SELECT bulc collect into takes to long

by the following statement I get Data from a Remote Database and do a update on a local table via a sql procedure
This part of the proecure takes about 70 seconds.
select /*+ RULE */ id, messaging_state, recipient, messaging_type, manual, node, mess_arch_id, text, alarm_id, time_start, time_end
bulk collect into marcupids, marcstats, marcrecips, marctypes, marcmans, marcnodes, marcmssarc, marctexts, marcalarms, marctstrts, marctends
from m_testdata@Remote_database marcs
where marcs.in_archive = 1 and exists (select id from m_testdata rm where =;
cnt := sql%rowcount;
if cnt > 0 then
forall i in marcupids.first..marcupids.last
update m_testdata set messaging_state = marcstats(i), time_end = marctends(i) where id = marcupids(i);
But if I do just the select like the following without the "bulc collect into" it takes less then a second.
select /*+ RULE */ id, messaging_state, recipient, messaging_type, manual, node, mess_arch_id, text, alarm_id, time_start, time_end
marctexts, marcalarms, marctstrts, marctends
from m_testdata@Remote_database marcs
where marcs.in_archive = 1 and exists (select id from m_testdata rm where =;
Can somebody tell me the reason why it takes so long when executed by a procedure/Job , Strange is that this problem does not appear on all installation with compareable size of m_testdata on the remote and the local database. On Some installations it runs in less than a second with the "bulc collect into" and in some it takes more than 70 seconds:
Any Idea?
Kind Regards

Have you tried adding the statements in a batch and then executing the batch?
You wouldn't want to add all the records in a batch as it would slow down your client. Instead, experiment to find out what would be the ideal number of records to add in a batch before executing them.
I hope this helps.
Hi, I have an Oracle 8 on a Unix platform which I access with Java 1.3 jdbc code over the network. I write about 9000 records, each record consisting of three fields with respective lengths of 10, 10 and 1. It takes an extremely long time to put these records into the database, for example 20-30 minutes or even more. Is it normal that its taking so long and if not what can I do to speed it? Tx much,

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  • Selecting the contents of a table(collection) into a strong REF Cursor

    I'm trying to roll some data into a table collection and return it as a strong named cursor.
    I have not been able to do this successfully yet.
    I have tried casting the table and I couldn't get that to work either.
    I have included the whole procedure but here is the line I am getting errors on:
    SELECT * bulk collect into o_response_data_cur from table (response_data_tbl);
    Any help on this would be great.
    P.S. - As this is being picked up by BizTalk I can't return a table.
    Todd M
    PROCEDURE create_customer (
    i_interface_hdr IN BizTalk_TestCustomer.interface_hdr_rec,
    i_customer_rec IN BizTalk_TestCustomer.customer_rec,
    i_address_cur IN BizTalk_TestCustomer.CUR_Addresses,
    i_contact_cur IN BizTalk_TestCustomer.CUR_Contact,
    o_interface_status OUT varchar2,
    o_response_data_cur OUT BizTalk_TestCustomer.CUR_CreateCustResponse)
    l_response_rec create_cust_response_rec;
    response_data_tbl create_cust_response_tbl;
    FOR i IN 1 .. 10
    l_response_rec.ERROR_TYPE := 'Pre-Validation Error';
    l_response_rec.ERROR_CODE := 'DUMMY-' || i;
    l_response_rec.error_message := 'Test Error Message-' || i;
    response_data_tbl (i) := l_response_rec;
    SELECT * bulk collect into o_response_data_cur from table (response_data_tbl);
    o_interface_status := 'FAILURE';
    END create_customer;
    END BizTalk_TestCustomer;
    Here is the important Spec info:
    TYPE create_cust_response_rec
    RECORD (
    orig_system_party_ref varchar2 (240),
    orig_system_cust_acct_ref varchar2 (240),
    orig_system_site_ref varchar2 (240),
    oracle_party_id number,
    oracle_customer_id number,
    oracle_site_id number,
    ERROR_TYPE strar_cust_intf_err.ERROR_TYPE%TYPE,
    ERROR_CODE strar_cust_intf_err.ERROR_CODE%TYPE,
    error_message strar_cust_intf_err.error_message%TYPE
    TYPE CUR_Addresses IS REF CURSOR RETURN BizTalk_TestCustomer.address_rec;
    TYPE CUR_Contact IS REF CURSOR RETURN BizTalk_TestCustomer.contact_rec;
    TYPE CUR_CreateCustResponse IS REF CURSOR RETURN BizTalk_TestCustomer.create_cust_response_rec;
    TYPE create_cust_response_tbl
    TABLE OF create_cust_response_rec
    INDEX BY binary_integer;

