Spry menu hover issue

I have a vertical spry menu bar and it opens up to the right
over the text on the page.
In Firefox it displays correctly, but in iExplorer, when the
cursor hovers over the drop down menu, it only stays highlighted
and open when the curser is directly over the text in the spry box,
or if there is no text on the page. But when the cursor is over
empty space in the box and there is text on the page behind it, the
box closes.
How do I fix this?

Hello Beth,
The piece of CSS you see there is actually a fix for Internet Explorer 6. It has bug where form elements such as selects will go through divs and other elements, in this case the <ul>'s of the menu bar. To resolve this issue, a iframe is generated and carefully placed under the <ul> elements. This way the form elements will no longer pass through the <ul>'s
If you menu is no where near a form element you could remove the iframe generation code form the javascript and savely remove that related stylesheet rule. But i do not recommend such practices. But that would be the only fix for the validation issue. Well.. Thats not true actually you could apply those styles through JavaScript... So that might actually be another option.
So it all depends on how hefty you weight validations. Validations are guid lines. Because a page doesn't "validate" it doesn't necessary mean the page is doomed and will crash all browser that comes on its path . But clients are usally verry narrow minded. So good luck with that .
So without further ado, the fixes:
- do nothing as it doesn't harm your page, it merly fixes internet explorer.
- removal of the iframe from JS:
line 289, remove:
if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
line 317, remove:
if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
- move the css to JavaScript:
line 243 find:
layer.style.left = menu.offsetLeft + 'px';
layer.style.top = menu.offsetTop + 'px';
layer.style.width = menu.offsetWidth + 'px';
layer.style.height = menu.offsetHeight + 'px';
and add under:
layer.style.position = 'absolute';
layer.style.zIndex = 20010;
layer.style.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0.1)";
Happy hacking

Similar Messages

  • Spry menu hover in IE: How to get rid of white frame & "false"?

    I'm encountering an IE issue with a Spry vertical menu bar. When the user hovers over the submenu, white frames appear behind the submenu with the word "false" in them. Of course this doesn't happen in Safari or Firefox.
    I was able to fix other similar problems with the menu by following tips posted on another forum. Namely, in the CSS, I disabled an IE hack that caused a white background to appear (menu background has to be transparent on this site). And in the JS, I disabled the following: this.removeIframeLayer(menu);
    Here's the URL: http://www.qic-ec.org
    Below are the css (1) and js (2).
    Any help would be DEEPLY appreciated.
    Thank you
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarVertical.css - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, a fixed width box with no margin or padding */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    cursor: default;
    width: 6.2em;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
    z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarVertical li
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: relative;
    text-align: left;
    cursor: pointer;
    width: 6.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
    margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1020;
    cursor: default;
    width: 6.2em;
    left: -1000em;
    top: 0;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    left: 0;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li
    width: 3em;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Outermost menu container has borders on all sides */
    border: 0px solid #CCC;
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
    border: 0px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a transparent block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a
    display: block;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
    color: #502977;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #A88FC7;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a transparent background and light purple text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a:hover, ul.MenuBarVertical a:focus
    color: #A88FC7;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a transparent background and light purple text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        color: #A88FC7;
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li a
    border: 0px;
    color: #006600;
      SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    /*ul.MenuBarVertical iframe
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
    /* ul.MenuBarVertical li.MenuBarItemIE
    display: inline;
    f\loat: left;
            background: #fff;
    /* SpryMenuBar.js - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */
    // Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    // All rights reserved.
    // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    //   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    //   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
    //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
    //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    //   * Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names of its
    //     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
    //     software without specific prior written permission.
    This file handles the JavaScript for Spry Menu Bar.  You should have no need
    to edit this file.  Some highlights of the MenuBar object is that timers are
    used to keep submenus from showing up until the user has hovered over the parent
    menu item for some time, as well as a timer for when they leave a submenu to keep
    showing that submenu until the timer fires.
    var Spry;
    Spry = {};
    Spry.Widget = {};
    // Constructor for Menu Bar
    // element should be an ID of an unordered list (<ul> tag)
    // preloadImage1 and preloadImage2 are images for the rollover state of a menu
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar = function(element, opts)
    this.init(element, opts);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.init = function(element, opts)
    this.element = this.getElement(element);
    // represents the current (sub)menu we are operating on
    this.currMenu = null;
    var isie = (typeof document.all != 'undefined' && typeof window.opera == 'undefined' && navigator.vendor != 'KDE');
    if(typeof document.getElementById == 'undefined' || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') || (isie && typeof document.uniqueID == 'undefined'))
    // bail on older unsupported browsers
    // load hover images now
    for(var k in opts)
    var rollover = new Image;
    rollover.src = opts[k];
    this.currMenu = this.element;
    var items = this.element.getElementsByTagName('li');
    for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
    this.initialize(items[i], element, isie);
    this.addClassName(items[i], "MenuBarItemIE");
    items[i].style.position = "static";
    if(this.hasClassName(this.element, "MenuBarVertical"))
    this.element.style.position = "relative";
    var linkitems = this.element.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var i=0; i<linkitems.length; i++)
    linkitems[i].style.position = "relative";
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
    if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
    return document.getElementById(ele);
    return ele;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hasClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !ele.className || ele.className.search(new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1)
    return false;
    return true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
    // addEventListener for Menu Bar
    // attach an event to a tag without creating obtrusive HTML code
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
    if (element.addEventListener)
    element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
    else if (element.attachEvent)
    element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, handler);
    catch (e) {}
    // createIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // creates an IFRAME underneath a menu so that it will show above form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.createIframeLayer = function(menu)
    var layer = document.createElement('iframe');
    layer.tabIndex = '-1';
    layer.src = 'javascript:false;';
    layer.style.left = menu.offsetLeft + 'px';
    layer.style.top = menu.offsetTop + 'px';
    layer.style.width = menu.offsetWidth + 'px';
    layer.style.height = menu.offsetHeight + 'px';
    // removeIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // removes an IFRAME underneath a menu to reveal any form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeIframeLayer =  function(menu)
    var layers = menu.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
    while(layers.length > 0)
    // clearMenus for Menu Bar
    // root is the top level unordered list (<ul> tag)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearMenus = function(root)
    var menus = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    for(var i=0; i<menus.length; i++)
    this.removeClassName(this.element, "MenuBarActive");
    // bubbledTextEvent for Menu Bar
    // identify bubbled up text events in Safari so we can ignore them
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.bubbledTextEvent = function()
    return (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && (event.target == event.relatedTarget.parentNode || (event.eventPhase == 3 && event.target.parentNode == event.relatedTarget)));
    // showSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // set the proper CSS class on this menu to show it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.showSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.currMenu = null;
    this.addClassName(menu, "MenuBarSubmenuVisible");
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && typeof window.opera == 'undefined' && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    if(!this.hasClassName(this.element, "MenuBarHorizontal") || menu.parentNode.parentNode != this.element)
    menu.style.top = menu.parentNode.offsetTop + 'px';
    if(typeof document.uniqueID != "undefined")
    this.addClassName(this.element, "MenuBarActive");
    // hideSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // remove the proper CSS class on this menu to hide it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hideSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.removeClassName(menu, "MenuBarSubmenuVisible");
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && typeof window.opera == 'undefined' && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    menu.style.top = '';
    menu.style.left = '';
    // this.removeIframeLayer(menu);
    // initialize for Menu Bar
    // create event listeners for the Menu Bar widget so we can properly
    // show and hide submenus
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.initialize = function(listitem, element, isie)
    var opentime, closetime;
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = false;
    this.addClassName(link, "MenuBarItemSubmenu");
    hasSubMenu = true;
    // define a simple function that comes standard in IE to determine
    // if a node is within another node
    listitem.contains = function(testNode)
    // this refers to the list item
    if(testNode == null)
    return false;
    if(testNode == this)
    return true;
    return this.contains(testNode.parentNode);
    // need to save this for scope further down
    var self = this;
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseover', function(e)
    // ignore bubbled text events
    if(self.currMenu == listitem)
    self.currMenu = null;
    // show menu highlighting
    self.addClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? "MenuBarItemSubmenuHover" : "MenuBarItemHover");
    if(menu && !self.hasClassName(menu, "MenuBarSubmenuVisible"))
    opentime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.showSubmenu(menu);}, 250);
    }, false);
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseout', function(e)
    // ignore bubbled text events
    var related = (typeof e.relatedTarget != 'undefined' ? e.relatedTarget : e.toElement);
    self.currMenu = listitem;
    // remove menu highlighting
    self.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? "MenuBarItemSubmenuHover" : "MenuBarItemHover");
    closetime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.hideSubmenu(menu);}, 600);
    }, false);

