SubReports Issues in SSRS 2005 Reports Upgrade to 2012

Hi there!
We are planning to upgrade our SSRS 2005 reports to SSRS 2012. As I heard there will are some upgrade compatibility issues, I read the below MSDN article and found that the Reports that include subreports may fail in upgrade. Below
is the article.
Upgrading a Report with Subreports:
When a report contains subreports,
one of four possible states can occur during upgrade:
The main report and all subreports can be successfully upgraded. They are processed by the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) report processor.
The main report and all subreports cannot be upgraded. They are processed by the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report processor.
The main report can be upgraded but one or more subreports cannot be upgraded. The main report is processed by the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) report processor, but the rendered report shows the message "Error: Subreport
could not be processed" in the location where the subreport that could not be upgraded would appear.
The main report cannot be upgraded but one or more subreports can be upgraded. The main report is processed by the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) report processor, but the rendered report shows the message "Error: Subreport
could not be processed" in the location where the subreport would appear.
If you see the error "Error: Subreport could not be processed",
you must change the definition of the main report or the subreport so that the reports can be processed by the same version of the report processor.
Can some one please tell me what does the above line mean? What does it mean by the phrase
change the definition of main report? Does it mean I need to set any property in the main report?
Please help! Thanks in advance.

Hi Ammy,
When you open an .rdl file in Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), if the report was created for a previous namespace, Report Designer automatically creates a backup file and upgrades the report to the current namespace. This is the only way
you can upgrade a report definition file. A report with subreports must be processed by the same version of the Reporting Services report processor. When upgrading reports to the current version of the report definition schema, the main report and the subreports
may or may not be updated at the same time. If the version is not compatible between a report and its subreports, the following message is displayed: "Subreport could not be processed."
If we want to change the definition of the report, we can open an .rdl file in Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).  Then the namespace of the report will upgrade to the current namespace. For more information about Identify the Report Schema
Version, please see the following document:
Hope this helps.
Katherine Xiong
Katherine Xiong
TechNet Community Support

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    CREATE TABLE #promo (promo VARCHAR(1000))
    INSERT #promo
    FROM '\\aseposretail\c$\nz\promo_names.txt'
    SELECT * from #promo
    It's ok when I manually execute the proc in SSMS.
    When I try to run the report from BIDS I got following error:
    *Cannot bulk load because the file "\aseposretail\c$\nz\promo_names.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).*
    Note: I have gooled a bit and see many questions on this but they are not relevant because I CAN run the code no problem in SSMS. It's the SSRS having the issue. I know little about the security of SSRS.

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    Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
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    In my SSRS 2005 report, i have one group in my table.  In that group, I have a field that for each company record in my dataset, this field value is repeated for each record. This is a transactions table so you'd expect several records in the dataset for each company..that's not the problem.
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    TransID     CompanyID      FeeGoal
    1                1000                  100
    2                1000                  100
    3                1000                  100
    4                2000                   400
    5                2000                   400
    My SSRS 2005 Report has:
    Group1 fields:
    CompanyID                                       FeeGoal
    =Fields!CustomerNumber.Value        =Fields!FeeGoal.Value
    The output when previewed looks like this:
    Company   FeeGoal
    1000               100
    2000               400
    Footer            209409730.83 (totals up all feegoals!  not just unique instances!)
    I have a footer, and this is where the problem comes in.  I am not able to sum 100 + 400 because if I do a SUM(=Fields!FeeGoal.Value) It doesn't just sume up 100 + 400 but rather (100 + 100 + 100) + (400 + 400)
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    FYI: FeeGoal is an input from an ASP.NET form to allow managers to update that one column in my report so that other calculations can rely on it in my group fields.  Once the user finishes, I run a stored proc to insert that fee goal in every customer transaction record / feegoal field
    I guess is there a way to do some sort of Distinct SUM in an expression? I also tried:
    =SUM((Max(Fields!FeeGoal_AZ.Value)) / Fields!FeeSchedule.Value) * 100)
    but you can't have an aggregate function like this, I get this error:
    [rsAggregateofAggregate] The Value expression for the textbox 'GrossGoal_gt' contains an aggregate function (or RunningValue or RowNumber functions) in the argument to another aggregate function (or RunningValue). Aggregate functions cannot be nested inside other aggregate functions.
    Build complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings

    I need to generate a SSRS 2005 report like bellow:
    OrderNumber    MultiInvoice    SalesAmt        
    TaxAmt          TotalAmt
    301256              1                     
    302                   20                  322
     501                   10                  511
    456                    1                    457
    785412              2                    
    725                    25                  750
    totalRow=4      totalRow=2      Sum=1984        Sum=56          
    Sum=2040 ----------------------->Footer
    --I added textbox in ther footer of that report table, and try to add expression for each, like
    1>OrderNumber : =CountRows()
    2>MultiInvoice :  =Count(column name) //but it is return no of rows,
    where it should be only 2.
    How can do that?
    3>SalesAmt : =
    SUM(Fields!SalesAmt.Value)   //It is not returning actual summation of all rows for
     column. How can I do that?
    Dipen Bhadra

  • Designing SSRS 2005 report using matrix

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    i have "to company" column group and "from company" row group. 
    i have filter for the report as "select currency type" - local currency (may be diff for diff companies)
      foreign currency (same for all companies)
    if user selects foreign currency i want to show total column and if user selects local currency then i want to hide total column (since curr can be diff so does not make sense adding)
    i have added subtotal for amount which look like, (rightclick on, =field!tocy.value and add subtotal)
    how to hide total column depending on currency selection ? 
    I tried to rightclick on total and hide it but it only hides the title. It displays column. i can not rightclick on cell right side of amount cell (below total).
    Any solution to hide total column depending on codition ??

    Yes you can use an expression as below
    =IIF(Not InScope("<ColumnGroupName>") And Parameters!Currency.Value = "<Local Currency Name>",True,False)
    this should be set as the hidden property expression for the textbox in the data area ie  the one containing SUM(Fields!Amt.Value) as the value expression
     Also see
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    report file from my stream and I found that report is correct.
    But I don't know what is missing.
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
    Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("Reports, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f51c855eec632536");
    Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Reports.Reports.rdlc");
    MemoryStream rdl = new MemoryStream();
    CopyTo(stream, rdl);
    rptInspectorPlan.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("MyData", finalData(getInspectionPlan())));
    protected DataTable getInspectionPlan()
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    DataTable dtCurrentUser = getCurrentUser();
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(getMarketSurveillanceURL()))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("InspectionPlan");
    SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
    string query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>" + dtCurrentUser.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "</Value></Eq></Where>";//getCurrentUserID()
    oQuery.Query = query;
    dt = list.GetItems(oQuery).GetDataTable();
    return dt;
    protected string getMarketSurveillanceURL()
    string URL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MarketSurveillanceURL"].ToString();
    return URL;
    protected string getMainSiteURL()
    string URL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MainSiteURL"].ToString();
    return URL;
    protected DataTable getCurrentUser()
    SPUser user = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser;
    DataTable currentUser = new DataTable();
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(getMarketSurveillanceURL()))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("Inspector");
    SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
    string query = "<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='LoginID'/><Value Type='Text'>" + user.LoginName + "</Value></Eq></Where></Query>";
    oQuery.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='ID'/><FieldRef Name='Title'/>";
    oQuery.Query = query;
    currentUser = list.GetItems(oQuery).GetDataTable();
    return currentUser;
    protected DataTable finalData(DataTable inspectionPlan)
    DataTable dt = inspectionPlan;
    DataTable dtCurrentUser = getCurrentUser();
    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
    if (dr["Title"].ToString() == dtCurrentUser.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()) dr["InspectorName"] = dtCurrentUser.Rows[0]["Title"].ToString();
    dr["ProductName"] = getProductName(dr["ProductID"].ToString());
    dr["CategoryName"] = getCategoryName(dr["ProductID"].ToString());
    switch (dr["InspectionType"].ToString())
    case "0":
    dr["InspectionTypeName"] = "Periodic";
    case "1":
    dr["InspectionTypeName"] = "ComplainFollowup";
    return dt;
    protected string getProductName(string id)
    string productName = "";
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(getMarketSurveillanceURL()))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("Product");
    SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
    string query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID'/><Value Type='Text'>" + id + "</Value></Eq></Where>";//getCurrentUserID()
    oQuery.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='ProductEN'/><FieldRef Name='ProductAr'/>";
    oQuery.Query = query;
    dt = list.GetItems(oQuery).GetDataTable();
    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
    productName = dr["ProductEN"].ToString();
    return productName;
    protected string getCategoryName(string productID)
    string categoryName = "", CategoryID = "";
    DataTable dtCategory = new DataTable();
    DataTable dtProduct = new DataTable();
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(getMarketSurveillanceURL()))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("Product");
    SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
    string query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID'/><Value Type='Counter'>" + productID + "</Value></Eq></Where>";
    oQuery.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='CategoryID'/>";
    oQuery.Query = query;
    dtProduct = list.GetItems(oQuery).GetDataTable();
    foreach (DataRow dr in dtProduct.Rows)
    CategoryID = dr["CategoryID"].ToString();
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(getMainSiteURL()))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("SAS_Categories");
    SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
    string query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID'/><Value Type='Text'>" + CategoryID + "</Value></Eq></Where>";
    oQuery.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='Category_Title_EN'/><FieldRef Name='Category_Title_Ar'/>";
    oQuery.Query = query;
    dtCategory = list.GetItems(oQuery).GetDataTable();
    foreach (DataRow dr in dtCategory.Rows)
    categoryName = dr["Category_Title_EN"].ToString();
    return categoryName;
    public static void CopyTo(Stream input, MemoryStream output)
    byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024]; // Fairly arbitrary size
    int bytesRead;
    while ((bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
    output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

