Unable to start Enterprise Service Builder

ES builder for Netweaver CE
Current SP installed: SP05
Hi... even with SP5, i still could not start the ES builder from client side.
FYI, it can be started from the mahcine which CE is installed, however, the machine is a VM, 4Gb of RAM assignmed. 
Anyone solved this issue?

Can you make sure there's JRE/Java Webstart in the client system where the ESR is tried to be started? Because JRE/Java Webstart is mandatory to start the ESR.

Similar Messages

  • Unable to run Enterprise Service BUilder

    Hi all, i have a problem similar to what i have found here:
    Re: Unable to run Enterprise Services Builder
    Unable to load resource: http://PI-CIPRGIA1:50000/rep/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.client.jar
    as explained in the link above, i find the com.sap.xpi.ibrep.client.jar but i don't understand where i have to put it!!!
    besides, they speak about looking for SAP_XIPCK in the deployment perspective, but i didn't have anything called SAP_XIPCK
    can anyone help me???
    this is my complete log:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://PI-CIPRGIA1:50000/rep/">
            <title>Enterprise Services Repository</title>
            <vendor>SAP AG</vendor>
            <homepage href="http://www.sap.com"/>
            <description type="one-line">Enterprise Services Repository</description>
            <description type="short">Enterprise Services Repository</description>
            <description type="tooltip">Enterprise Services Repository</description>
            <icon height="64" width="64" href="start/graphics/sap6464.gif" type="splash"/>
            <icon height="32" width="32" href="start/graphics/SAP3232.gif"/>
            <j2se version="1.5+" initial-heap-size="32m" max-heap-size="512m"/><!-- ==================================================================
            ATTENTION: When modifying references in this file, remember to update
                       the corresponding files from the test-apps too!
                      (see repository_test.jnlp in &quot;_ibrep_test/webapp/start&quot; )
            =================================================================== ><!Do not define parts or packages! This will be done automatically ><! XI jars -->
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.client.jar" download="lazy" part="part-69"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.core.jar" download="lazy" part="part-69"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.rb.jar" download="lazy" part="part-69"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.client.jar" download="lazy" part="part-60"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.core.jar" download="lazy" part="part-60"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.rb.jar" download="lazy" part="part-60"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mt.gui.lib.jar" download="lazy" part="part-81"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mt.rb.jar" download="lazy" part="part-81"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mt.util.lib.jar" download="lazy" part="part-81"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mapping.lib.jar" download="lazy" part="part-77"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.upload.core.jar" download="lazy" part="part-83"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.upload.sap.jar" download="lazy" part="part-85"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xi.mapping.tool.lib_api.jar" download="lazy" part="part-81"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xi.flib.lib_api.jar" download="lazy" part="part-60"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.aii.utilxi.core.jar" download="lazy" part="part-88"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.aii.utilxi.gui.jar" download="lazy" part="part-99"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.util.rb.jar" download="lazy" part="part-88"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.aii.proxy.gen.jar" download="lazy" part="part-82"/>
            <jar href="repository/frog.jar" download="lazy" part="part-192"/><!-- Engine and other components -->
            <jar href="repository/jta.jar" download="lazy" part="part-263"/>
            <jar href="repository/ejb20.jar" download="lazy" part="part-261"/>
            <jar href="repository/sap.comtcsapxmltoolkit~sapxmltoolkit.jar" download="lazy" part="part-146"/>
            <jar href="repository/sap.comtcexception~impl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-186"/>
            <jar href="repository/sap.comtcloggingjavaimpl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-195"/>
            <jar href="repository/sap.comtcblguidgeneratorimpl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-187"/>
            <jar href="repository/jperflib.jar" download="lazy" part="part-119"/>
            <jar href="repository/sap.comtcblniimpl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-191"/><!-- required for CSN-connection -->
            <jar href="repository/sap.comtcjeclientlibimpl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-127"/>
            <jar href="repository/sap.comtcbljarmjarm.jar" download="lazy" part="part-197"/><!-- Tensegrity Libs -->
