Specified Sort Order not working correctly in InfoView

Hello All,
We are running Crystal 2008 version with Infoview 12.1.0 and are having a problem with specified sort orders working correctly.  In Crystal we are using the 'Chart Expert' to set the specified order of the percent bar chart.  It works just fine in Crystal 2008 and shows the stacked bar in the order we would expect.  We then save the report to InfoView and run the report on a schedule and it comes back in a completely different order. Not the order we specified in designing the report.  Any ideas on what is going on?
Thanks in advance.

We are experiencing a similar issue with the sort order in Infoview. We are using Crystal XI.5.8.26 and Infoview.
The specified sort order works correctly in Crystal but in Infoview it comes back with a different order. Are there any suggestions on resolving this disparity?
Thank you.

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    Is this a bug, is this normal, what am I missing? Seems like incredibly basic functionality.
    FYI, this particular set is all virtual copies not original images. it is a set of "treated" virtual copies and has 526 images in it.
    Driving me crazy and need solution. Help!

    Yeah, it is a collection within a collection set. I just upgraded from 3.0 to 3.3 and it seems to have fixed it. Was weird that a bug like that could make it to version 3.2 before being fixed but as long as it's fixed now.
    Wouldn't happen in collections with much less images, was only happening in the one with 500+ and they were all virtual copies. Not sure if that had anything to do with it but figured I'd add the info here in case anyone else has problems.

  • Javascript sort() function not working correctly

    I have an image gallery that automatically loads via a PHP readdir function which populates an array, and then I have a Javascript sort() function which sorts the images in order numerically. In Chrome and Safari, the images display as numbered in the directory. However, in Firefox and Internet Explorer, they display out of order (firefox) and not at all (ie). Here is the code for the php file: <?
    Header("content-type: application/x-javascript");
    function returnimages($dirname=".") {
    $files = array();
    if($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
    while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
    $file = basename($file,".jpg");
    echo 'myImg['.$curimage.']="'.$file .'";';
    echo 'var myImg=new Array();';
    and here is the code for the javascript sort:
    function sortNumber(a,b)
    return a - b;
    // Tell browser the type of file
    myImgEnd = ".jpg";
    var i = 0;
    // Create function to load image
    function loadImg(){
    document.imgSrc.src = myImg[i] + myImgEnd;
    Any ideas as to why Firefox is behaving this way?

    After you check the box to sort on the column, are you making sure to select a sort order for the same column?

  • Sorting not working correctly for date field in alv report

    Hi All,
    My report displays many rows also containing date type fields of bldat,budat .
    When I sort the report selecting field of type bldat budat the sorting is not correct for the year.
    Invoice doc dat
    If I use ascending then it is sorted as :
    Invoice doc dat
    Why the sorting is not working correct for year.(2010 records should have been first).
    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10.
    It is populated as wa_tab-bldat = bsak-bldat.
    Kindly suggest what can be done.

    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10
    Then what it does is correct.
    Refer to type datum...it will work

  • Sorting does not work  with ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY

    p_sales_id IN VARCHAR2,
    p_rownnum_from IN NUMBER,
    p_rownnum_to IN NUMBER,
    p_sort_by IN VARCHAR2,
    p_query OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
    v_query VARCHAR2 (32000);
    v_sort_list VARCHAR2(32000) ;
    IF p_spv_sort_by IS NULL THEN
    v_sort_list := 'given_name ASC ' ;
    v_sort_list :=p_spv_sort_by;
    END IF ;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('v_sort_list '||v_sort_list);
    OPEN p_query FOR
    SELECT sales_id,
    (SELECT x.*,
    ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY v_sort_list ) ROW_NUM
    FROM (sales_id,
    FROM order rvw,
    sales pol,
    emp ca,
    WHERE pol.id = rvw.pr_order_id
    AND ca.empid =pol.employee_id
    AND status = 'SUP') x )
    WHERE ROW_NUM BETWEEN p_rownnum_from AND p_rownnum_to;
    -- ORDER by v_sort_list ;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('v_sort_list '||v_sort_list);
    Sorting does not work. Am I doing something wrong here?
    executing procedure using below
    y number;
    SP_SALES('70159_502',1,5, 'GIVEN_NAME'||' ASC' ,:x);
    --dbms_output.put_line (:x);

