SOAPExceptionImpl: Bad endPoint type

I am using SoapClient to send out my web services. It is running normally in my environment, but when I uploaded the files onto a web hosting site and run it from there, i encountered the below error.
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Bad endPoint type at webservices.client.AvailWsdlClient.startConversation(
( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( at org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke( at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke( at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke( at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection( at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket$SocketConnection.runIt( at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ at Caused by: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Bad endPoint type at at webservices.client.SoapClient.sendSoapMessage( at webservices.client.AvailWsdlClient.startConversation( ... 23 more
I read up some forums and found this,
Extracted from the url:
Such code as
SOAPConnection con = conFactory.createConnection();, new URLEndpoint("http://localhost/"));
worked well in java 5.0 but in java 6.0 it fails with "SOAPExceptionImpl: Bad endPoint type"
However, I tested with Java 6.0 and it still works.
Anyone has come across this error and can share your solution?
Thank you in advance.
Edited by: jduo on Mar 8, 2008 2:43 AM

use instead of URLEndpoint ([...|])

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    JAXM Exception; MSG: Bad endPoint type http://{url:port/orabpel/process}
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    An error occurred while launching/running the application.
    Title: SwingSet2
    Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Category: Download Error
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    Bad MIME type returned from server when accessing
    .jnlp - text/htmlit should return application/x-java-jnlp-file.
    My guess is that you use proxy which messes up headers.
    Otherwise try to reinstall Web Start, then enable the console and log output in Web Start's advanced preferences to get more clues what's going on.

  • RFC call from Delphi (Bad Variant Type error)

    Well, I'm trying to call an RFC function from Delphi via ActiveX objects..
    I have Codegear 2009 installed and it works without any problem..
    But on another system with Delphi7 installed when I ran same code it gives "Bad Variant Type" error when assigning SapLogonControl's connection object to SapFunction's connection parameter... Both computers have same SAP installation. And on both systems ActiveX objects imported correctly on Delphi.
    Here is the code:
    unit logon1;
    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
    ExtCtrls, OleCtrls, StdCtrls, SAPFunctionsOCX_TLB,
    Grids, SAPLogonCtrl_TLB;
      TForm1 = class(TForm)
      SAPFunctions1: TSAPFunctions;
      Button2: TButton;
      Grid: TStringGrid;
      Edit1: TEdit;
      Edit2: TEdit;
      Label1: TLabel;
      Label2: TLabel;
      SAPLogonControl1: TSAPLogonControl;
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private-Deklarationen }
    { Public-Deklarationen }
    Form1 : TForm1 ;
    Table, Funct, Connection : VARIANT ;
    {$R *.DFM}
    procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
      Connection                  := SAPLogoncontrol1.newConnection;
      Connection.User             := 'testuser';
      Connection.System           := 'CRD';
      Connection.Client           := '300';
      Connection.ApplicationServer:= '';
      Connection.SystemNumber     := '00';
      Connection.Password         := 'testpass';
      Connection.Language         := 'EN' ;
      if Connection.LogOn(0,true) = true then
      (* parameter "true" = SilentLogOn *)
        (* assign the existing connection to the *)
        (* component SAPFunctions1                *)
        SAPFunctions1.Connection := Connection; // It gives error on this line...
        Funct := SAPFunctions1.add('ZGIS_TEST_FUNC');
    As I said while Codegear 2009 runs this code without any problem, Delphi 7 crashes on that assignment.. Also I tried outside Delphi, and the file compiled with Codegear works on both systems while the file compiled with Delphi 7 again crashes on buth systems...
    Is there a problem with Delphi 7? Should I use at least Delphi 8 or something for compiling?

    Hi Hakan,
    You must use Non-Unicode RFC library for Delphi 7.0.
    ( Bende Delphi 7.0 kullaniyorum. Ayni hatayi aldim. Unicode library kullanmistim. Kaldirip Non-Unicode olani kullandim. Su an hata yok. RFC cagirabiliyorum. )
    Mustafa Yalcin

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    "You cannot open the application 'NAME OF APPLICATION' because it may be damaged or incomplete."
    So, in Terminal, I navigated through the Package Contents to the actual executable and tried to run it. I, then, received the following error:
    "Bad CPU type in executable."
    How do I correct this error, so it will run on both of my Macs??
    eMac Specs:
    1GHz, 768MB DDR, OSX 10.4.x
    Mini Specs:
    1.5GHz Core Solo, 1024MB DDR2, OSX 10.4.x
    Mac Mini Mac OS X (10.4.7) 1.5GHz Core Solo

    Here are a couple of things to check...
    First, from your screen shot it appears that the main.m file is from an older AS Studio application (ie is this a project that was originally created some time ago... perhaps under Project Builder?). The main.m file that gets included with relatively new AS Stdio apps looks like this:
    extern void ASKInitialize();
    extern int NSApplicationMain(int argc, const char *argv[]);
    int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
    So you may want to copy/paste the main.m code from a newly created AS Studio app into your (older?) existing project. I'm not sure the above problem would cause the failure to build a Universal app, but changing code in main.m may get rid of the warnings you're seeing.
    But also, the screenshot made me wonder if your target(s) needs to be converted to the newer "native" target format (this is different from the "conversion" that Xcode does to an older project file). With your project open click on Xcode's "Project" menu... is the option "Upgrade 'YourTargetName' to Native Target" or "Upgrade all Targets in Project to Native" available? If so, I think you must convert to native targets in order to build universal binaries.
    Hope this helps,

