Setting Office 2013 on Windows 8x in Pre-Production Mode

We are in the process of evaluating ADRMS for protecting documents. Currently, I have ADRMS running on a Windows Server 2012 x64. I have 2 other machines which talk to this - one with Office 2013 installed on a windows 8.1 set in production mode and another
similar machine having  a custom program based on ADRMS SDK 2.1 APIs. 
How can I set the server running ADRMS as well as Office 2013 in pre-production mode? If there are any documents on this, can this be shared or pointed to please

Does anyone know how to do this or is this done differently?
This is what I want to test to start with - I have a document (docx) and I have protected it using ADRMS SDK2.1 based custom client application. I want to test this protected document by opening using Office 2013 and see if the permissions I set are working.
The custom application is installed on a machine (8.1, set to pre-prod by setting MSIPC & uDRM \Hierarchy to 1)  connecting to a server (Win 2012, set in pre-prod by setting DRMS\Hierarchy to 1) with both ADRMS & ADDS installed in it. For some
reason the client works even with uDRM/Hierarchy set to 0, so not sure what is the relevance of uDRM. 
I have the Office 2013 installed on a Windows 8.1 different from the above 2 machines and connected to the above domain. But I am unable to open the document protected by the custom RMS app. In fact, when I try to protect a document created using Word 2013
on this machine it says "The system cannot find the file specified"
00000001 0.00000000
[23512] /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000002 0.00000000
[23512]  Public API called: IpcFreeMemory
00000003 0.00000000
[23512]   pb:   0000005F3D432070
00000004 3.09854221
[23512] /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000005 3.09854221
[23512]  Public API called: IpcpBootstrapUser
00000006 3.09854221
[23512]   pConnectionInfo:   NULL
00000007 3.09854221
[23512]   pUser:   PCIPC_USER
00000008 3.09854221
[23512]     -->dwType:    1
00000009 3.09854221
[23512]     -->wszID:     [email protected]
00000010 3.09854221
[23512]   pToken:   PCIPCP_TOKEN
00000011 3.09854221
[23512]     -->dwType:       2
00000012 3.09854221
[23512]     -->pcvTokenData: NULL
00000013 3.09854221
[23512]     -->cbTokenData:  0x00000000
00000014 3.09854221
[23512]   pContext:   PCIPC_PROMPT_CTX
00000015 3.09854221
[23512]     -->cbSize:       40
00000016 3.09854221
[23512]     -->hwndParent:   NULL
00000017 3.09854221
[23512]     -->dwFlags:      0x00000000
00000018 3.09854221
[23512]     -->hCancelEvent: 0000000000000558
00000019 3.09854221
[23512]     -->pcCredential:
00000020 3.09854221
[23512]       NULL
00000021 3.09854221
[23512]   pvReserved:   NULL
00000022 3.09866428
[23512] [msipc]:Disabled SSPI auth for RMSO
00000023 3.09868693
[23512] [msipc]:IpcTokenCache::GetCachedToken Creating a new IIpcToken
00000024 3.09872818
[23512] [msipc]:+LoggedOnUserToken Created
00000025 3.09875011
[23512] [msipp]:+ippGetUser
00000026 3.09876585
[23512] [msipp]:+ippGetUserForUserInfo
00000027 3.09879208
[23512] [msipp]:+IPPUserIdentity::InitializeIdentityForUserInfo entered
00000028 3.09882998
[23512] [msipp]:+IPPLicenseStore::GetMachineCert
00000029 3.09911990
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(2222)
00000030 3.09911990
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000031 3.09914303
[23512] [msipc]:+ippActivateMachine
00000032 3.09933877
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(708)
00000033 3.09933877
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000034 3.09944534
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(763)
00000035 3.09944534
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000036 3.09955812
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(708)
00000037 3.09955812
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000038 3.09959126
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(763)
00000039 3.09959126
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000040 3.09977841
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(708)
00000041 3.09977841
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000042 3.09981275
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(763)
00000043 3.09981275
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000044 3.09994483
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(708)
00000045 3.09994483
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000046 3.09997869
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(763)
00000047 3.09997869
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000048 3.10005188
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\port\windows\ipcossecuritygeneral.cpp(90): hr = CDRMtoSP::CreateMachineCerts()
00000049 3.10005188
[23512] HRESULT = 0x80070002
00000050 3.10007334
