Update part of the string

please, I have million of records and I need to replace LAST THREE characters, regardless of what they are,  in column that is always of the same length e.g.,1234abc need to be:
i.e., to keep first four characters!

  If your column data type is of datatype varchar(max) or nvarchar(max)
  you can use the WRITE clause in the UPDATE statment
DROP TABLE tblupdatewrite
CREATE TABLE tblupdatewrite
INSERT INTO tblupdatewrite
SELECT '12345abc'
UPDATE tblupdatewrite
SET C1.WRITE('000',LEN(C1)-3,3)
SELECT * FROM tblupdatewrite
Best Regards Sorna

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    Hans, Rosenboll, 59,6 years.

    The main problem here is you have only last two digits of year. That could be the problem in a couple of years from now, when somebody born after 2k would get in to your database. For now if we ignore this problem the right solution would be :
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    Best regards.

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    Additionally you can break it all up simply with regular expressions..
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select 'C:\USERS\marypoppins\Docs\Specification' as txt from dual)
      2  -- END OF TEST DATA
      3  select rownum, regexp_substr(txt, '[^\]+',1,rownum) as element
      4  from t
      5* connect by rownum <= length(regexp_replace(txt,'[^\]'))+1
    SQL> /
             1 C:
             2 USERS
             3 marypoppins
             4 Docs
             5 Specification

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    xtender wrote:
    You can use my package xt_regexp - http://github.com/xtender/XT_REGEXP
    To install execute in this order:     types.sql,     xt_regexp.jsp,     xt_regexp.pck
    with t as (
    select 'ID_A,ID_B,ID_C,' str from dual
    union all
    select 'ID_A,ID_B,ID_C,ID_D' str from dual
    row_number() over (partition by t.str order by t.str) substr_number,
    substring.column_value substring
    from t,
    table(xt_regexp.split(t.str,',')) substring
    That's nice, but you may want to benchmark that against an approach that doesn't make a bunch of external calls (for performance)...
    with t as
      select 1 as id,'ID_A,ID_B,ID_C' str from dual
        union all
      select 2 as id, 'ID_A,ID_B,ID_C,ID_D' str from dual
      regexp_substr (t.str, '[^,]+', 1, s.column_value) as split
      table( cast (multiset (select level from dual connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(t.str, '[^,]+'))  + 1) as sys.odcinumberlist)) s
         ID STR                 SPLIT
          1 ID_A,ID_B,ID_C      ID_A
          1 ID_A,ID_B,ID_C      ID_B
          1 ID_A,ID_B,ID_C      ID_C
          2 ID_A,ID_B,ID_C,ID_D ID_A
          2 ID_A,ID_B,ID_C,ID_D ID_B
          2 ID_A,ID_B,ID_C,ID_D ID_C
          2 ID_A,ID_B,ID_C,ID_D ID_D
    7 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
    TUBBY_TUBBZ?For example.

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    You can have the 'substring' column displayed to the user, but have another column which shows the full text lets say it has an ALIAS of "*SEARCH_LARGE_TEXT*" in the report definition(and is among the displayed columns).
    You can hide the large text column(SEARCH_LARGE_TEXT) using JS as
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    You can make sure that the column stays hidden even after an IR filter or refresh by binding it to the refresh event of the IR by
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    change the string "SEARCH_LARGE_TEXT" with your column's alias
    Hope it helps

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    xsl:value-of select="concat('A.B.N. ',$vABNNameValue)"/
    this is the part of the xsl i am trying to change the above statement in .
    :for-each select="/ORDERS02/IDOC/E1EDKA1" >
                                        <xsl:if test="PARVW = 'LF' ">
                                                <xsl:variable name= "vABNNameValue">
                                                     <xsl:value-of select="''" />
                                                     <xsl:for-each select="E1EDKA3" >
                                                        < xsl:if test="QUALP = 'ABN' ">
                                                            <xsl:if test="STDPN != ''">
                                                                 <xsl:value-of select= "STDPN"/>
                                                     <xsl:when test= "$vABNNameValue != ''">
                                                        < !xsl:value-of select="concat('A.B.N. ',$vABNNameValue)"/-!>
                                                        <xsl:value-of select="concat(' A.B.N. ',$vABNNameValue)"/>
                                                        <!<xsl:value-of select="$vABNvalue"/>>
                                                    </xsl:when >
                                                    <xsl:otherwise >
                                                        <!-- OVSD Call 324728 End -- >
                                                        < xsl:variable name="Name3Test">
                                                            <xsl:call-template name="Template_GetE1EDKA1Name3">
                                                                 <xsl:with-param name= "TestValue">LF</xsl:with-param >
                                                            < /xsl:call-template>
                                                        < /xsl:variable>
                                                        < xsl:if test="$Name3Test != ''" >
                                                            <xsl:value-of select="$Name3Test"/ >
                                                        </xsl:if >
                                                        <!-- OVSD Call 324728 Begin -- >
                                                    < /xsl:otherwise>
                                                < /xsl:choose>
                                            < /Name3>
                                        < /xsl:if>
                                    < /xsl:for-eac
    please advice its so urgent i have a production issue
    i know there is a function substring

    Have a look at this
    i guess this might be useful to you :
    <b>replace(string,pattern,replace)       </b>
    Returns a string that is created by replacing the given pattern with the replace argument
    Example: replace("Bella Italia", "l", "")
    Result: 'Bea Itaia'
    in your case
    I think it would work. try this....
    PS: award points if answer helps you.

