SSIS Web Service Complex Type Inputs

I am trying to make a call to a third-party web service in my SSIS package.  The request has custom complex data type as the parameter.  As has been pointed out in this forum before, the Web Service Task only lets you assign the outside parameter from a variable, not the internal parameters needed to create the complex data type. 
To be more specific, the web service input wants a 'ContactSearchRequest' parameter.  I can assign this from a variable.  If I click on the 'value' field under the 'Input' section for the web service task, it shows me that the 'ContactSearchRequest' data type is made up of the following:
contactId - long
numResults - int
offset - int
passKey - string
searchParam - string
sortType - int
Unfortunately, I can't assign these internal parameters from a variable, at least not through the web service task interface.
My next thought was to create a variable of type 'object' and then set it in a script task prior to calling the web service task.  However, I'm not sure exactly how to do this.  How will my script know about the class definition of 'ContactSearchRequest'?  Do I just create a class called 'ContactSearchRequest'?
I've used this same web service in a .NET C# project and after I imported the web service, visual studio knew all about the custom data types.  How do I do something similar in SSIS?
Of course, the easiest solution would for Integration Service to allow me to set those internal parameters via variables, but we're apparently not there yet.
Any suggestions?

Hi All,
I am trying to pull the data from a webservice. The method expects 5 parameters out of which one is a complex type. And it is fine to pass Null value for this parameter.
The method expects a complex data type UrlReportFilter
as follows:
<simpleType name="UrlReportFilterOperatorEnum">
 <restriction base="xsd:string">
<enumeration value="contains"/>
<enumeration value="starts_with"/>
<enumeration value="ends_with"/>
<enumeration value="not_contains"/>
<enumeration value="not_starts_with"/>
<enumeration value="not_ends_with"/>
<enumeration value="match_regular_expression"/>
<enumeration value="not_match_regular_expression"/>
<enumeration value="exact_match"/>
<complexType name="UrlReportFilter">
<element name="caseSensitive" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<element name="operand" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="operator" nillable="true" type="akaaimsdt:UrlReportFilterOperatorEnum"/>
How to assign values and use this in VB.NET code? 
I am using following code to assign the values to the properties in VB.NET code in Script task but it is throwing the error below:
 Dim vUrlFilter As New Akamine.UrlReportFilter With {.caseSensitive = False, .operand = ""}
Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: AWSFault:Error in processing:( Invalid column:
for report:H
Any help on this would be appreciated!!
Thanks & Regards

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    Then I gave a input value and when I submit i got this error:
    InvocationTargetException com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.ReflectionHelper.callMethodWithParams( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.TestWebServiceMethodDlg$ null sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.ReflectionHelper.callMethodWithParams( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.TestWebServiceMethodDlg$ Runtime exception; nested exception is:
    [failed to localize] nestedDeserializationError([failed to localize] xmlreader.unexpectedState(END, START: nome))
    com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._handleRuntimeExceptionInSend( com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send( webservice.Grs_PortType_Stub.buscarCompleto( webservice.grs.grsClient.buscarCompleto( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.ReflectionHelper.callMethodWithParams( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.TestWebServiceMethodDlg$
    [failed to localize] nestedDeserializationError([failed to localize] xmlreader.unexpectedState(END, START: nome))
    com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.ObjectSerializerBase.deserialize( com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.ReferenceableSerializerImpl.deserialize( webservice.Grs_buscarCompleto_ResponseStruct2_SOAPSerializer.doDeserialize( com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.ObjectSerializerBase.deserialize( com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.ReferenceableSerializerImpl.deserialize( webservice.Grs_PortType_Stub._deserialize_buscarCompleto( webservice.Grs_PortType_Stub._readFirstBodyElement( com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send( webservice.Grs_PortType_Stub.buscarCompleto( webservice.grs.grsClient.buscarCompleto( sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.ReflectionHelper.callMethodWithParams( com.sun.rave.websvc.ui.TestWebServiceMethodDlg$
    Any help would be appreciated!
    Thanks a lot!
    Mario Mol

    Have you seen this?
    Also have you tried the latest and coolest IDE Netbeans 6?
    It includes all the features of Creator plus lots more.

