Suppressing certain HTML tags before setting text to JEditorPane

I am setting the text(html format) for JEditorPane using the setText(String) method. But I need to suppress all the <IMG> tags that are present in this text before setting it to JEditorPane. Is there any way in which I can write my extended HTMLEditorKit wherein I can check for specific HTML.Tag and prevent it from getting added to the document.
Can you please help me out with some example.

Instead of trying to extend the HTMLEditorKit, you don't you add a normal method to scan the text for the <IMG> tag and get rid of it yourself before putting it in the JEditorPane using the setText() method. You can try something like this:
public String removeImgTag(String text) {
   String tmp=text.toLowerCase();
   int i=tmp.indexOf("<img");
   if (i<0) return text;
   int j=tmp.substring(i).indexOf(">");
   return tmp.substring(0,i-1)+tmp.substring(i+j);

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    yes, Flash will accept HTML tags, and there are a couple of
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    <table border='1' width='90%' align='center' summary='Script output'>
    <th scope="col">
    <th scope="col">
    <th scope="col">
    <th scope="col">
    <th scope="col">
    <th scope="col">
    <th scope="col">
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    <td align="right">
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    Hi Sven W,
    Please find the sql below that is generating the tablespace usage report. In the staring of the script markup is set to ON and at the end it is set to OFF.Do you suggest any changes to this..?
    SET PAGES 999
    col tablespace_name format a15 trunc
    col cur_use_mb for 999999999
    col cur_sz_mb for 999999999
    col free_space_mb for 999999999
    col max_sz_mb for 999999999
    compute sum of cur_use_mb on report
    compute sum of cur_sz_mb on report
    compute sum of free_space_mb on report
    compute sum of max_sz_mb on report
    break on report
    spool tablespace.html
    select tablespace_name,
    round(sum(total_mb)-sum(free_mb),2) cur_use_mb,
    round(sum(total_mb),2) cur_sz_mb,
    round((sum(total_mb)-sum(free_mb))/sum(total_mb)*100) cur_prct_full,
    round(sum(max_mb) - (sum(total_mb)-sum(free_mb)),2) free_space_mb,
    round(sum(max_mb),2) max_sz_mb,
    round((sum(total_mb)-sum(free_mb))/sum(max_mb)*100) overall_prct_full
    from (select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 free_mb,0 total_mb,0 max_mb from DBA_FREE_SPACE group by tablespace_name
    union select tablespace_name,0 current_mb,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 total_mb,sum(decode(maxbytes, 0, bytes, maxbytes))/1024/1024 max_mb
    from DBA_DATA_FILES group by tablespace_name) a group by tablespace_name;
    select owner,segment_name,segment_type,bytes/(1024*1024) size_m
    from dba_segments
    where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM' and segment_name='FGA_LOG$' order by size_m desc;
    spool off;

  • Remove HTML tags from a text area

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    I have a form with a text area item; this item is “Display as Editor HTML standard”. So it is possible to enter formatted text with tags HTML. Then I save the text in a table. In the column the text maintain the HTML tags. Afterwards I can put the text in a report, and I can see the formatted text with the tags HTML interpreted.
    But I need also to use that text for other aims, (i.e. sending it in a mail) with the html tags removed.
    Is there any way to remove HTML tags from a text item?

       FUNCTION str_html (line IN VARCHAR2)
          x         VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
          in_html   BOOLEAN          := FALSE;
          s         VARCHAR2 (1);
          IF line IS NULL
             RETURN line;
          END IF;
          FOR i IN 1 .. LENGTH (line)
             s := SUBSTR (line, i, 1);
             IF in_html
                IF s = '>'
                   in_html := FALSE;
                END IF;
                IF s = '<'
                   in_html := TRUE;
                END IF;
             END IF;
             IF NOT in_html AND s != '>'
                x := x || s;
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
          RETURN x;
       END str_html;There's also a reqular expression approach that I've not tried. Remove HTML Tags and parse the text out of it

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    209|The euphoria |187945-2|||Rooftop Singers: Walk Right In | abc Music proudly presents THE FOLK YEARS, an unforgettable era in music history!<BR><BR><B>Featuring:</B><BR>
    <LI>The most complete collection of folk and folk-rock songs ever put together -- 132 classics!
    <LI>Original hits by the original artists!
    Now i need to remove the tags before displaying this on the output. Is there a simple way to do this.

