Text in column 2 starts under the lowest line of column 1?

i posted this question also in the Dutch forum, but there are not so many viewers in there, and now i found this forum.
I have a problem with Dreamweaver CS4 (i am still very new with DW, but manage to create something)
I am working with CS4 and have created a page.
this page contains 5 regions:
4 on top of each other, of which the 3rd contains 2 colums.
I have uploaded this page and on my pc (IE7) it looks good, the text in the right column appears at the start of this region, at the same hight as the start of the buttons in the left column.
If i view this page on the laptop (IE6), than there is a difference. The text in the right column starts at the bottom of the lowest button in the left column.
Does anybody know why or how to prevent this?
I hope you can help. (i will give it a try in changing some settings, but i don't really know what to look for), so thanks in advance!
Fred & Suze

DWFAQ.info wrote:
Won't this put rightcol under leftcol on the left side?
I think it's the IE 3px text jog bug or the IE float bug.
Ditch the marquee tag it's non-standard HTML markup.
It is deprecated by the W3C and not advised by them for use in any HTML documents for a reason.
I think your marquee is rendering as one line of text and is giving you a 3px jog.
Yes it most likely is the 3px jog.
My advice is if youre designing a 'static' site (as this is) it is best to use floats instead of margins to position containers.
Floating the left and right column will work just fine and provide a more stable contruction.
To test if it is the 3px jog take 3px away from the width of the right column.
If you dont want to float google '3px jog' for a solution, there are several.

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    <title>Your Career Direction Career and College Counseling</title>
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    <meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright 2012, Your Career Direction, LLC. All rights reserved." />
    <meta name="Author" content="Lisa Mark" />
    <meta name="Language" content="en-US" />
    <meta name="distribution" content="global" />
    <meta name="revisit-after" content="10 days" />
    <meta name="Robots" content="All" />
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    <link rel="Site Map" href="sitemap.html" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//use.typekit.net/ifb2bte.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}</script>
    <style type="text/css">
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    .container .sidebar1 h3 {
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    ul.nav a:hover, ul.nav a:active, ul.nav a:focus {
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        background-image: url(images/navbar2.gif);
        padding-bottom: 10px;
    .content img {
    .footer {
        position: relative;/* this gives IE6 hasLayout to properly clear */
        clear: both; /* this clear property forces the .container to understand where the columns end and contain them */
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        padding-bottom: 10px;
    .fltrt { 
        float: right;
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    .fltlft {
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        border-right-width: medium;
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        border-top-color: #C60651;
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    .container .content ul {
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    ul.nav a { zoom: 1; } 
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    <div class="container">
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        <div id="Quote"><img src="images/quote.gif" alt="Choose a job you love" width="355" height="81"></div>
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          <li><a href="#">Q &amp; A Blog</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Testimonials</a></li>
      <div class="content">
    <p>Given today's competitive job market, global economy, and changed corporate culture,
    we can no longer depend upon others to ensure our professional futures. Choosing or
    changing your career direction requires self-reflection, career education and an action plan.</p>
    <img src="images/Whether-you-are-.gif" alt="Whether you are considering your college choices and career options" width="197" height="31" align="left">
          <br><br><li><strong>Considering your college choices &amp; career options</strong></li>
          <li><strong>Preparing for the world of work after college</strong></li>
          <li><strong>Seeking a new position to further your career</strong></li>
          <li><strong>In-transition and considering new opportunities</strong></li>
          <li><strong>Seeking to make a significant and meaningful career</strong> <strong>change</strong></li>
    <img src="images/Onethingisforsureraster.gif" width="352" height="49" alt="One thing is for sure, we all want to direct our own careers, our own lives!">
    <br><p> Building a successful and rewarding career requires linking your interests, education and experience with employment trends, growth industries, and career choices. It takes making smart decisions about your college major, vocational training and continuing education options. With enthusiasm, persistence and top notch job search skills, you can succeed in finding a path to career that is right for you.</p>
    <p> We are your advocate. We listen, assess, strategize, inspire, counsel, and network on your behalf. With a personalized, holistic approach, we'll work with you to help you create an action plan; a path designed to get you to where you want to go and become what you want to be.</p>
    <img src="images/yourcareerourpassionraster.gif" width="441" height="20" alt="At Your Career Direction, YOUR career is our passion!"> </div>
      <div class="sidebar2">
        <p><img src="images/Counselingastudent.gif" width="100%" alt="Lisa Mark counseling a student"></p>
        <p>Our mission is to help you explore, choose and create your direction for an exciting and rewarding career path.</p>
         <p>We incorporate our experience with today's job market and career counseling expertise with your passions and interests. We'll introduce you to new career ideas, target companies and generate job and internship opportunities for you.</p>
         <p>We provide step by step guidance to ensure your success during the college application, job interview
    and decision making process.
      <div class="footer">
        <div id="footer">
          <h6 align="left"> Your Career Direction, LLC •  96 Harvard Avenue, Maplewood, N.J. 07040 • (973) 996-0207 • [email protected]</h6>
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    You should make your sidebar1 and sidebar2 fixed positioned. Make your content DIV fluid.
    This should help you: http://www.glish.com/css/7.asp