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    <s:element name="CreateDataList">
                   <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="client_app_id" type="s:string"/>
                   <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="client_app_pwd" type="s:string"/>
                   <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="data_template_id" type="s:int"/>
                   <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="calculate_persistent_values" type="s:int"/>
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    <s:complexType name="name_value">
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              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="value" type="s:string"/>
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    $data = array(0 => array(
        array('name' => 'FIRST_NAME', 'value' => 'First'),
        array('name' => 'LAST_NAME', 'value' => 'Last'),
        array('name' => 'ADDRESS', 'value' => 'Address'),
        array('name' => 'CITY', 'value' => 'City'),
        array('name' => 'STATE', 'value' => 'State'),
        array('name' => 'ZIP', 'value' => '55555')
    1 => array(
        array('name' => 'FIRST_NAME', 'value' => 'First'),
        array('name' => 'LAST_NAME', 'value' => 'Last'),
        array('name' => 'ADDRESS', 'value' => 'Address'),
        array('name' => 'CITY', 'value' => 'City'),
        array('name' => 'STATE', 'value' => 'State'),
        array('name' => 'ZIP', 'value' => '55555')
    My CF code looks like this:
    <cfset data = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset data[1] = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset data[1][1] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[1][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
    <cfset data[1][1]["value"] = "JOhn Doe" />
    <cfset data[1][2] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[1][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
    <cfset data[1][2]["value"] = "123 Test St" />
    <cfset data[1][3] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[1][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
    <cfset data[1][3]["value"] = "" />
    <cfset data[1][4] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[1][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
    <cfset data[1][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
    <cfset data[1][5] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[1][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
    <cfset data[1][5]["value"] = "TX" />
    <cfset data[1][6] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[1][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
    <cfset data[1][6]["value"] = "78704" />
    <cfset data[2] = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset data[2][1] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[2][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
    <cfset data[2][1]["value"] = "Jane Doe" />
    <cfset data[2][2] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[2][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
    <cfset data[2][2]["value"] = "987 Test St" />
    <cfset data[2][3] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[2][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
    <cfset data[2][3]["value"] = "" />
    <cfset data[2][4] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[2][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
    <cfset data[2][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
    <cfset data[2][5] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[2][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
    <cfset data[2][5]["value"] = "TX" />
    <cfset data[2][6] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data[2][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
    <cfset data[2][6]["value"] = "78704" />
    Any suggestions for where I am going wrong would be greatly appreciated.

    If anyone is interested here is the correct CF format for this WSDL complex type definition
    <cfset data = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"] = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset data["record"][1] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"] = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][1] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][1]["value"] = "John Doe" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][2] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][2]["value"] = "123 Test St" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][3] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][3]["value"] = "" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][4] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][5] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][5]["value"] = "TX" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][6] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
    <cfset data["record"][1]["variable"][6]["value"] = "78704" />
    <cfset data["record"][2] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"] = ArrayNew(1) />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][1] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][1]["name"] = "NAME" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][1]["value"] = "Jane Doe" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][2] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][2]["name"] = "ADDRESS1" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][2]["value"] = "987 Test St" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][3] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][3]["name"] = "ADDRESS2" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][3]["value"] = "" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][4] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][4]["name"] = "CITY" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][4]["value"] = "Austin" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][5] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][5]["name"] = "STATE" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][5]["value"] = "TX" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][6] = StructNew() />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][6]["name"] = "ZIP" />
    <cfset data["record"][2]["variable"][6]["value"] = "78704" />

  • Web Services Complex Types

    I am developing a Web Service in Netbeans 5.5 running on Sun Application Server 9.0UR1. The web service and client work fine if I use simple types like "String" as a return type. However, I need to return complex types, such as a user defined class. I setup the web service to define a user defined class, SimpleBean, and I setup my client to accept it. The client successfully connects and gets back the object but I do not have access to the any of the getters/setters in the object. How do I setup it up so that I get access to the returned object's getters/setters?
    Luke Mauldin

    JAXB can be used to solve your problem. Rather than trying return your own types directly use JAXB to explain your return types in a schema;
    public class MyType {
    int id=-1;
    int noOfObjects=0;
    String something;
    @XmlElement(nillable = true) //Java annotation to return list
    List<String> participant;
    public Interaction() {
    participant= new ArrayList<String>();
    public List<String> get() { return participant; }
    public void set(String newpart) {participant.add(newpart);}
    public String getCrux() { return �OK�; }
    public void setCrux(String something) { this. something = something; }
    public int getId() { return 0; }
    public void setId(int id) {  }
    public int getNoOfObjects() { return noOfObjects; }
    public void setNoOfObjects(int id) { this.noOfObjects =noOfObjects; }
    public class MyService {
    public Results MyType (@WebParam(name = "id") String id) {
    return new MyType();
    When defining your own class make sure you have "get" and "set" methods for all types.(JAXB needs this)

  • Web service Complex type

    hello i want to ask if i can make a complex type that is composed of many other classes and witch databinding framework should i use to do do the mapping from xml to my one classes not the auto generated classes thanks for your help.

