Sony's ICS UI style

Is Sony planning to change the UI in the next update for the 2011 family?
One major reason for me to upgrade was to get the ICS look and feel. But Sony's stock apps (settings, home, messaging, etc.) are not updated with the ICS holo theme, they rather look like the old Gingerbread versions with the background color changed (or like xperia s to be more accurate). They also use the old Gingerbread menu style (black menu buttons with pictures) instead the one found on the google apps and other 3rd party apps that are ICS optimized.
I just want to say that currently ICS looks to me like Gingerbread UI pasted over ICS code. Some things are ICS style (like the context menus) while others are stil GB.
This combination looks bad to me and doesn't feel like a finished product.
Of course, that's only my opinion, but I think the UI should be more unified.

Apart from what we can see in the already launched ICS software version I don't know what the upcoming versions will look like. We simply have to wait and see.
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        <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
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                <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="AmountsInquiryResult" type="tns:InquiryReturnAmounts" />
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          <s:complexType name="ArrayOfOrderInvoice">
              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="OrderInvoice" nillable="true" type="tns:OrderInvoice" />
          <s:complexType name="OrderInvoice">
              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Number" type="s:string" />
              <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Dated" type="s:dateTime" />
              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="TrackingNumber" type="s:string" />
              <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="GrandTotal" type="s:double" />
              <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="PartSubTotal" type="s:double" />
              <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ShippingAmount" type="s:double" />
              <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="TaxAmount" type="s:double" />
              <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="SpecialTaxAmount" type="s:double" />
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                <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="LegacyAccountNumber" type="s:string" />
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                <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PartInquiryResult" type="tns:InquiryReturnPart" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:AmountsInquiryResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CancelBackOrderItems" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CancelBackOrderItemsResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CancelOrderResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CreateCreditCardOrderResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:KitInquiryResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:LegacyAccountInquiry" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:LegacyAccountInquiryResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:LegacyPayerInquiry" />
      <wsdl:message name="LegacyPayerInquirySoapOut">
        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:LegacyPayerInquiryResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:OrderInquiryResponse" />
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        <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:PartInquiryResponse" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:CancelBackOrderItemsSoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:CancelBackOrderItemsSoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:CancelOrderSoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:CancelOrderSoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:ConfirmAccountOrderSoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:ConfirmAccountOrderSoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:ConfirmCreditCardOrderSoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:ConfirmCreditCardOrderSoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:CreateAccountOrderSoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:CreateAccountOrderSoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:CreateCreditCardOrderSoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:CreateCreditCardOrderSoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:KitInquirySoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:KitInquirySoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:output message="tns:LegacyAccountInquirySoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:output message="tns:LegacyPayerInquirySoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:input message="tns:OrderInquirySoapIn" />
          <wsdl:output message="tns:OrderInquirySoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:output message="tns:PartInquirySoapOut" />
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          <wsdl:output message="tns:SAPPayerInquirySoapOut" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
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          <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
        <wsdl:operation name="SAPNameInquiry">
          <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
        <wsdl:operation name="SAPPayerInquiry">
          <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
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            <soap:body use="literal" />
            <soap:body use="literal" />
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        <documentation xmlns="" />
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          <soap:address location="" />

    Hi Antony,
    obvisiosly <extension> is not supported. You have to change the external definition. Extension means, that there are global types referred. How to avoid that?
    Open your file in XML Spy and go to Schema-View, where you see your elements grafical. Open all nodes, the referred global types are yellow marked.
    Mark the "Sequenz" symbol (tree points in it) and draw only a millimeter with control-key. You see as result the same without global definition, of course you have now to delete the global definition (the yellow marked area).

  • Canon HV30 Tape Recommendation
    Just got a brand new Canon HV30 and want to use the best tapes for it.I shall never re-use them but shoot once and archive them.
    Would you suggest this 5 pack deal to be fair choice or is there another option?

    I understand the school of thought regarding keeping to one manufacturer for life of the camera and that is exactly what i plan to do but i have a few questions.
    I intend to keep the camera for next few years so would be annoyed to find they discontinue it.
    I've read that Sony use a 'wet' style of lubrication and Panny use a more prefered dry tape.
    Seller advises that : are the very best
    and  are standard but the most popular.
    but ive also read great review about these Panny's
    thanks for all your advice so far guys

  • Those fury headphone covers: Sound Enhancer??

    Those little black cotton covers which come with iPod for the headphones.
    Can they improve sound quality at all?
    Or will they make the headphones seem quieter to somebody sitting next to me.
    EG im sat next to someone with headphones full blast. They get ticked. If i putt on those black covers, will they muffle the sound a little?

    You were joking right? If so, that was a bit amusing. If not, then those headphones must be super powerful to pump out nice sound from around you neck. I have only had Bose, Sony, and Sennheiser DJ style headphones and they did not sound that powerful. I guess each to their own, but I do agree that DJ headphones sound the best. I really enjoy them the most.

  • Xperia Neo media server doesn't work anymore with Sony Bravia TV after ICS update!

    Xperia Neo (MT15i) updated from 2.3.4 to 4.0.4 (4.1.B.0.431). I did not perform any reset (factory settings) after the update.
    Media server does not work anymore with Sony Bravia TV KDL40-NX700. With 2.3.4 it worked correctly before.
    When I start the media server on my Xperia Neo and try to view my photos on my Bravia TV it shows connection, I am also able to view different folders on the Smartphone but when it tries to load the photos in any folder on the Smartphone it stops working after a while. Feedback on TV is "cannot connect to media sever". The same procedure worked without any problems when using 2.3.4 before.
    Is this a known issue and is there any solution for this?

