Simple mp3 player not working :( action script error

Hi Everyone!
I'm wondering if anyone can help with this problem:
I am currently designing a website and creating a simple mp3 player with an on / off function but doesn't appear to be working. I am getting this error:
1095: Syntax error: A string literal must be terminated before the line break.
1083: Syntax error: end of program is unexpected.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before end of program.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before end of program.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before end of program.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before end of program.
I have uploaded a zip file containing the images and FLA file. I'm wondering if someone wouldn't mind taking a look for me and telling me how to fix this problem:

Hi Davies,
On line 19 don't break the line, Flash will do it for you... other aspect that I would recomend is to not put the '$' on the variables. In AS2 variables don't need to be declared as such (although it's a good policy), instead of the '$' put the 'var' word, as you already have in those variables.

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    Are you using the Creative Formatter program? The original TX did not support formatting directly from Windows Explorer and you need to use this program. Upgrading the firmware adds this support (for FAT 6/FAT 32) but I'd take this one step at a time and get the unit working using this utility first.

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    Thanks in advance !
    the site can be looked at
    and the concerned part is "Over ons"

    I don't think the actionscript could have changed itself.  If you are using Flash CC then the problem is that Flash CC does not support AS2, so it took your file and changed it to AS3.  You will need to get your hands on an older version of Flash (CS6 or earlier) to edit the file and keep it as an AS2 file.

  • FM Radio in MP3 Player Not Work

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    During the st time I performed autoscanning, the player was only able to register a few radio channels. Channels like 93.3FM and 92.4FM were missing. Hence, I tried a second time. Again, some of the channels were missing after autoscanning was completed.
    I brought the MP3 player with me while I travelled on the bus and tried listening to the few channels and realised that the channels which I could receive on my player depended on the region the bus was in. At some places, all the preset channels were available for listening. At certain areas, only 2 preset channels could be heard.
    After I went back home, I decided to try my luck at the autoscanning again. This time, I was not able to get ANY channels registered on my player. I have tried umpteen times but to no avail.
    Are the radio and autoscan functions of my player faulty?

    That is normal for auto-scanning. Auto scanning depend greatly on the reciption of the radio signal. If the signal is not strong enough, the auto scanning will not lock and register the station and will continue to scroll to the next strongest available signal. Can you manually lock the preset station?