    Depending on how many different columns you can sort on and the data types of them, it may be feasible for you to include the conditional logic in the existing statement without the need for dynamic sql...
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2> var p_spv_sort_by varchar2(100)
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2> exec :p_spv_sort_by:='some other column'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    some other column
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2> WITH source AS
      2  (   SELECT 'a' given_name, 'z' other_column from dual UNION ALL
      3      SELECT 'b' given_name, 'y' other_column from dual UNION ALL
      4      SELECT 'c' given_name, 'x' other_column from dual
      5  )
      6  SELECT
      7      given_name,
      8      other_column,
      9      ROW_NUMBER ()
    10     OVER (
    11        ORDER BY
    12           CASE
    13              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by IS NULL THEN given_name
    14              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by = 'some other column' THEN other_column
    15           END)
    16        ROW_NUM
    17  FROM
    18      source
    19  /
    G O    ROW_NUM
    c x          1
    b y          2
    a z          3
    3 rows selected.
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2> exec :p_spv_sort_by:=NULL;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2> WITH source AS
      2  (   SELECT 'a' given_name, 'z' other_column from dual UNION ALL
      3      SELECT 'b' given_name, 'y' other_column from dual UNION ALL
      4      SELECT 'c' given_name, 'x' other_column from dual
      5  )
      6  SELECT
      7      given_name,
      8      other_column,
      9      ROW_NUMBER ()
    10     OVER (
    11        ORDER BY
    12           CASE
    13              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by IS NULL THEN given_name
    14              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by = 'some other column' THEN other_column
    15           END)
    16        ROW_NUM
    17  FROM
    18      source
    19  /
    G O    ROW_NUM
    a z          1
    b y          2
    c x          3
    3 rows selected.
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2>But that would depend on the columns you're sorting on being of the same data type or at least having the ability to convert them to the same data type without loosing the sort order.
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2> WITH source AS
      2  (   SELECT 'a' given_name, sysdate - 2 other_column from dual UNION ALL
      3      SELECT 'b' given_name, sysdate - 1 other_column from dual UNION ALL
      4      SELECT 'c' given_name, sysdate  other_column from dual
      5  )
      6  SELECT
      7      given_name,
      8      other_column,
      9      ROW_NUMBER ()
    10     OVER (
    11        ORDER BY
    12           CASE
    13              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by IS NULL THEN given_name
    14              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by = 'some other column' THEN other_column
    15           END)
    16        ROW_NUM
    17  FROM
    18      source
    19  /
                WHEN :p_spv_sort_by = 'some other column' THEN other_column
    ERROR at line 14:
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected CHAR got DATE
    DTYLER_APP@pssdev2> WITH source AS
      2  (   SELECT 'a' given_name, sysdate - 2 other_column from dual UNION ALL
      3      SELECT 'b' given_name, sysdate - 1 other_column from dual UNION ALL
      4      SELECT 'c' given_name, sysdate  other_column from dual
      5  )
      6  SELECT
      7      given_name,
      8      other_column,
      9      ROW_NUMBER ()
    10     OVER (
    11        ORDER BY
    12           CASE
    13              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by IS NULL THEN given_name
    14              WHEN :p_spv_sort_by = 'some other column' THEN TO_CHAR(other_column,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
    15           END)
    16        ROW_NUM
    17  FROM
    18      source
    19  /
    G OTHER_COLUMN            ROW_NUM
    a 12-SEP-2011 15:04:19          1
    b 13-SEP-2011 15:04:19          2
    c 14-SEP-2011 15:04:19          3
    3 rows selected.HTH

  • Crosstab specified sort order

    Post Author: Jan_Hauptmann
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Hi,I am quite new to Crystal Report (XI), especially crosstabs. Currently I am trying to create a crosstabwhere selected customer are shown on the top of the crosstab and all not selected to be counted as 'Other'. This is no problem as long as I have always the same customer I want to show(via Cross-Tab goup option - specified order). But what I would like is to enter the customer via the parameters and than apply it as specifiedsort order and all not mentioned customer from the parameters to be calculated as 'others'. Is there any chance to achieve something like this? Thanks in advanceJan

    We are experiencing a similar issue with the sort order in Infoview. We are using Crystal XI.5.8.26 and Infoview.
    The specified sort order works correctly in Crystal but in Infoview it comes back with a different order. Are there any suggestions on resolving this disparity?
    Thank you.

  • Playlist sort order not carried to iTouch

    After upgrade to IOS 5, playlist (podcasts) sort order in iTunes on MBP is not maintained when syncing w/ iTouch.  No options on iTouch to sort.
    Thoughts or bug?
    Related...one podcast would not purge from iTouch via sync, so had to restore iTouch.  Did not fix sort order transfer problem.

