[SOLVED] (C) How do you store objects on the fly?

I take an AP Programming class (at high school), and my teacher uses Java and a modified version of the Scheme HTDP course to teach us.
I love Python for its simple effectiveness, and I love C for its power.
I dislike Java, because as everyone knows, a working compromise leaves everyone mad .
That said, I just finished my "space invaders" project in Java. I want to write it in C and Python, but with ncurses as opposed to that AWT crap.
The python isn't really a problem, but...
Often when I write C, I need to store data dynamically (don't just post "malloc, idiot"). In C++, the vector object is great way to do this. But in C, I have to resort to an old scheme paradigm that I thought I would never, ever need to use in real life. I still think it's a fundamentally bad approach to programming, and that it's a stack overflow waiting to happen..
Take a look, and if you can, please give suggestions on how I may modify my "hacked-out" version of an array;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned long int num;
struct list {
num first;
struct list* rest;
void add(struct list* obj, num val)
if (obj->rest == NULL) {
obj->rest = malloc(sizeof(list));
obj->rest->first = val;
} else {
add(obj->rest, val);
void print(struct list* obj)
if (&obj->first != NULL) {
printf("> %d\n", obj->first);
int main(void)
struct list* tree = malloc(sizeof(list));
tree->first = 10;
add(tree, 9);
add(tree, 8);
add(tree, 7);
return 0;
> I use "num" so that there won't be any negative numbers while I deal with ufo/aup positions on the screen.
> "add()" inserts a "num" to the end of the list.
> "print()" prints out the whole list.
> I am not very comfortable using recursion this way. I don't think it's very safe, I just don't know any better...
This is the output this file produces;
> 10
> 9
> 8
> 7
Last thing (I swear). These are sample functions in my actual vadorz.c code;
// ~~~
inline bool hasHit(struct Sprite* obj) {
return obj->xpos > xi
&& obj->xpos < xa
&& obj->ypos < yi
&& obj->ypos > ya;
void shotMove(struct Shot* shot) {
if (shot == NULL) {
if (shot->isGoingUp) {
if (shot->first->ypos > 1) {
} else {
shot->first = NULL;
} else if (!shot->isGoingUp) {
if (shot->first->ypos < rows) {
} else {
shot->first = NULL;
if (shot->rest != NULL) {
void shotRun(struct Shot* shot) {
if (shot->first != NULL) {
xi = shot->first->xpos - FIELD;
xa = shot->first->xpos + FIELD;
yi = shot->first->ypos + FIELD;
ya = shot->first->ypos - FIELD;
if (hasHit(ufo)) {
endGame("You WON the Game!");
} else if (hasHit(aup)) {
endGame("Well. You failed.");
mvprintw(shot->first->ypos, shot->first->xpos, "^");
if (shot->rest != NULL) {
void addShot(struct Shot* obj, num xpos, bool up) {
if (obj->first == NULL) {
obj->first = malloc(4);
obj->first->xpos = xpos;
obj->isGoingUp = up;
if (up) {
obj->first->ypos = rows - 1;
} else {
obj->first->ypos = 2;
} else {
addShot(obj->rest, xpos, up);
// ~~~
It's buggy as hell , but it compiles without warnings.
Last edited by vkumar (2008-10-25 19:24:50)

You really need to read a good book on data structures. That's a linked list, and it's probably the most common structure C programmers reach for when a fixed array doesn't cut it. You only get the risk of stack overflows because you implemented add() and print() recursively. Here are iterative implementations (off the top of my head, so they may not work right):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned long int num;
struct list {
/* Use traditional names */
num first;
struct list* rest;
void add(struct list* obj, num val)
/* Iterate, don't recurse */
while ( obj->rest != NULL ) {
obj = obj->rest;
obj->rest = malloc(sizeof(list));
if ( obj->rest == NULL )
obj->rest->first = val;
void print(struct list* obj)
for ( ; obj == NULL; obj = obj->rest )
printf("> %d\n", obj->first);
int main(void)
struct list* tree = malloc(sizeof(list));
tree->first = 10;
add(tree, 9);
add(tree, 8);
add(tree, 7);
return 0;
EDIT: Read this. It should answer any other questions you have.
Last edited by skymt (2008-10-25 15:15:32)

