Run process flow over database link

Hi guys,
I have two projects here, A and B. Each project has its own process flow, lets say Process A (in project A)and process B(in project B). I need to run process B in process A, so I use the database link, and WB_RT_API_EXEC.run_task function. But when I run the process, I get the following error:
ORA-20001: Task not found - Please check the Task Type, Name and Location are correct.
ORA-06512: at "OWBRTR2.WB_RT_API_EXEC", line 704
does anyone have some idea how to fix this? or any other suggestions for how to do it? thanks.

Hi Gowtham,
I am using the following function to send execution details of the process-flow. This process-flow is having 20 mappings. This is working fine.
The cIient requirment is to pass email-IDs from a back-end table(sam_mail_notification) with columns(smtp, from_address and to_address), right now the function is working on static(constant) values.
I had modified the function according to the requirement, can you please have a look at the function, and tell me is it correct. Because the values should come from database table. will this function work.
I got the following error, while deploying,
ORA-06550: line 55, column 1:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END" when expecting one of the following:
--initialize variables here
-- main body
retval number := 0; --default
crlf CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2):= CHR(13) || CHR(10);
pSender VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]';
pRecipient VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]';
pSubject VARCHAR2(100) := 'Process REsults for: '||to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy');
mesg VARCHAR2(32767);
mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;
cursor getResults is
all_Rt_audit_executions area,
all_Rt_audit_map_runs aramr,
all_rt_audit_exec_messages err
where AREA.execution_audit_id = ARAMR.execution_audit_id(+) AND
AREA.execution_audit_id = err.execution_audit_id(+)
trunc(area.created_on) = trunc(sysdate)
AND area.top_level_execution_audit_id =(select max(top_level_execution_audit_id)from all_Rt_audit_executions
where execution_name = (select execution_name from all_Rt_audit_executions where task_type ='ProcessFlow' and top_level_execution_audit_id =
(select max(top_level_execution_audit_id) from all_Rt_audit_executions)));
Cursor getMailDetails is select
     from sam_mail_notification;
for maild in getMailDetails
mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(mailhost, 25);
mesg := 'Date: ' ||TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
'From: <'|| pSender ||'>' || crlf ||
'Subject: '|| pSubject || crlf ||
'To: '||pRecipient || crlf || '' || crlf ||
end loop;
for rec in getResults
mesg:=mesg || rpad(rec.OBJECT_NAME,30)||
rpad(to_char(rec.CREATED_ON, 'HH24:MI:SS DD-MON-YY'),20)||
rpad(to_char(rec.UPDATED_ON, 'HH24:MI:SS DD-MON-YY'),24)||
end loop;
utl_smtp.helo(mail_conn, mailhost);
utl_smtp.mail(mail_conn, pSender);
utl_smtp.rcpt(mail_conn, pRecipient);, mesg);
return retval;
return 1;

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    Is there any way around this?
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    o Target database : Oracle 9i (9.2) on my local PC
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    Hello Oracle support,
    Should I open a TAR to get this problem resolved?

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    , a.col1
    , a.col2
    FROM table_one a
    , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND a.col4 = 100
    AND b.col5 = a.col5
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    Thank you.
    Shaun S.

