Unusual use of interface defining static factory class with getInstance

This question is prompted by a recent New to Java forum question ask about the differences between Interfaces and Abstract classes. Of course one of the standard things mentioned is that interfaces cannot actually implement a method.
One of my past clients, one of the 500 group, uses interfaces as class factories. The interface defines a pubic static class with a public static method, getInstance, that is called to generate instances of a class that implements the interface.
This architecture was very object-oriented, made good use of polymorphism and worked very well. But I haven't seen this architecture used anywhere else and it seemed a little convoluted.
Here is a 'pseudo' version of the basic interface template and use
-- interface that defines public static factory class and getInstance method
public interface abc {
    public static class FactoryClass
        public static abc getInstance ()
            return (abc) FactoryGenerator(new abcImpl(), abc.class);
-- call of interface factory to create an instance
abc myABC = abc.Factory.getInstance();1. Each main functional area ('abc' in the above) has its own interface factory
2. Each main functional area has its own implementation class for that interface
3. There is one generator (FactoryGenerator) that uses the interface class ('abc.class') to determine which implementation class to instantiate and return. The generator class can be configured at startup to control the actual class to return for any given interface.
I should mention that the people that designed this entire architecture were not novices. They wrote some very sophisticated multi-threaded code that rarely had problems, was high performance and was easy to extend to add new functionality (interfaces and implementing classes) - pretty much plug-n-play with few, if any, side-effects that affected existing modules.
Is this a best-practices method of designing factory classes and methods? Please provide any comments about the use of an architecture like this.

Thanks for the feedback.
I don't see how 'the generator class can be configured at startup to control the actual class to return for any given interface' can possibly be true given this pseudo-code.
I can see why that isn't clear just from what is posted.
The way it was explained to me at the time is that the interface uses standard naming conventions and acts like a template to make it easy to clone for new modules: just change 'abc' to 'def' in three places and write a new 'defImpl' class that extends the interface and the new interface and class can just 'plug in' to the framework.
The new 'defImpl' class established the baseline functionality that must be supported. This line
return (abc) FactoryGenerator(new abcImpl(), abc.class);uses the initial version of the new class that was defined, 'abcImpl()', when calling the FactoryGenerator and it acted as a 'minimum version supported'. The generator class could use configuration information, if provided, to provide a newer class version that would extend this default class. Their reasoning was that this allowed the framework to use multiple versions of the class as needed when bugs got fixed or new functionality was introduced.
So the initial objects would be an interface 'abc' and a class 'abcImpl'. Then the next version (bug fixes or enhancements) would be introduced by creating a new class, perhaps 'abcImpl_version2'. A configuration parameter could be passed giving 'abcImpl' as the base class to expect in the FactoryGenerator call and the generator would actually create an instance of 'abcImpl_version2' or any other class that extended 'abcImpl'.
It certainly go the job done. You could use multiple versions of the class for different environments as you worked new functionality from DEV, TEST, QA and PRODUCTION environments without changing the basic framework.
I've never seen any Java 'pattern' that looks like that or any pattern where an interface contained a class. It seemed really convoluted to me and seems like the 'versioning' aspect of it could have been accomplished in a more straightforward manner.
Thanks for the feedback. If you wouldn't mind expanding a bit on one comment you made then I will mark this ANSWERED and put it to rest.
I don't mind interfaces containing classes per se when necessary
I have never seen this except at this one site. Would you relate any info about where you have seen or used this or when it might be necessary?

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         at $Proxy0.findAllUsers(Unknown Source)
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            public void p()
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                public void p(){System.out.println("inside interface's  static member class");
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            public  class inner{
            public void p()
                System.out.println("inside interface's non static member class");
    public class Client {                                           // (11)
        public static void main(String[] args) {                    // (12)
        outer.inner nonStatic = new outer.inner();
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            public  class inner{
            public void p()
                System.out.println("inside interface's non static member class");
    public class Client {                                           // (11)
        public static void main(String[] args) {                    // (12)
        outer.inner nonStatic = new outer.inner();
    }on compiling the above code why compilation error is not coming??????????
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    The second is having no base class, and just a bunch of Commands implementing the interface with their own static fields. I would initialize these fields by passing arguments to their constructors.
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    And when is this information cleared??
    Can you give me some hints?
    Thank you very much!
    Kind regards

    Both ABAP and SAP memory are user specific. In your case if the issue would concern just one user you should go for SAP memory (when data should be exchanged between external sessions that is windows of SAP gui) or ABAP memory when data exchanged within one external session (between internal sessions - that is between programs run in one GUI session ).
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    Why do we use Factory classes such BorderFactory, to
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    regular concrete classesFactory methods (I mean static create methods here) have two advantages.
    First, the library designer doesn't have to expose concrete classes to the outside world, just interfaces. This adds flexibility.
    Second, the library designer is free to make object creations more flexible. The create method may take parameters that doesn't exactly correspond to a constructor of one specific class.

