Rules under columns of numbers in financials?

I am laying out columns of numbers in a financial section of a report...the columns are created with tabs. how do I make rules underneath each individual column. Underlining won't do it...I need to be able to control color, offset, etc. When I use paragraph rules, it makes a rule under the whole group of columns, not under each individual column.

I have done a lot of financial statements. Used to work in-house in an investment company. Tables are not an option unless you're doing something very minor: generally text needs to flow from column to column, and from page to page. It is possible that a single portfolio could run on for 10 pages. The other problem is that a typical layout can have several styles of ruling depending upon which row they're associated with: single rule under the left column; single rule under left two columns; double rule under the middle column; double rule under the right column. This makes regular paragraph ruling useless.
The best way I've found to handle this is to make your own custom rules with stroke styles (in the flyout of the stroke palette). Essentially, you make dashed rules that correspond to each different situation and apply them as paragraph rules in the appropriate style sheet. The gaps will be the columns without ruling and spaces between columns; the dashes will be the rules under the appropriate columns. Set up both single and double rules this way. (The rule weight of double rules includes both rules: if you want two half-point rules with a half point gap, you use a one-and-a-half point rule. Thick-thick is based on 33.3%,33.3%,33.3%, but the weights and spacing are as customizable as the dashes.)
With some planning you may be able to cut down on the number of strokes sytles you have to define. Generally the left column is text, the rightmost columns are figures, and only figure columns will ever have rules beneath them. A little tip is to use the paragraph rule indent to set the postion of the first dash. If you have equal columns you may be able to use one custom dash in different situations. For instance, you can use your three dash rule for just the last two columns by increasing the left indent. Increase it more and it's only applied to the last column. These indents can be defined in your paragraph styles.

Similar Messages

  • How do I select the end of a row or column in Numbers?

    I am trying to select to the end of a column in Numbers. In Excel, I simply hold down the shift+command+arrow keys and I can select the entire row or column int he arrow direction. How do I do this in Numbers?