    Oh, sorry, after I updated to 1.6.1 and uploaded the new code, I didn't post it here. Here it is (minus intro comments)--and it's still not working in IE (though I am testing on an older PC with IE 6). The problem only arises upon hovering.
    // SpryMenuBar.js - version 0.12 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1
    // Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    // All rights reserved.
    var Spry; if (!Spry) Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};
    Spry.BrowserSniff = function()
    var b = navigator.appName.toString();
    var up = navigator.platform.toString();
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toString();
    this.mozilla = this.ie = this.opera = this.safari = false;
    var re_opera = /Opera.([0-9\.]*)/i;
    var re_msie = /MSIE.([0-9\.]*)/i;
    var re_gecko = /gecko/i;
    var re_safari = /(applewebkit|safari)\/([\d\.]*)/i;
    var r = false;
    if ( (r = ua.match(re_opera))) {
    this.opera = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_msie))) {
    this.ie = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_safari))) {
    this.safari = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[2]);
    } else if (ua.match(re_gecko)) {
    var re_gecko_version = /rv:\s*([0-9\.]+)/i;
    r = ua.match(re_gecko_version);
    this.mozilla = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    this.windows = this.mac = this.linux = false;
    this.Platform = ua.match(/windows/i) ? "windows" :
    (ua.match(/linux/i) ? "linux" :
    (ua.match(/mac/i) ? "mac" :
    ua.match(/unix/i)? "unix" : "unknown"));
    this[this.Platform] = true;
    this.v = this.version;
    if (this.safari && this.mac && this.mozilla) {
    this.mozilla = false;
    Spry.is = new Spry.BrowserSniff();
    // Constructor for Menu Bar
    // element should be an ID of an unordered list (<ul> tag)
    // preloadImage1 and preloadImage2 are images for the rollover state of a menu
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar = function(element, opts)
    this.init(element, opts);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.init = function(element, opts)
    this.element = this.getElement(element);
    // represents the current (sub)menu we are operating on
    this.currMenu = null;
    this.showDelay = 250;
    this.hideDelay = 600;
    if(typeof document.getElementById == 'undefined' || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') || (Spry.is.ie && typeof document.uniqueID == 'undefined'))
    // bail on older unsupported browsers
    // Fix IE6 CSS images flicker
    if (Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7){
    try {
    document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
    } catch(err) {}
    this.upKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_UP;
    this.downKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_DOWN;
    this.leftKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_LEFT;
    this.rightKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_RIGHT;
    this.escKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_ESC;
    this.hoverClass = 'MenuBarItemHover';
    this.subHoverClass = 'MenuBarItemSubmenuHover';
    this.subVisibleClass ='MenuBarSubmenuVisible';
    this.hasSubClass = 'MenuBarItemSubmenu';
    this.activeClass = 'MenuBarActive';
    this.isieClass = 'MenuBarItemIE';
    this.verticalClass = 'MenuBarVertical';
    this.horizontalClass = 'MenuBarHorizontal';
    this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;
    this.hasFocus = false;
    // load hover images now
    for(var k in opts)
    if (typeof this[k] == 'undefined')
    var rollover = new Image;
    rollover.src = opts[k];
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.setOptions(this, opts);
    // safari doesn't support tabindex
    if (Spry.is.safari)
    this.enableKeyboardNavigation = false;
    this.currMenu = this.element;
    var items = this.element.getElementsByTagName('li');
    for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
    if (i > 0 && this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    this.initialize(items[i], element);
    this.addClassName(items[i], this.isieClass);
    items[i].style.position = "static";
    if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    var self = this;
    this.addEventListener(document, 'keydown', function(e){self.keyDown(e); }, false);
    if(this.hasClassName(this.element, this.verticalClass))
    this.element.style.position = "relative";
    var linkitems = this.element.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var i=0; i<linkitems.length; i++)
    linkitems[i].style.position = "relative";
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_ESC = 27;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_UP = 38;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_DOWN = 40;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_LEFT = 37;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_RIGHT = 39;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
    if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
    return document.getElementById(ele);
    return ele;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hasClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !ele.className || ele.className.search(new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1)
    return false;
    return true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
    // addEventListener for Menu Bar
    // attach an event to a tag without creating obtrusive HTML code
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
    if (element.addEventListener)
    element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
    else if (element.attachEvent)
    element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, handler);
    catch (e) {}
    // createIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // creates an IFRAME underneath a menu so that it will show above form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.createIframeLayer = function(menu)
    var layer = document.createElement('iframe');
    layer.tabIndex = '-1';
    layer.src = 'javascript:""';
    layer.frameBorder = '0';
    layer.scrolling = 'no';
    layer.style.left = menu.offsetLeft + 'px';
    layer.style.top = menu.offsetTop + 'px';
    layer.style.width = menu.offsetWidth + 'px';
    layer.style.height = menu.offsetHeight + 'px';
    // removeIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // removes an IFRAME underneath a menu to reveal any form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeIframeLayer =  function(menu)
    var layers = ((menu == this.element) ? menu : menu.parentNode).getElementsByTagName('iframe');
    while(layers.length > 0)
    // clearMenus for Menu Bar
    // root is the top level unordered list (<ul> tag)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearMenus = function(root)
    var menus = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    for(var i=0; i<menus.length; i++)
    this.removeClassName(this.element, this.activeClass);
    // bubbledTextEvent for Menu Bar
    // identify bubbled up text events in Safari so we can ignore them
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.bubbledTextEvent = function()
    return Spry.is.safari && (event.target == event.relatedTarget.parentNode || (event.eventPhase == 3 && event.target.parentNode == event.relatedTarget));
    // showSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // set the proper CSS class on this menu to show it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.showSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.currMenu = null;
    this.addClassName(menu, this.subVisibleClass);
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && !Spry.is.opera && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    if(!this.hasClassName(this.element, this.horizontalClass) || menu.parentNode.parentNode != this.element)
    menu.style.top = menu.parentNode.offsetTop + 'px';
    if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
    this.addClassName(this.element, this.activeClass);
    // hideSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // remove the proper CSS class on this menu to hide it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hideSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.removeClassName(menu, this.subVisibleClass);
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && !Spry.is.opera && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    menu.style.top = '';
    menu.style.left = '';
    if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
    // initialize for Menu Bar
    // create event listeners for the Menu Bar widget so we can properly
    // show and hide submenus
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.initialize = function(listitem, element)
    var opentime, closetime;
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    this.addClassName(link, this.hasSubClass);
    // define a simple function that comes standard in IE to determine
    // if a node is within another node
    listitem.contains = function(testNode)
    // this refers to the list item
    if(testNode == null)
    return false;
    if(testNode == this)
    return true;
    return this.contains(testNode.parentNode);
    // need to save this for scope further down
    var self = this;
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseover', function(e){self.mouseOver(listitem, e);}, false);
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseout', function(e){if (self.enableKeyboardNavigation) self.clearSelection(); self.mouseOut(listitem, e);}, false);
    if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    this.addEventListener(link, 'blur', function(e){self.onBlur(listitem);}, false);
    this.addEventListener(link, 'focus', function(e){self.keyFocus(listitem, e);}, false);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.keyFocus = function (listitem, e)
    this.lastOpen = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    this.addClassName(this.lastOpen, listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul').length > 0 ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    this.hasFocus = true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.onBlur = function (listitem)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearSelection = function(el){
    //search any intersection with the current open element