            <jar href="repository/tenComposite.jar" download="lazy" part="part-229"/>
            <jar href="repository/tenGraph.jar" download="lazy" part="part-238"/>
            <jar href="repository/tenGraphics.jar" download="lazy" part="part-251"/>
            <jar href="repository/tenGenerics.jar" download="lazy" part="part-69"/>
            <jar href="repository/tenGui.jar" download="lazy" part="part-8"/>
            <jar href="repository/tenGuiResource.jar" download="lazy" part="part-253"/><!-- Maestro><!jar href=&quot;repository/maestro_ib.jar&quot; download=&quot;lazy&quot; /-->
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.maestro.core.jar" download="lazy" part="part-69"/>
            <jar href="repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.maestro.model.jar" download="lazy" part="part-69"/>
            <jar href="repository/tenSkeleton.jar" download="lazy" part="part-204"/>
            <jar href="repository/tenLookAndFeel.jar" download="lazy" part="part-8"/>
            <jar href="repository/jaxb-api.jar" download="lazy" part="part-264"/>
            <jar href="repository/jaxb-impl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-0"/>
            <jar href="repository/jaxb-xjc.jar" download="lazy" part="part-0"/>
            <jar href="repository/jsr173_1.0_api.jar" download="lazy" part="part-265"/>
            <jar href="repository/activation.jar" download="lazy" part="part-199"/><!-- end Maestro><! Aris Client -->
            <jar href="repository/arismethod.jar" download="lazy" part="part-24"/>
            <jar href="repository/JimiProClasses.jar" download="lazy" part="part-206"/>
            <jar href="repository/jide.jar" download="lazy" part="part-40"/>
            <jar href="repository/client.jar" download="lazy" part="part-14"/><!-- Aris Core -->
            <jar href="repository/jaxb-api.jar" download="lazy" part="part-264"/>
            <jar href="repository/jaxb-impl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-0"/>
            <jar href="repository/jaxb1-impl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-0"/>
            <jar href="repository/jsr173_1.0_api.jar" download="lazy" part="part-265"/>
            <jar href="repository/jh.jar" download="lazy" part="part-204"/>
            <jar href="repository/js.jar" download="lazy" part="part-289"/>
            <jar href="repository/y.jar" download="lazy" part="part-302"/>
            <jar href="repository/cl_locale.jar" download="lazy" part="part-14"/>
            <jar href="repository/cl_locale_de.jar" download="lazy" part="part-14"/>
            <jar href="repository/cl_locale_en.jar" download="lazy" part="part-14"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-utils-2.jar" download="lazy" part="part-39"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-reportexecution-2.jar" download="lazy" part="part-36"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-guiframework.jar" download="lazy" part="part-25"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-graphics-3.jar" download="lazy" part="part-25"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-lipo-1.jar" download="lazy" part="part-34"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-reportdesigner-client-2.jar" download="lazy" part="part-37"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-reportdesigner-common-2.jar" download="lazy" part="part-38"/>
            <jar href="repository/jdom.jar" download="lazy" part="part-10"/>
            <jar href="repository/y-graphlayout-2.jar" download="lazy" part="part-26"/><!-- only for repository, when build is adapted
            &lt;jar href=&quot;repository/sapjco.jar&quot; download=&quot;lazy&quot; component=&quot;aris&quot;/&gt;
            &lt;nativelib href=&quot;repository/sap-rfc-windows.jar&quot; download=&quot;lazy&quot; component=&quot;aris&quot;/&gt;
            ><! end Aris ><! ssl libs -->
            <jar href="repository/iaik_jsse.jar" download="lazy" part="part-13"/>
            <jar href="repository/iaik_smime.jar" download="lazy" part="part-13"/>
            <jar href="repository/iaik_ssl.jar" download="lazy" part="part-13"/>
            <jar href="repository/w3c_http.jar" download="lazy" part="part-13"/>
            <property name="jnlp.log.initialConfiguration" value="FILE, SIMPLE"/>
            <property name="jnlp.com.sap.boot" value="rep,native"/>
        <property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ibrep.core.cms.enableTransportWizard" value="false"/><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ibrep.core.transport.doubleFormatExport.showFlag" value="false"/><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.docu.url" value="null"/><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.landscape.httpport" value="50000"/><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.content.languages" value="EN,DE"/><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ibdir.core.transport.doubleFormatExport.showFlag" value="false"/><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ibrep.core.aris.AllowBroadReportAccess" value="false"/><property
    [missing part due to post limits......]
        <application-desc main-class="com.sap.aii.ibrep.gui.appl.ApplicationImpl">
        &lt;application-desc main-class=&quot;com.sap.aii.ib.gui.applcomp.BootLoader&quot;&gt;