    Here two other scripts :
    Select-to-top and select-to-left.
    Both of them take care of possible headers.
    --[SCRIPT select-to-top]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : select-to-top.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    <VolumeDeDémarrage>:Utilisateurs:<votreCompte>:Bibliothèque:Scripts:Applications :Numbers:
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Sélectionner une ou plusieurs cellules d'une ligne dans une table de Numbers
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir “select-to-top”
    Il étendra la sélection jusqu'à la première ligne standard de la colonne (ne sélectionne pas les rangs d’en tête).
    Bien entendu, ce script sera plus intéressant si vous le dotez d'un raccourci clavier à l’aide, par exemple, de FastScripts.
    L’aide du Finder explique:
    L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
    Sous 10.6.x,
    aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
    puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
    Save the script as a Script: select-to-top.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select one or several cells in a row of a Numbers table.
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose “select-to-top”
    It will expand the selection to the first standard row of the table (minus header rows).
    Of course, it would be more useful if you attach a shortcut thanks to a tool like FastScripts.
    The Finder’s Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
    Under 10.6.x,
    go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
    and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    on run
              my activateGUIscripting()
              set {dName, sName, tName, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
                        set count_HeaderRows to my countXers("Numbers", "R")
                        set selection range to range ((name of cell (1 + count_HeaderRows) of column colNum1) & " : " & (name of cell rowNum1 of column colNum2))
              end tell
    end run
    set { dName, sName, tName,  rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
    on get_SelParams()
              local d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
                        set d_Name to its name
                        set s_Name to ""
                        repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
                                  tell sheet i to set maybe to the count of (tables whose selection range is not missing value)
                                  if maybe is not 0 then
                                            set s_Name to name of sheet i
                                            exit repeat
                                  end if -- maybe is not 0
                        end repeat
                        if s_Name is "" then
                                  if my parleAnglais() then
                                            error "No sheet has a selected table embedding at least one selected cell !"
                                            error "Aucune feuille ne contient une table ayant au moins une cellule sélectionnée !"
                                  end if
                        end if
                        tell sheet s_Name to tell (first table where selection range is not missing value)
                                  tell selection range
                                            set {top_left, bottom_right} to {name of first cell, name of last cell}
                                  end tell
                                  set t_Name to its name
                                  tell cell top_left to set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  if top_left is bottom_right then
                                            set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
                                            tell cell bottom_right to set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  end if
                        end tell -- sheet…
                        return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
              end tell -- Numbers
    end get_SelParams
    on parleAnglais()
              local z
                        tell application "Numbers" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
              on error
                        set z to "Cancel"
              end try
              return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    on activateGUIscripting()
      (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
              tell application "System Events"
                        if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true
              end tell
    end activateGUIscripting
    set count_Row_Headers to my countXers("Numbers","R")
    set count_Column_Headers to my countXers("Numbers","C")
    set count_Footers to my countXers("Numbers","F")
    set count_Row_Headers to my countXers("Pages","R")
    set count_Column_Headers to my countXers("Pages","C")
    set count_Footers to my countXers("Pages","F")
    on countXers(theApp, what)
              local mt, mi, mm, ms
              if theApp is "Numbers" then
                        set mt to 6 (* Table *)
                        if "Row" starts with what then
                                  set mi to 10
                        else if "Column" starts with what then
                                  set mi to 11
                        else if "Footer" starts with what then
                                  set mi to 14
                                  if my parleAnglais() then
                                            error "“" & what & "” isn’t a valid parameter !"
                                            error "« " & what & " » n’est pas un paramètre géré !"
                                  end if -- parleAnglais
                        end if -- "Row"…
              else if theApp is "Pages" then
                        set {mt, mi} to {6, 4} (* Format, Table *)
                        if "Row" starts with what then
                                  set mm to 13
                        else if "Column" starts with what then
                                  set mm to 14
                        else if "Footer" starts with what then
                                  set mm to 15
                                  if my parleAnglais() then
                                            error "“" & what & "” isn’t a valid parameter !"
                                            error "« " & what & " » n’est pas un paramètre géré !"
                                  end if -- parleAnglais
                        end if -- "Row"…
                        if my parleAnglais() then
                                  error "The application “" & theApp & "” isn’t driven by this script !"
                                  error "L’application « " & theApp & " » n’est pas gérée par ce script !"
                        end if -- parleAnglais
              end if -- theApp…
      activate application theApp
              tell application "System Events" to tell process theApp to tell menu bar 1 to tell menu bar item mt to tell menu 1 to tell menu item mi to tell menu 1
                        if theApp is "Numbers" then
    Here we are in Numbers *)
                                  repeat with ms from 1 to 6
                                                      (get value of attribute "AXMenuItemMarkChar" of menu item ms) = "✓"
                                                      exit repeat
                                            end try
                                  end repeat
    Here we are in Pages *)
                                  tell menu item mm to tell menu 1
                                            repeat with ms from 1 to 6
                                                                (get value of attribute "AXMenuItemMarkChar" of menu item ms) = "✓"
                                                                exit repeat
                                                      end try
                                            end repeat
                                  end tell -- menu item mm
                        end if -- theApp is …
              end tell -- System Events…
              return ms - 1
    end countXers
    --[SCRIPT select-to-left]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : select-to-left.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    <VolumeDeDémarrage>:Utilisateurs:<votreCompte>:Bibliothèque:Scripts:Applications :Numbers:
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Sélectionner une ou plusieurs cellules d'une colonne dans une table de Numbers
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir “select-to-left”
    Il étendra la sélection jusqu'à la première colonne standard de la table (ne sélectionne pas les colonnes d’en tête).
    Bien entendu, ce script sera plus intéressant si vous le dotez d'un raccourci clavier à l’aide, par exemple, de FastScripts.
    L’aide du Finder explique:
    L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
    Sous 10.6.x,
    aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
    puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
    Save the script as a Script: select-to-left.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select one or several cells in a column of a Numbers table.
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose “select-to-left”
    It will expand the selection to the first standard colomn of the table (minus fheader columns).
    Of course, it would be more useful if you attach a shortcut thanks to a tool like FastScripts.
    The Finder’s Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
    Under 10.6.x,
    go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
    and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    on run
              my activateGUIscripting()
              set {dName, sName, tName, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
                        set count_ColHeaders to my countXers("Numbers", "C")
                        set selection range to range ((name of cell (1 + count_ColHeaders) of row rowNum1) & " : " & (name of cell colNum1 of row rowNum2))
              end tell
    end run
    set { dName, sName, tName,  rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
    on get_SelParams()
              local d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
                        set d_Name to its name
                        set s_Name to ""
                        repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
                                  tell sheet i to set maybe to the count of (tables whose selection range is not missing value)
                                  if maybe is not 0 then
                                            set s_Name to name of sheet i
                                            exit repeat
                                  end if -- maybe is not 0
                        end repeat
                        if s_Name is "" then
                                  if my parleAnglais() then
                                            error "No sheet has a selected table embedding at least one selected cell !"
                                            error "Aucune feuille ne contient une table ayant au moins une cellule sélectionnée !"
                                  end if
                        end if
                        tell sheet s_Name to tell (first table where selection range is not missing value)
                                  tell selection range
                                            set {top_left, left_right} to {name of first cell, name of last cell}
                                  end tell
                                  set t_Name to its name
                                  tell cell top_left to set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  if top_left is left_right then
                                            set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
                                            tell cell left_right to set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  end if
                        end tell -- sheet…
                        return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
              end tell -- Numbers
    end get_SelParams
    on parleAnglais()
              local z
                        tell application "Numbers" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
              on error
                        set z to "Cancel"
              end try
              return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    on activateGUIscripting()
      (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
              tell application "System Events"
                        if not (UI elements enabled

