Selection as a percentage

In a picture I'd like to get the ratio of the selected and the unselected areas. That means: I select several parts of my picture (for example  by using the magic wand tool) and would now like to know the portion of the selected areas (area of the selected parts, percentage, ....whatever) compared to the unselected ones. I am using CS4

With CS4 you will need to have the Extended version to use the Measurement tools
Photshop CC comes as standard with the Measurement tools.

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  • Select top 10 percentage

    I want to get the top 10% of salaries in employees table. But I got error:
    SQL> select top 10 percent salary
      2  from employees
      3  order by salary desc;
    ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expectedHow can I get the top 10% percent?
    Thanks a lot

    998093 wrote:
    ... What if I want to get, for example, the employees who are in the top 12% of the salaries? here we cannot use deciles (maybe we can but it won't be very nice).Actually, you can. How nice it will be depends on your data and your exact requirements.
    Earlier, we said that the top 10% was the 10th of 10 buckets.
    We could say that the top 12% is the last 12 of 100 buckets:
    WITH     got_tenth     AS
         SELECT     last_name, salary
         ,     NTILE (100) OVER (ORDER BY salary)     AS hundredth
         FROM     hr.employees
    SELECT       last_name, salary
    FROM       got_tenth
    WHERE       hundredth     > 100 - 12
    ORDER BY  salary     DESC
    ;I won't clutter up this message by showing the results for every query; I'll just report the total number of rows. The query I posted earlier (for the top 10%) produced 10 rows of output; the query immediately above produces 12. That's starting to bother me. There are 107 rows in hr.employees. (They all have a salary; don't forget to deal with NULLs in general.) The top 10% should contain 107 * .1 = 10.7 rows. Of course, this has to be rounded to an integer, so it would have been a little better if the top 10% showed 11 rows (since 11 is closer to 10.7 than 10 is), but it's not a real big problem. Likewise, the top 12% should have 107 * .12 = 12.84 rows, so 13 rows of output might be better, but 12 rows isn't too bad.
    Now say we want to simplify the condition "WHERE     hundredth     > 100 - 12". Instead of taking the last 12 buckets in ascending order, let's take the first 12 buckets in descending order:
    WITH     got_tenth     AS
         SELECT     last_name, salary
         ,     NTILE (100) OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC)     AS hundredth
         FROM     hr.employees
    SELECT       last_name, salary
    FROM       got_tenth
    WHERE       hundredth     <= 12
    ORDER BY  salary     DESC
    ;The result set now contains 19 rows! Why? Because NTILE puts extra items (when there are extras) in the lower-numbered buckets. When there were 10 buckets, then buckets 1 trough 7 had 11 items each, and buckets 8 through 10 had 10 items. We were only dispolaying bucket #10, so we only saw 10 items. Now that there are 100 buckets, buckets 1 through 7 will have 2 items each, and buckets 8 through 100 will have 1 item each. When we numbered the buckets in ascending order, and took the last 12 buckets, we wound up with 12 * 1 = 12 rows, but when we numbered the buckets in descending order and took the first 12 buckets, we got (7 * 2) + (5 * 1) = 19 rows.
    When you have R rows and B buckets, and R/B doesn't happen to be an integer, then NTILE will distribute the rows as equally as possible, but some rows will have 1 item more than others. When the ratio R/B is high, that might not be very significant, but when R/B gets close to 1, then you have situations like the one above, where the bigger buckets, although they have only 1 more item than the smaller buckets, are twice as big. Even worse is the situation where R/B is less than 1; then the last buckets will have 0 items.
    So, as you noticed, NTILE isn't a good solution for all occasions. Here's a more accurate way, using the analytic ROW_NUMBER and COUNT functions:
    WITH     got_analytics     AS
         SELECT     last_name, salary
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY  salary  DESC)     AS r_num
         ,     COUNT (*)     OVER ()                                AS n_rows
         FROM     hr.employees
    SELECT       last_name, salary
    FROM       got_analytics
    WHERE       r_num / n_rows <= 12 / 100
    ORDER BY  salary     DESC
    ;This produces 12 rows.
    If you want 13 rows (because 107 * .12 = 12.84 is closer to 13), then you can change the main WHERE clause like this:
    WITH     got_analytics     AS
         SELECT     last_name, salary
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY  salary  DESC)     AS r_num
         ,     COUNT (*)     OVER ()                                AS n_rows
         FROM     hr.employees
    SELECT       last_name, salary
    FROM       got_analytics
    WHERE       r_num     <= ROUND (n_rows * 12 / 100)
    ORDER BY  salary     DESC