    Wow that is a new one, great find!
    I wish I had tested that with my Ray, as I had used the media server feature quite a bit with my DirecTV receiver when on Gingerbread.  But too late, it's on the way back to Sony to get rolled back to Gingerbread.
    Too many other problems with ICS that have crippled my device.
    1) Wi-Fi Hotspot does not work anymore
    2) USB tethering does not work anymore
    3) LED notification issues for incoming SMS
    4) Dialer slow to load
    5) HD Video recording skip frames and jitter.
    6) Bluetooth AVRCP profile broke (can't use the play/pause button on my car stereo anymore)
    If you have not done so take a look at the above features and see what you turn up.
    Bob H
    Minneapolis, MN
    ST18a  Ray

  • How to update sony xperia u from Rooted GB to ICS

    Hello guyz
    I have sony xperia u rooted Ginger bread
    now i want to update it to ics but it gives an error of modified software
    plz help me out in this matter
    and also let me know that if ics root is avalable or not?
    Best Regards
    Go to Solution.

    Ok first.Upgrading will unroot your software
    Now so as you cannot proceed via SUS/PCC so you must
    Download the ics firmware::
    Tutorials for flash:
    If you want to root
    All your software and setings will be gone
    Please mark
    Correct Answers
    Helpful Answers
    The most profound technology is the one that vanishes quickly

  • Sony Xperia U: Go for ICS or GB?

    Hi there,
    I have bought my Sony Xperia U today and I have to say I'm loving it so far. However, I read that the update to ICS kind of ruins the experience (due to lag, glitches and bugs). Now, I was wondering if those glitches and bugs have been fixed already, since I cannot find a recent discussion on the matter. I would really appreciate it if someone could give me a clear overview. Should I update or not? Is there an alternative, if so, what?
    Unfortunately, I am not such a tech-wiz and as a result I don't understand half of the terms being used (ROM, etc.)
    Thank you for helping!

    Some users said upgrading to ICS will drain the performance. But after factory reset, it went back to normal.
    I suggest when you upgrade to ICS, don't forget to do factory reset. (It will clean everything).
    But, GB is also good at performance, stability, and optimized for gaming.

  • Sony Xperia U ics update Serbia

    When will ics be available in Serbia?

    there is no way of telling when will you receive your update. so just to check now and then via Sony UPdate Service or PCC

  • ICS update in Trinidad- To any sony admin out there

    This is to any admin out there. I am from Trinidad and I own a live with walkman which I love howeer I would ike to update to ICS. Can anyone help. I keep seeing the update being recieved in different parts of the world but I have yet to see any on my computer. If any sony admin is out there pleaasseee help.
    I also have seen talk of addnig my SI number to a list for updating.... is this possible?

    For information on software availability in your region i suggest that you contact your local Sony Xperia support instead: [email protected]
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • ICS updation in Sony Ericsson WT19i (live with walkman)

    I have Sony Ericsson WT19i (live with walkman). Last day i updated the os version from Android 2.3.4 to ICS via Sony PC companian. Now i am experiencing something slow in the system. The most annoying thing is that, the caller image of android 2.3.4 is nice as it appears on the top in full width is missing and square type image is seeing now. Please help me if any one can find a solution to my problem.
    One more question Is it good to run ICS in 512mb RAM device? Or shall i downgrade it to Android 2.3.4? Is there any official means to go back?
    Please Help...

    Sorry to hear about you being disappointed. Regarding the caller image this has changed in ICS and it doesn't look the same as it did before. This isn't a bug, its new design so there is no 'solution' for that.
    If it wouldn't be possible to run ICS on 512mb of RAM we wouldn't have released an ICS version for the LWW
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • What's New in ICS for Sony Tablet S

    If you have any further questions please feel free to ask away. I will do my best to find the answer you are looking for!
    - Patrick
    Go to Solution.

    This video will show you what's new in ICS for Sony Tablet S.
    If you have any further questions please feel free to ask away. I will do my best to find the answer you are looking for!
    - Patrick

  • ICS Android upgrade for sony tablet P

    hello would like to know when will the upgrade to the android ICS for the tablet P be available? tia
    Go to Solution.

    does't suprise me at all sony needs more experienced beta testers really those that actualy use device bit more extreme then normal user would.
    If something is stable in extreme conditions then its likely perfectly stable talking about actualy running lot apps leaving everything open and opening new tab for anything etc while doing normal every day tasks that everyone usualy does or more.
    other then that they should probably test much longer have bit more patience while testing while perhaps testing 5 tablets at same time.
    perhaps they could use some software that mirror commands they do to nearby tablets on a grid so they can even test 100 tablets at once to see which one gives in and randomly shutdown first.
    or just to to have a different build on each tablet to see which one is most stable and which one fails so they can rule out bad builds.

  • Why is Sony stubborn to release unstable ICS?

    Update is an important issue. But if you release unstable and laggy updates, it doesn't mean anything.
    Because the most important thing is user experiment.
    We can see stable ICS mobile phones for other brands so it is not related with hardware limitations. Let's talk about reality.
    So What is the problem? Can't you find a software engineer? Or Is there any issue that we don't know?

    I think that there are many factors that plays a role in the development of a new firmware and especially in Android OS version updates. Many projects are involved and of course doing their best to make software's as good as possible. We really appreciate you guys feedback and we always try to improve our products and software's according to what we hear from you.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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    I sync a file of photo albums from my Mac to my iPad.  Sometimes the order is alphabetic based on the name of each photo (desired) and sometimes the order is some other order perhaps based on when the picture was taken.  How do I ensure that the phot

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    Is there a list of what the various combination of shift, cntl & function keys will do? I've looked, but obviously in the wrong place. -jP