    I think this is one of the most complicated one to develop and execute perfectly. ;)
    Here is one such case ->
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.55
    satyaki>create or replace type d_obj as object
      2    (
      3      buff    varchar2(310)
      4    );
      5  /
    Type created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
    satyaki>create or replace type d_rec as table of d_obj;
      2  /
    Type created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.14
    satyaki>create or replace function pipe_buff(e_sal in number)
      2  return d_rec
      3  pipelined
      4  is
      5    cursor c1
      6    is
      7      select d_obj(
      8                    ename||' Joined On '||to_char(hiredate,'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss')
      9                  ) str
    10      from emp
    11      where sal > e_sal;
    13   r1 c1%rowtype;
    14  begin
    15    for r1 in c1
    16    loop
    17      pipe row(r1.str);
    18    end loop;
    19    return;
    20  end;
    21  /
    Function created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.69
    satyaki>create or replace procedure gen_cur_pipe(
      2                                            s_sal in number,
      3                                            rc in out sys_refcursor
      4                                          )
      5  is  
      6    str1  varchar2(500);
      7  begin  
      8    str1 := 'select *           
      9             from table(cast(pipe_buff('||s_sal||') as d_rec))';           
    11   open rc for str1;  
    12  exception  
    13    when others then    
    14      dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    15  end;
    16  /
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
    satyaki>create table test_dual
      2    (
      3      dummy    varchar2(310)
      4    );
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.10
      2    rec_x test_dual%rowtype;   
      3    w sys_refcursor;
      4  begin  
      5    dbms_output.enable(1000000);  
      6    gen_cur_pipe(&num,w);  
      7    loop    
      8      fetch w into rec_x;     
      9       exit when w%notfound;             
    10         dbms_output.put_line('Employee Special Deatils: '||rec_x.dummy);
    11    end loop;  
    12    close w;
    13  exception  
    14    when others then    
    15      dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    16  end;
    17  /
    Enter value for num: 1000
    old   6:   gen_cur_pipe(&num,w);
    new   6:   gen_cur_pipe(1000,w);
    Employee Special Deatils: SATYAKI Joined On 02-NOV-2008 12:07:30
    Employee Special Deatils: SOURAV Joined On 14-SEP-2008 00:07:21
    Employee Special Deatils: WARD Joined On 22-FEB-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: JONES Joined On 02-APR-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: MARTIN Joined On 28-SEP-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: BLAKE Joined On 01-MAY-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: CLARK Joined On 09-JUN-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: SCOTT Joined On 19-APR-1987 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: KING Joined On 17-NOV-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: TURNER Joined On 08-SEP-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: ADAMS Joined On 23-MAY-1987 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: FORD Joined On 03-DEC-1981 00:00:00
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.30
    Enter value for num: 4000
    old   6:   gen_cur_pipe(&num,w);
    new   6:   gen_cur_pipe(4000,w);
    Employee Special Deatils: SATYAKI Joined On 02-NOV-2008 12:07:30
    Employee Special Deatils: SOURAV Joined On 14-SEP-2008 00:07:21
    Employee Special Deatils: CLARK Joined On 09-JUN-1981 00:00:00
    Employee Special Deatils: KING Joined On 17-NOV-1981 00:00:00
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.13
    satyaki>I'm not so sure about the performance.
    Satyaki De.

