SSL code returns HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection

Challenge: connect to a secured site to post some data.
Issue: tried several ways, HTTPSURLConnection is not getting obtained, just HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection every time.
Environment: OS - Linux, version 2.6.9.
java.version: 1.5.0_10.
Server: Oracle iAS Apache Jserv.
Security providers list when printed with a loop:
Provider[] p = Security.getProviders();
        for(int i=0;i<p.length;i++)
             debug(""+p.getName()+"-"+p[i].getVersion()+"-"+p[i].getClass().getName()+"-"+p[i].getInfo()); (DSA key/parameter generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509 certificates; JKS keystore; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP, Collection CertStores) RSA signature provider JSSE provider(PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories, SSLv3, TLSv1)
SunJCE-1.5-com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE-SunJCE Provider (implements RSA, DES, Triple DES, AES, Blowfish, ARCFOUR, RC2, PBE, Diffie-Hellman, HMAC) (Kerberos v5) SASL provider(implements client mechanisms for: DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, EXTERNAL, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5; server mechanisms for: DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, CRAM-MD5)
default environment property value for java.protocol.handler.pkgs is HTTPClient
(Is there anything need to be done to change this so that it can check the standard JSSE packages from javax ?)
https.proxyHost and https.proxyPort are set to proper network proxy server.
Keystroke is initialized as follows:KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
ks.load(new FileInputStream(keyStoreName), keyStorePassword.toCharArray());
KeyManagerFactory is initialized as follows:KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
TrustManager is initialized as follows:TrustManager[] tms = new[]
public void checkClientTrusted([] certs,String authType){}
public void checkServerTrusted([] certs,String authType){}
public[] getAcceptedIssuers(){ return null; }                                              
SSLContext is obtained as:SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
sc.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tms, new;
Its provider info when printed using sc.getProvider().getName()+sc.getProvider().getInfo() in debug is
SunJSSESun JSSE provider(PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories, SSLv3, TLSv1)
Finally, defaults for HTTPS are set (before  any urlconnection is opened) as below.SSLSocketFactory sslsf = sc.getSocketFactory();
Now, url is opened as (with proper https prefix url)
url = new URL(httpsweblink);
and url.openConnection() is not resulting in HTTPS.
May I Please know how to fix this please !
Thanks a lot in advance for any kind help here!
Edited by: 817816 on May 16, 2011 11:09 PM
Edited by: 817816 on May 16, 2011 11:15 PM
Edited by: 817816 on May 16, 2011 11:17 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Please edit that mess to get rid of all the bold-face and use {noformat}{noformat} tags, so we have some chance of actually reading it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    Hi All,
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    Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection
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    2008/09/11 01:07:57->1_1210001776_0:1_1210001776_0URL CONNECTION CALLED
    2008/09/11 01:07:57->1_1210001776_0:1_1210001776_0URL CONNECTION Created HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection[]
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    2008/08/24 11:51:28->1_1210001776_0:1_1210001776_0URL CONNECTION Created
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    //import org.apache.xalan.*;
    //import org.apache.xerces.*;
    import org.apache.xerces.dom.*;
    import org.apache.xml.serialize.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import oracle.xml.classgen.*;
    int n=0;
    debugMsg(instCount+"URL CONNECTION CALLED " + fsuFrontEndURL);
    url = new URL(fsuFrontEndURL);
    /* Changed to include Tunnel code */
    urlc = url.openConnection();
    debugMsg(instCount+"URL CONNECTION Created " + urlc);
    if (urlc instanceof
    debugMsg("entered into If Block");
    debugMsg("Value of n:" + n);
    (( urlc).setSSLSocketFactory(new SSLTunnelSocketFactory(geProxy, geProxyPort));
    (( urlc).setRequestMethod("POST");
    debugMsg("after If Block");
    else {
    debugMsg("entered into else Block");
    (( urlc).setSSLSocketFactory(new SSLTunnelSocketFactory(geProxy, geProxyPort));
    (( urlc).setRequestMethod("POST");
    debugMsg("after else Block");
    catch(Exception e) {
    debugMsg(instCount+"Error URLC Not a instance of HTTPS Connection: " + urlc);
    debugMsg("Exception: " + e);
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    create table T1 (col1 number,col2 number);
    col1 col2
    1 5
    2 5
    3 5
    4 5
    11 6
    12 6
    13 6
    14 6
    l_concat VARCHAR2(32767) ;
    select wm_concat(col1) into l_concat from t1 where col2=par;
    RETURN l_concat;
    select TEST(5) from dual;
    The above example always returns a NULL as opposed to (1,2,3,4);
    l_concat VARCHAR2(32767) ;
    l_str varchar2(32767);
    l_str:='select wm_concat(col1) from t1 where col2=:b';
    execute immediate l_str into l_concat using par;
    RETURN l_concat;
    select TEST(5) from dual;
    This returns the correct answer .i.e. (1,2,3,4);
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    BluShadow wrote:
    The in paramter has the same name as one of the column . Thus the select query was not taking the filtering predicate as the in parameter col1 ,rather it was
    using the column's value for filtering each row and hence the wm_concat was not getting any row to concatenate .That's why you should use a good coding standard and perhaps prefix parameters with "p" or "p_" and local variables with "v" or "v_" etc.Smacks too much of archaic Hungarian notation. :-)
    Explicit scope definition is supported by PL/SQL. So why invent a new manual standard for scope, when there exists one already?
    SQL> create or replace procedure FooProc( empNo emp.empno%Type ) is
      2          empRow  emp%RowType;
      3  begin
      4          select
      5                  e.* into empRow
      6          from    emp e
      7          where   e.empno = FooProc.empNo;
      9          dbms_output.put_line(
    10                  'Employee '||empNo||' is '||empRow.ename||
    11                  ', and employed as '||empRow.job
    12          );
    13  end;
    14  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec FooProc(7369)
    Employee 7369 is SMITH, and employed as CLERK
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> Personally, I find the v_ and p_ prefix approach quite silly - attempting to address an issue that is already solved by explicit PL/SQL scope.
    Never mind that the approach of using different prefixes, attempts to identify scope - and goes down the exact same slippery scope that Hungarian notation did. Which resulted in the death of this misguided standard, many years ago.
    Frustrates me to no end to see the exact SAME mistakes made in PL/SQL that were made a decade or more ago - where lessons learned since then are conveniently ignored when it comes to PL/SQL programming.
    It is still seems to be the Dark Ages when it comes to PL/SQL development.... :-(

