URGENT! Alive PDF - export PDF file ("my computer" prompt to save the file, not create in browser)

Hi - I'm having issues with my code and I'm not an ActionScript coder by any means. I'm using Flash Builder 4. I've been able to figure out how to export to PNG and to XLS but PDF is really killing me.
Below is my code and it's not causing errors when I do the release build but the my button doesn't work to export to PDF.  I'm trying to create a PNG using the PNGEncoder and then push that out to PDF (when the PDF button is selected). I used some sample code and I've commented out parts that I didn't want to use or didn't seem to apply to my application. Unfortunately, I have a deadline of May 3rd on this and there is no one else in the office here to help me... hope someone out there can.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" height="650" width="850">
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import flash.events.Event;
            import mx.events.DropdownEvent;
            import mx.events.*;
            import mx.graphics.codec.PNGEncoder;
            import org.alivepdf.display.*;
            import org.alivepdf.images.ColorSpace;
            import org.alivepdf.fonts.*;
            import org.alivepdf.layout.*;
            import org.alivepdf.pdf.*;
            import org.alivepdf.saving.*;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            //PDF Export information
            protected var pdf:PDF;
            protected function savePDF(event:MouseEvent): void {
                pdf = new PDF(Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.LETTER);
                var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
                //try {
                pdf.addImageStream(ba, ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, new Resize ( Mode.FIT_TO_PAGE, Position.CENTERED ), 10, 10, 800, 800, 0, 1, "Normal", null);
                //} catch (e:Error) {
                //    trace("Error occurred!");
                //    Alert.show(e,"");
                //myPDF.addImageStream(new jpgBytes() as ByteArray, ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, null, 0, 0, 500, 500, 0, 1, "Normal", null);
                //imageBytes:ByteArray, colorSpace:String, resizeMode:Resize=null, x:Number=0, y:Number=0, width:Number=0, height:Number=0, rotation:Number=0, alpha:Number=1, blendMode:String="Normal", link:ILink=null):
                //pdf.setFont(FontFamily.ARIAL, Style.NORMAL, 12);
                //pdf.addText("Grafico de Rata de Fallas", 100, 40); // title
                //pdf.addImage(imprimirRata, 50, 50, 200, 150); // captured canvas with charts
                //      pdf.addImage(leyendaImprimir, 50, 120, 20,20); // captured leyend of charts
                //pdf.addText("RTP Software. Modulo de Score Card.", 10, 200); // header of the document
                //pdf.addText("Creado: " + new Date(), 180, 200); // Add the created date as a leyend or footer on document
                var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
                fr.save(pdf.save(Method.LOCAL), "nep_piefy11.pdf");
                /*var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
                var file: File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("nep_piefy11.pdf"); // Name of the file
                fs.open(file, FileMode.WRITE);
                //Alert.show("El reporte ha sido generado", "Informacion"); // Confirmation message as a pop-up
            //Pie Chart Creation information
            public var ds:ArrayCollection = sel;
            private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Select NEP') {ds = sel;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program') {ds = nep1;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program') {ds = nep2;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barnegat Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep3;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program') {ds = nep4;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Casco Bay Estuary Partnership') {ds = nep5;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep6;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program') {ds = nep7;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Estuary Program') {ds = nep8;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program') {ds = nep9;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Galveston Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep10;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Indian River Lagoon NEP') {ds = nep11;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Long Island Sound Study') {ds = nep12;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Lower Columbia River Estuary') {ds = nep13;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Maryland Coastal Bays Program') {ds = nep14;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Massachusetts Bays NEP') {ds = nep15;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Mobile Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep16;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Morro Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep17;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Narragansett Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep18;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep19;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Peconic Estuary Program') {ds = nep20;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep21;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Puget Sound Partnership') {ds = nep22;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Francisco Estuary Project') {ds = nep23;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Juan Bay NEP') {ds = nep24;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project') {ds = nep25;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Sarasota Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep26;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tampa Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep27;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tillamook Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep28;}
            private var sel:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.5},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 778.44},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.45},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 1276.30},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1.0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0.75},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 779.74},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3268.31} ]);
            private var nep2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 7.25},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1185} ]);
            private var nep3:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 35.21},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 852.57},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 197.82} ]);
            private var nep4:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 751.82},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 321.82},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 157.35} ]);
            private var nep5:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 217},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 324.5},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep6:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 1268},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 50},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 61},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 809},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1690} ]);
            private var nep7:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 726} ]);