    Have you found a solution to this issue? I am searching for the same.

  • Can Reporting Services 2005 report on SQL Server 2012 database?

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    Is it possible to run Reporting Services 2005 of SQL Server 2012? If yes then is there pre-requiste  like drivers  or dll or any other to connect SSRS 2005 to SQL server 2012?  
    If we run Reporting Services 2005 of SQL Server 2012  then do we will face performance lag issue due to version difference of SSRS 2005 and SQL server 2012?

    Can anyone merge this -
    sathya - ** Mark as answered if my post solved your problem and Vote as helpful if my post was useful **.

  • Sql server 2005 reports with sql server 2014

    Can i upload SSRS 2005 reports as it is on SSRS 2014 and use it without doing anything extra or without changing anything ??
    I can use SSRS 2005 reports as it is with SSRS 2012. But for SSRS 2014 not sure.

    You can upgrade the the RDL schema will be upgraded.
    Report definition (.rdl) files are automatically upgraded in the following ways:
    When you open a report in Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), the report definition is upgraded to the currently supported RDL schema. When you specify a SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2 report server in the project properties, the report
    definition is saved in a schema that is compatible with the target server.
    When you upgrade a Reporting Services installation to a SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS) installation, existing reports and snapshots that have been published to a report server are compiled and automatically upgraded to the new schema the first
    time they are processed. If a report cannot be automatically upgraded, the report is processed using the backward-compatibility mode. The report definition remains in the original schema.
    Reports are not upgraded when you upload a report definition file directly to the report server or SharePoint site. Upgrading a report definition in SQL Server Data Tools is the only way to upgrade the .rdl file.
    After a report is upgraded locally or on the report server, you might notice additional errors, warnings, and messages. This is the result of changes to the internal report object model and processing components, which cause messages to appear when underlying
    problems in the report are detected. For more information, see Reporting Services Backward Compatibility.
    For more information about new features for SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (SSRS), see
    What's New (Reporting Services).
    Check the below Microsoft link for more information

  • SSRS 2005 check render format

    Hi, My SSRS 2005 Report Contain Hyperlinks.
    When I am exporting this Report into PDF, inside PDF this Hyperlink still showing up and when i click on that, it is redirect on that link.
    I want the Hyperlink Active in Report Manager , not after Exporting to PDF.
    How can we Remove Hyperlink, when rendering to PDF ? or how can i possibly check is the report is interactive
    Thanks !!!