  • Mp3 player not working after being embedded

      Hello guys,
    I have a player for sound files (Fabricio Zuardi) which is very nice, easy to work with and easy to texturize.
    It works with a xml list.
      What I did was to load the swf file of the player into my main file of the website (also flash).
    The thing is that i can see the titles of the songs but the player won't work.
    Here's the as file.
      Can anybody give me a hint?
      I tghought it was a location problem at the beginning but i don't think it was. I tried all the possibilities.
       Thank you
    repeat_playlist = true;
    //playlist_size = 3;
    //player_title = "customizeable title test"
    //song_url = "media/Akropola.mp3";
    //song_title = "Imperial Teen - Ivanka";
    playlist_url = "playlist.xml"
    //info_button_text = "Buy Album"
    //playlist_url = "";
    //playlist_url = "";
    //radio_mode = true;
    DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_URL = "playlist.xml";
    DEFAULT_WELCOME_MSG = "Hideout XSPF Music Player - by Fabricio Zuardi";
    LOADING_PLAYLIST_MSG = "Loading Playlist...";
    DEFAULT_LOADED_PLAYLIST_MSG = "- click to start"
    //default playlist if none is passed through query string
            playlist_url = DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_URL;
            single_music_playlist = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><playlist version=\"1\" xmlns = \"\"><trackList>";
            single_music_playlist += "<track><location>"+song_url+"</location><annotation>"+song_title+"</annotation></track>"
            single_music_playlist += "</trackList></playlist>"
    //info button
        info_button_text = DEFAULT_INFOBUTTON_TXT;
    //variables initialization
    playlist_array = [];
    track_index = 0;
    volume_level = 100;
    pause_position = 0;
    playlist_xml = new XML();
    playlist_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    playlist_xml.onLoad = playlistLoaded;
    mysound = new Sound(this);
    playlist_listener = new Object();
    playlist_list.addEventListener("change", playlist_listener)
    //play_btn.onPress = playTrack;
    //xml parser
    function playlistLoaded (success){
            var root_node = this.firstChild;
            for(var node = root_node.firstChild; node != null; node = node.nextSibling){
                if(node.nodeName == "title"){
                    playlist_title = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
                if(node.nodeName == "trackList"){
                    var tracks_array = [];
                    for(var track_node = node.firstChild; track_node != null; track_node = track_node.nextSibling){
                        var track_obj = new Object()
                        //track attributes
                        for(var track_child = track_node.firstChild; track_child != null; track_child = track_child.nextSibling){
                                track_obj.location = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue
                                track_obj.image = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue
                                track_obj.title = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue
                                track_obj.creator = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue
                                track_obj.annotation = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue
                       = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue
                        track_obj.label = (tracks_array.length+1) +". ";
                        if(track_obj.title) {
                            if(track_obj.creator) {
                                track_obj.label += track_obj.creator+' - ';
                            track_obj.label += track_obj.title;
                        } else {
                            track_obj.label += track_obj.annotation;
            playlist_array = tracks_array;
            if(!playlist_size) playlist_size = playlist_array.length;
                start_btn_mc.start_btn.onPress = loadTrack;
                track_display_mc.display_txt.text = playlist_title+" "+DEFAULT_LOADED_PLAYLIST_MSG;
                    track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle;
                    track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null;
                    track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0;
            annotation_txt.text = "Error opening "+playlist_url;
    playlist_listener.change = function(eventObject){
      annotation_txt.text = playlist_list.selectedItem.annotation;
      location_txt.text = playlist_list.selectedItem.location;
    function loadTrack(){
        //Radio Mode feature by nosferathoo, more info in: 474
        if (radio_mode && track_index==playlist_size-1) {
            for (i=0;i<playlist_mc.track_count;++i) {
        start_btn_mc.start_btn._visible = false;
        track_display_mc.display_txt.text = playlist_array[track_index].label;
            track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle;
            track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null;
            track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0;
        //info button
            info_mc._visible = true;
            info_mc.info_btn.onPress = function(){
            info_mc.info_btn.onRollOver = function(){
                track_display_mc.display_txt.text = info_button_text;
            info_mc.info_btn.onRollOut = function(){
                track_display_mc.display_txt.text = playlist_array[track_index].label;
            info_mc._visible = false;
            //HACK doesnt need to set the volume at every enterframe
            var load_percent = (mysound.getBytesLoaded()/mysound.getBytesTotal())*100
            track_display_mc.loader_mc.load_bar_mc._xscale = load_percent;
                //_root.onEnterFrame = null;
    stop_btn.onRelease = stopTrack;
    play_mc.play_btn.onRelease = playTrack
    next_btn.onRelease = nextTrack
    prev_btn.onRelease = prevTrack
    mysound.onSoundComplete = nextTrack;
    volume_mc.volume_btn.onPress = volumeChange;
    volume_mc.volume_btn.onRelease = volume_mc.volume_btn.onReleaseOutside = function(){
        this._parent.onEnterFrame = null;
    function volumeChange(){
        this._parent.onEnterFrame = function(){
            var percent = (this._xmouse/this._width)*100
            this.volume_bar_mc._xscale = percent
            this._parent.volume_level = percent;
    function stopTrack() {
        _root.pause_position = 0;
    function playTrack() {
        if(play_mc._currentframe==1){ //play
        }else if(play_mc._currentframe==2){
            _root.pause_position = mysound.position;
    function seekTrack(p_offset:Number){
    function nextTrack(){
            track_index ++;
                last_track_index = track_index;
                track_index = 0;
    function prevTrack(){
            track_index --;
    function scrollTitle(){
        track_display_mc.display_txt._x -= 5;
        if (track_display_mc.display_txt._x+track_display_mc.display_txt._width<0){
            track_display_mc.display_txt._x = track_display_mc.mask_mc._width;
    /*function resizeUI(){
        bg_mc._width = Stage.width;
        track_display_mc.loader_mc._width = Stage.width - track_display_mc._x - 3;
        track_display_mc.mask_mc._width = track_display_mc.loader_mc._width - 26;
            track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle;
            track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null;
            track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0;
        if (info_mc._visible){
            info_mc._x = Stage.width - info_mc._width - 4;
            info_mc._x = Stage.width - 4;
        volume_mc._x = info_mc._x - volume_mc._width - 2;
        start_btn_mc._xscale = Stage.width;
    function loadPlaylist(){
        track_display_mc.display_txt.text = LOADING_PLAYLIST_MSG;
            track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle;
            track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null;
            track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0;
        //single track
    //first click - load playlist
    start_btn_mc.start_btn.onPress = function(){
        autoplay = true;
    //Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"
    //Stage.align = "LT";
    //this.onResize = resizeUI;
    if(!player_title) player_title = DEFAULT_WELCOME_MSG;
    track_display_mc.display_txt.autoSize = "left";
    track_display_mc.display_txt.text = player_title;
        track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle;
        track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null;
        track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0;
    //start to play automatically if parameter autoplay is present
    } else if (autoload){
    //customized menu
    var my_cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
    my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Stop", stopTrack));
    my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Play!", playTrack));
    my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Next", nextTrack));
    my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Previous", prevTrack));
    my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Download this song", function(){getURL(playlist_array[track_index].location)},true));
    my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Add song to Webjay playlist", function(){getURL(""+escape(playlist_array[track_index].location))}));
    my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("About Hideout", function(){getURL("")},true));
    //my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Crossfade", function(){}));
    //my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Mando Diao - Paralyzed", function(){}));
    my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); = my_cm;