  • How can I read a column of numbers saved as .txt and display as a wave?

    Hi Tiano
    LabVIEW General
    Please enter a one-line summary of your question
    • Technical Support
    • Development Library
    • Measurement Encyclopedia
    "data/time reading into chart"
    "In the attached file, I am trying to read the first column of data, and the next column is the value on the x-axis I want it plotted at. How do I read two columns of different data? I have looked in the books I have access to and the help within Labview but am still having trouble.
    Thank you,
    data_set (Plain Text, 3K)
    -posted by Ellie on 9/11/2001
    markwysong on 9/11/2001 answered:
    The first thing you need to do is to read your file in as a spreadsheet file. Then, you display it in a chart.
    That sounds simple, but looking at your dataset, there's a few things you should know. First, the "read from spreadsheet VI" is looking for data in columns, like your data set, but columns separated by tabs. Therefore, your data must be saved that way; currently, it doesn't seem that it is. Another thing; you must skip the header portion (labels) of your file when reading.
    Next, it would be easier if your time was first, and your data was second in your columns, but that can be overcome. In the VI I am including, I have copied your data set into a file called data.txt, and I've removed the header and separated the columns with a tab. Then, I read in the data, and I break out each column so I can put the time first, and then I combine them again into a cluster so it can be displayed on an XY chart.
    Take a look!
    Graph data from file (Binary Executable, 20K)
    data.txt (Plain Text, 3K)
    This answer has not yet been rated.
    Rate this answer:
    Mikael Garcia on 9/11/2001 answered:
    Here is one way of doing it. Take a look at this example (compatible with LabVIEW 4.1 and up) and post comments if you need further help. Basically, I read your file as text; split it; and make use of the Spread sheet string to Array function before I plot your data. Hope this helps./ Mikael" (Binary Executable, 36K)
    This answer has not yet been rated.
    Rate this answer:
    Ellie on 9/12/2001 commented:
    "Thank you. I am trying to get the data from the text file into a string and am having some trouble. I am reading the file from a spreadsheet, and sending the output array to "Array to Spreadsheet String", but I'm not sure this is what I want to do. Is there another way to make an array into a string? Do I need to reformat my data?
    Can you offer me any advice?
    Thank you."
    data_1 (Plain Text, 3K)
    Mikael Garcia on 9/12/2001 commented:
    "I noticed that you changed your file format according to what was said here. Yes, this new file of yours is easier to use but your original file does not have to be changed. Take a look at this example. I now added the file-read part. It will give you a dialog to locate your data file (use this VI with your original file with the header since this VI includes a string split function). Hope this helps. /Mikael" (Binary Executable, 35K)
    Niko on 9/12/2001 answered:
    "If you read this file with the "read from spreadsheet" you get you
    data in a 2-D-array. Now it is easy with array- and cluster-functions to
    handle the data the way you want.
    hope that helps, Niko"
    This answer has not yet been rated.
    Rate this answer:
    I intend to read from a .txt file that contains a column of numbers. After reading I want to display it as a waveform. In fact the numbers represent points along a waveform/graph of Flow vs. time. Thus I want to have this info in the chart or graph with flow in the y0axis and time in the x-axis. Can someone give me some detailed help please? Thank you in advance.
    The_file.txt ‏18 KB

    All you have to do is use Read From Spreadsheet that's on the File I/O palette. For your example .txt, set the Transpose input to true and wire the First Row output to a waveform graph. The only problem I see is that since your file doesn't contain any sampling info, the time axis will be relative. If have that information elsewhere, then you can put a build waveform function between the read and the graph. Wire the First Row output to the Y input Build Waveform and add t0 and dt values. I've attached an example.
    Attachments: ‏29 KB

  • How can I move columns in Numbers without distorting the formula in other cells?  In Excel I can cut and paste entire columns and the formula in other cells adjusts accordingly.  When I do it in Numbers, the formula messes up.  How can I do this?