    I am also having the same problem. Running the newest iTunes and iPhone software my smart playlists are not working correctly. My "Recently Added" is correct in iTunes, and if I look at the playlist on my iPhone info in iTunes it is correct there, but the actual playlist on my iPhone is populated entirely with audiobook files. I have tried deleting and recreating the playlist which gives the same results. I have also specified that items within the playlist should be music files only and still get the same results.
    I have a playlist that's Top 50 Most Played that's also not behaving properly (ie correct in iTunes but not on my iPhone).
    Any suggestions?

  • Key Figure calculation in Abap is not working correctly - Overlooping

    I wrote a logic to calculate the ratio of key figure but it is not working correctly
    For example I have a requirement to split 1 Product into Several new Products and also the Net Amount will be splitted to these several new products as well. The total Amount of the new product will be equivalent to the Net Amount.
    So far my Logic is splitting the product to several new products but the amount is incorrect as the calculation is over looping.
    A PRODUCT has Net Amount 1000. And this product needs to be splitted into 3 new products. Each of this new product is assigned a ratio of 0.3, 0.2 and 0.7 respectively. total sum of the ratio is 1.
    PRODUCT1 0.3 = 1000 * 0.3 = 300
    PRODUCT2 0.2 = 1000 * 0.2 = 200
    PRODUCT3 0.7 = 1000 * 0.7 = 700
    The total amount of this new products is 1000.
    Now my logic is working this way.
    PRODUCT1 0.3 = 1000 * 0.3 = 300
    PRODUCT2 0.2 = 1000 * 0.2 * 0.3 = 60
    PRODUCT3 0.7 = 1000 * 0.2 * 0.3 * 0.7 = 42
    Only the PRODUCT1 is working correctly and there is overlooping for the remaining products
    Logic used
    DATA: t_data TYPE data_package_structure OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: t_newdso LIKE /bic/newdso OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: t_olddso LIKE /bic/olddso OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: amount LIKE data_package-netamount.
    DATA: zidx LIKE sy-tabix.
    REFRESH t_data.
    LOOP AT data_package.
      zidx = sy-tabix.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING data_package TO t_data.
      REFRESH t_newdso.
      SELECT * FROM newdso INTO TABLE t_newdso WHERE prod =
      SORT t_newdso BY prod.
      READ TABLE t_newdso WITH KEY prodh4 = t_data-prod.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT t_newdso.
          t_data-prod = t_newdso-/bic/znew_mp.
          t_data-material = t_newdso-material.
          APPEND t_data.
        REFRESH t_olddso.
        SELECT * FROM olddso INTO TABLE t_olddso WHERE prod =
        SORT t_olddso BY prod.
        READ TABLE t_olddso WITH KEY prodh4 = t_data-prod.
        t_data-prod = t_olddso-prod.
        t_data-material = t_olddso-material.
        APPEND t_data.
      MODIFY data_package INDEX zidx.
    REFRESH data_package.
    data_package[] = t_data[].
    Edited by: Matt on Sep 27, 2010 2:25 PM - added  tags

    I am not really good at debugging Abap code since I am a newbie. however  I have tried to add CLEAR T_DATA before the first loop.
    and before the second loop and select statement and at the end of the loop.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    but then not all data are being fetched.
    Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Sep 28, 2010 8:33 AM

  • 1st Gen iPod touch not working correctly?

    I have a 1st generation 8GB iPod Touch. It's not working correctly.
    My biggest problem is that, unexplaiably, certain areas of the screen don't seem to register touch anymore. There is a sort of "L" shape on the left and bottom edges of the screen that won't register touch, making it impossible to move applications to the previous page on the home screen and making it hard to use the keyboard/buttons while in portrait mode. It's extremely frustrating to try to change the volume while playing a song, as I now have to either put the iPod in sleep mode then double tap the home button or flip it to cover flow and double tap the home button to do it.
    (Highlight the image to see it better.)
    This is a screenshot of the working/non-working areas that I made using the Whiteboard application. The white area that you see (excluding the little half circles of black which are extended brush strokes and not actually working areas) is the area that doesn't work. I can't seem to figure out why it happened, as I've never dropped or otherwise damaged it. It just happened one day, and I don't know why.
    But I can't fix it. I've tried everything. Upgrading (I'm now running iPhone OS 3.0 which still didn't fix the problem.) didn't work, restoring didn't work, deleting everything and restoring from factory settings didn't work.
    I'm also having a few other problems as well, though they're not as bad. My home button seems to stop working sometimes and sometimes the entire screen witll stop registering touch until I put the iPod to sleep and turn it back on. It also seems to go a lot slower than usual.
    My iPod is less than a year old. Can you help?