  • Making precise selections in a Photoshop action

    There is a built-in action in the "Image Effects" folder of the Actions palette called "Quadrant Colors" that tints the four quadrants of your image in different colors. To select each quadrant, there is a "Set Selection" step that uses precise pixel coordinates and percentages to position and size each selection. Double clicking the step does not bring up any kind of dialog box to edit these settings, so how do I go about creating such a step?
    I'm using Photoshop CS3.

    Setting Your Ruler-Units to percent on recording an Action should enable You to make a selection based on percentages manually (which means it would be applied to other documents based on percentages of their respective dimensions); though if You want to do it with numeric entries I would recommend try Scripting.

  • BAPI for retrieving tax code & percentage from SAP?

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know of a BAPI who can retrieve a list of available tax codes for purchase (field MWSKZ) in a company code, and eventually their percentages?
    Thanks in advance,

    MWSKZ is the tax code .
    you dont have to use any bapi to retrieve tax percentage.
    only do this.
    you select KNUMH (Condition number) from A003 (taxe code table) with the key fields ALAND and MWSKZ.
    you select KBETR (tax percentage) from KONP with key KNUMH (Condition number)that you have retrived in the previous step.
    Ihsen ABROUG

  • Help with add file name problem with Photoshop CS4

    Frustrating problem: Help with add file name problem with Photoshop CS4. What happens is this. When I am in PS CS4 or CS3 and run the following script it runs fine. When I am in Bridge and go to tools/photoshop/batch and run the same script it runs until it wants interaction with preference.rulerunits. How do I get it to quit doing this so I can run in batch mode? Any help is appreciated. HLower
    Script follows:
    // this script is another variation of the script addTimeStamp.js that is installed with PS7
    //Check if a document is open
    if ( documents.length > 0 )
    var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.INCHES;
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    // Create a text layer at the front
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    //Set your parameters below this line
    //If you wish to show the file extension, change the n to y in the line below, if not use n.
    var ShowExtension = "n";
    // Insert any text to appear before the filename, such as your name and copyright info between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextBefore = "Lower© ";
    // Insert any text to appear after the filename between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextAfter = " ";
    // Set font size in Points
    myTextRef.size = 10;
    //Set font - use GetFontName.jsx to get exact name
    myTextRef.font = "Arial";
    //Set text colour in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 0; = 0; = 0;
    myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // Set the position of the text - percentages from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 10, 99);
    // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS - ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
    myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
    // select opacity in percentage
    myLayerRef.opacity = 100;
    // The following code strips the extension and writes tha text layer. fname = file name only
    fname = (, di);
    //use extension if set
    if ( ShowExtension == "y" )
    fname =
    myTextRef.contents = TextBefore + " " + fname + " " + TextAfter;
    catch( e )
    // An error occurred. Restore ruler units, then propagate the error back
    // to the user
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    throw e;
    // Everything went Ok. Restore ruler units
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    alert( "You must have a document open to add the filename!" );

    you might want to try the scripting forum howard:

  • How to use trigger to catch the sum of a column is greater than 1

    Here is my problem.
    I create a table, which is preference( name char, percentage real);
    the sum of the percentage for some user(name) should be 1;
    And one user can have many records in the table as needed.
    I should to validate the insert data which is valid after a series of insert operation? How can I do it?