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    Thanks Shiven:) If Answer is Helpful, Please Vote

    Hi All,
    Upon investigation found that there was no space (0 Byte is available) in E drive where underlying SQL DB is residing. 
    Once I cleared the space, report started working and above error was not displaying. 
    Thanks Shiven:) If Answer is Helpful, Please Vote

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  • Error in attaching to container node - The code returned was 404

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    I've been able to setup the correct Remote Server, Crawler Web Service (.NET CWS etc), Data Source - Remote (.NET CWS Data Source), Crawler and Job etc., but the job always fails.
    Here is the job log output:
    12/13/04 16:33:49- Starting to run operations (1 total) for job 'Neil Test NTCWS Job'. Will stop on errors. (PID=6248)12/13/04 16:33:50- *** Job Operation #1 of 1: Crawler 'Neil Test NTCWS Crawler' [Run as owner 'Neil Gidley']12/13/04 16:33:50- Starting Crawler "Neil Test NTCWS Crawler" at 12/13/2004 4:33:50 PM.12/13/04 16:33:50- Crawler starting from scratch: Neil Test NTCWS Crawler12/13/04 16:33:50- Error in attaching to container node Crawler Start Node to get child documents and containers: IDispatch error #19880 (0x80044fa8): [The SOAP Connection stopped executing method urn:plumtree-com:ContainerProvider.Initialize after 1 attempt(s).  Last error: The SOAP Connection has recieved an HTTP error while executing during connection attempt 1 of method urn:plumtree-com:ContainerProvider.Initialize!.  The code returned was 404.]12/13/04 16:33:50- Crawler has experienced a fatal error (Could not attach provider to start node, crawl cannot proceed.), shutting down.12/13/04 16:33:50- Bulk import completed, resulting in the successful storage of 0 new cards.12/13/04 16:33:50- Could not attach provider to start node, crawl cannot proceed.12/13/04 16:33:50- *** Job Operation #1 failed: Could not attach provider to start node, crawl cannot proceed. (0x4)12/13/04 16:33:50- Done with job operations.12/13/04 16:33:50- Could not attach provider to start node, crawl cannot proceed.
    Any ideas why I'd be receiving a 404 and causing the Job to Fail? The target crawl location is local to the portal itself - it is all installed on the same machine and the files we're trying to crawl are on the same machine.
    i've created a share with read/write etc access by Everyone. The Data Source - Remote is using my domain/name account which has Logon As Batch abilities etc...and should be able to crawl these files.

    My tcptrace says 'invalid hostname'.
    I assume that is the hostname of the target given in the Crawler object of where it is trying to attach and not the hostname of the Remote Server where the NTCWS code resides in the CWS Web Service.
    I've tried the following values:
    Here's the full tcpTrace output:
    POST /ntcws/ContainerProviderSoapBinding.asmx HTTP/1.1Host: ceppdportal:9999Cache-Control: no-cachePragma: no-cacheSOAPAction: "urn:plumtree-com:ContainerProvider.Initialize"Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0 compatible; Plumtree 4.0; Windows NT)Accept: */*Accept-Encoding: gzipConnection: Keep-AliveContent-Length: 000002692
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <SOAP-ENV:Body > <Initialize xmlns="urn:plumtree-com:ContainerProvider"> <DataSourceInfo > <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_MAX_FILE</name> <value >50000000</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_SOAP_USE</name> <value >LOCAL</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_SOAP_OPEN</name> <value >URL</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_FILE_PASS</name> <value >PUilp4ElTOdKWHrhA09aGhkjQ==</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_PBAGFORMAT</name> <value >1000</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_GATEWAY</name> <value >0</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >CSP-SESSION-TOKEN</name> <value >2498|1103050835|4QWhsGW/5APMi1aPx7R9arhbOdI=</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_FILE_USER</name> <value >CEDOM100\cedxnpg</value> </NamedValue> </DataSourceInfo> <CrawlInfo > <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_CRAWL_DEPTH</name> <value >1</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_FOLDER_NAME</name> <value >Neil</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_CDLANG</name> <value >en</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_PBAGFORMAT</name> <value >3000</value> </NamedValue> <NamedValue xmlns=""> <name >PTC_UNIQUE</name> <value >\\\Neil</value> </NamedValue> </CrawlInfo> </Initialize> </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>--------------------------HTTP/1.1 400 Bad RequestContent-Type: text/htmlDate: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 18:55:38 GMTConnection: closeContent-Length: 39
    <h1>Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)</h1>

  • An Error Occurred During Report Processing - Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 12019

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    Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the
    request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 12019
    It hasn’t happen on Dev and Test before.                           
    I googled, The error is described as:
    The requested operation cannot be carried out because the
    handle supplied is not in the correct state.
    But I cannot find the solution for that. 
    Has it happend to you before? How to solve that?      

    Same behaviour here, Sharepoint 2013 with SSRS in integrated mode
    Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status
    code returned from the server was: 12019

  • request manager server error exception:An unknown error occured while processing the request on server. The status code returned from the server was:0 request manager server error exception:An unknown error occured while processing the request on server. The status code returned from the server was:0 We got this response(In firebug console) when we try to click on link (after leave webpage for 3 minuts ideal) which is AJAX based. Please reply ASAP because its urgent.

    Hi SP,
    Please check if the following web config appSettins value settings from SSRS server could fix the issue (Note, back up your original web config file before any modification).
    If you have more questions about the SSRS error logs related to this issue, you can post in the SSRS forum for a better assistance with more experts.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How to determine the error code, returned from LDAP server

    I use the next code for connect to LDAP server:
                ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
                 //if connection successfull ...
            } catch (NamingException){
                 //if error occured ...
            }Is it possible to determine the numeric error code, returned from server?