    I had a very similar problem this past weekend with my 1G 8GB iPod touch. But with me, just the left side of the screen wasn't registering my touch. I could still access the bottom section, which you cannot.
    The good news for me is that I fixed it and I hope it works for you as well. What fixed it for me was resetting all my settings. To do this, go to the settings icon, then click on general, and then on the very bottom is reset. Choose "reset all settings."
    Apparently this is different than a restore through iTunes, which you tried. I also tried that earlier and it did not help.
    Of course, the reset solution I used relies on you being able to access all of the correct buttons, so I hope you can!
    Please let us know if this works for you. If not, since it is less than a year old, it is still under warranty. Contact Apple and see what they can do.

  • Function keys are not working correctly

    I've been looking all over the various threads and I can't find an answer that solves my problem.
    Here are the details:
    I bought the computer in the U.S. where I live.
    I have a iMac 2.4GHz intel Core 2 Duo  EMC 2133 with a 20" screen. Bought it new in February 2008.
    I have Mac OS X 10.5.8  (I am waiting for my order for OS Snow Leopard to come in!!)
    I have been using a wireless mouse and Keyboard (Love not having cords!)
    Recently, my wireless keyboard got a short and quit working. I went down to the apple store and got a new wireless keyboard.
    I had the computer with me at the genius bar so, yes, the apple employee saw exactly what I have.
    I took it all home got the thing all put back together and got the new keyboard paired up and working with the computer.
    Here are the problems:
    Went to go use the function keys while using iTunes and found they weren't working properly. The F10, F11 and F12 do not control the volume of sound as the keyboard indicates they would, they instead activate dashboard, spaces, and application windows. 
    Following the advice of other threads, I looked over in the system preferences and made sure the "Use all F1, F2 etc." box was unchecked (it was unchecked), things still didn't work.
    I tried the fn key but it appears to not work at all it has no effect on the functioning of the function keys.
    I went under keyboard shortcuts in system preferences and found the F10, F11 and F12 keys, it confirms that those keys control spaces, dashboard and application windows as they are performing but shows no options to either reassign to volume control (as marked on the keyboard) or make the fn key work.
    I've gone back and forth trying various combinations of checked and unchecked boxes to see if anything would work, so far I've come up with nothing.
    A couple more important or interesting facts:
    Yes I have turned off and taken the batteries out of the old keyboard. My bluetooth connection currently shows it as disconnected.
    I have restarted the computer.
    One thing I find odd; when I go under preferences and go to Keyboard and Mouse when I go under the section "Bluetooth" it shows Bluetooth mouse with the name of the mouse and the battery level. BUT nothing is showing up under bluetooth Keyboard, I can't figure out how to change this and don't know if it is contributing to the problem.
    When I go under the bluetooth logo on the top bar I find the mouse and both keyboards referenced, the old keyboard is shown as disconnected and the other two are connected. I have tried to update the device's name but it doesn't seem to let me.
    I have double clicked on the device under bluetooth and it shows the new keyboard as discoverable, paired and connected. Hence, I am using the new keyboard to write this inquiry.
    Please, any assistance would be of great help. I have tried to be thorough in order help narrow the possible problem. Thanks!!

    Just thought I'd let you know.  Our suspicions were correct, it was the OS. After I installed Snow Leopard (10.6.8) all the problems were corrected.  I also updated the RAM from 1 gb to 6 gb. The mac is working all around better. Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone. My superdrive had pooped out. Rather than replace it I got an external drive from OWC connected with firewire 800.  So far everything is running very well, as far as I can tell this external drive is better than the original superdrive. My superdrive has always acted funny, infact I returned the first mac I got after a week because its superdrive was also malfunctioning. Anyway, all that to say everything seems to be fully functioning again.
    Re: Function keys are not working correctly 

  • Smart feed not working correctly

    the smart feed are not working correctly in this course page :
    https://deimos.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/BrowsePrivately/upmc.fr.2857894925. 02857894930
    I don't understand why...

    C, sorry…I read your posts out of order. I see that you have links to your smart groups after all. My apologies.
    It's as you say, the course pages load up, but I don't see anything in the smart groups. Just thinking out loud here…maybe the search criteria don't genuinely match anything on your site? Perhaps there are actual matches, but you've hidden content with a new credential?…I accessed both pages using the "Unauthenticated" and "All" credentials. My last/craziest guess is that it has something to do with localization…français versus anglais?