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    Did you mean that?
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    Hi Ali
    No to Baseline Grid
    Yes to Text Wrap but its a small graphic (to indicate scrolling text) inset into text halfway down.
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    Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode? <br />
    [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode] <br />
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    If not, see this: <br />

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    Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Signature.

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    Under the settings app there's the general column and under the accessibility section the is a setting called black over white does that drain your battery any more than the normal setting

    Wow. I have not seen that question nor a discussion. I agree with James. I don't think it will, and if the power drain is different, maybe it'll be less and not more.
    With a 10 hour battery, you have plenty of time to test it and see. If the battery depletes fast, just go back to the other way.
    If you do try it, let us know what you discover.
    Thanks ! !

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    Lots of Frustration.  In some cases the LGG2 is rendered useless even as a phone.
    Here is what I did.
    Got replacement Phone.
    Same problems but I shut down all apps that I purchased even though they worked before KitKat.
    Found that If I have both WiFi and LTE Data on at the same time battery chewing stops. Do Not know why.
    Then I got 2 CM free utilities.  The Clean and Wash utilities. Run them and find the culprits grinding CPU
    cycles and running down the battery.  Number One is the Verizon Voice Mail service constantly turning on and off
    and retrieving data not there.  Turn of the extra Voice mail and use the old access with the *6.  Unless you have
    100 messages a day for business your hosed until this KitKat issue is fixed. Get the CM battery utility.
    YOU can see the battery suckers and shut them down when not using automatically.
    Start putting back one application at a time you used often and see it they work and if the utilities will tune them
    down if they cause problems.  The LG will get better but with some limitations.
    LG and Verizon have a problem with what was a great phone.turned bad overnight.

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    When I go to the password and security, there is no Select "Start" under the words "two-step verification" and follow the instructions on the screen

    Hey Podducbnov,
    Thanks for the question. It sounds like you are trying to setup Two-Step Verification. After logging into http://appleid.apple.com, click "Password & Security". At this time you will probably be prompted to answer your security questions, go ahead and do so. Afterwards, the top section has a "Get started…" link to setup Two-Step Verification:
    Apple ID: Frequently asked questions about two-step verification for Apple ID
    Matt M.

  • How can we have a column having text and radio button in the same line?

    I have a column which needs to have data with a radio button. Was able to achieve this by using <trh:tableLayout>. But when i select the radio button it shifts to the next line. Want to stop this behavior of radio button of shifting to the next line. This column also includes a hyperlink.So the text and hyperlink are made visible invisible based on radio button action.
    Adding one more doubt. Can a particular columns horizontalgrid can be made invisible?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    sample code:
    <trh:cellFormat id="cf8" halign="start">
    <af:activeOutputText value="#{row.Actions}" id="aot2"/>
    <af:goLink text="#{row.Actions}" id="gl1"
    clientComponent="true" visible="false"
    targetFrame="_blank" destination="http:// + #{row.BUTTON_URL}">
    <af:selectBooleanRadio text="" id="sbr1">
    <af:clientListener method="selectCheckBox" type="click"/>