  • ASPX Bad Variant Type

    This code is simply to prove my connection to SAP is working.  So far, I'm unable to get it to work without getting the "Bad Variant Type" error.
    <%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
        Dim fc As Object
        Dim sapConn As Object
        Dim PARTNERS_TAB As Object
        Dim RETURN_TAB As Object
        Dim Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS As Object
        Dim msg As String
        Dim fld_type As String
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim index As Integer
        Dim index2 As Integer
        Dim cnt_sold_to As Integer
        Dim cnt_ship_to As Integer
        Dim retcd As Integer
        msg = "start" & "<BR>"
        fc = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
        fc.LogLevel = 9
        fc.LogFileName = "C:temperrors.txt"
        sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.Logoncontrol.1")
        fc.Connection = sapConn.NewConnection()
        'Pass the name of the system
        fc.Connection.System = "TST"
        fc.Connection.SystemNumber = "02"
        'Pass the name of the Server
        fc.Connection.ApplicationServer = ""
        'Pass the name of the Client
        fc.Connection.client = 100
        'Pass the name of the USER
        fc.Connection.user = "username"
        'Pass the name of the Password
        fc.Connection.Password = "password"
        'Pass the name of the Language
        fc.Connection.language = "EN"
        'Log On to the SAP System
        retcd = fc.Connection.Logon(0, True)
        If (retcd = False) Then
            msg = msg & "SAP Logon Failed." & "<BR>"
            msg = msg & "logon success / setting vars" & "<BR>"
            Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS.Exports("SOLDTO_NAME") = "Customer Name"
            Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS.Exports("SHIPTO_NAME") = "Customer Name"
            Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS.Exports("SHIPTO_STATE") = "NJ"
            msg = msg & "calling func" & "<BR>"
            If (Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS.Call() <> True) Then
                msg = msg & "func fail" & "<BR>"
                msg = msg & "func success" & "<BR>"
                fld_type = RETURN_TAB.Value("TYPE")
                If ((fld_type = "M") Or (fld_type = "N")) Then
                    msg = msg & fld_type & " " & RETURN_TAB.Value("MESSAGE") & "<BR>"
                    msg = msg & "parameters are correct <BR>"
                    ' Results
                    count = PARTNERS_TAB.Rows.Count
                    msg = msg & "partner rows: " & CStr(count) & "<BR>"
                    If (count > 2) Then ' we have more than one soldto or shipto
                        cnt_sold_to = 0
                        cnt_ship_to = 0
                        For index = 1 To PARTNERS_TAB.Rows.Count
                            If (PARTNERS_TAB.Value(index, "PARTN_ROLE") = "AG") Then
                                cnt_sold_to = cnt_sold_to + 1 ' PARTN_ROLE = "AG"
                                cnt_ship_to = cnt_ship_to + 1 ' PARTN_ROLE = "WE"
                            End If
                        Next ' go to next record in partner_tab
                        msg = msg & "sold to: " & CStr(cnt_sold_to) & " ship to: " & CStr(cnt_ship_to) & "<BR>"
                    End If ' count of partners_tab > 2 we *may* need to do something about it here - fix me
                    msg = msg & "<table>"
                    For index = 1 To PARTNERS_TAB.Rows.count
                        msg = msg & "<tr>"
                        For index2 = 1 To 8
                            msg = msg & "<td>" & PARTNERS_TAB.Value(index, index2) & "</td>"
                        msg = msg & "</tr>"
                    msg = msg & "</table>"
                    'If ((cnt_sold_to = 1) And (cnt_ship_to = 1)) Then ' we only have one soldto and one shipto
                    '    Results.Visible = False
                    'Else ' we have more than one shipto or soldto - fix me
                End If
            End If
        End If
        msg = msg & "<br>DONE!"
    The error occurs when I make the call to fc.add.

    It seems the fc.Connection and the RETURN_TAB.Value needed (row, field) to solve the problem.
    For reasons I do not understand, I had to create a separate connection
    object and assign the handle of it to the function control handle.
    The RETURN_TAB.Value(row, field) was a syntax error on my part.
    Here is the updated, working code:
    <%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
        Dim fc As Object
        Dim sapConn As Object
        Dim PARTNERS_TAB As Object
        Dim RETURN_TAB As Object
        Dim msg As String
        Dim fld_type As String
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim index As Integer
        Dim index2 As Integer
        Dim cnt_sold_to As Integer
        Dim cnt_ship_to As Integer
        Dim retcd As Integer
        msg = "start" & "<BR>"
        fc = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
        fc.LogLevel = 9
        fc.LogFileName = "C:temperrors.txt"
        sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.Logoncontrol.1")
        Dim conn As Object = sapConn.NewConnection()
        'Pass the name of the system
        conn.System = "TST"
        conn.SystemNumber = "99"
        'Pass the name of the Server
        conn.ApplicationServer = ""
        conn.MessageServer = ""
        'Pass the name of the Client
        conn.client = 999
        'Pass the name of the USER
        conn.user = "USER_NAME"
        'Pass the name of the Password
        conn.Password = "PASSWORD"
        'Pass the name of the Language
        conn.language = "EN"
        'Log On to the SAP System
        retcd = conn.Logon(0, True)
        If (retcd = False) Then
            msg = msg & "SAP Logon Failed." & "<BR>"
             fc.Connection.ConnectionHandle = conn.ConnectionHandle
            msg = msg & "logon success / setting vars" & "<BR>"
            Dim Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS As Object = fc.Add("Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS")
            Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS.Exports("SHIPTO_STATE") = "ZZ"
            msg = msg & "calling func" & "<BR>"
            If (Z_BAPI_FIND_CUSTOMERS.Call() <> True) Then
                msg = msg & "func fail" & "<BR>"
                msg = msg & "func success" & "<BR>"
                fld_type = RETURN_TAB.Value(1,"TYPE")
                If ((fld_type = "M") Or (fld_type = "N")) Then
                    msg = msg & fld_type & " " & RETURN_TAB.Value(1,"MESSAGE") & "<BR>"
                    msg = msg & "parameters are correct <BR>"
                    ' Results
                    count = PARTNERS_TAB.Rows.Count
                    msg = msg & "partner rows: " & CStr(count) & "<BR>"
                    If (count > 2) Then ' we have more than one soldto or shipto
                        cnt_sold_to = 0
                        cnt_ship_to = 0
                        For index = 1 To PARTNERS_TAB.Rows.Count
                            If (PARTNERS_TAB.Value(index, "PARTN_ROLE") = "AG") Then
                                cnt_sold_to = cnt_sold_to + 1 ' PARTN_ROLE = "AG"
                                cnt_ship_to = cnt_ship_to + 1 ' PARTN_ROLE = "WE"
                            End If
                        Next ' go to next record in partner_tab
                        msg = msg & "sold to: " & CStr(cnt_sold_to) & " ship to: " & CStr(cnt_ship_to) & "<BR>"
                    End If ' count of partners_tab > 2 we *may* need to do something about it here - fix me
                    msg = msg & "<table>"
                    For index = 1 To PARTNERS_TAB.Rows.count
                        msg = msg & "<tr>"
                        For index2 = 1 To 8
                            msg = msg & "<td>" & PARTNERS_TAB.Value(index, index2) & "</td>"
                        msg = msg & "</tr>"
                    msg = msg & "</table>"
                    'If ((cnt_sold_to = 1) And (cnt_ship_to = 1)) Then ' we only have one soldto and one shipto
                    '    Results.Visible = False
                    'Else ' we have more than one shipto or soldto - fix me
                End If
            End If
        End If
        msg = msg & "<br>DONE!"