    Exactly what I was thinking:
    SQL> create table preference
      2  (
      3  name varchar2(20),
      4  percentage number(3)
      5  );
    Table created
    SQL> create materialized view preference_mv
      2  refresh on commit
      3  as select name,sum(percentage) total_percentage
      4  from preference
      5  group by name;
    Materialized view created
    SQL> alter table preference_mv add constraint c_pref_pct check (total_percentage = 100);
    Table altered
    SQL> insert into preference values ('name1',25);
    1 row inserted
    SQL> insert into preference values ('name1',50);
    1 row inserted
    SQL> insert into preference values ('name1',25);
    1 row inserted
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete
    SQL> insert into preference values ('name2',10);
    1 row inserted
    SQL> insert into preference values ('name2',30);
    1 row inserted
    SQL> commit;
    ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
    ORA-02290: check constraint (SCOTT.C_PREF_PCT) violatedSQL>

  • Text background fill

    I do have this nice script to add a file name into the picture. I would like to add a rectangle behind the text but I don't know how.
    Could you please help me.
    / this script is a variation of the script addTimeStamp.js that is installed with PS7
    //Copyright 2002-2003. Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
    //All amendments Copyright Brian Price 2004 ([email protected])
    //Check if a document is open
    if ( documents.length > 0 )
    var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PERCENT;
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    // Create a text layer at the front
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    //Set your parameters below this line
    //If you wish to show the file extension, change the n to y in the line below, if not use n.
    var ShowExtension = "n";
    // Insert any text to appear before the filename, such as your name and copyright info between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextBefore = "";
    // Insert any text to appear after the filename between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextAfter = "";
    // Set font size in Points
    myTextRef.size = 60;
    //Set font - use GetFontName.js to get exact name
    myTextRef.font = "ArialNarrow";
    //Set text colour in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 0; = 255; = 200;
    myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // Set the position of the text - percentages from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 2, 98);
    // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS - ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
    myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
    // select opacity in percentage
    myLayerRef.opacity = 100;
    // The following code strips the extension and writes tha text layer. fname = file name only
    fname = (, di);
    //use extension if set
    if ( ShowExtension == "y" )
    fname =
    myTextRef.contents = TextBefore + " " + fname + " " + TextAfter;
    catch( e )
    // An error occurred. Restore ruler units, then propagate the error back
    // to the user
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    throw e;
    // Everything went Ok. Restore ruler units
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    alert( "You must have a document open to add the filename!" );

    Like this...
    if (documents.length)
    var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
    var txtLayer = activeDocument.artLayers.add();
    txtLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
    txtLayer.textItem.size = 60;
    txtLayer.textItem.font = "ArialNarrow";
    var TXTColor = new SolidColor;
    TXTColor.rgb.hexValue = '00ffc8';
    txtLayer.textItem.color = TXTColor;
    var X = ((activeDocument.width/100)*2);
    var Y = ((activeDocument.height/100)*98);
    txtLayer.textItem.position = new Array( X, Y);
    txtLayer.textItem.contents =,-4);
    var LB=activeDocument.activeLayer.bounds;
    var textBackLayer = activeDocument.artLayers.add();
    txtLayer.move( activeDocument.activeLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE)
    var Height = LB[3].value - LB[1].value;
    var Width = LB[2].value - LB[0].value;[[LB[0],LB[1]], [LB[2],LB[1]], [LB[2],LB[3]], [LB[0], LB[3]]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
    //Background fill colour.
    var FillColor = new SolidColor;
    FillColor.rgb.hexValue = 'ffff00';
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    } else {
    alert( "No Document Open");