    SSRS 2005 does not have RenderFormat !
    Ah sorry I missed you're on SSRS 2005
    Then only way is to create a separate version for PDF with those hyperlinks removed and call it via link from main report by specifying full report viewer url for the report
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Partially Bold Text in SSRS 2005 using Expression ?

    I am using SSRS 2005.
    I have one requirment. I need to Partially Bold some part of Text in column.
    Below is the Example.
    Name < - -- Column in SSRS 2005 Report.
    This column contains combination of Last Name and First Name. All Database record contains Last name , while in some record our requirment is to append First Name with that.
    That is i aleady handled using Nested IIF Expression.
    Now, i want to display appended First Name in normal while all Last Name whihc is Database Field in BOLD Font.
    How is it possible ?

    I have just saw a possible solution (well done Hentie Stassen!)
    The best solution of course is to upgrade to SQL 2008 reporting services.
    But, if you are stuck with SQL 2005, try the following:
    We know that a possible solution is to have 2 textboxes.  One for name, one for surname.  Then make the surname bold.  This works, but spacing is a big problem as we saw in other examples on this thread.  Here is the solution for the
    spacing problem:
    The idea is to have 1 textbox for the name, with lots of surname textboxes at different positions and only have 1 of these surname textboxes visible. 
    More detail:
    1. The left-most textbox is the Name field.
    2. Then have 10 or more Surname textboxes, with Bold and displaying the Surname field.  All surnames text boxes overlapping each other, but each one starting about 1cm to the right of the previous one.  The first Surname textbox starts about 1cm
    to the right of the leftmost point of the Name textbox, overlapping most of it.
    3. Now set the visibility property of each of the "Surname" textboxes.  All will be hidden by default.  Set the visibility of the 1st "surname" to true only if the lenth of the name field is less than 2.  Set the visibility
    of the 2nd "surname" to true only if the length of name =2, etc.
    Have a happy day
    Andre Maakal

  • Want to use the same #TEMP table for multiple datasets in SSRS 2005

    I am using Visual Studio 2005 to create SSRS 2005 reports. The report will consist of two different matrix from two different dataset that will gather data from the same data source. The first dataset is a procedure that inserts data from a query into
    a #temp table and outputs it in the first matrix. I want the second dataset to be a different procedure that references the same #temp table. When the report is pulled then can the #temp table be dropped.

    Try in the Dataset properties.  In the Query tab, under and to the right of "Data source:" click the box with the elipses (...).  In the General tab, toward the bottom, there is a check box beside "Use single transaction".
    Rakesh M J | MCTS,MCITP ( SQL SERVER 2008 )
    Dont forget to mark it as Answered if found useful |

  • Migration of Reports from SSRS 2005 to SSRS 2012

    I have 50 Reports in SSRS 2005 currently in production server. My Client want to migrate to SSRS 2012.
    I migrated one RDL using BIDS. I am using list items inside Text Box in those Reports. The Problem is design and style of the Report changed in SSRS 2012.
    Borders are not coming correctly.
    I want the same Report in 2012 also.
    Please suggest what to do?
    Appreciate your help.