  • RCU Database Coneection Details "Bad Packect Type"  error

    I am installing oracle soa suite, In RCU wizard, shows "Bad Packect Type" error, anybody give me a details how to i solve this issue
    I am providing following details
    Databasetype: Oracle Database
    Host: localhost
    port: 5560
    servicename: xe
    username: sys
    password: tiger
    It shows Bad packet type,In Database connection details page

    Here are some pre-RCU-run you can perform:
    1) Check if you service is up and running.
    2) Try to connect to the DB separately using a tool/IDE like SQL Developer, JDeveloper, Toad, etc.
    3) Try to run RCU from a different machine. May be there are some Port conflicts.

  • Error:arch: posix_spawnp: osascript: Bad CPU type in executable

    Hi, i am new to these issues
    I use to be able to excute my frank-cucmber on Lion and now when i move to mountain lion and I  get the following error
    error:arch: posix_spawnp: osascript: Bad CPU type in executable
    i read on the interent that mountain lion is not supporting 32 bit
    so how can  i solve the problem so 32 bit will be supported?

    You need a 64-bit version.
    32-bit will never be supported on Mountain Lion.

  • [ID 340138 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a103985540 addr=4 mmu_fsr=0

    Solaris 10 running on Sun-Fire-V490 had a panic reboot with the following messages, any one aware of what kind of panic it was and what was the cause and resolution for this? Please help me.
    Dec 14 15:35:33 ^Mpanic[cpu0]/thread=3000409f7a0:
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 340138 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a103985540 addr=4 mmu_fsr=0 occurred in mod
    ule "qlog" due to a NULL pointer dereference
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 839527 kern.notice] fsck:
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 520581 kern.notice] trap type = 0x31
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 381800 kern.notice] addr=0x4
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 101969 kern.notice] pid=15282, pc=0x7b292524, sp=0x2a103984de1, tstate=0x4414001601,
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 743441 kern.notice] g1-g7: 700de800, 770, 18c7c00, 0, 0, 1de9, 3000409f7a0
    Dec 14 15:35:33 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103985260 unix:die+78 (31, 2a103985540, 4, 0, 2a1039853
    Dec 14 15:35:33 %l4-7: 000000000181bea8 000000000181bc00 0000000000000000 0000000000000001
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103985340 unix:trap+9e0 (2a103985540, 0, 1fff, 5, 0, 1)
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000060011cb9858 0000000000000031 00
    Dec 14 15:35:33 %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 ffffffffffffe000 0000000000000005
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103985490 unix:ktl0+48 (3000409f7a0, 6001dc88e00, 13, 0
    , 0, 3000409f7a0)
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000002 0000000000001400 0000004414001601 00
    Dec 14 15:35:33 %l4-7: 00000000000060b0 00000000018ca000 0000000000000000 000002a103985540
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1039855e0 qlog:ql_open+b0 (2a103985758, 2003, 0, 700de8
    00, 0, 0)
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000180 000006001b96d478 00000600215d5460 00
    Dec 14 15:35:33 %l4-7: 0000000000000000 000000ee00000000 000006001b96d478 0000000000000000
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1039856a0 specfs:spec_open+4f8 (2a103985930, 20, 300050
    715c0, 201, 600215d5460, 0)
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000002003 000006001a10cac0 0000000000000000 00
    Dec 14 15:35:33 %l4-7: 0000000000000004 0000000000008000 0000060011c02c88 000000ee00000000
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103985760 genunix:fop_open+78 (2a103985930, 2, 30005071
    5c0, 2003, 6001a10cac0, 6001a10cac0)
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000030000c8f080 0000000000002000 0000000000000004 00
    Dec 14 15:35:33 %l4-7: 0000060010058080 0000060010058298 000000000061d636 0000000000000004
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103985810 genunix:vn_openat+500 (0, 0, 1, 0, 2003, 7fff
    Dec 14 15:35:33 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000000000002 0000000000000000 00
    Dec 14 15:35:33 %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000002000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    Mahalingam R.

    System is panicking in the qlog (QuickLog driver) kernel module which is provided by Symantec/Veritas and not Sun.