            private var nep8:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0.28},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 82},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.14},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 2.3},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 643},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 501.9},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 148.71},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 2586.02} ]);
            private var nep9:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 26.21},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 37},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 27},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 646} ]);
            private var nep10:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 2868},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 407.06} ]);
            private var nep11:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 43},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 12910.5},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 5026} ]);
            private var nep12:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 21.95},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 120.72},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 151.08} ]);
            private var nep13:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 12},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 194},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 200} ]);
            private var nep14:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 58},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 153},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 494.3},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep15:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1313},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 8},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 543.8} ]);
            private var nep16:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 40},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 6.5},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 195},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 85} ]);
            private var nep17:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1109.9},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.14},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.28},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0.71},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep18:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1099},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep19:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 101.3} ]);
            private var nep20:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 98.72},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 17.99},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 106.13},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 12.97} ]);
            private var nep21:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 9},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 2},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1451},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 27} ]);
            private var nep22:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 26},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1.65},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 240.39},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 314.97},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 505.87},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1450.47},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1176.7},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 850.58} ]);
            private var nep23:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 43.05},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 4519},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3271} ]);
            private var nep24:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0.13},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 10} ]);
            private var nep25:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.6},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 7},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 100},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 6.2},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep26:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.5},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 4.5},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 15},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 82},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 40} ]);
            private var nep27:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.1},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 23},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 4.8},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 3.5},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1221},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 17.4}]);   
            private var nep28:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 2},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 31.33},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 74.24}]);               
            private function displayAcres(data:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
                var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
                return data.habtype + ": " + '\n ' + data.Acres + " Acres" + '\n ' + temp + "%";
            //Export to PNG information
            private function saveImageAs(event:MouseEvent):void
                var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
                var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
                fr.save(ba, "nepfy11-piechart.png");
    <!--mx:SeriesInterpolate id="chartChange" duration="2000" /-->
    <mx:Panel id="cChart" title="2011 Habitat Efforts" width="825" height="600" chromeColor="#527EAC" layout="vertical" color="#FFFFFF" verticalGap="10" x="15" y="15">
        <mx:HBox width="400" height="20">
            <mx:ComboBox id="filterCombo" x="140" y="140" change="changeEvt(event)" color="#000000" >
                <mx:String>Select NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Barnegat Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Casco Bay Estuary Partnership</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Delaware Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Galveston Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Indian River Lagoon NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Long Island Sound Study</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Lower Columbia River Estuary</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Maryland Coastal Bays Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Massachusetts Bays NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Mobile Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Morro Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Narragansett Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Peconic Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Puget Sound Partnership</mx:String>
                <mx:String>San Francisco Estuary Project</mx:String>
                <mx:String>San Juan Bay NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Sarasota Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Tampa Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Tillamook Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
        <mx:HBox horizontalGap="20" width="822" height="535">
            <mx:PieChart id="chart" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{ds}" width="634"  height="534" paddingTop="10" fontSize="9" fontFamily="Arial" color="#000000" textAlign="left">
                    <mx:PieSeries id="seriesId" explodeRadius="0.06" nameField="habtype" labelPosition="callout" color="#000000" insideLabelSizeLimit="8" field="Acres" labelFunction="displayAcres">
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    <mx:Button x="444" y="623" label="PDF" click="savePDF(event)" />
Thank you in advance,

