To find out the user who ran the report earlier.

I need to generate a report to list out the programs which are accessed/executed by the user in SAP for a particular month.
Could you advise me where this information will be available in SAP?.
Moderator Message: Frequently Asked Question. Please search for available information first.
Edited by: kishan P on Oct 22, 2010 10:35 AM

Hello Zerandib,
on Oracle level all you could find out is that user SAPSR3 (or whatever the schema name
is on your installation) deleted the record. It is not possible on Oracle level to identify
SAP users who delete records. So if the SAP system doesn't log the change, there is
no way of finding out via Oracle internal records.
The best you could hope for is to identify the time when some specific record was deleted.
You could use either Flashback Query, Flashback Version Query, Flashback Transaction
Query or Oracle Logminer to accomplish this. Anyway these procedures aren't trivial and
it is questionable whether the effort is justified for the result.

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    Is there any way to find out the users names(or OS Users) who are using a report from last 12 months from Oracle Database, Report Version is 10g.
    Thanks for your early response.
    Edited by: user535789 on Mar 7, 2010 7:02 PM
    Edited by: user535789 on Mar 8, 2010 12:21 AM
    Edited by: user535789 on Mar 8, 2010 7:01 PM

    Hi, if you're using oracle apps, you might look at fnd_conc_requests_form_v but it may have been purged.

  • How to find out list user who did the printing

    Dear All,
    We are using network print server using HP LaserJet 5550 and jetdirect, since our number of users is more than 500 staff in one place, sometimes they do the unresponsible printing such as print full color photos for personal use, print a novel and anything that not related to the business purpose.
    Today, our director found out that someone print out a whole story book and spend a lot of paper... he challenge me to find out who is the user who did this? I can log on to the printer web console, but I can't find user log printing...
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

    This seems to be a commercial product. For the best chance at finding a solution I would suggest posting in the forum for HP Business Support!
    You can find the Commercial Jetdirect board here:​-Storage/bd-p/bsc-254
    Best of Luck!
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

  • Powershell Script to find out Orphan Users ( Who are no longer available in AD but SharePoint) in SharePoint 2013

    Can you please on the above issue? I have one script which works fine for sp2010 but not sp2013 below,
    function Check_User_In_ActiveDirectory([string]$LoginName, [string]$domaincnx)
    $returnValue = $false
    #Filter on User which exists and activated
    #$strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(samAccountName=$LoginName))"
    #Filter on User which only exists
    #$strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(objectClass=user)(samAccountName=$LoginName))"
    #Filter on User and NTgroups which only exists
    $strFilter = "(&(|(objectCategory=user)(objectCategory=group))(samAccountName=$LoginName))"
    $objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($domaincnx)
    $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
    $objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
    $objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
    $objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
    $objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
    $colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
    if($colResults.Count -gt 0)
    #Write-Host "Account exists and Active: ", $LoginName
    $returnValue = $true
    return $returnValue
    function ListOrphanedUsers([string]$SiteCollectionURL, [string]$mydomaincnx)
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") > $null
    $site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($SiteCollectionURL)
    $web = $site.openweb()
    #Debugging - show SiteCollectionURL
    write-host "SiteCollectionURL: ", $SiteCollectionURL
    Write-Output "SiteCollectionURL - $SiteCollectionURL"
    $siteCollUsers = $web.SiteUsers
    write-host "Users Items: ", $siteCollUsers.Count
    foreach($MyUser in $siteCollUsers)
    if(($MyUser.LoginName.ToLower() -ne "sharepoint\system") -and ($MyUser.LoginName.ToLower() -ne "nt authority\authenticated users") -and ($MyUser.LoginName.ToLower() -ne "nt authority\local service"))
    #Write-Host "  USER: ", $MyUser.LoginName
    $UserName = $MyUser.LoginName.ToLower()
    $Tablename = $UserName.split("\")
    Write-Host "User Login: ", $MyUser.LoginName
    $returncheck = Check_User_In_ActiveDirectory $Tablename[1] $mydomaincnx 
    if($returncheck -eq $False)
    #Write-Host "User not exist: ",  $MyUser.LoginName, "on domain", $mydomaincnx 
    Write-Output $MyUser.LoginName 
    function ListOrphanedUsersForAllColl([string]$WebAppURL, [string]$DomainCNX)
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") > $null
    $Thesite = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($WebAppURL)
    $oApp = $Thesite.WebApplication
    write-host "Total of Site Collections: ", $oApp.Sites.Count
    $i = 0
    foreach ($Sites in $oApp.Sites)
    $i = $i + 1
    write-host "Collection N° ", $i, "on ", $oApp.Sites.Count
    if($i -gt 0)
    $mySubweb = $Sites.RootWeb
    $TempRelativeURL = $mySubweb.Url
    ListOrphanedUsers $TempRelativeURL $DomainCNX
    function StartProcess()
    # Create the stopwatch
    [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch] $sw;
    $sw = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch
    ListOrphanedUsersForAllColl "http://portal" "LDAP://DC=Srabon,DC=com" 
    ListOrphanedUsersForAllColl "http://portal/sites/Test" "LDAP://DC=Srabon,DC=com"  
    # Write the compact output to the screen
    write-host "Time: ", $sw.Elapsed.ToString()
    # Can be executed with that command : "Check-SharePoint-Orphaned-Users.ps1 > orphaned_users.txt"

