Unable To Use Regular Expression To Find Function Names

I am trying to create a regular expression to find function and procedure names without the static designation and the parameter list.  Sample source document:
static function test
static function test(i,j)
function test
function test(i,j)
static procedure test
static procedure test(i,j)
procedure test
procedure test(i,j)
For each of the above samples, I would like only the word "test" to be found.

I suggest starting with this expression:
Programmatically, the name can be extracted from the group called “NAME”.
The expression can be improved.

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    The best way I can explain is with an analogy:
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    Except, instead of c and t, I want it to find strings of code starting with <div class="advert" and ending with Vote<br> while picking up everything in between, (including spaces, code, comments, etc.). Then, deletes that whole string including the starting and ending.Is there a regular expression I could use in dreamweaver that could do this? Is there a way to do this at all?

    Let me begin by saying I'm a complete idiot with DW's Reg Ex.   I use Search Specific Tag whenever possible.  See screenshot below.
    Try this on your Current Document to see if it works. Then make a back-up copy of site before attempting it on Entire Local Site as you cannot "Undo" this process.
    Good luck,
    Nancy O.

  • Using Regular Expressions to Find Quoted Text

    I have run into a couple problems with the following code.
    1) Slash-Star and Slash-Slash commented text must be ignored.
    2) It does not detect backslashed quotes, or if that backslash is backslashed.
    Can this be accomplished with Regular Expressions, or should I implement this using if/indexOf logic?
    Thank You in advance,
        * Finds position of next quoted string in a line
        * of source code.
        * If no strings exist, then a Pointer position of
        * (0,0) is returned.
        * @param startPos position to start search from
        * @param argText  the line of text to search
        * @returns next string position
       public Pointer getQuotedStringPosition(int startPos, String aString) {
          String argText = new String( aString );
          Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[\"][^\"]+[\"]");
          Matcher m = p.matcher( argText.substring(startPos); );
          if( m.find() )
             return new Pointer( m.start() + startPos, m.end() + startPos );
             return new Pointer( 0, 0 ); // indicates nothing was found

