Ringtone sounds not working correctly

I don't know what happened to the ringtone sounds on my iPhone 3gs. I'm wondering if there's something wrong in the settings.

What does "not working correctly" mean?
Is the silent switch on?

Similar Messages

  • Ringtone sound not working

    I just purchased this phone not a week ago, then this problem cropped up. I can't get sound for either my ringer, or notifications. I tried various volume settings, different ringtones, but it didn't solve the problem. Then I attempted a hard reboot, but that hadn't solved the issue either. Anyone have any ideas for a possible solution?

    It happened to me with my new tour within the first 3 weeks I owned the phone so they gave me a new phone. When it happened again with the new phone ( now beyond the 30 day trial period) a tech at the store removed the battery for a while then put it back in. It worked. The phone rebooted. It has happened one other time since october. He said he never heard of this problem which must have been bull. Others have advised to make sure you keep the phone off every once in a while ANd to make sure and do the monthly software update .(I have verizon.)

  • Pause Sound not working correctly

    Hi guys,
    I'm using a version of the pause sound code found on the adobe/help page, but it's not resuming the sound from the pausePoint.  I have the pause/play function tied to the stage so that my external swfs pause as well.  Here's a clip of my code,
    This is the load audio with swf part:
    var fl_Loader_5:Loader;
    var fl_ToLoad_5:Boolean = true;
    var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var snd:Sound = new Sound();
    var req_1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Introduction.mp3");
    introductionButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_5);
    function fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_5(event:MouseEvent):void
      fl_Loader_5 = new Loader();
      fl_Loader_5.load(new URLRequest("captivate/Introduction.swf"));
      fl_Loader_5.x = 100;
      fl_Loader_5.y = -288;
      channel = snd.play();
      introductionButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_5);
    This is the stage pause and audio pause part:
    ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = true;
    var originalFrameRate:uint = stage.frameRate;
    var standbyFrameRate:uint = 0;
    function toggleAllClips(doAnim, mainMC) {
    if ( parent is MovieClip){
      if (doAnim) {
    parent.stage.frameRate = originalFrameRate;
    channel = snd.play(pausePosition);
      } else {
    var pausePosition:int = channel.position;
    parent.stage.frameRate = standbyFrameRate;
      for (var i = 0; i<mainMC.numChildren; i++) {
       toggleAllClips(doAnim, mainMC.getChildAt(i));
    How do I better target the pausePoint? Do I need an equation or should I reposition the code?
    Also, the first time the stage resumes and the audio restarts from the beggining, it doesn't stop on the next pause and then a second audio track comes in on the following resume, on and on.  What gives?