[23512] [msipc]:Error encountered while activating the machine, hr = 0x80070002
00000051 3.10011625
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\core\ippmsdrmwrapper.cpp(650)
00000052 3.10011625
[23512] HRESULT = 0x80070002
00000053 3.10017371
[23512] [msipp]:-ippGetUser HR=80070002
00000054 3.10020924
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\framework\win7\win7ippuser.cpp(92): ippGetUser(IPP_GU_CONNECTION_INFO, pConnectionInfo, dwFlags, ipcContext, m_pUser)
00000055 3.10020924
[23512] HRESULT = 0x80070002
00000056 3.10022879
[23512] Error HRESULT 0x80070002 mapped to 0x80070002
00000057 3.10026145
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\api\ippapi.cpp(2525): IppGetUser( IPP_GU_CONNECTION_INFO, &pUserFromConnInfo, pUserFromConnInfo.wszID ? dwFlags : (dwFlags | IPP_GU_NEW), pIpcContext, &hUser)
00000058 3.10026145
[23512] HRESULT = 0x80070002
00000059 3.10028005
[23512] Error HRESULT 0x80070002 mapped to 0x80070002
00000060 3.10030127
[23512]  Public API IpcpBootstrapUser exited with return code 0x80070002
00000061 3.10030127
[23512] \-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000062 3.10036349
[23512] /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000063 3.10036349
[23512]  Public API called: IpcGetTemplateIssuerList
00000064 3.10036349
[23512]   pConnectionInfo:   NULL
00000065 3.10036349
[23512]   dwFlags:   0x00000000
00000066 3.10036349
[23512]   pContext:   PCIPC_PROMPT_CTX
00000067 3.10036349
[23512]     -->cbSize:       40
00000068 3.10036349
[23512]     -->hwndParent:   NULL
00000069 3.10036349
[23512]     -->dwFlags:      0x00000003
00000070 3.10036349
[23512]     -->hCancelEvent: 0000000000000558
00000071 3.10036349
[23512]     -->pcCredential:
00000072 3.10036349
[23512]       NULL
00000073 3.10036349
[23512]   pvReserved:   NULL
00000074 3.10039186
[23512] [msipp]:+ippGetUser
00000075 3.10040927
[23512] [msipp]:+ippGetUserForUserInfo
00000076 3.10043311
[23512] [msipp]:+IPPUserIdentity::InitializeIdentityForUserInfo entered
00000077 3.10046244
[23512] [msipp]:+IPPLicenseStore::GetMachineCert
00000078 3.10075140
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(2222)
00000079 3.10075140
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000080 3.10077405
[23512] [msipc]:+ippActivateMachine
00000081 3.10079026
[23512] [msipc]:ippActivateMachine Skipping Machine activation because of Offline mode
00000082 3.10082817
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\core\ippmsdrmwrapper.cpp(621)
00000083 3.10082817
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004020d
00000084 3.10084748
[23512] [msipp]:-ippGetUser HR=8004020d
00000085 3.10087729
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\framework\win7\win7ippuser.cpp(92): ippGetUser(IPP_GU_CONNECTION_INFO, pConnectionInfo, dwFlags, ipcContext, m_pUser)
00000086 3.10087729
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004020d
00000087 3.10089636
[23512] Error HRESULT 0x8004020d mapped to 0x8004020d
00000088 3.10091305
[23512] [msipc]:+IpcGetTemplateIssuerList IppGetUser Failed hr = 0x8004020d
00000089 3.10093284
[23512] [msipp]:+IPPLicenseStore::GetCLCWithRAC
00000090 3.10112619
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\msdrm\clientsdk\store\drmstore.cpp(2222)
00000091 3.10112619
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000092 3.10114932
[23512] [msdrm]:-CDRMStore::GetLicense type=3 hr=8004f00d
00000093 3.10118246
[23512] Exception at d:\bt\2274\private\client\source\adrms\native\protection\core\ipplicensestore.cpp(399): m_cdrmStore->GetLicense( DRM_LICENSE_TYPE_CLC, pwszSearchPattern, uSearchPatternCount, fDefaultForUser, puCount, prgwszLicense, prgwszRACs)
00000094 3.10118246
[23512] HRESULT = 0x8004f00d
00000095 3.10121131
[23512]  Public API IpcGetTemplateIssuerList exited with return code 0x8004020D
00000096 3.10121131
[23512] \-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000097 3.10124445
[23512] /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000098 3.10124445
[23512]  Public API called: IpcFreeMemory
00000099 3.10124445
[23512]   pb:   0000005F3F8B0DB0
00000100 3.10132265
[23512] /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000101 3.10132265
[23512]  Public API called: IpcGetErrorMessageText
00000102 3.10132265
[23512]   hrError:   0x80070002
00000103 3.10132265
[23512]   dwLanguageId:   1033
00000104 3.10215545
[23512]  Public API IpcGetErrorMessageText exited with return code 0x00000000
00000105 3.10215545
[23512] \-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000106 4.53870678
[23512] /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00000107 4.53870678
[23512]  Public API called: IpcFreeMemory
00000108 4.53870678
[23512]   pb:   0000005F3D4324F0
00000109 109.36756897
[24016] SHIMVIEW: ShimInfo(Complete)
00000110 118.99750519
[24088] SHIMVIEW: ShimInfo(Complete)
Any help will be much appreciated