    YATArchivist was right about the regular expressions.
    I think I've got it but somebody test it if you want. Let me know what you find.
    I've included a barebones Position class as well...
    import java.util.regex.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
      @author Joshua A. Logan, Jr.
    public class RegexTest
       private static final String SLASH_SLASH = "(//.*)";
       private static final String SLASH_STAR =
       private static final Pattern COMMENT_PATTERN =
                         Pattern.compile( SLASH_SLASH + "|" + SLASH_STAR );
       private static final Pattern QUOTED_STRING_PATTERN =
                      Pattern.compile( "\"  ( (?:(\\\\.) | [^\\\"])*+  )     \"",
                                       Pattern.COMMENTS );
       // Breaking the above regular expression down, you'd have:
       //   "  ( (?: (\\ .)  |  [^\\ "]  ) *+ )   "
       //   ^          ^     ^     ^       ^      ^
       //   |          |     |     |       |      |
       //   1          2     3     4       5      6
       // which matches:
       // 1) The starting quote...
       // Followed by something that is either:
       // 2) some escaped sequence ( e.g. _\n_  or even _\"_ ),
       // 3)                ...or...
       // 4) a character that is neither a _\_ nor a _"_ .
       // 5) Keep searching this as much as possible, w/o giving up
       //                    any found text at the end.
       //        Note: the text found would be in group(1)
       // 6) Finally, find the ending quote!!
       public static Position [] getQuotedStringPosition( final String text )
          Matcher cm = COMMENT_PATTERN.matcher( text ),
                  qm = QUOTED_STRING_PATTERN.matcher( text );
          final int len = text.length();
          int startPos = 0;
          List positions = new ArrayList();
          while ( startPos < len )
             if ( cm.find(startPos) )
                int commStart = cm.start(),
                    commEnd   = cm.end();
                // are we starting @ a comment?
                if ( commStart == startPos )
                   startPos = commEnd;
                else if ( qm.find(startPos) )
                   // Search for unescaped strings in here.
                   int stringStart = qm.start(1),
                       stringEnd   = qm.end(1);
                   // Is the quote start after comment start?
                   if ( stringStart > commStart )
                      startPos = commEnd; // restart search after comment end...
                   else if ( (stringEnd > commEnd) ||
                             (stringEnd < commStart) )
                      // In this case, the "comment" is actually part of
                      // the quoted string. We found a match.
                      positions.add( new Position(text, qm.group(1),
                                                  stringEnd) );
                      int quoteEnd = qm.end();
                      startPos = quoteEnd;
                      throw new IllegalStateException( "illegal case" );
                   startPos = commEnd;
                // no comments were found. Search for unescaped strings.
                int quoteEnd = len;
                if ( qm.find( startPos ) ) {
                   quoteEnd = qm.end();
                   positions.add( new Position(text,
                                               qm.end(1)) );
                startPos = quoteEnd;
          return positions.isEmpty() ? Position.EMPTY_ARRAY
                                     : (Position[])positions.toArray(
       public static void main( String [] args )
             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                      new InputStreamReader(System.in) );
             String input = null;
             final String prompt = "\nText (q to quit): ";
             System.out.print( prompt );
             while ( (input = br.readLine()) != null )
                if ( input.equals("q") ) return;
                Position [] matches = getQuotedStringPosition( input );
                // What does it do?
                for ( int i = 0, max = matches.length; i < max; i++ )
                   System.out.println( "-->" + matches[i] );
                System.out.print( prompt );
          catch ( Exception e )
             System.out.println ( "Exception caught: " + e.getMessage () );
    class Position
       public Position( String target,
                        String match,
                        int start,
                        int end )
          this.target = target;
          this.match = match;
          this.start = start;
          this.end = end;
       public String toString()
          return "match==" + match + ",{" + start + "," + end + "}";
       final String target;
       final int start;
       final int end;
       final String match;
       public static final Position [] EMPTY_ARRAY = { };

  • How to use regular expression to find string

    who know how to get all digits from the string "Alerts 4520 ( 227550 )  (  98 Available  )" by regular expression, thanks
    br, Andrew

    You can use RegEx as   
    Whether you are using CL_ABAP_REGEX class then
    report  zars.
    data: regex   type ref to cl_abap_regex,
          matcher type ref to cl_abap_matcher,
          match   type c length 1.
    create object regex exporting pattern = 'd+'
                                  ignore_case = ''.
    matcher = regex->create_matcher( text = 'Test123tes456' ).
    match = matcher->match( ).
    write match
    You can find more details regarding REGEX and POSIX examples here

  • Find/Replace Using Regular Expressions

    Can someone help me with this...I am using Regular expressions to
    So that in the following it will change this:
    a href="http://www.test.com/shc/s/home_10153_12605?lid=Search" rilt="Search"
    To this:
    a href="$set(Search,ID_id,code)$" rilt="Search
    Those expressions  work in Notepad++ but when i use dreamweaver it just replaces the http... with "$set(\1,ID_id,code)$" and doesnt reference the "search"
    Any help?

    Let me begin by saying I'm a complete idiot with DW's Reg Ex.   I use Search Specific Tag whenever possible.  See screenshot below.
    Try this on your Current Document to see if it works. Then make a back-up copy of site before attempting it on Entire Local Site as you cannot "Undo" this process.
    Good luck,
    Nancy O.

  • Finding URLs using regular expression.

