Upload and Attach file to Service Notificacion through Web Dynpro

I need to upload and attach a file (Word, PDF, TXT ...) to Service Notificacion (TX - IW53) through Web Dynpro.
I have used the integration component "File Upload" to obtain the "fileName" atribute. Also, I have used the functions SO_OBJECT_UPLOAD, SO_INSERT_OBJECT and BINARY_RELATION_CREATE_COMMIT.
But have a problem, because the function SO_OBJECT_UPLOAD use the class "cl _ gui _ frontend _ services" and that clash with Web Dynpro.
My question is: how could I resolve that problem?
I look forward to your response.

IV_NAME     Importing     Type     STRING
IV_CONTENT     Importing     Type     STRING
IV_CONTENT_HEX     Importing     Type     XSTRING
IS_LPORB     Importing     Type     SIBFLPORB
IV_OBJTP     Importing     Type     SO_OBJ_TP
RT_MESSAGES     Returning     Type     BAPIRETTAB
method save.
  data ls_message type bapiret2.
    filename     type string,
    filefullname type string,
    mime_type    type string,
    size         type i,
    offset type i,
    offset_old type i,
    temp_len type i,
    objname type string,
    l_obj_type type so_obj_tp,
    hex_null type x length 1 value '20',
    l_document_title type so_text255,
    file_ext type string,
    lt_objcont type standard table of  solisti1 initial size 6,
    objcont like line of lt_objcont,
    lt_ls_doc_change type standard table of sodocchgi1,
    ls_doc_change like line of lt_ls_doc_change,
    lt_data type soli_tab,
    ls_data type soli,
    lt_xdata type solix_tab,
    ls_xdata type solix,
    l_folder_id type sofdk,
    ls_object_id type soodk,
    l_object_id_fol type so_obj_id,
    l_object_id type so_obj_id,
   l_doc_info TYPE sofolenti1,
    l_object_hd_change type sood1,
    l_tab_size type int4,
    l_retype type breltyp-reltype,
    lt_urltab  type standard table of sood-objdes.
get foler
l_folder_id = 'FOL29000000000004'.
  call function 'SO_FOLDER_ROOT_ID_GET'
     owner                            = sy-uname
      region                           = 'B'
      folder_id                        = l_folder_id
     path_table                       =
  if iv_objtp = gc_type_file.
    size = xstrlen( iv_content_hex ).
get file name and extension
    call method split_path
        iv_path           = iv_name
     E_PATH           =
       ev_filename       = filename
     E_PSERVER        =
    call method split_file_extension
        iv_filename_with_ext = filename
        ev_filename          = objname
        ev_extension         = file_ext.
    ls_doc_change-obj_name = objname.
    ls_doc_change-obj_descr = objname.
    ls_doc_change-obj_langu = sy-langu.
    ls_doc_change-sensitivty = 'F'.
    ls_doc_change-doc_size = size.
    offset = 0.
    while offset <= size.
      offset_old = offset.
      offset = offset + 255.
      if offset > size.
        temp_len = xstrlen( iv_content_hex+offset_old ).
        clear ls_xdata-line with hex_null in byte mode.
        ls_xdata-line = iv_content_hex+offset_old(temp_len).
        ls_xdata-line = iv_content_hex+offset_old(255).
      append ls_xdata to lt_xdata.
set object type relation type and other header info
    l_retype = 'ATTA'.
    l_obj_type = 'EXT'.
    l_object_hd_change-objnam = ls_doc_change-obj_name.
    l_object_hd_change-objdes = ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
    l_object_hd_change-objsns = ls_doc_change-sensitivty.
    l_object_hd_change-objla  = ls_doc_change-obj_langu.
    l_object_hd_change-objlen = ls_doc_change-doc_size.
    l_object_hd_change-file_ext = file_ext.
  prepare header
    data lt_obj_header type standard table of solisti1.
    data ls_header type solisti1.
    concatenate '&SO_FILENAME=' filename into ls_header.
    append ls_header to lt_obj_header.
    clear ls_header.
    ls_header = '&SO_FORMAT=BIN'.
    append ls_header to lt_obj_header.
change hex data to text data
    call function 'SO_SOLIXTAB_TO_SOLITAB'
        ip_solixtab = lt_xdata
        ep_solitab  = lt_data.
for note
    size = strlen( iv_content ).
    objname = iv_name.
    ls_doc_change-obj_descr = objname.
    ls_doc_change-sensitivty = 'O'.
    ls_doc_change-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
put content into table
    offset = 0.
    if iv_objtp = gc_type_note.
it's a note
      l_retype = 'NOTE'.
      l_obj_type = 'RAW'.
      l_object_hd_change-file_ext = 'TXT'.
read note content into table
      while offset <= size.
        offset_old = offset.
        offset = offset + 255.
        if offset > size.
          temp_len = strlen( iv_content+offset_old ).
          clear ls_data-line.
          ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(temp_len).
          ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(255).
        append ls_data to lt_data.
get title from content , if it's initial
      if objname is initial.
        read table lt_data index 1 into l_document_title.
        while l_document_title+49 <> ' '.
          shift l_document_title right.
        shift l_document_title left deleting leading ' '.
        ls_doc_change-obj_descr = l_document_title.
it's url (not note)
      l_retype = 'URL'.
      l_obj_type = 'URL'.
      if objname is initial.
        split iv_content at '/' into table lt_urltab.
        describe table lt_urltab lines l_tab_size.
        read table lt_urltab index l_tab_size into ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
      while offset <= size.
        offset_old = offset.
        offset = offset + 250.
        if offset > size.
          temp_len = strlen( iv_content+offset_old ).
          clear ls_data-line.
          ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(temp_len).
          ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(250).
        concatenate '&KEY&' ls_data-line into ls_data-line.
        append ls_data to lt_data.
    ls_doc_change-doc_size = size.
   l_object_hd_change-objnam = ls_doc_change-obj_name.
    l_object_hd_change-objdes = ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
    l_object_hd_change-objsns = ls_doc_change-sensitivty.
    l_object_hd_change-objla  = ls_doc_change-obj_langu.
    l_object_hd_change-objlen = ls_doc_change-doc_size.
save object
  call function 'SO_OBJECT_INSERT'
            folder_id                  = l_folder_id
           OBJECT_FL_CHANGE           = OBJECT_FL_CHANGE
            object_hd_change           = l_object_hd_change
            object_type                = l_obj_type
           ORIGINATOR_ID              = OWNER_ID
          OWNER                      = USER-USRNAM
            object_id                  = ls_object_id   "l_doc_info-object_id
            objcont                    = lt_data
            objhead                    = lt_obj_header
           OBJPARA                    = OBJECT_PARA
           OBJPARB                    = OBJECT_PARB
            component_not_available    = 01
            folder_not_exist           = 06
            folder_no_authorization    = 05
            object_type_not_exist      = 17
            operation_no_authorization = 21
            parameter_error            = 23
            others                     = 1000.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 into ls_message-message.
    ls_message-type = sy-msgty.
    ls_message-id = sy-msgid.
    ls_message-number = sy-msgno.
    ls_message-message_v1 = sy-msgv1.
    ls_message-message_v2 = sy-msgv2.
    ls_message-message_v3 = sy-msgv3.
    ls_message-message_v4 = sy-msgv4.
    append ls_message to rt_messages.
create relation
  data l_obj_rolea type borident.
  data l_obj_roleb type borident.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING wd_this->ms_lporb to l_obj_rolea.
  l_obj_rolea-objkey = is_lporb-instid.
  l_obj_rolea-objtype = is_lporb-typeid.
  l_obj_rolea-logsys = is_lporb-catid.
  l_object_id_fol  = l_folder_id.
  l_object_id = ls_object_id.
  concatenate l_object_id_fol l_object_id into l_obj_roleb-objkey respecting blanks.
  l_obj_roleb-objtype = 'MESSAGE'.
  clear l_obj_roleb-logsys.
  call function 'BINARY_RELATION_CREATE'
      obj_rolea    = l_obj_rolea
      obj_roleb    = l_obj_roleb
      relationtype = l_retype
      others       = 1.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    commit work and wait.
   wd_this->MV_UPDATE_FLAG = 'X'.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 into ls_message-message.
    ls_message-type = sy-msgty.
    ls_message-id = sy-msgid.
    ls_message-number = sy-msgno.
    ls_message-message_v1 = sy-msgv1.
    ls_message-message_v2 = sy-msgv2.
    ls_message-message_v3 = sy-msgv3.
    ls_message-message_v4 = sy-msgv4.
    append ls_message to rt_messages.
Edited by: Reyleene Hunt on May 26, 2009 10:05 AM