I figured it out!!!!! In case anyone else needs to know - here is the working code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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            import flash.events.Event;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            import mx.events.*;
            import mx.events.DropdownEvent;
            import mx.graphics.codec.PNGEncoder;
            import org.alivepdf.display.*;
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            import org.alivepdf.images.ColorSpace;
            import org.alivepdf.images.PDFImage;
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            import org.alivepdf.pdf.*;
            import org.alivepdf.saving.*;
            //PDF Export information
            private var pdf:PDF;
            private function savePDF(event:MouseEvent): void {
                pdf = new PDF(Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.LETTER);
                var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                var bm:Bitmap=new Bitmap(bd);
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                var bytes:ByteArray=pdf.save(Method.LOCAL);
                var fr:FileReference=new FileReference();
            //Pie Chart Creation information
            public var ds:ArrayCollection = sel;
            private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Select NEP') {ds = sel;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program') {ds = nep1;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program') {ds = nep2;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barnegat Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep3;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program') {ds = nep4;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Casco Bay Estuary Partnership') {ds = nep5;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep6;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program') {ds = nep7;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Estuary Program') {ds = nep8;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program') {ds = nep9;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Galveston Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep10;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Indian River Lagoon NEP') {ds = nep11;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Long Island Sound Study') {ds = nep12;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Lower Columbia River Estuary') {ds = nep13;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Maryland Coastal Bays Program') {ds = nep14;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Massachusetts Bays NEP') {ds = nep15;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Mobile Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep16;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Morro Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep17;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Narragansett Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep18;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep19;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Peconic Estuary Program') {ds = nep20;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep21;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Puget Sound Partnership') {ds = nep22;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Francisco Estuary Project') {ds = nep23;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Juan Bay NEP') {ds = nep24;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project') {ds = nep25;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Sarasota Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep26;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tampa Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep27;}
                if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tillamook Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep28;}
            private var sel:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.5},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 778.44},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.45},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 1276.30},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1.0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0.75},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 779.74},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3268.31} ]);
            private var nep2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 7.25},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1185} ]);
            private var nep3:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 35.21},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 852.57},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 197.82} ]);
            private var nep4:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 751.82},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 321.82},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 157.35} ]);
            private var nep5:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 217},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 324.5},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep6:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 1268},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 50},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 61},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 809},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1690} ]);
            private var nep7:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 726} ]);
            private var nep8:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0.28},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 82},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.14},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 2.3},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 643},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 501.9},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 148.71},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 2586.02} ]);
            private var nep9:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 26.21},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 37},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 27},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 646} ]);
            private var nep10:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 2868},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 407.06} ]);
            private var nep11:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 43},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 12910.5},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 5026} ]);
            private var nep12:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 21.95},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 120.72},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 151.08} ]);
            private var nep13:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 12},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 194},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 200} ]);
            private var nep14:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 58},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 153},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 494.3},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep15:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1313},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 8},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 543.8} ]);
            private var nep16:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 40},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 6.5},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 195},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 85} ]);
            private var nep17:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1109.9},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.14},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.28},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0.71},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep18:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1099},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep19:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 101.3} ]);
            private var nep20:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 98.72},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 17.99},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 106.13},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 12.97} ]);
            private var nep21:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 9},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 2},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1451},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 27} ]);
            private var nep22:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 26},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1.65},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 240.39},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 314.97},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 505.87},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1450.47},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1176.7},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 850.58} ]);
            private var nep23:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 43.05},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 4519},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3271} ]);
            private var nep24:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0.13},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 10} ]);
            private var nep25:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.6},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 7},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 100},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 6.2},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
            private var nep26:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.5},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 4.5},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 15},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 82},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 40} ]);
            private var nep27:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.1},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 23},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 4.8},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 3.5},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1221},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 17.4}]);   
            private var nep28:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 2},
                { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 31.33},
                { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 74.24}]);               
            private function displayAcres(data:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
                var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
                return data.habtype + ": " + '\n ' + data.Acres + " Acres" + '\n ' + temp + "%";
            //Export to PNG information
            private function saveImageAs(event:MouseEvent):void
                var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
                var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
                fr.save(ba, "nepfy11-piechart.png");
    <!--mx:SeriesInterpolate id="chartChange" duration="2000" /-->
    <mx:Panel id="cChart" title="2011 Habitat Efforts" width="825" height="600" chromeColor="#527EAC" layout="vertical" color="#FFFFFF" verticalGap="10" x="15" y="15">
        <mx:HBox width="400" height="20">
            <mx:ComboBox id="filterCombo" x="140" y="140" change="changeEvt(event)" color="#000000" >
                <mx:String>Select NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Barnegat Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Casco Bay Estuary Partnership</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Delaware Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Galveston Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Indian River Lagoon NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Long Island Sound Study</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Lower Columbia River Estuary</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Maryland Coastal Bays Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Massachusetts Bays NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Mobile Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Morro Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Narragansett Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Peconic Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Puget Sound Partnership</mx:String>
                <mx:String>San Francisco Estuary Project</mx:String>
                <mx:String>San Juan Bay NEP</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Sarasota Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Tampa Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                <mx:String>Tillamook Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
        <mx:HBox horizontalGap="20" width="822" height="535">
            <mx:PieChart id="chart" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{ds}" width="634"  height="534" paddingTop="10" fontSize="9" fontFamily="Arial" color="#000000" textAlign="left">
                    <mx:PieSeries id="seriesId" explodeRadius="0.06" nameField="habtype" labelPosition="callout" color="#000000" insideLabelSizeLimit="8" field="Acres" labelFunction="displayAcres">
            <mx:Legend dataProvider="{chart}" dropShadowVisible="true" width="150" color="#000000" height="350" chromeColor="#527EAC" borderColor="#527EAC" direction="vertical"/>          
    <mx:Button x="746" y="623" label="Export to PNG" id="btnSnap" click="saveImageAs(event)"/>
    <mx:Button x="651" y="623" label="Export to PDF" click="savePDF(event)" />
Thanks, Alison