    How can I move columns in Numbers without distorting the formula in other cells?  In Excel I can cut and paste entire columns and the formula in other cells adjusts accordingly.  When I do it in Numbers, the formula messes up.  How can I do this?
    For example: I have formulas in columns D and F that relate to columns C to CU
    If I want to move one column from one position to another (say S to T), the formula loses the colums that was moved, i.e. it doesn't recognize it has moved, rather sees it as deleted...  How can I do this without distorting the formula?

    Thanks for the feedback.
    If I often urge askers to look at the available resources, it's because  a large range of questions asked in the forums are already answered in these documents.
    As they are PDFs, they are easy to search in.
    Download them while they are available.
    Given what is delivered with iBooks Author, I'm afraid that we will not get such easy to use documents.
    Searching infos in the  iBooks Author documentation available on line is awfully cumbersome and a lot of embedded links are wrongly flagged this way. In the Help files they aren't links but underlined strings.
    It seems that the tool used to generate the web pages was wrongly configured.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 22 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My Box account  is :
    My iDisk is :

  • How do I get numbers to automatically add the next date down a column in numbers?

    How do I get numbers to automatically add the next date down a column in numbers?

    Hi Dd,
    If you want the next date automaitcally  filled in when you add a row to the bottom of the table, you can use a formula.
    Here's an example, done in Numbers 2.3 (Numbers '09). The method is basically the same in Numbers 3.
    Formulas in row 3:
    B3: =B2+1
    C3: =C2+7
    D3: =D2+14
    These have been filled down to the last row of the table.
    The same table is shown below after three rows have been added by dragging the Row control handle (below the tab for row 7) down. No changes other than adding thse three rows were made by the user.
    Note that rows 1 and 2 are header rows, and that row 2 contains the starting date for the seraies of date in each column. In the formula, the number at the end tells Numbers how many days to add to the previous date to get the next date.
    Autofill of the formula requires that every non-header cell located above the cell into which the formula is to be filled contains the same formula.

  • How to freeze a column in numbers with ipad

    Wondering how to freeze a column in numbers on the ipad. Anybody know?

    You can also set the lockedColumnCount property in the mx:DataGrid as well:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
        <mx:DataGrid id="dg3" lockedColumnCount="1" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" width="300">
                    <mx:Object c1="1" c2="one" c3="ONE" c4="OnE" c5="The quick brown" />
                    <mx:Object c1="2" c2="two" c3="TWO" c4="tWo" c5="Fox jumps over" />
                    <mx:Object c1="3" c2="three" c3="THREE" c4="ThReE" c5="The lazy dog" />

  • Can you create forms that automatically calculate columns of numbers? Example of such form would be

    I am trying to recreate a loan application form which includes several columns of numbers which need to totaled, currently we are using a Word document, but are starting to find that it is cumbersome and very limiting. It was suggested that we check out Adobe forms as a possible solution.

    In FormsCentral, you can use formulas in the response table to add together values in a response. For an example of this, you can fill out this form:
    And you can see the response table for that form here:
    I've created two columns that use different labels to add together the number fields in the form. You can mouse over a cell in those columns to see the formulas used.
    Hope that helps!

  • How can I sort a table using more than one column in Numbers or in Pages?

    How can I sort a table using more than one column in Numbers or in Pages?

    Hi Ron,
    On the right side of the Toolbar click the Sort and Filter button, then select Sort.
    You can then set up a multiple column sort.
    Click Add A Column, Specify the sort for that column, Repeat.

  • UWL/Universal Worklist/Substitution - Removing the "Rule Activation" column

    Hi SDNers,
    From the Universal Worklist, it is possible to access the "Manage Substitution Rules" screen, in which one can manager substitutions over its colleagues.
    I would like to remove a column in the standard "My Substitution Rules" table : the "Rule Activation" column.
    Is there a way to do it ?