    I have an requirement where user will type some text containing URLs like "Please visit this site http://www.google.com/e/qHvQcWco`~!@#$%^&*()-7747. Thank you". This text has to be modified as below before saving it to the database.
    "Please visit this site <a href='http://www.google.com/e/qHvQcWco`~!@#$%^&*()-7747'>http://www.google.com/e/qHvQcWco`~!@#$%^&*()-7747</a>. Thank you"
    I am using regular expression (http|https)://.+?\\s which marks the end of the url with a white space character.This pattern doesn't work if the URL is located at the end of the string since there will be no space at the end.
    For example if the string is "Please visit this site http://www.google.com/e/qHvQcWco`~!@#$%^&*()-7747" the regex will fail.
    My acutal problem is to find the URL irrespective its position within the string.
    Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile("(http|https)://.+?\\s", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher matcher = urlPattern.matcher(plainText);
    Map stringIndexMap = new HashMap();
    //Searching the input string for urlPattern...
    while(matcher.find()) {
    String urlString = matcher.group();
    //Storing the urls in a hashmap with their indices as keys....
    stringIndexMap.put(new Integer(matcher.start()), urlString.trim());
    Set keySet = stringIndexMap.keySet();
    Iterator it = keySet.iterator();
    //Iterating over the hashmap containing urls...
    while(it.hasNext()) {
    String urlString = (String) stringIndexMap.get(it.next());
    * Replacing the url string in the input text with <a href="#" onclick="window.open('<urlString>')"
    * using String index
    clickableURLString.indexOf(urlString) + urlString.length(),
    "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"window.open('" + urlString
    + "')\">" + urlString + "</a>");
    return clickableURLString.toString();

    The end of the input is '$' as a regex.
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class Prasanna{
      public static void main(String[] args){
        String text
    = "Please visit this site http://www.google.com/e/qHvQcWco`~!@#$%^&*()-7747";
    //    String regex = "(http|https)://.+?(?:\\s|$)"; // this works
        String regex = "(http|https)://[^ ]+";          // this also works
        Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(text);
        while (mat.find()){

  • Find text using regular expression and add highlight annotation

    Hi Friends
                       Is it possible to find text using regular expression and add highlight annotation using plugin

    A plugin can use the PDWordFinder to get a list of the words on a page, and their location. That's all that the API offers for searching. Of course, you can use a regular expression library to work with that word list.

  • Using regular expressions for validating time fields

    Similar to my problem with converting a big chunk of validation into smaller chunks of functions I am trying to use Regular Expressions to handle the validation of many, many time fields in a flexible working time sheet.
    I have a set of FormCalc scripts to calculate the various values for days, hours and the gain/loss of hours over a four week period. For these scripts to work the time format must be in HH:MM.
    Accessibility guidelines nix any use of message box pop ups so I wanted to get around this by having a hidden/visible field with warning text but can't get it to work.
    So far I have:
    var r = new RegExp(); // Create a new Regular Expression Object
    r.compile ("^[00-99]:\\] + [00-59]");
    var result = r.test(this.rawValue);
    if (result == true){
    form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.errorMessage.presence = "visible";
    else (result == false){
    form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.errorMessage.presence = "hidden";
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Date and time fields are tricky because you have to consider the formattedValue versus the rawValue. If I am going to use regular expressions to do validation I find it easier to make them text fields and ignore the time patterns (formattedValue). Something like this works (as far as my very brief testing goes) for 24 hour time where time format is HH:MM.
    // form1.page1.subform1.time_::exit - (JavaScript, client)
    var error = false;
    form1.page1.subform1.errorMsg.rawValue = "";
    if (!(this.isNull)) {
      var time_ = this.rawValue;
      if (time_.length != 5) {
        error = true;
      else {
        var regExp = /^([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/;
        if (!(regExp.test(time_))) {
          error = true;
    if (error == true) {
      form1.page1.subform1.errorMsg.rawValue = "The time must be in the format HH:MM where HH is 00-23 and MM is 00-59.";
      form1.page1.subform1.errorMsg.presence = "visible";