    Did you read the documentation of the trim() method,
    where it describes which whitespace it removes?I believe his problem is that
    "Some text here  
    More text"becomes
    "Some text here  
    More text"... and he wants ...
    "Some text here
    More text"So, your problem is that your regex isn't matching whitespace as well.
    See the "Trimming Whitespace" section:

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    Subscript - <sub>
    Blockquotes - <blockquotes>
    Ordered Lists - <ol><li>
    Unordered List - <ul><li>
    Horizontal Rule - <hr>
    Direction Attribute for <p> - <p dir="rtl">Hello</p>
    Background Color for <font>
    I have observed that the above tags have no effect in RichText. Is this a limitation?
    Any solutions, tweaks and tricks will be appreciated...

    check this out . this should be able to answer you question.

  • How can I eliminate HTML tags from Oracle Text Snippet?

    I perform a search on many tables and on many columns of those tables.
    Some of those columns are VARCHAR2 and some CLOB.
    Also, some of the searchable data are HTML and some are plain text.
    My problem is that ctx_doc.snippet fetches the HTML tags.
    For example I get this, as a snippet result in one of my searches: Qual Germany n1 &lt;p&gt;Test Qual Germany n1&lt;/p&gt;
    I want the result to be fetched without the HTML tags.
    In my index configuration I have used NULL FILTER and HTML_SECTION_GROUP.With that configuration I managed to eliminate the HTML tags but not in all cases!
    For example:
    I search table CONTENTS columns TITLE(VARCHAR2) and MAIN_TEXT(CLOB)
    I created the following procedure that concatenates the two columns:
    FOR c1 IN (SELECT main_text||' '||title data FROM contents WHERE ROWID = p_id)
    dbms_lob.copy( p_lob,,
    dbms_lob.getlength( ));
    I created a user Datastore:
    ctx_ddl.create_preference( 'content_trans_datastore', 'user_datastore' );
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute( 'content_trans_datastore', 'procedure', 'CONTENTS_PROC' );
    and finally I create the index:
    CREATE INDEX content_trans_ot_idx ON contents(ORACLE_TEXT_COLUMN)
    INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.CONTEXT PARAMETERS ('datastore content_trans_datastore SYNC(ON COMMIT) STORAGE INDEX_STORAGE filter ctxsys.null_filter section group ctxsys.html_section_group');
    When I perform the search on those data: &lt;p&gt; &lt;strong&gt;Test Doc-Test &lt;/strong&gt; &lt;/p&gt; the snippet I get is: Test Doc-Test.
    That's fine, the html tags are removed!
    In another case I search table NCP columns NAME(VARCHAR2) and BODY(VARCHAR2)
    I created the following procedure that concatenates the two columns:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE NCP_PROC( p_id in rowid, p_lob IN OUT clob)
    FOR c1 IN (SELECT name||' '||body data FROM ncp WHERE ROWID = p_id)
    dbms_lob.copy( p_lob,,
    dbms_lob.getlength( ));
    I created a user Datastore:
    ctx_ddl.create_preference( 'ncp_trans_datastore', 'user_datastore' );
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute( 'ncp_trans_datastore', 'procedure', 'NCP_PROC' );
    and finally I create the index:
    CREATE INDEX ncp_trans_ot_idx ON ncp(ORACLE_TEXT_COLUMN)
    INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.CONTEXT PARAMETERS('datastore ncp_trans_datastore SYNC(ON COMMIT) STORAGE INDEX_STORAGE filter ctxsys.null_filter section group ctxsys.html_section_group');
    When I perform the search on those data: test &lt;strong&gt; &lt;/strong&gt; the snippet I get is: test &lt;strong&gt; &lt;/strong&gt;!!!!!!!!!!
    How is this possible? Why in the first case the HTML tags are eliminated and in the second case they are not?
    Edited by: user13312701 on 07-Sep-2010 08:51