    Michael, you can do this in the UWL but only with a 6.40 backend (ex. ECC 5) with a specific patch level (can not remember that patch level).
    Before this you need to set these substituion in the R/3 inbox.
    This being said it is only for workflow task routing. If I read your message correctly you want a manager to assign his authorizations (roles in R/3 or the portal) to a secretary. This is not supported in any standard SAP (or portal) scenario as far as I am aware.

  • Convert a column in Numbers that is currently in HH:MM format to decimal format.

    I need to Convert a column in Numbers that is currently in HH:MM format to decimal format.  IE 6:30 to 6.5

    There are two possibilities here. Your HH:MM could be a Date/Time value or a Duration.
    Let's assume your data is in Column A.
    If it's a Date/Time value, do the conversion with the expression:
    =TIMEVALUE(A) * 24
    If it's a Duration value, do the conversion with the expression:
    In both cases, remember to Format the result to Number with at least one decimal place.

  • Fit columns in Numbers?

    I imported a csv file into numbers for iPad. I changed the font size to make it more readable. With the larger font text no longer fits the current width of the column(s).
    How do I make the text "fit" the columns without manually adjusting the width of each column?

    Numbers > Table > Resize Columns to Fit Content - you need to select the table or group of columns first.
    Sorry... that was for OSX Numbers '09
    For Numbers iOS - you can't each column width needs to be set seperately.
    Message was edited by: bwfromspring hill

  • HT202905 applescript to remove certain columns in numbers version 3.5.x?

    How do I tell applescript to remove certain columns in numbers version 3.5.x?

    Via something like:
    tell application "Numbers"
      delete column 2 of table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
    end tell
    To effectively AppleScript you need to understand its hierarchy - that is, documents contain a number of worksheets. Each worksheet has a number of tables (could be 1, could be many) and therefore you need to provide a complete reference to identify the column you want to delete.

  • Difference between aggregation rule and column formula in edit formula

    Anybody please help what is the use of aggregation rule and column formula in edit column option.
    What is the difference if I apply sum in aggregation rule with apply sum(column name) in column formula.
    When do I need use which one.
    Thanks in advance

    When you build a column in the rpd, you have the option of determining if the column should be aggregated in some way or not. For dimension columns, you wouldn't put aggregation. For say, an accoun ledger balance column, you might put the aggregation SUM or AVERAGE. Whatever aggregation you put on this column will be the "default" aggregation of the column in Answers.
    So in Answerrs, if you use the Account Ledger Balance column and you only have Region as the dimension, OBIEE will aggregate or SUM the ledger balances so you have a SUM for the region level. If you had district, than the ledger balance column will aggregate to the district level. This is a convenient way to build reports without having to specify what the aggregation should be.
    However, OBIEE gives you the ability to override what the default aggregation is for a particular column. This is the purpose of the drop down in the bottom left of a column when you click the fx button.
    Say the default aggregation of ledger balance is SUM in the rpd, but for the report you are building, you want the average, you can apply the AVERAGE function in the fx window and it will overridge the SUM aggregation rule that was in the rpd.
    Got it?

  • Add rules under menu text in accordian panel?

    The client requested rules under the text, to go the entire width of the accordian panel. I can't figure out how to do this.
    For example, I need to add a dividing rule probably in a lighter tan/gold color the entire width of the accordian panel, between HOME and HOW IT WORKS:

    Select one submenu entry (in the top left of the Muse window "menu item" has to be indicated.
    Set "stroke" to "0". Then click onto the orange word "stroke". Here you can adjust all edges separately.

  • Error in Custom PCR - * STOP: No rule under key $ YM04******

    I wrote my first PCR. It is supposed to add 1.00 to day balances if the employee is not at work
    YM04 Personnel Calculation Rule  YM04
            VARSTABSCE Employee absent
                HRS=1.00   Set
                ADDDB0001  Add to day balance
    I get the following error when ever I try to run the schema. Any ideas what the issue could be
    ACTIO YM04                Cumilate 0001
             Call rule YM04
    STOP: No rule under key $ YM04******
            Technical error no. 57
            01/01/2009 Processing terminated for EE 00000825 Test Quota Deduction
    Appreciate any guidance on the same here

    I had to add another line for cocndition fail
    i.e N
    and do nothing and that resolved.

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