    FOUND IT!!! A co-worker and I set down with your new code and brainstormed and it came down to adding another instane of the "currentSound = null;"  Here's that section of the code adjusted :
    var originalFrameRate:uint = stage.frameRate;
    var standbyFrameRate:uint = 0;
    var pausePosition:int;
    function toggleSound(b:Boolean):void{
      channel = currentSound.play(pausePosition);
      pausePosition = 0;
    } else {
      pausePosition = channel.position;
    function toggleAllClips(doAnim, mainMC) {
    if (parent is MovieClip){
      if (doAnim) {
    parent.stage.frameRate = originalFrameRate;
    channel = currentSound.play(pausePosition);
    pausePosition = 0;
    currentSound = null;
      } else {
    pausePosition = channel.position;
    parent.stage.frameRate = standbyFrameRate;
      for (var i = 0; i<MovieClip.(parent.parent.parent.mainMC).numChildren; i++) {
       toggleAllClips(doAnim, parent.getChildAt(i));
    I had assumed that nulling out any of the references to the original snd_1 would kill all the audio, but it didn't, it just stopped the duplicate.  Here's all of my code in case anyone has the same issue:
    Header 1
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.utils.setTimeout;
    import com.adobe.captivate.flash.rdSound;
    import com.adobe.captivate.events.*;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.media.Sound;
    import flash.media.SoundChannel;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    var fl_Loader:Loader = new Loader();
    var fl_ToLoad:Boolean = true;
    fl_Loader.x = 100;
    fl_Loader.y = -288;
    var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var snd_1:Sound = new Sound();
    var snd_2:Sound = new Sound();
    var snd_3:Sound = new Sound();
    var snd_4:Sound = new Sound();
    var snd_5:Sound = new Sound();
    var snd_6:Sound = new Sound();
    var currentSound:Sound;
    /*var req_1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Introduction.mp3");
    var req_2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Safety.mp3");
    var req_3:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Compartments.mp3");
    var req_4:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Dual.mp3");
    var req_5:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Switch.mp3");
    var req_6:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Installation.mp3");*/
    function soundCompleteF(e:Event):void{
    currentSound = null;
    introductionButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_5);
    function fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_5(event:MouseEvent):void
      fl_Loader.load(new URLRequest("captivate/Introduction.swf"));
      snd_1.load(new URLRequest("audio/Introduction.mp3"));
      //channel = snd_1.play();
    //currentSound = snd_1;
      channel = snd_1.play();
        currentSound = snd_1;
        introductionButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_5);
    safetyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_6);
    function fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_6(event:MouseEvent):void
      fl_Loader.load(new URLRequest("captivate/Safety Considerations.swf"));
      snd_2.load(new URLRequest("audio/Safety.mp3"));
        channel = snd_2.play();
        currentSound = snd_2;
      channel = snd_2.play();
        currentSound = snd_2;
    compartmentsButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_7);
    function fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_7(event:MouseEvent):void
      fl_Loader.load(new URLRequest("captivate/Compartments.swf"));
      snd_3.load(new URLRequest("audio/Compartments.mp3"));
        channel = snd_3.play();
        currentSound = snd_3;
      channel = snd_3.play();
        currentSound = snd_3;
    dualButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_8);
    function fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_8(event:MouseEvent):void
      fl_Loader.load(new URLRequest("captivate/Dual Control Mechanism.swf"));
      snd_4.load(new URLRequest("audio/Dual.mp3"));
        channel = snd_4.play();
        currentSound = snd_4;
      channel = snd_4.play();
        currentSound = snd_4;
    switchButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_9);
    function fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_9(event:MouseEvent):void
      fl_Loader.load(new URLRequest("captivate/Switch Machine Operation.swf"));
      snd_5.load(new URLRequest("audio/Switch.mp3"));
        channel = snd_5.play();
        currentSound = snd_5;
      channel = snd_5.play();
        currentSound = snd_5;
    installButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_10);
    function fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_10(event:MouseEvent):void
      fl_Loader.load(new URLRequest("captivate/Installation and Adjustments.swf"));
      snd_6.load(new URLRequest("audio/Installation.mp3"));
        channel = snd_6.play();
        currentSound = snd_6;
      channel = snd_6.play();
        currentSound = snd_6;
    // This is a more "safe than sorry" setting, since multiple domains
    // have entry into my site. Can be removed or hardcoded if you feel
    // secure or insecure, as you see fit.
    // Throw any errors around to make sure somebody actually gets them.
    ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = true;
    // This is not the most ideal way to toggle animations on and off, but
    // it's thorough, generic, and simple. Iterate all movieclips within
    // clip, shutting them down each in turn. A better, but much more tedious
    // method would be to target specific clips using dotpath notation, telling
    // each in turn to turn off or on depending on what we need.
    // BUT this is just a demo, and what we're really interested in is the
    // event-handling mechanism that actually calls this routine, and not the
    // routine itself.
    var originalFrameRate:uint = stage.frameRate;
    var standbyFrameRate:uint = 0;
    var pausePosition:int;
    function toggleSound(b:Boolean):void{
      channel = currentSound.play(pausePosition);
