Setting flags on question login

I'm trying to set an attribute on the user object when the user goes through the QuestionLogin workflow.
The behavior I've observed is that if I checkout the user using "checkout view":
<Action id='1' name='checkoutview' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
<Argument name='op' value='checkoutView'/>
and then try to checkin the view:
<Action id='1' name='Check In View' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
<Argument name='op' value='checkinView'/>
<Argument name='view'>
the user locks up.
HOWEVER, if I "get" a user view: (NOTE that's it's a "getView", not a "checkout view")
<Action id='1' name='getUser' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
<Argument name='op' value='getView'/>
and then I try to check it in (which shouldn't work), the attributes I'm manipulating are actually saved!!
If I do a "getView" and don't check anything in, none of the changes are saved.
It seems to me like this is a product bug - perhaps there are overlapping pointers somewhere? Can anyone speak to this anomaly?
I'm on version 7.0 (which may be an issue in and of itself :) )

You are right Tushir, It depends on the template used.
@ William::Well Is it possible for you to Acknowledge ur Chassis?
It might help to solve your problem.,,,,Well its just a try and dont forget that the entire Hardware Config will be re read if you acknowldege ur Chassis.

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  • Inconsistant Question Login Behavior

    Hello all,
    I am working on implementing our requirements for forgotten password authentication questions. We have a somewhat unique policy regarding this. We want to always have a specific question asked. Then have 2 questions asked that are chosen from a random set. Then have 1 user defined question asked. Since there is no out of the box policy that captures this, I have been working to implement a solution. What I came up with was to redefine the fieldloop in the Question Login Form. Instead of looping through 'questions[*].name' I have it evaluate an expression I wrote. The expression selects questions based on the policy I outlined above. The form is working great. It displays the proper questions in line with our policy. The problem is the authentication of the questions. I have the policy set to 'any'. If I set it to 4 questions, which is how many I am asking, then the application will never let me authenticate. It will continually give me the 'Please answer at least 4 questions' error. At the suggestion of Dana from Aegis, I set the any policy to require only 1 question. The two required questions (the user defined and the admin defined questions) always work fine. However the two random questions work only sporadically. Sometimes I have to enter the answer for one of the random questions as many as 3 or 4 times before it will get excepted. This behavior seems weird. It is not consistent at all.
    We are using IdM 6.0 with no service packs. Has anyone ran into this before? Does anyone have any advice about it?