  • Panic[cpu1]/thread=30002f12060: BAD TRAP: type=31

    Sun V240 panic with t5he following output:
    # tail -f /var/adm/messages
    Sep 24 15:52:24 [] agent[21415]: [ID 695539 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:52:24 agent         *** aborting execution ***
    Sep 24 15:52:24 [] agent[21415]: [ID 695539 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:52:24 agent         *** aborting execution ***
    Sep 24 15:53:29 [] agent[23844]: [ID 440145 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:53:29 agent         syntax error in fscan+syslog.dat(1) at token '{'
    Sep 24 15:53:29 [] agent[23844]: [ID 440145 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:53:29 agent         syntax error in fscan+syslog.dat(1) at token '{'
    Sep 24 15:53:29 [] agent[23844]: [ID 617052 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:53:29 agent         *** aborting execution ***
    Sep 24 15:53:29 [] agent[23844]: [ID 617052 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:53:29 agent         *** aborting execution ***
    Sep 24 15:54:35 [] agent[26272]: [ID 134417 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:54:35 agent         syntax error in fscan+syslog.dat(1) at token '{'
    Sep 24 15:54:35 [] agent[26272]: [ID 134417 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:54:35 agent         syntax error in fscan+syslog.dat(1) at token '{'
    Sep 24 15:54:35 [] agent[26272]: [ID 336262 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:54:35 agent         *** aborting execution ***
    Sep 24 15:54:35 [] agent[26272]: [ID 336262 daemon.alert] syslog   Sep 24 15:54:35 agent         *** aborting execution ***
    panic[cpu1]/thread=30002f12060: BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a100feac60 addr=20 mmu_fsr=0 occurred in module "md" due to a NULL pointer dereference
    nfsd: trap type = 0x31
    pid=10465, pc=0x12e5de0, sp=0x2a100fea501, tstate=0x9980001603, context=0x751
    g1-g7: 4, 2000, 1900000, 1fff, 1c00, 751, 30002f12060
    000002a100fea980 unix:die+78 (31, 2a100feac60, 20, 0, 2a100feaa40, 107c400)
      %l0-3: 00000000c0800000 0000000000000031 0000000001000000 0000000000002000
      %l4-7: 000000000181a570 000000000181a400 0000000000000000 0000009980001603
    000002a100feaa60 unix:trap+9d4 (2a100feac60, 0, 1fff, 5, 0, 1)
      %l0-3: 0000000000000000 00000600084af8c0 0000000000000031 0000000000001c00
      %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 ffffffffffffe000 0000000000000005
    000002a100feabb0 unix:ktl0+48 (6, 0, 20, 70, 1905348, 1905000)
      %l0-3: 0000000000000004 0000000000001400 0000009980001603 000000000101b304
      %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000000000000000 000002a100feac60
    000002a100fead00 7 (5500002004, 422, 0, ffffffff80200000, 1900000, 1)
      %l0-3: 0000000000000004 0000000000000001 0000000000000008 0000000001904800
      %l4-7: 000006000c4aadc0 000000000003ffff 000000000003fc00 0000000000000020
    000002a100feadd0 specfs:spec_fsync+fc (6000c50a500, 10000, 60007e88fe0, 3, 0, 6000c50a000)
      %l0-3: 000006000c18cb68 000006000c18cae0 0000000000002420 0000000000002000
      %l4-7: 0000000000000000 000006000c4aadc0 0000000000000000 000006000c4aadc0
    000002a100feafa0 genunix:fop_fsync+14 (6000c50a500, 10000, 60007e88fe0, f3, 0, 121cab0)
      %l0-3: 0000060004a97580 0000000000002420 0000000000002000 0000000000000003
      %l4-7: 0000060002234000 0000060004a97580 0000060004a97738 0000000000000062
    000002a100feb050 nfssrv:rfs3_mknod+30c (2a100feb110, 2a100feb398, 600049e4840, 2a100feb3a0, 60007e88fe0, 2a100feb1a0)
      %l0-3: 00000000ffffffff 0000060004ef8c00 ffffffffffffffff 0000000000002004
      %l4-7: 0000000000000055 000002a100feb1a0 000002a100feb568 000002a100feb228
    000002a100feb2b0 nfssrv:common_dispatch+444 (2a100feb698, 6000ac8fa80, 0, 600049e4840, 705a01b8, 7b32e4d4)
      %l0-3: 0000000000001000 000000007059eb90 000000000000000b 000002a100feb398
      %l4-7: 0000060007e88fe0 0000000000000000 0000000001901df8 000002a100feb398
    000002a100feb5d0 rpcmod:svc_getreq+1c8 (6000ac8fa80, 60002324800, 6000b5501d0, 6000102dc80, 1902560, 6000b550040)
      %l0-3: 0000000000000000 000006000b550040 0000000000000000 000006000ac8fad4
      %l4-7: 0000060005218fc0 000000007b3271bc 0000000001872800 000006000b550360
    000002a100feb720 rpcmod:svc_run+198 (6000b837980, 0, 0, 0, 6000b8379b8, 1)
      %l0-3: 00000600084af8c0 000006000b8379c8 000006000ac8fa80 000006000102dc80
      %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000000000000c 0000060002324800
    000002a100feb7d0 nfs:nfssys+1c4 (c, 1, 7b2b3800, c, 1f8, 30)
      %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000cb050000 000000000000cb05
      %l4-7: 0000000000000001 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000007b2b3938
    syncing file systems... [1] 46 [1] 11 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 [1] 4 done (not all i/o completed)
    dumping to /dev/md/dsk/d20, offset 859701248, content: kernel
    100% done: 64894 pages dumped, compression ratio 5.02, dump succeeded
    SC Alert: Host System has Reset
    @(#)OBP 4.16.2 2004/10/04 18:22 Sun Fire V210/V240,Netra 240
    Clearing TLBs
    Loading Configuration
    Membase: 0000.0012.0000.0000
    MemSize: 0000.0000.4000.0000
    Init CPU arrays Done
    Init E$ tags Done
    Setup TLB Done
    MMUs ON
    Scrubbing Tomatillo tags... 0 1
    Block Scrubbing Done
    Find dropin, Copying Done, Size 0000.0000.0000.6cb0
    PC = 0000.07ff.f000.5ba8
    PC = 0000.0000.0000.5c58
    Find dropin, (copied), Decompressing Done, Size 0000.0000.0006.6870
    Diagnostic console initialized
    System Reset: CPU Reset
    Probing system devices
    jbus at 0,0 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIIi (1503 MHz @ 9:1, 1 MB) memory-controller
    jbus at 1,0 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIIi (1503 MHz @ 9:1, 1 MB) memory-controller
    jbus at 1f,0 pci
    jbus at 1e,0 pci
    jbus at 1c,0 pci
    jbus at 1d,0 pci
    Loading Support Packages: kbd-translator obp-tftp SUNW,i2c-ram-device SUNW,fru-device SUNW,asr
    Loading onboard drivers:
    /pci@1e,600000: Device 7 isa
    /pci@1e,600000/isa@7: flashprom rtc i2c power serial serial serial rmc-comm
    /pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320: i2c-bridge i2c-bridge motherboard-fru-prom chassis-fru-prom power-supply-fru-prom power-supply-fru-prom dimm-spd dimm-spd dimm-spd dimm-spd dimm-spd dimm-spd dimm-spd dimm-spd rscrtc nvram idprom gpio gpio gpio gpio gpio gpio
    Probing memory
    CPU 0 Bank 0 base          0 size 2048 MB
    CPU 0 Bank 1 base  100000000 size 2048 MB
    CPU 0 Bank 2 base  200000000 size 2048 MB
    CPU 0 Bank 3 base  300000000 size 2048 MB
    CPU 1 Bank 0 base 1000000000 size 1024 MB
    CPU 1 Bank 2 base 1200000000 size 1024 MB
    ChassisSerialNumber FN54050325
    Probing I/O buses
    /pci@1d,700000: Device 2 network network
    /pci@1f,700000: Device 2 network network
    /pci@1e,600000: Device 6 pmu i2c gpio
    /pci@1e,600000: Device a usb
    /pci@1e,600000: Device d ide disk cdrom
    /pci@1e,600000: Device 2 Nothing there
    /pci@1e,600000: Device 3 SUNW,qlc fp disk
    /pci@1c,600000: Device 2 scsi disk tape scsi disk tape
    /pci@1c,600000: Device 1 Nothing there
    /pci@1d,700000: Device 1 SUNW,qlc fp disk
    BNZ - Bank of New Zealand
    Rebooting with command: boot
    Boot device: disk0:a  File and args:
    Loading ufs-file-system package 1.4 04 Aug 1995 13:02:54.
    FCode UFS Reader 1.12 00/07/17 15:48:16.
    Loading: /platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240/ufsboot
    Loading: /platform/sun4u/ufsboot
    SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_127111-05 64-bit
    Copyright 1983-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    SC Alert: SC Request to send Break to host.
    Type  'go' to resume
    {1} ok
    {1} okSystem can be boot into single user mode but fails when moved to multi-user mode.
    Any ideas?