      pausePosition = 0;
    } else {
      pausePosition = channel.position;
    function toggleAllClips(doAnim, mainMC) {
    if (parent is MovieClip){
      if (doAnim) {
    parent.stage.frameRate = originalFrameRate;
    channel = currentSound.play(pausePosition);
    pausePosition = 0;
    currentSound = null;
      } else {
    pausePosition = channel.position;
    //currentSound = null;
    parent.stage.frameRate = standbyFrameRate;
      for (var i = 0; i<MovieClip.(parent.parent.parent.mainMC).numChildren; i++) {
       toggleAllClips(doAnim, parent.getChildAt(i));
    /*function toggleSoundPause(currentSound, mainMC) {
    if(pausePosition == 0){
      pausePosition = 0;
    } else {
      pausePosition = channel.position;
    function animOn(e:*=null) {
    toggleAllClips(true, parent.getChildByName("mainMC"));
    function animOff(e:*=null) {
    toggleAllClips(false, parent.getChildByName("mainMC"));
    function injectPrep(e:*=null) {
    try {
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("jsanimOn", animOn);
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("jsanimOff", animOff);
    } catch (e) {
    function injectListeners(e:*=null) {
    try {
      // Object/Embed ID of this movie needs to be inserted into the
      // JavaScript before we actually wrap and send it to the browser:
      var jsfix=js.toString().replace(/xxx/g, ExternalInterface.objectID);
    } catch (e) {
    // Using timeouts ensures the movie is actually done loading before
    // these fire, helping compatibility for a few browser versions.
    JavaScript needs to be wrapped in a tag, a cdata, and a closure
    function in order to be wrapped up and sent to the browser.
    Note that an ActionScript function will replace all instances
    of "xxx" with the actual ID used for this SWF.
    We're battling some major bugs and crossbrowser idiosyncrasies
    1) In Internet Explorer the 'onblur' event is implemented
        incorrectly (as opposed to Firefox/Mozilla browsers). It is
        wrongly fired when focus is switched between HTML elements
        *inside* a window. As a result, we have to use onfocusout
        instead of onblur, and keep track of which element is active.
        If we focusout and the active element is not the previous
        active element, then we haven't actually "blurred" and dont
        want to trigger Flash.
    2) Firefox has problems interpreting both getElementById and
        document["swf"] when dealing with "twicebaked" object/embeds.
        Adobe's method of finding the swf fails to address the fact
        that document["swf"] sometimes returns an array in this
        situation rather than an object ref, and getElementById
        sometimes confuses name and id.
    3) When a window is created in Firefox, it doesn't actually have
        "focus" (event though it appears to) and therefore won't "blur"
        unless you actually click in it first, i.e if you open up a
        window, then immediately send it to the background, it never
        gets the command to halt the flash. So we have to explicitly
        focus the blasted thing to get it to work properly.
    4) Because of irregularities caused by Ajax, the way browsers shut
        down, and other factors, there's a good chance our swf won't
        be there when a blur (or focusout) event occurs. Therefore we
        need an explicit check within the event handler itself.
    5) Finally, we want to wrap everything inside a wrapper-closure
        function, to keep everything safe from being stepped on. Lucky
        us, we have to do this anyways to get everything to fit inside
        a single ExternalInterface.call event.
    var js:XML = <script><![CDATA[
    ( function() {
      var active_element; // tracker for ie fix;
      var bIsMSIE = false;
      // Modified version of Adobe's code resolves a bug in FF:
      function getSWF(movieName) {
        if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
          return window[movieName];
        } else {
          // Resolves a bug in FF where an array is sometimes returned instead of a
          // single object when using a nested Object/Embed.
          if(document[movieName].length != undefined){
            return document[movieName][1];
          return document[movieName];
      // Need to check for swf each time we try this because the swf may actually be gone
      // because of ajax or a window closure event. Prevents error dialog from popping up.
      // Future release should check for this condition and then remove the calling event
      // so it doesn't keep triggering.
      function animOff(){
        if (bIsMSIE && (active_element != document.activeElement)) {
          active_element = document.activeElement;
        } else {
          var logoThang = getSWF("xxx");
      function animOn(){
        if (bIsMSIE && (active_element != document.activeElement)) {
          active_element = document.activeElement;
        } else {
          var logoThang = getSWF("xxx");
      // Add the listeners. Hear ye, here ye.
      if (typeof window.addEventListener !== "undefined") {
        // Firefox, Mozilla, et al.
        window.addEventListener("blur", animOff, false);
        window.addEventListener("focus", animOn, false);
      } else if (typeof window.attachEvent !== "undefined") {
        // Internet Explorer
        bIsMSIE = true;
        window.attachEvent("onfocus", animOn);
    // Another bug: window.onblur ALWAYS fires in IE, so
    // we have to keep track of what we're clicking using
    // another method:
    active_element = document.activeElement;
    document.attachEvent("onfocusout", animOff);
      // Necessary to trigger toggling in FF if the page hasn't actually been clicked in and the page
      // is sent to the background. Can be commented out if necessary, e.g. if you don't want the page
      // popping to the top or want focus to remain somewhere else like a form field.
    // window.focus();
    Thanks you SOOO MUCH for your help.  There is no way I could have done this alone and now I have a better understanding about referencing vars.