  • How can I fill a table of objects from cursor with select * bulk collect???

    Hi All, I have a TYPE as OBJECT
    create or replace type dept2_o as object (
    deptno NUMBER(2),
    dname VARCHAR2(14),
    loc VARCHAR2(13));
    I can fill a table of objects from cursor with out select * bulk collect...., row by row
    TYPE dept2_t IS TABLE of dept2_o;
    dept_o_tab dept2_t:=dept2_t();
    i integer;
    for rec in (select * from dept) loop
    deptno => rec.deptno,
    dname => rec.dname,
    loc =>rec.loc
    end loop;
    for k IN 1..i loop
    dbms_output.put_line(dept_o_tab(k).deptno||' '||dept_o_tab(k).dname||' '||dept_o_tab(k).loc);
    end loop;
    But I can't fill a table of objects from cursor with select * bulk collect construction ...
    TYPE dept2_t IS TABLE of dept2_o;
    dept_o_tab dept2_t:=dept2_t();
    select * bulk collect into dept_o_tab from dept;
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 39;
    PL/SQL: ORA-00947: not enough values ....
    How can I fill a table of objects from cursor with select * bulk collect???

    create or replace type dept_ot as object (
    deptno NUMBER(2),
    dname VARCHAR2(14),
    loc VARCHAR2(13));
    create table dept
    (deptno number
    ,dname varchar2(14)
    ,loc varchar2(13)
    insert into dept values (10, 'x', 'xx');
    insert into dept values (20, 'y', 'yy');
    insert into dept values (30, 'z', 'zz');
    select dept_ot (deptno, dname, loc)
      from dept
    create type dept_nt is table of dept_ot
       l_depts dept_nt;
       select dept_ot (deptno, dname, loc)
         bulk collect
         into l_depts
         from dept
       for i in l_depts.first .. l_depts.last
          dbms_output.put_line (l_depts(i).deptno);
          dbms_output.put_line (l_depts(i).dname);
          dbms_output.put_line (l_depts(i).loc);    
       end loop;

  • CiscoWorks:Deleting RME groups takes toooo long

    I want to delete about 50 groups from RME, whenever I select the RME group to delete, its take atleast 2-3 minutes to delete each group.
    This is the process I follow to delete the group: RME->Group Administration->Device Group Administration then select the radio button and press the "Delete".
    When i select a group, it takes too long that "Delete" button get activate and then pop appears that are you sure you want to delete when I click ok, then it take ages to get the popup that confirms that group is deleted.
    Is there a way to make this process fast.
    I am using ;
    LMS 3.2
    RME 4.3.0

    You might have jobs running in the background that might be causing the performance issues.  Can you tell me more about the server hosting LMS application?
    If Windows, post SYSTEMINFO, TASKLIST /svc , sc query, and pdshow from the cli.
    If Solaris, post prtdiag, prtconf, pdshow, CSCOpx/log/daemon.log, and "ps -ef" output.
    Lets identify what is using the most memory and CPU so we can kill the PID and identify the root cause.

  • ESB performance issue: takes too long to select and insert records in DBs

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    It takes unduly long time to do this operation.
    For ex: it takes over 2 hours to select and insert 3000 records.
    When ran the same query to select the records from the tables using SQL developer, it took only 23 seconds.
    Do I need to change any configuration settings in the enterprise manager or someother place to increase the performance. Someone please advice.
    I am using Oracle SOA Suite

    I have an ESB service which has to select data from seven different tables(using join operations) of one database and insert it into a single table of another database.
    It takes unduly long time to do this operation.
    For ex: it takes over 2 hours to select and insert 3000 records.
    When ran the same query to select the records from the tables using SQL developer, it took only 23 seconds.
    Do I need to change any configuration settings in the enterprise manager or someother place to increase the performance. Someone please advice.
    I am using Oracle SOA Suite