    Hi Shaun
    Okay, I have a million questions (could you tell me if both tables are from the same remote source, it looks like they're possibly not?), but let's just try some things first.
    By now you should understand the idea of what I termed 'sub-factoring' in a previous post. This is to do with using the WITH blah AS (SELECT... syntax. Now in most circumstances this 'materialises' the results of the inner select statement. This means that we 'get' the results then do something with them afterwards. It's a handy trick when dealing with remote sites as sometimes you want the remote database to do the work. The reason that I ask you to use the MATERIALIZE hint for testing is just to force this, in 99.99% of cases this can be removed later. Using the WITH statement is also handled differently to inline view like SELECT * FROM (SELECT... but the same result can be mimicked with a NO_MERGE hint.
    Looking at your case I would be interested to see what the explain plan and results would be for something like the following two statements (sorry - you're going have to check them, it's late!)
    WITH a AS
    FROM table_one),
    b AS
    FROM table_two),
    sourceqry AS
    (SELECT  b.col3 x
           , a.col1 y
           , a.col2 z
    FROM table_one a
        , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND   a.col4 = 100
    AND   b.col5 = a.col5)
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox(1,x), y , z
    FROM sourceqry
    WITH a AS
    FROM table_one),
    b AS
    FROM table_two)
    SELECT  apex_item.checkbox(1,x), y , z
    FROM table_one a
        , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND   a.col4 = 100
    AND   b.col5 = a.col5If the remote tables are at the same site, then you should have the same results. If they aren't you should get the same results but different to the original query.
    We aren't being told the real cardinality of the inners select here so the explain plan is distorted (this is normal for queries on remote and especially non-oracle sites). This hinders tuning normally but I don't think this is your problem at all. How many distinct values do you normally get of the column aliased 'x' and how many rows are normally returned in total? Also how are you testing response times, in APEX, SQL Developer, Toad SQLplus etc?
    Sorry for all the questions but it helps to answer the question, if I can.
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)

  • Report over database link error

    Good morning all.
    I have a database link LINKA from USERA on LOCALSERVER to USERB on REMOTESERVER.
    (create database link LINKA connect to USERB identified by mypassword using validtns)
    In USERC on REMOTESERVER I have a TABLEX, with grant all on TABLEX to USERB on REMOTESERVER.
    In USERB on REMOTESERVER I have a view TABLEXV, select * from USERC.TABLEX
    From USERA on LOCALSERVER I can select * from TABLEXV@LINKA. In fact I can insert/update/delete tablexv from USERA.
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    So far so good - all working as expected.
    Then, my APEX app on LOCALSERVER, interactive report, parsing schema USERA, querying TABLEXV, I get the following:
    when "Exclude Link Column", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    when "Link to Single Row View", report displays correctly.
    when "Link to Custom Target", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    When I run the select * from TABLEXV as a regular report (i.e. not interactive), I also get the error.
    So the only time I get the report displayed correctly is using IR and "Link to Single Row View".
    However, clicking on the link (for Single Row View) I get "The requested URL /pls/apex/ was not found on this server.".
    To summarize:
    - accessing table via view over database link
    - works outside of apex without issue
    - inside only works when Link to Single Row View set
    - But clicking on link fails
    I could live with just having the Link to Singe Row View option if I could disable displaying of the icon so that the user cant click on it.
    EE Database - (yes I know out of support)
    Remote EE Database -
    Real object names replaced to protect the innocent!
    Anyone got any clues?
    I have used remote tables many times in my APEX applications and never had this issue.
    Rob @ very confused .com

    Good morning all.
    I have a database link LINKA from USERA on LOCALSERVER to USERB on REMOTESERVER.
    (create database link LINKA connect to USERB identified by mypassword using validtns)
    In USERC on REMOTESERVER I have a TABLEX, with grant all on TABLEX to USERB on REMOTESERVER.
    In USERB on REMOTESERVER I have a view TABLEXV, select * from USERC.TABLEX
    From USERA on LOCALSERVER I can select * from TABLEXV@LINKA. In fact I can insert/update/delete tablexv from USERA.
    I also have a view TABLEXV on USERA, select * from TABLEXV@LINKA. I can also select/insert/update/delete from USERA.TABLEXV.
    So far so good - all working as expected.
    Then, my APEX app on LOCALSERVER, interactive report, parsing schema USERA, querying TABLEXV, I get the following:
    when "Exclude Link Column", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    when "Link to Single Row View", report displays correctly.
    when "Link to Custom Target", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    When I run the select * from TABLEXV as a regular report (i.e. not interactive), I also get the error.
    So the only time I get the report displayed correctly is using IR and "Link to Single Row View".
    However, clicking on the link (for Single Row View) I get "The requested URL /pls/apex/ was not found on this server.".
    To summarize:
    - accessing table via view over database link
    - works outside of apex without issue
    - inside only works when Link to Single Row View set
    - But clicking on link fails
    I could live with just having the Link to Singe Row View option if I could disable displaying of the icon so that the user cant click on it.
    EE Database - (yes I know out of support)
    Remote EE Database -
    Real object names replaced to protect the innocent!
    Anyone got any clues?
    I have used remote tables many times in my APEX applications and never had this issue.
    Rob @ very confused .com