  • Add file name script not working in CS3

    I have this wonderful script (written by Brian Price) back in 2004 for PS7 that adds the file name to an image ( I use it for adding file names to small images to be used in a slideshow). It works great ion Photoshop CS, but when I try to use it as part of a batch action in CS3 it stalls on line 9. OIt works fine when run on just one image in CS3 . . . it just stalls when run as part of a batch action!
    Any help GREATLY appreciated!
    Many Thanks,
    Peter Thompson
    [email protected]
    Here's the script:
    // this script is a variation of the script addTimeStamp.js that is installed with PS7
    //Copyright 2002-2003. Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
    //All amendments Copyright Brian Price 2004 ([email protected])
    //Check if a document is open
    if ( documents.length > 0 )
    var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PERCENT;
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    // Create a text layer at the front
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    //Set your parameters below this line
    //If you wish to show the file extension, change the n to y in the line below, if not use n.
    var ShowExtension = "n";
    // Insert any text to appear before the filename, such as your name and copyright info between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextBefore = "";
    // Insert any text to appear after the filename between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextAfter = "";
    // Set font size in Points
    myTextRef.size = 30;
    //Set font - use GetFontName.js to get exact name
    myTextRef.font = "ComicSansMS";
    //Set text colour in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 255; = 255; = 0;
    myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // Set the position of the text - percentages from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 5, 94);
    // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS - ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
    myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
    // select opacity in percentage
    myLayerRef.opacity = 100;
    // The following code strips the extension and writes tha text layer. fname = file name only
    fname = (, di);
    //use extension if set
    if ( ShowExtension == "y" )
    fname =
    myTextRef.contents = TextBefore + " " + fname + " " + TextAfter;
    catch( e )
    // An error occurred. Restore ruler units, then propagate the error back
    // to the user
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    throw e;
    // Everything went Ok. Restore ruler units
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    alert( "You must have a document open to add the filename!" );

    I have this wonderful script (written by Brian Price) back in 2004 for PS7 that adds the file name to an image ( I use it for adding file names to small images to be used in a slideshow). It works great ion Photoshop CS, but when I try to use it as part of a batch action in CS3 it stalls on line 9. OIt works fine when run on just one image in CS3 . . . it just stalls when run as part of a batch action!
    Any help GREATLY appreciated!
    Many Thanks,
    Peter Thompson
    [email protected]
    Here's the script:
    // this script is a variation of the script addTimeStamp.js that is installed with PS7
    //Copyright 2002-2003. Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
    //All amendments Copyright Brian Price 2004 ([email protected])
    //Check if a document is open
    if ( documents.length > 0 )
    var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PERCENT;
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    // Create a text layer at the front
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    //Set your parameters below this line
    //If you wish to show the file extension, change the n to y in the line below, if not use n.
    var ShowExtension = "n";
    // Insert any text to appear before the filename, such as your name and copyright info between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextBefore = "";
    // Insert any text to appear after the filename between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextAfter = "";
    // Set font size in Points
    myTextRef.size = 30;
    //Set font - use GetFontName.js to get exact name
    myTextRef.font = "ComicSansMS";
    //Set text colour in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 255; = 255; = 0;
    myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // Set the position of the text - percentages from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 5, 94);
    // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS - ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
    myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
    // select opacity in percentage
    myLayerRef.opacity = 100;
    // The following code strips the extension and writes tha text layer. fname = file name only
    fname = (, di);
    //use extension if set
    if ( ShowExtension == "y" )
    fname =
    myTextRef.contents = TextBefore + " " + fname + " " + TextAfter;
    catch( e )
    // An error occurred. Restore ruler units, then propagate the error back
    // to the user
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    throw e;
    // Everything went Ok. Restore ruler units
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    alert( "You must have a document open to add the filename!" );

  • Withholding Tax Certificate (Spain)

    One of the requirements in the project I am working at the moment is to generate the Withholding Tax Certificate and I can find out the way of generating the print out. The country where the report needs to be generated is Spain. Could anyone give me a hand? since I cannot find a standard form for this.. Do I have to generate a new form copying from an existing one? Is the WH Tax Certificate generated from the tr. S_PL0_09000447 and then this calls the form generated for this report?
    Thanks and regards in advance.