    then it can be nothing else than the adobe security, since you load the url with full adress
    i know it might be a nooby question but when you changed your "local playback security", did you do hard refresh with f5?
    which version of flash are you using? because flash 8 didn't have the security settings to "local" and "network" only but also "both local and network", maybe the maker's player works because he exported it in one of the older versions of flash
    i think you may also try adding trusted domain  
    flash.system.Security.allowDomain ("your domain with songs on it")
    if you're having problems with it, there i found a hillarious monologue on some forums about it

  • Receive Action Script Error #2130

    My system is running Windows 8 and IE10. I have continuing problems installing and using Flash Player. I have read and reread the online procedures, checks, and solutions without much luck. Most recently after several failed attempts I was able to download the latest version of Flash Player for Windows 8 with Internet Explorer. My email account is with Outlook, which defaults to when I sign out. When the homepage appears I shortly receive an error message that says there is an Action Script Error #2130 and a list of affected files, including flash. I am unable to perform any other functions while this message is displayed. The message block gives me two options: Dismiss or Continue. The error message clears when I click either option, and the homepage seems to operate normally. However, there are other issues with which I have addressed to their support. Basically, if I click on a news headline in order to read the full article, the screen that appears is mis-formatted and unreadable. Ihave a screen capture of the error message noted above. I have tried the solutions suggested in Adobe Support, but they did not resolve the underlying issues. Please help, /hugh
    I noticed a related RE: discussion on the side of my question. When I went there I followed staff instructions to another person with similar problems. When I checked my installed version, I saw that it was the latest version for my system, but also saw debug at the bottom of the page. I then proceeded to uninstall Flash Player as staff instructions said to do. After I received the message that uninstall was successful, I again checked my installled version. It was the same as before including that it was the debug version. I repeated this action several times with the same result. Don't understand what this new problem is or how to proceed from this point.