    I was just working on using openldap, binding to it and checking for expired passwords and locked accounts and it looks like that an AuthenticationException is thrown in these circumstances and the ctx is null so it is not possible process connection response controls. But you can look at operation attributes if you have password policy enabled and you are looking for these type of errors

  • Using a Table Trigger to Trap Error Codes Returned to a SQL Loader seeion

    I would be grateful if anyone knows how to go about this.
    I am trying to insert into a table, details of SQL Loader's rejected records by possibly using a trigger on the loading table to try and trap the error code returned to SQL Loader.
    What I am trying to achieve is to insert in to a table the load or rejected record details that are in SQL Loader’s log file after a load session. For example: records read:, records inserted:, records rejected:...etc..
    My main concern is that the loading table is regularly loaded, with 3m records, has 90 columns, and to check by referencing each column's new value, in the table trigger, may mean very long load times.
    Anyone got any “how to” ideas?
    Many thanks

    Folks, thanks for your help.
    Previously, I had briefly considered both ideas and they would work.
    I dismissed the utl_file package solution because I believed that it would take too long to read in each log file line, search for the text and then inserts it into a table.
    I overlooked testing this and when I did (1mb file) it actually was pretty fast. I will go that route.
    Thanks for everyone’s help

  • HTTP status code returned by site-wide error handler is 200 OK?

    I'm using a developer install of ColdFusion 11. I set up the following page at http://localhost:8500/test/index.cfm:
    <cfthrow type="application" message="This is an error">
    When I visit that page, the HTTP status code returned is 500, as expected.
    I then created the following page at http://localhost:8500/error.cfm:
    <p>Sorry! That was an error.</p>
    If I set the site-wide error handler in the CF Admin to /error.cfm and visit /test/index.cfm, the HTTP status code returned is 200 OK.
    This seems weird to me. It looks like I can include the following in the error.cfm file to send an error code instead:
    <cfheader statuscode="500" statustext="Server Error">
    Does anyone see that as problematic? Is there a reason why the site-wide error handler should return 200 OK?

    Error Codes are the responsibility of the developer, to define and broadcast. Ultimately, the ColdFusion server has acted appropriately and fulfilled the request (hence the 202). Only the code would know what error was truly thrown, and how to appropriately handle that message to the user, hence the need for you to change the header in the response, if you want that broadcast to the browser in anything of than a "successful request" type of status.

  • Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException : An unknown error occured while processing the request on the server.The status code returned from server is 12019 in report viewer

    I am not able to run Report in Report viewer due to the below error:
    Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException : An unknown error occured while processing the request on the server.The status code returned from server is 12019 in report viewer
    This report works fine in SSRS tool. but after i deployed into sharepoint 2013 site, it throws error.
    Please advise what needs to be done
    Any help is really appreciated.

    Hi SP,
    Please check if the following web config appSettins value settings from SSRS server could fix the issue (Note, back up your original web config file before any modification).
    If you have more questions about the SSRS error logs related to this issue, you can post in the SSRS forum for a better assistance with more experts.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Unknown HTTP status code returned

    I have the following problem - while trying to download apache2 patch:
    bash-3.00# smpatch download -i 120544-06
    The following patches were not downloaded:
                 120544-06: Unknown HTTP status code returned.smpatch gets patches from sun update connection proxy. What should I do to resolve it ?