    This looks like it could be bug 6614416.
    See [Sun Alert 241066|] .

  • BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a1002b75b0 addr=d10198 mmu_fsr=0 occurred in module "

    My solaris recently encounter kernel panic and reboot.
    I suspect it is hardware problem, but I am not sure, could anybody know this problem kindly give some suggestion?
    Following are messages:
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 340138 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a1002b75b0 addr=d10198 mmu_fsr=0 occurred in module "genunix" due to an illegal access to a user address
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 839527 kern.notice] fsck:
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 520581 kern.notice] trap type = 0x31
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 381800 kern.notice] addr=0xd10198
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 101969 kern.notice] pid=70, pc=0x1011c664, sp=0x2a1002b6e51, tstate=0x9900001601, context=0x100a
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 743441 kern.notice] g1-g7: d10000, 10149400, 3000079f5f8, 0, 30000fb0710, 0, 30000f3ede0
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b71c0 unix:die+80 (31, d10198, 10415298, 0, 2a1002b75b0, f65e6000)
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000008 0000000000000000 00000000ff3dee48 000000000001ec58
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 00000000ff29f7ac 00000000ff3df9dc 00000000ff21bb60 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b72a0 unix:trap+8b8 (d10000, 1, 5, 0, 2a1002b75b0, 0)
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000001 0000000000000000 0000030001029538 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000000000000031 0000030000f3ca58 0000000000010000 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b73e0 unix:sfmmu_tsb_miss+66c (10429b30, 0, 3000004df88, 0, 3000004df88, 19)
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000d10000 0000000000000004 0000030000f3ca58 000003100003f160
    Nov 17 10:05:34 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000000000d10000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000c00003
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b7500 unix:prom_rtt+0 (37, 370, 37, 0, 300000132c0, 3000079f5f8)
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000002 0000000000001400 0000009900001601 000000001001a8ac
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 000000000000000b 000002a1002b75b0
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 562518 kern.notice] 000002a1002b7650 ffffffffffffffff (1046d620, d10198, 20, 0, 0, 30000fb0710)
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000008800000003 0000030000e880a0 0000000000000003
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000008800000003 0000030001229938 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b7700 genunix:turnstile_block+20c (d10000, 0, 10410108, 30001029538, 0, 30000d1ade0)
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000010047a14 0000030000f3ca58 000003000079f5c8 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000000010410108 0000000000000000 0000030000f3ede0 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b77d0 unix:mutex_vector_enter+374 (30000d1ade0, 10415fc8, 10424d10, 0, 1, 0)
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: fffffff078fd3246 0000030000d1ade0 000000001041c380 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:35 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000000000d10000 0000000000d10000 0000030000f11330 0000030000fb0718
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b7890 genunix:dnlc_purge_vfsp+9c (2a1002b7940, 1043ac64, 1046c3c8, 1042fa88, 0, 30000d1ade0)
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000030000d1add0 0000000000000000 0000030000793908 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000030000d19120 0000000000000000 0000030000d1adb8 00000000ff3dc890
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b7980 genunix:dounmount+c (30000793908, 0, 300007a7f28, 30001228d78, 30000fb0710, 30000fb0818)
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000010099b7c 0000000000000000 00000000ff3dee48 000000000001ec58
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 00000000ff29f7ac 00000000ff3df9dc 00000000ff21bb60 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a1002b7a30 genunix:umount2+130 (30000793908, 0, 1fbd8, 303ec, 3247c, 0)
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice] %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 672855 kern.notice] syncing file systems...
    Nov 17 10:05:36 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 904073 kern.notice] done
    Nov 17 10:05:37 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 353387 kern.notice] dumping to /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1, offset 1048707072
    Nov 17 10:05:42 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 409368 kern.notice] ^M100% done: 8076 pages dumped, compression ratio 6.53,
    Nov 17 10:05:42 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 851671 kern.notice] dump succeeded
    Nov 17 10:06:31 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_117350-07 64-bit
    Nov 17 10:06:31 ASB_sim_1_1_5 genunix: [ID 913632 kern.notice] Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

