Sub Var in FR

I am using System 9.3.1. While creating the FR using the Studio, I am not able to get the sub var from Essbase. Other than that everything is working fine. Anyone encountered similar problem?

Financial Reporting let's you connect to different services in System 9.3.1. For example you can use the Essbase Analytics connector to access Essbase properties or the Planning connector to access Planning properties.
Make sure you are connecting through the Essbase connection to have Subvars available to you.
Also make sure your substitution variables follow recommended naming standards. I.e. do not begin with numbers or have foreign characters. I also try to keep them less than 8 characters.
Hope this helps,
Brian Chow

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    Hi there,
    Is this HFM or Essbase?

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    You already have a spry horizonal menu that you appear to be using as a vertical.  You might be able to insert another <ul> within the <li>, like so
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizonal">
      <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Item 1</a>
            <li><a href="#">Item 1.1</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 1.2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 1.3</a></li>
    If that does not work, perhaps you might just want to delete what you have and insert a vertical spry menu.
    I also notice all of your html files start with caps, looks like you have an Index html and a index.html.  I'm guessing that gave you a few headaches.

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    Unfortunately you have to live by the definition in dbag which is in the post that Tim provided the link for but nobody seems to follow links these days :)
    "To ensure that a new substitution variable value is available in formulas, partition definitions, and security filters, stop and restart the application. All other uses of substitution variables are dynamically resolved when used."

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    <p>Well, if your value "Jul" does not changes, the youcan do conditional supressions.</p><p> </p><p>Suppose you column with sub var is colum a then use</p><p> </p><p>If data value in cell [a,1] is equal to data Jul, --> usethis condition for conditional supression.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>I use something like this in my reports and it works fine.</p><p> </p><p>hope this helps !</p>

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    I like IF(@ISMBR(&Currmth) and @ISMBR("Jan"))
    comparisons of member names don't work very good until you get to 11.1.2 and have the membercompare function


    Hi All,
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    The error in formula number 1 is "Error(1260046) - Unknown Member "EOQ" used in queryhybyrCQW" - note - "hybyrCQW" is the name of the member that contains the formula.

    In calc scripts, the substitution variable should have quotes around the member, even if it doesn't otherwise need them -- I don't know if this is the same case for MDX calcs though, but give it a try as it might be at least part of the answer.

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    Depends how you set it, I think with esscmd you get more information in the essbase.log file than you do with maxl.
    Setting a var at db level
    Esscmd you would see something like
    Received client request: Set Substitution Variable (from user [admin])
    Maxl disappointing log info
    Received client request: MaxL: Execute (from user [admin])
    Database app.db altered

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    Listed under fixes in 6.5.1:The UPDATEVARIABLE command may fail to update substitution variables. 28849The UPDATEVARIABLE command fails to update substitution variables when the case does not match that of the original database and application. After updating substitution variables using the UPDATEVARIABLE command, the new variables are displayed in the Application Manager under Server > Substitution Variables, but a spreadsheet retrieval returns the old variables and their associated values.

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    Here all right
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    My essbase variable is set to:
    in double quote
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    SubsVar: "c:\DataExtract.txt"
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    Qty 2 = Rate * 2
    Qty 3 = Rate * 3
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    This problem comes only when you are writing formula on cell level. If possible, put formula at the the column level. i.e. In Column 'C', put formula as [A]-<b>. Now, if you add another column between A & B, formula will automatically change to [A]-[C].This should work unless you have a situation where every cell in formula column is using a separate calculation.

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    Hi Hayley,I don't think you can use Subs Var directly in the heading. However, you can use a text function in a heading which references the Grid where the substition variable exists.Use this:<<GetHeading("Grid1", 1, C, 2)>>syntax: ("Grid", Page, Col or Row Header, Offset from top or left).Remember, text functions can't be typed. You'll need to use Insert Function.Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.TaMark

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    FIX (@UDA("Period", "closed"))
         CLEARDATA "Forecast";
         DATACOPY "Actual" TO "Forecast";

    Hello There.
    I should have been more clear in my original posting.
    The intent of the suggestion/alternative was from an "ease" of maintenance (and avoiding the "global fix" problem) perspective rather than a speed/performance one.
    Regarding the FIX on the sub vars you are absolutely correct -- it will not make it any faster -- but you could prevent the script from executing the statements within the FIX by using sub vars rather than UDAS (actually you could also create an "opposite" UDA like "open" and use AND/OR/NOT logic within the FIX signature itself if you didn't want to go down the sub var path for whatever reason). As you know the problem the user is having is when there are no UDAs on the members of the period dimension the statements within the FIX execute (older version of essbase and setting option not being available). I was simply stating that you could use sub vars to specify only those months (assuming months are the base level members of the period dimension) that you want the enclosed fix code to operate on -- of course you could/would need another sub var to specify the months to specifically exclude (e.g. &ActMonths, &FcstMonths) and possiibly AND/OR operator within the FIX statement itself if you like. The bottom line is you would make certain each member was always tagged with one of the two sub vars (again - could be done with udas) thereby allowing the script to only operate on those periods that it should. I just looked at the users second entry and it appears the second UDA and conditional route was taken.
    In my opinion, a single substitution variable that evaluates to 1 - 12 months (modified in one place - the sub var value-string itself) seems easier than manually or via load rule changing (potentially) up to 12 different period base level members -- once again assuming the base level members are indeed months.
    And yes you are correct - datacopy does not work within a conditional -- it would have to be accomplished through another means which I now see the user chose -- and yes you are also correct in that datacopy is very fast and would likely be the hands-down most efficient means.
    With regard to the "Golden Rule" statement -- it was not my intention to imply that it is a "always do this or perish" rule (although - admittedly - using the term "golden" probably made it appear quite the contrary) -- given the fact that rarely is anything always black/white when it comes to hyperion essbase, particularly in the realm of database calculation optimization. Nevertheless, someone should tell the numerous hyperion instructors/technical consultants (including Ed Roske as he has it clearly stated in his Look Smarter book) that I have worked with in the past. Thanks for the food for thought -- I sincerely appreciate it.
    Look Smarter excerpt: "...It is a good rule that can be used even more effectively..."
    Outdated/misguided logic below? You decide sports fans...
    In general, you should try and only use "FIX" statements on SPARSE dimensions.
    FIX statements allow you to take a slice of the database and only perform an action on that slice. If you fix on a SPARSE dimension, then you are limiting the amount of blocks that you are performing the action upon. If you FIX on a DENSE dimension, you are not limiting the number of blocks, but rather just a portion within each block. Using the FIX statement on a dense dimension can cause multiple passes through the same blocks which is very inefficient. On the other hand, the IF statement is well suited to DENSE dimensions because it performs IF logic while the block is in memory.
    Example: If JUL then ..., else .... will all be performed in one pass without the need of multiple passes through the blocks. In general, try and use FIX on sparse dimensions and IF on dense dimensions.
    Thank you both once again for your comments.
    todd rebner
    Edited by: todd rebner on Jun 7, 2009 10:32 AM

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