    Here you are:
    SU proxy
    bash-3.00# uname -a
    SunOS monitor 5.10 Generic_118833-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250
    bash-3.00# cat /etc/release
    Solaris 10 3/05 s10_74L2a SPARC
    Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Assembled 22 January 2005
    bash-3.00# uname -a
    SunOS monitor 5.10 Generic_118833-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250
    bash-3.00# cat /etc/release
    Solaris 10 3/05 s10_74L2a SPARC
    Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Assembled 22 January 2005
    bash-3.00# showrev -p | egrep -e '121453|121118|120335|121081|121563|122231|119788'
    Patch: 121453-02 Obsoletes: 120776-03, 121086-02, 119107-07 Requires: 119574-02, 119254-06 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr, SUNWppror, SUNWpprou, SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base, SUNWccccrr, SUNWccccr, SUNWccsign, SUNWcsmauth, SUNWccfw, SUNWdc, SUNWbreg, SUNWcctpx, SUNWccccfg, SUNWccfwctrl, SUNWccinv, SUNWupdatemgru, SUNWupdatemgrr
    Patch: 119788-02 Obsoletes:  Requires: 119107-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWppror, SUNWpprou
    Patch: 121118-06 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121453-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWppror, SUNWpprou, SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base, SUNWupdatemgru, SUNWupdatemgrr
    Patch: 121118-08 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121453-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWppror, SUNWpprou, SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base, SUNWupdatemgru, SUNWupdatemgrr
    Patch: 120335-04 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121453-01 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWpprou
    Patch: 121081-05 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121453-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWccccrr, SUNWccccr, SUNWccsign, SUNWccfw, SUNWcctpx, SUNWccccfg, SUNWccfwctrl, SUNWccinv
    Patch: 121563-02 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121453-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWbreg
    Patch: 122231-01 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121453-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWcctpx
    Patch: 120791-05 Obsoletes:  Requires: 120335-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWcbreg, SUNWdbreg, SUNWebreg, SUNWfbreg, SUNWhbreg, SUNWibreg, SUNWjbreg, SUNWkbreg, SUNWsbreg
    Patch: 122860-01 Obsoletes:  Requires: 120335-04 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWcupdatemgru, SUNWdupdatemgru, SUNWeupdatemgru, SUNWfupdatemgru, SUNWhupdatemgru, SUNWiupdatemgru, SUNWjupdatemgru, SUNWkupdatemgru, SUNWsupdatemgru
    bash-3.00# showrev -p | egrep -e '121454|121119|120336|121082|121564|122232|119789'
    bash-3.00# cat /var/patchsvr/solaris/WEB-INF/web.xml | grep patchsigning
    bash-3.00# /usr/lib/cc-ccr/bin/ccr -g cns.assetid
    bash-3.00# patchsvr setup -l
    Patch source URL:
    Cache Location: /var/sadm/spool/patchsvr
    Web proxy host name: <our internal proxy>
    Web proxy port number: 3128
    Web proxy user:
    bash-3.00# smpatch get      -               ""     -               /var/sadm/spool     -               /var/sadm/spool
    patchpro.install.types    rebootafter:reconfigafter:standard
    patchpro.patch.source           -     
    patchpro.patchset               -               current             <our internal proxy>
    patchpro.proxy.passwd           ****            ****
    patchpro.proxy.port             3128            8080
    patchpro.proxy.user             ""              ""
    bash-3.00# smpatch analyze
    120199-07 SunOS 5.10: sysidtool patch
    119252-15 SunOS 5.10: System Administration Applications Patch
    119081-25 SunOS 5.10: CD-ROM Install Boot Image Patch
    124630-01 SunOS 5.10: System Administration Applications, Network, and Core Libraries Patch
    121430-12 SunOS 5.8 5.9 5.10: Live Upgrade Patch
    124188-02 SunOS 5.10: Trusted Solaris Attributes Patch
    119315-07 SunOS 5.10: Solaris Management Applications Patch
    121308-08 SunOS 5.10: Solaris Management Console Patch
    119313-08 SunOS 5.10: WBEM Patch
    121211-01 SunOS 5.10: Sun Java Web Console (Lockhart) Patch
    119254-31 SunOS 5.10: Install and Patch Utilities Patch
    123121-02 SunOS 5.10: Patch
    121104-01 Adobe Acrobat Reader patch
    119963-08 SunOS 5.10: Shared library patch for C++
    120753-03 SunOS 5.10: Microtasking libraries (libmtsk) patch
    118683-01 SunOS 5.10: Patch for assembler
    122130-02 SunOS 5.10: Patch to update SUNWlocaledefsrc files
    119065-01 SunOS 5.10: fc-cache patch
    123494-03 X11 6.6.2: fontconfig patch
    119812-02 X11 6.6.2: Freetype patch
    123647-01 SunOS 5.10: gcc library .la patch
    118833-24 SunOS 5.10: kernel patch
    120780-02 SunOS 5.10: ixgb patch
    121136-01 Adobe Acrobat Reader patch
    113886-40 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (32-bit)
    113887-40 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris (64-bit)
    122535-01 SunOS 5.10: llib-lcrypto patch
    122754-01 SunOS 5.10: Exacct catalogue patch
    122239-01 SunOS 5.10: Apache 2 mod_perl Perl cgi patch
    120889-01 SunOS 5.10: librac patch
    124206-02 SunOS 5.10: libtsol patch
    119578-30 SunOS 5.10: FMA Patch
    118890-03 SunOS 5.10: llib-lc patch
    120036-07 SunOS 5.10: libldap patch
    121693-03 SunOS 5.10: chicago audio patch
    122652-03 SunOS 5.10: zfs utilities patch
    124237-01 SunOS 5.10: ftp patch
    120887-06 SunOS 5.10: cdrw patch
    122009-01 SunOS 5.10: SunFreeware cdrtools patch
    122031-01 SunOS 5.10: cgsix Patch
    119580-03 SunOS 5.10: libcpc Patch
    119586-02 SunOS 5.10: pcbe Patch
    120253-03 SunOS 5.10: svc-cvcd Patch
    124444-01 SunOS 5.10: mountd patch
    120062-01 SunOS 5.10: localedef Patch
    119685-09 SunOS 5.10: svc.startd patch
    121081-06 SunOS 5.10: Connected Customer Agents 1.1.0
    120056-02 SunOS 5.10: hpc3130 Patch
    120052-03 SunOS 5.10: pam library patch
    120845-03 SunOS 5.10: auditd patch
    124235-01 SunOS 5.10: patch
    120050-04 SunOS 5.10: usermod patch
    118842-01 SunOS 5.10: dada patch
    122539-05 SunOS 5.10: volmgt and bsmconv patch
    123362-01 SunOS 5.10: patch
    121302-01 SunOS 5.10: /platform/SUNW,A70/kernel/misc/sparcv9/platmod patch
    120990-02 SunOS 5.10: net-physical Patch
    122525-03 SunOS 5.10: Sun Fire V445 patch
    122523-03 SunOS 5.10: Sun Fire V445 platform patch
    124614-01 SunOS 5.10: sconadm proxy: UnknownHostException
    122521-01 SunOS 5.10: locator patch
    120198-05 SunOS 5.10: patch
    120195-02 SunOS 5.10: patch schpc sc_gptwocfg gptwo_pci
    120988-01 SunOS 5.10: grpck Patch
    120986-06 SunOS 5.10: mkfs and newfs patch
    119850-21 SunOS 5.10: mpt driver & picl plugins patch
    120984-01 SunOS 5.10: Patch
    124171-03 SunOS 5.10: flash issue with SUNWscn-base due to broken package
    122517-03 SunOS 5.10: Sun Fire V215/V245 platmod patch
    122515-01 SunOS 5.10: Sun Fire V215/V245 platform patch
    122513-02 SunOS 5.10: devfsadm patch
    120815-01 SunOS 5.10: dmfe patch
    118814-01 SunOS 5.10: patch platform/sun4u/kernel/tod/sparcv9/todsg
    118812-03 SunOS 5.10: Netra ntwdt driver patch
    123334-04 SunOS 5.10: e1000g_transition patch
    123330-01 SunOS 5.10: patch
    122658-03 SunOS 5.10: zonecfg patch
    122650-02 SunOS 5.10: zfs tools patch
    119826-02 SunOS 5.10: patch
    118367-04 SunOS 5.10: csh Patch
    123911-01 SunOS 5.10: pam patch
    123910-01 SunOS 5.10: platform_sun4v.xml patch
    122255-03 SunOS 5.10: etc/flash/precreation/caplib patch
    122251-01 SunOS 5.10: patch
    118557-07 SunOS 5.10: platform/sun4u/kernel/drv/sparcv9/su patch
    123271-01 SunOS 5.10: iwscn patch
    121215-01 SunOS 5.10: ipsecconf patch
    123304-02 SunOS 5.10: kssl patch
    119573-01 SunOS 5.10: cachefsd patch
    123301-01 SunOS 5.10: i2c_svc patch
    119570-01 SunOS 5.10: lw8 Patch
    118346-05 SunOS 5.10: libnsl Patch
    124327-02 SunOS 5.10: libpcp patch
    121406-01 SunOS 5.10: ikeadm patch
    124325-01 SunOS 5.10: rcm modules patch
    121561-04 SunOS 5.10: keymap patch
    124282-01 SunOS 5.10: init patch
    121004-03 SunOS 5.10: sh patch
    121002-03 SunOS 5.10: pax patch
    123252-01 SunOS 5.10: platform/SUNW,Netra-T2000 patch
    121559-01 SunOS 5.10: Netra-CP3010 libprtdiag_psr patch
    121558-01 SunOS 5.10: SUNW,Netra-CP3010 platform patch
    121557-01 SunOS 5.10: SUNW,Netra-CP3010 usr/platform patch
    118929-05 SunOS 5.10: config files patch
    121556-01 SunOS 5.10: SUNW,Netra-CP3010 platform patch
    122027-08 SunOS 5.10: bge Driver Patch
    117463-03 SunOS 5.10: passwdutil Patch
    122183-02 SunOS 5.10: logadm timestamp patch
    122412-01 SunOS 5.10: ipseckey patch
    118918-22 SunOS 5.10: Solaris Crypto Framework patch
    120473-01 SunOS 5.10: nss_compat patch
    119143-02 SunOS 5.10: patch lib/
    121337-01 SunOS 5.10: tlimod patch
    120272-06 SunOS 5.10: SMA patch
    122752-04 SunOS 5.10: FMA snmp patch
    121132-01 SunOS 5.10: cryptmod patch
    121130-01 SunOS 5.10: patch
    118879-02 SunOS 5.10: dhcp daemon patch
    119721-02 SunOS 5.10: usr/lib/efcode/sparcv9/interpreter patch
    118348-01 SunOS 5.10: fcode Patch
    119852-03 SunOS 5.10: unix branding patch
    121946-01 SunOS 5.10: Error processing FRU tree: IO error patch
    121286-04 SunOS 5.10: and patch
    123360-01 SunOS 5.10: usr/sbin/prtfru patch
    122519-01 SunOS 5.10: fruadm patch
    122363-02 SunOS 5.10: fru_container.conf and patch
    119974-04 SunOS 5.10: fp plug-in for cfgadm
    120182-02 SunOS 5.10: Sun Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter Library
    120346-04 SunOS 5.10: Common Fibre Channel HBA API Library
    122011-01 SunOS 5.10: SunFreeware cdrtools man pages patch
    122261-01 SunOS 5.10: SunFreeware ghostscript man pages patch
    121669-01 SunOS 5.10: SunFreeware pilot-link man pages patch
    119766-02 SunOS 5.10 : SunFreeware man pages patch
    122005-01 SunOS 5.10 : SunFreeware growisofs man pages
    120704-01 SunOS 5.10 : smartcard man patch
    122675-01 SunOS 5.10 : SunFreeware samba man pages patch
    121667-02 SunOS 5.10 : pilot-link header patch
    123809-01 SunOS 5.10: rpcsec_gss patch
    121239-02 SunOS 5.10: libgss patch
    120064-01 SunOS 5.10: stdio_iso.h Patch
    120994-01 SunOS 5.10: elf_amd64.h Patch
    120992-02 SunOS 5.10: nfs_clnt.h and nfs4_clnt.h Patch
    118925-04 SunOS 5.10: unistd header file patch
    119583-01 SunOS 5.10: memory classification header file patch
    120741-01 SunOS 5.10: seg_map header file patch
    121128-01 SunOS 5.10: lofs patch
    121580-01 SunOS 5.10: daktari and cherrystone header files patch
    118884-01 SunOS 5.10: atomic.h patch
    121721-01 SunOS 5.10: SVM header files patch
    121394-01 SunOS 5.10: aio_impl.h patch
    124280-01 SunOS 5.10: patch
    120469-05 SunOS 5.10: kerberos patch
    121006-01 SunOS 5.10: libkadm5 and kadmind patch
    121947-01 SunOS 5.10: New Keyboards software needed
    120467-05 SunOS 5.10: lp patch
    123336-01 SunOS 5.10: statd patch
    120046-01 SunOS 5.10: nfsmapid patch
    124286-01 SunOS 5.10: chkey core dump
    122029-01 SunOS 5.10: NIS+ nis patch
    122085-01 SunOS 5.10: nispasswd patch
    122410-01 SunOS 5.10: ldaplist patch
    119073-03 SunOS 5.10: ldapclient patch
    118735-01 SunOS 5.10: patch usr/sbin/rpc.nisd_resolv
    119470-08 SunOS 5.10: Sun Enterprise Network Array firmware and utilities
    122087-01 SunOS 5.10: LTC1427-connected fan device driver patch
    121944-02 SunOS 5.10: libpsvcpolicy and libpsvcpolicy_psr patch
    122537-01 SunOS 5.10: patch
    123256-02 SunOS 5.10: eri patch
    121235-01 SunOS 5.10: rcapd patch
    120629-05 SunOS 5.10: libpool patch
    119712-04 SunOS 5.10: usr/sbin/in.routed Patch
    124442-01 SunOS 5.10: ssh patch
    122856-03 SunOS 5.10: sendmail patch
    118733-03 SunOS 5.10: snmpdx patch
    120256-01 SunOS 5.10: hci1394 Patch
    117465-02 SunOS 5.10: fwtmp Patch
    123332-01 SunOS 5.10: tftp and in.tftpd patch
    122376-01 SunOS 5.10: prex patch
    120068-01 SunOS 5.10: in.telnetd Patch
    120809-01 SunOS 5.10: metaclust patch
    121010-02 SunOS 5.10: rpc.metad patch
    120807-01 SunOS 5.10: rpc.mdcommd patch
    120101-01 SunOS 5.10: libsmedia patch
    119555-03 SunOS 5.10: Software to support QLogic Ultra3 SCSI host bus adapters
    119090-20 SunOS 5.10: Sun iSCSI Device Driver and Utilities
    120732-01 SunOS 5.10 : libusb patch
    120201-02 X11 6.8.0: Xorg client libraries patch
    119213-10 NSS_NSPR_JSS 3.11.3: NSPR 4.6.3 / NSS 3.11.3 / JSS 4.2.4
    122119-05 SunOS 5.10: Patch for Arabic Fonts
    121734-05 SunOS 5.10: patch to support addition of new UTF-8 locales
    119397-05 SunOS 5.10: Patch for North America Region locale issues
    119401-07 SunOS 5.10: Patch for Western Europe Region locale issues
    119601-08 SunOS 5.10: Patch for European Region JDS messages
    120873-03 SunOS 5.10: xscreensaver localization message patch
    119703-07 SunOS 5.10: Patch for localeadm issues
    118706-01 SunOS 5.10: Creator and Creator3D: FFB Graphics Patch
    119648-01 SunOS 5.10: vlan driver patch
    118707-04 SunOS 5.10: Expert3D IFB Graphics Patch
    118777-08 SunOS 5.10: Sun GigaSwift Ethernet 1.0 driver patch
    118945-01 SunOS 5.10: Sun Gigabit Ethernet 3.0 driver patch
    119309-03 SunOS 5.10: PGX32 Graphics
    118711-02 SunOS 5.10: M64 Graphics Patch
    118981-03 SunOS 5.10: Sun Quad FastEthernet qfe driver
    120706-02 SunOS 5.10: XIL 1.4.2 Loadable Pipeline Libraries
    118705-01 SunOS 5.10: XVR-1000 GFB Graphics Patch
    118712-11 SunOS 5.10: Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Patch
    118708-14 SunOS 5.10: Sun XVR-1200 and Sun XVR-600 Graphics Accelerator Patch
    121975-01 CDE 1.6: Xsession patch
    120410-15 SunOS 5.10: Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework patch
    119810-03 SunOS 5.10: International Components for Unicode Patch
    120099-07 APOC 1.2: Sun Java(tm) Desktop System Configuration Shared Libraries
    119546-07 APOC 1.2: APOC Configuration Agent Patch
    124393-01 CDE 1.6: Dtlogin smf patch
    119280-08 CDE 1.6: Runtime library patch for Solaris 10
    119278-12 CDE 1.6: dtlogin patch
    121487-01 CDE 1.6: dtmail patch
    124405-01 CDE1.6: sdtfprop patch
    124403-01 CDE1.6: dtstyle patch
    122735-01 CDE 1.6: backdrops patch
    124401-01 CDE1.6: dtpad patch