    I debug the core file and got following info:
    YJISSG1_sim_1_1_12 SIM009:> mdb -k unix.2 vmcore.2
    Loading modules: [ unix krtld genunix ip usba ]
    ::statusdebugging crash dump vmcore.2 (64-bit) from ASB_sim_1_1_5
    operating system: 5.8 Generic_117350-07 (sun4u)
    panic message:
    BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a1002b75b0 addr=d10198 mmu_fsr=0 occurred in module "genunix" due to an illegal access to a user address
    $C000002a1002b6e51 turnstile_interlock+4(1046d620, d10198, 20, 0, 0, 30000fb0710)
    000002a1002b6f01 turnstile_block+0x20c(d10000, 0, 10410108, 30001029538, 0,
    000002a1002b6fd1 mutex_vector_enter+0x374(30000d1ade0, 10415fc8, 10424d10, 0, 1, 0)
    000002a1002b7091 dnlc_purge_vfsp+0x9c(2a1002b7940, 1043ac64, 1046c3c8, 1042fa88, 0, 30000d1ade0)
    000002a1002b7181 dounmount+0xc(30000793908, 0, 300007a7f28, 30001228d78,
    30000fb0710, 30000fb0818)
    000002a1002b7231 umount2+0x130(30000793908, 0, 1fbd8, 303ec, 3247c, 0)
    000002a1002b72f1 syscall_trap32+0xa8(32638, 0, 1fbd8, 303ec, 3247c, 0)

  • Bad packet type

    I am running a JAVA applet which connects to Oracle. When I run the applet on my local machine with a local Oracle database everything runs fine. When I change the connect string and move it to the production server and then try to acces it through the browser on my machine I get the error "java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Bad packet type". Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks. Glenn...

    Hope you are making sure that the applet and HTML page is being served out from the same machine that has the Oracle Database. You may even run into a security error if one is referenced by IP and one by server name.

  • Bad record type(60) or version (63.120)

    Hi all
    I'm developing a java me xmpp client and when I try to create a secure socket connection I get the following error: java. io.IOException: Bad record type(60) or version (63.120). I have searched in many places but I don´t find any answer about that problem. Can anybody help me?

    Thank you for the quick response.
    I tried that, I can connect so wls:/offline> nmConnect('weblogic','password','','5556','ClassicDomain','/u0/app/oracle/product/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain');
    Connecting to Node Manager ...
    Successfully Connected to Node Manager.
    but on
    Starting server AdminServer ...
    Error Starting server AdminServer: weblogic.nodemanager.NMException: Exception while starting server 'AdminServer'
    wls:/nm/ClassicDomain> nmStart(serverName="AdminServer",domainDir="/u0/app/oracle/product/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain")
    Starting server AdminServer ...
    Error Starting server AdminServer: weblogic.nodemanager.NMException: Exception while starting server 'AdminServer'
    And the AdminServer log shows security authentication error. Wondering why since I am not entering password when I do nmStart?
    Do you have an idea?
    Thank you

  • BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a1038db1d0 addr=2a76a463fc4 mmu_fsr=0