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    it always open in browser
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    It would be handy if you didn't double post too.
    To answer your question, you've tried most things that I normally see working, but there may be an extra solution here for you.  The solution 2 Powershell that deals with updating the Inline MimeType may help.
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Blog: baron72.wordpress.com
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

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    In the background, you can store the Fiel in teh Application server, from there you can download the fiel to Presentation server
    Look at the below link Upload Tab delimited file from application server into internal table, after that you can download that Internal table to Desktop using the GUI_DOWNLOAD function mdoule
    Look at the below link to send the mail in the background

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    pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
    --Run the report:
    Run_Product(REPORTS, report_name, SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME, FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);

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    Select a PDF you want to open, and right click on it.
    - Select Open with...
    - Select Chose default program
    - Select your browser (or expand the Other Programs and select your browser)
    - Make sure you check the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" option
    - Click OK
    - Double Click on your PDF.

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    I really need uregent help on this.
    Thanks in advance for help.

    It would be handy if you didn't double post too.
    To answer your question, you've tried most things that I normally see working, but there may be an extra solution here for you.  The solution 2 Powershell that deals with updating the Inline MimeType may help.
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Blog: baron72.wordpress.com
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

  • Chrome - Adobe-Acrobat/Reader can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser.

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    I have looked through Forum articles on similar errors and have tried the following(text copied from other Forum entries)
    Repair Adobe Acrobat (from Acrobat)
    Repair Adobe Acrobat (from Control Panel
    Configure Acrobat  as a helper application: Choose Edit > Preferences., Select Internet on the left., Deselect Display PDF In Browser Using [Acrobat application], and then click OK.Quit Acrobat or Reader
    Create a registry item for Acrobat: with Regedit: If the registry item doesn't exist on the system, do the following: Go to Edit > New > Key and create the missing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Adobe\Acrobat\Exe.Go to Edit > New > String Value and name this key (Default).Select (Default), and then go to Edit > Modify. Type the Adobe Acrobat path in the "Value data" for your product.,restart your computer
    Repair the HKCR\AcroExch.Document registry key: Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AcroExch.Document., Right-click AcroExch.Document and select Delete; make sure that you have the correct key, and click Yes on any prompts, Right-click AcroExch.Document.7 and select Delete; make sure that you have the correct key, and click Yes on any prompts. Repair your Acrobat  installation
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    Does anyone know why I might be getting this error on Chrome but not IE?

    I think I have discovered the answer to my own question!
    I have disabled Adobe Reader plug-in, and can now see PDFs in Chrome.
    (Steps: Chrome Menu, Settings option, Click Advanced Settings link, then Content Settings button, then select Disable Individual Plug-Ins, and a list of plug-ins is offered to enable or disable).
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    The HTTP_error_Log in the server is:
    [17/Feb/2004:13:31:42] failure (28995): for host trying to POST /cgi-bin/reportcgi, cgieng_scan_headers reports: the CGI program /usr/netscape/elecprod/cgi-bin/reportcgi did not produce a valid header (read failed, error is Resource temporarily unavailable).
    Please help as our users demand it urgently.
    Thanks a lot.

