Unexpected value matrix(1,0,0,1,NaN,NaN) parsing transform attribute Anychart

We are running Oracle Apex 4.2 and whenever a user creates a new session,  the chart on the home page shows the No Data Found Message. However, when you refresh or submit the page, the correct data and rendering appears. On the initial page load, the only message in the Javascript Console is a warning "Unexpected value matrix(1,0,0,1,NaN,NaN) parsing transform".
We attempted an on load refresh dynamic action but that does not work as well.
What could this be?

The error:
gethydrosdi.xsl<Line 22, Column 40>:
XML-0137: (Error) Attribute 'select' used but not declared.is caused by trying to parse your XSLT stylesheet using an XML parser which has been set to use DTD validation.
The follow example illustrates a program that causes your error to appear. Given the file 'foo.dtd':
<!ELEMENT foo EMPTY>and the file 'foo.xml':
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "foo.dtd">
<foo/>and the stylesheet 'foo.xsl':
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"/>The following Java program illustrates producing your error:
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
public class ex {
public static void main(String[] a) throws Throwable {
DOMParser d = new DOMParser();
d.parseDTD(new FileReader("foo.dtd"),"foo");
d.parse(new FileReader("foo.xml"));
d.parse(new FileReader("foo.xsl"));
XMLDocument doc = (XMLDocument)d.getDocument();
}If you run this with the command:
java exfrom the directory where foo.xml, foo.dtd, and foo.xsl are, you'll get the error:
Element 'xsl:stylesheet' used but not declared.The following code illustrates the way to avoid the error, by setting validation mode to false before trying to parse the stylesheet:
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
public class ex {
public static void main(String[] a) throws Throwable {
DOMParser d = new DOMParser();
d.parseDTD(new FileReader("foo.dtd"),"foo");
d.parse(new FileReader("foo.xml"));
// Set the validation mode to false before using
// the same instance of a DOMParser to parse the stylesheet.
d.parse(new FileReader("foo.xsl"));
XMLDocument doc = (XMLDocument)d.getDocument();

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    The error is in item 7: Returns -1 (SHOULD BE the same PositorId value returned in #2); but no error message is returned or thrown from SSIS.
    The error message indicated referential integrity is not upheld when inserting records. This error message occurs AFTER the Execute SQL Task successfully completes; the E.SQL Task returns -1.  The executed SQL code will not allow values less than 0
    ([PO_PositorId] INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(0, 1),)
    [Platts Valid [41]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E2F.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0"  Hresult: 0x80040E2F  Description: "The statement has been terminated.".
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0"  Hresult: 0x80040E2F  Description:
    "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__PricingPlatts_Posit_PositorId". The conflict occurred in database "Pricing", table "posit.PO_Positor", column 'PO_PositorId'.".
    The aforementioned FOREIGN KEY constraint is due to the value being returned by the Execute SQL Task.; therefore, the error lies in the value returned by the Execute SQL Task.

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    When I multily decimal values it give unexpected values.
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    System.out.println(nf.format(9.345* 100)) ;
    System.out.println(nf.format(9.445* 100)) ;

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    can you remove this from WSDL  <wsdl:definitions> tag.
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    lv_amount = 1215.40
    lv_currency = u2018JPYu2019.
    write   lv_amount   to   ev_amount_ext    left-justified    no-gap   NO-GROUPING   currency lv_currency.
    Value wrongly gets as ev_amount_ext = 121540 (Decimal takes as full value)
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    Many Thanks