    Doing various tests I found out that the problem is when I need to search in multiple columns of a table.
    That is when I create a user_datastore that uses a procedure that concatenates the columns.
    And especially when the data with the html tags is in a VARCHAR2 column.
    --create the table*
    main_text CLOB,
    title vARCHAR2(2000),
    oracle_text_column VARCHAR2(1));
    alter table "CONTENT_TRANS" add constraint CONTENT_PK primary key("CONTENT_TRANS_ID") ;
    --Insert dummy data*
    Insert into CONTENT_TRANS
    (1,'lorem','lorem <p>qualification</p> 2.1 ');
    Insert into CONTENT_TRANS
    (2,'lorem','lorem <br>qualification</br> 2.1 ');
    --CREATE THE procedure that concatenates main_text(CLOB) and title(VARCHAR2)*
    FOR c1 IN (SELECT main_text||' '||title data FROM content_trans WHERE ROWID = p_id)
    dbms_lob.copy( p_lob,,
    dbms_lob.getlength( ));
    --Create the user datastore*
    ctx_ddl.create_preference( 'content_trans_datastore', 'user_datastore' );
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute( 'content_trans_datastore', 'procedure', 'CONTENT_TRANS_PROC' );
    --Create the index*
    CREATE INDEX content_trans_ot_idx ON content_trans(ORACLE_TEXT_COLUMN)
    INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.CONTEXT PARAMETERS ('datastore content_trans_datastore SYNC(ON COMMIT) filter ctxsys.null_filter section group ctxsys.html_section_group');
    exec ctx_doc.set_key_type('PRIMARY_KEY');
    --Perform the query
    SELECT SCORE(1),ct.content_trans_id, ctx_doc.snippet('content_trans_ot_idx', ct.content_trans_id, 'lorem') as snippet
    from content_trans ct
    where contains(ct.ORACLE_TEXT_COLUMN, 'lorem', 1) > 1;
    6     1     <b>lorem</b> <b>lorem</b> &lt;p&gt;qualification&lt;/p&gt; 2.1
    6     2     <b>lorem</b> <b>lorem</b> &lt;br&gt;qualification&lt;/br&gt; 2.1
    Edited by: user13312701 on 13-Oct-2010 01:18

  • How to remove html-tags from a text.

    I have a text-field which I will remove html-tag's from.
    "This is a test<br><p> and another test"
    The function must return a similar text, but without the html-
    tags <br> and <p> (in this case).
    Anybody that can help me with this little problem?
    Thanks in advance for any help :-)
    Best regards
    Kjetil Klxve

    You can wait for some kind personal to post a complete code
    solution... But if you want to fix this yourself (which is good
    for the soul) here are some hints:
    - You can use SUBSTR to get at chunks of text
    - You can use INSTR to find particular characters.
    - You can use INSTR as an argument of SUBSTR
    bit_of_text := SUBSTR(text, 1, INSTR(text, '<'));
    chopped_text := SUBSTR(text, INSTR(text, '<'));
    bit_of_text := bit_of_text||SUBSTR(chopped_text, INSTR
    (text, '>'), INSTR(text, '<'));
    will give you the first bit of text that doesn't contain any
    angle brackets.
    From this you should be able to work out how to functionalised
    this (you'll need to store the offsets and use them in a loop
    Note that this assumes that the text only contains the '<'
    character when it's part of a HTML tag. If you can't guarantee
    this then you'll have to explicitly search for all the tags e.g.
    bit_of_text := SUBSTR(text, 1, INSTR(lower(text), '<p>'));
    bit_of_text := SUBSTR(text, 1, INSTR(lower(text), '<br>'));
    This will be a bit of pain. And completely rules out XML!
    rgds APC

  • TFS 2012 - WI Query in TFS Web Access - History field contents appear with html tags presented as text

    When History field is selected as a column to be displayed in a WI query result, its contents are displayed with the HTML tags as if they where text, e.g. <p> contents </p>... 
    This occurs when query is run in web access contents in IE and when result is sent via email from within TFS (there's a button for this purpose).
    However, in Visual Studio 2012 the same History Column contents are shown without the tags, as one would expect.
    Furthermore, when one clicks on Open In Microsoft Office, for this query results in VS, and selects result in Excel, the History column in the Excel appears empty.
    The only way we found to bypass this issue for now, it to mark all the query result lines in VS, and right click for "print selected list..." to a virtual PDF printer. This way the result looks reasonably ok when History field is included.
    Kindly advise, Thank u very much.