  • ABAP select statements takes too long

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                         WHERE  BUKRS = CO_CODE
                         AND    BELNR IN W_DOCNO
                         AND    GJAHR = THISYEAR
                         AND    AUGBL NE SPACE.
    This select statement runs fine in all of R/3 systems except for 1. The problem that is shown with this particular system is that the query takes very long ( up to an hour for if W_DOCNO consists of 5 entries). Sometimes, before the query can complete, an ABAP runtime error is encountered as shown below:
    <b>Database error text........: "ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment   
    number 7 with name "PRS_5" too small?"                                       
    Internal call code.........: "[RSQL/FTCH/BSEG ]"                              
    Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).  </b> 
    Please help me on this issue. However, do not give me suggestions about selecting from a smaller table (bsik, bsak) as my situation does not permit it.
    I will reward points.

    dont use select * ....
    instead u declare ur itab with the required fields and then in select refer to the fields in the select .
    data : begin of itab,
             end of itab.
    select f1 f2 f3 f4 ..
         into table itab
    from bseg where ...
    . this improves the performance .
    select * is not advised .

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    I just bought an iphone 5.  I came home to backup my iphone 4 to my pc (Windows 7).  I transferred purchases, then selected "automatically Backup", then clicked on "This Computer", saying a full backup would be stored on this computer.  that was almost 3 hours ago.  the slanted lines are continually moving across the to and the circle with arrows is still revolving on my phone and beside my device name on the side toolbar.  Is it stuck or does it really take this long?  My 16GB phone is almost full, so there's not a lot of empty space available.  I want to stop it but I'm scared I'll lost the info on my phone.  I do have it backed up to icloud, but that doesn't get everything, does it?  Help please!  I'm not real computer savvy, or itunes savvy, so please speak plain talk!  Thank you!

    MAVERICKS  - That (Syncing), Sinking Feeling!  ……….  This Fixed Mine……..……….
    iPad, iPod not syncing on Mavericks…. I-Tunes freezing on connection of same to the usb port!  The following fixed these issues on my MacBook Pro running 10.9.3.  I do have Xcode on my laptop, but have never used it….  I’m not a programmer or hacker, just a cheesed of Apple fan.  I tried many of the already suggested possible fixes and nothing helped. Got fed up using the disk repair utility and getting no further on.
    I opened System Preferences, Security & Privacy/Privacy.  In Accessibility, after having scanned all my files many times, I added the following apps, some of them may be developer tools from Xcode, and gave them all control….. then did a computer restart.
    I suspect it was probably overkill, but it worked.  My iPad and iPod are visible and syncing as normal in iTunes.  The program is running normally. hope it helps everyone………

  • Takes a long time to select a files when importing files

    When I am selecting a files through the import function, it takes a long time (sometimes 5 minutes) for the computer to allow a file to be selected. I have just reformat the drives and did a fresh install of all application. I am running OS 10.4.4 on a G5 2.7. This happens irregardless whether I am selecting a file on an external drive (Firewire 800) or internal drive. Any clue, anyone? please help. Thanks

    What are you importing?

  • Sql Query takes too long to enter into the first line

    Hi Friends,
      I am using SQLServer 2008. I am running the query for fetching the data from database. when i am running first time after executed the "DBCC FREEPROCCACHE" query for clear cache memory, it takes too long (7 to 9 second) to enter into first
    line of the stored procedure. After its enter into the first statement of the SP, its fetching the data within a second. I think there is no problem with Sqlquery.  Kindly let me know if you know the reason behind this.
    Sample Example:
    Create Sp Sp_Name
     print Getdate()
      Sql statements for fetching datas
     Print Getdate()
    In the above example, there is no difference between first date and second date.
    Please help me to trouble shooting this problem.
    Thanks & Regards,

     i am running first time after executed the "DBCC FREEPROCCACHE" query for clear cache memory, it takes too long (7 to 9 second)
    Additional to Manoj: A
    DBCC FREEPROCCACHE clears the procedure cache, so all store procedure must be newly compilied on the first call.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Select statement takes very long