      use like this
      lv_amount = '1215.40'
    lv_currency = u2018JPYu2019.
    write lv_amount to ev_amount_ext left-justified no-gap NO-GROUPING currency lv_currency.
    other wise.
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    To make the service return "whatever is passed", you have to take a step back and realize that there is a little understanding of XML Schema required.
    When using a complexType, which is defined as a sequence, then you are implying an ordered sequence of elements. Default value for the 'minOccurs' attribute is 1. It's also important to understand that there is a difference between minOccurs=0 and nillable="true".
    nillable="true" just means that the name element can carry a null value. If you want the name element to be optional, then you must use the minOccurs=0 and keep the maxOccurs to it's default value of 1. Using an array is just a bad work around. This is for deserialization (XML to JAVA).
    The second part of you problem is on the serialization (or JAVA to XML). When you have a JAVA Bean, there is no way to make the difference between a member's value being null or not set, so it's impossible to decide if you need to send back a nul (xsi:nil="true"), an empty element <ns1:name/> or nothing.
    That said, if you do want to go the XML route, you can use the dataBinding="false" flag in the different WSA command. Instead of converting XML into JAVA, you will have SOAPElement parameters, where you can do all you want (see WS user's guide [1] for details - chapter 16). Note that you have to make sure that the WSDL (your contract) reflect what you are doing on the wire (format of your messages), so that you do not geopardize your interoperability with other toolkit.
    Note that this only applies to literal message formats (use attribute in WSDL), which is your case.
    Hope this helps,
    [1] http://download-west.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/ias/preview/web.1013/b14434.pdf

  • Zero phase filter returns unexpected values

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    The filter returns some values like this:
    In this diagram, the green curve is the signal, which has been filtered using the zero phase filter.
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    it was a good idea to post that snippet - but it would be best if we had your data too.
    Could save your inputs as default data and post the vi (don't know if snippets retain default values)?

  • Wo ist der Fehler? : Unexpected Value in einem Switch-Script

    (ich benutze Adobe Acrobat 11 prof mit Windows 7 prof. -Umgebung) 
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    Ich möchte in einem "Ernährungs-PDF-Bilderbuch" Wissen abfragen. Mit einem Script, das in einem anderen Formular bereits funktionierte, hänge ich jetzt und komme nicht weiter.
    Jede Seite hat 4 Optionsfelder und 1 Textfeld. Bsp: die Gruppe: "Blumenkohl" mit - verschiedenen Kohlehydratmengen (0-3 KE als Optionsfeldauswahl).
    Das Script steht in dem zugehörigen Textfeld ("Blumenkohl-KH") in einem benutzerdefinierten Berechnungsscript.
    Format: "Keine":
    Das Script lautet:
    var cSelection = this.getField("Blumenkohl").value;
    switch (cSelection)
       case "0":
         event.value = "Richtig! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "1":
         event.value = " 1 KE ist falsch! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "2":
         event.value = "2  KE ist falsch! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "3":
         event.value = "3 KE ist falsch! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "Off":
         event.value = "Keine Antwort: Fehler! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
         // This option should never be called since
         // all possible cased are handled
         event.value = "Unexpected Value: " + cSelection;
    Nach dem Reset erhalte ich erwartungsgemäß die Auswertung: Keine Antwort: Fehler! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE!
    Ich kann alle Optionsfelder anklicken, aber ich erhalte in dem Textfeld immer die Auswertung. "Unexpected Value: " mit dem zugehörigen "cSelection"-Wert.
    zuvor kamen Fehlermeldungen, wie:
    ReferenceError: SetFieldValues is not defined
    SetFieldValues is not defined
    nachdem ich ein Leerzeichen zwischen switch und (cSelection) eingefügt habe, kommen jetzt gar keine Fehlermeldungen mehr. Dennoch bleibt die Fehlausgabe "Unexpected Value: ...", ohne dass ich den Grund für das Nichtfunktionieren erkennen kann.
    Danke für die Rückmeldungen.

    Danke für die Antwort - aber es funktioniert auch dann nicht.
    Es sieht dann so aus:
    //-----------------Bearbeiten Sie nicht die XML-Tags--------------------
    /*********** gehört zu: AcroForm:Blumenkohl-KH:Calculate ***********/
    var cSelection = this.getField("Blumenkohl").value;
    switch (cSelection)
       case "0":
         event.value = "Richtig! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "1":
         event.value = " 1 KE ist falsch! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "2":
         event.value = "2  KE ist falsch! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "3":
         event.value = "3 KE ist falsch! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
       case "Off":
         event.value = "Keine Antwort: Fehler! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE ";
    Es bleibt jetzt an der letzten Antwort hängen: "Keine Antwort: Fehler! Blumenkohl hat 0 KE" -
    Wenn ich auch die Zeilen von case "off" entferne, also nur case "0" bis "3" stehen lasse, dann erscheint gar kein Text mehr.
    Habe ich vielleicht bei der Formatierung des Textfeldes einen Bug?
    Danke für die Tips!