    1) This bug734197 is fixed in version, which means it should be available in 6i (the version you are using) also. But from the bug description I see that it is reproduced with Reports version also. If your reports 6i version is higher than this, it may contain this fix. Best thing is to apply the latest patch. The patches should be available in metalink (metalink.oracle.com) .
    2) For troubleshooting purposes run the report in html/rtf and see whether it times out. ( just to see whether
    this is a PDF specific issue)
    3) Disable acrobat web integration (in Adobe acrobat settings) and try . This will prevent Acrobat reader from opening the pdf automatically and instead will show a dialog to save the pdf report ( There are some IE - Adobe issues which are not reports bugs).
    4) There were some threads some time back which had this problem with long running reports and PDF. Finally it turned out to be webserver timeout problems. Pls see ( this is for 9i servlet and Apache webserver, but for 6i also it could be similar)
    Re: Long running reports end successfully - present s "page can not be foun
    5) If these does not work and if you are not able to make further progress, I suggest you to get in touch with Oracle Support (if you have a support contract) to solve this issue. [ If the possibility is that the bug you are mentioning is not pushed forward to 6i (a remote chance) then only they will be able to a get a oneoff patch.]

  • I have problem when transferring book (PDF/Epub) from Computer to iPad with the new iTune? Please Help....

    I have problem when transferring book (PDF/Epub) from Computer to iPad with the new iTune? Please Help....

    With iTunes 11 you can enable the left-hand sidebar via control-S on a PC, option-command-S on a Mac. If you are trying to get it to the iBooks app then with the sidebar enabled the process should be similar to how it was on previous versions of iTunes e.g. add it to your iTunes library via File > Add To Library, connect the iPad and select it on the left-hand sidebar, and then use the Books tab on the right-hand side to select and sync it to the iBooks app.

  • Save as does not Create PDF Compatible File even when the creare pdf compatible files is on, Illustrator CC 2014

    save as does not Create PDF Compatible File even when the creare pdf compatible files is on, Illustrator CC 2014

    When I open is adobe acrobat I get this message.
    "This is an Adobe® Illustrator® File that was
    saved without PDF Content.
    To Place or open this  le in other
    applications, it should be re-saved from
    Adobe Illustrator with the "Create PDF
    Compatible File" option turned on. This
    option is in the Illustrator Native Format
    Options dialog box, which appears when
    saving an Adobe Illustrator  le using the
    Save As command."

  • Reader 9.2 - "can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser"

    I recently deployed Adobe 9.2 within our organization. I used the Adobe Customization Wizard 9 to transform the install set, and selected the "Display PDF in Browser" option as default.
    When opening a PDF linked from a web URL, we get the message: "The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser. Adobe Acrobat/Reader version 8 or 9 is required. Please exit and try again." This occurs under IE8 and IE6, in both Windows XP SP2 and Windows 7.
    If I launch Adobe Reader and unselect "Display PDF in Browser" in preferences, PDFs open normally.

    I think I have discovered the answer to my own question!
    I have disabled Adobe Reader plug-in, and can now see PDFs in Chrome.
    (Steps: Chrome Menu, Settings option, Click Advanced Settings link, then Content Settings button, then select Disable Individual Plug-Ins, and a list of plug-ins is offered to enable or disable).
    I then get a different result depending on whether or not Chrome PDF viewer is enabled - with it enabled I see the PDF document in Chrome, or with it disabled then the option is offered to download it, but either way I can get it it via Chrome without having to run Internet explorer in another browser window.

  • Adobe 9.1.3 and FireFox 3.5.1+ "...can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser"

    This is the issue but I'm not sure there is a resolution:
    Firefox:  Version 3.5.1
    Adobe: Version 9.1.3
    When navigating the web, click a URL that opens a PDF inside the browser and you get an error * "The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is
    running can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser".  Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and exit your Web Browser and try again".  I did read a post that doing a "repair" from the Adobe Reader application should fix this, they also reference a few registry keys to check becuase the post states it's lost the application path to Adobe version X.  I don't necessarily buy that "fix" and here are my details below.
    In FireFox if you navigate to Tools > Options > Applications > Adobe Acrobat Document
    You're given choices:
    Always ask:  DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    Save File:  Works, saves the file to a directory on your PC
    Use Adobe Reader 9.1 (defau...:  Works, opens your PDF's outside of your web browser
    Use Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox):  DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    Use other...:
    IE seems to just work as expected.
    If you open Adobe Reader > Edit > Preferences > Internet > Check "Display PDF in browser" - DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    This would seem to be an Adobe error rather than a FireFox web browser problems since FireFox does seem to know the correct path although I suppose you can't rule out that this is a FireFox problem since 2 out of the 4 PDF open options DON'T WORK.
    Any thoughts on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
    Other information:
    Adobe 8.1.5 works perfectly with FF 3.5.1+ when opening PDF's in the web browser, we also had no problems with previous versions either.
    MSI push via Active Directory from Adobe 8.1.5 upgrade to Licensed Distribution I signed up for, Adobe 9.1.3 which was upgraded from 9.1.0, to 9.1.2, to 9.1.3 via an MSP patch.
    Operating system:  Windows XP SP 2, plenty of RAM, plenty of Drive
    IE version this works with the new version of Adobe 9.1.3 is version 7 (7.0.5730.13)
    Our FireFox MSI's come from Front Motions website and as far as I know we've never had problems with their MSI's, also tried the new release of FF 3.5.2 from their website.
    I think that about covers it.  Anyone else experiencing the same problems or have a patch?