    124399-01 CDE1.6: dtfile patch
    119284-01 CDE 1.6: sdtwsinfo patch
    119282-01 CDE1.6: GNOME/CDE Menu for Solaris 10
    124395-01 CDE1.6: dtaction patch
    121977-02 CDE 1.6: dtlogin resources patch
    119286-01 CDE 1.6: dtterm libDtTerm patch
    122669-01 Evolution 1.4.6: Cryptographic Library patch
    119117-24 Evolution 1.4.6 patch
    121036-01 Gnome 2.6.0: base libraries patch
    119418-03 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome On-screen Keyboard Patch
    119414-12 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Accessibility Libraries Patch
    119598-08 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Screen Reader and Magnifier Patch
    119416-01 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Text-To-Speech Engine Patch
    120454-02 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Apoc GConf Adapter Patch
    120460-10 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome libs Patch
    120282-02 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome CD Player Utility Patch
    121923-01 Gnome 2.6.0: GNOME CD Burner patch
    119372-02 GNOME 2.6.0: GNOME common development tools and libraries Patch
    120284-03 GNOME 2.6.0: GNOME CORBA ORB and component framework
    120458-01 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome configuration Patch
    122204-01 GNOME 2.6.0: configuration framework Patch
    122212-13 GNOME 2.6.0: GNOME Desktop Patch
    119410-05 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Applets Patch
    119540-04 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Dtlogin configuration Patch
    120456-01 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome image viewer Patch
    119548-07 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Multi-protocol instant messaging client Patch
    123162-02 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome Java Run Time Patch
    121095-01 GNOME 2.6.0: GNOME EXIF tag parsing library for digital cameras
    119544-03 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome streaming media framework Patch
    122210-01 GNOME 2.6.0: GNOME Media Player Patch
    120739-03 GNOME 2.6.0: GNOME PDF Viewer based on Xpdf
    119368-05 GNOME 2.6.0: Printing Technology Patch
    121606-01 GNOME 2.6.0: Python patch
    122208-01 GNOME 2.6.0: Removable Media Patch
    119890-03 GNOME 2.6.0: search tool Patch
    120288-03 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome terminal Patch
    120286-02 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome text editor Patch
    119900-02 GNOME 2.6.0: Gnome libtiff - library for reading and writing TIFF Patch
    119906-07 Gnome 2.6.0: Virtual File System Framework patch
    119538-10 GNOME 2.6.0: Window Manager Patch
    119115-20 Mozilla 1.7 patch
    122424-01 SunOS 5.10: Mozilla default bookmarks patch
    122422-03 SunOS 5.10: add missing locale files for Mozilla
    119955-03 CDE 1.6: Tooltalk Runtime patch for Solaris 10
    122064-01 CDE 1.6: Tooltalk ttsession patch for Solaris 10
    119059-20 X11 6.6.2: Xsun patch
    123611-02 X11 6.6.2: Trusted Extensions patch
    124457-01 X11 6.6.2: xdm patch
    121870-01 X11 6.6.2: xterm patch
    119063-01 SunOS 5.10: libXpm patch
    SU client
    bash-3.00# uname -a
    SunOS e2 5.10 Generic_118855-15 i86pc i386 i86pc
    bash-3.00# cat /etc/release
    Solaris 10 6/06 s10x_u2wos_09a X86
    Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Assembled 09 June 2006
    bash-3.00# showrev -p | egrep -e '121453|121118|120335|121081|121563|122231|119788'
    bash-3.00# showrev -p | egrep -e '121454|121119|120336|121082|121564|122232|119789'
    Patch: 121454-02 Obsoletes: 120777-03, 121087-02, 119108-07 Requires: 119575-02, 119255-06 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr, SUNWccccrr, SUNWccccr, SUNWccfw, SUNWccsign, SUNWcsmauth, SUNWswupcl, SUNWppror, SUNWpprou, SUNWcctpx, SUNWccinv, SUNWupdatemgru, SUNWupdatemgrr, SUNWccccfg, SUNWccfwctrl, SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base
    Patch: 121082-05 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121454-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWccccrr, SUNWccccr, SUNWccfw, SUNWccsign, SUNWcctpx, SUNWccinv, SUNWccccfg, SUNWccfwctrl
    Patch: 121119-06 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121454-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWppror, SUNWpprou, SUNWupdatemgru, SUNWupdatemgrr, SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base
    Patch: 121119-08 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121454-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWppror, SUNWpprou, SUNWupdatemgru, SUNWupdatemgrr, SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base
    Patch: 120336-04 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121454-01 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWpprou
    Patch: 122232-01 Obsoletes:  Requires: 121454-02 Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWcctpx
    bash-3.00# smpatch get      -               ""     -               /var/sadm/spool     -               /var/sadm/spool
    patchpro.install.types          -               rebootafter:reconfigafter:standard
    patchpro.patchset               -               current             -               ""
    patchpro.proxy.passwd           ****            ****
    patchpro.proxy.port             -               8080
    patchpro.proxy.user             -               ""
    bash-3.00# smpatch analyze
    119253-16 SunOS 5.10_x86: System Administration Applications Patch
    119082-24 SunOS 5.10_x86: CD-ROM Install Boot Image Patch
    120200-07 SunOS 5.10_x86: sysidtool patch
    121431-12 SunOS 5.8_x86 5.9_x86 5.10_x86: Live Upgrade Patch
    124189-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: Trusted Solaris Attributes Patch
    119316-07 SunOS 5.10_x86: Solaris Management Applications Patch
    121309-08 SunOS 5.10_x86: Solaris Management Console Patch
    119314-09 SunOS 5.10_x86: WBEM Patch
    119255-31 SunOS 5.10_x86: Install and Patch Utilities Patch
    118855-19 SunOS 5.10_x86: kernel patch
    119964-08 SunOS 5.10_x86: Shared library patch for C++_x86
    120754-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: Microtasking libraries (libmtsk) patch
    122131-02 S10_x86: Patch to update SUNWlocaledefsrc files
    123495-03 X11 6.6.2_x86: fontconfig patch
    119813-03 X11 6.6.2_x86: Freetype patch
    123648-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: gcc library .la patch
    122530-05 SunOS 5.10_x86: nge patch
    122912-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: Apache 1.3 Patch
    120544-06 SunOS 5.10_x86: Apache 2 Patch
    118344-14 SunOS 5.10_x86: Fault Manager Patch
    124207-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: libtsol patch
    118891-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: llib-lc patch
    120037-07 SunOS 5.10_x86: libldap patch
    122653-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: utilities patch
    124238-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: ftp patch
    124445-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: mountd patch
    124247-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: patch
    119686-09 SunOS 5.10_x86: lib/svc/bin/svc.startd Patch
    121082-06 SunOS 5.10_x86: Connected Customer Agents 1.1.0
    120053-05 SunOS 5.10_x86: pam library patch
    120846-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: auditd patch
    124236-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: patch
    120051-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: usermod patch
    122532-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: volmgt and bsmconv patch
    121300-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: caplib patch
    124187-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: flash issue with SUNWscn-base due to broken package
    124615-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: sconadm proxy: UnknownHostException
    123331-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: patch
    122663-06 SunOS 5.10_x86: libzonecfg patch
    123527-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: libcurses patch
    118368-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: csh Patch
    123909-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: gfx_private patch
    121013-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: traceroute patch
    118347-05 SunOS 5.10_x86: libnsl Patch
    121604-02 SunOS 5.10_x86:, patch
    124326-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: rcm modules patch
    121009-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: ufsrestore patch
    124283-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: init patch
    121005-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: sh patch
    121003-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: pax patch
    122184-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: logadm timestamp patch
    117464-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: passwdutil Patch
    122413-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: ipseckey patch
    118919-19 SunOS 5.10_x86: Solaris Crypto Framework patch
    122365-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: bscbus, bscv driver patch
    121134-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: power patch
    118880-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: dhcp daemon patch
    119975-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: fp plug-in for cfgadm
    119131-26 SunOS 5.10_x86: Sun Fibre Channel Device Drivers
    120223-11 SunOS 5.10_x86: Emulex-Sun LightPulse Fibre Channel Adapter driver
    120347-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: Common Fibre Channel HBA API Library
    122676-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: SunFreeware samba man pages patch
    121805-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: GRUB patch
    121240-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: libgss patch
    124281-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: patch
    123335-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: krb5kdc patch
    122534-02 SunOS 5.10_x86: ktkt_warn patch
    120468-05 SunOS 5.10_x86: lp patch
    123337-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: statd patch
    122411-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: ldaplist patch
    124287-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: chkey patch
    119471-06 SunOS 5.10_x86: Sun Enterprise Network Array firmware and utilities
    120630-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: libpool patch
    124443-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: ssh patch
    119758-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: Samba patch
    122857-04 SunOS 5.10_x86: sendmail patch
    119091-20 SunOS 5.10_x86: Sun iSCSI Device Driver and Utilities
    120273-07 SunOS 5.10_x86: SMA patch
    120536-12 SunOS 5.10_x86: Updated video drivers and fixes
    124466-02 SunOS 5.9_x86 : cacao 2.0     patch 02
    119214-10 NSS_NSPR_JSS 3.11.3_x86: NSPR 4.6.3 / NSS 3.11.3 / JSS 4.2.4
    118668-09 J2SE 5.0_x86: update 9 patch (5.0u9)
    122120-05 SunOS 5.10_x86: Patch for Arabic Fonts
    119602-08 SunOS 5.10_x86: Patch for European Region JDS messages
    119704-07 SunOS 5.10_x86: Patch for localeadm issues
    122762-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: Sun Update Connection Bootstrapper
    118778-07 SunOS 5.10_x86: Sun GigaSwift Ethernet 1.0 driver patch
    119789-02 SunOS 5.10_x86, Sun Update Connection Proxy, System Edition 1.0
    120411-15 SunOS 5.10_x86: Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework patch
    119811-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: International Components for Unicode Patch
    121735-05 SunOS 5.10_x86: patch to support addition of new UTF-8 locales
    120100-07 APOC 1.2_x86: Sun Java(tm) Desktop System Configuration Shared Libraries
    119547-07 APOC 1.2_x86: APOC Configuration Agent Patch
    124394-01 CDE 1.6_x86: Dtlogin smf patch
    119281-08 CDE 1.6_x86: Runtime library patch for Solaris 10
    119279-12 CDE 1.6_x86: dtlogin patch
    121488-02 CDE 1.6_x86: dtmail patch
    124406-01 CDE 1.6_x86: sdtfprop patch
    124404-01 CDE 1.6_x86: dtstyle patch
    124402-01 CDE 1.6_x86: dtpad patch
    124400-01 CDE 1.6_x86: dtfile patch
    124396-01 CDE 1.6_x86: dtaction patch
    121978-02 CDE 1.6_x86: dtlogin resources patch
    119118-24 Evolution 1.4.6_x86 patch
    119419-03 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome On-screen Keyboard Patch
    119415-12 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome Accessibility Libraries Patch
    119599-08 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome Screen Reader and Magnifier Patch
    120455-02 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome Apoc GConf Adapter Patch
    120461-10 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome libs Patch
    120285-03 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: GNOME CORBA ORB and component framework
    122213-13 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: GNOME Desktop Patch
    119411-05 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome Applets Patch
    119549-06 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome Multi-protocol instant messaging client Patch
    122471-02 Gnome 2.6.0_x86: GNOME Java Help Patch
    123163-02 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome Java Run Time Patch
    120740-03 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: GNOME PDF Viewer based on Xpdf
    119369-05 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Printing Technology Patch
    120289-03 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Gnome terminal Patch
    119907-07 Gnome 2.6.0_x86: Virtual File System Framework patch
    119539-10 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: Window Manager Patch
    119116-20 Mozilla 1.7_x86 patch
    122425-01 SunOS 5.10_x86: Mozilla default bookmarks patch
    122423-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: add missing locale files for Mozilla
    122959-02 GNOME 2.6.0_x86: RealPlayer media application
    119060-19 X11 6.6.2_x86: Xsun patch
    123614-01 X11 6.6.2_x86: OpenGL patch
    123612-02 X11 6.6.2_x86: Trusted Extensions patch
    124458-01 X11 6.6.2_x86: xdm patchRegards