    Hello from Germany,
    how comes that from one week to another my select-statement "select MAX(PRIMARYKEY) from mytable t where t.IntegerColumn = 5" takes 20times longer (25s) than before (0,4s)?
    The RowCount of myTable is 89899.
    Best Regards

    Hi all together,
    a "select * from all_tables" shows me or my table following facts:
    PCT_free 0
    PCT_used 0
    INITIAL_EXTENT 409600000
    NEXT_EXTENT 5120000
    MAX_EXTENT 2147483645
    NUM_ROWS 60829
    BLOCKS 41559
    Other facts needed?
    Hope You can help me?!

  • Displaying PathGeometry into canvas take too long time

    Hi every one,
    I am working on spatial data with an application WPF and I would like to draw a map from data queries.
    I got my data and I am able to draw them on a canvas with scroll bar and zoom.
    My problem is when I want to zoom or scroll the canvas take a long time before draw the map.
    The big problem is there :
    Dim poly As New Polygon
    poly.Stroke = Brushes.Red
    poly.Fill = Brushes.Orange
    poly.StrokeThickness = 5
    Dim colPoint As New PointCollection
    For i = 1 To geo.STNumPoints
    Dim ls As New LineSegment()
    colPoint.Add(New Point(geo.STPointN(i).STX.Value - extentA, geo.STPointN(i).STY.Value - extentB))
    colPoint.Add(New Point(geo.STPointN(1).STX.Value - extentA, geo.STPointN(1).STY.Value - extentB))
    poly.Points = colPoint
    so the canvas is "masterCanvas" and i add each Polygon one by one. I would like if it is possible to gather all polygon into one "image" and then when it will refresh the canvas it will draw only one thing. 

    I found that you have posted it in the forum Acamar suggested.
    Please just focus on that thread, and you could mark if any reply which is helpful as answer.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to take output of execute immediate 'select * from table' into a file ?

    hi all,
    below is my code .....
    var_column_name varchar2(2000);
    main_string varchar2(12000);
    var_table_name varchar2(30);
    base_string varchar2(2000);
    final_string varchar2(2000);
    cursor c1 is
    from user_objects
    where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW') and rownum < 2 ;
    cursor c2 is
    from user_tab_columns
    where upper(table_name) = upper(var_table_name);
    --var_column_name := null;
    -- main_string :=null;
    -- table_name :=null ;
    -- base_string :=null;
    -- final_string := null;
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into var_table_name;
    close c1;
    for c2_var in c2
    main_string := c2_var.column_name||','||main_string;
    end loop;
    select rtrim(main_string,',') into final_string from dual;
    base_string := 'Select '||final_string ||' from '||var_table_name||'' ;
    spool tete.lst;
    execute immediate base_string;
    spool off;
    i want to take the output of the execute immediate in a file on unix server ....
    please suggest

    Were you looking for something like this?
         CASE WHEN Columns.Column_Id = 1 THEN 'SELECT ' || CHR(10) END
              || CHR(09) || Columns.Column_Name
              || CASE
                   WHEN Columns.Column_Id = Info.Total_Columns THEN
                           CHR(10) || 'FROM'
                        || CHR(10) || CHR(09) || Columns.Table_Name || ';'
                        || CHR(10)
                   ELSE ','
                 END          Statement
         User_Tab_Columns     Columns,
              MAX(Column_Id) Total_Columns
          GROUP BY
         )               Info
         Columns.Table_Name = Info.Table_Name

  • First select takes significantly longer than the succeeding select

    Hi guys,
    We have a program that takes signifacantly longer time than when re-running the program in succeeding ones.
    the same data are filled in the selection screen.
    we run the second run after some seconds then the runtime is very much slower than the first run.
    But after an hour or so, when we run the report again, it becomes slow again.
    Please advice.