    if (!this.lastOpen)
    if (el)
    el = el.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    // check children
    var item = this.lastOpen;
    while (item != this.element)
    var tmp = el;
    while (tmp != this.element)
    if (tmp == item)
    tmp = tmp.parentNode;
    item = item.parentNode;
    var item = this.lastOpen;
    while (item != this.element)
    var link = item.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    this.removeClassName(link, this.hoverClass);
    this.removeClassName(link, this.subHoverClass);
    item = item.parentNode;
    this.lastOpen = false;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.keyDown = function (e)
    if (!this.hasFocus)
    if (!this.lastOpen)
    this.hasFocus = false;
    var e = e|| event;
    var listitem = this.lastOpen.parentNode;
    var link = this.lastOpen;
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
    var opts = [listitem, menu, null, this.getSibling(listitem, 'previousSibling'), this.getSibling(listitem, 'nextSibling')];
    if (!opts[3])
    opts[2] = (listitem.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li')?listitem.parentNode.parentNode:null;
    var found = 0;
    switch (e.keyCode){
    case this.upKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'y', 1);
    case this.downKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'y', -1);
    case this.leftKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'x', 1);
    case this.rightKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'x', -1);
    case this.escKeyCode:
    case 9:
    this.hasFocus = false;
    default: return;
    switch (found)
    case 0: return;
    case 1:
    this.mouseOver(listitem, e);
    case 2:
    this.mouseOut(opts[2], e);
    case 3:
    case 4:
    // left - right
    this.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    var link = opts[found].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    if (opts[found].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul')
    opts[found] = opts[found].getElementsByTagName('li')[0];
    this.addClassName(link, opts[found].getElementsByTagName('ul').length > 0 ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    this.lastOpen = link;
            //stop further event handling by the browser
    return Spry.Widget.MenuBar.stopPropagation(e);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.mouseOver = function (listitem, e)
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
    if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    // ignore bubbled text events
    if (listitem.closetime)
    if(this.currMenu == listitem)
    this.currMenu = null;
    // move the focus too
    if (this.hasFocus)
    // show menu highlighting
    this.addClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    this.lastOpen = link;
    if(menu && !this.hasClassName(menu, this.subHoverClass))
    var self = this;
    listitem.opentime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.showSubmenu(menu);}, this.showDelay);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.mouseOut = function (listitem, e)
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
    // ignore bubbled text events
    var related = (typeof e.relatedTarget != 'undefined' ? e.relatedTarget : e.toElement);
    if (listitem.opentime)
    this.currMenu = listitem;
    // remove menu highlighting
    this.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    var self = this;
    listitem.closetime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.hideSubmenu(menu);}, this.hideDelay);
    if (this.hasFocus)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getSibling = function(element, sibling)
    var child = element[sibling];
    while (child && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() !='li')
    child = child[sibling];
    return child;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElementForKey = function(els, prop, dir)
    var found = 0;
    var rect = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getPosition;
    var ref = rect(els[found]);
    var hideSubmenu = false;
    //make the subelement visible to compute the position
    if (els[1] && !this.hasClassName(els[1], this.MenuBarSubmenuVisible))
    els[1].style.visibility = 'hidden';
    hideSubmenu = true;
    var isVert = this.hasClassName(this.element, this.verticalClass);
    var hasParent = els[0].parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li' ? true : false;
    for (var i = 1; i < els.length; i++){
    //when navigating on the y axis in vertical menus, ignore children and parents
    if(prop=='y' && isVert && (i==1 || i==2))
    //when navigationg on the x axis in the FIRST LEVEL of horizontal menus, ignore children and parents
    if(prop=='x' && !isVert && !hasParent && (i==1 || i==2))
    if (els[i])
    var tmp = rect(els[i]);
    if ( (dir * tmp[prop]) < (dir * ref[prop]))
    ref = tmp;
    found = i;
    // hide back the submenu
    if (els[1] && hideSubmenu){
    els[1].style.visibility =  '';
    return found;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize = function(str)
    if (str.indexOf('-') == -1){
    return str;
    var oStringList = str.split('-');
    var isFirstEntry = true;
    var camelizedString = '';
    for(var i=0; i < oStringList.length; i++)
    camelizedString = oStringList[i];
    isFirstEntry = false;
    var s = oStringList[i];
    camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
    return camelizedString;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp = function(element, prop)
    var value;
    if (element.style)
    value = element.style[Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize(prop)];
    if (!value)
    if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle)
    var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
    value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(prop) : null;
    else if (element.currentStyle)
    value = element.currentStyle[Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize(prop)];
    catch (e) {}
    return value == 'auto' ? null : value;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getIntProp = function(element, prop)
    var a = parseInt(Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(element, prop),10);
    if (isNaN(a))
    return 0;
    return a;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getPosition = function(el, doc)
    doc = doc || document;
    if (typeof(el) == 'string') {
    el = doc.getElementById(el);
    if (!el) {
    return false;
    if (el.parentNode === null || Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(el, 'display') == 'none') {
    //element must be visible to have a box
    return false;
    var ret = {x:0, y:0};
    var parent = null;
    var box;
    if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { // IE
    box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
    var scrollTop = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop;
    var scrollLeft = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
    ret.x = box.left + scrollLeft;
    ret.y = box.top + scrollTop;
    } else if (doc.getBoxObjectFor) { // gecko
    box = doc.getBoxObjectFor(el);
    ret.x = box.x;
    ret.y = box.y;
    } else { // safari/opera
    ret.x = el.offsetLeft;
    ret.y = el.offsetTop;
    parent = el.offsetParent;
    if (parent != el) {
    while (parent) {
    ret.x += parent.offsetLeft;
    ret.y += parent.offsetTop;
    parent = parent.offsetParent;
    // opera & (safari absolute) incorrectly account for body offsetTop
    if (Spry.is.opera || Spry.is.safari && Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(el, 'position') == 'absolute')
    ret.y -= doc.body.offsetTop;
    if (el.parentNode)
    parent = el.parentNode;
    parent = null;
    if (parent.nodeName){
    var cas = parent.nodeName.toUpperCase();
    while (parent && cas != 'BODY' && cas != 'HTML') {
    cas = parent.nodeName.toUpperCase();
    ret.x -= parent.scrollLeft;
    ret.y -= parent.scrollTop;
    if (parent.parentNode)
    parent = parent.parentNode;
    parent = null;
    return ret;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.stopPropagation = function(ev)
    if (ev.stopPropagation)
    ev.cancelBubble = true;
    if (ev.preventDefault)
    ev.returnValue = false;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps)
    if (!optionsObj)
    for (var optionName in optionsObj)
    if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined)
    obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName];
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarVertical.css - version 0.6 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, a fixed width box with no margin or padding */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    cursor: default;
    width: 6.2em;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
    z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarVertical li
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: relative;
    text-align: left;
    cursor: pointer;
    width: 6.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
    margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1020;
    cursor: default;
    width: 6.2em;
    left: -1000em;
    top: 0;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    left: 0;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li
    width: 8.2em;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Outermost menu container has borders on all sides */
    border: 0px solid #CCC;
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
    border: 0px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a
    display: block;
    cursor: pointer;
    background-color: transparent;
    padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
    color: #502977;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #A88FC7;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a:hover, ul.MenuBarVertical a:focus
    background-color: transparent;
    color: #A88FC7;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    background-color: transparent;
    color: #A88FC7;
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li a
    border: 0px;
    color: #006600;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    /*ul.MenuBarVertical iframe
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
    /* ul.MenuBarVertical li.MenuBarItemIE
    display: inline;
    f\loat: left;
    background: #FFF;