    Hi Moital,  
    Thanks for your post.
    As far as I know history content will display with the HTML tags if there’s multiple lines in content, and History content not support show in Excel, that’s by design in TFS Server.  
    As Clementino said, you can submit this scenario in connect site, Microsoft engineers will evaluate them seriously. 
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Arabic characters appear as empty squares when using certain HTML tags or font styles

    Only when HW acceleration is on. Arabic characters appear as empty squares when using "italic" or "oblique" font styles or when using &lt;i&gt; or &lt;em&gt; html tags.
    Try this code to replicate the problem
    &lt;p&gt;مشكلة ظهور المربعات الخالية بدل الحروف&lt;/p&gt;
    &lt;p style="font-style: italic;">Italic مشكلة ظهور المربعات الخالية بدل الحروف&lt;/p&gt;
    &lt;p style="font-style: oblique;">Oblique مشكلة ظهور المربعات الخالية بدل الحروف&lt;/p&gt;
    &lt;i&gt;i tag مشكلة ظهور المربعات الخالية بدل الحروف</i> &lt;br&gt; &lt;br&gt;
    &lt;em&gt;em tag مشكلة ظهور المربعات الخالية بدل الحروف &lt;/em&gt;

    After lots of research, I found the problem. The boxes (squares) show up whenever there is a font in the webpage that does not have Arabic within its Unicode range such as Times New Roman Italic or Oblique. Normally, Firefox will pick another font to display the characters but now, a newly introduced feature is interfering.
    To fix the problem without turning off hardware acceleration.
    Go to about:config
    locate: gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.use_gdi_table_loading
    which is True by default in FF4.0 Beta 10, and change it to False.
    This is a bug that has to be fixed.

  • How to capture the value of certain HTML tags

    Hi All,
    I would like to retrieve the values of the following HTML outputs and is wondering whether there is a simpler method to do:
    <td class="propType"><b>Address</b></td>
                            <td class="propType"><b>Agent Office</b></td>
                            <td class="propType"><b>Result</b></td>
                            <td class="propType" align="right"><b>Amount</b></td>
                                    <td colspan="6"><strong class="propType">
                                    <td><strong>Agent Office</strong></td>
                                    <td><strong>Selling Agent</strong></td>
                                    <td class="even">Aug-07</td>
                                    <td class="even">$2,925,000 </td>
                                    <td class="even">Di Jones RE</td>
                                    <td class="even">Andrew Hennessy</td>One awkard method is by using the stringbuffer as follows:
    String greaterthanSignedList[] = greaterthanSigned.split(">") to pickup all the text that comes after the greater than (ie ">" sign)...
    String lessthanSignedList[] = lessthanSigned.split("</") to get the string before the less than (ie "</" sign) ...
    Here are the output that I am looking for:
    Agent Office
    Agent Office
    Selling Agent
    Di Jones RE
    However, I am sure that there must be an easier way to do this. Would anyone be able to point me to the right direction?
    Many thanks,

    htran_888 wrote:
    Only 1 option is needed. ie either XSLT, SAX, DOM... whichever is the simplest.The name Simple API for XML kind of says it all, but you might need to write a lot of unnecessary code. I like to write an XSL stylesheet that converts the input data into something that I can easily parse.
    The Java code looks like this:
    PipedReader result = new PipedReader();
    Writer resultWriter = new PipedWriter(result);
    TransformerFactory transFact = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer trans = transFact.newTransformer(new StreamSource(stylesheet));
    trans.transform(new StreamSource(xmlInput), new StreamResult(resultWriter));
    resultWriter.close();Writing the XSL stylesheet should be trivial in your case, but you can do a lot with it.
    I suggest you toy around a bit with both XSLT and SAX. Traversing the DOM manually is not really advisable.
    With kind regards

  • Html tags br and hr in JEditorPane

    I have a JEditorPane that is used to display html data. The data is obtained from an xml file, transformed to html using a stylesheet and rendered in the JEditorPane using setContentType("text/html") and setText() methods. However the <br/> and <hr/> tags used in the html cause problems in that a '>' sign shows up at the location of these tags in the JEditorPane. So if I have a <hr/> in the html, a horizontal line followed by a > sign is rendered in the JEditorPane. I am unable to figure out whats going on, the html is rendered fine in browsers.
    Also is there a way to get rid of the <? xml version etc etc ?> tag at the beginning of the generated html without resorting to String manipulation exercises.
    Any help will be appreciated. I am using jdk 1.4
    Thanks in advance

    I am trying to figure out how to get rid of the pesky > signs. The html that I have used is pretty basic, just some text formatted by the <p>, <br> and <hr> tags., Is there any documentation on what JeditorPane supports (which html version or what tags) and what it does not.