    Thanks Pat - Sorry if I have been terse. This is not a good time for me as my Old Man [not my Father] is in failing health and requires a lot of care. Didn't need the added burden of two known problems in my computer system which no one seems to know the answer to. At least part of the problem with my email/ went away. At present I do not get an ActionScript Error #2130 when I sign out of my Outlook email account, which defaults to The other problem with is still present, but so far I have not received any support from their techies, just several boilerplate messages.
    However, you are helping with my problem with Flash Player. I discovered it when trying to find the cause for the ActionScript error. I went to Adobe Support Center and began with the several guide sheets I found there. When I did the steps to find the installed] version, which by the way are contained on several different sheets, I found the version of FP installed was not the latest version. I am aware that as I have Windows 8 and IE10 changes should come down from Microsoft, so I was surprised. I tried Update Windows but there were no updates available other than an optional update to install Bing Desktop which I have installed several times, but it remains on the list as an optional update that has not been installed. As I have thought and said many times since I upgraded to Windows 8, it should have been more thoroughly debugged before they rushed it to the retail market. But that too is not an Adobe problem.
    I tried all the procedures and checks on all of the Adobe FP guide sheets I found on their support center website several times before to my surprise when I redid the steps to find the currently installed version the lastest version of FP: FP 11.7.700.169 was shown as the installed version. This was over a week ago and after I found Guide Sheet: Adobe Flash Player Support Center/Downloads at: In addition to providing a path to download the latest version of FP, it provides a list of critical updates and downloads to correct known problems in Flash Player. I downloaded every update I found that seemed to apply to my system. 
    I then checked to see if the Flash Player Action Script error message was now cleared. To my dismay it was not. Ever since I have been trying to correct that problem. It was not until after I posted this question here and you started to respond and discovered that although the latest version of FP is now installed - it is the DEBUG version, which you have told me I must uninstall and then install the standard version. That is where I learned that even though I am able to download the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller and run it and get a message that the uninstall was successful, when I check using the Find Version procedure, I am told the latest version of FP is still installed and it is the DEBUG version.
    I have tried reinstalling the latest version, but this procedure does not work either. When I click to download Flash Player all I get is a blank Adobe box on the screen. It asks me to select a region. I select the US, There is a DOWNLOAD tab at the top which I also select. Then nothing happens. This tell me something is not working properly with this procedure.
    So I am stuck at a point where Adobe Find Version procedures tells me the latest DEBUG version of Flash Player for my system, FP11.7.700.169, is installed in my system and working properly,but I am told I must uninstall the DEBUG version and install the standard version of FP. However, the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller does not work on my system and the Adobe Flash Player Installer does not work on my system.
    On the other hand as far as I have been able to determine Flash player is working properly as I am able to view videos on various websites, including And after deleting several Flash Player files I searched and found, the FP ActionScript Error #2130 has apparently stopping showing up when I am defaulted to when I sign out of OUTlook email. I am so confused, irritated, and frustrated. I agree someone from Adobe Support should take a look at what I am reporting and determine if I have an Adobe Flash Player problem, and if so, FIX IT!
    Thanks again for taking the lead Pat, /hugh

  • Action Script Error Occurred?

    When I use the internet and my reply is on an Adobe system I get a box "Action Script Error Occured"  Throttle event could not be found.  Adobe Flash Player Error 1014.
    Does this indicate I am being hacked somehow?  What should I do?

    That means that either the site you visited has Actionscript problems, or that you have the Flash Player debug version installed.

  • Flash player not working ie10 windows 8 pro 32

    flash player not working ie10 windows 8
    Default web browser IE10 does not play flash in metro nor in desktop mode on up-to-date W8pro32 laptop
    error message "you have to install flash player"
    I cannot (re-)install latest version of flash player
    error message "flash player is embedded in IE10"
    I have
    reset ie (in advanced options)
    turned windows feature ie off (unchecked box) , restarted pc, turned windows feature ie on (checked box), restarted pc
    ie10 as default web browser
    disabled acticex filtering (tools)
    enabled flash player (add-ons)
    enabled updates to compatibility view list
    Problem started after installing W8pro32 with IE10
    Flash plays fine using Firefox W8pro32
    Had no problems playing flash on this particular hardware using previous version of os and ie
    The macromed flash folder in windows/sytem32 on this PC contains files with exactly same name/size as on other W8pro32 laptop where IE10 plays fash plays without problem
    Have asked micsosoft support but not received a reply
    Please advise

    flash player not working ie10 windows 8
    Default web browser IE10 does not play flash in metro nor in desktop mode on up-to-date W8pro32 laptop
    error message "you have to install flash player"
    I cannot (re-)install latest version of flash player
    error message "flash player is embedded in IE10"
    I have
    reset ie (in advanced options)
    turned windows feature ie off (unchecked box) , restarted pc, turned windows feature ie on (checked box), restarted pc
    ie10 as default web browser
    disabled acticex filtering (tools)
    enabled flash player (add-ons)
    enabled updates to compatibility view list
    Problem started after installing W8pro32 with IE10
    Flash plays fine using Firefox W8pro32
    Had no problems playing flash on this particular hardware using previous version of os and ie
    The macromed flash folder in windows/sytem32 on this PC contains files with exactly same name/size as on other W8pro32 laptop where IE10 plays fash plays without problem
    Have asked micsosoft support but not received a reply
    Please advise