  • Spry menu hover: How to get rid of white box with "false"?

    I'm encountering an IE issue with a Spry vertical menu bar. When the user hovers over the submenu, white frames appear behind the submenu with the word "false" in them. Of course this doesn't happen in Safari or Firefox.
    I was able to fix other similar problems with the menu by following tips posted on another forum. Namely, in the CSS, I disabled an IE hack that caused a white background to appear (menu background has to be transparent on this site). And in the JS, I disabled the following: this.removeIframeLayer(menu);
    Here's the URL: http://www.qic-ec.org
    Below are the css (1) and js (2).
    Any help would be DEEPLY appreciated.
    Thank you
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarVertical.css - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, a fixed width box with no margin or padding */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    cursor: default;
    width: 6.2em;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
    z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarVertical li
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: relative;
    text-align: left;
    cursor: pointer;
    width: 6.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
    margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1020;
    cursor: default;
    width: 6.2em;
    left: -1000em;
    top: 0;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    left: 0;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li
    width: 3em;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Outermost menu container has borders on all sides */
    border: 0px solid #CCC;
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
    border: 0px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a transparent block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a
    display: block;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
    color: #502977;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #A88FC7;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a transparent background and light purple text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a:hover, ul.MenuBarVertical a:focus
    color: #A88FC7;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a transparent background and light purple text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        color: #A88FC7;
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li a
    border: 0px;
    color: #006600;
      SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
    background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    /*ul.MenuBarVertical iframe
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
    /* ul.MenuBarVertical li.MenuBarItemIE
    display: inline;
    f\loat: left;
            background: #fff;
    /* SpryMenuBar.js - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */
    // Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    // All rights reserved.
    // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    //   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    //   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
    //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
    //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    //   * Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names of its
    //     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
    //     software without specific prior written permission.
    This file handles the JavaScript for Spry Menu Bar.  You should have no need
    to edit this file.  Some highlights of the MenuBar object is that timers are
    used to keep submenus from showing up until the user has hovered over the parent
    menu item for some time, as well as a timer for when they leave a submenu to keep
    showing that submenu until the timer fires.
    var Spry;
    Spry = {};
    Spry.Widget = {};
    // Constructor for Menu Bar
    // element should be an ID of an unordered list (<ul> tag)
    // preloadImage1 and preloadImage2 are images for the rollover state of a menu
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar = function(element, opts)
    this.init(element, opts);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.init = function(element, opts)
    this.element = this.getElement(element);
    // represents the current (sub)menu we are operating on
    this.currMenu = null;
    var isie = (typeof document.all != 'undefined' && typeof window.opera == 'undefined' && navigator.vendor != 'KDE');
    if(typeof document.getElementById == 'undefined' || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') || (isie && typeof document.uniqueID == 'undefined'))
    // bail on older unsupported browsers
    // load hover images now
    for(var k in opts)
    var rollover = new Image;
    rollover.src = opts[k];
    this.currMenu = this.element;
    var items = this.element.getElementsByTagName('li');
    for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
    this.initialize(items[i], element, isie);
    this.addClassName(items[i], "MenuBarItemIE");
    items[i].style.position = "static";
    if(this.hasClassName(this.element, "MenuBarVertical"))
    this.element.style.position = "relative";
    var linkitems = this.element.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var i=0; i<linkitems.length; i++)
    linkitems[i].style.position = "relative";
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
    if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
    return document.getElementById(ele);
    return ele;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hasClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !ele.className || ele.className.search(new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1)
    return false;
    return true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
    // addEventListener for Menu Bar
    // attach an event to a tag without creating obtrusive HTML code
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
    if (element.addEventListener)
    element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
    else if (element.attachEvent)
    element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, handler);
    catch (e) {}
    // createIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // creates an IFRAME underneath a menu so that it will show above form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.createIframeLayer = function(menu)
    var layer = document.createElement('iframe');
    layer.tabIndex = '-1';
    layer.src = 'javascript:false;';
    layer.style.left = menu.offsetLeft + 'px';
    layer.style.top = menu.offsetTop + 'px';
    layer.style.width = menu.offsetWidth + 'px';
    layer.style.height = menu.offsetHeight + 'px';
    // removeIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // removes an IFRAME underneath a menu to reveal any form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeIframeLayer =  function(menu)
    var layers = menu.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
    while(layers.length > 0)
    // clearMenus for Menu Bar
    // root is the top level unordered list (<ul> tag)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearMenus = function(root)
    var menus = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    for(var i=0; i<menus.length; i++)
    this.removeClassName(this.element, "MenuBarActive");
    // bubbledTextEvent for Menu Bar
    // identify bubbled up text events in Safari so we can ignore them
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.bubbledTextEvent = function()
    return (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && (event.target == event.relatedTarget.parentNode || (event.eventPhase == 3 && event.target.parentNode == event.relatedTarget)));
    // showSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // set the proper CSS class on this menu to show it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.showSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.currMenu = null;
    this.addClassName(menu, "MenuBarSubmenuVisible");
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && typeof window.opera == 'undefined' && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    if(!this.hasClassName(this.element, "MenuBarHorizontal") || menu.parentNode.parentNode != this.element)
    menu.style.top = menu.parentNode.offsetTop + 'px';
    if(typeof document.uniqueID != "undefined")
    this.addClassName(this.element, "MenuBarActive");
    // hideSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // remove the proper CSS class on this menu to hide it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hideSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.removeClassName(menu, "MenuBarSubmenuVisible");
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && typeof window.opera == 'undefined' && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    menu.style.top = '';
    menu.style.left = '';
    // this.removeIframeLayer(menu);
    // initialize for Menu Bar
    // create event listeners for the Menu Bar widget so we can properly
    // show and hide submenus
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.initialize = function(listitem, element, isie)
    var opentime, closetime;
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = false;
    this.addClassName(link, "MenuBarItemSubmenu");
    hasSubMenu = true;
    // define a simple function that comes standard in IE to determine
    // if a node is within another node
    listitem.contains = function(testNode)
    // this refers to the list item
    if(testNode == null)
    return false;
    if(testNode == this)
    return true;
    return this.contains(testNode.parentNode);
    // need to save this for scope further down
    var self = this;
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseover', function(e)
    // ignore bubbled text events
    if(self.currMenu == listitem)
    self.currMenu = null;
    // show menu highlighting
    self.addClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? "MenuBarItemSubmenuHover" : "MenuBarItemHover");
    if(menu && !self.hasClassName(menu, "MenuBarSubmenuVisible"))
    opentime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.showSubmenu(menu);}, 250);
    }, false);
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseout', function(e)
    // ignore bubbled text events
    var related = (typeof e.relatedTarget != 'undefined' ? e.relatedTarget : e.toElement);
    self.currMenu = listitem;
    // remove menu highlighting
    self.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? "MenuBarItemSubmenuHover" : "MenuBarItemHover");
    closetime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.hideSubmenu(menu);}, 600);
    }, false);