  • Can we create pl/sql code over database link?

    Hi All,
    We are using Oracle 9i database.
    I want to know if we can create or modify pl/sql code (procedue, package, etc) over the database link? That means - can we create a procedure in remote database using the db link?

    yes, I can connect to the remote database directly and create/modify the packages.
    But I want the users not to create them using the db link.
    Is there any way to create the pl/sql package over database link?

  • Running process flow from sqlplus

    hi everyone,
    using sqlplus_exec_template.sql to run process flow.
    but message keeps appearing that task is not found
    I have an oracle workflow repository on another server.
    what should I use as parameters?
    for example location name?
    thank you
    owen veeneman

    If you can create the Process Flow code, you can deploy and execute from SQLPLUS as follows.
    1. First you have to compile the package from SQLPLUS into you target get schema. For example. SQL>@c:\package.pls.
    2. Then find out the prarmeter from function main of the package. Write a simple code as follows and run it from SQL. Just substitute whatever applicable to you.
    V_PROCESS_CODE           VARCHAR2(10);
    V_RETCODE                NUMBER(10);
    dbms_output.put_line(v_retcode || ' Retcode.');

  • Tools for running process flows and mappings

    The operations/production area is responsible for running process flows and mappings in a day by day base. As developer, I need to implement a solution that allow them run these artifacts. For this purpose, is there any tool apart from Control Center ????

    The scripts you mentioned (sqlplus_exec_background_template.sql and sqlplus_exec_template.sql) can be used for command line execution of mappings.
    We do not run these in Oracle Workflow, as we already have an enterprise scheduling platform, Redwood Cronacle in our case. (Also one finds AppWorx and others in this area, see e.g.
    Regards, Erik Ykema

  • Execute procedure over database link

    I''m working on a package where you can select the required database, paste some query and with clicking on a button it will execute and create an explain plan for this query.
    Therefore i've create a procedure on each database that put's the explain plan in the PLAN_TABLE.
    To do this i need to execute this prodecure from the package. I use the following code:
    This is working fine as this database link allready exists to the required database. But i want to make the database link name variable. I've allready created the dynamic database link:
    l_link varchar2(20) := 'DBA_LINK';
    l_link_nr number(4) := dbms_random.value(0,1000);
    l_db varchar2(20) := l_link||'_'||l_link_nr;
    l_statement varchar2(4000);
    l_statement := 'create database link '||l_db||' connect to **** identified by ***** using '''||p_database||'.WORLD''';
    execute immediate l_statement ;
    So now i have the dynamic databaselink that is created each time i call the package.
    now i want to use this databaselink to call the procedure. this is where it goes wrong.
    The code i'm using:
    is not acceoted when i build the package.
    The follwoing error message is showed.
    On line: 66
    PLS-00352: Unable to access another database 'L_DB'
    Does someone know how to use this variable to execute the procedure on the remote db?

    Any procedures you call have to be accessible at compile time, so the database link must also exist at compile time.
    You can get around this by putting your procedure call to DB_PCD_EXPLAIN_PLAN inside dynamic SQL, the same as you are doing to create the database link. Dynamic SQL is not checked until runtime.
    Think about the risk if this procedure is exploited. You are creating a way for someone to run arbitrary code in an any database in your environment, with presumably a highly-privileged ID, if it can run an explain plan against any schema in any target database.
    This is exposing some significant security issues. Read up on SQL injection, and have someone else review the code for security issues before deploying this.