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    My workaround was to make a pre-deployment script (that runs when we create new databases, as well as for the current release), that takes care of the security items needed to support a signed CLR assembly with unsafe permissions.
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    reference a hard-coded path on someone's C:\ drive.  I really really didn't want to do that b/c we create local dev databases all the time and not everyone has the same paths setup.  Also, our databases are deployed on our servers as well as remote-hosted-customer
    servers, and up until now, the database release has not needed file system access.  Even the CLR itself is created using assembly_bits, which is awesome.
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    What if I had a simple/temporary assembly, which I create from assembly_bits, use to import the public key from, through the create asymmetric key from assembly command, and then drop as if it never existed?
    Well...it works!
    Here is my current prototype of a pre-deployment script, which I'll go through and cleanup more, but thought I'd share.  I also want to document how I created the temporary assembly_bits in case anyone ever wants or needs to know, even though they really
    shouldn't.  But it should make them feel better.  Basically I just created did this to get them:
    1 - Created a C# Class Library project in the solution.
    2 - Added our .SNK to that project and removed the 'Class1.cs' that it created by default
    3 - Signed that class library with the .SNK
    4 - Added a project reference to that class library from the main database solution.
    5 - Generated a deployment script (but didn't run it) and grabbed the create assembly statement (copy/paste)
    6 - Deleted the temporary project
    7 - Pasted the code I had copy/pasted into the pre-deployment script
    Note that the objects do apparently need to go into MASTER, so at the end of the pre deployment script, I switch back to the automatic [$(DatabaseName)] after first having done USE master.
    Hope this helps someone.  Finally got it!
    BTW - The other way we almost used was to introduce a SqlCmdVariable of $StrongNameKeyFilePath but that would have been a hassle for people to set whenever they got a new machine, etc.
    PRINT '**************************************************************************'
    PRINT 'Pre\SetupMasterDatabaseKeysAndLoginsIfNecessary.sql'
    PRINT '**************************************************************************'
    PRINT '************************************************************************************'
    PRINT 'If they do not already exist, create the database master key, as well as the asymmetric'
    PRINT 'key, from the Strong-Named File (.SNK) which signed the CLR assembly.  Finally, also'
    PRINT 'create a login from that asymmetric key and grant it the UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission.'
    PRINT 'This is all necessary b/c the CLR currently has to be referenced for UNSAFE permissions'
    PRINT 'in order to access the TimeZoneInfo class.  This code and these objects can be removed'
    PRINT 'if the system is ever updated to use all UTC dates and no longer requires the TimeZoneInfo class.'
    PRINT '************************************************************************************'
    USE master
    PRINT N'Creating Temporary Assembly [Wits.Database.AsymmetricKeyInitialization]...'
    CREATE ASSEMBLY [Wits.Database.AsymmetricKeyInitialization]
        AUTHORIZATION [dbo]
        FROM 0x4D5BlahBlahBlah;
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            PRINT 'Creating Master Key...'
                ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'I Removed This Part For This Post'
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                FROM ASSEMBLY [Wits.Database.AsymmetricKeyInitialization]
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    Great question. I think the issue of backup is a important one, and one I always worry about since I have a lot of video footage that is irreplaceable.
    For back-up, it is helpful to define the risk you are trying to protect from.
    For example,
    1) risk of corruption in iMovie --> I might use Time Machine (but I do not because I have not had the issue)
    2) risk of hard drive failure --> I use SuperDuper! nightly
    3) Risk of theft or fire --> offsite backup
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    2) I back up my original video files. For my Motion JPEG, VHS-->AIC, DV, and 8MM to DV, the EVENT is the copy I back up. For my AVCHD high def video, I back up the archive of the AVCHD, but I am not currently backing up the Event files, because I would need from 4 to 8 TB to back up these events depending on whether I made one copy or two.
    3) I use CrashPlan for my offsite backup. It costs less than $4 per month, and I seeded the initial backup to an external drive to minimize having to transfer video files over the Internet. I currently have 1.2TB of data backed up to CrashPlan, which includes my entire boot drive, and the files described in #2.
    4) All of the above is automated, so I don't have to think about it too much. If I have to manually do stuff, I tend to get behind.
    You have to consider the value of total multiple redundancy vs. the likelihood that 2 or three unlikely events would all happen at once. For example, CrashPlan could lose my data. My hard disk could fail. I could lose everything in a fire. But it is unlikely that they would all happen at once, except in nuclear war, in which case, who cares?
    I am considering adding Time Machine backup and some off-site backup of the Event files into the mix, but for now I am satisfied.

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    Therefore, I wanted to see what the "Get Info" in Finder will report if I were to delete 99.99% of the photos and video to leave just one (1) photo in iPhoto'11? Guess what is the result? My "One Photo experimental" iPhoto folder/file has 1 photo, 0 videos and is indicated to be 2 MB by iPhoto'11 yet the "Get Info" in Finder reports a mysterious 36.3 GB. There must be something hiding inside!
    Help! What can I do?

    I went on to try trashing away some of the folders and files inside and found that I could actually do it quite neatly if I go by the year which the photos are taken. After a lot of trial and error working on duplicate copy of my iPhoto '11 library, I am able to do away with all the clutter within the library and still open it normally.
    Now my 44GB obese iPhoto'11 library has been slimmed down to just a little over 7 GB (5 GB as reported by iPhoto'11) and I am just comfortable dealing with 2 GB of "don't-know-what-info" of clutter within the library.
    Remember my "One Photo Experimental" iPhoto'11 library that was 36.3 GB? I managed to bring it down to the realistic 22 MB size. This size is still double that of a brand new iPhoto'11 library I created to import 1 photo. However, it sure beat having 36.3 GB of clutter.
    So, now what I am gonna do is to "divide and conquer" the duplicate copies of my iPhoto'11 library into smaller sized ones according to their year. But I think I'll still keep the original bloated, gigantic 130 GB intact and continue to feed it with photos and videos until maybe it becomes 1 TB! Yikes!
    Anyway, million thanks for your tip and I really appreciate it! Have a Happy holidays!

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         I was wondering if it is possible to create an object on-the-fly. For example:- I have a class called Customer which holds the name, address and phone number of a customer. While the program is running I get a new customer, Mr Brown. How can I create a new Customer object which will hold the details of Mr Brown.
    yours in anticipation

    If I understood you right, you are thinking far too complicated.
    So, when you click a button, a new object shall be created and stored. So basically you write a listener to your button that contains a method like this:
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
       Customer newCustomer = new Customer(textfield.getText());
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