    Hi Srabon,
    Try this it works in SP2007, SP2010, and SP2013.
    Mod line 70: $WebAppURL="" to your "http://WebApp"
    #Functions to Imitate SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013
    function global:Get-SPWebApplication($WebAppURL)
    return [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebApplication]::Lookup($WebAppURL)
    function global:Get-SPSite($url)
    return new-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($url)
    function global:Get-SPWeb($url)
    $site= New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($url)
    if ($site -ne $null)
    return $web
    #Check if User exists in ActiveDirectory
    function CheckUserExistsInAD()
    Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$UserLoginID )
    #Search the User in ActiveDirectory
    $forest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
    foreach ($Domain in $forest.Domains)
    $context = new-object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext("Domain", $Domain.Name)
    $domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetDomain($context)
    $root = $domain.GetDirectoryEntry()
    $search = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher]$root
    $search.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$UserLoginID))"
    $result = $search.FindOne()
    if ($result -ne $null)
    return $true
    return $false
    #Get all Site Collections of the web application
    $WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppURL
    #Iterate through all Site Collections
    foreach($site in $WebApp.Sites)
    #Get all Webs with Unique Permissions - Which includes Root Webs
    $WebsColl = $site.AllWebs | Where {$_.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -eq $True} | ForEach-Object {
    $OrphanedUsers = @()
    #Iterate through the users collection
    foreach($User in $_.SiteUsers)
    #Exclude Built-in User Accounts , Security Groups & an external domain "corporate"
    if (($User.LoginName.ToLower() -ne "nt authority\authenticated users") -and
    ($User.LoginName.ToLower() -ne "sharepoint\system") -and
    ($User.LoginName.ToLower() -ne "nt authority\local service") -and
    ($user.IsDomainGroup -eq $false ) -and
    ($User.LoginName.ToLower().StartsWith("corporate") -ne $true) )
    $UserName = $User.LoginName.split("\") #Domain\UserName
    $AccountName = $UserName[1] #UserName
    if ( ( CheckUserExistsInAD $AccountName) -eq $false )
    Write-Host "$($User.Name)($($User.LoginName)) from $($_.URL) doesn't Exists in AD!"
    #Display Orphaned users
    # <<<UNCOMMENT to Remove Users#
    # Remove the Orphaned Users from the site
    # foreach($OrpUser in $OrphanedUsers)
    # $_.SiteUsers.Remove($OrpUser)
    # Write-host "Removed the Orphaned user $($OrpUser) from $($_.URL) "

  • How to find out the Transactions used per month & the USER who used that

    1)How to find out the Transactions used per month & the USER who used that?
    2)and can i get the above same for minimum 20 month?
    System : SAP- Enterprise Core Component.