    Your company code is in Spain and you work with classic withholding tax.
    This note is designed to help during the changeover from classic to extended withholding tax for Spain.
    Other terms
    Withholding tax, QSSKZ, customer, vendor, withholding tax changeover, withholding tax migration, WTMG, WTMIGRATION, classic withholding tax, QST, extended withholding tax, Spain
    Reason and Prerequisites
    The changeover from classic to extended withholding tax must be performed using a conversion tool (Transaction WTMG).
    Since Release 40B, the extended withholding tax function has been available in the standard system. By changing to the extended withholding tax, it makes using withholding tax on the debit side possible. In addition it is possible to post different withholding tax categories in a document at the same time. You can find more information on the extended withholding tax function in the SAP Library.
    It is only possible to change from classic withholding tax to extended withholding tax using a conversion tool.
    On no account should you activate the extended withholding tax in your system without using this tool if you have been using the classic withholding tax up to now.
    Information concerning the changeover and the changeover tool can be found in Note 337267.
    This note describes the creation of the withholding tax types and withholding tax codes and the use of the changeover tool for the country Spain.
    However this note does not replace the documentation concerning the withholding tax changeover in the SAP Library (or the Word file during the transport from the SAPServ according to Note 186989), it simply provides additional information for Spain!
    1. The following is a list of the withholding tax codes used in classic withholding tax. If the withholding tax codes you are using are called differently, you must take that into account later during the assignment of the withholding tax codes of classic withholding tax to the type/code combinations of extended withholding tax.
                  Probably the specified withholding tax codes do not agree with those which have you used in classic withholding tax. Since the specified codes are the official ones, first change your Customizing for classic withholding tax such that the specified withholding tax codes are defined for the different withholding tax codes.
    2. Define the official withholding tax keys for the country ES in extended withholding tax under Financial Accounting Global Settings --> Withholding Tax --> Extended Withholding Tax --> Basic Settings --> Define Official Withholding Tax Codes:
    3. Create the following withholding tax types of extended withholding tax for the country ES:
    To create the withholding tax types, select Financial Accounting Global Settings --> Withholding Tax --> Extended Withholding Tax --> Calculation --> Withholding Tax Type --> Define Withholding Tax Type for Payment Posting in the Implementation Guide for Financial Accounting.
    Select 'Net amount' in the "Calculation/Base amount" screen area in each case
    Select 'W/tax comm. round' in the "Calculation/Rounding rule" screen area in each case
    Select 'C/disc pre W/tx' in the "Calculation/Cash discount" screen area in each case
    Set the 'Post w/tax amount' indicator in the "Calculation" screen area in each case
    Select 'No accumulation' in the "Accumulation type" screen area in each case
    Set the 'W/tax base manual', 'Manual w/tax amnt' and 'No cert. numbering' indicators in the "Control data" screen area in each case
    Select 'W/tax code level' in the "Define minimum/maximum amounts", "Base amount" screen area in each case
    Select 'W/tax code level' in the "Define minimum/maximum amounts", "Withholding tax amount" screen area in each case
    Select 'No centr. invoice' in the "Central invoice" screen area in each case
    Select 'Minimum Check at Item Level' in the "Minimum Check" screen area or 'No min. base check at item level' in the "Minimum base check" screen area in each case
    All the other fields in the withholding tax type must be left unselected.
    4. Create the withholding tax codes belonging to the withholding tax types:
    To create the withholding tax codes, select Financial Accounting Global Settings --> Withholding Tax --> Extended Withholding Tax --> Calculation --> Withholding Tax Codes --> Define Withholding Tax Codes in the Implementation Guide for Financial Accounting.
    Copy the names from the first list (under point 1).
    Enter the official withholding tax key (Off. W/Tax Key) in the corresponding field as specified above.
    Select the same percentage as defined in the corresponding withholding tax code of classic withholding tax under 'Calculation of the withholding tax base amount' for the percentage subject to tax in the "Base amount" screen area. (the percentage should agree with the above-mentioned percentage subject to tax ( tax)).
    Select the same rate as defined in the corresponding withholding tax code of classic withholding tax under 'Calculation of withholding tax' for the withholding tax rate  in the "Calculation" screen area (The rate should agree with the above-mentioned withholding tax rate (WT rate)).
    Set value '1' for the Post.indic. in the "Postings" screen area
    Select the corresponding settings as in the corresponding withholding tax code of classic withholding tax in the "Reporting information" screen area (The settings should agree with the above-mentioned specifications for region and income type (Inc.type)).
    All the other fields in the withholding tax code must remain empty.
    Create a withholding tax conversion run:
    Call Transaction WTMG
    Choose 'Create'
    Assign a name to the conversion run
    Select change 'Choose Company Codes' and enter the company code to be converted and country 'ES'
    Select change 'Type/Code Assignment' and assign the respective new withholding tax types and withholding tax codes of extended withholding tax to the withholding tax codes of classic withholding tax defined for country 'ES':
      Execute the 'Analysis'
    Select the option 'Several withholding tax types possible per vendor' under 'Master data settings'
    Carry out the conversion steps  (to start with in the test run).
    After the withholding tax changeover has occurred, create the following recipient codes for the country ES to complete Customizing:
      To create the recipient code, select Financial Accounting Global Settings --> Withholding Tax --> Extended Withholding Tax --> Reporting --> Define Recipient Code for Extended Withholding Tax in the Implementation Guide for Financial Accounting.