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    Hi Scott,
    As you may have already known, the Office application crash error related to "KERNELBASE.dll" may occurs due to lots of reasons. I'm afraid it's hard for us to know which specific "feature" or "core component" is missing
    here, especially when it's installed on a non-supported operation system.
    Windows Thin PC is not a supported Windows operating systems on which you can run Office 2013 program. It is specifically designed to be used as a thin client OS. It uses lower CPU cycles, with local application execution typically restricted to security
    and management.
    So you cannot run any productivity applications, such as Microsoft Office or similar applications on it. If you do so, you might have unexpected issues.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Office 2013 does not run on Vista, it is only compatible with Windows 7 and above.  You will not be able to install it. 
    System Requiremets for Office 2013
    While the above link is for Office 365 as well as Office 2013, it shows the requirements. 

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    Has anyone got any ideas?   All the suggested fixes on this forum do not fix this issue.

    Same problem, nothing Works!!!
    Help please, really frustrated and angry.
    Added written above   I tried:
    Uninstalled with the Microsoft fix uninstall
    and reinstall. This does not work.
    Contact the phone technical support. This
    does not work.
    Addin,s does not work. Adobe, iCloud Addin ....  does not work.
    'Send email to'   menu   does not work.
    No application communicates with
    Outlook, no Microsoft  or third  apps.
    I can only send and receive emails
    from within Outlook.
    This program is lousy, any
    possibility that my money back.

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    Any help would be awesome!  Thank you.

    Once you login with the user account which is not getting access, try the below steps and check if it helps fix the issue: 
    Click on start->control panel->programs and features->right click on the Office 2013 program->click on change->add or remove features-> click on the drop down arrow which is before the Microsoft Office->click on Run all from my computer->Continue.
    Once completed restart the computer and then open to check if the issue occurs.
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Error 1603 cancels installation of Office 2013 on Windows 7 (64 Bit)