    After troublshooting this for the entire day today the issue seems to be a MIME problem.
    If everything is woking perfectly, in Tools > Options > Applications...
    You should see 4 or more things related to Adobe like "Adobe Acrobat Forms Document", etc.  If you don't see at least 4 MIME entries either your Adobe installation is hosed or your FF installation is hosed.  I haven't figured out which is causing the issue.
    What I did was remaster my patches from my original Adobe 9.1.0 MSI with the two updates via the command line in the directories with the source files.  On the 9.1.0 original file I first remastered my MST transform with the Adobe MST utility.  I then applied my patches.
    msiexec /a AcroRead.msi /p AdbeRdrUpd912_all_incr.msp
    msiexec /a AcroRead.msi /p AdbeRdrUpd913_all_incr.msp
    I then uploaded that to my network share, unlinked my group policy, made a new group policy, added a batch file to delete adobe.com from program file and the desktop on system startup even though my MST was supposed to take care of that - it's not a perfect world is it?  :-)
    I then reapplied my GPO's for both FireFox 3.5.2 and Adobe 9.1.3, I checked to make sure the MIME extensions were there and they were.  You might have to go into your Adobe Preferences and select that open in browser setting depending on what happens or adjust your MIME settings in FireFox's options but it should work.
    That's what worked for me.  It's possible a few other things I did along the way tweaked it out, in my group policy on the first run I did select to upgrade previous group policies, for the remaster and repush I didn't select any previous GPO's to upgrade.
    It's hard to tell what one thing tweaked it out or what combination of things tweaked out the install.  I did also reinstall Adobe 8.1.5 and FF 3.0.10 before doing all this since our machines currently have that setup, I'm not sure if that affected it either, it's just hard to tell but I don't think it did simply because I had done that several times in troubleshooting this issue.
    If anyone else has more specifics that would be great!

  • Cannot view PDF files in a Web Browser

    When I click on a link in IE 7 it's supposed to open a PDF page but I keep getting error message:
    "The adobe acrobat/reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser.  Adobe Acrobat/Reader version 8 or 9 is required. Please exit and try again"
    However, I have Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro installed on my machine, so I think it should work. After all, it's the pro version. Do I need to download/install Adobe Reader 8 or 9?  If so, why, since I've already got Pro 9 installed.
    What can I do to get passed this?  This task is part of an online course I'm taking per work requirements.

    Under help there is an option for repairing an installation. You should give that a try.

  • Unable to open .pdf in Firefox 3.6.8 with Adobe Reader 9.3.3 installed. Error message is "The Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser."

    I am unable to open a PDF file in Firefox 3.6.8. Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.3.3 is installed. I get the error message "The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser."

    You can get that error if there is still an old Adobe Reader plugin in the plugins folder in the Firefox program folder.
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\nppdf32.dll
    See also http://kb.mozillazine.org/Adobe_Reader

  • PDF files to create a new book in iBooks Author

    Is it wise to use ready PDF files to create a new book in iBooks Author?
    I have a music book with lot's of images that whas previously published as a physical book. I have it all as ready PDF files with illustrations.
    Should I copy paste all texts and images seperately into iBooks Author or could I just drag the complete PDF's into the iBooks program.

    To drag a page's contents means selecting just that page, which is just copy/paste with the result being an image.
    Dragging a PDF into an iBA book means dragging the entire file, which is not the same as selective copy/paste and as noted, results in just an image.
    It is possible to just do text /andor just do images, but success can depend on certain attributes they possess, etc. You need to select specific assets, then paste them in, then rework as needed.
    PDF-to-iBA isn't neat - formatting, fonts, etc. will be lost. Find the original content that the PDF came from and try to work with it, instead - that will be much cleaner and require less rework, I think.

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