  • How to write regular expression to find desired string piece *duplicate*

    Hi All,
    Suppose that i have following string piece:
    name:ali#lastname:kemal#name:mehmet#lastname:cemalI need
    mehmetI use following statement
    SQL> select lst, regexp_replace(lst,'(name:)(.*)(lastname)(.*)','\2',1,1) nm from (
      2    select 'name:ali#lastname:kemal#name:mehmet#lastname:cemal' as lst from dual
      3  );
    LST                                                NM
    name:ali#lastname:kemal#name:mehmet#lastname:cemal ali#lastname:kemal#name:mehmet#
    SQL> But it does not return names correctly. When i change 5th parameter(occurence) of regexp_replace built-in function(e.g. 1,2), i may get ali and mehmet respectiveley.
    Any ideas about regexp?
    Note : I can use PL/SQL instr/substr for this manner; but i do not want to use them. I need regexp.
    Edited by: mennan on Jul 4, 2010 9:53 PM
    thread was posted twice due to chrome refresfment. Please ignore the thread and reply to How to write regular expression to find desired string piece

    The approach is to do cartesian join to a 'number' table returning number of records equal to number of names in the string.I have hardcoded 2 but you can use regexp_count to get the number of occurrences of the pattern in the string and then use level <=regexp_count(..... .
    See below for the approach
    with cte as(
    'name:ali#lastname:kemal#name:mehmet#lastname:cemal' col ,level lev
    from dual connect by level <=2)
    select substr(regexp_substr('#'||col,'#name:\w+',1,lev),7)
    from cte

  • Data generation using regular expression in c# for sql server

    Hello Everybody,
    I am using VS 2013 professional, SQL Server 2012.
    I am writing database application in c#. I have a table which stores starttime and endtime of operator
    As starting step, I inserted random DateTime into the table.
    But i would like hide some Patterns inside the database like it should insert some records that operator2 is absent on every second tuesday in every month in 2014 between 3AM to 4AM.
    How do i tell my c# code to insert that Patterns into databse. From some posts I understtod that it may be done by using regular expressions. But i did not find clear example.
    Could someone please tell me how to do it?
    Thank you so much.

    I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to, but I think you may be able to accomplish some of what you want by using triggers, constraints, and column defaults. These are database objects that are defined by using DDL, so have a look at the DDL reference
    (and other information about these objects) in SQL Server Books Online and see if these will do what you want. T-SQL implements a "pattern-wildcard language" that is not the same as regular expressions.
    In addition you can write SQLCLR objects (e.g. triggers and functions) that can use the .NET regular expression library, which is an implementation of the well-known regular expression library. There are a number of examples of SQLCLR/regular expressions
    around, a simple web search should suffice.
    Hope this helps, Bob

  • How to use regular expressions to generate test data ?

    Someone can help me on what I have to do in order to create test data with regular expressions ?
    For example, I want to introduce a random telephone number (XXX-XXXX) in the phone number Form Field, I want to create the phone number using regular expressions in order to test different values in each playback of the script.
    I don't want to use VB or vbscript in e-tester, I'm just trying to do this with e-load nav editor and e-load
    Thanks a lot

    Hi and thanks for your answer!, it's a great trick ^_^
    I'm doing a research on how to improve the execution speed of the scripts in e-load, so actually I'm trying to avoid the use of databanks and VB code also.
    I was expecting that maybe e-load, e-load nav editor or e-tester can automatically generate test data via Regular Expressions. Someone Knows if this is possible ?
    Also can anyone tell me what the option "Automatically Generated (complex)" means ? I think that this will help me a lot
    *you can find this option in e-load Nav Editor when you select a parameter in the tree view, then go to the  "type" listbox in the properties pane, there you will find this option and some more options like :"Databanked variable", "Custom Dynamic Value", "Function".. etc.
    Thanks again

  • One for the Tekkies: How to get this output using REGULAR EXPRESSIONS?