    Hi Ray,
    I just had you set your "per" object to its constructor out of habit. Don't know about you, but I spend too much time chasing null pointer exceptions.
    Try this. It's easy and quick.
    1) Hold your mouse over the ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() method in the Project Navigator tab. By doing this, I'm guessing you'll see it's not returning a Persona object.
    2) Simply drag the ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() method from the Project Navigator tab into your logic. By doing this, you'll notice that it has a value in front of the "=" sign. Again, I'm guessing you'll see it's not returning a Persona object.
    Even though the Persona object and the object that ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() returns both have the same list of attributes, I believe that you'll continue to get the error you're seeing if you try to set per (since it's an Persona object) to the value returned form ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI().
    To get around the problem, let's say you instead have the ObtenerPersonaActivaDadoCI() method return it's value to an "opadCI" object (the type of object you found out that the method returns by doing 1 or 2 above). You might want to fix your problem by doing something like this:
    per.firstAttr = opadCI.firstAttr
    per.sedondAttr = opadCI.sedondAttr
    per.thirdAttr = opadCI.thirdAttr
    Hope this helps,

  • Can "SPML Web Service Complex Data Type field" take multiple values ?

    In Generic Technology Connector's -SPML design parameters section, Can we give multiple values in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type field?
    If not, how can i call methods directly instead of calling them through a values of the "name" attribute of the "complexType" element in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type?
    I need 'SPML Web Service Complex Data Type' to hold multiple values.And based on the request it has to initiate appropriate method of action.
    Presently i have three methods add,modify and delete which i am calling through a single value of the "name" attribute of the "complexType" element in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type.
    I want to replace this single value with multiple menthods , so that a direct interaction between the method,OIM and target can be established.
    Edited by: 821054 on 16/02/2011 04:23

    Thanks Robert.
    You'll need to create your own interface to the webapp database for those kind of data operations
    by this, are you speaking of the internal BC database which stores web app schema data? That would be great if it were possible to update that programmatically because I need to use the List (Checkbox List) field type (for the search functionality), but I need to supply the checkbox options from a web app rather than by manually updating the list entered in the Fields view of the web app settings (shown below).
    I'm curious if anyone else has tried this?
    Again, my reason for needing to use the List (Checkbox List) field type is that the page which processes searches knows to expect a comma separated list for this field type and then appears to be parsing out the individual values for searching out web app items with 1 or more matching values. You're right that text fields (string and multiline) just check for 'string contains' matches, and this would be ok if I was only ever needing to search just one value at a time. Here's an example of what I might do:
    Web App item field value (as recorded against the List (Checkbox List) field type:
    Web App Search value (for this same field):
    The search would return this web app item because the field contains 2 (1 or more) individual values even though they were entered into the search field in a different order. If this web app item were just a Text (string or multiline) field, the searched value is not a substring of the web app item's stored value, so it would not find a match. Hence the need to use Checkbox List field type.
    The web app will have thousands if not 10s of thousands of records, so dumping them all into one big array or object and searching on the front-end won't be practical (though it works great on smaller datasets).

  • Web service call problem with complex types input

    We are trying to call a web service and pass as parameter
    some complex types. When invoking the web service everything works
    well on flex side, but on the server side the input parameters we
    get from flex are not correct - complex type is removed and the
    elements of the complex type are sent. See the example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    <mx:WebService id="ws_id" wsdl="link" useProxy="false"
    <mx:operation id="op_id" name="op"
    on server side we get this:
    Instead of :
    Any idea how is it possible to send complex type as web
    service input from flex ?