    You can use my program...
    *****&  Program Type          : Report                                 *
    *****&  Title                 : Z_ABAP_TCODE_MONITOR                   *
    *****&  Transaction code      : ZTCODE_USAGE                           *
    *****&  Developer name        : Shailendra Kolakaluri                  *
    *****&  Deveopment start date : 26 th Dec 2011                         *
    *****&  Development Package   : ZDEV                                   *
    *****&  Transport No          : DEVK906086                                       *
    *****&  Program Description   : This program is to display
    *List all tcodes executed during previous day.
    *& Show the number of users executing tcodes
    *& Modification history
    *& List all tcodes executed during previous day.
    *& Show the number of users executing tcodes
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    DATA: ind TYPE i,
          fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
          layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,
          variant TYPE disvariant,
          events  TYPE slis_t_event WITH HEADER LINE,
          heading TYPE slis_t_listheader WITH HEADER LINE.
    *REPORT  z_report_usage.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF zusertcode,
      date   TYPE swncdatum,
      user   TYPE swncuname,
      mandt     TYPE swncmandt,
      tcode     TYPE swnctcode,
      report TYPE swncreportname,
      count     TYPE swncshcnt,
    END OF zusertcode.
    *data   : date type n.
    DATA: t_usertcode  TYPE swnc_t_aggusertcode,
          wa_usertcode TYPE swncaggusertcode,
          wa           TYPE zusertcode,
          t_ut         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zusertcode,
          wa_result    TYPE zusertcode,
          t_result     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zusertcode.
    PARAMETER: month TYPE dats DEFAULT sy-datum.
    *PARAMETER: date TYPE dats.
    *select-options : username for wa_usertcode-account.
    PERFORM get_data.
    PERFORM get_fieldcatalog.
      PERFORM set_layout.
    PERFORM get_event.
    PERFORM get_comment.
      PERFORM display_data.
    FORM get_data .
    *date = sy-datum - 2 .
    After start-of-selection add this line (parameter Month required 01 as day).
      concatenate month+0(6) '01' into month.
          component     = 'TOTAL'
          ASSIGNDSYS    = 'DEV'
          periodtype    = 'M'
          periodstrt    = month
          usertcode     = t_usertcode
          no_data_found = 1
          OTHERS        = 2.
      wa-date  = month.
    *wa-date  = date.
      wa-mandt = sy-mandt.
    wa_usertcode-account = username.
      LOOP AT t_usertcode INTO wa_usertcode.
        wa-user = wa_usertcode-account.
        IF wa_usertcode-entry_id+72 = 'T'.
          wa-tcode  = wa_usertcode-entry_id.
          wa-report = space.
          wa-tcode  = space.
          wa-report = wa_usertcode-entry_id.
        COLLECT wa INTO t_ut.
      SORT t_ut BY report ASCENDING.
      CLEAR: wa, wa_result.
    FORM get_fieldcatalog .
    fcat-tabname     = 't_ut'.
    fcat-fieldname   = 'DATE'.
    fcat-seltext_l   = 'Date'.
    fcat-key         = 'X'.
    APPEND fcat.
      CLEAR fcat.
      fcat-tabname     = 't_ut'.
      fcat-fieldname   = 'MANDT'.
      fcat-seltext_l   = 'Client'.
      fcat-key         = 'X'.
      APPEND fcat.
      CLEAR fcat.
      fcat-tabname     = 't_ut'.
      fcat-fieldname   = 'USER'.
      fcat-seltext_l   = 'User Name'.
      fcat-key         = 'X'.
      APPEND fcat.
      CLEAR fcat.
      fcat-tabname     = 't_ut'.
      fcat-fieldname   = 'TCODE'.
      fcat-seltext_l   = 'Transaction Code'.
      fcat-key         = 'X'.
      APPEND fcat.
    *&      Form  SET_LAYOUT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM set_layout .
      layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " SET_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  GET_EVENT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    *FORM get_event .
    events-name = slis_ev_top_of_page.
    events-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    APPEND events.
    *ENDFORM.                    " GET_EVENT
    **&      Form  GET_COMMENT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    *FORM get_comment .
    DATA: text(30).
    text = 'Billing Report'.
    heading-typ = 'H'.
    heading-info = text.
    APPEND heading.
    *ENDFORM.                    " GET_COMMENT
    **&      Form  top_of_page
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    *FORM top_of_page .
         it_list_commentary       = heading[]
      I_LOGO                   =
      I_END_OF_LIST_GRID       =
    *ENDFORM.                    " top_of_page
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM display_data .
      sort t_ut[].
          i_callback_program = sy-cprog
          is_layout          = layout
          it_fieldcat        = fcat[]
          i_save             = 'A'
          is_variant         = variant
          it_events          = events[]
          t_outtab           = t_ut
          program_error      = 1
          OTHERS             = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_DATA