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    states something like "office has encountered an error during installation". When I close the window the following error message appears:
    Error signature:
    P1: 15.0.4420.1017
    P3: 15.0.4420.1017
    P4: 1603
    P5: Unspecified
    P6: FC73469E
    P7: 1603
    In the log file the first error comes up like this:
    2013/01/31 16:23:43:691::[3056] PERF: TickCount=2226493 Name=MsiPackage::Install Description=Calling OMsiInstaller::InstallProduct for package file "C:\MSOCache\All Users\{91150000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\ProPlusrWW.msi"
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:324::[3056] WER element [P4] is set to value [1603]
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:324::[3056] WER element [P7] is set to value [1603]
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:325::[3056] WER element [P6] is set to value [%s %s]
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:325::[3056]  WER element [P6] is converted to [FC73469E]
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:325::[3056] Error: Failed to install product:  C:\MSOCache\All Users\{91150000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}-C\ProPlusrWW.msi ErrorCode: 1603(0x643).
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:325::[3056] Log level changed from: Standard to: Verbose
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:325::[3056] Rolling back chain
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:325::[3056] Error attaching to OSE, error 0x00000000
    2013/01/31 17:13:34:325::[3056] Stopping running ose
    In the verbose logs the following errors pop up:
    MSI (s) (C4!48) [14:36:17:678]: Creating MSIHANDLE (17078) of type 790531 for thread 3912
    CAQuietExec:  Error: Could not initialize in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\ .
    Error code: 534
    MSI (s) (C4!48) [14:36:17:756]: Closing MSIHANDLE (17078) of type 790531 for thread 3912
    MSI (s) (C4!48) [14:36:17:779]: Creating MSIHANDLE (17079) of type 790531 for thread 3912
    CAQuietExec:  Error 0x80070216: Command line returned an error.
    MSI (s) (C4!48) [14:36:17:846]: Closing MSIHANDLE (17079) of type 790531 for thread 3912
    MSI (s) (C4!48) [14:36:17:878]: Creating MSIHANDLE (17080) of type 790531 for thread 3912
    CAQuietExec:  Error 0x80070216: CAQuietExec Failed
    MSI (s) (C4!48) [14:36:17:937]: Closing MSIHANDLE (17080) of type 790531 for thread 3912
    CustomAction RegisterPerfmonManifest returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    MSI (s) (C4:08) [14:36:17:997]: Closing MSIHANDLE (17074) of type 790536 for thread 3464
    Action closed at 14:36:18: InstallExecute. value is 3.
    Here are some of the things I tried that did not solve the problem:
    - The task scheduler is running and working and there are no tasks that give any error
    - I deleted the "Microsoft Help" folder
    - I deleted the file "Rgstrtn.lck"
    - In the registry I deleted "AppCompatFlags"
    - In the registry "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation" is set to "0"
    - I deleted everything inside the "TEMP" folder
    - I deleted every old versions of Office and their remaining files
    - I used the FixIt files to scrub any old Office installations
    - I am logged in as Administrator, have UAC turned off and gave my account ownership and full access to every file and folder
    - I tried installing on a "clean reboot", tried installing in secured mode, started the setup.exe with administrator rights
    - I tried unregistering and registering "msiexec"
    - I tried extracting the files from the .img file and I am running from C:\ and installing to the standard folder
    Is there anything I can do to get it to finally work?

    For such situation, I'd suggest the following:
    1. Remove current installed office with the fix-it tool in
    KB2739501, and follow the "Remove Office manually" section to make sure there are no remaining files
    2. Either download a trial version of Office 2013 from, or from
    3. Reboot your computer in clean boot mode, and run setup again
    Max Meng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error in Plugin Installation For MS Office 2013 on Windows 8 and 8.1

    We have developed an installer for MS Word and MS Excel plugins. So far it has been working fine for MS Office 2003, 2007 etc. but since I have upgraded to a Windows 8.1 machine with MS Office 2013 installed, the plugin installation is giving error.
    The installation fails and an error dialog appears with Error Code Type: Error, Error:1, Owner:30a.
     The installer works well for MS Office 2010 on Windows 8/ 8.1 machine or MS Office 2010 on Windows 7 machine.