    Hi Team, My server is rebooting again and again with below Panic errors i didnt get any solution for that please help Apr 20 05:15:14 bovs1a unix: [ID 836849 kern.notice] Apr 20 05:15:14 bovs1a ^Mpanic[cpu1]/thread=3000d29fa60: Apr 20 05:15:14 bovs1a unix: [ID 799565 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a103aa11d0 addr=2a759bbbfc4 mmu_fsr=0 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 839527 kern.notice] oracle: Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 520581 kern.notice] trap type = 0x31 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 381800 kern.notice] addr=0x2a759bbbfc4 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 101969 kern.notice] pid=5340, pc=0x12d6378, sp=0x2a103aa0a71, tstate=0x4480001601, context=0x1889 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 743441 kern.notice] g1-g7: 1fc0, ffffffff00001fff, ffffe000, 60030b62000, 60012134100, 1889, 3000d29fa60 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa0ef0 unix:die+9c (31, 2a103aa11d0, 2a759bbbfc4, 0, 2a103aa0fb0, f4162004) Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000001fff 0000000000000031 0000000001000000 0000000000002000 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000100000 000006001ac61a38 0000000000000000 00000000010a5c00 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa0fd0 unix:trap+9e0 (2a103aa11d0, 0, 1fff, 503, 2a759bba000, 1) Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 000006001ac61a38 0000000000000031 0000000000001c00 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 ffffffffffffe000 0000000000000003 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1120 unix:ktl0+48 (6002c2a38c0, 2a759bac000, ffc0, 3000ef50af8, 69, 1) Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000002 0000000000001400 0000004480001601 000000000101c23c Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000060030b62000 00000000000667f9 0000000000000000 000002a103aa11d0 Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1270 ufs:ufs_dirlook+870 (2a759bbbfc0, 2a103aa1680, 3000db3d880, 36, ffc0, ffc0) Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000080000000 0000000000000001 000003000eb9c940 Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000000000000000 000000000000000c Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa13b0 ufs:ufs_lookup+290 (3000eb9c940, 2a103aa1680, 2a103aa1678, 0, 0, 0) Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000038 000006002b4bb290 0000000000000056 000003000db3d880 Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000080000000 0000000000000002 0000000000003006 0000000000000000 Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1490 genunix:fop_lookup+28 (3000eb9c940, 2a103aa1680, 2a103aa1678, 12e6710, 0, 3000163e000) Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 000006002fae5540 0000000000000004 0000000000000003 Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000006ecbf59 0000000006ecbf58 000006002f3291b8 000003000004cb80 Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1550 genunix:lookuppnvp+354 (2a103aa1940, 0, 0, 2a103aa1678, 2a103aa1680, 600104b9a40) Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 00000000018b14a0 000003000eb9c940 0000000000000001 0000000000000000 Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 000006002b4bb290 00000600104b9a40 0000000000000000 0000000000000002 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1790 genunix:lookuppnat+120 (600104b9a40, 0, 1, 0, 2a103aa1ad8, 0) Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000095 000000000000002f 00000600104b9a40 0000000000000094 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: 000000000000005d 0000000000000076 000006002b4bb290 000002a103aa1940 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1850 genunix:lookupnameat+a8 (0, 0, 1, 0, 2a103aa1ad8, 0) Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 000000000000000a 0000000109a2ce98 0000000000000000 00000001086ac000 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: ffffffff7fff637c 000002a103aa1940 ffffffff7fff7e30 00000000018b1400 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1960 genunix:cstatat_getvp+198 (ffd19400, ffffffff7fff637c, 1, 1, 2a103aa1ad8, 0) Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: ffffffffffd19553 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000040000004 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 00000000018b1400 000000001c000000 000006002b4bb290 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1a20 genunix:cstatat+40 (ffffffffffd19553, ffffffff7fff637c, 1000, ffffffff7fff62f0, 0, 10) Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 000002a103aa1ad0 0000000000000001 0000000000000001 Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 000002a103aa1ad8 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 Apr 20 05:15:18 bovs1a unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] Apr 20 05:15:18 bovs1a genunix: [ID 672855 kern.notice] syncing file systems... Apr 20 05:15:18 bovs1a genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  36 Apr 20 05:15:20 bovs1a genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  23 Apr 20 05:15:22 bovs1a genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  1 Apr 20 05:15:50 bovs1a last message repeated 20 times Apr 20 05:15:51 bovs1a genunix: [ID 622722 kern.notice]  done (not all i/o completed) Apr 20 05:15:52 bovs1a genunix: [ID 111219 kern.notice] dumping to /dev/md/dsk/d31, offset 859701248, content: kernel Apr 20 05:16:31 bovs1a genunix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] Apr 20 05:16:31 bovs1a genunix: [ID 665016 kern.notice] ^M100% done: 125520 pages dumped, Apr 20 05:16:31 bovs1a genunix: [ID 851671 kern.notice] dump succeeded Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147440-12 64-bit Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 459285 kern.notice] Copyright (c) 1983, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 678236] Ethernet address = 0:14:4f:37:eb:a5 Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a unix: [ID 673563] NOTICE: Kernel Cage is ENABLED Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a unix: [ID 389951] mem = 8388608K (0x200000000) Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a unix: [ID 930857] avail mem = 8362508288 Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a rootnex: [ID 466748] root nexus = Sun Fire V440 Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a rootnex: [ID 349649] pseudo0 at root Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 936769] pseudo0 is /pseudo Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a rootnex: [ID 349649] scsi_vhci0 at root Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 936769] scsi_vhci0 is /scsi_vhci Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a rootnex: [ID 349649] pcisch3 at root: SAFARI 0x1f 0x700000 Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 936769] pcisch3 is /pci@1f,700000 Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2 (mpt0): Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a  initiator SCSI ID now 7 Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2 (mpt0): Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a  Rev. 7 LSI, Inc. 1030 found. Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2 (mpt0): Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a  mpt0 supports power management. Apr 20 05:18:32 bovs1a scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2 (mpt0): Apr 20 05:18:32 bovs1a  mpt0 Firmware version v1.3.30.22 (IM/IME) Apr 20 05:18:32 bovs1a scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2 (mpt0): Apr 20 05:18:32 bovs1a  mpt0: IOC Operational. Apr 20 05:18:50 bovs1a pcisch: [ID 370704] PCI-device: scsi@2, mpt0 Apr 20 05:18:50 bovs1a genunix: [ID 936769] mpt0 is /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2 Apr 20 05:18:50 bovs1a scsi: [ID 583861] sd1 at mpt0: unit-address 0,0: target 0 lun 0 Apr 20 05:18:50 bovs1a genunix: [ID 936769] sd1 is /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/sd@0,0 Apr 20 05:18:50 bovs1a genunix: [ID 408114] /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/sd@0,0 (sd1) online Apr 20 05:18:55 bovs1a swapgeneric: [ID 308332] root on /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/disk@0,0:a fstype ufs