    Hi all,
    trying to fix the problems above with Enterprise Sercvice Builder i have made a mistake:
    i have undeployed SAP_XIESR  and now i can't find it anymore!
    the link where i find the ESR and Service Registry is no more accessible!
    is the undeploy reversible?
    these are the details:
    from NWDS , deployment perspective, from tab undeploy view i selected SAP_XIESR added in the list of things to undeploy and run undeploy
    this SAP_XIESR  is now vanished, when i make that action i thought that it was reversible, but now i can't find SAP_XIESR  in no place around!!!
    how can i reverse that action?

  • Unable to run Enterprise Services Builder

    SAP NetWeaver Process Integration  7.1
    When I  try to launch  Process Integration Tools -> Enterprise Services Builder (or Integration Builder Directory), links: http://v2:51400/rep/start/repository.jnlp and http://v2:51400/dir/start/directory.jnlp  respectively, I receive following error:
    An error occurred while launching/running the application.
    Title: Enterprise Services Repository
    Vendor: SAP AG
    Category: Download Error
    Unable to load resource: http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.client.jar
    java.io.IOException: HTTP response 404
         at com.sun.javaws.cache.DownloadProtocol.doDownload(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.cache.DownloadProtocol.getDownloadSize(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.downloadJarFiles(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.downloadEagerorAll(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.downloadResources(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleApplicationDesc(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleLaunchFile(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Buy the way, under Java Web Start Configuration i have changed proxy properties to u201CDirect Connectionu201D.
    JNLP file looks as follows:
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://v2:51400/run/">
        <title>Enterprise Services Repository</title>
        <vendor>SAP AG</vendor>
        <homepage href="http://www.sap.com"/>
        <description>Enterprise Services Repository</description>
        <icon href="http://v2:51400/run/start/graphics/sap6464.gif" width="64" kind="default"/>
        <icon href="http://v2:51400/run/start/graphics/SAP3232.gif" width="32" kind="default"/>
        <j2se initial-heap-size="33554432" max-heap-size="536870912" version="1.5+"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.client.jar" part="part-9" download="eager" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.core.jar" part="part-9" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.rb.jar" part="part-9" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.client.jar" part="part-0" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.core.jar" part="part-0" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.rb.jar" part="part-0" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mt.gui.lib.jar" part="part-21" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mt.rb.jar" part="part-21" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mt.util.lib.jar" part="part-21" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.mapping.lib.jar" part="part-17" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.upload.core.jar" part="part-23" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ib.upload.sap.jar" part="part-25" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xi.mapping.tool.lib_api.jar" part="part-21" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xi.flib.lib_api.jar" part="part-0" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.aii.utilxi.core.jar" part="part-28" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.aii.utilxi.gui.jar" part="part-39" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.util.rb.jar" part="part-28" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.aii.proxy.gen.jar" part="part-22" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/frog.jar" part="part-128" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/jta.jar" part="part-168" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/ejb20.jar" part="part-166" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/sap.comtcsapxmltoolkit~sapxmltoolkit.jar" part="part-83" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/sap.comtcexception~impl.jar" part="part-123" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/sap.comtcloggingjavaimpl.jar" part="part-130" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/sap.comtcblguidgeneratorimpl.jar" part="part-124" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/jperflib.jar" part="part-59" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/sap.comtcblniimpl.jar" part="part-127" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/sap.comtcjeclientlibimpl.jar" part="part-63" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/sap.comtcbljarmjarm.jar" part="part-132" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/tenComposite.jar" part="part-135" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/tenGraph.jar" part="part-144" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/tenGraphics.jar" part="part-157" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/tenGenerics.jar" part="part-136" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/tenGui.jar" part="part-134" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/tenGuiResource.jar" part="part-159" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.maestro.jar" part="part-9" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/tenSkeleton.jar" part="part-160" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/iaik_jsse.jar" part="part-164" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/iaik_smime.jar" part="part-164" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/iaik_ssl.jar" part="part-164" download="lazy" main="false"/>
        <jar href="http://v2:51400/run/repository/w3c_http.jar" part="part-164" download="lazy" main="false"/>
      <application-desc main-class="com.sap.aii.ibrep.gui.appl.ApplicationImpl">
    Itu2019s not a problem with host or port inaccessibility (I already got access to start page, sld, Runtime WorkBench, etc.).
    Letu2019s look closer to, for example, library url : http://v2:51400/run/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.client.jar (taken from jnlp file content). When I paste it to the browser I get error u201CThe requested resource does not exist.u201D (as I expected). So I have changed root in the url from u201Crunu201D to u201Crepu201D (correspondingly to XI 3.0 and PI 7.0) u2013  http://v2:51400/rep/repository/com.sap.xpi.ibrep.client.jar  and I succeed  in downloading single library file!!!!.
    But!!!! I canu2019t change jnlp file content either on client (because itu2019s overwritten every time I launch the application) and server (because  it is generated form template and system properties every time I launch the application) side, so itu2019s not solution but shows that there is something wrong with library resources or/and with jnlp script generation on PI 7.1 platform (why urls in jnlp script points to resources which does not exists in expected location?).
    The question is : How to run properly Enterprise Services Builder and Integration Builder Directory on PI 7.1 platform and what is the reason of errors I have described above.