    Do you have any suggestions for how to adjust the JS so that the menu functions properly in IE? As I said, I upgraded to Spry 1.6.1 and uploaded the new CSS and JS and the problem is still there. The CSS is the same as in the previous version. The new JS is:
    // SpryMenuBar.js - version 0.12 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1
    var Spry; if (!Spry) Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};
    Spry.BrowserSniff = function()
    var b = navigator.appName.toString();
    var up = navigator.platform.toString();
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toString();
    this.mozilla = this.ie = this.opera = this.safari = false;
    var re_opera = /Opera.([0-9\.]*)/i;
    var re_msie = /MSIE.([0-9\.]*)/i;
    var re_gecko = /gecko/i;
    var re_safari = /(applewebkit|safari)\/([\d\.]*)/i;
    var r = false;
    if ( (r = ua.match(re_opera))) {
    this.opera = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_msie))) {
    this.ie = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_safari))) {
    this.safari = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[2]);
    } else if (ua.match(re_gecko)) {
    var re_gecko_version = /rv:\s*([0-9\.]+)/i;
    r = ua.match(re_gecko_version);
    this.mozilla = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    this.windows = this.mac = this.linux = false;
    this.Platform = ua.match(/windows/i) ? "windows" :
    (ua.match(/linux/i) ? "linux" :
    (ua.match(/mac/i) ? "mac" :
    ua.match(/unix/i)? "unix" : "unknown"));
    this[this.Platform] = true;
    this.v = this.version;
    if (this.safari && this.mac && this.mozilla) {
    this.mozilla = false;
    Spry.is = new Spry.BrowserSniff();
    // Constructor for Menu Bar
    // element should be an ID of an unordered list (<ul> tag)
    // preloadImage1 and preloadImage2 are images for the rollover state of a menu
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar = function(element, opts)
    this.init(element, opts);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.init = function(element, opts)
    this.element = this.getElement(element);
    // represents the current (sub)menu we are operating on
    this.currMenu = null;
    this.showDelay = 250;
    this.hideDelay = 600;
    if(typeof document.getElementById == 'undefined' || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') || (Spry.is.ie && typeof document.uniqueID == 'undefined'))
    // bail on older unsupported browsers
    // Fix IE6 CSS images flicker
    if (Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7){
    try {
    document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
    } catch(err) {}
    this.upKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_UP;
    this.downKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_DOWN;
    this.leftKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_LEFT;
    this.rightKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_RIGHT;
    this.escKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_ESC;
    this.hoverClass = 'MenuBarItemHover';
    this.subHoverClass = 'MenuBarItemSubmenuHover';
    this.subVisibleClass ='MenuBarSubmenuVisible';
    this.hasSubClass = 'MenuBarItemSubmenu';
    this.activeClass = 'MenuBarActive';
    this.isieClass = 'MenuBarItemIE';
    this.verticalClass = 'MenuBarVertical';
    this.horizontalClass = 'MenuBarHorizontal';
    this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;
    this.hasFocus = false;
    // load hover images now
    for(var k in opts)
    if (typeof this[k] == 'undefined')
    var rollover = new Image;
    rollover.src = opts[k];
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.setOptions(this, opts);
    // safari doesn't support tabindex
    if (Spry.is.safari)
    this.enableKeyboardNavigation = false;
    this.currMenu = this.element;
    var items = this.element.getElementsByTagName('li');
    for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
    if (i > 0 && this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    this.initialize(items[i], element);
    this.addClassName(items[i], this.isieClass);
    items[i].style.position = "static";
    if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    var self = this;
    this.addEventListener(document, 'keydown', function(e){self.keyDown(e); }, false);
    if(this.hasClassName(this.element, this.verticalClass))
    this.element.style.position = "relative";
    var linkitems = this.element.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var i=0; i<linkitems.length; i++)
    linkitems[i].style.position = "relative";
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_ESC = 27;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_UP = 38;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_DOWN = 40;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_LEFT = 37;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_RIGHT = 39;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
    if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
    return document.getElementById(ele);
    return ele;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hasClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !ele.className || ele.className.search(new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1)
    return false;
    return true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
    // addEventListener for Menu Bar
    // attach an event to a tag without creating obtrusive HTML code
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
    if (element.addEventListener)
    element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
    else if (element.attachEvent)
    element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, handler);
    catch (e) {}
    // createIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // creates an IFRAME underneath a menu so that it will show above form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.createIframeLayer = function(menu)
    var layer = document.createElement('iframe');
    layer.tabIndex = '-1';
    layer.src = 'javascript:""';
    layer.frameBorder = '0';
    layer.scrolling = 'no';
    layer.style.left = menu.offsetLeft + 'px';
    layer.style.top = menu.offsetTop + 'px';
    layer.style.width = menu.offsetWidth + 'px';
    layer.style.height = menu.offsetHeight + 'px';
    // removeIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // removes an IFRAME underneath a menu to reveal any form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeIframeLayer =  function(menu)
    var layers = ((menu == this.element) ? menu : menu.parentNode).getElementsByTagName('iframe');
    while(layers.length > 0)
    // clearMenus for Menu Bar
    // root is the top level unordered list (<ul> tag)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearMenus = function(root)
    var menus = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    for(var i=0; i<menus.length; i++)
    this.removeClassName(this.element, this.activeClass);
    // bubbledTextEvent for Menu Bar
    // identify bubbled up text events in Safari so we can ignore them
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.bubbledTextEvent = function()
    return Spry.is.safari && (event.target == event.relatedTarget.parentNode || (event.eventPhase == 3 && event.target.parentNode == event.relatedTarget));
    // showSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // set the proper CSS class on this menu to show it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.showSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.currMenu = null;
    this.addClassName(menu, this.subVisibleClass);
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && !Spry.is.opera && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    if(!this.hasClassName(this.element, this.horizontalClass) || menu.parentNode.parentNode != this.element)
    menu.style.top = menu.parentNode.offsetTop + 'px';
    if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
    this.addClassName(this.element, this.activeClass);
    // hideSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // remove the proper CSS class on this menu to hide it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hideSubmenu = function(menu)
    this.removeClassName(menu, this.subVisibleClass);
    if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && !Spry.is.opera && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    menu.style.top = '';
    menu.style.left = '';
    if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
    // initialize for Menu Bar
    // create event listeners for the Menu Bar widget so we can properly
    // show and hide submenus
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.initialize = function(listitem, element)
    var opentime, closetime;
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    this.addClassName(link, this.hasSubClass);
    // define a simple function that comes standard in IE to determine
    // if a node is within another node
    listitem.contains = function(testNode)
    // this refers to the list item
    if(testNode == null)
    return false;
    if(testNode == this)
    return true;
    return this.contains(testNode.parentNode);
    // need to save this for scope further down
    var self = this;
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseover', function(e){self.mouseOver(listitem, e);}, false);
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseout', function(e){if (self.enableKeyboardNavigation) self.clearSelection(); self.mouseOut(listitem, e);}, false);
    if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    this.addEventListener(link, 'blur', function(e){self.onBlur(listitem);}, false);
    this.addEventListener(link, 'focus', function(e){self.keyFocus(listitem, e);}, false);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.keyFocus = function (listitem, e)
    this.lastOpen = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    this.addClassName(this.lastOpen, listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul').length > 0 ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    this.hasFocus = true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.onBlur = function (listitem)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearSelection = function(el){
    //search any intersection with the current open element
    if (!this.lastOpen)
    if (el)
    el = el.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    // check children
    var item = this.lastOpen;
    while (item != this.element)
    var tmp = el;
    while (tmp != this.element)
    if (tmp == item)
    tmp = tmp.parentNode;
    item = item.parentNode;
    var item = this.lastOpen;
    while (item != this.element)
    var link = item.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    this.removeClassName(link, this.hoverClass);
    this.removeClassName(link, this.subHoverClass);
    item = item.parentNode;
    this.lastOpen = false;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.keyDown = function (e)
    if (!this.hasFocus)
    if (!this.lastOpen)
    this.hasFocus = false;
    var e = e|| event;
    var listitem = this.lastOpen.parentNode;
    var link = this.lastOpen;
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
    var opts = [listitem, menu, null, this.getSibling(listitem, 'previousSibling'), this.getSibling(listitem, 'nextSibling')];
    if (!opts[3])
    opts[2] = (listitem.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li')?listitem.parentNode.parentNode:null;
    var found = 0;
    switch (e.keyCode){
    case this.upKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'y', 1);
    case this.downKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'y', -1);
    case this.leftKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'x', 1);
    case this.rightKeyCode:
    found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'x', -1);
    case this.escKeyCode:
    case 9:
    this.hasFocus = false;
    default: return;
    switch (found)
    case 0: return;
    case 1:
    this.mouseOver(listitem, e);
    case 2:
    this.mouseOut(opts[2], e);
    case 3:
    case 4:
    // left - right
    this.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    var link = opts[found].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    if (opts[found].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul')
    opts[found] = opts[found].getElementsByTagName('li')[0];
    this.addClassName(link, opts[found].getElementsByTagName('ul').length > 0 ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    this.lastOpen = link;
            //stop further event handling by the browser
    return Spry.Widget.MenuBar.stopPropagation(e);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.mouseOver = function (listitem, e)
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
    if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    // ignore bubbled text events
    if (listitem.closetime)
    if(this.currMenu == listitem)
    this.currMenu = null;
    // move the focus too
    if (this.hasFocus)
    // show menu highlighting
    this.addClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    this.lastOpen = link;
    if(menu && !this.hasClassName(menu, this.subHoverClass))
    var self = this;
    listitem.opentime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.showSubmenu(menu);}, this.showDelay);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.mouseOut = function (listitem, e)
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
    var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
    // ignore bubbled text events
    var related = (typeof e.relatedTarget != 'undefined' ? e.relatedTarget : e.toElement);
    if (listitem.opentime)
    this.currMenu = listitem;
    // remove menu highlighting
    this.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
    var self = this;
    listitem.closetime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.hideSubmenu(menu);}, this.hideDelay);
    if (this.hasFocus)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getSibling = function(element, sibling)
    var child = element[sibling];
    while (child && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() !='li')
    child = child[sibling];
    return child;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElementForKey = function(els, prop, dir)
    var found = 0;
    var rect = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getPosition;
    var ref = rect(els[found]);
    var hideSubmenu = false;
    //make the subelement visible to compute the position
    if (els[1] && !this.hasClassName(els[1], this.MenuBarSubmenuVisible))
    els[1].style.visibility = 'hidden';
    hideSubmenu = true;
    var isVert = this.hasClassName(this.element, this.verticalClass);
    var hasParent = els[0].parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li' ? true : false;
    for (var i = 1; i < els.length; i++){
    //when navigating on the y axis in vertical menus, ignore children and parents
    if(prop=='y' && isVert && (i==1 || i==2))
    //when navigationg on the x axis in the FIRST LEVEL of horizontal menus, ignore children and parents
    if(prop=='x' && !isVert && !hasParent && (i==1 || i==2))
    if (els[i])
    var tmp = rect(els[i]);
    if ( (dir * tmp[prop]) < (dir * ref[prop]))
    ref = tmp;
    found = i;
    // hide back the submenu
    if (els[1] && hideSubmenu){
    els[1].style.visibility =  '';
    return found;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize = function(str)
    if (str.indexOf('-') == -1){
    return str;
    var oStringList = str.split('-');
    var isFirstEntry = true;
    var camelizedString = '';
    for(var i=0; i < oStringList.length; i++)
    camelizedString = oStringList[i];
    isFirstEntry = false;
    var s = oStringList[i];
    camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
    return camelizedString;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp = function(element, prop)
    var value;
    if (element.style)
    value = element.style[Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize(prop)];
    if (!value)
    if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle)
    var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
    value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(prop) : null;
    else if (element.currentStyle)
    value = element.currentStyle[Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize(prop)];
    catch (e) {}
    return value == 'auto' ? null : value;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getIntProp = function(element, prop)
    var a = parseInt(Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(element, prop),10);
    if (isNaN(a))
    return 0;
    return a;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getPosition = function(el, doc)
    doc = doc || document;
    if (typeof(el) == 'string') {
    el = doc.getElementById(el);
    if (!el) {
    return false;
    if (el.parentNode === null || Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(el, 'display') == 'none') {
    //element must be visible to have a box
    return false;
    var ret = {x:0, y:0};
    var parent = null;
    var box;
    if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { // IE
    box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
    var scrollTop = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop;
    var scrollLeft = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
    ret.x = box.left + scrollLeft;
    ret.y = box.top + scrollTop;
    } else if (doc.getBoxObjectFor) { // gecko
    box = doc.getBoxObjectFor(el);
    ret.x = box.x;
    ret.y = box.y;
    } else { // safari/opera
    ret.x = el.offsetLeft;
    ret.y = el.offsetTop;
    parent = el.offsetParent;
    if (parent != el) {
    while (parent) {
    ret.x += parent.offsetLeft;
    ret.y += parent.offsetTop;
    parent = parent.offsetParent;
    // opera & (safari absolute) incorrectly account for body offsetTop
    if (Spry.is.opera || Spry.is.safari && Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(el, 'position') == 'absolute')
    ret.y -= doc.body.offsetTop;
    if (el.parentNode)
    parent = el.parentNode;
    parent = null;
    if (parent.nodeName){
    var cas = parent.nodeName.toUpperCase();
    while (parent && cas != 'BODY' && cas != 'HTML') {
    cas = parent.nodeName.toUpperCase();
    ret.x -= parent.scrollLeft;
    ret.y -= parent.scrollTop;
    if (parent.parentNode)
    parent = parent.parentNode;
    parent = null;
    return ret;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.stopPropagation = function(ev)
    if (ev.stopPropagation)
    ev.cancelBubble = true;
    if (ev.preventDefault)
    ev.returnValue = false;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps)
    if (!optionsObj)
    for (var optionName in optionsObj)
    if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined)
    obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName];