  • Sound not working correctly?

    I am quite confused. Any of the songs the I added to my ipod library directly from my computer come through both sides on my headphones, but all of the 50 cds that I imported to itunes and added to my ipod only come through the right headphone. I just got my ipod 2 days ago and I am very confused on what's wrong! Anyone have any ideas?

    Do you mean you can only get sound (music that rip from CD) from right headphone of your iPod? or it happens to your computer as well.
    Anyway, open iTunes and go to preference > Advance > Importing, then choose Import Using "MP3 Encoder" & Settin "Higher Quality (192 Kps)", see if it helps.
    If it does not solve, please play the music (from the CD) under iTunes, if you can hear from one channel only (from the computer speakers), then you have to check the cable connection of your CD/DVD Rom, see if of the audio cable comes off

  • Surround Sound Not Working Correctly Since Connecting New Blu-Ray Player

    I recently purchased a Sony VIZIO VBR200W Blu-Ray Player to go with my VIZIO VL420M LCD HDTV, and am having some audio issues.  I have a RCA RT2770 Home Theater System, which is connected to the TV through the audio in/out composite (RCA) audio cables (audio in is to the RCA system, audio out is to the TV).  The Blu-Ray Player and the XBox 360 are connected directly to the TV using HDMI cables.  The problem is the sound coming out of the speaker system is a bit distorted when using the Blu-Ray player.  I've also noticed quite a bit of feedback coming from both the TV speakers and the surround speakers when the TV screen is bright (loading menu's of movies, Netflix Instant Queue, etc.).  I never had any issues with the sound from the 360, which has been hooked up this way since day one.  Any suggestions on how to get the sound to be clearer? 
    OK, now I'm starting to worry that the feedback I got earlier caused some kind of picture quality issues in the TV itself!  Before I make a fool of myself for asking stupid questions, is this even a possability?  Help!!!

    dumb question - but does your rca home theater have an optical input on the back of it? it will look like a trapazoid cover with sometimes the words "audio in"

  • Sounds not working, except ringtone

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    What does "not working correctly" mean?
    Is the silent switch on?

  • Sound blaster not working correctly?

    Sound blaster not working correctly #I have a 64 bit, windows vista system.
    A Logitech Z-5500 Digital speaker system (one woofer, center speaker, left, right, rear right, left rear speakers, and a seperate control head).
    I have an X-fi gamer sound card.
    I recently formatted my hard dri've and reinstalled everything. Trying to make everything happy again. Here is my problem:
    When I use the Creative Console Launcher (CCL), my front right speaker tests fine. My front left speaker comes out of the woofer. And no other speakers will test at all. It does this in all modes (2., 4., 5. and 7.).
    When I play some music, it is coming out of all of the speakers. But it won't test properly in the CCL. So, do I have an issue, does what the CCL is doing not matter, or something else In some games, hearing what direction stuff is coming from matters, so if it is sending sounds to the wrong speakers, then I need to figure out a fix.....hence my post.
    Thanks for any help you can give, Robert

    Well, as the official documatation states, the Archlinux is for more or less advanced users, and if you're not one, we will make you one
    First of all, if you compiled your sound as modules, try putting this in your rc.local:
    stat_busy "Activating Sound"
    /sbin/modprobe your_sound_module
    /sbin/modprobe other_sound_module
    /sbin/modprobe yet_other_sound_module
    Change your_sound_module stuff to your module names as you configured in the kernel, of course.
    Second: in order to have two or more sound apps working at the same time, you need some kind of sound server. For default one (esd), uncomment esd in /etc/rc.local (remove ! before it) . After that, you'll have to configure your sound apps to use esd. I know that this is extremely easy with xmms and xine, dunno about others. I do not use esd, because my favorite games (quake3 and half-life) require direct access to /dev/dsp.
    And remember: nobody blames for asking 8)

  • External usb sound card is not working correctly

    When my computer usb sound card is working correctly. If your computer to sleep and wake up the sound card is working correctly. If you disable the sound card and connect again, it appears extraneous sound on the background music playing. Each time the sound is different. The sound is very similar to not match the sampling frequency. If the computer is rebooted, then the sound card is working properly again.
    Soundcard Infra-sonic.com model Amon.
    I have not experienced problems when using the same card with Mac OS 10.5.8 with the drivers for Mac OS 10.5
    Manufacturer issued driver for Snow Leopard, but the card still does not work correctly.
    Also such problems, other users complain about an external USB audio card. None of the users can not find a solution to this problem.