  • Where can I find the description of the codes returned by exitValue()?

    Hi Everybody,
    I have a java porgram on HP/UX and this program executes the OS level commands and exe file on HP UNIX. When I supply "/usr/bin ls -l" as a param to this program it executes it very well.
    But if I pass the "/utils/Myapp/app arg1 arg2" as a parameter it returns some non zero codes
    I tried several ways to make it work and I even harcoded the "/utils/Myapp/app arg1 arg2" in the program but it never executes it properly and I got the following return Code return by exitvalue() during my hit and trial method.
    Does any one have clue what are they.
    Note: When I executes /utils/Myapp/app arg1 arg2" from the UNIX prompt it works fine
    The java program is given below.
    Pl help
    This is my first program in JAVA.
    import java.lang.Runtime;
    import java.lang.Process;
    import java.lang.InterruptedException;
    class executecmd {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println("In main");
    try {
    /* Execute the command using the Runtime object and get the
    Process which controls this command */
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args[0]);
    /* Use the following code to wait for the process to finish
    and check the return code from the process */
    try {
    /* Handle exceptions for waitFor() */
    } catch (InterruptedException intexc) {
    System.out.println("Interrupted Exception on waitFor: " + intexc.getMessage());
    System.out.println("Return code from process"+ p.exitValue());
    System.out.println("Done executing");
    /* Handle the exceptions for exec() */
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("IO Exception from exec : " + e.getMessage());