    Hi Szymon,
    thanks for the suggestion.
    I had a a bit spot of bother, too.
    I found out that my Java didn't inherit browser proxy settings, even if corresponding flag was checked (I don't know why...).
    I manually set proxy properties in Java and now ESB run
    hope this help someone else

  • Cannot start Enterprise Service Builder: "Internal GUI error"

    I just installed the ESR to my NetWeaver-installation and did the necessary steps in the configuration and user management.
    So now there isn't a problem with the sign on but with the Java WebStart.
    After logging in there is a window saying: "Internal GUI error".
    It is referring to com.sap.aii.ib.gui.operations.InternalOperationsServiceCL
    I've installed J2SE JDK 5.0 Update 18 and NetWeaver 7.1 SR7.
    I hope there is a solution to this problem.

    Hi, I've been also got the famous error:
    "internal GUI error" when logon into ESB,
    so I upgraded my ESR from to
    the latest one which we can download from SMP website now.
    however after the successful upgrade(only upgraded ESR via JSPM)
    com.sap.xi.repository Failed to start
    any ideas?
    thanks so much...

  • Enterprise Services Builder

    Hi all,
    I have a got a problem with opening Enterprise Services Builder, I'm unable to Open ESB of PI.
    I'm getting the below error after i entered User name and Password of ESB
    Could not Initialize class com.sap.aii.ibrep.gui.xiitem.InternalXiItemServiceForTypeObjects
    Internal problem occured(INTERNAL_PROBLEM)
    Please help me in resolving this issue.

    Hi Preethi,
      You can go to integration builder page and there in the right hand top corner you can see administration tab just click on that and then login with your user credentials,
    go to Repository tab in the left hand side and then javawebstart administration -->Reinitialization and also click on Reinitialization force start
    FOLLOW the Same for directory tab also.
    It should work if still it is not working you can try uninstalling your java/j2sdk and reinstall j2sdk 1.4.2....