  • Sound blaster not working correctly?

    Sound blaster not working correctly #I have a 64 bit, windows vista system.
    A Logitech Z-5500 Digital speaker system (one woofer, center speaker, left, right, rear right, left rear speakers, and a seperate control head).
    I have an X-fi gamer sound card.
    I recently formatted my hard dri've and reinstalled everything. Trying to make everything happy again. Here is my problem:
    When I use the Creative Console Launcher (CCL), my front right speaker tests fine. My front left speaker comes out of the woofer. And no other speakers will test at all. It does this in all modes (2., 4., 5. and 7.).
    When I play some music, it is coming out of all of the speakers. But it won't test properly in the CCL. So, do I have an issue, does what the CCL is doing not matter, or something else In some games, hearing what direction stuff is coming from matters, so if it is sending sounds to the wrong speakers, then I need to figure out a fix.....hence my post.
    Thanks for any help you can give, Robert

    Well, as the official documatation states, the Archlinux is for more or less advanced users, and if you're not one, we will make you one
    First of all, if you compiled your sound as modules, try putting this in your rc.local:
    stat_busy "Activating Sound"
    /sbin/modprobe your_sound_module
    /sbin/modprobe other_sound_module
    /sbin/modprobe yet_other_sound_module
    Change your_sound_module stuff to your module names as you configured in the kernel, of course.
    Second: in order to have two or more sound apps working at the same time, you need some kind of sound server. For default one (esd), uncomment esd in /etc/rc.local (remove ! before it) . After that, you'll have to configure your sound apps to use esd. I know that this is extremely easy with xmms and xine, dunno about others. I do not use esd, because my favorite games (quake3 and half-life) require direct access to /dev/dsp.
    And remember: nobody blames for asking 8)

  • Internet Explorer 11 "Enterprise Mode" do not work or do not work correctly!

    Dear community,
    Since yesterday we test the Feature "Enterprise Mode" for "Internet Explorer 11". However, we have many problems
    with this Feature. We have configured it as described by officially instruction by MS, but it does not work
    properly. Here is what we have done exactly to test this Feature:
    In Registry Key " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main \ Enterprise Mode " we have created the Entry " Site List " and create the string " Enable" . In the
    String "Enable" we have added no value . 
    In Case of String "Site List" , we have specified the path to the XML file , as value of this String.
    The XML file was created with the Site List Manager from Microsoft
    And now, we regocnized following Problems:
    The "Enterprise Mode" ist only "active", if the User(!) check "Enterprise Mode" under "Tools"...!
    The site list is seemingly ignored, although in the Registry "currentversion" is pulled correctly, everytime we change
    the XML File. So we think "SiteList" is configured well.
    On one of our test computer freezes Internet Explorer 11 , if you try to hook the corporate mode
    In Summary, it seems to be configured properly but it even do not work or not work correctly.
    Our goal would be:
    Enterprise Mode + access to the Site List by IE11 should be "on" by Default!
    Entrys of sitelist.XML should be filtered and shown in "Enterprise Mode" or/and the right "DocMode", as configured.
    The user should have no chance  to check on or off the"enterprise mode"
    We use "Windows 7" on all our Clients, as test Clients are also running the same operating System...
    Please reply
    Thank you very much
    Ps: Please do not be angry if pronunciation or grammar do not fit well. English is not my nature language (my nature language is german)

    According to your description, seems the end-users can manually turn on\off the enterprise mode, If you don''t want this, you can disable the option.
    Computer(User) Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer\Let users turn on and use Enterprise Mode from the Tools menu option
    Disable this option, user will not have "Enterprise Mode" under "Tools", after that, please run gpupdate /force to update the policy, and get "Use the Enterprise Mode IE website list" applied again in the target system.
    After that, the enterprise mode website list get applied again, and user don't have an option to disable it.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Program not working correctly-Help!