    Contact Infra-Sonic tech support.

  • Sound in Macbook pro is not working correctly! PLEASE HELP!

    A few days ago, the sound in the build in speakers in my macbook pro (Mac OS X 10.6.8) started not working correctly, i did not hit it or anything, just closed it down when i woke up the next day, the sound was not working correctly. i know it is hard to describe what's wrong in a written forum, but the best way to describe it is this: it sounds like when you have a set of headphones plugged in, but not wearing them. the sound is weak, with no bass. when i actualy do hear the sound when wearing headphones (in my ears) the sound is fine.
    hope anyone can help.

    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM

  • HT4623 since installing update my volume & sound are not working correctly

    since installing the update 7.0.6 this morning, my volume and sound are not working in music, videos, keypad, and apps

    You can't update to iOS 6 on the original iPad, but you might be able to troubleshoot the apps on your iPad. What is not working correctly?

  • My laptop sound is not working correctly what to do?

    HP Pavilion DV6-3031tx os is windows 7 64 bit and i have taken my laptop in dubai can i get the warrant in india.?

    Please do NOT post many threads for same problem. What do you mean "not working correctly" ?
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Text messages ringtones are not working in the Storm Two

    Device:  Storm Two running OS version on the Verizon Wireless network.
    Recently, I upgraded from a Storm One to a Storm Two because of a multitude of issues with the Storm One; not enough memory, constant lock-ups; dropped calls, etc.  On the Storm One I had customer ringtones for contacts; so when a contact calls me the phone will sound a specific ringtone for that contact; the same for text messages from that contact. Now that I have the Storm Two the text message tones for the contacts are not working. In fact, even when I select a ringtone for text messages for a contact the phone will ring the generic ringtone that comes with the phone. If I go into the sound profile and change the generic ringtone to one of my own and the contact sends me a text/sms message the phone will ring the ringtone that I selected in the profile that is being used at the time. This is not the way it worked on the Storm One.  On the Storm One; if I have a specific ringtone for the contact and that contact sends me a text message it will sound the text messages tone for that contact. These ringtones have worked for previous devices including my Treo and Palm devices. The ringtone files worked well in the previous Storm One.
    So to make a long story short; I want to know why my text message ringtones are not working as designed/setup-up. If a contact calls me the phone will sound the ringtone for that contact; but if that same contact text me it will not ring the ringtone for the contact. This is annoying and I am at my wits end trying to find out why this is not working.

    Hi Jain....
    Field separator is for separating the fields.That means it will effect every field in the node.
    But end separator is not like that.It will apply at the end ofall fields of a node.It will effect node not a field.
    according to ur scenario if u use data.endseparator 'nl',output will come like this
    if u want new line for every field try to insert a separate node for second field.That means
    Data -
    . .OrderDate----
       <Data2>                   1:1
    . ....OrderNo -
    now give data.endseparator  'nl'
                data2.endseparator 'nl'
    if possible try like this....
    Sreedhar Goud L