    Hi Jim, I had to build the following workflow to implement the password reset. You can tweak activity 3 'Select Questions' to do what you need. This workflow is not finished; it always selects the first three questions; but it I think it is usable.
    Have fun with it. Theo
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE TaskDefinition PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>
    <TaskDefinition authType='UserAdminTask' name='Task-FindLostPassword' creator='therijn' createDate='1145528788789' lastModifier='therijn' lastModDate='1146135380583' lastMod='536' wstype='ProvisioningTask' taskType='Workflow' executor='com.waveset.workflow.WorkflowExecutor' syncControlAllowed='true' execMode='sync' execLimit='0' resultLimit='3600' resultOption='delete' visibility='run' progressInterval='0'>
        <WFProcess name='Task-FindLostPassword' title='Find Lost Password' maxSteps='0'>
          <Comments>This process allows an anonymous user to authenticate using the security questions and reset the password.</Comments>
          <Variable name='actionWF' value='findPassword'>
            <Comments>This attribute is used to distinguish between the various actions on the forms.</Comments>
          <Variable name='userview'/>
          <Variable name='selectedQuestions'/>
          <Variable name='answersOK'>
          <Variable name='attemptsCount'>
          <Activity id='0' name='start'>
            <Transition to='Get Questions'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='43' y='10'/>
          <Activity id='1' name='Get Questions'>
            <Action id='0' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
              <Argument name='op' value='getView'/>
              <Argument name='type' value='User'/>
              <Argument name='id'>
              <Argument name='options'>
                  <MapEntry key='noFetch' value='true'/>
              <Return from='view' to='userview'/>
            <Transition to='Check Email'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='122' y='10'/>
          <Activity id='2' name='Check Email'>
            <Transition to='SetExitMessage'>
            <Transition to='SetExitMessage'>
                <rule name='RLE-emailValidityAndDomainCheck'>
                  <argument name='emailAddress' value='$(userview.accounts[LDAP].email)'/>
            <Transition to='Select Questions'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='217' y='10'/>
          <Activity id='3' name='Select Questions'>
            <Action id='0' name='Select questions'>
                  <defvar name='counter'>
                <dolist name='iterator'>
                              <invoke name='get'>
                          <set name='counter'>
                        <set name='selectedQuestions[$(name)].answer'>
                        <set name='selectedQuestions[$(name)].origional_answer'>
                          <invoke name='get'>
                        <set name='selectedQuestions[$(name)].question'>
                          <invoke name='get'>
                        <set name='selectedQuestions[$(name)].name'>
                          <invoke name='get'>
            <Transition to='SetExitMessage'>
            <Transition to='Get Answers'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='318' y='125'/>
          <Activity id='4' name='Get Answers'>
            <Variable name='formButton'/>
            <ManualAction id='0' name='Show Authentication Answers' timeout='15' syncExec='true'>
                <s>Show Authentication Answers</s>
              <Form noDefaultButtons='true'>
                <Display class='EditForm'>
                  <Property name='title' value='Answers Authentication Questions'/>
                  <Property name='subTitle' value='If you answer all questions correct your password will be reset and send to your email address. The answers and not case sensitive. Do not attempt to guess the answers if the name is not your name.'/>
                <Field name='variables.userview.accounts[LDAP].fullname'>
                  <Display class='Label'>
                    <Property name='title' value='_FM_FULLNAME'/>
                  <Display class='Label'>
                    <Property name='value' value='Please answer all questions correct.'/>
                    <Property name='font' value='testFontStyle'/>
                    <Property name='color' value='#ff0000'/>
                  <FieldLoop for='name' in='variables.selectedQuestions[*].name'>
                    <Field name='variables.selectedQuestions[$(name)].answer'>
                      <Display class='Text'>
                        <Property name='title'>
                        <Property name='width' value='300'/>
                <Field name='complete' type='string'>
                <Field button='true'>
                  <Display class='Button'>
                    <Property name='name' value='variables.formButton'/>
                    <Property name='label' value='Continue'/>
                    <Property name='command' value='Save'/>
                    <Property name='value' value='continue'/>
                <Field button='true'>
                  <Display class='Button'>
                    <Property name='name' value='variables.formButton'/>
                    <Property name='label' value='Cancel'/>
                    <Property name='command' value='SaveNoValidate'/>
                    <Property name='value' value='cancel'/>
            <Transition to='SetCanceledMessage'>
            <Transition to='Check Attempts'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='421' y='137'/>
          <Activity id='5' name='Check Attempts'>
            <Action id='0'>
                <set name='attemptsCount'>
            <Transition to='SetTooManyAttemptsMessage'>
            <Transition to='Check Answers'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='540' y='137'/>
          <Activity id='6' name='Check Answers'>
            <Action id='0'>
                  <set name='answersOK'>
                  <dolist name='iterator'>
                            <invoke name='get'>
                        <invoke name='get'>
                      <set name='answersOK'>
                    <s>You must correctly answer all 3 questions</s>
            <Transition to='Get Answers'>
            <Transition to='resetPassword'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='468' y='248'/>
          <Activity id='7' name='SetResetPasswordMessage'>
            <Comments>Too many attemps; lock the account will be locked for the next 30 minutes.</Comments>
            <Action id='0' application='SET_RESULT'>
              <Argument name='name' value='WFExitMessage'/>
              <Argument name='type' value='String'/>
              <Argument name='value' value='Your password has been reset. Please check your email.'/>
            <Transition to='end'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='618' y='166'/>
          <Activity id='8' name='SetTooManyAttemptsMessage'>
            <Comments>Too many attemps; lock the account will be locked for the next 30 minutes.</Comments>
            <Action id='0' application='SET_RESULT'>
              <Argument name='name' value='WFExitMessage'/>
              <Argument name='type' value='String'/>
              <Argument name='value' value='Too many attemps; your account will be locked for the next 30 minutes.'/>
            <Transition to='end'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='626' y='27'/>
          <Activity id='9' name='SetExitMessage'>
            <Comments>Give one common error message so that hackers cannot 'guess' information about or users.</Comments>
            <Action id='0' application='SET_RESULT'>
              <Argument name='name' value='WFExitMessage'/>
              <Argument name='type' value='String'/>
              <Argument name='value' value='Due to a problem with your data we cannot authenticate you using the security questions. Your UserID does not exists, your email address is missing or invalid or you have not answered the security questions.'/>
            <Transition to='end'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='319' y='10'/>
          <Activity id='10' name='end'>
            <WorkflowEditor x='421' y='10'/>
          <Activity id='11' name='resetPassword'>
            <Action id='0' name='Prelude'>
                <set name='actionWF'>
            <Action id='1' process='Reset the Password'>
              <Argument name='adminEmailAddress'/>
              <Argument name='notificationEmailToAddress'>
              <Argument name='accountId' value='$(accountId)'/>
              <Return from='result' to='result'/>
                <ObjectRef type='Configuration' name='TaskSubProc-ResetPassword'/>
            <Transition to='SetResetPasswordMessage'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='698' y='248'/>
          <Activity id='12' name='SetCanceledMessage'>
            <Comments>Set the message that the action is canceled.</Comments>
            <Action id='0' application='SET_RESULT'>
              <Argument name='name' value='WFExitMessage'/>
              <Argument name='type' value='String'/>
              <Argument name='value' value='You canceled answering the authentication questions.'/>
            <Transition to='end'/>
            <WorkflowEditor x='403' y='90'/>
      <Description>Reset the User's password after the security questions are answered correctly.</Description>
        <ObjectRef type='ObjectGroup' id='#ID#Top' name='Top'/>