    It's the buffer. After thje first select there is already data in the buffer so it takes less time to access it
    There is nothing you can do to make the first select faster. You can bypass the buffer if you want the next access to be slower, but I wouldn´t recommend that

  • Filter value selection in Queries takes a long time

    Hello BW gurus....
    I have a problem here. When a user tries to run a consolidated query it takes a long time. what are some of the performance tuning that can be done. My other issue is that once the query is run and the user tries to change the filter values say hes trying to restrict Cons group it takes like 30 min for the options to come up or even more than that and eventually fails. Is there any thing which i can do to improve the performance of these filter value selection option. we are on portal EP 6.0. I know this has nothing to do with interface but the crux of the problem is in the back end.
    Any help is really appreciated

    The Only Posted Values in Navigation generates a query that must examine most to your cube to find all filter options that correspond to your query.  If the cube is large and you don't have much in the way of other restrictions, this can take a while. The benefit of this option is that the user is only presented with filter options that are in the domain they are interested in.
    If you switch to either of the other options, the filter options are quickly deteremined by examing either the dimension or master table.  The downside is that those filter options may not be in the data the your query would exclude, e.g.
    Lets say you have a query on Bus Area and Cost Center.
    - Master Data for Cost Centers = 0001 - 9999
    - Cost Centers in your data are 0001 - 2999
    - Only Cost Centers 1000 - 1099 in Bus Area 10.
    If you have an input variable to select only Bus Area = 10 and run the query, then want to filter on Cost Center:
    - with Only Values in Navigation, the user would only see Cost Centers 1000 - 1099 in the filter selection list.
    - with Only Values in InfoProvider, the user would see Cost Centers 1000 - 2999.
    - with Only Values in Master Data, user would see 0001 - 9999.
    This may or may not be acceptable.  If a user chooses Cost Center 2000, the query would copme back with No Available Data since ther are not transaction with Bus Area = 10 and Cost Center 2000.
    Now lets say you are using CALMONTH, chances are the user would understand that if they select a November of 2006 while in August, they wouldn't get any data. They might understand what Cost Centers to expect back in Bus Area 10, but they may not be as familiar with all the values for all Characteristics.
    Like everything else, there are pros + cons.

  • Importing .mp4 files into iMovie takes too long. Is there a quicker method?

    Basically what the title asks. Would it be quicker for me to burn the mp4 onto a dvd and then rip it into iMovie? Currently, my import wait is 1784 minutes, and I really don't have this long to wait.
    Help would be wonderful.

    I'm not sure how many songs your importing, nor how much cache your Mac has...But In case this is your first time using Itunes M4p files in your Imovies, I'll give you this heads up....Imovie will let you import M4p files from Itunes into your movie and you can watch it and listen to the song fine. When you try to export it to IDVD and burn a movie, you might have problems. It will b*tch about "this computer is not authorized" for this song or something. Unless Imovie '08 fixes this, you have to burn the songs you want to use in your Imove to a CD, then import them back into Imovie. It will not let you burn a DVD from Imovie/IDVD with songs you paid for directly from your Itunes Library. Unless you're importing from a slow external hard drive and have low system memory on your Mac, I don't see why it should take so long to import songs from your Itunes library. If you already knew of the copyright problem Imovie has, my apologies.....And it is a problem. You shouldn't have to burn to disc and re-import songs from Itunes, that you already legitimately paid for with your Itunes account.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hey, I'm trying to use the JACOB software to incorporate ActiveX control within Java but I am having problems installing\getting it working. I was wondering does anybody know of any other tools I can use or has anybody actually got the JACOB tools wo

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    hello, i notice that this new version of iTunes is buggy, the previous version would respect the icon sorting, but this new iTunes and iPhone OS version does not respect the sorting of icons... the new feature to visualize the pages (i have 9 pages,

  • Export from PO desktop / import into Outlook ... HOW?

    PalmOne Centro Windows Vista Home Premium Outlook 2010 iTunes (latest vestions) iPhone 3gs We've been trying to export PalmOne desktop info (contacts; calendar; memo) over into our iPhone. We are not in possession of the Centro phone any more; but we