  • Spry Menu Hover behavior

    First let me apologize and say I'm a total CSS noob and I
    know this is probably a simple issue for you CSS masters out there
    - but I'm at a loss :(
    My client wants a horizontal spry menu for her site. Instead
    of colors, she would like to use images for the buttons. Simple
    enough no? I've figured out how to segragate the behaviors for the
    button display. But, I can't figure out how to have different hover
    behaviors for the main menu buttons and the sub-menu buttons.
    For my test page I created a multitude of colored buttons so
    I could see the affect of each change I make. I know the
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover is controlling the hover
    behavior for the MenuBarHorizontalSub and the MenuBarItemNoSubmenu
    classes (I have the background image for this style set to
    PinkButton.gif) - what I want is to have the hover behavior for the
    MenuBarHorizontalSub class to have a different image.
    I've added MenuBarHorizontalSub a:hover to my CSS and changed
    the image to RedButton.gif but it has no affect on the hover
    behavior because I'm still seeing the PinkButton.gif.
    Here is my test page:
    Here is a link to the CSS:
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
    Sue in NH

    First let me apologize and say I'm a total CSS noob and I
    know this is probably a simple issue for you CSS masters out there
    - but I'm at a loss :(
    My client wants a horizontal spry menu for her site. Instead
    of colors, she would like to use images for the buttons. Simple
    enough no? I've figured out how to segragate the behaviors for the
    button display. But, I can't figure out how to have different hover
    behaviors for the main menu buttons and the sub-menu buttons.
    For my test page I created a multitude of colored buttons so
    I could see the affect of each change I make. I know the
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover is controlling the hover
    behavior for the MenuBarHorizontalSub and the MenuBarItemNoSubmenu
    classes (I have the background image for this style set to
    PinkButton.gif) - what I want is to have the hover behavior for the
    MenuBarHorizontalSub class to have a different image.
    I've added MenuBarHorizontalSub a:hover to my CSS and changed
    the image to RedButton.gif but it has no affect on the hover
    behavior because I'm still seeing the PinkButton.gif.
    Here is my test page:
    Here is a link to the CSS:
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
    Sue in NH

  • CS6, Fluid Grid Layouts, and Spry Menu - sizing issues

    Hi. I am a full-fledged nubie to Dreamweaver, so please forgive my ignorance. But I really need to build a new site, and I really like DW so far (much better than what I was using).
    I am building a site with fluid grid layouts so it is properly sized across all decices. I have inserted a spry horizontal menu as my primary navigation. I got the menu to look like I want it as far as formatting goes.
    But when I view the page live and change the size of my browser, the menu wraps around to the next row, even with fairly large browser windows.
    Can anyone tell me how to scale the spry menu bar the same as an image does in a fluid grid layout?

    Don't use Spry Menus.  #1 they're not Responsive.  #2 They don't work all that well on Touch Screen devices.  #3 Adobe abandoned the Spry framework last year.   Is that enough to convince you?  See links below for alternatives.
    Pop-Menu  Magic2 by PVII (commercial DW Extension)
    jQuery Superfish
    jQuery Mega Menus  http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/jkmegamenu.shtml
    CSS3 Dropdown Menus
    10 Responsive Menus
    Nancy O.

  • Spry Menu scrolling issue

    Hi, I've got a scroll bar showing up underneath my tabs when
    I click on any tab in the spry menu bar. Any idea what is causing
    this and how to correct it?

    Have a look at lines 212 and 213 which read as follows
    <script src="file://///SNCentral/Home/akaniecki/My Documents/Web Site Root Folder/Templates/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="file://///SNCentral/Home/akaniecki/My Documents/Web Site Root Folder/Templates/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    The red part shows the URL to the files. However, these files point to your locahost.
    In your template, The links should look like
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    Also make sure that the files do exist in the remote SpryAssets folder.


    Why does my spry menu bar look fine on my computer/my browser, but co-workers browsers show the menu and it's all messed up? Below is my code.
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
            <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">ADULTS</a>
                <li><a href="/SIDE BAR OPTIONS/ADULT REC/ADULT REC.html">ADULT REC</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SIDE BAR OPTIONS/ADULT TRAINING FACILITIES/AdultTrainingFacilities.html">ADULT TRAINING FACILITIES</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SIDE BAR OPTIONS/AGENCY WITH CHOICE/AgencyWithChoice.html">AGENCY WITH CHOICE</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/SUMMER REC/Summer Rec.html">SUMMER REC</a></li>
            <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">YOUTH</a>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM/AfterSchool.html">AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/AKTION CLUB/AktionClub.html">AKTION CLUB</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/CHALLENGER/Challenger.html">CHALLENGER BASEBALL</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/EARLY INTERVENTION/EarlyIntervention.html">EARLY INTERVENTION</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/SUMMER REC/Summer Rec.html">SUMMER REC</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/T-BALL/TBall.html">T-BALL</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/TEEN CLUB/TeenClub.html">TEEN CLUB</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/TRAINING N TRANSITION/TrainingTransition.html">TRAINING & TRANSITION</a></li>
              <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">EVENTS</a>
               <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/EVENTS/LipSync.html">LIP SYNC</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/EVENTS/TouringFriends.html">TOURING FRIENDS</a></li>
                <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/EVENTS/AnnualPicnic.html">ANNUAL PICNIC</a></li>
              <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">OTHER</a>
                    <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/EDUCATION & THERAPY/EducationandTherapy.html">EDUCATION & THERAPY</a></li>
                    <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/EQUIPMENT LOAN/EquipmentLoan.html">EQUIPMENT LOAN</a></li>
                    <li><a href="/NAVBAR/VOLUNTEER/Volunteer.html">VOLUNTEER</a></li>
            <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" a href="#">EMPLOYEES</a>
                 <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/AGENCY WITH CHOICE/AgencyWithChoice.html">AGENCY WITH CHOICE</a></li>
                    <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/MEET OUR STAFF/MeetOurStaff.html">MEET OUR STAFF</a></li>
                     <li><a href="/SUBNAVMENU/EMPLOYEE ACCESS/AccessPage.html">EMPLOYEE ACCESS</a></li>

    Have a look at lines 212 and 213 which read as follows
    <script src="file://///SNCentral/Home/akaniecki/My Documents/Web Site Root Folder/Templates/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="file://///SNCentral/Home/akaniecki/My Documents/Web Site Root Folder/Templates/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    The red part shows the URL to the files. However, these files point to your locahost.
    In your template, The links should look like
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    Also make sure that the files do exist in the remote SpryAssets folder.

  • Spry Menu Bar issue, NEED HELP...???

    Here is the coding for a menu bar that i created with CS3, for some reason i am having an issue when i open the web page in IE, on firefox and safari it looks fine, the menu drops down to sub menu's fine, but for some reason when i open it in IE, the submenu's show on the very top of the page rather than right below the menu itself, please check my coding and see if there is an issue???
    i ran compatability and there are no issues shown.
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        cursor: default;
        width: auto;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
        z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        position: relative;
        text-align: left;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 10.4em;
        float: left;
        background-image: url(tab2.png);
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        width: 8.2em;
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;
        text-decoration: underline;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        background-image: url(../tab1.png);
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
        width: 8.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
        position: absolute;
        margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
        display: block;
        cursor: default;
        padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        text-decoration: none;
        border-left-color: #0063bd;
        border-right-color: #0063bd;
        border-right-width: 3px;
        border-left-width: thin;
        font-family: Calibri;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 19px;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
        color: #000000;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        color: #000000;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarDown.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
        display: inline-block;
        f\loat: left;
        position: relative;

    Hey gramps, thanks for the info, i have updated my spry framework to 1.6.1 but the problem is still the same, i recreated my menu with the new 1.6 and it still doing the same thing, the submenu's are like vertically reversed... ugh need help.
    here the new code
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - version 0.6 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        cursor: default;
        width: auto;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
        z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        position: relative;
        text-align: left;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 10.4em;
        float: left;
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        width: 8.2em;
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        background-image: url(../tab1.png);
        line-height: 18px;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
        width: 8.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
        position: absolute;
        margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        border: 1px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
        display: block;
        cursor: pointer;
        padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        text-decoration: none;
        font-size: 19px;
        font-family: Calibri;
        font-weight: bolder;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
        color: #000000;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        color: #000000;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
        display: inline;
        f\loat: left;

  • Spry menu positioning issue in IE?

    I am quite new to dreamweaver and using spry menus but I have decided to create a horizontal spry bar in my website.
    The menu works fine in safari but the menus and submenu are out of position when using IE and shift to the right.
    Please could you let me know how I can fix this problem and if you can see any other issues in the code i need to sort out?
    Here is the code:
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - version 0.6 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    cursor: default;
    width: 846px;
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    height: 28px;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
    z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: relative;
    text-align: center;
    cursor: pointer;
    width: 141px;
    float: left;
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
    margin: 0% 0 0 0%;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    z-index: 1020;
    cursor: default;
    width: 141px;
    position: absolute;
    left: -1000em;
    border-top-color: #000;
    border-right-color: #000;
    border-bottom-color: #000;
    border-left-color: #000;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    left: auto;
    border-top-color: #000;
    border-right-color: #000;
    border-bottom-color: #000;
    border-left-color: #000;
    border-top-width: 0pt;
    border-right-width: 0pt;
    border-bottom-width: 0pt;
    border-left-width: 0pt;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
    width: 141px;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
    position: absolute;
    margin: 2% 0 0 100%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    left: auto;
    top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
    width: 141px;
    border-top-width: 1px;
    border-right-width: 1px;
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
    border-left-width: 1px;
    border-top-style: solid;
    border-right-style: solid;
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-left-style: solid;
    color: #FFF;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
    display: block;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
    color: #FFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    border: 1px solid #000;
    background-image: url(BtnBackground.gif);
    font-size: 10px;
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
    color: #FFF;
    background-image: url(BtnBackgroundOver.gif);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    font-size: 10px;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    color: #FFF;
    background-image: url(BtnBackgroundOver.gif);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
    background-image: url(BtnBackground.gif);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    color: #FFF;
    font-size: 10px;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
    background-image: url(BtnBackground.gif);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
    background-image: url(BtnBackgroundOver.gif);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
    background-image: url(BtnBackgroundOver.gif);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
    display: inline;
    f\loat: left;
    background: #FFF;
    Also, i've noticed that when the menus go over the top of flash objects the text is not so clear or bright!!! If anyone knows a way to sort this that would be great too!