  • Flash player not working, ie 9, 10

    whenever i wath the flash video streaming, flash player not working, break video streaming(internet explorer 9, 10 )
    I want to see the flash video without any ploblem
    can you tell me the way error patch method
    give me the e-mail  how to solve the method break video streaming

    Check this -

  • Flash player not working.  can't watch video and can't upload pics to facebook

    flash player not working.  can't watch video and can't upload pics to facebook

    thanks for helping.  I have windows 7, internet explorer.  recently had to replace my hard drive, and compete reinstall of all software so still a few bugs on settings, ect.  not seeing any error messages.  video and uploading pics seemed to be fine until the last week.  not sure what could have changed .  I can still look at PDF ect, I'm not positive its the Adobe that is messed up, but the 2 things I'm having problems with, clicking on and watching video on and not uploading pics to Facebook, both just does nothing when I try them.  no errors, just black screen where its suppose to play or upload.  the trouble shooting for both sites say make sure to have the latest version of flash player, so thats why I assume something is wrong with Adobe.  when I do the self scan from this site it says I have the latest version.  my settings say the player is enabled

  • Constant action script errors

    Please help me it will be much appreciated if you do. I have been having numerous amounts of action script errors and its becoming a very tedious process to dismiss them everytime an ad changes.  Please help me fix this I am getting tired of this been happening for a long time. I have everything up to date, flash, skype, chrome, windows, ie, and anything else is fully up to date so I am not sure at ALL what is going on.  

    It's very possible that you are on the upgrade track for the Flash debugger.  Try the following: Uninstall the current version of flash you have installed:
    Download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash for IE: 

  • The new version of Adobe Flash Player not working.

    The new version of Adobe Flash Player not working.
    She plants the clock to all videos , advertisements and links. I tried to uninstall and reinstall everything but the result remains unchanged. I am using Windows 8.1 and Mozilla Firefox. I need your help please .
    I'm sorry if i did errors of spelling because I used google translation. I 'm french .

    I finally figured it out. Flash Player had not installed. I had to de-activate Active-X thru the safety tab on the menu bar and then download the Adobe Flash Player and now it's working. I re-activated Active X after I finished installing Flash,. Hope fully everything will keep working fine!

  • Content Viewer Action Script Error

    After updating my apps to CC 2014 I get an action script error when trying to open Adobe Content Viewer.   Below is a copy of the error output:
    Error: EncryptedLocalStore internal error
      at com.adobe.dmp.core.util::DeviceUtil/retrieveDeviceID()
      at com.adobe.dmp.core.util::DeviceUtil/getDeviceID()
      at com.adobe.dmp.viewer.command::ApplicationInitializationCommand/execute()
      at org.robotlegs.base::CommandMap/execute()
      at org.robotlegs.base::CommandMap/routeEventToCommand()
      at MethodInfo-9549()
      at org.robotlegs.base::ContextBase/dispatchEvent()
      at DesktopApplication/initializeUI()
      at MethodInfo-2301()
      at Function/
      at com.adobe.dmp.framework.util::FrameDelayedCall/onEnterFrame()

    Hi Eben.
    Always use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN): http://hostname.domain:portnumber/lms/mediator/config
    See note[1334956|] for details and explanation.
    Best regards,
    Aliaksandr Zhukau

  • What's up with the I-tunes radio player not working now for several days?

    Wha's up with the I-tunes radio player not working now for several days? error message reads "an error occurred occurred while contacting the radio tuning service. Check your internet connection or try again later" My internet connection is fine.

    Having same issue on Powerbook G4 running 10.5.8 I suspect Apple disconnected the service.

  • Does any one know of an MP3 player that works on Phones?

    I'm looking for an MP3 player that works on mobile phones, multi-track player that lists out the songs. I've been using widgets from places like reverb nation, sound cloud, but I can't get them those show up on mobile phones.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    These are playlist players which use flash.
    To get these to work on iOS devices they need to fallback to HTML5.
    The problem is that HTML5 has not been developed enough and there is no cross browser standard.
    The JW player attempts to overcome this by using two different versions of the player skin - one for HTML5 and the other for flash.
    The one shown on this page uses flash with fallback to HTML5 but I have no idea if it works on the iPhone...
    A test version using HTML5 with fallback to flash works in Safari but not with Chrome or Firefox.

Maybe you are looking for