  • IMAP setting flags for DSN message problem

    I have a question about processing DSN flags using Java Mail.
    We are trying to set SEEN and FLAGGED flags also for DSN messages (for any other messages it is working perfectly fine).
    The problem is that no flags are set, no IMAP commands are issued.
    For any 'normal' messages the IMAP command is issued (for example: A27 STORE 13 +FLAGS (\Seen)).
    We are using Exchange Server 2007 with IMAP support enabled on the mailbox.
    The strange thing is that i can manualy set SEEN and FLAGGED flags from Outlook on this DSN message and then print flags for this message from Java Mail.
    Is there any standard for FLAG processing for DSN messages? Is this a problem in Java Mail / Exchange or some limitation? As I believe DSN in also a javax.mail.Message from the implementation point of view...

    Hi Bill,
    This was a good point, about calling setFlags method on the wrong message.
    The problem is because, we are dealing with Exchange bug described here:
    BODYSTRUCTURE with "multipart" "signed" not parsing
    and using workaround described here:
    However, we were setting flags on message created using following code
    SharedByteArrayInputStream bis =  new SharedByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());
    MimeMessage cmsg = new MimeMessage(session, bis);not on original message from the mailbox.

  • Verify Email for Question Login

    Hello all,
    I am trying to verify another data value, such as a users email (just an example) during the forgotten password process. I can add the field to the Question Login Form, but I do not see how to carry it over to the Question Login workflow. The Question Login workflow seems to take in information after an valid or not valid login decision has been made. Where is this decision made? I need to modify this decision making process to include my own variables...

    As requested:
    <Rule name='getRandomIndexes'>
    <Description>Return a list of random indexes in the range provided.</Description>
    <RuleArgument name='startOfRange'>
    <Comments>The begining of the range for the indexes.</Comments>
    <RuleArgument name='endOfRange'>
    <Comments>The end of the range for the indexes.</Comments>
    <RuleArgument name='numberOfIndexes'>
    <Comments>The number of random indexes to return.</Comments>
    <defvar name='randomInt'>
    <rule name='getRandomIndex'>
    <argument name='startOfRange' value='$(startOfRange)'/>
    <argument name='endOfRange' value='$(endOfRange)'/>
    <defvar name='indexList'>
    <defvar name='forLoopIndex'>
    <set name='randomInt'>
    <rule name='getRandomIndex'>
    <argument name='startOfRange' value='$(startOfRange)'/>
    <argument name='endOfRange' value='$(endOfRange)'/>
    <append name='indexList'>
    <set name='forLoopIndex'>
    And just for fun, here is getRandomIndex:
    <Rule name='getRandomIndex'>
    <Description>Return a random index in the range provided.</Description>
    <RuleArgument name='startOfRange'>
    <Comments>The begining of the index range.</Comments>
    <RuleArgument name='endOfRange'>
    <Comments>The ed of the range to provide an index between.</Comments>
    <defvar name='possibleIndex'>
    <invoke name='nextInt' class='com.waveset.util.RandomGen'/>
    <set name='possibleIndex'>
    <set name='possibleIndex'>