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    It depends. You might want to create an interface even if you only have a single implementation of that interface in mind, because you want to make it easy to create more implemenations later.
    Also keep in mind that not all implementations of an interface are strictly for production use. For example, you might want to define an interface, define an implementation of that interface for production use, but then also define a "mock" version of that interface for testing, prototyping, etc.
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  • Factory class and static members

    I don't understand very well why sometimes you can find a factory class (for example for the xml parsers). What's its aim?
    And why sometuimes, instead of a constructor, some classes have only static methods that returns a reference to that object?
    Anyone can tell me?

    Static memebers can be used in places where instances of its enclosing class is not neccesary.Only a method is required to be executed. Let me tell you with an example,
    class ConnectionPool {
    public static giveConnection(int index) {
    In the above example, our objective is to use only the method public static giveConnection(int index) {} , and not any of the other attributes of this class. You have 2 ways to use this method : One is, you can instantiate ConnectionPool p = new ConnectionPool(); . Second is , just use ConnectionPool.giveConnection(2);
    The first solution may create instance and obstruct your performance. Seond one does not do that. All invokers of this method do not instantiate and occupy space.
    Usually, factory classes have static members. Because these classes are used as a supporting processing factory. Theses members can be considered as utility methods. Hence static property will better suit for them. This answer will also tell you that the use of constructors here is not neccessary.
    Hope this has helped you.

  • When  we going to use static inner class

    when we r going use static inner class
    inner classes use for to create adaptorclasses that implement an interface.
    what about Static inner class
    if possible give some examples
    Thanks in adv

    static inner classes are used when the inner class does not require to access the encompassing class's variables/methods. By default non-static inner classes obtain a reference to the outer class instance through which they access the outer class variables and methods

  • SessionBean class can be defined static?

    Can we define session bean class 'static'.In the EJB specification I cannot find any limitation on not defining a session bean class as static.

    Without more info of the other bits of your system
    then it's hard to say what's best.
    How are you accessing your database? Are you using
    Entity Beans? CMP?
    If so, you should use a session bean to help with
    transactions.The current design is that for each list, I'm using a Stateful Session bean that contains a Vector of CMP EJB references. This list is what I would prefer to not have each session recreate as some of the lists contain hundreds of items (EJB's). It would be desirable in terms of memory and performance to create these Session beans intitially and have every session continue to reference them without having to recreating for each session.
    But even so, if the application-level non EJB class representing the list contained EJB references, what happens when the session they were initially created under goes away? Will the container still hold a reference to these objects?
    Like I said, I can make all these list objects and the objects they reference static application-level standard beans and create them only the first time they are referenced, but that circumvents using the container and EJB's for this part of the architecture.

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    In a recent interview I was asked "When to use interface and when Abstract Class?" Explain with an example.
    Also in what situations a class should be made final(real time example)

    Interface is a pure contract with no implementation. Typically used to define a communication contract between two different sub-systems. Example EJB home interface. This also allows the design to change as long as the contract is met.
    Abstract class is when there exists a lot of common functionality already known and can be coded. However, a few unknowns exists (typically about data) for which abstract methods need to be defined and implemented by the sub class.
    Example: Consider a workflow engine. A great example for abstract class. The workflow process has lot of common code that is independent of the workflow type (vendor flow, contract flow, payment flow etc). However, certain decisions on the route to take will depend on value of data being submitted. So the base class will define a abstract Data getData() method and proceed assuming data will come. The implementing subclass will provide the actual logic for getting the data.
    Also see the "Template" design pattern.
    Note: To some extent the common code design drives the behavior of the abstract methods. So if the design changes then so "might" the behavior expected from the abstract methods.

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    not sure what implication is, due to my poor vocabulary. But here's an uuh... "example" of a static inner class:
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         static class AnotherClass {
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         Example.AnotherClass ac = new Example.AnotherClass();
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