    I also have similar type of problem where I need to invoke a Web service with Complex input parameters.
    I followed Susan's blog but I stuck at a point where methos getItem is created.
    Can anyone tell me how to get that method for my requirement.
    If possible can you guys share your solutions here.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Best Practices Web Services - Complex Data Types

    Can someone provide some best practices documentation or info that for customers using CR against web services? Speciffically any information on complex data types such as  String[] or Address.
    Ian S

    And That's what I did.
    name.cfc is the component that has complex data types

  • Web service: parameter types

    We made an ABAP webservice with input parameters.
    In the WSDL the type of the parameters is:
    - <wsdl:message name="ZTestWebService2">
    <wsdl:part name="Costcenter" type="n0:char10" />
    The type ‘char10’ is defined like:
    - <xsd:simpleType name="char10">
    - <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:maxLength value="10" />
    Question is: is there a way to influence the creation of this types, so that the type is not referring to ‘n0:char10’ but to something like ‘char’ and that the length is also defined in the part name ? Something that is more Java friendly and will not create code for complex types on the client-side ?

    No u cant change this parameter dynamically after the release of web service.
    When u will release the webservice for a RFC,the WSDL file will be generated.That time it will generate the files for every parameter types which are used in the RFC.
    If u want increase this value length,Then u hv to increase the lenght of the parameter in RFC and then release the web service.So that it will come here.
    Bcause in webservice lenght will not allow more that the lenghth which u gave in RFC.
    Manas Ranjan Panda

  • Web service client type

    I am new to web services. I need to write a web service client that invokes a web service method. The method takes complex types as parameter and returns a complex type.what kind of client(static stub, dynamic proxy or DII) should I use to invoke such kind of method from a standalone java application?
    Thanks in advance.

    yes, you are right. stubs must be regenerated when the service definition changes. But is it possible to write a standalone client using dynamic proxy to invoke a web service method that uses complex types as parameters?.

  • Web Service Complex Datatypes

    Does ColdFusion support nested complex data types when building Web Services?  See example CFCs below.  I keep getting a ServiceMethodNotFoundException.  In my SubmitNoticeOfAppt.cfc, the cfargument data type is NoticeOfAppointment.CFC which references other CFCs that define complex data types. The complex types are needed to support a really complex XML document that must be NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) compliant.  Originally tried passing the NIEM XML doument as a string, but receive deserialization errors, encounter child element.  Could get around the error by wrapping the XML string in <![CDATA[ ... ]]>, but this convention is not NIEM compliant.
    <cfcomponent displayname="DocumentIssueDate" output="false">
       <cfproperty name="Date" type="date" required="No">
    <cfcomponent displayname="DocumentAugmentation" output="false">
       <cfproperty name="DocumentIssueDate" type="any" required="No">
    <cfcomponent displayname="DocumentIdentification" output="false">
       <cfproperty name="IdentificationID" type="numeric" required="Yes">
       <cfproperty name="IdentificationCategoryDescriptionText" type="string" required="No">
    <cfcomponent displayname="NoticeOfAppointment" output="false">
       <cfproperty name="DocumentIdentification" type="any" required="Yes">
       <cfproperty name="DocumentAugmentation" type="any" required="Yes">
    <cfcomponent style="document">
      <cffunction name="SubmitNoticeOfAppt" returnType="string" output="false" access="remote"> 
          <cfargument name="NoticeOfApptXml" type="NoticeOfAppointment" required="Yes">
          <cfreturn "Notice of Appointment successfully received">
    Sample NoticeOfAppointment.xml       (Stripped down, actual message contains almost 200 elements with 20+ complex datatypes)

    Coldfusion should be able to nest complex data types in your web service (after all, that's what the cfproperty tag was designed for).  Unfortunately, I have more experience consuming complex web services than designing them in CF. My Recommendation - inspect your web service WSDL using a tool that will generate the sample SOAP XML that will be needed to consume your web service.  You should be able to tell from that XML what the issue is - could be a missing namespace in your XML or strange nesting, etc.
    We use SOAPSonar from Crosscheck networks - they have a feww personal version that will allow you to inspect your web service interface and it will even generate the sample XML needed to call it via SOAP.
    Hope that helps.