  • How to find out the oracle level user(sid) who is updating the table?

    Hi everyone,
    I am creating a update trigger which is to look for the user (sid) who is updating the rows in this table. Is there any lower level dynamic view or table I can use to find out the user?
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi, please repost this question in the Database section under the SQL & PL/SQL discussion forum
    thanks - OTN

  • How to find out the user who has created  a new field in the custom table.

    How to find out the user details who has created  a new field in the custom table.

    Hi Jesudasan ,
    You can know the user details with version management.Please find the
    below procedure to know.
    Go to table->Utilities tab->version->Version management->Compare the previous one .
    Hope this solves the issue,Let me know if you have any issues.

  • How can I find out the list of users who has the access to IT 0008

    How can I find out the list of users who has the W R permission for IT 008
    for others?
    SUIM doe not look like giving me the correct results.
    Please advise.

    combine tables AGR_1251 and table AGR_Users on keyfield AGR_USERS
    in tabel AGR_1251 select on Field LOW values IT0008.OR W OR R,
    noiw you get also other values
    So better solution run the query twice over AGR1251 first on IT0008 and secondly on values W OR R and then the result over table AGR_USERS
    Youu also might put an additional selection on object P* (only selecting HR objects)
    output wll be UID in table AGR_USERS

  • Query to find out the list of user who have delete access

    I need a query to find out the list of users who have delete access on perticular folder/universe/ reports  in infoview.
    Please advice.

    orton607 wrote:
    thanks for replying guys. But the thing is i am using dynamic sql execute immediate in my package, so i want those tables also and the schema name.
    ortonThis is not possible. The best you could do is to have a good guess.
    Or how would you parse some dynamic statement as this:
       v_suffix := 'loyees';
       v_sql := 'Select count(*) from (select ''nonsense'' col1 from emp'||v_suffix||') where col1 = ''Y'''';
    ...What is the table name? How do you want to parse that?
    Better rewrite all dynamic SQL statements into non dynamic ones. Or do the source control logic for those dynamic parts in an extra module. For example implement your own dependency table and force every developer to add there all dynamic parts.

  • How to find out the list of users who used Discoverer

    Dear All,
    We have Oracle E-Business Suite with Disco. 4i.
    We need to know how we can find out the Employee ID, Responsibility, Org... who used discoverer during a specific period in the past ? For example the last year.
    Any help plz.
    Mohammad Muhtadi

    I'm not sure You can get the responsibilities or the org that was used in that specific run but as for getting when it was run and by whom...
    Try that SQL:
    select distinct
    qs.qs_doc_name workbook,
    --qs.qs_doc_details worksheet,
    case when instr(qs.qs_doc_owner,'#')=1 then substr(qs.qs_doc_owner,2,10) else qs.qs_doc_owner end workbook_owner,
    qs.qs_created_date run_date,
    case when instr(qs.qs_created_by,'#')=1 then substr(qs.qs_created_by,2,10) else qs.qs_created_by end apps_user_id,
    fu.user_name apps_user_name,
    ppf.FULL_NAME user_full_name,
    ppf.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER user_employee_number
    eul_us.eul4_qpp_stats qs,
    fnd_user fu,
    per_people_f ppf
    where to_number(substr(qs.qs_created_by,2,10))=fu.user_id(+)
    and fu.employee_id=ppf.PERSON_ID
    and sysdate between ppf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and ppf.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
    change the "eul_us" to the discoverer schema.
    Basically the primary data you are looking for lies in the qpp_stats table...