  • How to Generate Barcode (3of9 Barcode or any of its variations) in a simple text layer?

    Is there a way to get the font names used in a computer (C:\windows\fonts), which can be used in Javascript line? I have the barcode font but I don't know its name for Javascript to recognize.
    see line on myTextRef.font below:
    // make a variable for the active document
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    // Create a text layer at the front
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
    // this is the real text layer describing it as a text item
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    // Set font size in Points
    myTextRef.size = 24;
    //Can a text or numbers be converted to a Barcode?
    myTextRef.font = "Arial";
    //Set text colour in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 255; = 255; = 0;
    myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // Set the position of the text - percentages from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 50, 50);
    myTextRef.justification = Justification.CENTER    
    // If Bold Font = "BOLD";
    // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS - ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
    myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
    // select opacity in percentage
    myLayerRef.opacity = 100;

    Using javascript, app.fonts will get you a array of textFont objects. There will be a textFont object for each font Photoshop can use. Each object has several properties. For use with a text layer you want the postScriptName property.
    var fontList= [];
    var fonts = app.fonts;
    for (var i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) {

  • Insert 'illegal' characters into file name for print label?

    Hey all (Happy New Year)
    I actually see some people here who helped me with this originally so many years ago (hi 'x'). Any way, I'm using this .js file to annotate aerial imagery prior to printing, and I know just enough about scripting to make changes to the basic layout as needs arise - until now. A new rather anal retentive mgr doesn't like substitutions I've made for a few 'illegal' characters that windows doesn't allow in file names. For example, the file name used for the annotation is:
    001    0003    1in = 660ft    CFL 154_074    01-01014   503-013.tif
    But Mr. mgr doesn't like the in, the ft and the use of the _ instead of a period (.) so what I need is a modification that goes something like (and note I DO NOT CODE, so stop laughing) -
    "look for in and replace with ", look for ft and replace with ' and look for _ and replace with , " so the final annotation written to the image is:
    001    0003    1" = 660'    CFL 154.074    01-01014   503-013.tif
    My current .js is below, I'd really appreciate any assistance. Thanks! TLL
    var deltaW = 0; // add 'N' pixels to the width
    var deltaH = 150; // add 'N' pixels to the height
    var anchor = AnchorPosition.BOTTOMCENTER; // anchor point for canvas resize
    // SET FONT TYPE AND SIZE - use GetFontName.js to get exact name
    var fontName = "ArialMT";
    var fontSize = 18;
       // Check if a document is open
       if ( documents.length > 0 ) {
       var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
       preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
       try {
         var docRef = activeDocument;
         docRef.resizeCanvas(docRef.width + deltaW, docRef.height + deltaH, anchor);
       // Create a text layer at the front
       var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
       myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
       var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
       // ADD FILE EXTENSION, change the n to y below
       var ShowExtension = "n";
       myTextRef.size = fontSize;
       myTextRef.font = fontName;
    // SET TEXT COLOR in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 0; = 0; = 0;
        myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // SET POSITION OF TEXT - PIXELS from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 30,110);
        // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS
        // ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
        myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
        // select opacity in percentage
        myLayerRef.opacity = 100;