    Add/modify the following
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li {
        text-align: left;
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a {
        text-align: center;

  • CSS Menu hover issue in IE7

    Hi all,
    I've created a CSS based drop down menu for this site:
    In IE7 the menus don't drop down. They pop up and cover the parent
    item they are supposed to descend from. Can anyone tell me why this
    is and how to fix it?

    On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 01:21:08 +0000 (UTC), "John Ciccolini"
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    >Hi all,
    > I've created a CSS based drop down menu for this site:
    In IE7 the menus don't drop down. They pop up
    >and cover the parent item they are supposed to descend
    from. Can anyone tell
    >me why this is and how to fix it?
    > Thanks,
    > John
    Seems to work ok in IE7 for me. But not in IE6 ! ?
    works ok in Safari & Opera - and FF of course
    I popped the code into Dw and ran the compatibility check and
    there is a problem with IE6 - Expanding box problem
    Googled it - and not sure that is 100% correct - but it might
    be a
    steer........ ?
    minor css issue - which I doubt affects the problem ?
    #breastpumpposter {
    position: relative;
    top: 0px;
    padding-top: -3.5em;
    margin-left: 20px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding-top cannot be negative

  • Spry menu hover fundtions

    I am trying to create a horizontal drop down menu with some
    items that have submenus and some that don't. I have set the
    "ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus" to
    show the background colour #33C but when I point the mouse over the
    menu items, the text goes white as required but the button retains
    the same background image. it makes no difference which browser I
    use. The items with submenus to show, do go blue as they should,
    from the css "ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover,
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover,
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible" where bground color
    is set to #33C. Any suggestions? I feel like I have tried a dozen
    different things with no success

    I am trying to create a horizontal drop down menu with some
    items that have submenus and some that don't. I have set the
    "ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus" to
    show the background colour #33C but when I point the mouse over the
    menu items, the text goes white as required but the button retains
    the same background image. it makes no difference which browser I
    use. The items with submenus to show, do go blue as they should,
    from the css "ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover,
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover,
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible" where bground color
    is set to #33C. Any suggestions? I feel like I have tried a dozen
    different things with no success

  • Spry Menu and IE Issue (Hover Font Size)

    I'm not able to figure out why the hover focus setting works fine with Firefox or Chrome, but I can't find a setting in the CSS to ensure the value for the font on a hover within IE remains fixed. on a hover, the font size increases slighly in IE and pushes menu out of alignment very slightly. I was able to keep the hover size fixed in Firefox and Chrome via the CSS values for the spry, but not sure why IE is doing this and if there is a setting specific to IE that would allow me to keep the hover font size fixed, but not change the values in Firefox/Chrome. Is there any way to lock in the hover value using CSS for the font so in IE it remains constant?
    Page is under development, but if you open it up in IE, the menu hover causes too much movement. I'm new to CS4, so, any help appreciated.

    Perhaps you could adapt the techniques used here for your
    Spry menu:
    Al Sparber - PVII
    The Finest Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets
    The Ultimate DW Menu System
    "Webkil" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gnmh2l$dvo$[email protected]..
    >I have tried this. I want a transparent background no
    colour. As soon as I
    >add transparent IE comes up with the word false in the
    sub menus.

  • Spry menu Bar I.E. positioning issues?

    I, like many folks I've seen on various forums have the same problem with my spry menu appearing at the top of I.E browsers instead of under the menu bar. I've tried all sorts of fixes that I've found and have updated to the latest version of Spry. I am using CS3. Could anyone please, please help? I'm not sure where else to go as I've spent the last week on the web trying to resolve the issue. Everything works great on Safari and Firefox. My URL is http://www.visiongreeninvestments.org
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction.
    My CSS is:
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        cursor: default;
        width: auto;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
        z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        position: relative;
        text-align: left;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 130px;
        float: left;
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        width: 8.2em;
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
        width: 8.2em;
        background-image: none;
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li a
        width: 7.8em;
        background-image: none;
        background-color: #669933;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
        position: absolute;
        margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        border: 0px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
        display: block;
        cursor: pointer;
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    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
        background-color: #669933;
        color: #FFF;
        background-image: none;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        background-color: #669933;
        color: #FFF;
        background-image: none;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(../homepagelayout/greenbarbg.jpg);
        background-repeat: repeat;
        background-color: #669933;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: none;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
        background-color: #669933;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: none;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
        background-color: #669933;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: none;
        background-repeat: repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
        background-color: #669933;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
            display: inline;
            f\loat: left;
            background: #FFF;
        /*insert this bracket/*

    I see that the online version has already been upgraded to Spry 1.61 and that it now works.
    PS Before you change anything, have a look here http://www.dwcourse.com/dreamweaver/ten-commandments-spry-menubars.php#one. This will ensure that you don't make a mess of it this time around.

  • Spry menu bar 2 IE9 issue

    I have a slight problem with a spry menu bar when viewed in IE9beta, when you hover over a menu item the hover background does not always complety fill the area immediately, eventualy it does.  This problem only affects IE9beta, I have tested it in the latest versions of safari, opera, firefox, and chrome.
    Any help with this would be appreciated,
    You can view the menu at www.eandhbaxendale.com and I have included the css and widget script below
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2141544: #BaxMenuBar
    var BaxMenuBar = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar2("#BaxMenuBar", {
          widgetID: "BaxMenuBar",
       widgetClass: "MenuBar  BaxMenuBarFixedLeft",
       insertMenuBarBreak: true,
          mainMenuShowDelay: 100,
          mainMenuHideDelay: 200,
          subMenuShowDelay: 200,
          subMenuHideDelay: 200
    // EndOAWidget_Instance_2141544
    /*menu bar start*/
    #BaxMenuBar {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-style: normal;
    border: #fff solid 1px;
    .MenuBar br {
    .BaxMenuBarLeftShrink {
    float: left;
    width: auto;
    .BaxMenuBarRightShrink {
    float: right;
    width: auto;
    .BaxMenuBarFixedLeft {
    float: left;
    width: 882px;
    .BaxMenuBarFixedCentered {
    float: none;
    width: 80em;
    .BaxMenuBarFixedCentered br {
    .BaxMenuBarFixedCentered .SubMenu br {
    .BaxMenuBarFullwidth {
    float: left;
    width: 100%;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItemContainer {
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 0;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItem {
    padding: 0px 14px 0px 0px;
    border-color: #fff;
    border-style: none solid none none;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItemFirst {
    border-style: none solid none none;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItemLast {
    border-style: none solid none none;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItem .MenuItemLabel {
    padding: 6px 15px 6px 29px;
    width: 10em;
    .SpryIsIE6 #BaxMenuBar .MenuItem .MenuItemLabel {
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItem {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-style: normal;
    padding:0px 2px 0px 0px;
    border-color: #fff;
    border-style: solid solid none solid;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemFirst {
    border-style: solid solid none solid;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemFirst .MenuItemLabel {
    padding-top: 6px;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemLast {
    border-style: solid solid solid solid;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemLast .MenuItemLabel {
    padding-bottom: 6px;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItem .MenuItemLabel {
    padding: 6px 12px 6px 5px;
    width: 7em;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItemHover {
    background-color: #666;
    border-color: #fff;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItemWithSubMenu.MenuItemHover .MenuItemLabel {
    background-color: #666;
    color: #fff;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuItemHover .MenuItemLabel {
    background-color: #666;
    color: #fff;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemHover {
    background-color: #999;
    border-color: #fff;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemHover .MenuItemLabel {
    background-color: #999;
    color: #fff;
    #BaxMenuBar .SubMenuVisible {
    background-color: #666;
    border: #fff 0px none;
    #BaxMenuBar.MenuBar .SubMenuVisible {
    top: 100%;
    #BaxMenuBar.MenuBarVertical .SubMenuVisible {
    top: 0px;
    #BaxMenuBar .MenuLevel1 .SubMenuVisible {
    background-color: #666;
    top: 0px;
    .SpryIsIE6 #BaxMenuBar .MenuBarView .MenuItemWithSubMenuHover .MenuItemLabel {
    background-color: #666;
    color: #fff;
    .SpryIsIE6 #BaxMenuBar .MenuBarView .SubMenu .MenuItemWithSubMenuHover .MenuItemLabel {
    background-color: #999;
        color: #fff;
    .SpryIsIE6 #BaxMenuBar .SubMenu .SubMenu {
    margin-left: -0px;
    /*menu bar end*/

    I must have looked at it in another browser, sorry.
    Had another look at it and indeed it may become an issue in IE9, but because IE9 is still in beta, anything can change.
    Watch this space.
    Oh, you could always add <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" /> to your document.