  • How to find out the User Details for the particular transaction

    Actually AJAB -Asset Year closing was done by One User.How and Where to find out the User details who executed the Transaction.Kindly tell me the T-code for this.
    Sap Guru

    Please contact you basis administrator.Give him the T.code and date when Year closing was done. He may resolve your problem.
    Please let me know if you need more information,
    Assign points if useful.

  • How to find out the person who did a transport.

    How to find out the person who did a transport.
    There are 3 basis admins in our Org.
    so is there a way of tracing out , who did what transport.

    - Goto import Overview (STMS)
    - Import Queue
    - Select DEV req (goto Import History)
    - Edit - Display More
    It will show the user who did the transport

  • How to find out which user has the permission to execute startsap ?

    Hi All
    How do I find out which user has the permission to execute the startsap and stopsap? Do I control the permission on those script using windows standard authorization? For example: only allow certain user have the read and write permission?
    Thank you.!
    Vincent Lo

    Well to me this is really weird question..
    <b>noone un-authorized should have access to OS on your system</b>
    If this is valid you do not need to solve problems who can and who cannot start/stop SAP, because if you want to prevent some users from shutting down the SAP you have really hard job to do - there are many ways how to kill the SAP (for example killing relevant process from task manager, killing of database, messing with services etc.) - yes, this is harmful way of stopping SAP, but we are talking about attack, right? I would contact some Windows specialist to help you disable all the ways how to harm the running SAP. But still after that - there are many files that can be modified/deleted so SAP will crash after restart - you need to protect them too, etc.
    In case you take the first assumption as granted (and you really limit access to this server) you do not need to worry who can stop or start SAP - at the other hand it may be handy to be able to start/stop SAP from other users - for this you can run the stop/start script "under different user".
    But to answer the question - to me this is question just of access control (but really never tried that myself):
    <a href="">Permit or restrict access to a snap-in for a domain</a> (or see other related links down there on this page)
    Please award points for useful answers.

  • Finding out the active user in last 10 min

    Hi frends,
    i have the requirement where i have to find out the the following....
    1. who r the user accssing the portal for last 10 min....
    2. what r the pages they r viewing.......
    3. do they got any time out ......
    4. in what page they got the time out........
    can anyone help me out in this regards...
    thanks in advance......

    Hi Martin,
    my complete code is as below:
    Pls check it for correctness.
    IPortalComponentResponse response = (IPortalComponentResponse)this.getResponse();       
          Form myForm = this.getForm(); // get the form from DynPage
          int dat = 6000060600;
    IUserAccountFactory useraccfact = UMFactory.getUserAccountFactory();
      IUserAccountSearchFilter srcFilt = useraccfact.getUserAccountSearchFilter();
      Date secondDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
      Date firstDate = new Date(secondDate.getTime()-dat);
      ISearchResult result =;
      List list = new LinkedList();
      String id= (String);
    Iterator iter = list.iterator();
      int count = list.size();
    IUserAccount useracc = useraccfact.getUserAccount(;
    String disp = useracc.getAssignedUserID();
      response.write("<br> <b>No of Hits = <b>"+count );
      catch (UMException e) {
      response.write("<br>Searching failed - " + e.getLocalizedMessage());

  • Is it possible to find out which user was used to delete the job?

    Is it possible to find out which user was used to delete the job?
    Any logs?

    You can find who are the users who executed sm37 in ST03N.
    This might also help you in analyizing.

  • How to find out the user name and email address from SAP user id?

    Hi experts,
    In sto3n I find out the the user id with most navigations. I like to know his name or email address to contact him. Which table stores the user details? how to do it?
    Thanks in advance.

    The below tables will give only the name .
    i think you need email address .
    you can use this Tcode : su01d
    and give the user name and excute it
    i hope it will help you.
    Edited by: Ram velanati on Jun 30, 2008 6:57 PM

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