  • Function keys are not working correctly

    I've been looking all over the various threads and I can't find an answer that solves my problem.
    Here are the details:
    I bought the computer in the U.S. where I live.
    I have a iMac 2.4GHz intel Core 2 Duo  EMC 2133 with a 20" screen. Bought it new in February 2008.
    I have Mac OS X 10.5.8  (I am waiting for my order for OS Snow Leopard to come in!!)
    I have been using a wireless mouse and Keyboard (Love not having cords!)
    Recently, my wireless keyboard got a short and quit working. I went down to the apple store and got a new wireless keyboard.
    I had the computer with me at the genius bar so, yes, the apple employee saw exactly what I have.
    I took it all home got the thing all put back together and got the new keyboard paired up and working with the computer.
    Here are the problems:
    Went to go use the function keys while using iTunes and found they weren't working properly. The F10, F11 and F12 do not control the volume of sound as the keyboard indicates they would, they instead activate dashboard, spaces, and application windows. 
    Following the advice of other threads, I looked over in the system preferences and made sure the "Use all F1, F2 etc." box was unchecked (it was unchecked), things still didn't work.
    I tried the fn key but it appears to not work at all it has no effect on the functioning of the function keys.
    I went under keyboard shortcuts in system preferences and found the F10, F11 and F12 keys, it confirms that those keys control spaces, dashboard and application windows as they are performing but shows no options to either reassign to volume control (as marked on the keyboard) or make the fn key work.
    I've gone back and forth trying various combinations of checked and unchecked boxes to see if anything would work, so far I've come up with nothing.
    A couple more important or interesting facts:
    Yes I have turned off and taken the batteries out of the old keyboard. My bluetooth connection currently shows it as disconnected.
    I have restarted the computer.
    One thing I find odd; when I go under preferences and go to Keyboard and Mouse when I go under the section "Bluetooth" it shows Bluetooth mouse with the name of the mouse and the battery level. BUT nothing is showing up under bluetooth Keyboard, I can't figure out how to change this and don't know if it is contributing to the problem.
    When I go under the bluetooth logo on the top bar I find the mouse and both keyboards referenced, the old keyboard is shown as disconnected and the other two are connected. I have tried to update the device's name but it doesn't seem to let me.
    I have double clicked on the device under bluetooth and it shows the new keyboard as discoverable, paired and connected. Hence, I am using the new keyboard to write this inquiry.
    Please, any assistance would be of great help. I have tried to be thorough in order help narrow the possible problem. Thanks!!

    Just thought I'd let you know.  Our suspicions were correct, it was the OS. After I installed Snow Leopard (10.6.8) all the problems were corrected.  I also updated the RAM from 1 gb to 6 gb. The mac is working all around better. Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone. My superdrive had pooped out. Rather than replace it I got an external drive from OWC connected with firewire 800.  So far everything is running very well, as far as I can tell this external drive is better than the original superdrive. My superdrive has always acted funny, infact I returned the first mac I got after a week because its superdrive was also malfunctioning. Anyway, all that to say everything seems to be fully functioning again.
    Re: Function keys are not working correctly 

  • My video recording sounds not working but other sounds are working fine, I've tried clearing the little mic thing near my earphone hole and had no success can someone please help me out?

    hhi guys
    my video recording sounds not working at all but it's working for other things such as music. I've tried to clear my sound thing near the earphone hole but had no success can someone please help me out?

    Had an Iphone 4 for about 3 months now. This happened to the first one I had and they ended up having to replace it at the apple store just a couple weeks ago 6/2. It happened again last night to my new one. This time i was able to correct it by going to itunes, backing up the phone to icloud, and then restoring the software. Mine did not work with voice memo, but did work with headphones plugged in, and would also work on speaker. I could hear callers but they couldn't hear me. I had purchased a new case (lifeproof case at $79.99) because it comes with plugs that cover the headphone jack, and the charging port, and is also waterproof. I heard that the root cause is due to lint, dirt, etc getting inside the headphone jack. Well, must be something else. It's a 10 days old phone, and has been in this overpriced case the whole time, and I have not used the headphones. I hope this doesn't keep happening.

  • Line-in input not working correctly in Garageband

    Line-in input not working correctly with Garageband. Problem occurred AFTER installing and using Blue Yeti USB mic, purchased from the Apple store.
    System Details:
    '07 20" iMac 2.4GHz 4GB RAM, OSX 10.6.5, Garageband '11 v6.0, Logitech Z4 speakers.
    Before using the Yeti USB mic, I used the line-in jack. I'd connect a Shure mic or guitars directly in, but more recently through a 12 channel mixer. Have connected the Shure mic directly into the input jack, and the computer appears to be picking it up (System Preferences->Sound->Input), it is responding correctly there. Have set the output to the headphone (line-out) jack. When I go into Garageband, I can select from Line-in 1, Line-in 2, and Line-in Stereo. The trouble is that it's the iMac's built-in mic that is active (the one above the screen), not the line-in. I've rebooted the computer, checked the connections, reconnected the Yeti mic and I can't find what's causing the problem. Not sure what to do from here, need some help. Thanks

    I have Logic Express on the iMac as well and I worked out how to set the input device back to the Line-In. I went back to Garageband and found the equivalent setting under Preferences->Audio/MIDI. Thanks for reading, sorry I didn't sort it out sooner! Merry Christmas!

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