast in either direction.
    [one of these things is not like the other|] silicon disks are much better at random access than rust disks and [Machine architecture|] at about 1:40 - RAM is much worse at random access than sequential.

  • Reading a text file and transferring values into array

    I have a problem. So what I am trying to do is that, I read a text file and insert specific values from the text file into an array for future needs.
    But I have to make sure that there is no duplicate entries. So thats what I have but, my method takes forever to finish...
    here is my code:
    String nomFichier = "Test_" + numTest + "_" + date + ".txt";
            String ligne = "";
            int z = 0;
            int j = 0;
            BufferedReader lecteurFichier = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(nomFichier));
            while ((ligne = lecteurFichier.readLine()) != null) {
                if (z > 3)
                    String valeur = "";
                    String dist = "";
                    boolean unique = true;
                    String [] chiffre = ligne.split(";");
                     if (intervalleAnalyser == 1)
                        valeur = chiffre[3];
                        dist = chiffre[4];
                    if (intervalleAnalyser == 2)
                        valeur = chiffre[2];
                        dist = chiffre[4];
                    if (intervalleAnalyser == 3)
                        valeur = chiffre[1];
                        dist = chiffre[4];
                    if (z == 4) {
                        intervalleDiagramme[j] = valeur;
                    if (z > 4) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < intervalleDiagramme.length; i++)
                             for (int x = 0; x < i; x++)
                                 if(intervalleDiagramme[i] == intervalleDiagramme[x])
                                    unique = false;
                        if (unique)
                            intervalleDiagramme[j] = valeur;
            lecteurFichier.close(); // toujours fermer le fichier

    Thanks for your reply,
    1) Yeah I have a method that asks the question and assigns it to a variable.
    2) Well the z will stop once there is no lines to read no?
    for the set.add(), I am not that familar...
    I changed bit a code and I have this now:
    if (z > 4) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < intervalleDiagramme.length; i++)
    System.out.println(intervalleDiagramme[i] + " " + valeur);
    unique = false;
    if (unique)
    intervalleDiagramme[j] = valeur;
    I figured a way to assign " " to all the values in my array. But I get this error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 380
    at TP3.lireFichier(
    And my line 305 is: intervalleDiagramme[j] = valeur;
    So ok I found my mistake and corrected it. But I want to know is there a way of doing this without setting the size of the array? because sometimes there needs to be 21 values sometimes 19 and sometimes 20....
    If I take out: = new String [21] out I get a NullPointer error...
    Edited by: Ara1992Habs on Dec 13, 2009 7:29 AM
    Edited by: Ara1992Habs on Dec 13, 2009 7:37 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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