        // The following code strips the extension and writes tha text layer.
        // fname = file name only
        //use extension if set
        if ( ShowExtension == "y" ) {
           fname =;
         } else {
           fname = (, di);
         myTextRef.contents = fname;
         // docRef.flatten("n");
       } catch( e ) {
         // An error occurred. Restore ruler units, then propagate the error back
         // to the user
         preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
         throw e;
       // Everything went Ok. Restore ruler units
       preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    }  else {
       alert( "You must have a document open to add the filename!" );

    I did some quick testing and here is what I have seen.
    I went into a cygwin shell and successfully did this:
    $ touch t\"est\'t.jpg
    $ ls t\"*
    This means that the underlying file system (NTFS) is able to correctly encode both the ' and " characters, at least as far as cygwin is concerned.
    However, from the Windows command line and Explorer point of view, the ' is OK but the " is not. The characters /\"*?<>:| can't be used in file names in Win. This means you can get the ' and . characters working but not the " character.
    From the js side, the code would look like:
    var x = "001    0003    1in = 660ft    CFL 154_074    01-01014   503-013.tif";
    var str = x.replace(/in/, '"').replace(/ft/, "'").replace(/_/, '.');
    Which displays
    001    0003    1" = 660'    CFL 154.074    01-01014   503-013.tif
    The string stuff is easy, but while you can save a file with ' and . you can't use " via js. You can't even do it using the PS UI manually.
    I've tested and verified this. Let Mr. Mgr know that it is not possible to completely comply with his requests. Unless, of course, you upgrade to OS X : )

  • Parsing a file name and printing a portion to an image

    Ive got a script writen for me that reads the file name of the image, creates a new layer , prints it ti the bottom of the image. I was wondering if anyone knew if there is a way to parse only a portion of the file name out and print that to the screen. Below is the relevant part f the code (I think) that selects the text to be printed on the new layer
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
            myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
   = "Filename";
            var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    if the file name of the image is ;  30090416 0056 , I want to use only the 0056 portion, as the code is written above the whole file name save the extension is written to the image.

    That didnt seem to work, the same full filename (minus the extension) still prints.  Here is more of the script. I tried to attach the whole thing but it wouldnt upload.
    var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PERCENT;
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    // Create a text layer at the front
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    //Set your parameters below this line
    //If you wish to show the file extension, change the n to y in the line below, if not use n.
    var ShowExtension = "n";
    // Insert any text to appear before the filename, such as your name and copyright info between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextBefore = "";
    // Insert any text to appear after the filename between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextAfter = "";
    // Set font size in Points
    myTextRef.size = 24;
    //Set font - use GetFontName.js to get exact name
    //myTextRef.font = "TimesNewRomanPSMT";
    myTextRef.font = "Arial";
    //Set text colour in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 255; = 255; = 255;
    myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // Set the position of the text - percentages from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 2 , 99);
    // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS - ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
    myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
    // select opacity in percentage
    myLayerRef.opacity = 100;
    // The following code strips the extension and writes tha text layer. fname = file name only
    fname = (, di);
    //use extension if set
    if ( ShowExtension == "y" )
    I really appreciate the help.