    Is there any other error message when installation fails?
    According to this error message “Error Code Type: Error, Error:1, Owner:30a.”
    This is problem conclusion provided by IBM:
    This issue is no longer reproducible in V6R2012x.
    Installation checks have been modified to throw an error only when none of the Office applications
    (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) are installed. This error will not occur if one or more of the Office products are installed.
    For more detail information:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    If there is anything I can do for you regarding this issue, feel free to post back.
    Best regards,
    Greta Ge
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Office 2013, after windows/office updates recently, pdf add-in no longer works

    We have a user who has Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit, Office 2013 (32-bit) and Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.  They used to be able to "save as pdf" from word, but can no longer do it and gets the error "word is running into problems with the 'acrobat pdfmaker office com addin'add-in.  If this keeps happening, disable this add-in and check for available updates.  Do you want to disable it now?"
    They disable the add-in and are still able to 'save as' and then choose PDF in the pull down menu in word/powerpoint, but has anyone else had this issue?  I'm not sure if this is a question for the adobe folks or the microsoft folks, but it is annoying.  We've already run the Office repair and the Adobe repair but this had no affect.

    Hey rachell71266154,
    Could you please let me know what exact dot version of Acrobat XI are you using.
    You might choose 'Check for Updates' option under the Help menu to use the latest patch of Acrobat.
    Please refer the KB doc link mentioned below and try out solutions to enable PDFMaker add-in in Word:
    PDFMaker unavailable | Office 2007, 2010, 2013 | Acrobat 9, Acrobat X, Acrobat XI, Acrobat DC
    Let me know if this helps.

  • Office 2013 invisible windows

    I have a strange problem that seems to be occurring randomly but regulary on my computer. It also seems to effect some of my collegues but not to the point it does for me.
    The problem is that with my Office 2013 installation I will every once in a while get invisible windows for Office 2013 applications. This means that one or more of my open Office 2013 windows turns invisible and can not be accessed unless first minimized
    by right clicking the taskbar icon and then restored/maximized again. Then the window will turn normal again. A side effect of this is also that sometimes the invisible window is the top window making it impossible to click on whatever window seems to be on
    top (but actually is under the invisible window).
    This applies to all applications in the Office 2013 installation, I have seen the bug for Word, Excel, Outlook (main window, open email conversations, etc), Powerpoint and Access.
    The behaviour is similar to what is described in the following (but closed) thread for the preview version but I am using the latest version with the latest updates from Microsoft Update. The difference is that I do not see any connection to closed windows
    as described in this thread.
    I am using Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 (Swedish) but I also have Excel 2003/2007/2010 installed. I have never seen this for any of the earlier versions so this is something new for Office 2013.
    Anyone have any solution to this?

    I've experienced this problem since day 1 of installing office 2013. i don't open attachments as often as some folks might, so that's not where i see the problem. usually one of the office 2013 window will just randomly be invisible when i switch to it.
    i'm used to it by now and i know to either alt+space+r or x (resize window, maximize window) and the window will properly repaint/refresh itself. if i know the form is maximized i can also grab the invisible window handle at the top of the screen, drag it
    around, and it repaints itself.
    I would think it's an issue with some new window container system office uses, because i see it on outlook, onenote, excel, practically all of them that i use. i use no third-party plug-ins except lync and live meeting, and since they're microsoft products
    i don't even consider those as third-party. what comes to mind is the cute new 'customize the look of the office windows' system. i picked the geometric pattern (lol is that bad?). 
    this is on a dell precision company laptop, windows 7 x64, nvidia graphics card, and office 2013 x32. it may be relevant that dameware is installed and running at all times. i wonder if anyone else with this problem also runs dameware?

  • Office 2013 and Windows 2008 R2 SP1 AD RMS

    Hi All,
    I have installed Windows 2008 R2 SP1 AD RMS service, and it works well with Office 2010/2007, does not however work with office 2013, below is the error I get:
    sorry, something went wrong opening information rights management protected content. the request is not supported
    I have added the  AD RMS cluster URL and the AD RMS licensing URL to the loacl Intranet security zone (,
    however, I still get the same error.
    Does Office 2013 work with Windows 2008 AD RMS, and if it does what is the issue here and how do I go about sort it?