  • Problem with models in the enterprise service builder

    Hi all,
    I get this message from the enterprise service builder, when i double click on one of the models on the tree on the left of the builder itself.
    the message says:
    Error Initializing Business Modeling
    Initialization of business modeling cannot be started. You cannot work with business modeling. Check tht all required configutarion objects are available
    i made all the wizards suggested in /people/werner.steyn/blog/2008/03/03/how-to-look-like-a-hero-with-netweaver-ce-esr-sr
    please someone can help me to understand what the massage means?
    what is a configuration object? what can i do to fix the problem?
    thank you very much


  • Logon Error Message - Enterprise Services Builder address not maintained

    Hi Experts,
    I'm about to start the configuration on PI PROD (PI 7.1) server, but I keep encountering an error, saying "Service cannot be reached"
    Service cannot be reached
    What has happened?
    URL http://hostname:port/nwa call was terminated because the corresponding service is not available.
    The termination occurred in system PIP with error code 404 and for the reason Not found.
    The selected virtual host was 0 .
    What can I do?
    Please select a valid URL.
    If it is a valid URL, check whether service /nwa is active in transaction SICF.
    If you do not yet have a user ID, contact your system administrator.
    HTTP 404 - Not found
    Your SAP Internet Communication Framework Team
    What's more weird is that I can't launch sxmb_ifr because 'Enterprise Services Builder address not maintained'.
    I already made some RFC Destination such as AI_DIRECTORY_JCOSERVER, AI_RUNTIME_JCOSERVER, LCRSAPRFC, and SAPSLDAPI and when I test the connection, here's the error message said 'Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT' : cmRc=2 thRc=67'
    Thanks for the reply.

    Check if you have more than one system. If so, check whether host, port and URL of startpage are maintained on the correct one.
    Also, please follow the MANUAL steps of the SAP Help link below:
    Ensure you have created the RFC Destinations in the ABAP and Java Environment
    You need to create the following RFC destinations in transaction SM59
    (ABAP) and the Visual Administrator (Java):
    Last, please check whether, In tcode SM59, the destination INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY_HMI.
    The user maintained in the Logon tab should be PIISUSER
    and ensure he password is correct,and check if the destination will test successfully.
    All of those will solve this issue
    Caio Cagnani

  • I canu00B4t work with Enterprise Service Builder

    I try to work on Enterprise Service Builder of PI 7.1, but I can't.
    1. Firstly, I access to log in by http:// <server>:50000/dir/start/index.jsp. Then I can log on to Enterprise Service Builder, on this step I don't have problems.
    2. Secondly I wait to open the application on my laptop.
    3. Then windows 7 try to open the application but I only see the preview view on my desktop of my laptop
    NOTE: I can work with Integration Builder, without any problems, it works perfectly.
    I have this characteristics
    SAP PI 7.1
    Internet Explorer 8 or Mozilla Firefox 3.6
    JAVA 6
    Windows 7 Home Basic 32 bits
    I don't know if i need configure something on my computer or on my OS

    From Control Panel, go to Java -> General tab, Temporary Internet Files
    -> View... -> Delete all the content there.
    Then go to:
    > Integration buider page http://<host>:<port>/rep
    > Administration
    > Tab - Directory (Repository as well)
    > Java Web Start Administration
    > Restore Archives and Generate New Signature
    If that does not helps, then you may try re-deploying the XITOOLS components
    by using the JSPM and whe deploying, update it to the latest patch level.
    Caio Cagnani

  • Unable to start presentation services , in OBIEE 11g

    Hi ,
    Unable to start presentation services , in OBIEE 11g :
    [2013-01-18T13:38:49.000+05:30] [OBIPS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:1] [] [saw.webextensionbase.init] [ecid: ] [tid: ] Invalid item /system/mktgcache/01HW447397/sawguidstate.[[

    Follow the steps below:
    1.Shutdown all OBIEE services.
    2.Replace the files sawguidstate and sawguidstate.atrin the location:
    with the same files from a backup or from another working instance.
    3.Restart all OBIEE services.