    Please format the error messages properly next time so that it is more readable.
    Apr 20 05:15:14 bovs1a unix: [ID 836849 kern.notice]
    Apr 20 05:15:14 bovs1a ^Mpanic[cpu1]/thread=3000d29fa60:
    Apr 20 05:15:14 bovs1a unix: [ID 799565 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a103aa11d0 addr=2a759bbbfc4 mmu_fsr=0
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 839527 kern.notice] oracle:
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 520581 kern.notice] trap type = 0x31
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 381800 kern.notice] addr=0x2a759bbbfc4
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 101969 kern.notice] pid=5340, pc=0x12d6378, sp=0x2a103aa0a71, tstate=0x4480001601, context=0x1889
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 743441 kern.notice] g1-g7: 1fc0, ffffffff00001fff, ffffe000, 60030b62000, 60012134100, 1889, 3000d29fa60
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa0ef0 unix:die+9c (31, 2a103aa11d0, 2a759bbbfc4, 0, 2a103aa0fb0, f4162004)
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000001fff 0000000000000031 0000000001000000 0000000000002000
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000100000 000006001ac61a38 0000000000000000 00000000010a5c00
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa0fd0 unix:trap+9e0 (2a103aa11d0, 0, 1fff, 503, 2a759bba000, 1)
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 000006001ac61a38 0000000000000031 0000000000001c00
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 ffffffffffffe000 0000000000000003
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1120 unix:ktl0+48 (6002c2a38c0, 2a759bac000, ffc0, 3000ef50af8, 69, 1)
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000002 0000000000001400 0000004480001601 000000000101c23c
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000060030b62000 00000000000667f9 0000000000000000 000002a103aa11d0
    Apr 20 05:15:15 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1270 ufs:ufs_dirlook+870 (2a759bbbfc0, 2a103aa1680, 3000db3d880, 36, ffc0, ffc0)
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000080000000 0000000000000001 000003000eb9c940
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000000000000000 000000000000000c
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa13b0 ufs:ufs_lookup+290 (3000eb9c940, 2a103aa1680, 2a103aa1678, 0, 0, 0)
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000038 000006002b4bb290 0000000000000056 000003000db3d880
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000080000000 0000000000000002 0000000000003006 0000000000000000
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1490 genunix:fop_lookup+28 (3000eb9c940, 2a103aa1680, 2a103aa1678, 12e6710, 0, 3000163e000)
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 000006002fae5540 0000000000000004 0000000000000003
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000006ecbf59 0000000006ecbf58 000006002f3291b8 000003000004cb80
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1550 genunix:lookuppnvp+354 (2a103aa1940, 0, 0, 2a103aa1678, 2a103aa1680, 600104b9a40)
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 00000000018b14a0 000003000eb9c940 0000000000000001 0000000000000000
    Apr 20 05:15:16 bovs1a  %l4-7: 000006002b4bb290 00000600104b9a40 0000000000000000 0000000000000002
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1790 genunix:lookuppnat+120 (600104b9a40, 0, 1, 0, 2a103aa1ad8, 0)
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000095 000000000000002f 00000600104b9a40 0000000000000094
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: 000000000000005d 0000000000000076 000006002b4bb290 000002a103aa1940
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1850 genunix:lookupnameat+a8 (0, 0, 1, 0, 2a103aa1ad8, 0)
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 000000000000000a 0000000109a2ce98 0000000000000000 00000001086ac000
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: ffffffff7fff637c 000002a103aa1940 ffffffff7fff7e30 00000000018b1400
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1960 genunix:cstatat_getvp+198 (ffd19400, ffffffff7fff637c, 1, 1, 2a103aa1ad8, 0)
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: ffffffffffd19553 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000040000004
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 00000000018b1400 000000001c000000 000006002b4bb290
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 723222 kern.notice] 000002a103aa1a20 genunix:cstatat+40 (ffffffffffd19553, ffffffff7fff637c, 1000, ffffffff7fff62f0, 0, 10)
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a genunix: [ID 179002 kern.notice]  %l0-3: 0000000000000000 000002a103aa1ad0 0000000000000001 0000000000000001
    Apr 20 05:15:17 bovs1a  %l4-7: 0000000000000000 000002a103aa1ad8 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    Apr 20 05:15:18 bovs1a unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Apr 20 05:15:18 bovs1a genunix: [ID 672855 kern.notice] syncing file systems... Apr 20 05:15:18 bovs1a genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  36
    Apr 20 05:15:20 bovs1a genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  23
    Apr 20 05:15:22 bovs1a genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  1 Apr 20 05:15:50 bovs1a last message repeated 20 times
    Apr 20 05:15:51 bovs1a genunix: [ID 622722 kern.notice]  done (not all i/o completed)
    Apr 20 05:15:52 bovs1a genunix: [ID 111219 kern.notice] dumping to /dev/md/dsk/d31, offset 859701248, content: kernel
    Apr 20 05:16:31 bovs1a genunix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] Apr 20 05:16:31 bovs1a genunix: [ID 665016 kern.notice] ^M100% done: 125520 pages dumped,
    Apr 20 05:16:31 bovs1a genunix: [ID 851671 kern.notice] dump succeeded
    Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147440-12 64-bit
    Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 459285 kern.notice] Copyright (c) 1983, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a genunix: [ID 678236] Ethernet address = 0:14:4f:37:eb:a5 Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a unix: [ID 673563] NOTICE: Kernel Cage is ENABLED
    Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a unix: [ID 389951] mem = 8388608K (0x200000000)
    Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a unix: [ID 930857] avail mem = 8362508288
    Apr 20 05:18:23 bovs1a rootnex: [ID 466748] root nexus = Sun Fire V440
    This look like a panic in UFS ufs_dirlook() in accessing fbuf structure.
    There is a recent bug that was closed as not reproduceable whicvh is similar to this panic.
    I will recommend that you open a new Service Request with Oracle Support and provide explorer result along with
    the crash dump to  Oracle Support for further investigation. Thanks.

  • [Solved]{scheme} Error: (/) bad argument type: # unspecified

    I'm working through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, and I've run into some behaviour I don't understand.
    The code:
    (define (average x y)
    (/ (+ x y) 2))
    (define (refine r g)
    (print "["r"]["g"]")
    (average (/ r g) g))
    (define (sqrt-guess rad guess)
    (define oldguess guess)
    (define guess (refine rad guess)) # problem line
    (if (= oldguess guess)
    (sqrt-guess rad guess)))
    It seems that when refine is called in the problem line the second argument is not being 'received' as I would expect.
    #;1> (sqrt-guess 9 1)
    Error: (/) bad argument type: #<unspecified>
    Call history:
    <syntax> (sqrt-guess 9 1)
    <eval> (sqrt-guess 9 1)
    <eval> [sqrt-guess] (refine r g)
    <eval> [refine] (print "[" r "][" g "]")
    <eval> [refine] (average (/ r g) g)
    <eval> [refine] (/ r g) <--
    I tried (define guess (refine rad oldguess)), same outcome. At this point, I figure it's some consequence of applicative-order processing that I don't understand. But things got more interesting when I added a standalone call to refine:
    (define (sqrt-guess rad guess)
    (define oldguess guess)
    (refine rad oldguess) # new line
    (define guess (refine rad oldguess)) # (define guess (refine rad guess)) also works
    (if (= oldguess guess)
    (sqrt-guess rad guess)))
    Now the code runs as expected and returns an answer. However, if I change "oldguess" to "guess" in the first refine line:
    (define (sqrt-guess rad guess)
    (define oldguess guess)
    (refine rad guess)
    (define guess (refine rad oldguess)) # (define guess (refine rad guess)) also fails
    (if (= oldguess guess)
    (sqrt-guess rad guess)))
    the original error re-occurrs. In every case the 'standalone' call to refine gets both arguments as expected; it's the one in "define guess" that has issues.
    I'm not looking for help fixing the code, but for an explanation/breakdown of what's going on. Thanks.
    Last edited by alphaniner (2013-06-20 13:20:34)

    I believe that redefining 'guess' is confusing the compiler.
    You're right. That was my first thought too, but I swear I tried something like (define foo (refine rad guess)) which didn't work either. I just tried it again and it works just fine.
    I haven't been introduced to let yet, and the way it's parenthesized I don't really understand how it works. I think of let in bash terms (ie. let x++) so maybe that's my problem. Anyway, I'll wait 'till I come across it in the text.
    Using your suggestions I got it to work using only stuff I know:
    (define (sqrt-guess rad guess)
    (define newguess (refine rad guess))
    (if (= newguess guess)
    (sqrt-guess rad newguess)))
    Definitely cleaner. Thanks!

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