  • Problem in running Process flow

    I’m bit new to OWB. I made mapping which I deployed successfully. I can run through control center and it works fine (it just fills a table). However when I made the process through process flow and after its validation , tries to start it gives me error RTC-5170: The selected objects do not require deployment as they are all up to date in the Control Center, which is followed by RTC-5006 and obviously no data generated in the table. How can I pass this error? Secondly I tried to schedule this, firstly it doesnot ask for the process flow during schedule, secondly even from schedule the map doesnot run.
    Appreciate any help to run the process flow.

    In the process flow validate and generate the process flow. then go back to design center and go one step above to process flow package module and right click and deploy the process flow package. once the deployment is successfull then go back to the process flow and right click and start the process flow.
    This should work.

  • OWB 11g Problem in running Process flow

    I’ve build a process flow as described in “Getting Started with Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g”. But if I run the process flow I get a warning message “You have to deploy this object before running” followed by the error RTC-5170: The selected objects do not require deployment as they are all up to date in the Control Center.
    Therefore I’m not able to run the process flow. What’s wrong? It looks so easy in Getting Started but it doesn’t work.
    I’ve found two threads regarding this error from last year in this forum. But there is no solution for OWB 11g.
    Has anyone an advice for me?

    I've successfully installed OWF as described in Installation guide (all components are on the sam server).
    But when I deploy a workflow in OWB I get some errors. In the job details
    I find ORA-00942 and RPE-02053. It seems that the workflow repository is missing.
    Are there additional steps for creating a workflow repository?
    Or what is wrong? All installation logs (wf.log and workflow.log) are without errors and with success messages.
    Any idea?

  • Can we run process-flow from outside OWB

    Hi All,
    I am scheduling my process-flows daily in night. If any process-flow fails, they will rectify the problems and they want to run the process flow manually, outside own, like SQL.

    Hi Detlef,
    I tried to execute the following, I dint get any response and the sqlplus closed automatically. When I saw the execution details no executing had taken palce. And even I tried to execute the command by commenting the exit in the script.
    sqlplus RA_OWB1/RA_OWB1@RADEV1 @C:\OraHome_1\owb\rtp\sql\sqlplus_exec_template.sql RA_OWB1 PlatformSchema ProcessFlow SAI_PF "," ","
    Is there any external (oracle function), so that I can pass any number of Process-flows as parameters for execution. Client will create a form with a list of check boxes and execute button. when the user selects the check boxes according to his rerquirements and click execute. then all the process-flows should run.

  • How to run process flow outside owner project?

    I have two process flows (process_flow_A and process_flow_B) in two different projects (projectA, projectB). Process_flow_A has to be run after process_flow_B is finished. So what I am thinking now is either put process_flow_A in Project B or put process_flow_B in project A. But how to see process flows which are not in it's owner project? Or is there any other ways to do this task?

    It can be done - in a round about way.
    You can call a SQLPlus operator. The operator will call sqlplus_exec_template.sql. You can use this script to call your other process flow in the other project.
    If you open up the .sql file, you will see examples of how to use it to call mappings, process flows, etc.
    Hope this helps..

  • Getting error when running process flows in oem

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to run a process flow in oem (using oem_exec_template.sql script), but it keeps failing with error "nms-1013: sqlplus does not exist". I tried running a map too and it failed with same message.
    Any idea anyone?

     Looks like you have an obvious code error, invalid cast operation in your code. Do you get this error when running in local emulator.
     You can try the following article on how to debug published cloud service, assuming you have VS ultimate.
    Nithin Rathnakar

  • Error time of running process flow.