    Im am using server 2008 r2 sp1 and users are using windows 7 enterprise, office 2010 pro. plus. They can see right policy
    template with office 2010. 
    But now I have installed office 2013 pro. plus and added new admx files to new gpo for office 2013 also enabled this policy
    "Enter Permission Policy Default Server for Quick Access Toolbar" and this is writing in the policy \\serverhostname But I cant receiving ad rms templates from my outlook? 
    Is server 2008 r2 sp1 ad rms compatible with office 2013 or am I have to install server 2012 ad rms for office 2013?
    How can I fix this problem?

  • Office 2013 and Windows 7 Starter Edition

    Can you tell me if Office 2013 purchase via a HUP licence will work on a minibook with Windows 7 Starter Edition installed?

    Office 2013 is supported on Windows 7 Starter Edition, for more information about the System requirements for Office 2013, please refer to this article below:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Set Office 2013 Document Themes with Group Policy

    We have created a document theme (as opposed to the Office UI theme) and want to set this as the default for Word 2013 & Excel 2013 for all users without them having to do this themselves. Eg, in Word, under DESIGN, select the prefered Theme & "Set
    as Default"
    There doesn't seem to be anything in the Office 2013 ADM and I have not be able to locate any registry key.
    Is this possible?

    We can use the Office Customization Tool to create a customized .msp file, and then deploy it across the organization.
    Please refer to blog article below, and look on the middle of the article which introduces how to create the customization .msp file.
    Note: This article is for Office 2010, but it also applies to Office 2013.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Russian mnemonic keyboard three letters missing: щ ч э - in Office 2013 in Windows 8 Pro or Standard and Windows 7 Pro or Standard

    The issue I believed is Windows specific. It only appears to work correctly on a Windows XP system. I can get the keys to work on Windows 7 or Windows 8 system.
    Russian mnemonic keyboard three letters missing: щ ч э
    I have a client that noticed this issue. He is a linguist and he uses the letters quite frequently. He further explained that...
    Russian mnemonic keyboard three letters missing: щ ч э
    On Windows 8 there is a mnemonic Russian keyboard.
    Unfortunately there are three letters which I can not find: щ, ч and э.
    These three letters exist in the standard Russian keyboard. They are at the following location (in the US  keyboard): o,x and '.
    I also did a test on a Windows 7 machine running office 2013 and still the letters are missing as described.
    The client explained without these three letters the mnemonic keyboard is useless
    Your help to address this issue is greatly appreciated.
    Nelson Ehis
    Nelson Ehis

    I think it is by design. You can use Preview to show the keyboard layout.
    Niki Han
    TechNet Community Support

  • Product activation failed office 2013 at windows 8.1

    when i update my windows 8 laptop to windows 8.1 i was shocked when i open my office 2013 and it says product activation failed though it was activated, when my laptop is running windows 8, through kmsnano
    what should i do in order to reactivated it

    Which Office version did you use? Office 2013 RT ,home or other? Please follow the link to activate Office 2013:
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Office 2013 professional plus clieck-to-run /packager mode appv pacakge

    I want to make appv package for office 2013 professional. I dont want to use preview. I want to use full version for makingappv package. I know we cant use sequencer to make .appv package for office 2013. I am using this deployment tool for click-to-run.
    Now i am trying to run setup.exein /pacakger mode. But i am getting error which i don't understand
    PS C:\office\tool> .\setup.exe /packager .\configuration.xml "C:\office"
    ERROR: Failed to runas admin for file: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\integratedoffi
    ce.exe arguments: FLATTEN FLATTEN RERUNMODE config ".\configuration.xml" flattenedoutput "C:\office"
    I am logged in as Administartor, computer is not in domain. So what this issue?
    Also it would awesome if anyone could give me some guide or link for how to use office deployment tool for click-to-run in /packager mode. There is nobdy who had posted about this. I have searched alot. MS help links are just guidelines i want to know anaybdy
    even tried it?

    Try running SETUP.EXE from an elevated command prompt instead of a PowerShell window.
    Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" or "Vote as Helpful" on the post that answers your question (or click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually
    answer your question). This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
    This forum post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of my employer, Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.
    @stealthpuppy | Blog: |
    The Definitive Guide to Delivering Microsoft Office with App-V

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