  • Unable to start ifs service after database is restarted

    Hi All,
    I am getting this weird problem with iFS. I have web application where I connect to iFS to read some of the documents. The problem is when the database is stopped and started with App server still running (ifs is also up and running)... I am getting the following error message.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have also attached the java class which I am using to get connection...
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-21008: Unable to connect to iFS service
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-11013: Unable to start inter-service event exchanger
    java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:168)
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:210)
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.check_error(DBError.java:857)
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.MAREngine.unmarshalUB1(MAREngine.java:731)
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.MAREngine.unmarshalSB1(MAREngine.java:690)
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oopen.receive(Oopen.java:103)
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.open(TTC7Protocol.java:466)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.<init>(OracleStatement.java:413)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.privateCreateStatement(OracleConnection.java:470)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.createStatement(OracleConnection.java:379)
         at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryServiceRdbmsEventExchanger.start(S_LibraryServiceRdbmsEventExchanger.java:243)
         at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryService.addSession(S_LibraryService.java:2695)
         at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.<init>(S_LibrarySession.java:1961)
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Native Method)
         at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryService.constructSession(S_LibraryService.java:2566)
         at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryService.connect(S_LibraryService.java:2359)
         at oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryService.connect(LibraryService.java:977)
         at com.comp.test.utils.iFSSession.getIfsConnection(iFSSession.java:73)
         at com.comp.test.controller.ReportRequestAction.processRequest(ReportRequestAction.java:95)
         at com.comp.test.controller.ReportRequestAction.execute(ReportRequestAction.java:64)
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(RequestProcessor.java:484)
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:274)
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1482)
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:525)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
    --java code
              if(!LibraryService.isServiceStarted(serviceName)) {
              service = LibraryService.startService(serviceName,servicepasswd);
              } else {
              service = LibraryService.findService(serviceName);
                   //CredentialManager to authenticate a user
              CleartextCredential cred = new CleartextCredential(name, password);
              ConnectOptions connectOpt = new ConnectOptions();
                   //Sets and gets the Locale of the new session.
                   //Connects to iFS, establishing a new LibrarySession
              ifsSession = service.connect(cred, connectOpt);
                   //Set the administrator mode state for this session
                   return ifsSession;

    I am using the following class to get ifs session from IfsHttpLogin
    public class TestIfsSession implements IfsHttpLogin {
    * The <code>LibrarySession</code>.
    private LibrarySession m_session;
    * The <code>FolderPathResolver</code>.
    private FolderPathResolver m_resolver;
    * Default constructor required by the jsp spec for the USEBEAN tag
    * @exception IfsException
    public TestIfsSession() throws IfsException {
    public void init(LibrarySession libSession)
         this.m_session = libSession;
    * Return the login's session object.
    * @return The <code>LibrarySession</code> object.
    public LibrarySession getSession() {
    return m_session;
    * Return the login's path resolver.
    * @return The <code>FolderPathResolver</code> object.
    public FolderPathResolver getResolver() {
    return m_resolver;
    * Called when this object is bound to the HTTP session object.
    * @param event
    * The event when the object is bound to the Http session.
    public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {
    // do nothing
    m_category.debug("value bound : ");
    * Called when this object is unbound from the HTTP session object.
    * @param event
    * The event when the object is unbound to the Http session.
    public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {
    m_resolver = null;
    try {
    if (m_session != null) {
    m_category.debug("removing connection: valueUnbound " + m_session);
    } catch (IfsException e) {
    } finally {
    m_session = null; // release the resources

  • Steps:- Import SWCV from SLD into  Enterprise service Builder

    Hi All,
    I have created new SWCV in SLD.
    What are the STEPS  :-mport SWCV from SLD into  Enterprise service Builder

    I am using PI 7.1. And there is no option showing  Tools --> Transfer from SLD .
    It has only Import Design Objects option.
    Please advice.