    1. exitValue() codes are the numeric codes returned by native applications you're calling: the meaning of this code is both application and platform dependant (it has nothing to do with java), so you should try to find those info in "app" documentation, or in HP Unix standard docs.
    2. I think you'd better "debug" the Runtime.exec() behaviour by capturing stdout and especially stderr of the spawned process: doing so, you will be able to see error messages printed out by called applications or commands...
    It's very simple using this small class:
    /** connects I/O streams, just like a pipe :-)
    * @author: Giorgio Maone
    class Pipe {
    private InputStream in;
    private OutputStream out;
    public Pipe(InputStream in, OutputStream out) {; this.out=out;
    public void connect() {
       new Thread() {
        public void run() {
         try {
          for(int b;(!=-1;) {
        } catch(IOException ex) {}
    }So you can do this:
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args[0]);
    new Pipe(p.getInputStream(),System.out).connect();
    new Pipe(p.getErrorStream(),System.out).connect();
    new Pipe(,p.getOutputStream()).connect();
    try {
    System.out.println("Exit code: "+p.waitFor());
    } catch(InterruptedException ex) {}If you want to use a "smart wrapper" on Runtime.exec(), feel free to use my MultiExec class:
    /** executes multiple commands in one shell
    * @author: Giorgio Maone
    public class MultiExec {
    static final boolean IS_WIN=System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("win")==0;
    protected String shell=IS_WIN?"":"sh";
    public void setShell(String s) {
    public String getShell() {
       return shell;
    public Process exec(String cmds[]) throws IOException {
      File f=File.createTempFile("muexec",".bat");
      PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(f));
      if(IS_WIN) out.println("@echo off");
      for(int j=0,len=cmds.length; j<len; j++)
      return Runtime.getRuntime().exec(shell+" "+f.getCanonicalPath());
    public int execAndWait(String cmds[]) throws IOException {
       Process p=exec(cmds);
      new Pipe(p.getInputStream(),System.out).connect();
      new Pipe(p.getErrorStream(),System.out).connect();
      new Pipe(,p.getOutputStream()).connect();
      int exitCode=-1;
      try {
       } catch(InterruptedException ex) {}
      return exitCode;
    static class Pipe {
       private InputStream in;
      private OutputStream out;
      public Pipe(InputStream in, OutputStream out) {; this.out=out;
      public void connect() {
        new Thread() {
         public void run() {
          try {
           for(int b;(!=-1;) {
         } catch(IOException ex) {}

