US7ASCII database and Japanese data

I am trying to use 9.0i OCCI to build a simple client app which reads Japanese messages out of our database. The database has US7ASCII char set ( I ran SELECT * FROM NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS to determine it. )
I have set NLS_LANG to JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS in the registry, on my client machine but data comes out as garbage. It comes out alright via Remedy client application. What do I need to do in order to read it with OCCI?
Please help.
Thank you.

Thank you very much Justin for your reply.
I managed to fix my app by setting the char set to US7ASCII on my client, but you confirmed my suspicion. It appears that Oracle indeed uses 8 bits for data even if you specify 7bit char set, but as you pointed out the disaster may come when you least expect it. I read Oracle documentation, it seams that the most optimum solution would be to upgrade the char set to UTF8 by running
in which case the data will be stored in Unicode, and there will be virtually no storage space increase or performance penalty.
I guess my further question is - what will be the best way to build my C++ client in that case? Logically it seams that I should use wchar_t for simplicity ( I am not sure about performance). My understanding is that data coming from Oracle will be in Unicode, provided that I set my clientfs NLS_LANG to UTF8. But I guess there is a difference between UTF8 and 16 bit encoding, which is used by Windows. Will OCCI handle that if I simply build my client with _UNICODE setting, or do I have to do some transformations?
Another issue is that we currently have a lot of C++ char based code, which manipulates that data, then stores it in different files. There are a lot of char strings embedded in the code. To convert it all to wchar_t might be a quite sizable effort, so I might need to resort to multi-byte strings instead of Unicode. If I set my clientfs NLS_LANG to JA16SJIS will I be getting the correct data out of Oracle?
Thank you again.
I appreciate you help.

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    Hi Jesse,
      The Citadel database is not a relational database.  It's highly optimized for storing lower-rate (non-waveform) channel-by-channel, or "trace" measurement data.  Another option you can consider is using DSC and Citadel on the server then writing a utility to export the data from Citdael to an SQL database.  --That would solve the problem of having to write a logger application from scratch.  You would only have to write the relatively simple application to export the data from Citadel and import it into a relational database.
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    Check the SQL server agent service and see whether it is set to automatic AND started. This got me confused at my first SP1 install as well. This is not done by default...
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    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
          import events.CategoryEvent;
          import mx.controls.Alert;
          import valueObjects.Category;
          protected function categoryGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
            getAllCategoryResult.token = categoryService.getAllCategory();
          protected function createCategory(item:Category):void
            createCategoryResult.token = categoryService.createCategory(item);
          protected function myForm_insertHandler(event:CategoryEvent):void
          protected function createCategoryResult_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
            myForm.category = new Category();
            currentState = "default";
  "Your data was inserted", "Success");
        <s:State name="default"/>
        <s:State name="insert"/>
        <s:CallResponder id="getAllCategoryResult"/>
        <categoryservice:CategoryService id="categoryService"
          fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)"
        <s:CallResponder id="createCategoryResult" result="createCategoryResult_resultHandler(event)"/>
      <s:Panel title="Categories" title.insert="Insert New Category">
          width="700" height="250"
          includeIn="default" id="categoryGrid" creationComplete="categoryGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="{getAllCategoryResult.lastResult}"/>
        <forms:CategoryForm2 id="myForm" includeIn="insert"
          cancel="currentState='default'" insert="myForm_insertHandler(event)"/>
            label="Insert Category" click="currentState='insert'"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
      xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:valueObjects="valueObjects.*">
        [Event(name="insert", type="events.CategoryEvent")]
        [Event(name="cancel", type="")]
          import events.CategoryEvent;
          protected function submitBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
            category.category = categoryTextInput.text;
            category.description = descriptionTextInput.text;
            var ev:CategoryEvent = new CategoryEvent("insert");
            ev.category = this.category;
          protected function cancelBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
            dispatchEvent(new Event("cancel"));
        <valueObjects:Category id="category"/>
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
      <mx:Form defaultButton="{submitBtn}">
        <mx:FormItem label="Category">
          <s:TextInput id="categoryTextInput" text="{category.category}"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Description">
          <s:TextInput id="descriptionTextInput" text="{category.description}"/>
        <mx:FormItem direction="horizontal">
        <s:Button id="submitBtn" label="Submit" click="submitBtn_clickHandler(event)"/>
         <s:Button id="cancelBtn" label="Cancel" click="cancelBtn_clickHandler(event)"/>     

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    Scenario 1:
    Database Char Set: UTF 8
    National CharSet :UTF8
    String Type:Varchar2
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    National CharSet :JA16EUCFixed/JA16SJISFixed
    String Type:NVarchar2
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    National CharSet :JA16EUCFixed
    String Type:NVarchar2
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    You will not be able to display the process form, or edit those values from the view profile screen.
    You would need to create custom fields that are mapped from the process form to the user's profile. Then you would need to create user form update triggers from the User Defined Fields that when the user changes them, they get pushed to the target process form by adding those task names into the provisioning process definition. This would then trigger the updates to the target resource.