  • Stored procedure not working (warning only my second written)

    I am now trying to get my 2nd SP to work. Any help with the problem I'm having would be greatly appreciated. This is not a complicated SP but I am creating dynamic sql. when running in TOAD as a straight SQL I was getting problems with the Execute immediate so I compiled as a SP to see if it resovled. Receiving the following error message:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    ORA-06512: at "INSPQA.ODS_MODIFER_EXTRACT", line 32
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Process exited.
    and here is the code
    PROCEDURE ods_modifer_extract AS
         TABLENAME VARCHAR2(100);
         TABLEXREF VARCHAR2(100);
         PERCENT VARCHAR2(3);
         VALUE VARCHAR2(100);
         sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
         final_sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
         CURSOR t1 IS
    FOR table_rec IN t1 LOOP
    TABLENAME := table_rec.TABLENAME;
         TABLEXREF := table_rec.XREFTABLE;
         VALUE := TABLENAME||'.'||TABLENAME||'ID';
         PERCENT := table_rec.PERCENTAGE;
         sql_stmt := 'SELECT '||VALUE||' AS VALUE, '||DESCRIPTION||' AS DESCRIPTION, ';
         sql_stmt := sql_stmt||''''||TABLENAME||''' AS SOURCETABLE, ';
         sql_stmt := sql_stmt||''''||TABLENAME||'ID'' AS SOURCECOLUMN, ';
         IF PERCENT = '100' THEN
              sql_stmt :=sql_stmt||PERCENT||' AS PERCENTAGE ,';
              sql_stmt := sql_stmt||TABLEXREF||'.PERCENTAGE AS PERCENTAGE ,';
              END IF;
         sql_stmt := sql_stmt||'FROM ODS_INSPECTION_EXTRACT, '||TABLEXREF||', '||TABLENAME;
         sql_stmt := sql_stmt||TABLEXREF||'.'||TABLENAME||'ID = '||TABLENAME||'.'||TABLENAME||'ID';
         final_sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO ODS_MODIFIER_EXTRACT VALUES ('||sql_stmt||')';
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE final_sql_stmt;

    CT VALUES ('||sql_stmt||')';
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE final_sql_stmt;
    END;Take the VALUES word out of the final_sql_stmt. Should work.

  • How to use TAX books in FA

    We are using Oracle Asset and we have the setup of corporate book,
    in few Asset we required run depreciation in different rate and similarly we want to take GL impact also.
    Beside this we also identify the Asset depreciation ( which we change the Dep rate) in corporate books so we can reverse the GL impact of those Assets depreciation.
    Please suggest

    Hi Jingesh,
    thank you for that explanation. I am able to see that A1 Tax Code :). But this Tax Code has no influence for my Excise Invoice/Exise rates, isnt it?
    When i try to put in the Key Combination: Country/Tax Code, my Tax Code A1 or A2, then it shows up an error message: Object Tax Code not provided with charackteristic A1 or A2. What does that mean? I think this Tax Codes are not influencing my selection of tax percentages. I´d like to have it as an access sequence requirement something like that. that is my problem...
    In the example above, it was the selection of liable or not and their combination but no influence of an the tax code, cause we are writing it down to the Sales Order with this Condition Record.
    The next problem i am facing is, that i do not see my exise duty inside my excise invoice. i customized the "account determination", i maintained Excise Defaults and i do not ticked the statistik marker inside the pricing procedure... i got that one
    Still it is a hard thing this CIN.
    Again thank you for your help.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: CDolff on Apr 5, 2011 3:39 PM

  • Number in report column

    How can i add % sign in the report number column? like 12%,15%

    Change your report select query..
    select to_char(num_col)||'%' percentage from tblCheers,

Maybe you are looking for

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