    Hi Bala,
    Gernerally, when you upgrade a Reporting Services installation to a SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) installation, existing reports and snapshots that have been published to a report server are compiled and automatically upgraded to the new schema
    the first time they are processed. If a report cannot be automatically upgraded, the report is processed using the backward-compatibility mode. The report definition remains in the original schema.
    Reports are not upgraded when you upload a report definition file directly to the report server or SharePoint site. Upgrading a report definition in SQL Server Data Tools is the only way to upgrade the .rdl file.
    As you have mentioned that you got the layout problem when you add the report to BIDS, the issue can be caused the upgration have some limitation.
    In your scenario, i recommend you to upload the rdl file to the SSRS2012 server directly to see if the layout will change, but upload direcly will not upgrate this report.
    Details information about upgrade and migration in the below articles for your reference:
    Upgrading Reports
    Upgrade and Migrate Reporting Services
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • SSRS 2005 - Dynamically control the width of columns in Matrix report or Hide any column

    Hi All,
    I just want to hide some column without having white space in Matrix report in SSRS 2005. Although I am aware of that perhaps this feature is not available on SSRS 2005. So, I just want to know if we can handle the width of column dynamically(using expressions)
    in matrix report?
    Please help. Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Kumud,
    Based on my test, SSRS is not support column dynamically width. It has property “CanGrow” of text box. If we configure the property to True, it will wraps to next line if needed. In SSRS 2008, we can hide some columns without white space. If possible, I
    recommend you update your SSRS 2005 to SSRS 2008.
    There is a similar issue, you can refer to it.
    Alternatively, I recommend you that submit a wish to the Microsoft Connect at Your feedback is valuable for us to improve our products and increase the level of service provided.
    Alisa Tang
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Running SSRS 2005 in Reports Manager 2012

    Hi Guys,
    I'm just wondering if there's any implications on deploying  SSRS 2005 on Reports Manager 2012( along with SQL Server 2012).
    We are upgrading our OS from 2003 to 2008 and we're thinking when we migrate our reports manager to the new sever, we'll upgrade it as well.
    We have plans to convert our SSRS 2005 to 2012 but for now we want to put on hold on it and check whether the old version can be ran in Report Manager 2012.
    Many thanks.

    Hi Vinxster,
    Generally, Report definitions are also upgraded when you publish or upload an .rdl file created in an earlier version of Reporting Services. The original file is not upgraded unless you open it in Report Designer.
    If a report cannot be automatically upgraded, the report is processed using the backward-compatibility mode. The report definition remains in the original schema.
    When we upgrade a Reporting Services installation to a SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) installation, Report definition (.rdl) files are automatically upgraded in the following ways:
    The Report Server automatically upgrade existing published reports and report snapshots to the new report definition schema for the first time they are processed.
    When we open an .rdl file in Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BI Dev Studio), if the report was created for a previous namespace, Report Designer automatically creates a backup file and upgrades the report to the current namespace.
    This is the only way we can upgrade a report definition file.
    Note: when we upload a report definition file directly to the Report Server or SharePoint site, the report are not upgraded. We should upgrade the .RDL file in Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BI Dev Studio).
    When there are references to custom code embedded in a report or to custom assemblies, reports might require additional steps to complete the upgrade during an upgrade of a report server. Custom assemblies should be moved manually to the new installation
    folder if we want to continue using the custom functionality in reports. If these assemblies are installed in the report server installation folder, they need to be moved to the new installation folder after the upgrade completes.
    For more information about upgrade reports, please see:
    For more information about upgrade advisor to prepare for upgrades, please see:
    You can refer to below article to do the preparetion.
    Vicky Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issue in SSRS report

    Issue in SSRS report
    I have a table format report, in SSRS when i try to export i should get 10 rows per sheet.
    I try to change the page limit and break option but the result doesn’t get splitted
    Can you please any one helps

    This can be done at the reporting level. Below link will help you solve this.
    When you have multiple pages, your header may disappear. So below link will help you to have the header repeating in each page.
    Let me know how it goes.
    [email protected]
    Dr.Subramani Paramasivam

  • What is the best way to create a SSRS 2005 Line Chart Report for a 12 month period?