  • Web Service Connection Date Input Values Converted to Number

    I am using a Web Service Connection that has an input value called 'ModifiedOn' that is a date type.  The problem that I have is that instead of sending a date string like '2008-08-04' it sends a number '39665' as the input to the web service method instead.  Is there a way to force a date string to be returned instead of the number?
    Here is the XML that is being sent to the web service method from Xcelsius:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:n0="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsi="">
       <soap:Header />
                <n0:Scenerio CreatedBy="1" MedianIncome="54000" ModifiedBy="-1" Deleted="false" Population="56001" Title="Scenerio 5" ModelId="14" Year="2008" Description="" ScenerioId="5" SystemName="Scenerio 5" CreatedOn="39665" ModifiedOn="39665">
                   <n0:Model ModuleId="" Description="" ModifiedBy="-1" Deleted="false" CreatedBy="1" CreatedOn="39665" Title="My First Model EDITED 2" ModifiedOn="39665" ModelId="14">
                   <n0:RateRevenueResidential RateRevenueTypeId="" CreatedBy="1" NumOfCustomers="34000" NumNewCustomers="12000" RateRevenueId="" Deleted="false" MonthlyAvgUsage="10000" HookupCharge="74" VolumeCharge="0" VolumeRate="0.36" ScenerioId="" ModifiedBy="-1" CreatedOn="39665" FixedRate="20" ModifiedOn="39665">
                      <n0:RateRevenueType RateRevenueTypeId="" Description="">
                   <n0:RateRevenueCommercial RateRevenueTypeId="" CreatedBy="1" NumOfCustomers="150" NumNewCustomers="12002" RateRevenueId="" Deleted="false" MonthlyAvgUsage="20000" HookupCharge="75" VolumeCharge="0" VolumeRate="0.37" ScenerioId="" ModifiedBy="-1" CreatedOn="39665" FixedRate="30" ModifiedOn="39665">
                      <n0:RateRevenueType RateRevenueTypeId="" Description="">
                   <n0:RateRevenueIndustrial RateRevenueTypeId="" CreatedBy="1" NumOfCustomers="34" NumNewCustomers="12003" RateRevenueId="" Deleted="false" MonthlyAvgUsage="30000" HookupCharge="76" VolumeCharge="0" VolumeRate="0.38" ScenerioId="" ModifiedBy="-1" CreatedOn="39665" FixedRate="40" ModifiedOn="39665">
                      <n0:RateRevenueType RateRevenueTypeId="" Description="">
                   <n0:RateRevenueGovernmental RateRevenueTypeId="" CreatedBy="1" NumOfCustomers="6" NumNewCustomers="12004" RateRevenueId="" Deleted="false" MonthlyAvgUsage="40000" HookupCharge="77" VolumeCharge="0" VolumeRate="0.39" ScenerioId="" ModifiedBy="-1" CreatedOn="39665" FixedRate="50" ModifiedOn="39665">
                      <n0:RateRevenueType RateRevenueTypeId="" Description="">
                   <n0:RateRevenueOther RateRevenueTypeId="" CreatedBy="1" NumOfCustomers="10" NumNewCustomers="12005" RateRevenueId="" Deleted="false" MonthlyAvgUsage="50000" HookupCharge="78" VolumeCharge="0" VolumeRate="0.4" ScenerioId="" ModifiedBy="-1" CreatedOn="39665" FixedRate="60" ModifiedOn="39665">
                      <n0:RateRevenueType RateRevenueTypeId="" Description="">
                <n0:Forecast EstSystemCapacityYear4="" Industrial="0" Other="0" RateRevenue="0" EstSystemCapacityYear5="" HookupRevenue="0" CreatedBy="1" OtherRevenue="0" ModifiedBy="-1" CapitalFunds="0" ModifiedOn="39665" OperationsNMaintenanceExpenses="0" GeneralNAdminExpenses="0" OtherExpenses="0" Governmental="0" Deleted="false" ResidentialRates="0" CapitalImprvFundsYear2="0" CapitalImprvFundsYear3="0" CapitalImprvFundsYear4="0" CapitalImprvFundsYear5="0" CapitalExpYear2="0" CapitalExpYear3="0" CapitalExpYear4="0" CustResidential="0" CapitalExpYear5="0" Year="2008" EstSystemCapacityYear1="" Commercial="0" EstSystemCapacityYear2="" CreatedOn="39665" ScenerioId="" EstSystemCapacityYear3="" Mhi="0">
                <n0:Revenue CapitalDWSRF="5600" AnnualHookup="4561076" CapitalGovLoan="5600.01" CapitalBusinessLoan="5600.02" CreatedBy="1" CapitalGrant="5601.03" AnnualOperationg="14292490.399999999" ModifiedBy="-1" Deleted="false" OtherInterestIncome="5600" OtherRevenue="5600" CapitalWithdraw="5602.04" ScenerioId="" CapitalOther="5603.05" OtherFeesNServiceCharges="5600" AnnualRate="9731414.399999999" CreatedOn="39665" AnnualOther="16800" ModifiedOn="39665">
                <n0:Expense OpsMartriesNSupplies="1000000" CapitalNonFacility="1000000" AdminEngineering="1000000" ModifiedBy="-1" OpsMonitoring="1000000" Deleted="false" CreatedBy="1" OpsTransportation="1000000" AdminConservation="1000000" ModifiedOn="39665" CapitalDebtService="1000000" OpsMisc="1000000" AdminMisc="1000000" OpsUnaccountedWater="1000000" OtherDepreciation="1000000" OpsSalariesNBenefits="1000000" AdminSalareisNBenefits="1000000" OtherDeductionsFeesExp="1000000" OpsPowerNUtility="1000000" AdminOfficeSupplies="1000000" CapitalNewFacilities="1000000" AdminInsurance="1000000" ScenerioId="" OpsChemicalNTreatment="1000000" CapitalOther="1000000" AdminLegalNAccounting="1000000" CreatedOn="39665" CapitalReplacement="1000000" CapitalLeakageRepair="1000000">
    Edited by: Aaron Jackson on Aug 7, 2008 10:44 PM