  • Text in internal table with HTML tags.

    Hi ,
    I have Text in internal table with HTML tags.
    The text has to be shown in output of smartform as formatted text.
    That is the smartform should READ the HTML TAGS , convert the text accordingly and show in the output as formatted text.
    I dont want to make a webform . This is for NORMAL SPOOL output and NOT for WEB OUTPUT.
    :- the text in the internal table is like this ( please ignore the dot in the HTML TAG )--
    <html><.U>this is heading</.U>Line with no break<.br>some content text</.br>
    <U>this is heading</U>Line with no break<br>some content text</br>
    1)  Can I can get the output and store it as text in a string variable and show in the smartform  ?
    In this case I want to know how to convert  and store in a variable  in sap .
    2) Can the text element convert the text with HTML TAGS to html formatted output and show it ?

    Use the FM SCP_REPLACE_STRANGE_CHARS and check
    See the
    Converting html special characters to plain characters (e.g. u00FC to u00FC)

  • HTML tags in text-only e-mail notification (with HTML attachment)

    Our "Purchase Order Review" e-mail notifications (as generated by the WF-Mailer) have HTML tags in the message body (which is "plain-text" text-only), with an HTML attachment. (The attachment looks good, and is what we are expecting.) All our e-mail notifications are text-only (which is how we want them), and this is the only kind of notification that is generating HTML tags in the 'text-only' message body.
    We'd like to keep the HTML attachment as it is, but we want to have the e-mail message body be text (without any HTML tags). The other option that would be acceptable is to NOT have any message content at all, and only the HTML attachment.
    Can either of these options be done, and how do we go about doing them?? Thanks!! -- Tom
    Tom Buck
    [email protected]
    PS: Here is a partial sample of the "text-only" message content...
    <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>Oracle Workflow Notification (FYI)</b>
    <P><table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 cols=3 rows=2>
    <!-- header -->
    <!-- ORACLE, ship-to, PURCHASE-ORDER -->
    <td width=45% valign=top>
    <!-- ORACLE -->
    <font color=black size=+2>
    <br> 1540 GENESSEE ST.
    <br> KANSAS CITY
    , MO
    <br> US
    </font> </br>
    <td width=25% valign=top>
    <!-- ship-to -->
    etc..., for another couple hundred lines. -- Tom

    in the notifications properties you will see two tabs, in one you can enter your message in text and in another you can enter in html. not sure if you had tried these.
    satish paul
    Our "Purchase Order Review" e-mail notifications (as generated by the WF-Mailer) have HTML tags in the message body (which is "plain-text" text-only), with an HTML attachment. (The attachment looks good, and is what we are expecting.) All our e-mail notifications are text-only (which is how we want them), and this is the only kind of notification that is generating HTML tags in the 'text-only' message body.
    We'd like to keep the HTML attachment as it is, but we want to have the e-mail message body be text (without any HTML tags). The other option that would be acceptable is to NOT have any message content at all, and only the HTML attachment.
    Can either of these options be done, and how do we go about doing them?? Thanks!! -- Tom
    Tom Buck
    [email protected]
    PS: Here is a partial sample of the "text-only" message content...
    <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><b>Oracle Workflow Notification (FYI)</b>
    <P><table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 cols=3 rows=2>
    <!-- header -->
    <!-- ORACLE, ship-to, PURCHASE-ORDER -->
    <td width=45% valign=top>
    <!-- ORACLE -->
    <font color=black size=+2>
    <br> 1540 GENESSEE ST.
    <br> KANSAS CITY
    , MO
    <br> US
    </font> </br>
    <td width=25% valign=top>
    <!-- ship-to -->
    etc..., for another couple hundred lines. -- Tom

  • Remove HTML tags in text

    I have to read some text from a text editor, that can be formatted for example with Bold, which means that when I execute the function to read its content, it returns something like this:
    Do you know how can I remove these HTML tags from the text?
    Thanks in advance.
    Sónia Gonçalves

    Something like this should do the trick.
    report  ztag.
    data: v_data type char30 value '<H>blablabla</H>'.
    if v_data(1) = '<' and
      v_data cs '>'.
    * Remove the HTML opening header
      shift v_data left up to '>'.
      shift v_data left.
    * Remove the HTML closing header
      shift v_data right up to '<'.
      shift v_data right.
      shift v_data left deleting leading space.
    write: / v_data.

Maybe you are looking for