  • Spry Menu issues in Internet Explorer

    I have created a Spry menu for my website and although the menu appears to look fine in Firefox and Safari, the formatting changes in Internet Explorer(IE).
    1.sub menu bar is not dropping down below the main menu bar it is appearing at the top of the screen.
    2.When you hover over the sub menu bar items the font should be white however in IE it is appearing as an aqua color.
    3.The menu bar is not straight across the page, at the beginning and end there are chunks of the menu bar that appear white.
    Are there any fixes for these issues that would help to make the menu look consistent across all browsers.  The website page is
    www.applmgt.net/LMNtestpage/html, below is the code.  Any help would be appreciated as soon as possible.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <title>Process operators &#8211; woodbuffalo.net</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <link href="mystylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <link href="print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print"/>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <style type="text/css">
    a:link {
        color: #300;
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        <td width="760" height="40" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font color="#4E2C03" size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Process
                operators: Maintaining a career in the oil sands industry</strong></font><img src="images/darkLine.gif" width="750" height="3"></p>
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                 <td><font color="#4E2C03" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>What's in a Name?</strong></font></td>
                <td><font color="#4E2C03" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong><img src="images/mediumLine120.gif" width="120" height="10"></strong></font></td>
                <td><font color="#4E2C03" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Schools Offering Programs</strong></font></td>
                <td><font color="#4E2C03" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong><img src="images/mediumLine120.gif" width="120" height="10"></strong></font></td>
                <td><font color="#4E2C03" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Apply for an Oilsands Job</strong></font></td>
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                  <td><div align="left">
                    <p><font color="#4E2C03" size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><em>&quot;A
                            process operator, whether in Fort McMurray, or in a gas
                            plant in Medicine Hat, basically processes the upstream
                            oil and gas until it's purified enough to go through
                            a pipeline outside the gates of the plant.&quot; </em></font></p>
                    <p align="right"><font color="4e2c03" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>John Cook,<br>
                      associate dean of technology, Keyano College</strong></font></p>
              </table>          <p> </p>
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                      <p align="center"><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong><font color="#FF9933">If
                        you like this article, you might also like:</font></strong></font></p>
                      <p align="center"><font color="#FF0000" size="3.5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong><a href="mediaLMN1206.html">Employment in the oilsands</a></strong></font></p>
              </table>          <p> </p></td>
            <td width="605" valign="top"><p><div class="floatrightgrey">
              <p><img src="images/htmlbulletinimages/1008v1" width="325" height="221"> </p>
      <p><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><em>Process operators are expected to be in high demand in the next few years. One study reported that between 2006 and 2020, over 5,000 new plant and facility operators will be needed in the oil sands.</em></font></p>
              <font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">One study reported that between 2006 and 2020, over 5,000 new plant
              and facility operators will be needed in the oil sands. As construction
              of more and more oil sands projects ends and production begins, there
              is a change in the kind
              of workers most needed. More maintenance trades are needed and less
              construction trades workers are needed. Also, companies now need more
              operating and technical employees, such as process operators, power
              engineers, and instrumentation technicians.<p>A study recently put out by the Government of Alberta (Report on Phase
              2 of the Oil Sands Labour Resource Study) found that from 2006 to 2020,
              15,000 new employees would be needed for operations and maintenance
              in the oil sands industry. The study says there will be a need for
              over 5,000 plant and facility operators between 2006 and 2020. This
              includes process operators
              (noc 9232) and power engineers (noc 7351).
              </p><p><div class="floatleft">
      <p><img src="images/htmlbulletinimages/1008v2" width="356" height="235">
        <em><font size="1"><br>
        Over the next few years, more plants and facilities will open up and the
        demand for process operators and power engineers will increase. There is
        advancement in this industry and even movement between industries.</font></em></p>
              <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Opportunities</strong><br>
                Recently, there have been over 80 job postings for process operators
                and power engineers, so there is great opportunity in Wood Buffalo
                for this occupation.
              </font><font size="2"> </font></p>
                <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">&#8220;Attrition
                  is one reason (for the increased need) because a lot of the older
                  guys are going to be coming to the age of retirement within a
                  very short time and they will have to be replaced,&#8221; says
                  John Cook, associate dean of technology with Keyano College. &#8220;The
                  other reason is expansion of the existing plants and new plants
                starting up.&#8221;</font></p>
              <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hazel White,
                    recruitment advisor with Syncrude Canada Ltd. says they recently
                    had a large number of process operator
                      posted online
                      because of their practice to promote staff within the company.While
                      this is an entry-level position, most companies require that
                    their employees have at least a high school diploma and their fourth
                      class power engineering ticket. For more information on education,
                      see Schools
                      on page 4.</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">           </font>          </p>
              <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Process operators</strong><br>
                There are a few different kinds of process operators: refinery/upgrader
                process operator, gas plant operator, and oil and gas pipeline operator,
                to name a few. The jobs found in Fort McMurray are generally related
                to mineral and hydrocarbon processing in the oil sands industry.</font></p>
              <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">When
                      searching for jobs, be aware that there are a number of different
                  job titles for process operators. Usually, the title of the job
                  is based on the process the employee is involved with or by the
                      in which the employee works. See the list on this page for
                  other common
                  job titles found recently on Job Bank.<img src="images/htmlbulletinimages/1008v3.png" width="209" height="365" align="right" class="floatrightnocut"></font></p>          <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Movement between
                  There are industries other than oil and gas where process operators
                  can work, such as pulp mills and chemical plants. They may process
                  different products, but employers will often consider hiring workers
                  from these other industries.</font></p>
                  <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">&#8220;We have been successful in taking people that had previously worked
                    in a paper mill,&#8221; says White with Syncrude. &#8220;The processes
                    are certainly different. They&#8217;re dealing with paper, rather
                    than oil, but we recently hired 18 (previous mill workers) and
                    my understanding that all 18 have gotten their fourth class tickets
                    since coming to Syncrude. We still need people with refinery experience,
                  but it is possible.&#8221; </font></p>            <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Power engineering</strong><br>
                  Process operators in the Fort McMurray area generally have their
                    fourth or third class power engineering certificate, which allows
                    them to
                    process steam and operate boilers. Other process operators, such
                    as pulp mill operators, don&#8217;t necessarily need this. </font></p>
                  <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">In
                      order to be called a power engineer, a person must be certified
                      through the Alberta Boilers Safety Association to operate pressure
                  equipment (www.absa.ca). </font></p>
                  <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">There are
                      four different levels of power engineer&#8212;the lowest
                        is fourth class, going up to first class. For more information
                      on the Alberta Boilers Safety Association, contact their Fort
                        McMurray office
                    at 780-714-3067.</font></p>            <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Field and control
                  room operators</strong><br>
                  There are basically two levels of process operators in Fort McMurray:
                      field operators and control room operators (or board operators). </font></p>
                    <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">&#8220;</font><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Primarily
                          when someone is starting out, they&#8217;re in the field,&#8221; says
                          Cook. &#8220;After a few years they can become a board
                          operator if they want to do that. They are more experienced
                          and are
                          kind of like
                          the team lead. They tell the field people what needs to
                          be done and if it needs manual operation, (the field operators)
                          go out and do it&#8212;turning
                          valves, adjusting an instrument to control temperature,
                    pressure, flow, or level.&#8221;</font></p>
                    <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Process
                        operators are responsible for the initial separation processes
                        or the special treatment
                            required to ensure that
                            impurities such
                            as water and sediments are removed from oil and gas in
                            the field. Once
                            separated, the oil or gas is transported by pipeline
                      to refineries, gas plants or markets.</font></p>
                    <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Some duties
                        of a process operator are operating equipment to ensure that
                        the oil meets
                          specifications before it
                              goes into
                              a pipeline.
                        Some of the equipment could be:<img src="images/htmlbulletinimages/1008v4" width="302" height="201" class="floatrightnocut"></font></p>           
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">compressors</font></li>
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">dehydration
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">vacuum and atmospheric
                      distillation columns</font></li>
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">cokers</font></li>
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">fractionators</font></li>
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">pumps</font></li>
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">compressors</font></li>
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">steam
                <li><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">heat exchangers</font></li>
              </ul>          <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">&#8220;A process operator, whether in Fort McMurray, or in a gas plant
                                      in Medicine Hat, basically processes the upstream
      oil and gas until it&#8217;s
                                          purified enough to go through a pipeline
      outside the gates of the plant,&#8221; says
                                    Cook. </font></p>
              <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Co-op education</strong><br>
                  There are many power engineering programs around northern Alberta
                        (see below) and some process operating courses. Keyano College
                        offers co-ops
                        for both courses and one of the advantages of this program,
                        besides being in Fort McMurray, is the job placements which
                are provided.</font></p>
              <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">&#8220;We only take as many students as we can guarantee work placement
                    spots, and students have to compete for a seat,&#8221; says Cook. &#8220;We
                          look at their educational background, their marks and then
                          an interview process with Keyano staff and industry people&#8212;just
                  like applying for a job.&#8221;</font></p>          <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Salary and benefits</strong><br>
                  The pay range for this occupation varies greatly depending
                          on experience and training, but the range is about $20
                        to $47 per
                          hour, but averages
                          about $30 to $40 per hour. </font></p>
                  <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Because these
                      positions are for ongoing production and maintenance of oil
                      sands projects,
                        employees are expected
                            to move to
                            Fort McMurray, regardless of whether they are doing shift
                            work or
                  <p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Over the
                      next few years, there will be many more opportunities for people
                      wanting to get into a career in process
                  or power engineering.</font></p></td>
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