    Remove the <trh:> components. Put the other components as direct children of the PanelGroupLayout:
    <af:column id="c2" headerText="Actions">
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl6" layout="horizontal">
        <af:activeOutputText value="#{row.Actions}" id="aot2"/>
        <af:goLink text="#{row.Actions}" id="gl1"
                   clientComponent="true" visible="false"
                   targetFrame="_blank" destination="http:// + #{row.BUTTON_URL}">
        <af:selectBooleanRadio text="" id="sbr1">
          <af:clientListener method="selectCheckBox" type="click"/>
    </af:column>If you need to add some horizontan space between the components, you can put <af:spacer>(s) between the components.

  • Why does my text in Indesign start on the right side instead of the left?

    I have done something to the newsletter that I am working on, but I don't know what I did.
    Whenever I try to write a caption on a picture or try to type a piece of text for the newsletter, the cursor starts on the right side instead of the left and makes weird spacing and never lines up correctly.
    The only way I can get text to work now is to use a snipping tool and snip text from another program!

    With just the text tool selected, but no text boxes selected (or made), any change to the style of paragraphs or fonts etc is 'set' for the document. If you have clicked on the right alignment tool with nothing selected, then everything from then onwards will default to right align.
    If every document you've worked on is doing this, then open InDesign with no document open (so just the panels showing, but no file/doc open) and select left align with the text tool in use. Any setting made with InDesign like this, is default for any new document created. Colours, alignment, optical kerning, fonts, sizes, leading etc etc changed in this state, is the new default.

  • JTextArea - Text is not starting on a new line

    I would like the text when set in the JTextArea to start a new line however the new line code is not working please can anyone suggest a reason why this may be.
    private final static String newline = "\n";
    public void responseText(String username, String txt)
            chatTxtArea.setText(username.toUpperCase()+" Says: "+txt+newline);
        }Many Thanks

    Thanks for your reply.
    At the moment the 'txt' and 'username' go into the
    responseText method and is displayed in the
    chatchatTxtArea correctly however when a new message
    is sent it does not start on a new line instead it
    just replaces the previous line of text.
    So i believe the rest of the code is working. I
    believe the problem occurs either where i have set up
    the JTextArea or i am using the new line
    ThanksBecause you are calling setText(String). Use the append(String) method of JTextArea instead.

  • User Profile Sync - Fields That Appear Under the "Person or Group" Column

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    Sync. Forgive me, I've inherited this SharePoint config. Where should I be looking to find these phantom fields or how can I erase them?
    Thank you!

    Those fields are part of the schema for the "Person or Group" field type and are not related to the UPS.
    Trevor Seward, MCC
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Column printing on the same line in reports

    i have a report with lets say n no. of columns. Now i want to display column 1 and 2 on the same line, i.e without giving a line break (given the fact that my report is page wise and not tabular). Can i do that? If so, then how?
    Any help will be highly appreciated. Kindly reply asap

    Hi Mike,
          Sorry, I should have realized you were using LabVIEW's HTML VIs - and it doesn't look like they provide for Table "Nesting" (at least through 7.1)!
    Here's a couple of VIs that might help you out.  Util.HTML.Table builds the HTML for a table.  SideBySide.vi uses this Util to embed two tables into an HTML Report.
    I whipped these up just for you - so they may need "polishing".  Should you need to fine-tune the table-appearance, I'm afraid you're on your own, though there's lots of help on the web.  Don't worry, HTML is pretty easy - and you'll find a nice HTML resource here. 
    Message Edited by tbd on 03-05-2007 12:47 AM
    "Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out." (attributed to Tony Hoare)
    Util.HTML.Table.vi ‏63 KB
    SideBySide.vi ‏68 KB

  • How do I remove Safari favorites which appear under the URL line

    I have some old fsavorites which I have added to the menu line under the URL box that I no longer need.  I cannot edit them in the favorites edit window, so how do I delete them?

    Tap "Edit" to delete Favorites

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