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    If this isn't faster than your previous method, then I think you found the wrong example. If you have the Database Connectivity Toolkit installed, then go to the LabVIEW Help menu and select "Find Examples". It defaults to searching for tasks, so open the "Communicating with External Applications" and "Databases" and open the Read All Data. The List Column names just gives the correct header to the resulting table and is a fast operation. That's not what you are supposed to be looking at ... it's the DBTools Select All Data subVI that is the important one. If you open it and look at its diagram, you'll see that it uses a completely different set of ADO methods and properties to retrieve all the data.

  • Inserting and retrieving data from a al32UTF8 database USING SQL Developer

    hi guys,
    Before i post my questions , i think its better for me to provide you guys with my understandings first so that it easier to understand where/if i have gone wrong..
    I am using Window XP and Oracle 10g
    Non-unicode client - a client program that need to use the OS code page for mapping of the retrieved unicode data from the database as well as the support of displaying/inserting the characters from that code page to the database.
    E.G sqlplusw.exe
    Therefore, when using a non-unicode client
    1) we have to set the OS code page (Control panel - regional and language setting - advance - language for non unicode program ) to the code page that contain the characters we are going to display/insert.
    2) we will also have to set the NLS_LANG characterset to the character set of the code page we are going to insert so that when we do a insert (for e.g in thai ) , oracle will know, and auto conversion to UNICODE can take place. This is also true when we retrieve unicode data from the database so that conversion to the correct character set can take place.
    THAI ---> conversion ----> UNICODE
    THAI <---- conversion <---- UNICODE
    I hope my basic understanding is correct up till this point.
    Unicode client - a client program that supports the displaying/inserting of unicode characters without the need of setting the OS code page (Control panel - regional and language setting - advance - language for non unicode program )
    E.G isqlplus http or SQL developer
    1) There is still a need to set the NLS_LANG so that correct conversion can take place between the client and the database.
    For e.g, when retrieving if we set the NLS_LANG character set to ZHS16GBK (chinese) and the data store in unicode in database is E.G (THAI) , then the conversion would be wrong .
    Since it is a unicode supported client, then the NLS_LANG character set should be set to UNICODE as well.
    Here come my questions
    *Important - please help if you are busy and have no other time to answer the rest of the questions
    *Q1) If i were to use a unicode client, what should i set my NLS_LANG character set to ?
    *Q2) Where do i set the NLS_LANG character set information in SQL Developer, i know there is a metalink for setting NLS_LANG using isqlplus but i cant seems to google any result for SQL developer.
    Q3) Is my basic understanding right until this point ? If not, please explain in a more generalised term as i am really not familiar with character sets, code page, unicode , glyphs and fonts..
    Q4) If a unicode client does not need to refer to the OS code page (set in regional and language) , is there a UNICODE code page for the client to refer to , or is there any Window API available ?
    There is still a need to set the NLS_LANG so that correct conversion can take place between the client and the >>database.
    For e.g, when retrieving if we set the NLS_LANG character set to ZHS16GBK (chinese) and the data store in >>unicode in database is E.G (THAI) , then the conversion would be wrong .am i right on this point for UNICODE supported client ?
    Thanks for spending time to read my questions and i hope to hear advices from you guys soon.
    Million thanks again for sharing.
    Best Regards,
    Noob but willing to learn

    The requirement to always set NLS_LANG is not true for JDBC, which ignores NLS_LANG altogether. Java programs fetch text data into String variables, which use Unicode UTF-16 by design. JDBC sets character set conversion so that data is converted between UTF-16 and the database or national character set.
    The requirement to set NLS_LANG is not generally true for OCI, either. The first call in an OCI problem can be OCIEnvNlsCreate(). This call has two parameters that allow the caller to define the character set to use for VARCHAR2/CHAR/LONG/CLOB/statement text and the character set to use for NVARCHAR2/NCHAR/NCLOB. Only if these character sets are specified as 0, NLS_LANG character set is used. Also, OCI programs can specify different character sets for each bind or define variable (i.e. input/output buffer). Note: OCI programs always use NLS_LANG to initialize the language and territory settings for the client program and the database session. Only the character set can be specified is OCIEnvNlsCreate().
    OCIEnvNlsCreate() can specify the client character set as UTF-16 (in platform endianess). This is not possible with NLS_LANG.
    Various interfaces building on OCI, such as Oracle ODBC and ODP .NET, explicitly initialize OCI with Unicode character set, and thus ignore the NLS_LANG character set as well.