    How to get the below output using REGULAR EXPRESSIONS??
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1* CREATE TABLE cus___addresses    (full_address                   VARCHAR2(200 BYTE))
    SQL> /
    Table created.
    SQL> PROMPT Address Format is: House #/Housename,  street,  City, Zip Code, COUNTRY
    House #/Housename,  street,  City, Zip Code, COUNTRY
    SQL> INSERT INTO cus___addresses VALUES('1, 3rd street, Lansing, MI 49001, USA');
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO cus___addresses VALUES('3B, fifth street, Clinton, OK 74103, USA');
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO cus___addresses VALUES('Rose Villa, Stanton Grove, Murray, TN 37183, USA');
    1 row created.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM cus___addresses;
    1, 3rd street, Lansing, MI 49001, USA
    3B, fifth street, Clinton, OK 74103, USA
    Rose Villa, Stanton Grove, Murray, TN 37183, USA
    SQL> The REG EXP query shouLd output the ZIP codes: i.e. 49001, 74103, 37183 in 3 rows.Edited by: user12240205 on Jun 18, 2012 3:19 AM

    user12240205 wrote:
    ... Frank, ʃʃp's method, I understand. But your method, although correct, I find it difficult to understand.
    Could you explain how you did this?? What does '.*(\d{5})\D*' and '\1' mean???
    Your method is better because it uses only ONE reg expression function. ʃʃp's uses 2.In Oracle 10.2 (I believe) and higher, '\d' is equivalent to '[[:digit:]]', and '\D' is equivalent to '[^[:digit:]]'. I find '\d' and '\D' easier to type, but there's nothing wrong with using '[[:digit:]]' and '[^[:digit:]]'.
    '.*' means "0 or more of any character".
    '\D*' means "0 or more non-digits".
    The whole expression, '.*(\d{5})\D*' means:
    a. 0 or more characters (any characters)
    b. 5 digits
    c. 0 or more non-digits.
    '\1' is a Backreference . It means the sub-string that matched the pattern after the 1st '(', up to (but not including) its matching ')'. In this case, that means the sub-string that matched '\d{5}', or b. using the explanation immediately above.
    So the entire REGEXP_REPLACE call means "When you see a sub-string consisting of a., follwed immediately by b., followed immedately by c., replace that sub-string with b. alone."

  • Use regular expressions to extract .llb filename from path

    I am trying to be clever (always a dangerous thing) and use a regular expression to extract the name of a library from a filepath converted to a string.   Whilst I appreciate there are other ways to do this, regex would appear to be a very powerful neat way, should I be able to get it to work.
    i.e if I have a string of the type, C:\applications\versions\library.llb\toplevel.vi, I want to be able to extract library.llb from the string, given that it will be of variable length, may include numbers & spaces and may be within a file hierarchy of variable depth.   In other words, I want to extract the portion of the string between the last \ that ends with .llb
    The best I have managed so far, is \\+.*llb which returned everything minus the drive letter and the toplevel.vi
    Can anyone help me achieve this, or am i better using an alternative method (e.g filepath to array string, search for .llb)
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Matt,
    attached you'll find two other options.
    Message Edited by MikeS81 on 04-13-2010 01:30 PM
    Path.PNG ‏7 KB

  • Regular expression in FIND statement

    Hi All,
    I am writing the regular expressions.
    But i didn't get properly how to write them.
    I have one internal table with the five fields.
    Exapmle wa-mandt = '800'.
                 wa_number = '3768'
                 wa_path = '/usr/tmp/sapuser/3768/test.txt.'
    append wa to itab.
    Loop at itab itno wa.
    Here i need to find client and number system id from the WA using regular expression in singe line
    Can anybody please explain how to write this.

    What do you mean by FIND?
    If I got it right, you can use a READ statement with KEY f1 f2 etc BINARY SEARCH.Mention all the fields you want in the KEY fields.
    Dont forget to SORT this itab before the loop.

  • Using Regular Expressions in Numbers 09?

    Is there any way to use regular expressions in Numbers 09 in Find & Replace?

    kilowattradio wrote:
    Is there any way to use regular expressions in Numbers 09 in Find & Replace?
    NO !
    _Go to "Provide Numbers Feedback" in the "Numbers" menu_, describe what you wish.
    Then, cross your fingers, and wait _at least_ for iWork'10
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 25 septembre 2009 14:49:49

Maybe you are looking for