    Hi All,
    I am new to datawarehousing . I have installed 11gR2 on linux machine without any error .
    Now i have imported all object of ocdm_sys and ocdm_sample_sys .Now when i am trying to start the process flow .
    Its throwing me error RTC-5190 There is no location associate with current module operation abandon .
    Can u please tell also the steps to running the ETL process . I am trying using ocdm_sample_sys user with all sample data.
    Please tell me the steps i need to do after installation to run ETL process also like any changes need to be done.?
    At the time of workflow creation i got this error is that above error related to this ..
    WorkflowCA: Workflow component container deployed in OC4J: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -Doc4j.autoUnpackLockCount=-1 -jar /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar -userThreads -config /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_Workflow_Component_Container/config/server.xml
    WorkflowCA: Executing :/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -jar /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi://v-agilent29:6041 oc4jadmin welcome -application WFALSNRSVCApp -testDataSource -location jdbc/WorkflowDS -username OWF_MGR
    WorkflowCA: :nullError: Could not connect to the remote server. Please check if the server is down or the client is using invalid host, ORMI port or password to connect: Connection refused for app:WFALSNRSVCApp
    WorkflowCA: Executing: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -jar /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi://v-agilent29:6041 oc4jadmin welcome -application WFALSNRSVCApp -installDataSource -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-agilent29)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=ocdm))) -username OWF_MGR -password ->pwForOwfMgr -className com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource -location jdbc/WorkflowDS -xaLocation jdbc/xa/WorkflowDS -ejbLocation jdbc/WorkflowDS -connectionDriver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    WFCA OUT: Error: Could not connect to the remote server. Please check if the server is down or the client is using invalid host, ORMI port or password to connect: Connection refused
    WorkflowCA: Exit Val: 2
    WorkflowCA: Created a redirected data source with application WFALSNRSVCApp :
    WorkflowCA: Executing :/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -jar /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi://v-agilent29:6041 oc4jadmin welcome -application WFMLRSVCApp -testDataSource -location jdbc/WorkflowDS -username OWF_MGR
    WorkflowCA: :nullError: Could not connect to the remote server. Please check if the server is down or the client is using invalid host, ORMI port or password to connect: Connection refused for app:WFMLRSVCApp
    WorkflowCA: Executing: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -jar /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi://v-agilent29:6041 oc4jadmin welcome -application WFMLRSVCApp -installDataSource -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-agilent29)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=ocdm))) -username OWF_MGR -password ->pwForOwfMgr -className com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource -location jdbc/WorkflowDS -xaLocation jdbc/xa/WorkflowDS -ejbLocation jdbc/WorkflowDS -connectionDriver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    WFCA OUT: Error: Could not connect to the remote server. Please check if the server is down or the client is using invalid host, ORMI port or password to connect: Connection refused
    WorkflowCA: Exit Val: 2
    WorkflowCA: Created a redirected data source with application WFMLRSVCApp :
    WorkflowCA: Executing: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -jar /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/jazn.jar -user oc4jadmin -password welcome -adduser pwForOwfMgr <WFCA WF PASSWORD>
    The specified user already exists in the system.
    WorkflowCA: Created obfusticated password for redirect datasource:
    WorkflowCA: Executing: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -jar /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi://v-agilent29:6041 oc4jadmin welcome -shutdown
    WFCA OUT: Error: Could not connect to the remote server. Please check if the server is down or the client is using invalid host, ORMI port or password to connect: Connection refused
    WorkflowCA: Exit Val: 2
    WorkflowCA: Executed OC4J Admin script to shut down the OC4J instance :
    WorkflowCA: Mon Jun 21 18:03:30 IST 2010
    WorkflowCA: Workflow Configuration has completed with error.
    WorkflowCA: Terminating...
    I drop the owf_mgr schema 3 4 times and tried it but still i am getting the error.

    If you check out the post here you will see the script sqlplus_exec_template.sql mentioned, this can be used to execute mappings and process flows from the command like;

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