    class Sort
         /* method takes an array of integers as an input,
         * and returns a copy with the element values sorted
         * by select method.
         int[] selectSort(int[] input)
              /*declare variables to be used in array */
              int x, y, max, temp;
              int[] select = new int[input.length];
              /*This loop reads the entire array */
              for(x = input.length - 1; x>0; x--)
                   max = 0;
                   /*This loop checks to see if any number is
                   lower possible greatest number /
                   for(y = 0; y <= x; y++)
                   {//Returns number if lowest number
                        if(input[y] > input[max])
                             max = y;
                        }//end of if statement
                   }//end of inner loop
                   /*Switches the values */
                        temp = input[x];
                        select[x] = input[max];
                        select[max] = temp;
              }//end of outer loop
              return select;          
         } //end of selectSort()
         /* method takes an array of integers as an input,
         * and returns a copy with the element values sorted
         * by bubble method.
         int[] bubbleSort(int[] input)
              int[] bubble = new int[input.length];
              for (int x = 1; x < input.length; x++)
                   for (int y = 0; y < input.length - 1; y++)
                        if (input[y] > input[y+1])
                             int temp = input[y];
                             bubble[y] = input[y+1];
                             bubble[y+1] = temp;
              return bubble;
         } //end of bubbleSort
    **********************Test Class**********************
    class TestSort
         public static void main(String[] args)
              /* count variable used as loop counter when
              * result table display is generated
              int count;
              /* variable for object of class Sort */
              Sort x;
              /* create object of class GroupEx2 */
              x = new Sort();
              /* create a source array of integer elements */
    int[] y = new int[5];
    /* assign values to array elements to be sorted     */     
              y[0] = 8;
              y[1] = 5;
              y[2] = 3;
              y[3] = 9;
              y[4] = 1;
              /* create variable for target of select sort array */
              int[] ss;
              /* create variable for target bubble sort array */
              int[] bs;
              /* call method to return an array with element values select sorted*/
              ss = x.selectSort(y);
              /* call method to return an array with element values bubble sorted*/
              bs = x.bubbleSort(y);          
              /* display original and sorted arrays in three columns*/
              System.out.print("Input Array" + "\t");
              System.out.print("Select Sort" + "\t");
              System.out.println("Bubble Sort");
              for (count = 0; count < y.length; count++)
                   /* Column 1: original array */
                   System.out.print("input[" + count + "] = " + y[count]);
                   /* tab between columns 1 and 2 */
                   /* Column 2: select sorted array */
                   System.out.print("select[" + count + "] = " + ss[count]);
                   /* tab between columns */
                   /* Column 3: bubble sorted array */
                   System.out.println("bubble[" + count + "] = " + bs[count]);
              } // end of display for loop
         } // end of main()
    } // end of class TestSort

    Thanks for the Bash! I'm surprised you had the time
    for it.Go back and look at your original post. A whole bunch of code, and the only description of the problem is "not working correctly." Do you honestly think that's a reasonable way to ask for help? Do you go to the doctor and say, "I'm sick" and then just wait for him to cure you? Do you take your care to the mechanic and say only, "It's broke"?
    Look, this is your problem and it's your responsibility to fix it. There are people here who are happy to help you, but it's up to you to provide a reasonable statement of what's wrong, what you've tried, what you don't understand. For instance:
    Does it compile? If not, post the complete error message.
    Does it run, but throw an exception? If so, post the stack trace.
    Does it not throw an exception, but not behave the way you expect? Then describe the expected beavior and the observed behavior.
    Do you really need to be told this stuff? It seems like common sense that when you're asking people to spend their time helping you, you should give them the information they need to be able to do so.

  • Line-in input not working correctly in Garageband

    Line-in input not working correctly with Garageband. Problem occurred AFTER installing and using Blue Yeti USB mic, purchased from the Apple store.
    System Details:
    '07 20" iMac 2.4GHz 4GB RAM, OSX 10.6.5, Garageband '11 v6.0, Logitech Z4 speakers.
    Before using the Yeti USB mic, I used the line-in jack. I'd connect a Shure mic or guitars directly in, but more recently through a 12 channel mixer. Have connected the Shure mic directly into the input jack, and the computer appears to be picking it up (System Preferences->Sound->Input), it is responding correctly there. Have set the output to the headphone (line-out) jack. When I go into Garageband, I can select from Line-in 1, Line-in 2, and Line-in Stereo. The trouble is that it's the iMac's built-in mic that is active (the one above the screen), not the line-in. I've rebooted the computer, checked the connections, reconnected the Yeti mic and I can't find what's causing the problem. Not sure what to do from here, need some help. Thanks

    I have Logic Express on the iMac as well and I worked out how to set the input device back to the Line-In. I went back to Garageband and found the equivalent setting under Preferences->Audio/MIDI. Thanks for reading, sorry I didn't sort it out sooner! Merry Christmas!

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