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    Hi Mayank
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    My problem is String contains data is
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    Here i am using String.replaceAll("artist2","");
    its deleting whole data in a string, can any one please help me how to delete particular part of the string. Here artist and title are unique and no are reapeated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Hey I had the same problem like you yesterday.
    I tried using regEx with positiv lookahead but noticed that there was a problem when the String went over multiple lines. There is probably some solution to it that i havent found yet.
    So what I did was get the Index of the first text I wanted deleted(in your case I guess "artist2"). Then got the Index of the end of the deletion point(In your case the "2"?) and then formed a new String with the substring from the orginal one and the indexes of the two deletion points.
    Sounds kinda dirty but it did work out. Anyway I'll dig myself into regular expressions more today because if you get them to work, they're a charm :)

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    Thanks Mike for replying
    But the thing is; I want to perform a computation process on the list manager values to trim off the first part of the string. I have the dynamic lov for list manager. But when I insert/update list manager item values I don't want the first part of string in the database.
    Please help with the function. i was trying the below function but it doesn't work; errors out saying
    ORA-06550: line 16, column 14: PLS-00597: expression 'V_ARRAY_1' in the INTO list is of wrong type ORA-06550: line 17, column 9: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier ORA-06550: line 15, column 7: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
       v_array          apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
       v_array_1         apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
       v_string         VARCHAR2 (32767);
       -- Convert delimited string to array
       v_array :=
           string_to_table (:P3_LM_USES);
       FOR i IN 1 .. v_array.COUNT
          SELECT LTRIM (SUBSTR (v_array (i), INSTR (v_array (i), '..') + 2))
            INTO v_array_1
            FROM DUAL;
    v_string := HTMLDB_UTIL.table_to_string(v_array_1,':');
    apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_print_success_message || v_string;
             END LOOP;
    RETURN (v_string);

  • Delete part of a string question

    Hello I have this String 12a
    I need to get a the value 12 of it an make it an int
    But the problem is that I don't know what the string is it can be
    or 12 a
    or 12a
    It is for people to fill in there house address and this is the number part.
    The string is like this String number ="\"12a\"";
    Is it possible to look for a letter in a String and delete it if you only want ints???

    Try this on the command line. Dealing with java.lang.NumberFormatException in cases where the number is too large is left as an exercise.
    import java.util.regex.*;
    * demonstrates use of <code>java.util.regex</code> to check if a
    * string starts with digits.
    public class bla {
       * thrown by {@link #getNumber} if the given string does not start
       * with digits.
      private static class BoomBoom extends Exception {
        public BoomBoom(String msg) {super(msg);}
       * reusable pattern to check for digits.
      private static Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+");
       * convert leading digits of the parameter to an <code>int</code>
       * and return it.
       * @throws BoomBoom if the parameter does not start with digits.
      public static int getNumber(String s) throws BoomBoom {
        Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
        if( !m.lookingAt() ) {
          throw new BoomBoom("The string `"+s+"' does not start with "
                    +"a positive number.");
        return Integer.parseInt(m.group(0));
      // don't clutter the javadoc
      private bla() {}
       * passes each command line argument through {@link #getNumber} and
       * prints the output or error to <code>System.out</code> or
       * <code>System.err</code> respectively.
      public static void main(String[] argv) {
        for(int i=0; i<argv.length; i++) {
          try {
         System.out.println("Your string `"+argv[i]
                      +"' starts with number "
    } catch( BoomBoom e ) {

  • How to replace part of a String with another String :s ?

    Got a String
    " Team_1/Team_2/Team_3/ "
    And I want to be able to rename part of the string (they are seperated by '/'), for example I want to rename "Team_3" to "Team C", and "Team_1" to "Team A" while retaining the '/' character how would I do this?
    I have tried using String.replace(oldValue, newValue); but this doesnt work, any ideas?

    What do you mean that it doesn't work? You do know that the method returns the modified string? The actual string that you invoke the method on is not altered.

  • CS3: grep search to replace part of a string

    Can I do a grep search for a string of text but only replace a portion of the string while leaving the remainder intact?
    iMac G5, OS 10.5.5

    In addition to Eric:
    Find "some search string", Replace "some replacement string " also replaces part of the string, not touching anything...
    But the GREP search has two advantages: First, if you define formatting in the Replace field (italics, superscript, a character style), only the 'search'/'replacement' part will be affected, rather than the entire found string (as in regular search).
    The second big advantage is you can use any regular GREP single character wildcard in the 'left' and 'right' (matching-but-not-marking) parts. A few useful examples: '\d' (digit), '\l' and '\u' (lowercase and uppercase), '.' (any character), or even '[a-f]' (lowercase 'a' to 'f'). The only limitation is that you cannot use the once, zero-or-more, or once-or-more modifiers -- the strings must have a fixed length. FYI, those three modifiers are, respectively, ?, *, and +.
    This restriction does not apply to the 'middle' string, the one you are going to replace anyway -- use whatever GREP you want.

  • Grep to replace only part of the found text

    I'm using ^.+~> to search the begging of a paragraph up to an EN space, but is it possible with GREP to format just PART of the string found?
    There are roman numerals that precede a period and an EN space and I want to apply formatting to just the roman numerals, leaving the period and EN space alone.
    I did found one post that mentions using "some" but I'm not familiar enough with GREP to know how it works.
    Can anyone commend a good source for GREP coding?

    Try this:
    I just changed your original code to use the period and en-space as a positive lookahead -- it'll only find characters at the beginning of the line if they're followed by a period and an en-space, but will not include them as part of the found text.
    If these items all have the same paragraph style applied to them and that style isn't used anywhere that you wouldn't want the formatting, I'd also consider setting this up as a GREP style. You could also do it as a nested style applying your character style up to (.~>). (Don't include the parantheses - I was just trying to make it clear what the expression to use is.) 
    Hope that helps.

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