  • How to retrieve data using logical database and custom select options

    Hi all,
    I have a selection screen which is displayed by logical database PSJ and I have two select options of my own. I need to retrieve data based on both selection screen of logical database and my own select options. How can I do it?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hai Gupta
    Check the following Document & Links
    1. A logical database is in fact
    a program only.
    2. This LDB provides two main things :
    a) a pre-defined selection screen
    which handles all user inputs and validations
    b) pre defined set of data
    based upon the user selection.
    3. So we dont have to worry about from
    which tables to fetch data.
    4. Moreover, this LDB Program,
    handles all user-authorisations
    and is efficient in all respects.
    5. tcode is SLDB
    good info about Logical Database. you can check the link.
    Re: How to Create and Use ldb in reports?
    Re: Logical databases
    Functions for displaying and changing logical databases:
    Call Transaction SE36 or
    Choose ABAP Workbench -> Development -> Programming environ. -> Logical databases
    Interaction between database program and report:
    During program processing, subroutines are performed in the database program and events are executed in the report.
    To read data from a database tables we use logical database.
    A logical database provides read-only access to a group of related tables to an ABAP/4 program.
    The programmer need not worry about the primary key for each table.Because Logical database knows how the different tables relate to each other,and can issue the SELECT command with proper where clause to retrieve the data.
    i)An easy-to-use standard user interface.
    ii)check functions which check that user input is complete,correct,and plausible.
    iii)meaningful data selection.
    iv)central authorization checks for database accesses.
    v)good read access performance while retaining the hierarchical data view determined by the application logic.
    i)If you donot specify a logical database in the program attributes,the GET events never occur.
    ii)There is no ENDGET command,so the code block associated with an event ends with the next event
    statement (such as another GET or an END-OF-SELECTION).
    1. transaction code SLDB.
    2.enter name z<ldb-name>
    4.short text
    6. name of root node (here Ekko)
    7. enter short text (f6)
    8.node type -> data base table.
    10 change logical DB
    riht click on ekko and insert node
    here node name ekpo
    12. click on selections
    13. press no Should the changed structure of Z<ldb name> be saved first. tables which you want to join.
    16 now you have to o to coding part.
    17. save
    activate. to src code
    double click on first include and activate

  • Having problem with adding and reading dates to/from database !!!

    I am new in J2ME
    I am trying to code a simple software.
    My problem is with dates.
    I have a datefield on my menu and the user will choose the date from here. By default, datefield shows todays date. But when I try to write that date to database using rms, date value transforms to java.util.Date@acfdb0fe.
    As I read from tutorials this is common problem of date class, so I tried to use calendar class.
    But with Calendar class I cannot let user to choose date from screen like DateField. datefield dowsn't work with calendar.
    later, I will use that date for sorting records
    Summary : I need a sample code that read date from screen (preferably with datefield), write it to recordstore. and then read it from recordstore asnd write to screen.
    I searching internet for a sample code through days.
    Please help me

    The best i would suggest is instead of storing the date as 19 Jan 2004 or something like this better store the date in milliseconds.
    DateField df = new DateField();
    Date d = df.getDate();
    long ms = d.getTime();
    store the value of ms in RMS. This is the commonly used way to store date in RMS for j2me.
    You can get back date using
    Date d = new Date(ms);
    DateField df = new DateField();

  • Difference between "Database Variant To Data" and "Variant To Data"

    Can anyone tell me the differnce between the 2 VI's "Database Variant To Data" and "Variant To Data"?
    I am using the database connectivity toolset and making a query.
    I have tried using both, but the give me the same result.
    Variant to Data.JPG ‏45 KB

    You won't see a difference between these two functions with just a string or other simple data types.  Where you'll see a difference is with clusters and more complex data types that come from the database.  The variants returned by databases can be slightly different than the standard variant.  That is where the Database Variant To Data is needed.  Otherwise, if you are just reading string information, either function will work fine.

  • Differences between using Data Pump to back up database and using RMAN ?

    what are differences between using Data Pump to back up database and using RMAN ? what is CONS and PROS ?

    Search for Database backup in
    In short
    RMAN -> Physical backup.(copies of physical database files)
    Datapump -> Logical backup.(logical data such as tables,procedures)
    Docs for RMAN--
    Docs for Datapump
    Edited by: Sunny kichloo on Jul 5, 2012 6:55 AM

  • How to zip up data from database and store as blob

    I would like to know how best to zip up retrieved data from the database and store it as a blob back on to the database.

    Hi Cris,
    Add-on to wat santosh has pointed to:
    Exporting table data to MS-Excel Sheet(enhanced Web Dynpro Binary Cache)
    (Or) If you have implemented your logic to get Database records below Blog should guide you in opening an excel with ur records.
    Exporting table data to MS-Excel Sheet(enhanced Web Dynpro Binary Cache)

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    Going through the javaee tutorial is one sure way of accelerating your learning curve, as almost every basic you will need to get your job done is explaiined well in there. i have been using it to learn building enterprise application and is awesome good resource.
    seriously consider downloading it

Maybe you are looking for