  • ValueEx versus Value (Matrix UserDataSource)

    If I add a new line to a Matrix and clear the value of a number column using :
    dsQuantity.ValueEx = "";
    I receive this error
    Data Source - Invalid field value  [66000-19]
    However, I can successfully clear the column's cell using the method of Value (Deprecated in UI API 2004):
    dsQuantity.Value = "";
    Any idea how I can clear the cell of any text when the data source is set as dt_LONG_NUMBER ?
    Pat Read

    Hi Patrick,
    Those are properties of the UserDataSource object, not the Matrix or Column objects.
    What UI API are you referencing in your project?
    Any idea how I can clear the cell of any text when the data source is set as dt_LONG_NUMBER ?
    Just put the value 0 in the UserDataSource and change the EditText control's SuppressZeros property to True.
    oForm.DataSources.UserDataSource.Item("dsQuantity").ValueEx = "0"
    oForm.Items.Item("Quantity").Specifiec.d.SuppressZeros = True
    Vítor Vieira

  • Update Value Matrix

    Hi a need a help
    I have a matrix and want a update a value of one cell.
    I Try this:
    oColumn = oColumns.Add("Col", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT);
    oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Cód. Mun. SAP";
    oColumn.Width = 40;
    oColumn.Editable = true;
    oColumn.DataBind.SetBound(true, "@Table", "U_Col");
    oDBDataSource = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@Table");
    oDBDataSource.SetValue("U_Col", 10, NewValue);
    The new value is show in Matrix but when click in update the new value not update.

    Hi Dear,
    Please try this..
    oColumn = oColumns.Add("Col", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT);
    oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Cód. Mun. SAP";
    oColumn.Width = 40;
    oColumn.Editable = true;
    oColumn.DataBind.SetBound(true, "@Table", "U_Col");
    oDBDataSource = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@Table");
    oDBDataSource.SetValue("U_Col", 10, NewValue);
    Hope this will help you..
    lg Mahendra

  • Unexpected values at the moment to receive serial data

    I've been a time trying to fix this and looking for forums but unfortunately I can't figure out how to solve it. I hope you can help me a bit.
    I am working in a project which I have to send some information via ZigBee technology throught the serial port to my computer where there is another ZigBee module connected by serial port to LabView.
    The point is that I am able to receive all the data well if I take some long delays and I really need to decrease my delays.
    With low delays I receive zero values or even some values really out of range even when in some test I am just sending some fix values to debug it.
    I think that it's a problem of synchronization but I don't know how to fix it.
    PS: The reason cause I put a switch case even when the programm has to go out of the while when the Bytes at Port are zero, is cause i realise it doesn't. Just a way to be redundant in my goal.
    I attached you the .vi file and a picture where it can be seen my problem (it's suppose to receive always some value around -1).
    Thanks a lot for advance.
    Untitled 2.vi ‏25 KB
    chart.png ‏11 KB

    Can you provide an example of expected data.
    How to you determine the start or end of a data transmission?
    It appears as though you are expecting to receive floating point numbers as a strings but you have no way of sychronizing to the start or end of a value.
    CLDEach snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty. - Stanislaw J. Lec
    I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work - Thomas Edison
    Beware of the man who won't be bothered with details. - William Feather
    The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none. - Thomas Carlyle

  • Parser - "Unexpected value" error

    Hi all,
    I have a file to ABAP proxy scenario. The file is an XML file. In SXMB_MONI, I am getting the following error at "Call Adapter" step -
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <!--  Call Adapter  -->
    <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>XML tag Main/@versionMajor has incorrect value 002; expected value is 003</SAP:Stack>
    I verified that the source XML file has the value 003 for versionMajor attribute. So Header section of the message also shows the value 003.
    Does anyone know what might be the reason for this ?