    Hi Aaron,
    You may want to try formatting the cell of "ModifiedOn" to a TEXT format instead of date to get yyyy/mm/dd formatting to appear. 
    It seems that Xcelsius automatically converts any type of date-specific formatting (as specified from Excel) to a date serial, which is what you are seeing here.
    Hope that works.

  • SSIS Web Service Task Error

    Need your inputs regarding the below error that I am getting when i run the package.
    I have a Web Service Task . On execution of which, I am getting the below error message. Please let me know on the possible resolutions for this error.
    WebHost failed to process a request.
     Sender Information: System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment+HostingManager/64935954
     Exception: System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException: The service '/mycompanysb_fixedauthrelay_6/RuntimeService.svc' cannot be activated due to an exception during compilation.  The exception message is: Unable to reach
    via TCP (9351, 9352) or HTTP (80, 443). ---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: Unable to reach via TCP (9351, 9352) or HTTP (80, 443) ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectFaultedException:
    The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ClientFramingDuplexSessionChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Close(TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Close()
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.NetworkDetector.CheckTcpConnectivity(Uri baseAddress, Exception& exception)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.NetworkDetector.DetectInternalConnectivityModeForAutoDetect(Uri uri)
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectivityModeHelper.GetInternalConnectivityMode(ConnectivityMode detectMode, HttpConnectivityMode defaultHttpDetectMode, Uri uri)
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectivityModeHelper.GetInternalConnectivityMode(ConnectivitySettings connectivitySettings, HttpConnectivitySettings httpConnectivitySettings, Uri uri)
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectivityModeConnectionElement..ctor(ITokenProvider tokenProvider, SocketSecurityRole socketSecurityMode, BindingContext context, NameSettings nameSettings, ConnectivitySettings connectivitySettings, HttpConnectivitySettings
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.TcpRelayTransportBindingElement.BuildInnerBindingElement(BindingContext context)
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.TcpRelayTransportBindingElement.BuildChannelListener[TChannel](BindingContext context)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingContext.BuildInnerChannelListener[TChannel]()
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageEncodingBindingElement.InternalBuildChannelListener[TChannel](BindingContext context)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement.BuildChannelListener[TChannel](BindingContext context)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingContext.BuildInnerChannelListener[TChannel]()
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.HttpRelayTransportBindingElement.BuildChannelListener[TChannel](BindingContext context)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingContext.BuildInnerChannelListener[TChannel]()
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageEncodingBindingElement.InternalBuildChannelListener[TChannel](BindingContext context)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.TextMessageEncodingBindingElement.BuildChannelListener[TChannel](BindingContext context)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingContext.BuildInnerChannelListener[TChannel]()
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding.BuildChannelListener[TChannel](Uri listenUriBaseAddress, String listenUriRelativeAddress, ListenUriMode listenUriMode, BindingParameterCollection parameters)
       at System.ServiceModel.Description.DispatcherBuilder.MaybeCreateListener(Boolean actuallyCreate, Type[] supportedChannels, Binding binding, BindingParameterCollection parameters, Uri listenUriBaseAddress, String listenUriRelativeAddress, ListenUriMode
    listenUriMode, ServiceThrottle throttle, IChannelListener& result, Boolean supportContextSession)
       at System.ServiceModel.Description.DispatcherBuilder.BuildChannelListener(StuffPerListenUriInfo stuff, ServiceHostBase serviceHost, Uri listenUri, ListenUriMode listenUriMode, Boolean supportContextSession, IChannelListener& result)
       at System.ServiceModel.Description.DispatcherBuilder.InitializeServiceHost(ServiceDescription description, ServiceHostBase serviceHost)
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.InitializeRuntime()
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.OnBeginOpen()
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open()
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment.HostingManager.ActivateService(ServiceActivationInfo serviceActivationInfo, EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity)
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment.HostingManager.EnsureServiceAvailable(String normalizedVirtualPath, EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment.HostingManager.EnsureServiceAvailable(String normalizedVirtualPath, EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity)
       at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment.EnsureServiceAvailableFast(String relativeVirtualPath, EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity)
     Process Name: w3wp
     Process ID: 12704
    Thanks and Regards,