  • The App Store want allow me to download new apps because I have not set up security questions.But I share an iTunes account with my friend. So if I set up the questions will my friend have to use and answer the same thing?

    The App Store want allow me to download new apps because I have not set up security questions.But I share an iTunes account with my friend. So if I set up the questions will my friend have to use and answer the same thing?

    They will have to be answered the first time when purchasing from a new computer or device.

  • How do I set up security questions on iTunes?

    Ever since I updated to the now older version of iTunes I need to answer security questions to purchase music and apps.  I never set up any questions to be asked let alone provide the answers.  I have no idea what to do.  I've tried to contact apple, but all i get is some "tech" guy reading from a manual that the security is in place, blah blah blah, and that I must have forgotten my answers.  Putting this on me!  This is frustrating!  can someone help or at least send me in the right direction.  Thanks a bunch!

    The Three Best Alternatives for Security Questions and Rescue Mail
         1.  Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
         2.  Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contact Apple support.
         3.  Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions.
    A substitute for using the security questions is to use 2-step verification:
    Two-step verification FAQ Get answers to frequently asked questions about two-step verification for Apple ID.

  • My itunes account was disabled for some reason.  I changed password in iforgot and still didn't work.  I could log in but not make purchases from the store so I set up a new login/account .  Is there any way to move my music to the new account?

    My itunes account was disabled for some reason.  I changed password in iforgot and still didn't work.  I could log in and see my music but not make purchases from the store or even redeem an itunes gift card so I set up a new login/account with another email account of mine. On the new account I can redeem my gift card and download items onto my ipad2.  Is there any way to move my music to the new account?

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • HT201363 i have never set up security questions and Itunes is asking me to answer security questions. I have no idea what the answers to the questions it is asking me. Now I cannot purchase anything from Itunes. I have had my account for years. What do I

    i have never set up security questions and Itunes is asking me to answer security questions. I have no idea what the answers to the questions it is asking me. Now I cannot purchase anything from Itunes. I have had my account for years. What do I do ?

    Dude same here

  • HT1911 I did not set up security question but it will not let me download anything from my new phone without answering them

    I did not set up security question but it will not let me download anything from my new phone without answering them, please help

     Account Security Team (AST) 
    Check the AppleCare number for your country here:
    Call them up, and let them know you would like to be transferred to the Account Security Team.

  • Parameter field still editable after setting flag 'PropFlags​_NotEditab​le'?

    Parameter field still editable after setting flag ‘PropFlags_NotEditable’?
    I have defined a step type with a string parameter. (MyParameter). This parameter field has to contain custom generated data, stuffed from a code module.
    I want to have ‘MyParameter’ read only for all instances of the step in my sequence.
    I have set the property flag ‘PropFlags_NotEditable’ for ‘MyParameter’ in my step type definition, because I want to have this parameter read only in all instances.
    When I try to edit ‘MyParameter’ field in an instance of the step in the sequence in the variable pane ‘Step’ - ‘MyParameter’, it still works?
    What is wrong here, I suppose this should work?
    Best regards