    I'm looking for advice on how to create a SQL Server 2005 query and line chart report for SSRS 2005.
    I need to display the peak number of patients assigned to a medical practice each month for a 12 month period based on the end-user selecting a
    single month and year.
    I've previously created a report that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month but I’m looking for advice on how to
    how to produce a resultset that shows the peak number of patients each month for a 12 month period. I thought about creating a query that returns the peak count for each month (based on my previously created report which displays all patients assigned to the
    practice for any single month) and then use a UNION statement to join all 12 months but I'm sure that isn't the most efficient way to do this. The other challenge with this approach (twelve resultsets combined via a UNION) is that the end-user needs to be
    able to select any month and year for the parameter and the report needs to display the 12 month period based on the month selected (the month selected would be the last month of the 12 month period).
    For the report I’ve previously created that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month, the WHERE statement filters the
    resultset on two fields:
    Start Date - The date the patient was assigned to the practice. This field is never null or blank.
    End Date - The date the patient left the practice. This field can be null or blank as active patients assigned to the practice do not have an End Date. When the patient
    leaves the practice, the date the patient left is populated in this field.
    Using these two fields I can return all patients assigned to the practice during Nov 2012 by looking for patients that meet the following criteria:
    start date prior to 11/30/2012 (using the last day of the month selected ensures patients added mid-month would be included)
    end date is null or blank (indicates the patient is active) OR the end date is between 11/1/2012 -11/30/2012 (returns patients that leave during the month
    Regarding the query I need to create for the report that displays the peak count each month for 12 months, I'm looking for advice on
    how to count patients for each month the patient is assigned to the practice if the patient has been assigned for several months (which applies to most patients). Examples are:
    John Doe has a start date of 6/01/2012 and an End Date of 10/07/2012
    Sally Doe has a start date of 8/4/2012 and no End Date (the patient is still active)
    Jimmy Doe has a  start of 7/3/2012 and an End Date of 9/2/2012
    Given these examples how would I include John Doe in the peak monthly count each month for May - October, Sally Doe in the peak monthly count for
    August - December and Jimmy Doe in the peak monthly count for July – Sept if the end-user running the report selected December 2012 as the parameter?
    Given the example above and the fact I'm creating a line chart I think the best way to create this report would be a resultset that looks like
    Patient Name              
    Months Assigned
    John Doe
    June 2012
    John Doe                     
    John Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    John Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    John Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    Sally Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Nov 2012
    Sally Doe
    Dec 2012
    Jimmy Doe                  
    July 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Aug 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Sept 2012
    From the resultset above I could create another resultset that would count\group on month and year to return the peak count for each month:
    June 2012 - 1
    July 2012 – 2
    Aug 2012 - 3
    Sept 2012 - 3
    Oct 2012 - 2
    Nov 2012 - 1
    Dec 2012 - 1
    The resultset that displays the peak count for each month would be used to create the line chart (month would be the X axis and the count would
    be the y axis).
    Does this sound like the best approach?
    If so, any advice on how to create the resultset that lists each patient and each month they were assigned to the practice would be greatly appreciated.
    I do not have permissions to create SPs or Functions within the database but I can create temp tables.
    I know how to create the peak monthly count query (derived from the query that lists each patient and month assigned) as well as the line chart.
    Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the replies. I reviewed them shortly after they were submitted but I'm also working on other projects at the same time (hence the delayed reply).
    Building a time table and doing a cross join to my original resultset gave me the desired resultset of the months assigned between dates. What I can't figure out now is how to filter months I don't want. 
    Doing a cross  join between my original resultset that had two dates:
    and a calendar table that has 24 rows (each month for a two year period)
    my new resultset looks like this:
    I need to filter the rows in yellow as the months assigned for stage 3 that started on 8/27/2010 should stop when the patient was assigned to stage 4 on 10/24/2011.
    You'll notice that Jan - Sept 2011 isn't listed for Stage 4 assigned on 10/24/2011 as I included a filter in the WHERE clause that states
    the Months Assigned value must be greater than or equal to the date assigned value.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

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