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    Identity Empty string
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    Time 1232465069
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    The idea was for you to look at the code and get an idea of how to access the BLOB in the document table. IF you look at the procedure
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    Refer these links they maybe helpful to you
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    Uploading and Downloading Files In Web Dynpro Tables
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    Can u tell me how to download a file from server, so that the client can get the file. such as click on the link or button, and the pop up windows (save as) appear?
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    Thanks in advance.

    Avishek wrote:
    But i've a requirement to upload and copy files from one directory to another.
    How can i approach?Realize we only know what you post & so far you have posted NOTHING useful.
    How exactly does end user interact with the DB?
    3-tier application?
    What OS name & version for client system?
    Handle:      Avishek
    Email:      [email protected]
    Status Level:      Newbie (5)
    Registered:      Jun 3, 2008
    Total Posts:      68
    Total Questions:      27 (16 unresolved)

  • Upload and Download Files in an Application

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    I do not find the following tables or view:
    HTMLDB_APPLICATION_FILES or wwv_flow_file_objects$.
    which it is my error?

    The documentation was for version 2.2. I could not find a 2.0 version of this howto:
    However, I did find the correct name of the view for my version, HTMLDB_APPLICATION_FILES
    After following the instructions in the above-mentioned "how to" (uploading and downloading files), I am a getting a html 403 error (You are not authorized to view this page) when I try to download from my custom table using the procedure specified in the howto.
    I've granted execute on the procedure to public only (as specified in the doco).
    err nvm. This has already been answered,
    Message was edited by:

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    /Indiana University/Project Sites/SyllabusTest - Success
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    /Indiana University/SP08 Spring Semester/SP08 IN UITS PRAC 14438 - FAIL
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