  • RasClient:dialed a connection named "VPN Connection Name " which has failed. The error code returned on failure is 789 on windows 8.1

    i am trying to connect to my corporation VPN Server " ISA 2006" using windows 8.1 client built in VPN,  but its returned the following error:
     Event ID 20227: dialed a connection named "VPN connection Name" which has failed. The error code returned on failure is 789.
    VPN connection is working fine with windows XP and windows 7 with no issue , this error is only appear when try to connect to using windows 8 client machine.
    this error is shows only on windows 8.1 client , same procedures used to enroll the certificate from internal CA " IPsec Type" is followed .
    below are the  ISA server specifications:
    VPN Server : ISA 2006.
    windows Server version 2003. 
    appreciate your quick help and reply .

    Thanks for your reply.
    i would like to add another point for this case, that when we are trying to enroll a certificate from internal CA web enrollment directly using windows 8 " internet explorer 11"  , its install a certificate without Digital
    Signature and non-repudiation in key usage property, then when try to connect , its will give the above error 789 ..
    when try to enroll a certificate into windows 7 " internet explorer 10" and then export and import  this certificate into windows 8.1 machine "with the name of
    windows 8.1 machine" into windows 8.1 machine, the VPN is working normally and without issue.
    The properties of the Certificate are difference between windows 7 machine and windows 8 machine is key usage missing the Digital Signature and non-repudiation properties when enroll
    from windows  8.1 " internet explorer 11", this is in fact because of
    we don't have an option for key usage " both" when subment a certificate on web enrollment page from windows 8 machine ,, the only option available is exchange "
    no signature and both option available "
    i believe that there is something wrong when using windows 8.1 internet explorer 11 so its gave a certificate with wrong key usage property .
    appreciate your quick help in this .

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