    Main/@versionMajor is XI message protocol version. Example: For the XI 3.0 message protocol VERSION_MAJOR = 3 and VERSION_MINOR = 0.
    So try to pass these message header fields during a mapping.
    When you think, the message tries to call an inbound proxy in XI, you should check SXMB_ADM if the system is maintained as XI and not as application system.
    Edited by: Swarup Sawant on May 26, 2008 10:36 AM

  • On 64bit iOS 8.1 simulator, Why BOOL type function return a unexpected value?

    Code example:
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    @interface func : NSObject
    + (id)instance;
    #import "func.h"
    @implementation func
    + (id)instance
         static func *obj = nil;
         if (obj == nil) {
              obj = [func new];
         return obj;
    - (BOOL)test
         return YES;
    I created a new class "func" in project as above shown, set the project compile scheme to "release" mode.
    I found that if I call  [func test] method from another class, its return value is not "1" on iPhone6 simulator, it is a random value. Why?
    PS: I can not find this problem on iPhone6 device, it seems only happen on 64 bit simulator. Why?

    Your main problem as etresoft points out, is that your trying to use -test as a class method, you'll need to declare it as:
    +test { ... }
    for this to work. -test and +test are two different kinds of methods, -test needs a instance of 'func' to work:
    func *f = [[func alloc] init]; // create instance f of func
    [f test]; // calls -test, -test can use f as self
    while +test needs a class (name):
    [func test]; // calls +test
    Class methods are mainly used for creating/initiating instances of a class, the +init method is a typical example of this, other uses are are for utility methods that may not really be tied to a specific object (class instance). Also note that a class method doesn't have access to self as it wasn't called on an object, so data will need to be passed in via parameters or by using global variables.
    dispatch_once() is the recommended way to do singletons, although the above will typically work assuming that its not accessed by multiple threads, e.g. is only used on the main thread.
    This page http://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/bools-sharp-corners/ appears to relate to etrsofts dislike for BOOL (the standard boolean type of Objective-C) and his preference for bool (the C++ variant), but as the page mentions: "Update October 2013 - On 64-bit iOS (device and simulator) BOOL is now actually bool, so the sharp corners have thankfully gone away for that platform. For everything else, though…"

  • Cycle average and RMS VI outputting unexpected value.

    I have an application that performs FFT analysis on an AC voltage singnal. As part of the whole setup, I've also included the Cycle average and RMS vi. When I've run the whole program, I've found out that the RMS value indicated is less than the highest magnitude component from the FFT analysis!(Which is incorrect). In addition I've found that the sub-vi, ma_ptmFetch.vi, within the cycle average and RMS VI, is returning an error(-20312), which says input waveform size is zero.
    Can anyone help, with this problem?

    two general observations
    1) the differences in the RMS value an the highest magnitude in the FFT may be due to scaling, 0 to peak vs RMS in the FFT
    2) the cycle average VI is a good one to use, however the default percentage of full scale numbers are very tight. These determine how many true cycles you have in your data, and may be filtering out cycles, giving you the waveform size of 0. Try lowering the limits to 70 for the high side, and 30 for the low side, rather than 90 and 10 which are the defaults.
    What are you trying to learn from the AC voltage? Are you performing some sort of power quality test?
    Hope this helps,
    Preston Johnson
    Preston Johnson
    Principal Sales Engineer
    Condition Monitoring Systems
    Vibration Analyst III - www.vibinst.org, www.mobiusinstitute.com
    National Instruments
    [email protected]

  • GR55 getting an unexpected value with x

    Hi Friends,
    When we execute GR55 we are getting value x for some cost elements, instead of actual amount.
    Any thoughts when can we get this kind of strange values.
    Highly appreciate your inputs.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi everybody!
    Just to information: In my case I solved the problem with these steps:
    1. In RPC0 tcode - option in frame "report currency";
    2. set the Report currency with the option "OBJECT CURRENCY";
    3. save and rerun the report;
    For me, it´s solved!

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