    1) Make sure you have show hidden properties turned on in the station options, preferences tab.
    2) In your step type expand the variables to the place where the expression is stored for the parameter argument. In the .NET adapter this would be something like the following:TS.SData.Call.Params[0].ArgVal. Right-click on ArgVal and select the Properties menu item.
    3)  Click on the advanced button and select flags.
    4) When the edit flags dialog pops up, click on the Type Flags button.
    5) Check the PropFlags_NotEditable flag for the Instance Default Flags section. Click OK on this dialog.
    6)  If you want the change to effect currently open instances I think checking the "Reset Flags... " checkbox on the edit flags dialog will do this, otherwise this change will only effect new instances of your step type. Press ok on the remaining dialogs.
    7) New instances will now not allow editing that value. NOTE: This only works for the sequence editor module panel though. It does not work for the dialog version used by the user-interfaces.
    One thing I want to make sure you are aware of for step types is that using a default code module like this has drawbacks versus using postsubsteps. Setting the default code module doesn't keep the user from changing the specification after they insert the step, also updating existing steps if you want to change the prototype is more problematic. You might be better off with a design more like the step types that ship with teststand like the message popup step type (which also ship with source code so you can see how they are implemented) which instead use post-substeps and edit-substeps and instead designate the none adapter for the step type so that the step type can never have a code module. What they do instead is their edit substeps display a dialog that gets the settings/parameters to the operation that the step type performs and stores those as subproperties of the step. Then at runtime the post-substep gets this information and executes the necessary code. Unlike the default code module setting, changing the substeps in a step type automatically effects all existing instances of the step. Changing the code module only effects new instances, and loaded instances if you check the checkbox for that.
    Hope this helps,
    Message Edited by dug9000 on 04-16-2010 09:58 AM

  • Programati​cally set flags in a DIAdem View

    Is there a command to set flags for a 2D axis system in a view? I would like to automate the process of setting flags for a curve, copying the points, and creating a report with a graph of the copied data and a table of that data. I can do the report I just need to be able to set the flags prgramatically once the users sets the band cursors where he/she wants.

    Hi AJL,
    Currently it is not possible to set VIEW flags via script. But, if your customer has selected the band width you know all necessary parameters.
    With pno you can determine the row in a data channel with contents closest to a given value. Example:
    iRowStart = pno(NameOfXChannel, View.ActiveSheet.Cursor.X1)
    iRowStop = pno(NameOfXChannel, View.ActiveSheet.Cursor.X2)
    Then you can use DataBlCopy to copy the selected area.

  • How to re-set my security questions

    I have gone through the steps to re-set my security questions because I forgot one answer but for some reason I am not getting the option to use the alternative email. Can anyone help?

    You need to use your rescue e-mail, not your 'alternative' e-mail.

  • Unable to set up security questions on iPhone 4

    I have a new iPhone 4. I am trying to set up my 3 security questions so that I can download apps. However, when I click on the third questions, it turns blue, but doesn not show me the options, I am therefore unable to complete the screen and download any apps. Wehn I visit the apple ID website, there is only an option to set up one question rather than three.
    Can anyone help please?

    A quick Google search tells me that Webmail is an Earthlink system.
    Perhaps one of these POP server settings will work?
    If you have an IT department or Internet administrator within your company, they may also be of assistance.
    Best of luck!

  • Why does the App Store keep telling me I've got to set three security questions? And how do I Make them?

    Every time I try to download a new app, a pop-up comes up telling me to set three security questions. And when I try to set them using the provided link it takes me to a page and keeps asking for my password even after I enter it in multiple times. So, is there another way to set my security questions or is there a way to just get rid of the pop-ups? Thanks.

    This is for additional security to protect your Apple ID.
    Try setting your security questions for your Apple ID with a browser on your computer instead.

  • Wht is  ALV setting/flag to deletes the preceeding zeros in doc #s,?

    Hi Experts,
    am displaying doc #s in my_alv, so the zeros r coming as prefix........i wanna to truncate, can use FM conversion exit..........but, pls. let me know that,
    Is there any  ALV functionality in SAP, which deletes the preceeding zeros in Sales doc, delivery doc #s?
    (Wht is  ALV setting/flag to deletes the preceeding zeros in doc #s,?)
    Edited by: Srinivas on Feb 8, 2008 4:40 PM

    While defining field catalougue , define it as
      fieldcat_ln-no_zero  = 'X'.
    preceeding zeros of documents nos will not be displayed in ALV list.

Maybe you are looking for