  • Enterprise Service Builder

    When i am trying to open the ESR(http://<hostName>:<PortNumber>/rep)
    when i click on Enterprise Service Builder there i can i find a pop-up repository.jpnl to SAVE
    Please let me know do i need to install anysoftware to open Enterprise Service Builder?

    as far as i know You do not need to install any additional software and you have to follow these steps
    in CE 7.1 have you to execute the esr.
    http://<host name>:port/nwa >Configuration Management>scenarios-->configuration wizard
    -->Configuration of ESR in CE
    and you have to add 3 .sca files and to add those sca files refer the wiki

  • Imported Object Enterprise Service Builder

    when Imported Object Enterprise Service Builder
    Connection data for the R/3 import is incomplete
    Open the software component version SAP BASIS 7.10 and
    enter the system and the client
    can not import MATMAS object
    How to resolve that problem

    Double click on teh software component version in ESR for which you want to import idoc. Then select the raido button import of idoc interface from sap systems permitted. Then give the R3 system information like the system name, client and then try once again. It is nothing related with technical and business system.
    step by step:
    double click on SWCV->
    Interface Import ->you have to provide system name , client  then ll try to import
    pls refer : http://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2143371&tstart=0

  • ESB(Enterprise Services Builder) access error after PI 7.1 install

    We have installed PI 7.1 system. Everything went well with installation.
    We can access all the components such as RWB, Directory, SLD,...
    However when we try to access ESB(Enterprise Services Builder) we are geting the following error:
    "Cannot connect to server using message server: ms://si5host:8106/P4"
    We checked the exchange profile parameters and  com.sap.aii.connect.repository.mshttpport is having 8106 value.
    Did any one face such an issue. Please respond.

    The problem is resolved for us.
    The problem was caused because we did nt have a "FULLY QUALIFIED SERVER NAME" in the exchange profile parameters on the JAVA side.
    Once we had the  FULLY QUALIFIED SERVER NAME the issue was resolved.
    Hope this helps other people who run into the same issue.

  • FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the build

    I have oracle10g application server running on my linux box A, oracle database10g running on linux box B and Developer Suite10g running windows box C. I create a fmb file and ftp into application server box A.
    but when i try to compile the .fmb file, i get the following error.
    FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the build.
    i have set all these paths as mentioned below.
    ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/oracle/OASMidtier; export ORACLE_HOME
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/local/bin;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    ORACLE_SID=asdb; export ORACLE_SID
    export PATH
    DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY
    and i saved the EX01_01.fmb under /home/oracle/oracle/OASMidtier/forms
    Now when i give xclock iam able to see the clock.
    but when i execute the following iam getting unable to compile error.
    [oracle@oracledev bin]$ ./frmcmp.sh userid=student/pwd@orcl batch=yes module=EX01_01.fmb module_type=form compile_all=yes window_state=minimize
    infact as an additional information. whenever i do a
    sqlplus / as sysdbai get following error:
    ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    what does this error mean. how can i fix this.
    Can someone help me please.

    after rechecking all the configurations, r u successfully login with the database?yes i am able to connect without error. i figured out i was getting this error whenever i was changing the ORACLE_HOME from Infrastructure path to Midtier path. is there a way to work around this?
    also i am able to compile the .fmb file now.
    it is very strange. well it kind of worked, but this is what i did. i gave the following env variables:
    ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/oracle/OASMidtier; export ORACLE_HOME
    FORMS_PATH=/home/oracle/oracle/OASMidtier/forms; export FORMS_PATH
    ORACLE_TERM=vt220; export ORACLE_TERM
    and then when i executed the following:
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin./frmcmp.sh module=/home/oracle/oracle/OASMidtier/forms/EX01_01.fmb userid=student/m4ewr0e1@orcl module_type=FORM compile_all=yes
    i got the error as: FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the build.
    but when i did the following, it worked:
    ./frmcmp_batch.sh module=/home/oracle/oracle/OASMidtier/forms/EX01_01.fmb userid=student/m4ewr0e1@orcl module_type=FORM compile_all=yes
    and i got the result as:
    Created form file /home/oracle/oracle/OASMidtier/forms/EX01_01.fmx
    i just dont understand. why did the frmcmp_batch.sh worked and frmcmp.sh did not?
    Can you please explain me why?
    also when i give the following:
    DISPLAY=<servername>:0.0; export DISPLAY
    and when i give: xclock i get error as:
    Error: Can't open display: <servername>:0.0
    but only when i give
    DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY
    and then when i give: xclock then i am able to see the clock.
    Can you please explain me why all these errors:

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