    I am still wandering in a dark forest, how would I repro your issue?
    Please see if you are not overlooking something very obvious:
    It seems that there is a difference in how you set it up vs test
    Arthur My Blog

  • SSIS Web Service Task Error with WCF Service

    I have read all the other posts on this site and have not been able to resolve my issue.
    For testing purposes i created a very simple WCF service that takes no arguments and returns true.  That is all it does.
    When i create a winform client and instantiate the service i can run my service method and get true back so i know the service works.
    I then create a test SSIS package with 1 task, a web service task. 
    I set the web service tasks properties as follows:
    http connection: http://localhost/WCF_SSIS_Prototype/Service1.svc
    wsdl file: C:\...\SSIS_WCF_Prototype\Service1.wsdl  (I know this is not a valid path, i changed it for posting to forum)
    Service: Service1
    Method: GetData
    Variable: User::BResult
    When i run the package i get the following error:
    [Web Service Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebserviceTaskException: Could not execute the Web method. The error is: Method 'ProxyNamespace.Service1.GetData' not found..    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebMethodInvokerProxy.InvokeMethod(DTSWebMethodInfo methodInfo, String serviceName, Object connection)    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebServiceTaskUtil.Invoke(DTSWebMethodInfo methodInfo, String serviceName, Object connection)    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebServiceTask.executeThread()".
    I'm not sure why it is saying "Method 'ProxyNamespace.Service1.GetData' not found.  It the web service task trying to create a proxy class and naming the proxy class namespace ProxyNamespace? 
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    How  do you get around the same issue if your string type is based on a client token ?  I downloaded the .wsdl file, was able to see the service name, method and when selecting a method type, I am required to provide a client token which was given
    to me.  (Name column = clienttoken, Type = string, Value = 2227656 - ec8922 (client token numbers goes there)?  I am new to use ssis and need your help please
    error message:  Web Service Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message:
    "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebserviceTaskException: The web serrvice threw an error during method execution. The error is: An error occurred
    when verifying security fro the message..   
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebMethodInvokerProxy.InvokeMethod(DTSWebMethodInfo methodInfo, String serviceName, Object connection)   
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebServiceTaskUtil.Invoke(DTSWebMethodInfo methodInfo, String serviceName, Object connection) 
     at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebServiceTask.executeThread()"
    Thank you and regards,

  • Web Service - Complex Parameters

    Hi, I'm trying to get a specific Web Service working by
    calling the appropriate parameters and I can't seem to get it
    working properly in Flex.. I have this Web Service working just
    fine in Microsoft's InfoPath product. When I call the Web Service
    and trace I notice the parameters returned are in the wrong order
    and the complex parameter doesn't show the sub tags (MS Infopath
    does). Also, the parameters I leave empty return with "[Object
    Object]" (MS Infopath doesn't do this). So it looks like flex isn't
    doing something right with my Webservice. Here's what I am
    passing.. If I'm doing something wrong please let me know.. Any
    ideas or opinions are greatly appreciated!

    Me to, and i use Axis for web services (and WebSphere
    And, if you use bind from text input you get [object Object]
    in general case
    <mx:TextInput x="23" y="101" text="" id="entry1"/>
    if you enter any text at textinput and delete it you DONT get
    "[object Object]" at web service....
    if you dont enter text you get "[object Object]" at web
    if you use variable or other elements its the same.
    Any help?

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